
dupondjehi, home come so many i386 builders are disabled?05:36
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dupondjei386 12 511 jobs (8 hours)07:12
dupondjebam! :(07:12
wgrantHm, where'd they all go this time07:18
* wgrant kicks the builders back to life again07:19
dupondjekick them hard :)07:21
dupondjebut thx :)07:22
mlankhorstugh, I want to copy a whole bunch of packages from 1 ppa to another and hitting a timeout error  OOPS-064d5b676b462b402dbcbc5ba5e22a1307:44
wgrantmlankhorst: Have you tried copying them in smaller batches?07:46
wgranteg. one at a time?07:46
mlankhorstnot yet07:47
wgrantBut reasonably sized batches should work07:47
* mlankhorst was trying 5007:47
wgrantThat's a lot :)07:47
dupondjebuilds are catching up :)07:48
wgrantYeah, could be a while until there's no queue, though07:48
mlankhorstyeah I built the renamed x server stack in my own ppa that had armel enabled (would be nice to have armhf too)07:49
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
dupondjeThis is weird, when you build a receipt, you get a low build score. But if you click on 'Request build(s)', you get a build score of 260510:16
czajkowskidupondje: have asked and this is ok. manual receipes are scored higher it seems10:21
maxbThere's some sense to scoring something a human asked for explicitly above an automatic build10:25
czajkowskimaxb: aye wgrant is explaning to me10:26
czajkowskistill learning10:26
dupondjeok then its good :)10:38
pfarrellhi! is there a magical pbuilder command I can issue to try to build my package on quetzal, like the launchpad PPA does?10:52
pfarrellmy package doesn't build on quetzal and I would like to debug it10:53
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wgrantpfarrell: Have you tried pbuilder?10:59
pfarrellwgrant: yes, I tried pbuilder, but I get E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/quetzal11:00
pfarrell(I've never used pbuilder before)11:00
* pfarrell has to go to a meeting -- back in a little bit11:01
tsimpsonit's quantal11:01
mgzseeing it refered to by animal rather than verb is odd11:01
tsimpsonno one would ever be able to spell the releases if we used the animal names ;)11:03
mgzoneiric wasn't very easy.11:05
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pfarrellthat is an easy solution11:51
pfarrellthank you11:51
pfarrelland once the build fails -- how do I chroot in to take a look?11:56
pfarrell(assuming I've just done pdebuild -- --distribution quantal)11:56
pfarrellactually, never mind, I'll just make a chroot.12:06
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kalxashi all, I am trying to build a recipe locally before pushing upstream and I get the following error: E: owslib changes: changed-by-address-malformed Angelos Tzotsos <kalxas@ubuntu-VirtualBox>14:22
kalxasthe problem is that bzr dailydeb creates a changelog message with different e-mail than the one I use to sign the package14:23
kalxasdoes anyone know where to change this default kalxas@ubuntu-VirtualBox?14:23
dobeythat's not the e-mail address that launchpad will use14:24
dobeybut you can probably set DEB_EMAIL and it should use that instead14:24
kalxasdobey, where do I set this?14:26
TheLordOfTimeyou need to set two things:14:26
TheLordOfTimeDEBEMAIL and EMAIL14:26
TheLordOfTimewith export commands in your .bashrc14:26
TheLordOfTimegive me a sec, i can get you the syntax14:26
* TheLordOfTime SSH's to his server to get the information14:27
dobeyis it DEBEMAIL or DEB_EMAIL?14:27
dobey              See  the above description of the use of these environment vari‐14:27
dobey              ables.14:27
dobeyfrom "man dch"14:27
TheLordOfTimedobey:  its debemail14:28
TheLordOfTimedobey:  i can confirm this, MOTUs helped me with this issue about a year ago :P14:28
dobeyyes. i just checked the man page :)14:28
TheLordOfTimekalxas:  ^14:28
TheLordOfTimethat pastebin contains sample data14:28
TheLordOfTimereplace it with your own, then add those lines to the end of your ~/.bashrc14:29
kalxasthanks TheLordOfTime14:29
TheLordOfTimethen in terminal, do source ~/.bashrc14:29
TheLordOfTimeAFTER you've edited the file14:29
TheLordOfTimeit should then correctly utilize the email you specify14:29
TheLordOfTimei had to do this to make it use my @ubuntu.com email instead of my personal :P14:29
