
wellwhywell I have copied and pasted but when I do it that way it doesnt work00:00
Noobuntuand this one is still in beta - so I really don't know00:00
wellwhyI just want to apply my google + theme..00:00
wellwhyIts so annoying00:00
heathHey, I have an Asus ralink wireless pci card. Are there drivers for this?00:02
Kamilion|2heath: more than likely. What's the ralink chip ID?00:03
heathHow do I find that out?00:03
Kamilion|2lspci would probably help. :)00:03
heathI have that up00:04
extropyit's always lspci ;)00:04
Kamilion|2heath: looks like it works with the ralink 2860 series driver?00:04
heathhow did you find that out so quick? I googled for a while00:05
Kamilion|2heath: I read at many times the rate of the average human.00:05
GunArmKamilion|2: i didn't see what you said in time, and taskkilled 'tasksel' which left locks on files and stuff, so I rebooted the server and ran 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' which set up php5 libhtml apache mysql and a few other packages, I went back into tasksel and it showed lampp checked (installed), should I feel reasonably secure that the setup is done?00:06
heathKamilion|2, is there an apt-get install for that?00:06
Kamilion|2heath: also looks like RT73 might support it in kernel 3.2+00:06
wellwhyNoobuntu, I still cant open Gnome-Tweak-Shell00:06
Kamilion|2heath: could be you're lacking firmware?00:06
wellwhyWell It has happened but nothing has changed00:07
wellwhyit still is the same00:07
Noobuntuwellwhy : I haven't tried it on Precise yet, I will let you know if I am able to , give me ur email id00:07
jarray52I'm having trouble with the microphone in Skype on Ubuntu 10.04. There's a lot of conflicting advice when I run a Google search. Is it best to disable pulseaudio?00:08
wellwhyyou mean, just my email? Or some kind of id?00:08
Noobuntuur email00:08
Noobuntujarray52: don't use Skype -its evil00:08
heathKamilion|2, what do you mean lacking firmware?00:08
jarray52Noobuntu: Interviewer wants to call on Skype. I don't have much choice.00:09
Kamilion|2heath: you may need a firmware image for the device, if it doesn't include a flash chip on the board itself. Ralink's notoriously cheap.00:09
Kamilion|2heath: many wireless adapters have removed their flash chips and require their firmware to be loaded by the drivers interacting with them00:10
Noobuntujarray52: hmm..really sorry - Skype is one bad piece of software, especially on Linux00:10
Kamilion|2jarray52: the problem is likely not with pulseaudio, but with the ALSA drivers for your card.00:11
jarray52Kamilion|2: What's the workaround for this problem?00:12
Kamilion|2jarray52: try updating to the latest skype beta that has direct pulseaudio support (versus skype 2.x for linux using pulseaudio's ALSA passthrough/emulation/whateveritis00:12
heathKamilion|2, so is there no super easy install for this?00:12
Kamilion|2heath: *shrug* I have no experience with that paticular model; only general experience with Ralinks.00:13
heathis there no easy was with ralinks?00:13
Kamilion|2heath: Most of the older ones I have 'just work' now. (that was not always the case)00:15
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jarray52Kamilion|2: I have skype version
Kamilion|2jarray52: then removing pulseaudio is only going to make things worse, as I've heard skype 4.x no longer has direct support for ALSA, but uses libpulse instead.00:15
blackshirtskype works bad on linux00:16
Kamilion|2no -- skype just plain works bad.00:16
Kamilion|2What do you expect from Microsoft software? Reliability?00:16
Kamilion|2jarray52: anyway -- there this thing, I've heard of it but never seen one... they called it a 'tele phone'... some weird thing you plug into the wall. Archaic, I know, but perhaps you might consider tracking one down to deal with your interviewer :300:18
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usr13Skype works.  I use it for my home phone.00:25
* Kamilion|2 shrugs00:27
Kamilion|2I find that the Android version of Skype works the best.00:27
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blackshirtthats sound greats00:29
OerHeksXiaolinDraconis, i think you need chmod to make it executable > sudo chmod +x <filename>00:37
client_alivehey, just a curious thing - is there any way to open a new tab and cd to a location but from the command line? Using lxterminal. I know about ^t and how to do from the gui of that terminal but I wonder if there is a command I can issue that will open a new tab.00:38
histo1client_alive: you have ctrl+altF1-F6 as ttys  is that what you mean?00:40
histo1client_alive: if you want tabs in a tty or split screen I would install screen and use that.00:41
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client_alivehisto1: not exactly. what I was wondering is if there is a command I can type on the comand line that will open a new tab00:41
histoclient_alive: in what?00:41
OerHeksit used to be: gnome-terminal --tab (for a new tab)00:41
histoclient_alive: are you actually in a tty or in a terminal?00:42
client_alivewell, right now I'm using lxterminal but could use a different terminal00:42
client_alivein lxterminal00:42
OerHekstry lxterminal --tab ?00:42
histoclient_alive: try lxterminal --tab   or man lxterminal may show the option to open a new tab. Ctrl+t will do it too00:42
histoclient_alive: sorry maybe ctrl+shift+t for that keyboard shortcut00:43
client_alivefrom the lxterminal man page the thing looks pretty skimpy (only about 4 options you can use with it).00:44
client_alivelxterminal --t or lxterminal --tab do nothing but bring up the help page00:44
tiglionabbitWhat do I need to install so vlc can encode mp4v?00:46
Kamilion|2ClientAlive: apt-get install gnome-terminal?00:46
client_alivehisto: prolly I'd have to use a different terminal that's more complete. The reason it seemed desireable was if you string more then one command with that. Say, for instance you want to cd to a directory and open a file in nano all in another tab. So you write out a command on the command line of the tab you are in and poof! there it ALL is.00:46
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Kamilion|2ClientAlive: they're both libvte based, so there's not much difference00:46
tiglionabbitI'm trying to encode mp4v but it says "cannot find video encoder (module:any fourcc:mp4v)"00:46
bazhangtiglionabbit, get handbrake00:47
bazhang!handbrake | tiglionabbit00:47
ubottutiglionabbit: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr00:47
client_aliveKamilion|2: I see00:47
client_alivewell I'll check around, thx for the input00:47
tiglionabbitbazhang, no it has to be vlc00:49
bazhangtiglionabbit, why00:49
tiglionabbitbazhang, has to be streaming00:50
zykotick9tiglionabbit: you believe you can stream (and encode at the same time) to mp4, good luck with that.00:50
tiglionabbitzykotick9, no, I'm streaming it into an asf container :P00:51
histoclient_alive: I would look into screen   it's a wonderfull app that can do what you want and much more.00:51
tiglionabbitactually, what I really want is msmpeg4v300:51
blackshirti don't know what is mp4v is?00:51
bazhanghttp://wiki.videolan.org/MPEG-4 check the example tiglionabbit00:52
client_alivehisto: I thought screen was a window manager (as in - effected the entire system). No?00:52
tiglionabbitI'm doing that but the mp4v encoder isn't found for some reason00:52
tiglionabbitI think my setup is screwed up somehow00:53
zykotick9client_alive: lol, i would say screen is my favourite "window manager" but the WM i'm using is awesome.  (screen is for terminal programs)00:53
client_alivezykotick9: right on. If I'd known that I would have gotten it long before. I looked at it once on wikipedia but must have misunderstood what it is.  thx   :)00:54
zykotick9client_alive: screen is amazing!!!00:54
client_alivesounds like it00:54
rdshai guys , what is this operator  called (->) ??00:56
GunArmis it possible to alias apt-get to apt-get -y ?00:56
dr_willisWhich operator? :)  you  the >   ?00:56
dr_willisGunArm:  yes..00:56
dr_willisGunArm:  but may notbe a good idea.00:56
blackshirti think yes00:56
rdsdr_willis,  -> in php ?00:56
GunArmbut you have to type sudo infront so alias doesnt work, and you cant do alias 'sudo apt-get'='sudo apt-get -y'00:56
tiglionabbitGunArm, of course00:57
zykotick9dr_willis: s/but may not/is not/00:57
rdsdr_willis,  (->) in php ?00:57
dr_willisrds:  i dont do php. i suggest finding a php guide.00:57
blackshirtrds, what you mean?00:58
GunArmtiglionabbit: how?00:58
redwarriors25any1 here00:58
