
=== yaili___ is now known as yaili
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=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
AlanBelljust getting a summit instance up and running again, seems I can't create a new summit in the admin interface, 'super' object has no attribute '_media'17:29
AlanBellException Location: /home/alan/Projects/summitpad/summit/summit/../summit/schedule/admin/summitadmin.py in _media, line 3817:29
cjohnstondid you run it ./manage.py runserver --settings ubuntusettings17:33
cjohnstondid you run it ./manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings17:33
cjohnstonthe second one17:33
AlanBellyes, the second one17:51
AlanBellthe front end runs with the ubuntu themeing17:52
cjohnstoncan you paste the entire error please17:52
AlanBellI can create other objects (well hit the add button and see the form)17:54
AlanBellbut you can't do much else without a summit object17:54
cjohnstonhow new is your code? (trunk?)17:56
AlanBellit was old and I did a bzr pull17:56
cjohnston1) did you migrate, 2) does the admin area have a theme17:57
AlanBellprobably not, no17:57
cjohnston./manage.py collectstatic17:57
AlanBellI did a make clean which nuked my database so didn't think migration was required17:57
* AlanBell does the collectstatic thing17:58
AlanBellno visible difference17:58
cjohnstonI don't use make, so I'm not sure about that18:00
cjohnstonthe admin area has no theming at all?18:00
AlanBellwell, standard blue django stuff18:00
cjohnstonthats correct18:01
cjohnstonmhall119: any idea about the _media thing? I have never dont the make stuff18:01
AlanBelldon't think it is related to the make clean, that just wiped my previous carefully set up database18:01
cjohnstonI can give you a db to use18:02
cjohnstonbut the problem you are having concerns me18:03
cjohnstonDjango Version:1.4.118:03
cjohnstonwe are still 1.318:03
AlanBellso I can't do it on quantal18:03
mhall119cjohnston: AlanBell: which webapp?18:11
mhall119only the /admin/ theme is missing?18:11
AlanBellno, that is fine, I can't hit the add button for a new summit object18:12
cjohnstonmhall119: no, there is a _media error18:12
AlanBellgah, even if I hack my way around that I hit https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1801818:15
ubottuDjango bug 18018 in Uncategorized "MessageFailure in Django 1.4 admin" [Normal,Closed]18:15
* AlanBell finds it all works lovely with virtualenv and django 1.3.118:19
* AlanBell starts adding tracks and sessions and rooms and such for the Rockin Robin UDS18:21
* mhall119 is howing for Rascally Rabbit18:22
mhall119hoping even18:22
AlanBellmight be an idea to edit the INSTALLING file to say "DON'T DO THIS, go to summit-dev.readthedocs.org and do that instead"18:22
cjohnstonwell, we dont say it works on quantal18:23
AlanBellwell it does, with virtualenv18:25
dakernot sure why this hasn't been merged https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-team-portal/update-openids-update/+merge/11291420:03
cjohnstongive it an hour.. if it doesnt merge by then, yell at nigelb20:03
dakercjohnston: approved on 2012-07-0520:04
cjohnstonit lacked a commit message20:04
dakeroh yes20:05
AlanBellis there a way in summit to get the meeting currently happening in a particular room20:54
AlanBellI can see the stuff to get the next slot, but I am struggling with the current slot20:55
AlanBellschedule = Schedule.from_request(request, summit, attendee, room=None, nextonly=True)20:55
AlanBellI want nowonly, rather than nextonly20:56
dakerAlanBell: ask cjohnston21:01
cjohnstoni dont think so21:16
cjohnstonwhat is the use case for that21:16
AlanBellbuilding a page that shows the current meeting in a room21:17
AlanBellalong with stuff happening next at the bottom21:18
AlanBellI think I can add such a facility, was just checking to see if there was an easy way to do it21:18
cjohnstonnothing that already exists afaik21:19
dakercjohnston: can you re-check this please https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.meetings-app/+merge/10849221:22
dakeri did a merge and this work, no merge conflicts21:22
cjohnstonnigelb: tarmac isnt working21:26
cjohnstondaker: if it merges cleanly I'm good with it21:29
dakercjohnston: this one too21:34
cjohnstonas long as it merges cleanly +121:35
AlanBellthat in theory should be precisely right full screen on the 1280x800 projectors used at UDS22:11
AlanBelland shows the current meeting and pad, plus the next stuff in all rooms at the bottom22:12
AlanBellneed to get it to autorefresh on the hour22:12

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