
silverarrowanyone having trouble with updates?07:33
bioterrorjust updated ~10 packages07:35
silverarrowmy update manager is out of order07:40
silverarrowI was suggested a sudo .... and it works07:40
silverarrowI do worry about my update manger07:42
bioterrorI do not, I use apt-get07:42
bioterrorworks like a charm07:43
silverarrowit does07:43
silverarrowbut why would update manger act up?07:43
silverarrowI got a major update with this one07:43
silverarrowsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:43
silverarrowit is still running ...07:45
bioterrorwhat's running?07:45
silverarrowthe updates in terminal07:45
bioterrorsorry, I dont see your computer07:45
silverarrowI should be more clear, but I was talking about my updates07:46
silverarrowhow do I choose server in update manager settings?08:17
silverarrowhi jonathan08:34
=== Newk1 is now known as Newk
sagacikanliot, cat /etc/xdg/autostart/update-manager.conf14:25
kanliotsgaci no such file or dir14:31
sagacithere's your problem14:31
sagaciah wait14:32
sagacidoes anything autostart?14:32
holsteini would use tab complete to make sure you are not "fat-fingering" the path, or choosing "no such" file or dir14:32
kanliotupdate-manager starts from the start menu14:32
kanliotbut not from cron14:32
kanliottab completion won't tell you if a file doesn't exist14:33
=== jacky is now known as jalcine
ShwarminHi. I'm have been running Xubuntu on an older laptop for a while. Considering installing Lubuntu. Are there any important differences? Also, is there a way too keep the applications I installed on Xubuntu?17:34
holsteinShwarmin: just install lubuntu-desktop, or LXDE17:35
holsteinlubuntu is ubuntu is xubuntu... basically17:35
silverarrowlubuntu has a lighter setup of apps17:39
silverarrowShwarmin: you should monitor cpu and ram load to compare xubuntu and lubuntu17:40
ShwarminAlright thx. So is Lubuntu just Xubuntu+LDXE then?17:40
holsteinShwarmin: ubuntu with LXDE17:41
holsteinubuntu ships with unity as the desktop environment17:41
silverarrowdifferent burnder, CD player, browser setup17:41
holsteinyou can switch that to whatever you like.. XFCE for examle17:41
holsteinubuntu with XFCE is what xubuntu is... with XFCE and other customizations17:41
holsteinyou can have XFCE and LXDE installed and choose between them at boot, like dual booting in a way17:42
kanliothow much ram does the lappy have17:42
kanliotLubuntu runs less services17:42
kanliotlike no pulseaudio running all the time17:42
Shwarminjust below 1 gig RAM17:43
kanliotor like 999 something17:43
kanliotif you did a fresh install, you might notice a difference17:44
silverarrowyou can always try17:44
ShwarminI don't remember. How can I quicly check? On windows I popped up Ccleaner for this stuff17:44
kanliotbut logging into LXDE, you're not going to notice a diiff17:44
kanliot"system profiler and benchmark"17:44
kanliotLXDE has that "freshly installed" snappiness17:45
silverarrowShwarmin: if you type htop in terminal it will show ram and cpu useage17:45
kanliothe'd have to install htop17:45
silverarrowok, sudo apt-get intall htop  ?17:46
kanliothe has 1GB17:46
Shwarminyes installing htop17:46
kanliotno need to check17:46
silverarrowI would compare loads between xubuntu and lubuntu17:46
silverarrowhowever, both should run well17:46
kanliotshould be about the same17:47
silverarrowhtop shows ram and cpu at least17:47
silverarrowand is small17:48
Shwarminit's 968 MB17:49
kanliot cat /proc/meminfo17:49
kanliotis the most exact way17:49
holsteinfree -m17:49
silverarrowyeah, it always shows a bit less17:49
kanliotif you want exact numbers :)17:50
silverarrowlet me try it17:50
silverarrowit shows exactly the same as htop on this ibook17:51
Shwarmin            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached17:51
ShwarminMem:           968        893         75          0         14        31117:51
Shwarmin-/+ buffers/cache:        567        40117:51
ShwarminSwap:          988        226        76217:51
kanlioti have 4GB of swap17:52
kanlioti like to swap17:52
kanliot8GB swap on my other lubuntu17:52
bioterrorwhen I was kid, we swapped c-casettes and disks17:53
silverarrowI hate active swap usage reall, but great for suspend and dormant mode17:53
kanliotmixtapes off fm radio17:53
kanliotmom had an 8 track17:53
bioterrorbut 8GB of swap is quite a lot17:53
kanliotyeah but i am not lyin17:54
Shwarminimpressive :)17:54
bioterrorI have 8GB of RAM on my Kubuntu machine and I have hardly reached half of it17:54
silverarrowthere is this funny slipon cover for iphone 4s, looks like a cassette17:54
kanlioti never use hibernate, but i could if i ever want 217:54
kanlioti used 6.5 GB of ram disk last week17:55
kanliotbut otherwise never use ram17:55
silverarrowweird hangup17:58