rdsblackshirt, i found this "->" operator  while learning php !00:59
rdsblackshirt,  what is it called ?00:59
tiglionabbitGunArm, doesn't this work?  alias apt-get="apt-get -y"00:59
sambagirlcan someone tell me how the hell to get a shell in 11.04? i am so sorry i installed this upgrade....grr cant even figure out where to find a shell!00:59
redwarriors25sir i have a problem in my ubuntu ican t log in as a superuser always permission denied00:59
bazhangredwarriors25, use sudo00:59
redwarriors25sudo then01:00
usr13!sudo | redwarriors2501:00
ubotturedwarriors25: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:00
bazhangredwarriors25, there is NO need to login as root01:00
blackshirtrds, that for array/object dereferncing01:00
sambagirlWHERE DO YOU GO TO GET A SHELL IN 11.04?01:00
redwarriors25but i cant access some of the folders if im not in su root01:00
rdsblackshirt, what is it called like "!"  for not01:00
bazhangsambagirl, lose the caps01:00
usr13sambagirl: Ctrl-Alt-t01:00
tiglionabbitredwarriors25, sudo su01:01
bazhangtiglionabbit, thats wrong01:01
blackshirtsambagirl, search for gnome-terminal01:01
sambagirlbefore i could add it to my panel01:01
blackshirtRds, yes01:01
redwarriors25but the problem i didnt know the password01:01
tiglionabbitbazhang, why?01:01
bazhangtiglionabbit, there is no root account enabled. use sudo01:01
usr13redwarriors25: So you have lost your user password?01:01
redwarriors25any 1 also guys support here in debian01:01
bazhang#debian redwarriors25 NOT here01:02
redwarriors25nope im just didint know01:02
redwarriors25ok baz01:02
redwarriors25how cn i enable the root account01:02
usr13redwarriors25:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword01:02
bazhangredwarriors25, you dont01:02
bazhangredwarriors25, use sudo01:03
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sambagirlmaybe i will go back to ubuntu hoary or run http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/ it's easier to work with...01:04
usr13sambagirl: whatsamatter?01:04
usr13sambagirl: What's so hard about Ctrl-ALt-t  ?01:05
Nisstyresambagirl: you think plan9 is easier to work with?01:06
sambagirlusr13 why should i have to use 3 fingers when i can just press an icon on my panel?01:06
usr13sambagirl: You can if you want to.01:06
blackshirtsambagirl, you can drop it to panel01:06
usr13sambagirl: Are you using unity?01:06
sambagirlusr13 why can't i have my sticky notes on my panel? have my weather on my panel? have system monitor on my panel? have my rolling eyes on my panel? understand?01:07
sambagirlusr13 if looks more like tragedy01:07
sambagirlis 10.04 still supported?01:08
usr13Yea, well, maybe you would like a different Desktop Environment?  Try xfce4 ?01:08
bazhang!notunity | sambagirl01:08
ubottusambagirl: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:08
usr13sambagirl: yes01:08
simo_nhi guys , just moved thhe wubi install with bcbc script and instruction from the forum, the old used partirion still not empy , what i should do with it ? i created new partitions when i moved it01:08
bazhangsimo_n, was the move successful?01:09
sambagirli actually located a way to load all kinds of different desktop managers01:09
usr13sambagirl: Take a look at http://xubuntu.org/   Maybe that would be more to your liking.01:09
sambagirli'm going to play with them01:09
usr13sambagirl: if so, just do  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop01:09
simo_ni updated it and updated the grub01:09
cornellGood evening all01:09
bazhangsimo_n, so use gparted live cd for the other partition, either for storage, or resize existing01:09
Jak_AtackkaOkay, I am having an extremely frustrating bug. My computer is crashing upwards of 20 times per day, and I suspect it's the video driver01:09
sambagirlwell i have tried pinguyos snowlinux puppy debian commodore os vision (awesome), elive, you name it.01:10
sambagirlmandrake all kinds01:10
Jak_AtackkaI'm using Intel HD Graphics 400001:10
sambagirlslackware i'm experienced01:10
simo_nbazhang i want to verify before to delete the old parttion , how i can plz ?01:10
usr13Jak_Atackka: Tell me more.01:10
bazhangsimo_n, verify the new wubi move?01:10
Jak_Atackkausr13: Well, that's about it. It frequently freezes. It crashes not just the video, but the entire computer as well, as indicated by the complete lack of RAM activity once the video freezes01:11
simo_nverify if everything is alright and ubuntu is loadiing from the new partitions01:11
bazhangsimo_n, boot into it01:11
simo_nim in it now01:11
usr13Jak_Atackka: memtest01:11
Jak_Atackkausr13: Already have. Came back spotless01:11
cornellI've a laptop with Ubuntu 12.4 on it.  I'm looking to use XFCE instead of Unity(?).  Found a site that says to apt-get update/apt-get install xfce4.  Then it says "log out and change your session to XFCE".  I've logged out and back in... but I don't see how to change my session.  Any help?01:11
bazhangsimo_n, so what did you need to test exactly01:12
simo_nany command to see the whole things ?01:12
Jak_Atackkausr13: I'm running Intel HD Graphics 4000 (which is integrated into the processor), if that helps01:12
simo_npartitions in which is ubntu residing01:12
usr13Jak_Atackka: Most total system lockups are due to bad RAM.01:12
bazhangsimo_n, the command sudo fdisk -l01:12
ox1deone thing I would like to express to the ubuntu programmers is that ubuntu should include better music visualizer software01:12
usr13Jak_Atackka: Try another video card.01:13
Jak_Atackkausr13: I'm dual-booting Windows 7, and I have zero freezeups01:13
ox1devisualizers are my favorite software so please make the upgrade01:13
bazhangox1de, suggest it on brainstorm01:13
Jak_Atackkausr13: I don't have any other video cards01:13
ox1deis that a channel?01:13
bazhang!brainstorm | ox1de01:13
ubottuox1de: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!01:13
usr13Jak_Atackka: buy one01:13
sambagirlcan you install multiple desktop managers and then choose which one you want to at any given time ?01:13
Jak_Atackkausr13: No s***.01:13
bazhangsambagirl, of course01:13
simo_nbazhang may i post the results here ?01:13
Jak_Atackkausr13: I have no money, and won't for many months. Buying a video card isn't an option01:13
cornellHow bazhang?01:13
usr13Jak_Atackka: I've got a neighbor that has a whole box full.  I should give you his phone number ;)01:14
dr_willissambagirl:  yes. thats a rather trivial thing. ;)01:14
bazhangsimo_n, at paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url01:14
Jak_Atackkausr13: I live in the middle of the wilderness.01:14
bazhangcornell, the different DE/wm?01:14
usr13Jak_Atackka: I'm in a rural area too.  (My friend gets his hardware from a salvage yard.)01:15
simo_nservice not loainf01:15
cornellI'm trying to use XFCE on my Ubuntu 12.  I've installed, but don't know how to switch to it, bazhang01:15
sambagirli would not consider it trivial at all. that should be an option that new users "not me ofcourse" but new people unexperienced with unix/linux would have as an installation option and there should be a sample during installation that they can experience to better make a initial decision.01:15
Jak_Atackkausr13: No salvage yards within 50 miles01:15
bazhangusr13, lets rule out buy new hardware as a support advice please01:16
usr13Jak_Atackka: ebay01:16
bazhangusr13, please01:16
Jak_Atackkausrr13: What bazhang said01:16
usr13bazhang: Ok.  Your turn.01:16
usr13Jak_Atackka: bizhang is taking over.  Thank you bizhang.01:17
bazhang!behelpful | usr1301:17
ubottuusr13: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.01:17
Jak_AtackkaWell, then. bazhang, I'm getting frequent system freezes, and I'm certain that it's my video card01:17
bazhangcornell, at the login window01:17
usr13bazhang: I know the guidelines.01:18
Jak_Atackkabazhang, well, 99% certain01:18
bazhangJak_Atackka, what card and what driver01:18
Jak_Atackkabazhang, Intel HD Graphics 4000, and whatever driver came bundled with the OS01:18
simo_nbazhang paste.ubuntu.com dooesnt load, need a reboot maybe :)01:18
bazhangJak_Atackka, does additional drivers offer any?01:19
sambagirleverytime i try to install looking glass core it cant locate it01:19
Jak_Atackkabazhang, there are no additional drivers. Driver support for the Intel HD 4000 is very sparse01:19
bazhangsambagirl, install from where01:19
Jak_AtackkaAh crap, I have to go01:20
sambagirlyour right i forgot to add the list01:20
bazhangsambagirl, the repo?01:20
marshallhey ubuntu01:20