dobeyi don't set it by default simply because i use different e-mails for different things14:30
TheLordOfTime95% of the time i'm uploading package fixes, either via debdiffs to bugs or to my PPA(s) for testing14:30
TheLordOfTimeso... :Po14:30
TheLordOfTime:P *14:30
TheLordOfTimehad to do something similar for my GPG key14:31
dobeyright. and since i'm editing the changelog anyway, i just put in the right e-mail address; and i use the -k option for debuild14:31
* kalxas testing14:31
dobeykalxas: anyway, if you're only building it locally to test, you can also just ignore that error14:32
dobeylaunchapd recipes will use the e-mail address of the lp user that rquested the build of the recipe14:33
TheLordOfTimeunless the builders break again14:33
dobeywhich is in itself somewhat of a bug, but it does use valid addresses14:33
TheLordOfTimei've seen it happen :P14:33
kalxaskalxas@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ source .bashrc14:34
kalxasbash: export: `=': not a valid identifier14:34
kalxasbash: export: `Angelos Tzotsos': not a valid identifier14:34
kalxasbash: export: `=': not a valid identifier14:34
kalxasbash: export: `gcpp.kalxas@gmail.com': not a valid identifier14:34
kalxasbash: export: `=': not a valid identifier14:34
kalxasbash: export: `gcpp.kalxas@gmail.com': not a valid identifier14:34
dobeyit really should use noreply@launchpad.net as the address14:34
TheLordOfTime!pastebin | kalxas14:34
ubot5kalxas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:34
TheLordOfTimei'll have to double check the syntax14:34
* TheLordOfTime yawns14:34
TheLordOfTimeunfortunately that means i have to drop this job fixing a windows sql server14:34
TheLordOfTime(don't ask why)14:35
TheLordOfTimebut i can't (mission critical for a company i do IT work for)14:35
dobeyget rid of the whitespace around the =14:35
kalxasdobey, I cannot ignore this error, the build fails14:35
TheLordOfTimekalxas:  remove the whitespace around the = signs14:35
TheLordOfTimeand the error we meant was the invalid email error you were having14:35
dobeykalxas: and you do need the quotes around "Your Name"14:36
kalxasok done14:36
dobeyand your e-mail address14:36
kalxasok bzr dailydeb now works14:37
kalxasso I guess lauchpad will create this ok14:37
dobeydaildeb built the source package just fine before. it was just lintian complaining about the e-mail afterward14:38
kalxashow can I create the deb locally now? dbuilder?14:39
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kalxassorry, pbuilder14:40
dobeypbuilder or sbuild, yes14:40
kalxashmm is sbuild easier?14:40
dobeysbuild is preferred, and is what the builders use, as i understand14:41
TheLordOfTimeaiui, they use a forked sbuild14:41
TheLordOfTimewith a few modifications14:41
TheLordOfTimeat least on PPA builders14:41
ahasenackhi, I copied a bunch of packages from one ppa to another, and got 34 emails with the subject "Launchpad internal error"14:52
ahasenackbody of the email is like "Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: copying a package.  It was logged with id OOPS-c625e9039665b0a083dad3b641848545.  Sorry for the inconvenience."14:52
ahasenackI suppose I need to try again, one package at a time perhaps? Which will take a lot of clicking on my part14:52
czajkowskismaller chunks ahasenack14:53
mgzahasenack: CannotCopy: twisted-web 12.0.0-1~ppa1~lucid1 in lucid (same version has unpublished binaries in the destination archive for Lucid, please wait for them to be published before copying)14:54
ahasenackmgz: what about OOPS-329e1dfc32ab270dc3c9ad8c90f6f2cb ?14:54
mgzahasenack: same but with zope3 3.5~bzr23-0landscape2~bzr7~lucid114:55
ahasenackhm, I don't think I copied zope twice14:55
ahasenackit's the last one from the list14:55
ahasenackI'll wait a bit to see what arrives intact14:55
mgzfeels like that should not be an oops, but an error email instead...14:56
mgzpresumably CanontCopy is not correctly subclassed or there needs to be another except statement14:57
ahasenackmgz: there are a bunch of error notifications now showing up in the target ppa page, there is no "remove all" link, right?15:13
ahasenackI have to click on one by one15:13
ahasenackhttps://launchpad.net/~landscape/+archive/lds-proposed/+packages being the target15:13
TheLordOfTimeunless one's an LPAdmin, i dont think that's visible15:15
TheLordOfTimeIIRC, that's a private project/team/PPA15:15
