
marshallhey ubuntu-server01:31
marshalli would like to ssh into my server without having to type my password, but I've added my id_rsa.pub to my account's authorized keys on the server and I still have to type my password. why would this happen?01:31
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ironmmarshall, you shold modify the sshd config on your server (as far as I can remember)01:59
shantornevening, i am very new to server work and am trying to get my feet wet, i have been all over the web today trying to find a good recomended partitoning layout for a file server and have yet found anything i can sink my teeth into, could one of you point me to a tutorial or guide on recomended directory sizes for a standard server please02:01
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pmatulisshantorn: use a simple layout like /, /home, and swap02:36
shantornthanks for th response but wouldnt it be better to do sep /usr /var as well?02:37
shantorni just dont know02:37
pmatulisshantorn: no02:37
pmatulisshantorn: sometimes /var if you have something special going on there that might fill up / otherwise.  like a database02:38
shantorni see02:38
shantornwhat do you think would be safe for / size? 15 gb?02:39
shantornsize doesnt really matter but i want to get a hang of this02:39
pmatulisshantorn: unless you want to save your diskspace for something special just use /, /home, and swap.  you should figure out what you need for /home and swap and give the rest to /02:40
shantornthank you for the advice02:41
pmatulisshantorn: it's hard to give better if i don't know what you intend to do with the server02:42
shantornits going to be a basic file and media server for starters, and then grow from there, i also want to share files across my network for my lin laptop and sons nix laptop and print server02:43
pmatulisshantorn: how much disk space do you have in total?02:44
shantornfor the install? 160 gb02:45
shantorni also have a seperate drive for shared stuff02:45
shantornntfs on one and ext 4 on the other so 3 drives total02:45
pmatulisshantorn: so 160 for the system itself and the other drives contain the served files?02:46
pmatulisshantorn: will there be other users on this system?02:46
shantornyes 4-502:46
pmatulisshantorn: how much memory?02:47
shantorn4 gb witha tri core amd02:47
pmatulisshantorn: i recommend forgetting about separate /home (5 users is not a lot) and go with: swap of 3 GB and the rest on /02:48
pmatulisshantorn: do you trust these users?02:49
shantornthey are my wife and kids so its sketchy02:50
shantornthey cna follow directions and will do as i suggest02:50
pmatulisshantorn: i was actually thinking of that answer before you said it02:50
pmatulisshantorn: you should be good then02:51
shantornthank you for your time02:52
pmatulisshantorn: you're welcome.  btw, a 160 GB drive sounds kinda old.  make sure you don't use too old a drive.  they tend to fail02:53
shantornits a test machine and its about 2 years old02:54
shantornthe drives02:54
shantornmaybe 3 now lol02:54
pmatulisnot too bad02:55
qman__actually that's pretty ripe for failure02:55
qman__in my experience, drives made in the last five years or so give up the ghost at about 2-3 years power on time02:56
qman__just make sure you have backups02:56
qman__of all the drives I've bought in that time, that's the mark for 50% failure rate02:57
shantornthats high i would think, but you have a valid point02:58
qman__I know the sample is a bit small, but I've got at least three different brands, lots of models, and over 50 drives02:58
qman__and no trends in the failure rates between brands02:59
ScottKThe only drives I've had fail in less than 5 years without some obvious external cause were all Western Digital.03:00
qman__then you haven't bought enough of them03:00
ScottKI had a Seagate die recently that was 6 years old, but hadn't been used much, so I hadn't replaced it.03:00
ScottKNot sure how to score that.03:00
qman__I've lost...12? seagates03:01
qman__and I've RMA'd three of my 13 samsungs, and two more are showing signs03:01
ScottKThey did have a bad run a few years ago, I didn't buy any then.03:01
qman__I've lost 7200.10s, 7200.11s, and 7200.12s03:01
qman__if it's a bad run, it's a three year bad run03:02
ScottKI also don't count a laptop hard drive that died a week after I had a major car crash and it was in the car.03:02
ScottKNo, I don't think so.03:02
ScottKI wonder how much difference power supplies make?03:02
ScottKI could imagine better power helps reliability, but I've got no data to say.03:03
qman__I always buy oversized power supplies and run UPS on almost everything03:03
qman__so, in my case, no help there03:03
qman__the point is, though, you can't trust a hard drive03:03
qman__so keep good backups03:03
qman__unless it's a quantum fireball03:04
