
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: hey, can't we do it on Monday the 24th? I'm free (only visa interview) that day02:47
jcastrothat sounds doable03:02
jcastrolet me see what the other say03:02
jcastroI am dedicated to getting neil on since he owes us. :)03:02
JoseeAntonioRok, then! :)03:05
JoseeAntonioRoh, and we should do a test session with robert before going live03:43
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: when is next Ubuntu Live session?05:43
dholbachgood morning06:55
bkerensagnight folks!07:03
jokerdinogood night bkerensa07:53
czajkowskihah http://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/24566822012257894408:24
dholbachbah jcastro is not here, I wanted to share https://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/222837225921060864 with him08:30
dholbachthat guy is brilliant08:32
czajkowskicomes out with some amusing lines alright08:32
czajkowski2 sprints on here in the office today08:32
czajkowskiit's nice to put more faces to the names08:32
czajkowskibut it's very busy!08:32
dpmI like https://twitter.com/devops_jesus best :)09:00
nigelbI <3 DEVOPS_BORAT09:02
czajkowskiah glad I'm  not the only one whi didnt have a smooth upgrade from 12.04 ->12.10 so not going bonkers10:00
nigelbI just upgraded our servers to 12.04.10:02
czajkowskiSAs in Skynet won't upgrade to 12.04 as none of them have had a happy 12.04 desktop experience unfortunately.10:04
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jussisince when did canonical move their london office?11:33
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: is the 24th ok?11:35
nigelbjussi: a while back.11:50
jussinigelb: do we know why?11:51
nigelbczajkowski works out of the london office. she should have a clue.11:51
nigelbI have a feeling canonical outgrew that office.11:52
czajkowskijussi: back in june12:24
dholbachhey jcastro12:35
dholbachjcastro, I thought you'd find https://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/222837225921060864 funny :)12:35
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mhall119AlanBell: ping14:09
mhall119are we listing our highest irssi window number?14:13
cjohnstonsure, why not14:14
cjohnstonI cleared mine out a couple days ago14:14
dholbachballoons, nice video/pics :)14:15
mhall119I clear mine out ever month or so, but they keep coming back14:15
cjohnstonmhall119: I try to help as much as I can14:15
czajkowski47 in that case14:16
mhall119cjohnston: I have like 4 windows where I get pinged by you14:16
mhall119not counting this one14:16
AlanBellmhall119: hi14:17
mhall119AlanBell: hey, I was wondering how the etherpad-lite stuff was coming14:18
mhall119on account of etherpad-heavy being down atm14:18
cjohnstonI think its down due to the upgrade mhall11914:18
AlanBellthe thing it is on is moving to 12.0414:18
mhall119cjohnston: the upgrade is done, java on precise doesn't like etherpad14:18
AlanBelloh :(14:19
mhall119I'm talking to lamont about it14:19
AlanBellI had it running on precise14:19
cjohnstonI guess I'm not in those covnos.. he hasnt said anything to me14:19
cjohnstonAlanBell: can you look at etherpad and see if its working for you please14:23
cjohnstonI'm able to login14:23
AlanBellworking fine for me14:24
AlanBellpad.ubuntu.com is up and running14:24
AlanBellI am going to try and get my etherpad lite code running again too, they restructured the source tree upstream and I need to shuffle stuff about14:25
mhall119AlanBell: yeah, lamont got it working in a lucid chroot14:28
balloonsdholbach, ty14:43
jcastrowe hanging today?15:02
jcastroballoons, I am having G+ issues15:06
jcastroI will join asap15:07
cjohnstonAlanBell: could you join #canonical-sysadmin15:19
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dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)16:06
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czajkowskisomeone pass me the JD19:12
Pendulumczajkowski: I'd send you some if I could19:12
czajkowskitaggy is sending me taffey19:14
czajkowskimay not have a place to send it to me though19:14
czajkowskipleia2: safe to say we all want UWN sent to the list :)19:38
czajkowskiplease do keep sending :!19:38
pleia2that does seem to be the consensus :)19:38
pleia2I stopped sending to the translations list a few months back, since it turns out it was actually locos who were doing the (admittedly rare) translations19:39
pleia2mostly they just select some articles they like to forward along19:39
snap-lGive a man a windmill, and he'll tilt at it as though it were a dragon (was re: UWN)19:48
bkerensajcastro: my bulb review will be out tonight... I just need to wait for someone to proof read it :)21:46
bkerensajcastro: I think you will be surprised by my conclusions :)21:54

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