
brouschjjesse is sitting across from me at Hopcat, entirely by chance00:05
brouschIt is freakish00:05
jjessebrousch, what group were you ith?01:04
jjesseand yes it was a bit freakish01:04
brouschjjesse-android: Friendly Code, the Grand Rapids brigade for Code for America11:53
brouschyou are correct11:57
rick_h_at least twice a day11:58
brouschBut if you're clock is fast instead of totally broken, then it's almost never right12:00
brouschAh crap. Is it Apple Day again already?12:18
nullspacegetting tired of this amazon blockade for services to linux clients13:30
rick_h_windows vm to the rescue13:31
rick_h_only problem I've had there is that google music won't run in a windows vm13:31
brouschGoogle music runs on Linux13:32
brouschweb browser13:32
jjessebrousch, what group where you with last ngiht?13:32
rick_h_brousch: the uploader13:32
brouschUploader works fine on Linux13:33
rick_h_not in a windows in a vm13:33
brouschjjesse: Grand Rapids Brigade of Code for America13:33
brouschrick_h_: But why do you need to do it in VM if it works on Linux?13:34
jjessesounds awesome13:34
brouschjjesse: It's just getting started13:34
jjessebrousch,  link to explain what it does?13:35
brouschBasically we are using data from the city of GR and region and doing stuff with it13:36
jjessesounds fun13:36
brouschI'm working on Viget. We're converting it from Mediawiki to Localwiki, which is Django-based13:38
jjessei'll have to do some reading tonight might be something some how a non coder like me can help out w/13:41
brouschWith viget, once it's converted, we'll be looking for people to flesh out the data13:43
brouschEdit what's there, add more info, etc13:43
rick_h_brousch: so the use case was this. I wanted to get all my amazon music into google music14:16
rick_h_so I setup the windows VM to use the AMZ downloader to download all my AMZ music14:16
rick_h_but then when I went to upload it to google music, their uploader won't run in a windows vm14:17
rick_h_so I had to share the directory out and setup the google music uploader in linux14:17
rick_h_so I was downloading in a windows VM and uploading from the linux host14:17
rick_h_fun stuff :)14:17
Blazeixhaha, nice14:18
rick_h_but hey, now all my music is in google music yay14:19
jjessequick google music question how did i get all this crap that i don't own in my google music portion?  some of these artists i've never heard of14:34
jjesseare people sharing music w/ me or something?14:34
jjesseah thats it 380 songs shared w/ me, how do i turn it off?14:35
shakes808Good day all16:48
shakes808Visual Studio launch is going on right now. http://www.visualstudiolaunch.com16:48
shakes808just if anyone is interested16:49
rick_h_ummmm....no, unless there's an explosion that I'm missing?16:50
jrwreni hear the python plugin to visual studio is really nice, but I'm happy with vim.17:15
shakes808rick_h_: LOL That would be something to watch.17:17
shakes808jrwren: Does it have intellisense?17:17
rick_h_lol https://twitter.com/alex_gaynor go alex go17:21
jrwrenit has omnicomplete.17:25
jrwrenintellisense is a TM of MSFT Corporation17:25
brouschSomeone else mentioned the Python VS plugin today. It must be an astroturf campaign by MS17:30
brouschsnap-l: Did you pick up the last song on http://openmetalcast.com/2012/08/12/open-metalcast-special-episode-club-metal-12/ from Ralph Wachsworth's Open License Music podcast, or is it coincidence?17:56
snap-lIt's probably coincidence17:58
snap-lI don't listen to many other podcasts17:58
snap-lbrousch: ^^17:58
snap-lThough I played "We are the vikings" from that album in a previous episode.17:59
snap-lAnd if I hear something on another podcast, I'll gladly use it. I hope folks do the same.18:00
brouschIt's freakish. I know the open license music podcast guy, and he used the tuba song 2 weeks before you did18:15
snap-lGreat minds. ;)18:21
brouschI think he used the vikings song too18:22
brouschBut after you18:22
snap-lI'm going to send some Ubuntu CDs over to Mike Bader for the Software Freedom day.22:30
rick_h_more power to you23:13

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