ScottKNo argument there.03:04
qman__because if it's still working after the last 12 years, it'll probably keep going a lot longer03:04
qman__mine's actually closer to 1503:05
ScottKI have a Dual PIII 450 system I built in 1999 that's still running as a file server, but I've replaced the hard drives (premptively) and it's about time to do it again.03:07
qman__this one survived windows 95, and went on to outlive no less than 11 other drives in the same server03:08
qman__and it's still going03:08
qman__it doesn't have SMART so I don't know exactly, but it's in the realm of 10 years power on time03:08
qman__and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it lasts ten more03:10
qman__if I can even get an IDE controller in a server 10 years from now03:11
blackshirthello, is it possible to limit samba just allowed some type of files ?04:24
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1022462 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102246204:27
blackshirtis it possible to limit samba just allowed some type of files ?04:30
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ironhidehow to setup web server?05:24
hallynjamespage: (ignore my previous ping;  switching to stable ppa fixed it for me)05:29
koolhead17hi all05:41
d3f4c3derror while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.406:37
d3f4c3dwhat is this guys ?06:37
SpamapSd3f4c3d: exactly as it sounds... problem with libraries.06:51
d3f4c3dany clue to fix it somehow ?06:51
SpamapSd3f4c3d: not without knowing the progrm that is failing, and where it came from06:52
d3f4c3dits cisco IOS program basically06:52
d3f4c3dwhen im trying to start routers i get ../wrapper-linux: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:52
SpamapSclosed source binaries are the worst06:52
d3f4c3di have no clue what you said sir but okay :D06:53
SpamapSd3f4c3d: most likely it was built for an older version of the lib that is not on your system06:53
* SpamapS passes out06:54
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz06:57
EaglemanI have disabled the waiting by commentin sleep in failsafe.conf06:57
d3f4c3doddly i have /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.407:03
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Davieyjamespage: hey, can you clarify what unit https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-server-amd64_minimal-virtual/123/testReport/test/MinimalVirtualTest/testInstallSize/ is?07:55
jamespageDaviey, 1k blocks07:56
jamespage# 1k blocks that is - it looks at the output from df07:56
jamespagethreshold for amd64 is ~684MB07:58
Davieyjamespage: so, what do you think about the current test?07:59
Davieyis it a failure?  or should we bump the max?08:00
jamespagebump it08:00
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz08:00
Davieyjamespage: so, that is currently ~710MB?08:01
jamespageI would say target 725MB08:02
jamespageas the max08:02
jamespageodd that amd64 is more than 50MB bigger than the i386 max threshold08:03
Davieyjamespage: i assume you saw, bug 725972 latest comment?08:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 725972 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 554280)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72597208:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 554280 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55428008:06
Davieyjamespage: amd64 is probably bigger because of multi-arch?08:06
Davieyerr, bug 1017978 .. bad paste08:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017978 in libfcgi "[MIR] libfcgi, ceph (radosgw)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101797808:07
jamespageDaviey: flip - that was only 17 minutes ago08:08
jamespagefixing now08:08
jamespagealthough its OK to put radosgw into main; you can't actually use it ATM without a package from multiverse08:08
jamespageDaviey, the test does add some extra for amd64 to accomodate multiarch - 30MB08:15
jamespageso its 20MB bigger than that!08:15
* jamespage melts his laptop for a bit building ceph08:17
Davieyjamespage: let the cloud be with you.08:18
jamespagestill quicker using 4 cores + SSD08:18
jamespageI have to open the window tho :-)08:18
Davieyjamespage: Think of the trees!08:18
balboahI'm trying to get xen-tools on debian to debootstrap precise for me. Anyone happen to have an idea why the ubuntu guest freezes on boot like this? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2468164/Screen%20shot%202012-09-12%20at%2010.41.11.png08:42
karihreHi, I'm trying to find out which process is listening to the nfs port without much success, netstat gives me that the port is open and something is "LISTENING" but lsof -i doesn't reveal what process this is, what am I missing here? (see http://pastebin.com/eRuzwLtT)  Thanks.08:46