cornellAh, thanks bazhang.  I'd looked about before, didn't find it.  Right (or was it left) clicking on the icon in the upper right of the box with my userid and password request gets me the list.01:20
cornellJust to confirm my understanding... XFCE and Gnome are GUI systems, window managers(?).  The underlying filesystem, installed software, etc. remains and is available (easy or difficult) from either.  Correct?01:22
bazhangcornell, DE (desktop environments)01:22
marshalli would like to ssh into my server without having to type my password, but I've added my id_rsa.pub to my account's authorized keys on the server and I still have to type my password. why?01:22
Daekdroomcornell, they are desktop environments, and yes, the underlying filesystem and software is available from either.01:23
sambagirlenlightenment has no installation candidate...01:23
bazhangsambagirl, e17?01:23
Daekdroomsambagirl, e16 or e1701:23
cornellThank you bazhang and Daekdroom.  XFCE doesn't wake up that pretty... but it makes sense... it's got menus !01:23
sambagirlnnot sure i am going to try e1701:24
bazhang!info e17 | sambagirl01:24
ubottusambagirl: e17 (source: e17): The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.999.55225-1build1 (precise), package size 2781 kB, installed size 7860 kB01:24
sambagirli cant load sun's looking glass it cant befound anymore01:24
sambagirlahh ok01:24
sambagirlhow can i get to gnome 2?01:24
cornellMay I ask for enlightenment...  What's the difference between a desktop environment and window manager?01:24
hashemsambagirl, check out mate01:24
dr_willisGnome fallback mode is avail in the newest releases.. gnom,e2 is basically dead01:25
hashemcornell, window manager deals with the layout of application windows on the screen01:25
dr_williscornell:  a window maanger is a specific part of a desktop.01:25
simo_ni think the past server is down01:25
cornellk, that makes sense, thanks hashem and dr_willis01:25
sambagirlthere are so many different managers i'm taking my time.01:25
hashemcornell, desktop environment often includes a window manager, but also includes commonly used applications, a common visual theme, etc01:25
dr_willisdesktop = a window manager + iconmanager/launcher + file manager (normally)01:25
zykotick9cornell: DEs all have/use WMs ;)  DEs are just additional/bloat stuff.01:25
bazhang!notunity | sambagirl please have a read01:25
ubottusambagirl please have a read: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:25
bazhangsambagirl, install gnome-panel01:26
hashemcornell, what's BBIAB?01:26
cornellBe Back In A Bit01:26
bazhanghashem, back in a bit01:26
dr_willissambagirl:  what used to be the defacto site for window managers/desktops ->  http://xwinman.org/01:26
dr_willissome VERY old ones listed there. ;)01:26
simo_nbazhang i tried sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit 5 minutes ago and still waiting01:27
hashemdr_willis, is that site not updated anymore?01:27
dr_willishashem:  no idea.01:27
bazhangsimo_n, did you install pastebinit ?01:27
dr_willisCopyright ©1995-2012 to Matt Chapman - All Rights Reserved01:27
dr_willis been updated with the copyright at least. ;)01:27
bazhangsimo_n, then just go directly to paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there01:28
simo_ni tried01:28
simo_nnot loading01:28
hashemI like the arch wiki site on window managers https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Window_Manager01:28
simo_nplz check from ur side01:28
dr_willis!find ude01:28
ubottuFound: aptitude, aptitude-dbg, aptitude-doc-en, hardening-includes, python-pyudev, aptitude-doc-cs, aptitude-doc-es, aptitude-doc-fi, aptitude-doc-fr, aptitude-doc-ja (and 42 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ude&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all01:28
dr_williswhats scary - i rember trying out most of these old window managers in the past. ;)01:29
bazhanghttp://pastebin.com/   try there simo_n01:29
dr_willisnight all01:29
zykotick9dr_willis: did you see the retro-news that CDE was opensourced recently?  to little/to late ;)01:29
wellwhy_Can anybody help with a Gnome Shell problem?01:29
bazhangwellwhy_, whats the issue01:30
wellwhy_Well, I am unable to apply a theme to my gnome shell, to be very simple.01:30
simo_nbazhang http://pastebin.com/NLka8HSM01:30
astropirateI installed xmonad and then restarted. but now I am not able to log into my user account... with any DM.  I am on my guest account right now with Unity. I am running ubuntu 12.04. any advice?01:31
eamonhow do I install the latest gcc?01:31
bazhangeamon, why do you need it01:31
sambagirlwell i must apologize. i am very very pleased with the new ubuntu :D. it was painless to change back to the classic gnome2 interface and functionality salut!01:33
wellwhy_bazhang, I am unable to apply a theme to my Gnome shell using Gnome Tweak Tool01:33
wellwhy_I have User Theme Extensions downloaded and turned on, and sometimes it wont run. I also have the theme section greyed out for any work to be done01:34
bazhangwellwhy_, got a link for the theme?01:34
wellwhy_Sure do01:34
eamonbazhang, to compile computer pragrams01:34
bazhangeamon, Yes I know. why do you need the LATEST01:34
wellwhy_is the theme01:35
Noobuntuwellwhy_: i have replied to you how to install user themes01:37
eamonbazhang: because the older versions won't do01:37
astropirateI am loged into the guest account. how can i  su  into my normal account to fix login issues?01:37
wellwhy_Alright I will check it01:37
bazhangeamon, why is that01:37
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wellwhy_I havent gotten it, it was sent by email correct?01:37
Noobuntui have send a private message on ur other account "wellwhy" without the underscore01:37
Guest48370Does Lightread have a version out for 12.10B1?01:38
wellwhy_ah this underscore was not meant to be here01:38
wellwhy_one second ill relog01:38
bazhangGuest48370, 12.10 support in #ubuntu+101:38
simo_nbazhang http://pastebin.com/NLka8HSM01:38
wellwhy_It seems I cant remove this underscore01:39
wellwhy_send the message to this one instead01:39
Noobunturun this command in terminal sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gnome301:40
astropirateI installed xmonad and then restarted. Now i can't log inot my user account. I'm loged in as guest. How can i fix this?01:40
Noobuntuinstall synaptic package manager01:40
Noobuntufrom synaptic install gnome-shell-extensions and gnome-shell-extensions-common01:41
Noobuntuthen install user themes from extensions.gnome.org01:41
zykotick9astropirate: have you user use sudo with a gui program by chance?01:41
Noobuntuyou should be then able to customize user themes01:41
Noobuntuworked for me01:41
wellwhy_I have done all of that already but it still has the theme greyed out01:41
wellwhy_are you using ubuntu 12.04?01:41
eamonbazhang: because they have regressions which affect my work and a lack of standards complience01:42
zykotick9astropirate: s/have you user/have you ever/01:42
Noobuntucheck the packages from within synaptic - you may have some conflicts01:42
xrfangI am using siege to do some load testing and got "cannot allocate address" (too many socket in TIME_WAIT) error while test against a simple hello world server written in Go, but the same error does not occure while test against nginx+phpfpm, I wonder why is this?01:42
astropiratezykotick9, have I ever used sudo with a gui program?  sure01:42
astropiratebut not since installing xmonad01:42
wellwhy_I cant tell what was a command and what wasnt noobuntu01:43
zykotick9astropirate: literally sudo?  using sudo with GUI programs can break your account (so you can't login) - ALWAYS use gksudo for GUI apps.01:43
Noobuntucommand: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gnome3"01:43
astropiratezykotick9, ohh wow didn't know that01:43
Noobuntucommand: "sudo apt-get update"01:43
astropiratehow can i fix this?01:43
zykotick9!gksudo | astropirate01:43
ubottuastropirate: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:43
astropiratezykotick9, what do I do to fix this?01:44
Noobuntuinstall synaptic package manager from ubuntu software center01:44
zykotick9astropirate: no idea01:44
astropirate:( :( :(01:44
zykotick9astropirate: it might not be related...01:44
eamondoes anyone khow to install the latest gcc?01:44
simo_ni have installed by mistake some application for launchpad, how to remove it please : Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mj-casalogic/bumblebee/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found01:44