TheLordOfTime(for the record ;P)15:15
ahasenackyeah, I know, and I hit bugs all the time because it's a private project :)15:16
ahasenackor ppa15:16
TheLordOfTimetell me about it, i'm running a local builder on my network, similar to how the PPA builders work15:18
TheLordOfTimeand apparently the system hates me15:18
TheLordOfTimeevery upload, there's at least one bug15:18
TheLordOfTimeand its  usually an issue of PEBKAC because i forgot a ; or something :P15:18
ahasenackI think I will delete the packages and copy again, slowly this time15:18
mgzahasenack: I think that's right, czajkowski: know any better? ^15:18
ahasenackcomparing the failed list with what ended up there, for 30+ packages, is harder15:18
ahasenack30 * 2, actually, or so15:19
czajkowskimgz: stand up bbiab15:19
mgzahasenack: a note to launchpad users about your pain might be a good way of making sure it gets seen15:21
mgzI've certainly never tried to copy 30 ppa packages before, but I'm sure others have15:21
TheLordOfTimei've copied a total of, oh, 15 at once?15:21
TheLordOfTimemost of them were in one of my staging PPAs anyways :P15:22
* TheLordOfTime always has a staging PPA :P15:22
ahasenackmgz: I used to do it slowly some weeks ago, but I saw today that something changed, now it says that it "queued the request", so I thought it would handle 30 this time15:22
ahasenackmgz: before if I selected 30 or so at once, the request would eventually timeout and I would get an oops15:23
czajkowskiahasenack: 30 is a lot15:31
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czajkowskiand someone else had a similar issue this morning and did it in smaller groups and no issues15:31
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact:-| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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* dobey really wishes lp recipes and arch all packages would build on any available builder, and not only i38619:04
lifelessso do we :)19:08
lifelessdobey: btw did you see my ping yesterday ? Probably middle of your sleep period..19:08
dobeylifeless: ah yes, was asleep. i haven't really had time to look at lptools at all, unfortunately. you already uploaded it to debian previously though, right?19:16
lifelessdobey: I don't think I have :)19:22
lifelessdobey: I may be wrong19:22
lifelessMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>19:22
lifelessOriginal-Maintainer: Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net>19:22
lifelessI'm wrong.19:22
lifelessdobey: so, I guess the thing is, I'm not driving it anymore. I'm happy to do another debian upload if an 'upstream' release is done etc.19:22
czajkowskihad to happen at some point :p19:22
lifelessczajkowski: :P19:22
czajkowskilets note the date and time :p19:23
dobeylifeless: i'll see if i can find a little time to do a release19:23
lifelessdobey: that would be the cool19:23
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joeyany LP experts around?22:31
joeyI'm try to find out about "teams_by_name[team]" and see if there is a "branches_by_name" equiv (which there doesn't appear to be)22:32
joeyno joy in apidoc22:33
karnisinzui: Hey man o/ Just wanted to let you know the fix for product release finder seemed not to work .apk's (per http://people.canonical.com/~karni/android/u1f/ ) and I've published the file manually at https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files22:33
mwhudsonjoey: pretty sure you can look up a branch by "unique name", e.g. ~mwhudson/project/name22:33
karnisinzui: Maybe we can get it to work one day :) Or maybe I did something wrong. The file is still there, just never got picked up.22:34
mwhudsonjoey: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#branches-getByUniqueName22:34
joeywill check it out, thanks mwhudson22:34
mwhudsonjoey: if that isn't what you want, i don't understand what you want :)22:34
sinzuikarni, https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/trunk release pattern does not match the file in your directoy22:36
karnisinzui: Hahaha, I forgot to update that? Oh maaan :)22:37
karnisinzui: Sorry to bother! :)22:37
sinzuikarni, np I learned the hardway. I had to fix 120 project a few years ago22:38
karnisinzui: :O oh man :)22:38
karniThere we go. Have a nice evening all!22:39

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