balboahI managed to get another image booting, but had problems with xen barrier killing the disk. So I upgraded the debian xen hypervisor to the latest stable to get that issue fixed. Not sure if that upgrade relates to now killing my xen-tools instead08:46
balboahI'll just try dd the other working image and reconfigure it for now08:47
_rubenkarihre: use netstat -lp08:53
karihre_ruben: yep, I was sort of already there: http://pastebin.com/CApkN10Y , what does the - mean?08:55
karihreI'm using nfs4, just find it strange that in order for it to work, you only need port 2049 open (in firewall), yet I can't see what process is listening to this port..?08:56
Davieyjamespage: hey.. did you try a build without dh_makeshlibs -n?08:56
jamespageDaviey, yeah - just finishing now - there is a reason for the manual maintainer scripts but I think I have a neater way of doing it08:57
Davieyi really wonder what part of the dh generated postinst it complains about08:57
Davieyjamespage: using override?08:57
jamespageDaviey, the ceph package has some .so's; I think I can use a -X to exclude those from being detected08:58
Davieyah cool09:00
jamespagewhich means we can drop the maintainer scripts09:00
jamespagetesting that theory now09:00
jamespageproblem is that ceph takes ~30 mins to build09:00
karihreOkay I am getting this a bit strange output from netstat: http://pastebin.com/CApkN10Y , what does the - mean, indicating that no process is listening, yet something is listening to the port, I'm confused here..?09:02
decciDo we have any Ubuntu Hardware Certified Suite / tool ?09:11
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz09:11
balboahEagleman: maybe the dhcp doesn't respond?09:20
Eaglemanbalboah any idea where to see that?09:23
Eaglemanbecause i will get a respond in a few seconds with dhclient09:23
koolhead17packages.ubuntu.com can anyone open it09:47
tsimpsonkoolhead17: it's down for everyone, server issues on the Canonical side09:49
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dax_rocstgraber: When I add the rotate option to tail or head it's not picked up, Do any services need to be reloaded ?10:19
dax_roc*option rotate or timeout:1 aren't picked up as the failover to the second entry is very slow 5+seconds10:20
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EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz10:30
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fidelEagleman: in general ' bootchart' is a nice package to see your booting-process in detail as image10:37
fidelin this particular case: if noone onhere reacts on the problem, - consider searching your favorite search for the error-string - its a well known issue and the message should end in tons of forum hits10:37
Eaglemanit will10:39
Eaglemanbut i ended up using a workaround10:39
Eaglemannot fixing the issue10:39
jamespageEagleman, that would normally indicate that your network is not starting correctly during bootup; which version of Ubuntu do you see this on?10:41
Eagleman12.04 server10:41
Eaglemaneverything works10:41
Eaglemanthats the problem10:41
Eaglemaneven if i disable sleep in failsafe.conf ( the file which lets me wait )10:42
jamespageEagleman, if you check in /var/log/upstart you might see some additional log information related to the network interfaces starting up10:43
fidelEagleman: yep - my workaround wasnt a solution either - but a hack ....had the issue as well some month ago (but i dont remember the details)10:43
EaglemanA lot of information in /var/log/upstart10:45
Eaglemanand why are they archived?10:46
tsimpsonand because you may need previous logs, for comparison, or so you can see what happened last time etc10:47
EaglemanStill everything works as it should10:48
Eaglemani doubt i will find anything10:48
decciHi, Do Ubuntu provides any hardware certification Test suite which can be performed locally and report logs to ubuntu?10:48
dax_rocI've added option rotate to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base and rebooted, When I dig for a dns entry I always get the same nameserver. Should they not rotate round robin? Does anyone know if the resolution of the timeout option can be decimal?10:54
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_rubenkarihre: ah, i think i know what's going on: you're most likely using the nfs server that resides in kernelland and not userland, so it doesn't show up as a (userland) process11:04
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karihre_ruben: ah, that seems reasonable11:19
dax_rocstgraber: /etc/resolv.conf wasn't a symlink, quick dpkg-reconfigure and it's all working now.11:23
karihre_ruben: thanks11:25
zuladam_g/Daviey: ill upload quantum and horizon rc1 today11:57
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zulDaviey:  the MIR should be ready for quantum with the work we put into it11:58