bazhangeamon, dont crosspost01:44
astropiratezykotick9, i really don't think it is in this case.01:45
Noobuntuneed to go now01:45
wellwhy_Alright what do I install in Synaptic Package Manager01:45
astropiratezykotick9, is there a way that i can su  into my regular account?01:45
astropiratefrom te guest account01:45
eamonbazhang: don't tell me what not to do.01:45
zykotick9astropirate: no idea.  i've never seen a guest account on a linux box before (i know ubuntu has had one for a while, i've just never seen/used it before)01:46
astropiratefirst time i've used it too01:46
simo_n  i deleted the guest account and  im unable now to lock the station since yesterday01:48
simo_nby creating new guest account, the problem isnt solved01:48
randomDudesimo_n: the guest account is ephemeral. every time you login with "guest" a random use home folder and user is created.01:50
simo_nrandome i never used it, when i deleted it, the lock function isnt working anymore01:51
randomDudesimo_n: point is... not sure how you deleted it. when it deletes itself when you logout of guest.01:51
randomDudesimo_n: the correct way to disable guest login is to edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf01:52
randomDudesimo_n: for future reference : http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session01:52
DeeewayneI installed ubuntu-desktop on 12.04 using 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'.  How can I uninstall ubuntu-desktop ?01:53
simo_nrandom : sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf01:53
simo_nAdd the following line01:53
simo_nits what i did yesterday01:53
randomDudesimo_n: use gksu or gksudo when prefixing ui apps with sudo.01:53
simo_ni didnt deleted but disabled , my mistake sorry01:53
eleazarhey guys, i bought an ssd to move my ubuntu install onto. what's the best way to move my current ubuntu installation to the new hard drive? :\01:54
DeeewayneI guess its apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, right?01:54
sambagirlhow do you initiate compiz in 11.04 with gnome 2 as your manager?01:54
randomDudesimo_n: so you didn't delete anything then ? perhaps you inserted the allow-guest line in the wrong place ?01:55
simo_ni will check01:55
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randomDudeDeeewayne: probably not, ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that describes a list of other packages to install.01:55
sambagirlbefore under appearance you had an additional option for  visual affects01:55
bazhangDeeewayne, thats a metapackage, so no01:55
Deeewayneis there an easy way to remove it?01:56
bazhangDeeewayne, what other DE did you have installed01:56
DeeewayneI think I would prefer to go back to console only since its a server01:56
simo_nrandoom :  gksudo /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf  ?01:57
randomDudeDeeewayne: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2226/what-exactly-is-in-ubuntu-desktop01:57
randomDudesimo_n: gksudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf01:57
simo_noutput : [SeatDefaults]01:58
FloodBot1simo_n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
DeeewaynerandomDude, the UI seems pretty slow on my box w/ 16 GB RAM01:59
cornellCool... the XFCE screen saver is snowflakes ;-)02:00
threepointIs it possible to copy from  a device only visible on lsusb?02:01
simo_nrandom how to use synaptic broken packages repair please ?02:01
cornellBesides the lack of menus, another thing that bugged me about the new DE... it keeps telling me about software that's available for download.  Get a screen with recently used applications, AND software you can download.  Get a screen with your installed applications, AND software you can download.02:02
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cornellInteresting...  I start the Update Manager, there are updates available... I hit install, and they start installing.  No prompt for password.02:04
OerHekscornell correct, unless it is a kernel update02:05
cornellIs that a new Ubuntu behavior, or is it XFCE?02:06
OerHeksnew behaviour indeed02:06
simo_ncornell what about a new install02:07
cornellWhat, simo_n?  I've a new Laptop, with Windows 7, I installed Ubuntu 12 dual boot on it.02:08
simo_ncornell i mean what about installing a frech install of ubuntu02:08
cornellWell... I kind of have a fresh install.  The laptop's new02:09
simo_nnot the laptop :) the os :)02:09
tambuUpgraded to 12.10 and for some reason now ubuntu thinks I have two displays and it's displaying them on top of each other.. (overlayed) Where would these two devices be configured?02:10
cornellThanks OerHeks.  Nice link.  Points out that the lack of challenge is only when updating existing.  It's still needs password for new software.02:10
OerHekscornell correct, or a kernel update02:10
cornellsimo_n: New laptop, new OS. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:12
kingCrawlerxhow much ram?02:12
cornellkingCrawlerx: Me... New laptop reports 5.7 Gig RAM.  500 Gig hard-drive, 50-50 Windows-Ubuntu.02:15
kingCrawlerxi don't get why my ubuntu 12.04 install reports 7.7 gb ram02:16
simo_ncornell what i mean is to reinstall ubuntu02:16
kingCrawlerxi think i have more02:16
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kingCrawlerxnever mind i only have 8 gb ram02:16
OerHekskingCrawlerx, some machines have an onboard GPU, it uses system memory02:16
kingCrawlerxtrue. i was mistaken02:17
kingCrawlerxi thought I had 12 gb ram02:17
kingCrawlerxbut my laptop with ubuntu on it doesn't have that many slots02:17
needhelp1 Hello all, im helping to pull some data for Ubuntu Beta releases and have a very short survey up on google documents found here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFdSTUgzREoyeFZNSWRHSjlXMGYteGc6MQ    Anyone interested please take the survey and feel free to share the link. The results will be published in two weeks to the public domain.02:18
needhelp1any help would be greatly appreciated02:18
OerHeksneedhelp1, support for QQ 12.10 in #ubuntu+1 thanks02:18
OerHeksno polling here please02:18
needhelp1OerHeks, np, thanks for the heads up02:19
simo_noerheks i moved ubuntu install with wubi with bcbc script and instructions, the old partitions still not empty , the move was succeful, what i should do with the old partition ?02:24
zombieROTI have an mp4 video shot from my phone that has a bad frame. I can open it in vlc and the video will freeze at 5:00 but if I scroll past the corrupted frame it plays. I can't fix it with avidemux because it wont let me go past the corrupted part.02:25
OerHekssimo_n, you can delete them, if they are not mounted. if they are, boot from live cd, open gparted and delete those and re-use them..02:26
wilee-nileesimo_n, Wubi just makes a file did you put that in a partition outside the usual C: partition?02:26
OerHeksoh, wubi partition on ntfs?02:27
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simo_nwilee yes i installed wubi in new created partition H with 20 giga, now 10 giga is used in it02:27
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wilee-nileesimo_n, the wubi that you copied the original is just a file remove with add remove in windows or the remove in the file.\02:28
simo_nwont this hurt anything >02:29
wilee-nileesimo_n, If it is a wubi it was running independent of windows except for being a stanza in its boot menu, you remove it through windows to remove that stanza, at least to do it in one step.02:30
simo_nim asking because im a noob, if i delete it and stuck in grub console with errors i wont get out from it02:30
tambuhrm did they move the 2D mode for Unity on 12.10? can't find it on login screen02:31
simo_ni will reboot to win7 and remove it02:31
OerHekstambu yes ubuntu dropped 2D in QQ 12.1002:31
bazhangOerHeks, thats not right02:31
tambuOerHeks: oh dear.. soo if your graphics card is having issues running it.. what your SOL?02:32
wilee-nileesimo_n, You  have the original and the copy to a partition as I understand this.  You also made the original and put it in a partition outside of the windows OS right.02:32
bazhangtambu, 12.10 support in #ubuntu+102:32
naturewhat is good download tool?02:33
cornellOh, simo_not here any longer?02:35
Stanley00!good | nature02:35
ubottunature: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:35
bazhangnature, to download what02:36
bazhangnature, move? whats that02:37
simo_neverything allright :) thanks wilee, i installed by mistake a launchpade thing, how i can remove it, i see its error when i make software update02:40