kelnHello, I have an 8 core AMD FX CPU (6.0GHz) and 16GB DDR3 RAM and a 6 GB Radeon Graphics card, will it be enough to run Lubuntu?18:07
zleapkeln, that sounds more than enough18:08
* zleap drools at the thought of that spec :D18:08
kanliothmmm  6.0 GHZ18:08
kanliotfaster than mine18:08
kelnzleap: My whole machine only cost £400 though. :O18:09
zleaphowever i guess you would need the smp kernel and not sure if the standard default kernel can access16gb ram without something else (can anyone help)18:09
zleapkeln, nice18:09
kanliotno way 6 GHZ18:09
kanlioti'm calling shennanigans18:09
kanliotsame for the Radeon18:10
kanliotalthough Ace of Penguins would run pretty nice on 6 GHZ18:11
kelnLol I meant 3.60 GHz18:13
kelnI have a cheap mainboard though18:13
kanliot4100 FX?18:14
kanliotnever mind18:14
kanlioti cant read :(18:14
TheLordOfTimekeln:  you should test with the livecd environment, see if it runs18:23
TheLordOfTimekeln:  lubuntu should run on that, i've run Lubuntu on worse :p18:23
kelnOkay I will check just to make sure18:24
TheLordOfTimethis's why the live environments exist...18:24
TheLordOfTimeso you can do general "testing" to see if stuff runs on your hardware18:24
kanlioti suggest putting the livecd on a usb flash drive18:25
TheLordOfTimenote that the live environment is a tad slower than an actually installed version, but it still can be good to see if it'll actually run18:25
kelnkannliot: USB? I am rich enough to run the latest technology of DVDs thank you very much.18:28
TheLordOfTimeUSB live environments are faster :P18:28
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:28
kelnPremium quality of core18:28
kelnI doubt it18:29
TheLordOfTimetried and tested18:29
TheLordOfTimeUSB 3.018:29
TheLordOfTimeUSB 2.018:29
TheLordOfTimeUSB 1.118:29
TheLordOfTimeall of them18:29
kelnOne of my DVDs will beat a USB anyday18:29
TheLordOfTimedo what you will, but if Lubuntu doesn't work on your system, you'll have wasted a DVD :P18:29
kelnBut I can formot the DVD18:30
kanliotjust do whatever is easier18:30
TheLordOfTimei hate rewritable disks18:31
TheLordOfTimethey futz up after a while18:31
* TheLordOfTime notices his server is showing a load of 14.0318:31
* TheLordOfTime disappears to address that18:31
TheLordOfTimedon't ask'18:32
kanliotyou win18:32
kelnWhy is when I format a DVD, all content on it is erased but much of the space that was used still exists18:33
kanliotlazy bits18:35
OsmodivsHello. I use Lubuntu 12.04 32 bits. I can't open ZSNES, I get this error, I do not what does it means, Can anyone help me?19:47
miniCruzerhow do I apply the Lxterminal patch for the <CTRL><SHIFT>C issuing a break command20:38
wxlminiCruzer: what version of lubuntu you on>21:25
wxlum, silverarrow, i was asking miniCruzer.21:30
silverarrowwxl, i could not resist21:47
wxlwell, miniCruzer, if yo ucome back and you're running quantal, you can add the lubuntu-daily ppa from lubuntu-dev on launchpad and just do it that way21:48
wxlif not, yeah, you'll need to patch it21:48
wxlotherwise patch -p0 < file.diff should get you there21:49
wxland if you're not running quantal but looking for a reason to, there you go. plus you can help with testing XD21:53
D7some of my apps do not follow the same widget theme I have chosen, what should I do about that?22:00
hosokahello all22:23
hosokaI have installed lubuntu with alternate cd and everything was installed just fine.22:23
hosokaand then after reboot it tells me that the target filesystem doesn't  have requested /sbin/init.22:24
hosokaNo init found. Try passing init= bootarg22:24
hosokaand then ends with a new line (initramfs)22:24
hosokawhat to do ?22:24
silverarrowho, you got no answers22:42
tony__too bad22:57
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest29298
hosokahello everyone23:43
hosokaonly getting a black screen where I need to fill in my login and password23:43
hosokahow do i get my desktop back23:43
wxlhosoka: does it involve a flame?23:44
wxllike this:23:44
hosokano not that23:45
wxldid you log in then?23:45
hosokacompleet blackscreen23:45
hosokait has the following after i logged in23:45
wxlso how do you know you need to fill in login and password?23:45
wxlwhat versin is this?23:46
hosokahow do I get into a desktop environment back23:46
wxloh you're at a command prompt23:46
wxlwhat version are you using?23:46
wxlis this a new install?23:46
hosokayes a new install23:47
wxlnot to question your choice, but is there a reason you chose such an old version?23:47
hosokagetting difficulties to install23:47
hosokathe only backup I had on cd23:47
wxlwell then i would suggest getting a new one :)23:47
wxlold versions come with old bugs!23:47
hosokawith usb it does not work well23:47
hosokai will try my best23:48

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