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grefterI keep getting this msg12:27
grefterCPU0: Package power limit notification (total events = 1)12:27
grefternever seen it before until ubuntu, is this an issue?12:27
Troloulolhello how do you scan a lan network on ubuntu ?12:38
karihreTroloulol: nmap?12:43
Troloulolthx do you know full comand ?12:46
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smoserbest snippet ever:13:32
smoser [ "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" = "amd64" ] && farch="$(dpkg --print-foreign-architectures)" && [ "${farch#*i386}" != "${farch}" ] && sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386 && echo "ridded you of that needless i386"13:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049582 in ceph (main) "radosgw crash on armhf architecture" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104958213:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049620 in quota (main) "quota does not correctly report for quotas above 2 TB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104962013:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049674 in awstats (main) "awstats : incompatible-java-bytecode-format with OpenJDK 7 as default-jdk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104967413:37
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zulhallyn: ping13:59
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hallynzul: here, but walking out - back in a few14:01
zulhallyn: k14:01
hallynzul: 'sup?14:16
zulhallyn: i totally forgot now :(14:16
hallynzul: yay it worked!14:16
zulhallyn: ill remember it eventually14:17
zulhallyn: oh yes now i remember what happens if the block device is in both devices.allow and devices.deny14:20
grefteri keep getting this debug msg14:20
grefter08:26 < grefter> CPU0: Package power limit notification (total events = 1)14:20
grefteranyone happen to know if that's an issue?14:20
grefteror just generic output?14:21
hallynzul: depends which you add it to last14:21
hallynzul: last one wins14:21
hallynit's a stupid, simple whitelist14:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049852 in multipath-tools (main) "package kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured (dup-of: 1049850)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104985214:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049853 in multipath-tools (main) "package kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured (dup-of: 1049850)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104985314:21
zulso if i detach the detach the device i could put it in devices.allow and then remove the block from the container?14:22
zulsmoser: ^^^14:23
zulhallyn:  im just trying to figure out a sane way to do the detach block device from a container14:24
hallynzul: yup, should work14:25
TheLordOfTimeanyone know where in the php5 package their documentation / release notes are?14:25
smoserand then what happens when you have to add it again? hallyn ?14:26
TheLordOfTimesorry to ask in here, but, you know, you *are* the server package people :P14:26
zulTheLordOfTime: /usr/share/doc/php514:26
smoserie, say he needs to add that same major minor?14:26
smoseryou add it again to devices.allow?14:26
smoserit seems like the interface works, but its strange.14:26
zulsmoser: assuming yes14:26
zulsince devices.allow and devices.deny is a simple blacklist thingy14:27
zul(i love my technical terms14:27
smoserhallyn, ?14:28
smoseris that right?14:28
smoserso: while(1) { add_to_devices_allow() ; add_to_devices_deny(); }14:28
hallynsmoser: yes.  it's a simple whitelist14:29
hallynadd to devices.allow, it's added14:29
hallynadd to devices.deny, it's removed (if it's there)14:29
hallynnote, upcoming kernels this will change just a tinge.  but for now, and since 2008, that's how it works14:30
zulchange as in how?14:30
zuljust curious14:30
hallynwell, from a simple whitelist, to a 'default behavior' (allow or deny) plus exceptions (whitelist or blacklist)14:30
zulah ok14:30
zulsmoser/hallyn: so the thing i have in my mind is this14:31
zulput the device in the devices.deny, rm the block device14:32
zulsmoser: sounds good?14:33
smoserwhat happens if the device is in use ?14:35
smoser(mounted or otherwise, a filehandle open)14:35
hallynsmoser: you can keep using those14:36
hallynjust as you can keep using mounted / even though it's on sda1 and that's not in your whitelist14:37
hallynonly actions on the actual /dev node will fail14:37
smoserzul, so you will have to take care to deal with that.14:37
smoseri'm not sure how14:37
zulsmoser:  agreed14:38
smoseri'm asusming the subsequent iscsi detach will fail?14:38
smoserhallyn, ?14:38
smoserie, the host will be adding and removing the block device to the lxc container would un-attach the iscsi device that is backing it14:38