bazhangsimo_n, either in synaptic package manager, or by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list directly02:41
simo_nan example02:41
simo_nFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mj-casalogic/bumblebee/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found02:41
simo_nopen synaptic and look for bumblebee in the search ?02:42
cornellHi simo_n... I understand that you're suggesting I install Ubuntu.  I'm trying to express that I've just installed Ubuntu, hence re-installing would be moot. at this time.02:42
bazhangsimo_n, look in software sources, or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and place a # in fron t of the offending line(s)02:42
simo_nthis will not uninstall this bumblee but only stop it from gettinng updated02:43
wilee-nileesimo_n, here is an explanation of the ways of removing a ppa including a purge that removes added packages that came with the original ppa install.   http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/how-to-use-launchpad-ppa-add-remove.html02:44
OzdemonHow can I find the cpu multiplier in an amd system? I have tried cat /proc/cpuinfo, but that doesn't give me the info AFAIK.02:45
bazhangsimo_n, so install ppa-purge02:46
bazhang!ppa-purge | simo_n02:46
ubottusimo_n: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:46
h22turboOzdemon: the bios?02:46
Noobuntusudo apt-get purge?02:46
simo_ni have a pc not a launchpad ...sorry if ii dont understand u02:47
Ozdemonheeturbo, do you mean look in the bios rather than thru the terminal? I thought there might be some cmd or app like cpu-z for windoze.02:48
bazhangsimo_n, read the link above02:48
dsnydersThunderbird has a long way to go in managing group email lists.  Is there an email program better suited to group management?02:50
pr0metheu5Hey guys. I can't decrease my brightness more than one step in Ubuntu. I'm on a Samsung laptop, and it's 64 bit.02:51
pr0metheu5Using the FN keys, that is.02:51
pr0metheu5Increasing/decreasing sound works perfectly fine. It's just the brightness, only goes up or down one step.02:51
tonsofpcspr0metheu5: try increasing it like 20 presses then decreasing 20 presses...02:52
dsnyderspr0metheu5, can't help, but hopefully that one step doesn't bring you from full-on to full-off.02:52
tonsofpcsI know on initial load on one of my machines it needed to be 'shown' the scale02:52
Stanley00pr0metheu5: did you try add acpi_backlight=vendor to your kernel when booting?02:53
pr0metheu5No, it's not full on or off. It's either full brightness, or slightly less brightness.02:53
pr0metheu5No, Stanley0002:53
pr0metheu5tonsofpcs: doesn't do anything.02:53
OzdemonOkay, I will look in the bios tks. Bye02:53
Stanley00pr0metheu5: well, you should try it02:53
pr0metheu5I can adjust brightness fine using the GUI.02:53
pr0metheu5Stanley00: how do I do it?02:53
Stanley00pr0metheu5: wait a min, I need some search :D02:54
pr0metheu5Stanley00: ok, thank you.02:54
pr0metheu5it's a bug in the recent kernel, isn't it? >_<02:54
pr0metheu5also, having a samsung laptop does not help at all.02:54
dsnyderspr0metheu5, are you holding it down or repeatedly pressing it?02:55
pr0metheu5dsnyders: tried both02:55
Stanley00pr0metheu5: this link should help http://askubuntu.com/questions/128463/brightness-controls-dont-work-on-an-acer-4741g02:55
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pr0metheu5Thing is, I haven't actually even installed Ubuntu yet. I tried to see if the FN keys worked fine in Ubuntu first, and then Fedora second. The problem exists in both distros, which leads me to believe it's the kernal.02:56
extropypr0metheu5: see xev, xbindkeys, xdotool, and "eject cdrom"02:58
Stanley00pr0metheu5: so, you can set that manually when boot up, on ubuntu, press F6 will bring you a line to edit, add "acpi_..." at the end off that line02:58
pr0metheu5"acpi_osi=samsung" right?02:59
pr0metheu5no, just acpi_osi=02:59
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Stanley00pr0metheu5: "acpi_backlight=vendor" is more general03:00
pr0metheu5yes, so I see03:00
pr0metheu5I just have to add it to /etc/default/grub03:01
pr0metheu5and then upgrade grub and restart03:01
XiaolinDraconissome help please? askubuntu.com/questions/186730/chromium-quicklist-profiles-not-working-any-ideas03:01
bazhangXiaolinDraconis, no need to repost so quickly03:02
XiaolinDraconisrealized i had been posting the link without letting anyone know i needed help03:03
pr0metheu5thanks for all the help, guys, you people are saints.03:03
simo_nbazhang can you please repost me that link, lost it when rebooted, i though loging is enabled03:03
pr0metheu5peace. \/03:03
bazhang!ppa-purge | simo_n this one?03:04
ubottusimo_n this one?: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:04
simo_ni installed ppa-purge from soft centre then its launched , still the error when generating the cache in the update manager03:05
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simo_n<bazhang>  there is no link containing launchpad or ppa in softs list03:09
njrHi, I have a 11.10 live cd, How do I boot into the curses installer (the X-based on isnt working)03:10
bazhangsimo_n, in which directory03:10
bazhangnjr, the alternate one you mean?03:11
bazhang!alternate | njr this one?03:11
ubottunjr this one?: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal03:11
bazhangsimo_n, what about sources.list.d03:11
simo_ngksudo  too ?03:11
bazhangsimo_n, sure03:11
njrbazhang: is it possible to use the alternate installer from the live cd ? I have command line access though the virtual terminals03:12
pr0metheu5Stanley00: I just booted ubuntu live and changed the boot options to add "acpi_backlight=vendor" after splash --03:12
simo_nnothing happen  sudo gksudo sources.list.d03:13
pr0metheu5I added that bit and just pressed enter, and it booted up. But nothing changed..03:13
bazhangnjr, not to my knowledge; did you check the login screen options?03:13
bazhangsimo_n, gksudo gedit03:13
bazhangsimo_n, you need a text editor03:13
simo_nbazhang can you recommend a good one plz03:15
bazhangsimo_n, I just told you: gksudo gedit03:15
bazhangsimo_n, gedit is the text editor03:16
Stanley00pr0metheu5: oh, after the "--", I'm not sure but maybe it have to be put before the "--" and maybe you should add "acpi=linux acpi_backlight=vendor"03:16
simo_nits gave me a blank  page  gksudo gedit sources.list.d03:16
bazhangsimo_n, you are not using the correct path03:16
simo_ni will redo the link above another time03:17
cornell(Ta-Ta For Now)03:18
crimsonmaneif you want to edit your software sources, you can do it from the software manager (mano is it called now?)03:19
bazhangcrimsonmane, you maybe thinking of muon with kde403:19
simo_nsudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa   , i dont know the exact name of thiis ppa and its location ...03:19
crimsonmaneoh you're right. regardless every distro you can do software sources from the software manager or equiv.03:20
bazhangcrimsonmane, this is gnome we are discussing, so he wont have that03:20
zymasterHey just curious anyone know a good way to transfer all software and files to a new computer? I am going to get a new computer and don't feel like installing all m y old software old over again even if I get to keep my home folder03:20
zymasterall over again*03:20
digitaljedihey guys03:21
crimsonmanezymaster: there's a backup program... open your Dash and type "back" and it should appear03:21
simo_nzynet connect them  ( wifi network for example) and transfer them between the 2 pc03:21
zymastercrimsonmane thanks, also I am going to be dula booting windows 8 and ubuntu on this machine so this won't erase my windows 8 stuff and other partitions will it? Just so that I don't get screemed at with insults I would like to clarify I do not like windows but I need it to run software that doesnt work in wine.03:22
crimsonmanezymaster: why would performing a backup cause things to disappear?03:23
client_aliveI need to run unison file synchronizer on a file owned by root. My ssh is configured to allow root login so using ssh manually I can sudo or su and do whatever I need to with scp (one time) but now I need to know how to set up unison so it can handle that file and not have any problems. Does anyone know how I would go about this?03:23
zymasterDidn't know if restoring from backup would restore the entire computer and not just the partition ubuntu is running on03:24
crimsonmaneuse the same app to restore... and you've nothing to worry about.03:24
