
=== Phantomas1 is now known as Phantomas
=== Barebone is now known as C-4
=== emma is now known as em
ToluxeroHi everyone! :)21:18
ToluxeroTheLordOfTime, can you help me?21:36
TheLordOfTimei'm not IRCC, nor an op, if you need help with some ubuntu irc related issue, i'd wait for the IRCC21:37
* TheLordOfTime pings AlanBell21:37
k1l_Toluxero: what do you need help for?21:38
Fuchsk1l_: he needs a GC21:38
Fuchsso IRCC is indeed what he is looking for :)21:38
TheLordOfTimeas i surmised :P21:38
TheLordOfTimeFuchs:  he wants an ubuntu cloak doesnt he21:39
* TheLordOfTime assumes as much since you're here21:39
FuchsI am always here. ALWAYS!21:39
FuchsIt's about a channel in the ubuntu namespace.21:39
TheLordOfTimeah, yeah, IRCC either way :P21:39
Fuchsyes, indeed :)21:39
Unit193Not always here:  Fuchs (fuchs@freenode/staff/fuchs) has quit (Ping timeout: 612 seconds)21:39
Fuchswell, and then staff, but that is usually the easier part  *hides*21:39
* TheLordOfTime drops Fuchs into /dev/null to help with the hiding21:40
AlanBellhello Toluxero and Fuchs21:42
FuchsAlanBell: hi21:43
ToluxeroAlanBell, hi!21:43
FuchsAlanBell: would be about #ubuntu-mx-council21:43
Fuchswhich is currently freenode-staff, I think he wants that to be changed. I don't know how you handle these requests, just poke me if you need that changed, and then to who21:43
AlanBellyeah, I can't observe the access list at all it seems21:45
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  this is what chanserv says for that:21:45
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- Entry Nickname/Host          Flags21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- -----21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- 1     toluxero               +Aiortv (OP) [modified 2 years, 42 weeks, 5 days, 18:29:58 ago]21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- 2     jamesjedimaster        +Aiortv (OP) [modified 2 years, 14 weeks, 2 days, 19:20:56 ago]21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- 3     freenode-staff         +AFRfiorstv [modified 12 weeks, 4 days, 07:18:53 ago]21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- -----21:46
TheLordOfTime-ChanServ- End of #ubuntu-mx-council FLAGS listing.21:46
TheLordOfTimeFuchs:  might ping the staff channel to see if that's by-design access21:46
FuchsAlanBell: huh? It's not private21:46
AlanBell22:48 <AlanBell> flags #ubuntu-mx-council21:47
AlanBell22:48 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to perform this operation.21:47
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  use access21:47
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  /chanserv access #channel list21:47
TheLordOfTimeflags requires either access, or the epicosity of IRC operator or staff21:47
FuchsAlanBell: access list, for flags you need +A21:47
AlanBellyeah, that worked21:47
AlanBellanyhow, what is the request Toluxero?21:48
Fuchs*crunch* *nom*22:17

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