hallynsmoser: im not sure what an iscsi detach entails14:38
smoserbut that will surely fail if it is still in use14:38
smoseri'm not sure either14:39
zulsmoser: lemme play with it and ill get back to you14:39
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smoserstgraber, around?15:13
stgrabersmoser: yep15:13
smoseri havent verified this in testing15:13
smoserbut it seems to me that your merge of open-iscsi broke iscsi-network-interface.conf15:13
stgraberit's not completely impossible that it did :)15:14
smoseras i dont think the initramfs is writing /dev/.initramfs/open-iscsi.interface anymore, but iscsi-network-interface.conf is still trying to consume it15:14
stgraberit was more of a sync + re-apply relevant delta than a merge15:14
smoser(well, /run/initramfs/open-iscsi.interface)15:15
stgraberhmm, ok, weird that it didn't break my system during testing... but should at least be pretty easy to fix15:15
stgraberactually, shouldn't it be looking for /run/net-* instead of checking yet-another-custom-file?15:16
zulhallyn:  is there a way to determine if something is mounted in the container from the host?15:30
hallynzul: does cat /proc/pid/root/proc/1/mounts and ../mountinfo work?15:31
zulhallyn: ill check15:33
zulhallyn: just thinking ahead15:34
hallynzul: ok.  pretty sure it's how i usually debug startups (i don't think about it much, just do it) so should work15:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049908 in lxc (universe) "Upstart control of lxc container instances" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104990815:51
hallynrm -rf cd qemu-kvm-1.2.0+noroms    <- jinkeys that's not good16:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049914 in lxc (universe) "cannot use long form of '--name' to lxc-clone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104991416:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049915 in nova (main) "Logrotate.d files do not have the compress option enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104991516:01
unsecur3dmad bugs :x16:09
unsecur3dcan u join 12.04 with an ad ds on win2k8 ?16:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049926 in lxc (universe) "logging of init doesn't go to console" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104992616:12
hallynzul: smoser: i won't resort to this unless it fixes a bunch of subtle bugs, but i'm testing qemu-kvm 1.2 package right now.  built locally and runs fine so far (starting heavy testing now), but about to push it to ppa:ubuntu-virt/virt-daily-upstream16:24
rynopI'm looking for a way to ask the ppa maintainer for precise php5, if he/she would update the php5 version due to a  bug that impacts production ubuntu-servers (its fixed in newer ver of php 5.3).  Anyone know the right/formal way to do this?16:27
rynopI cant find the maintainers on https://launchpad.net/php/main or the precise link from w/in there.16:27
patdk-wkyou file a bug report16:29
ikoniarynop: look in the registry-drivers team, lots of names16:30
ikonia56 active members, I'm sure starting a conversation iwth one of them16:30
ikoniawould get things moving a bit16:30
rynopok thanks much16:30
rynopikonia: looks like the bug has already been reported :)16:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1014044 in php5 "PHP5-FPM not reporting errors to web server (nginx)" [Medium,Fix committed]16:31
rynopikonia, is it typically pretty 'fast' from the time its in 'fix-committed' to 'fix-released' state? like weeks/months? i know its prob dependent on the time the maintainer has16:32
zulhallyn: cool...would be good for quantal+116:33
hallynzul: well, that's up for debate.  this version is strict upstream, not debian16:35
hallynzul: if we're going to go with debian pkgs (which would be nice), i need to change the package layout to completely match debian's - qemu, qemu-kvm, and all16:35
hallyn(might require changes to qemu-linaro)16:35
zulerp :)16:36
hallynand i'm getting a little worried about the debian qemu community (not qemu-kvm, but qemu-kvm is going away anyway)16:36
hallynso yeah, i need to think about it and we ned to talk about it16:36
hallynif we don't follow debian, then we need to try and work with upstream to have -stable trees we can collaborate on16:37
hallyneh, well, i'd rather follow debian.  i'm going to spend a day or two in october trying to hash that out16:37
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black_13if you modify the preseed file on the ubuntu iso will this modified file be used during the install process?16:43
hallynjamespage: do yo uknow of a way/place to get full stdout/stderr log output from utah?16:46
adam_gsmoser: Daviey ping16:53