crimsonmaneit only backs up what you tell it to. your home folder and custom installed programs03:24
zymasterok thanks crimsonmane love this channel such fast useful support and help for free.03:25
crimsonmanei think it's called Nepomuk?03:25
zymasterthe one installed with ubuntu looks like its called deja-dup but not 100% sure03:26
crimsonmaneyeah same thing03:26
zymasterok good I will use that when I get my new computer thanks for the help03:26
njrbazhang: manage to get it working on the low graphics mode, thanks03:28
daanishubuntu installer isn't giving me an option to "install alongside windows" what gives?03:29
daanishit's only either "replace," or "something else."03:30
crimsonmane"something else"03:30
daanishI haven't ever done this manually before, that's why I'm skeptic.03:30
daanishFor instance, where does the bootloader go?03:30
crimsonmaneyou're not skeptic. you're afraid. bootloader will overwrite windows bootloader, but it's supposed to go in the same spot i think.03:30
daanishWell, yeah, I am scared.03:31
daanishI thought so too, but does it?03:31
jinjonBoodaanish: i would reccomend making 2 partitions: one for Win, one for ubuntu. install Win on 1rst partition, then install ubuntu on 2nd partition. he makes everything for you, i guess03:31
crimsonmaneyes and it "should" automagically put the windows boot option there.03:31
daanishNope. It puts /dev/sdb automatically there, which I can only make out to be the flashdrive I'm using to install it.03:32
jinjonBooincluding the bootloader, which overwrites the windows one03:32
jinjonBooi would definately NOT reccomend installing windows AFTER ubuntu, cuz they mess all the boot03:32
jinjonBoo*they - meaning Microsoft03:32
daanishNot doing that at all03:32
jinjonBooI know, it's just a bonus info :P03:33
daanishSo, location for boot loader installation, should I just pick "sda 1 - Windows 7 (Loader)"03:33
wilee-nileedaanish, Do you have the windows backed up, a clone?03:33
loadid_not sda1, just /dev/sda03:33
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wilee-nileedaanish, you need to have that or at the least a way to reload or install in case you need to.03:34
jinjonBoodaanish: i'm really not sure, you should ask someone else, sorry. i'm just a newbie :)03:34
simo_nthanks all :)03:34
daanishwilee-nilee: I have windows install media ready, so that's not 'much' of an issue.03:35
daanishSo, the boot loader is supposed to go to the root of the hard drive. "/dev/sda" then, right?03:35
wilee-nileedaanish, Cool you need to be aware of the types of partitions and the limit to the amount allowed on a single HD.03:35
daanishtypes, as in swap, boot, recovery, etc?03:36
wilee-nileedaaaan, primary only 4 allowed or up to 3 primaries with a extended holding logicals for the ubuntu install.03:37
sfearsyes daanish, boot loader to root of hard drive03:37
wilee-nileedaanish, ^^^^03:38
daanishThanks, you guys.03:38
daanishwilee-nilee: I plan on reading more about hard disk partitions and how memory is used in linux sometime.03:39
daanishaah, what about swap area?03:39
wilee-nileedaanish, Cool my only concern here is that you do not exceed the partitions allowed and make your HD dynamic03:39
daanishI plan on installing it on /dev/sda4.. so file system should be ext4, right?03:40
daanishbut what should the mount point to it be?03:40
SolarAquarionCan someone help me with my problem http://privatepaste.com/76ec175a6903:41
SolarAquarionOpera will not install03:41
daanishOh, so wherever it's being installed should be mounted to "/"03:45
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Noobuntudaanish: its generally a good idea to have mount /, /usr, /home and /swap on separate partitions03:46
wilee-nileedaanish, you in the something other option?03:46
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Noobuntubut since you are just starting out, just mount / on /dev/sda403:47
Noobuntudo you have a separate partition identified for swap?03:47
daanishNoobuntu, I was planning on working on the swap after figuring out what the main partition mounts to03:48
daanishI'm not making seperate partitions for each /home, etc, because I'm trying to dual boot (and yes, because I'm just starting out with this.)03:48
Noobuntuok -- how much is ur RAM?03:48
daanishRule of thumb, swap = ram x 203:48
himanshu_linuxHi, i want to know about the portioning of hard disk . And about, what can delete my files ?03:48
Noobuntualright - so your swap shouuld be atelast 4 GB in size03:48
daanishnot twice that of ram, the same?03:48
Noobuntuno - ram x 2 would be overkill - it will hardly be used03:49
Noobuntujust use the same size as that of RAM if you are  planning to use hibernate03:49
daanishThanks, Noobuntu03:49
Noobuntuyou are welcome03:49
daanishQuick question, you think 68GB is enough for an ubuntu install?03:50
Noobuntuthat would depend on how you plan to use it03:51
daanishBah humbug.. I can never remember if I ran out of space on my last escapade with linux.03:51
Noobuntuif you are asking only about the operating system space requirements then 68GB is of course more than enough03:51
ClientAlivehow do I change the umask in ubuntu 12.04? It isn't through /etc/profile anymore as that file says something about a pam_umask. I know nothing about pam modules. What do I actually do to changet the umask?03:51
daanishNoobuntu, I'm just worried because of all the constant updates?03:52
Noobuntu68 GB would be enough03:52
daanishAnd I'm dual booting, so most of the media and other trash would be in a third ntfs partition..03:52
Noobuntuas I said - for the system files and basic applications 68 GB is quite sufficient03:53
Noobuntuthe rest depends on what u plan to dump in03:53
daanishWhat are the significant advantages of having /home on a seperate partition?03:53
Sokeldaanish: If you trash the other partitions, you can recover your stuff.03:54
Noobuntuif you have to wipe out ur OS sometime later - and it happens many times when we accidentally break something for good03:54
Noobuntuu will lose ur user customizations and stuff03:54
daanishGood point. How much space should be designated for that? I had to buy a new HD a few months ago, I knew I should've gotten something bigger than 320 GB ...03:54
himanshu_linuxhi help me with hard disk partition ? i want to know about it .03:54
Noobuntuon the other hand if u have a separate /home partition u can just reinstall afresh and mount the same partition as /home03:55
Sokeldaanish: If you have a LOT of data, give it a good size.03:55
daanishhimanshu_linux: I'm here for the same reason. This helped me quite a bit: http://imgur.com/a/rw1r2#003:55
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer and screen corruptionevery cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean install('nomodeset' fixes this but then compiz is unworkable)?03:55
Noobuntudepends on how u plan to use it daanish03:55
SokelClientAlive: If you want to change it, it HAS to be in /etc/profile.03:55
Noobuntuset around 20GB aside for OS and other basic apps03:55
Noobunturest is upto u03:55
daanishThanks a lot, you guys!03:57
himanshu_linuxdaanish : i want to know how much partition i can do ?03:58
daanishAs many as you want, I suppose? Will it be just Linux, or dual boot between windows and linux?03:58
adieI am having an issue with my gpu :(03:58
adiewith the open source drivers, unity 3d fails to start up properly and freezes on boot03:58
adiewith the official drivers from AMD, all my 3d games flicker black03:59
adieand perform poorly :|03:59
himanshu_linuxdaanish : ok .. what can lose the data ?03:59
daanishhimanshu_linux: Formatting a drive, or making any linux based changes to it will most probably format it and make you lose date.04:00
c_smithHi, I'm trying to connect to a media server on my network that is use UPnP, and have tried Banshee, Rhythmbox and Amarok all unsuccessfully, what can I do to make this work?04:03
c_smithI'm even willing to try another media player at this point.04:03
adiec_smith, have you tried grilo for rhythmbox?04:04
silverarrowdoes anyone know which filesystem is default for ubuntu i386 and powerpc?04:04
c_smithadie, will try that in a second, gotta install (had uninstalled it for space reasons)04:04
silverarrowI used the regular installer04:04
wilee-nileesilverarrow, ext404:04
adiec_smith, do keep in mind you will need to update rhythmbox, I think04:05
adie2.97 rather than 2.96 which comes with ubuntu04:05
c_smithadie, not a prob, as I'm installing it fresh from the repos04:05