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hallynjdstrand: when doing 'uvt new -r -v -t desktop oneiric amd64 test', when it fails with 'ssh command failed' (but the vm is up), what is usually the proper fix?17:07
hallyni've got 'nameserver' in resolv.conf...17:08
hallynoh feh, is it bc it's not running under ssh-agent?17:09
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hallynah yeah that worked17:46
marshallim having a problem where my server doesnt seem to be recognizing my authorized keys. I've added id_rsa.pub and i'm still being asked for a password.17:48
melmothmarshall, most probably too laxist permission on the private key17:58
pmatulismarshall: are you confusing 'password' with 'ssh private key passphrase'?18:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049986 in horizon (main) "Openstack dashboard's Ubuntu theme needs to be re-enabled and refreshed." [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104998618:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049987 in lxc (universe) "lxc-cloned container breaks if source is later destroyed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104998718:16
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zuladam_g: quantum is building with the testsuite im going to upload it18:48
adam_gzul: where is it building?18:52
zuladam_g:  locally in the chroot18:52
adam_gzul: can you push the changes that enable it to the -proposed branch and build it via jenkins first?18:52
zuladam_g: sure18:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050001 in lxc (universe) "API shutdown(timeout=X) call always tries to call stop(), spewing error messages to the console when the container is already stopped" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105000119:01
zuladam_g: builds fine19:03
adam_gzul: woot19:04
zuladam_g: uploading19:04
adam_gzul: beware there will be binary-new with that upload.19:04
zuladam_g: ack19:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1047404 in quantum (universe) "quantum-server upstart script fails to start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104740419:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1047560 in quantum (universe) "quantum-server (and others) cannot be removed." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104756019:16
smoseradam_g, here now19:21
adam_gsmoser: openstack components started to specify cliff>=1.2. we currently have python-cliff 1.1.2 in archive. thoughts on a FFE to bring python-cliff up to date (its only one release off)?19:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1049177 in isc-dhcp (main) "isc-dhcp-server apparmor profile should have include ".d" " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104917719:32
zuljdstrand: hey quantum should be fine now19:37
smosersbeattie, if i install a file into apparmour dir (#include <dhcpd.>) should my postinst run sudo apparmor_parser -r ?19:42
smoserer... drop sudo. but you get the idea19:42
smoserdo i need to do that or does some other magic handle that19:42
roaksoaxhallyn: howdy!! I was wondering if virsh needs to be shipped with libvirt-bin, or can it be shipped outsite it?19:54
hallynroaksoax: uh.  i suppose it could be shipped in a separate package depending on libvirt-bin.  but why?19:57
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hallynroaksoax: oh well i guess i can guess.19:57
hallyn(suppose it should be able to just depend on libvirt0)19:57
roaksoaxhallyn: cause for example, maas uses virsh for power contorl... but it make sno sense to install libvirt-bin and related dependencies just to be able to use it19:58
hallynroaksoax: should be doable i think20:00
roaksoaxhallyn: cool thanks!20:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050021 in autofs (main) "autofs failed to mount .hidden" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105002120:01
hallynroaksoax: note it brings is out of step with debian (no biggie, we're nto following them) and would require ffe for q20:03
hallynzul: ^ you'd be interested20:03
zulhallyn/roaksoax: yeah sure20:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050027 in maas (main) "apt-get remove --yes doesn't automatically deconfigure and purge the database " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105002720:16
roaksoaxmatsubara: ping20:17
matsubararoaksoax, hi Andres20:17
roaksoaxmatsubara: howdy.. if you have the chance... do you think you can check any other package that uses dbconfig-common to see if you pass --yes does not prompt any questions?20:18
roaksoaxmatsubara: i have been trying to not get that showed.. but couldn't figure out a way to do it20:18
smosersbeattie, around?20:19
smoseri need some apparmor help20:19
matsubararoaksoax, ok. I'll take a look, don't know much about dbconfig-common20:21
* slyboots face melts into a pile of goo "Anyone familure with setting up NFS shares?"20:33
slybootsI can see/mount them, but permissions and UID/GID's are all screwed up20:33
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chris|slyboots, do you have statd running?20:44
slybootsI dont know whath that is, so .. odds are "no"20:44
slybootsMy Ubuntu-server is actually only the client however20:45
chris|try changing statd=yes in /etc/default/nfs-common and the run `service statd start`20:46
slybootsFor the client..?20:47
slybootsIm not sure what that was supposed to do :P20:49
zuladam_g: ill get swift out tonight as well21:27
adam_gzul: cool21:28
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ruben23 hi guys i installed phpmyadmin on my ubuntu-server but the problme it wont open or load after installed any idea..?23:34
ruben23anyone can help23:35
zulDaviey: ping there is some new binaries for quantum in the last upload, can you use your magic powers please?23:37
smoserjdstrand, sbeattie mdeslaur anyone able to help me with some apparmor trouble?23:38
Davieyzul: Are they kosher ?23:38
zulDaviey:  yah23:38
zulDaviey:  its just some new plugins23:38
jdstrandsmoser: I am in a meeting atm. sbeattie could probably help more, but I'll ask-- what's up?23:39
Davieyzul: no Breaks/Replaces required?23:39
zulDaviey: nope23:39
nov503Hi, I 've bought some old machines installed windows. Now I want to install ubuntu maas on them. I did the following things: 1. get a 12.04 iso, burn it into usb. 2. use this usb on machine A to install a maas server. 3. use this usb on machine B to "install from a maas server" 4. Machine be shutdown immediately, but I can see the node enlisted on http://machineA/MAAS. 5. I clicked accept & commission for that node. But it23:39
sbeattiesmoser: jjohansen should be able to help (i have to vanish again shortly; stupid fairy godmother)23:39
zulDaviey:  adam_g ^^^23:39
smoserjdstrand. i run that, (creating a apparmor.d/dhcpd/maas file) and then trying to use the relaxed permissions23:40
smoserbut i'm getting23:40
ruben23this is my error log23:40
smoser[466072.226852] type=1400 audit(1347493086.507:31): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" parent=20318 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd" pid=20339 comm="dhcpd" pid=20339 comm="dhcpd" capability=1  capname="dac_override"23:40
ruben23hi guys i installed phpmyadmin on my ubuntu-server but the problme it wont open or load after installed any idea..?23:40
jjohansensbeattie: oh sure your fair god mother bails you out again23:40
ruben23 this is my error log---------------> http://pastebin.com/grAX8CXg23:40
jdstrandsmoser: start it as root23:40
smoser(i run 'sudo ./go')23:40
smoserthe profile loads correctly, and if i put something bogus in the 'maas' file, it complains23:41
smoserso i know its getting loaded23:41
smoserbut my content must just be wrong23:41
sbeattiecap_dac_override indicates that the dac permissions on something are wrong, and that the root process is overriding the DAC permissions23:42
Davieyzul: upstream Licence "websockify is licensed under the LGPL version 3" .. but d/copyright says GPL-3?23:42
smosersbeattie, too many big words. can you dumb it down?23:42
zulDaviey: damn it ill have a look at it tomorrow morning need to deal with cranky child23:43
Davieyzul: yeah, i'm too tired to full go over it anyway.23:43
jjohansensmoser: dac permissions == regular file xugo perms23:43
jdstrandno-- dhcpd drops privs differently than in the past, so you have to start it the same way that upstart is starting it23:43
jdstrandsmoser: ^23:43
smoserthat is how upstart starts it23:43
jdstrandsmoser: oh, no23:43
jdstrandsmoser: I remember, your /run/maas/dhcp /var/lib/maas/dhcpd don't have the right perms23:44
jdstrandsmoser: look at the standard dhcp perms and mimic those in your script23:44
zulDaviey: vishy has some changes that he did for it as well which i want to incorperate23:44
zulDaviey: anyways im out of here23:45
smosermaybe because /run/maas is root:root, but /run/maas/dhcpd is dhcpd:dhcpd ?23:45
smoserah. i see. i think23:46
jdstrandsmoser: I forget off hand-- look at the upstart job for what it needs to be23:46
jdstrandsmoser: ^ look at 4.2.4-1ubuntu423:47
jdstrandsmoser: sorry for only half-attending to you...23:48
smoserjdstrand, thank you23:49
smoseryeah, leases file needs to be root:root but i was making it dhcpd:dhcpd23:49
jdstrandsmoser: cool, yeah, that was the problem with the upstart job before. gald it worked out :)23:50
jdstrandglad even23:50
patdk-lapruben23, like always, start with the first issue, and move on23:52
patdk-lapPHP Warning:  require(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s)23:52
patdk-lapfix that23:52
ruben23patdk-lap: yes what you can suggest on that..?23:55
patdk-lapI really can't mind-read your server23:56

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