silverarrowwilee-nilee, there is no reason to expect file fragmentation or weirness?04:05
c_smithadie, I see.04:06
wilee-nileesilverarrow, Fragmentation would be unusual what is the problem?04:06
adieI can't help you with it specificly, but that's what I walked my friend through, and grilo for rhythmbox worked for him04:06
SupaDupaJenkinso--o o-o o-o o o o o o--o O o-o o-o o o o-o o-O-o o04:07
SupaDupaJenkins| | o o o o |\ /| | | | / \ | \ | | | o o | |04:07
SupaDupaJenkinsO--o | | | | | O | O--O O-o o---o| O o-o O--O | | | o04:07
SupaDupaJenkins| | o o o o | | | | | | || / | | | o o |04:07
SupaDupaJenkinso--o o-o o-o o o o o o--o o oo-o o--o o o o-o o O04:07
FloodBot1SupaDupaJenkins: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
silverarrowwilee-nilee, it`s  just I get told there are major fragmentation problems with linux, and ext3, and horrid hardware graphics support04:07
SupaDupaJenkinso--o o-o o-o o o o o o--o O o-o o-o o o o-o o-O-o o04:08
SupaDupaJenkinso--o o-o o-o o o o o o--o O o-o o-o o o o-o o-O-o o04:08
SupaDupaJenkinso--o o-o o-o o o o o o--o O o-o o-o o o o-o o-O-o o04:08
FloodBot1SupaDupaJenkins: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:08
silverarrowam I in?04:11
silverarrowcan someone read me?04:11
* wilee-nilee loves the ignore04:11
silverarrowsomething happened, major flooding04:11
silverarrowthere is an ignore fuction in xchat, but I cant make it work04:12
silverarrowwilee-nilee, and btrfs is sort not yet usable04:12
wilee-nileeI use /ignore "user" all04:12
wilee-nileesilverarrow, So I hear but it is not claimed to be, not many use it those that do should be using it.04:13
silverarrowat least makes for a nice converasation with ones self?04:13
redwarriors25how can i edit ip address in ubuntu04:13
Calinouyou can't change your external IP using anything other than router restarts - if you have a dynamic ip, shut down your router, wait then restart it04:15
adieredwarriors25, you can change your local IP in the network settings04:15
Calinouinternal IPs is similar: it depends on your DHCP settings on your router04:15
adieI always manually set mine because I am lazy :/04:15
redwarriors25the localhost network is ok but in accessing website like google cant04:15
TJ-How does one copy a file-system from a DVD that is smaller than the DVD itself (a CD-ROM image burned to it) ? I've tried dd and readom but both will read to the end of the device (4.7GB) obviously. The file-system on the DVD is about 650MB.04:16
_Brianwin 304:16
ClientAliveI'm getting permission denied errors trying to run unison on a file in /etc (good grief) - what to do?04:17
silverarrowlinux and drivers is not a lost case?04:18
TJ-ClientAlive: Many files in /etc/ can only be accessed by 'root' user (or using 'sudo' to gain elevated privileges for a sudoers user)04:18
silverarrowgraphic drivers I mean *04:18
King_SnootyHas Steam been released for Linux yet?04:19
c_smithKing_Snooty, no04:19
Phiscribehe means that your lazy for not typing steam linux in google04:20
c_smithKing_Snooty, but it's in beta04:20
King_Snootydern :'(04:20
King_Snootycan someone get me in beta?04:20
c_smithKing_Snooty, not I,04:20
Phiscribesure mail me 100 bucks04:20
ClientAliveTj: Yes, and I wanted to keep it owned by root but using unison on that was too daunting. I did a sudo chown uname:uname to it then ran unison on it again. Still, permission denied and the operation does not succeed.04:21
c_smithKing_Snooty, do a google on Steam Linux and go to their blog they have set up for it, has all you would need to know there.04:21
ClientAliveSo I'm totally stumped man. Ideally, I'd like unison to operate on a handful of root owned files but dont' know how to set that up.04:21
TJ-ClientAlive: it's not just ownership... check the file permissions on the file too. It depends which user the unison process is running as04:21
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
ClientAliveohhh. Well that file is -rw-rw---  uname:uname (where uname is my user name with admin privs)04:22
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MrWubbles/ _ )/ __ \/ __ \/ |/ / / // / __/ _04:23
MrWubbles/ _ )/ __ \/ __ \/ |/ / / // / __/ _04:23
FloodBot1MrWubbles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
ClientAliveTj: what would I do to get unison able to operate on root owned files? Add it to some group or something?04:23
TJ-ClientAlive: how about at the other end? Does uname:uname have *write* permissions to the directory it's writing the file to?04:23
blackshirthello, is it possible to limit samba just allowed some type of files ?04:24
TJ-ClientAlive: Usually, /etc/ is Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)04:24
ClientAliveIn fact I don't have write perms for /etc. Thing is, I don't have much desire to go screwing around opening up security holes in my system. I wish there was a good secure way to let this app do what it needs to (regardless of perms).04:26
ClientAliveregardless of ownership too04:26
blackshirtClientAlive, what you need exactly ?04:26
TJ-ClientAlive: What's wrong with using rsync?04:26
blackshirtthat was normal04:26
ClientAliveTj: well I like what I see with unison. I'd like to take it for a spin  :)04:27
TJ-ClientAlive: You could always read the original files using sudo ... and pipe them to a non-privileged process for writing at the backup destination04:27
ClientAliveTj: Isn't there a way I could make it so unison can sudo? But then how would I get it to actually use sudo when needed? And, somehow, that seems like a really bad idea - security wise. No?04:31
=== chamunks is now known as AFKMunks
CalinouKing_Snooty, you can use wine to use steam on linux, although it may not work all the time04:32
TJ-You don't always need elevated privileges to *read* files in /etc/ (check the individual directories and files ) but you do need them to *write* to /etc/04:32
* Calinou braces himself - prepares for troll replies04:32
King_SnootyI am much excited for a native client.04:32
blackshirthello, is it possible to limit samba just allowed some type of files ?04:32
ClientAlivewhy can't I make it so unison operates as root (like it's part of the system where it can do anything) but then make it so unison can not be accessed/ used/ even tourched without root permission (sudo or su). So in order to run unison now you have to have the ability to sudo or su. ??04:34
ClientAliveWhy not that? Seems like the perfect scenario to me...04:35
TJ-ClientAlive: You can, I would think. If operating as root then the profiles would go in the root user's home directory so only that user can access them04:35
ClientAliveTj: Hmm, sounds like a lot of work?04:36
TJ-ClientAlive: 2 minutes?04:36
TJ-Well I assume you've mastered how to define unison profiles by now... I've seen you asking questions about it for several days!04:37
ClientAlivenot exactly  :s04:37
XiaolinDraconissooo any solution to choppy flash? i checked the questions and searched google, it gives me a very diverse array of solutions, really dont wanna take a shot in the dark with this. seems like everytime i do that something breaks even worse04:37
TJ-ClientAlive: 'root' is just another user, with it's own home directory just like everyone else. It's just it lives at /root/    not in /home/04:37
TJ-ClientAlive: So I'd think that if unison keeps its profiles/configs in the ~/.unison/ directory, you'd put them in /root/.unison/ and then just ensure for those profiles you do sudo unison...04:38
ClientAliveyeah but unison expects profiles to be in ~/.unison (for one thing) Then theres how to make that program have run with root privs, then there's how to restrict using the program unless you have root privs.04:38
XiaolinDraconiscurrently watching youtube and it isnt choppy, but i was just watching tubeplus tv show and it was slightly choppy, now im playing a game on kongregate and its a little more choppy04:39
ClientAliveI think that to make it run with root privs I would add it to some group (some existing group) but what about changing where unison expects to find it's .prf files and about restricting running it?04:40
TJ-ClientAlive: "~" expands to the current user's home directory. If the current user is root (as is the case when using sudo) then "~" is /root/04:40
yuioi'm a newbie . I try to install ubuntu on my PC using pendrive .Problem is " i can startup my ubuntu 12.04 32bit without my pendrive " .if i don't use my pendrive on startup , it show me a blank screen .Help me !04:40
ClientAliveTj: no shit! hmm...04:40
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:41
jordyubuntu br04:41
ClientAlivewell what makes stuff run as root? Is there a root group or something?04:41
jordysala brasileira do ubuntu ?04:42
shockingbehavurI have a firefox issue ever since i had the upgrade in lucid(which now i'm using precise) the addon manager always fails to complete operation it doesn't show anything just stalls on addons.cdn.mozilla.net...is there anyway through this disaster04:42
yuioTJ-:  please help me04:42
TJ-ClientAlive: Any user allowed by /etc/sudoers rules may be allowed to; the user usually belongs to the admin or adm groups fro that04:42
XiaolinDraconisit is /join #ubuntubr04:42
XiaolinDraconisim thinking yuio04:43
yuioi'm a newbie . I try to install ubuntu on my PC using pendrive .Problem is " i can not  startup my ubuntu 12.04 32bit without my pendrive " .if i don't use my pendrive on startup , it show me a blank screen .Help me !04:43
ClientAliveTj: yeah but in practice they have to type "sudo" on the command line then enter a password. I don't think unison can do that.04:43
yuioops ! sorry04:43
XiaolinDraconisyuio, i know what it is04:43
XiaolinDraconisyuio, same thing happened to me04:43
TJ-ClientAlive: On Ubuntu, the user created at installation time is made part of the admin group and can use sudo. Other users can be added to the group04:43
XiaolinDraconisyuio, run the flash drive version of ubuntu and open gparted04:44
uni4dfxAnyone know by any chance, where should the printer drivers be installed for network printing? On the CUPS print server, on the client or both?04:44
yuioXiaolinDraconis:  ok ! then04:44
XiaolinDraconisyuio, then change the boot flag to the new partion04:44
TJ-ClientAlive: You can configure users that can only run particular programs in /etc/sudoers, and you can specify NOPASSWD if you want to04:44
=== AFKMunks is now known as chamunks
TJ-ClientAlive: So, you could create a user called 'unison' with almost no regular privileges but then through sudoers allow that user to run the unison binary with root privileges04:45
TJ-!sudoers | ClientAlive04:45
XiaolinDraconishelp anyone?04:46
ClientAlivehmm. I'm not sure if I was thinking of the same thing. I can't think of a good example but I was thinking of some process that runs as part of the system and can basically do whatever it needs to (perms or not).04:46
ClientAlivelike dmesg or something. It does whatever it wants right?04:46
TJ-ClientAlive: A system service for backup? There's deja-dupe and bacula already for that04:46
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
ClientAlivenot backup, for keeping two computers environments and settings and so on identical (in sync)04:47
ClientAlivethe file the question was started over is /etc/.bash.aliases04:47
TJ-ClientAlive: Why would that file be changed and need syncing? Usually changes to aliases are done at the user level, not system04:48
ClientAliveI have my aliases set up so root and myuser can run the same alias (I do su occasionally)04:49
joeverhi guys, 12.04, having a font rendering problem, especially with browsers. fonts are blurry and fuzzy. tried playing with hinting, antialiasing, fonts etc but no luck. can someone please help me?04:50
vicTROLLAAnyone know why 12.04 would display the MOTD twice on login?04:50
ClientAliveafk for a moment04:51
TJ-ClientAlive: Why not simply symlink the file then? "sudo ln -s /home/$USER/.bash_aliases /root/.bash_aliases" - anything you put in "/home/$USER/.bash_aliases" is seen by the root user04:51
TJ-vicTROLLA: maybe udpate-motd got confused04:52
TJ-vicTROLLA: or even update-motd !04:53
vicTROLLAif you're running ubuntu can you show me `which update-motd`04:54
redwarriors25the localhost network is ok but in accessing website like google cant04:54
TJ-vicTROLLA: There isn't one. update-motd is done by pam_motd (see man 5 update-motd)04:56
vicTROLLAseems /var/run/motd is correct04:57
vicTROLLAcan I just arbitrarily delete things out of /etc/update-motd.d/04:58
ClientAliveTj: I'll have to think about that. I've been on these two computers for about the last 6 hrs and getting a bit burnt out for tonight. I appreciate your suggestions and may end up doing that - just it'll have to be tomorrow I think. Peace out for now man. thx04:59
TJ-ClientAlive: good luck with ti :)05:00
ClientAlivethx man. have a good night05:00
TJ-vicTROLLA: Not a great idea because those files are installed by packages. Any update, they'll be reinstated05:00
TJ-vicTROLLA: Check if there are multiple pam rules causing it: "grep motd /etc/pam.d/*"05:01
vicTROLLAhrm session    optional   pam_motd.so appears in both login and sshd05:02
TJ-vicTROLLA: That's correct05:02
roliohelp me ! i'm in danger ! my PC is not started without my pendrive and now my pendrive has been format .05:03
vicTROLLAit's supposed to appear twice?05:03
TJ-vicTROLLA: No; "login" and "sshd" should both have entries for pam_motd.so05:04
TJ-vicTROLLA: What kind of login is causing it? remote, local?05:04
TJ-vicTROLLA: Have any changes been made at any time to the PAM configuration for alternate log-in options?05:05
vicTROLLAno. Just started happening today. The only thing that was installed today was libssh2-php which should (I would hope it wouldn't anyways) not have anything to do with pam05:06
Damo__Hey all, could anyone please help me with some C++ programming. It is an assignment, but I am not asking anyone to do it for me. All I want to know is how to make a switch statement that allows characters and integers instead of just one or the other? Could anyone help please?05:06
roliocan any one help me !05:06
Hayatewhat mean with not started with pendrive rolio?05:07
TJ-Damo__: case 'c':   or case 64;05:07
Damo__I can't figure out how to pm you back TJ, but tyvm!05:09
TJ-Damo__: remember that in C/C++ chars are a single byte, and we can specify the ASCII character by surrounding it with single-quote marks05:10
BennnAnyone know why Dolphin is not showing .sql files?05:12
wilee-nileerolio, If you are in ubuntu now run this command and pastebin the info sudo fdisk -l05:12
osmosiswhen I try to do full screen youtube videos, i see the left half of the vid but the rest is off the screen. Any way to fix this?05:13
roliowilee-nilee:  i'm not   . Can i paste /etc/fstab of my system05:13
wilee-nileerolio, fsatb will not really help I need to know the partitions and what they are.05:13
Damo__Yeah, I knew about the ASCII chart, but I had no clue how to convert the numbers into what they represented. So its by using single quotations, ty =)05:14
wilee-nileerolio, can you boot a live cd or get into the OS?05:14
wilee-nileeget into means boot to05:15
roliowilee-nilee: i have only one partion 320 gb which i have given to ubuntu05:15
roliowilee-nilee:  yup ! i'm now on live CD05:15
wilee-nileerolio, cool run the command so we can get grub in the mbr sudo fdisk -l05:16
roliowilee-nilee:  yes , i'm boot it already and talking you from that oS05:16
BennnAnyone know why Dolphin is not showing .sql files?05:16
wilee-nileerolio, you on the cd or in the install you are saying both here.05:16
TJ-vicTROLLA: Changing "PrintMotd yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restarting the service might help05:16
Hayatebenn, that was hidden?05:17
wilee-nileeor at least I want to be sure we are communicating05:17
roliowilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1199965/05:17
wilee-nileerolio, cool and you are on the live cd now?05:18
roliowilee-nilee:  ya ! i'm05:18
drupinthere is a issue with the chrome flash player pepper installed05:19
TJ-rolio: The problem is, when you installed Ubuntu and the pendrive was inserted, the boot-loader was put on the pendrive not the hard disk. That is fixable; I'm sure someone will tell you how05:20
rolioTJ-:  i know that .I even try to install bootloader but i failed .I think i have done it with wrong procedure .So, thats why i'm here05:21
wilee-nileerolio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1199973/05:22
theadmin!recovergrub | rolio, follow this article05:22
theadmin!restoregrub | rolio, follow this05:22
ubotturolio, follow this: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub05:22
wilee-nileetheadmin, I gave him the non chroot reload of the mbr.05:23
roliowilee-nilee: let me try05:23
roliowilee-nilee: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:24
TJ-wilee-nilee: Your instructions are a bit typoed!05:24
wilee-nileeTJ-, in line with the grub ,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstall_from_the_LiveCD05:25
roliowilee-nilee:  can't mount /dev/sda105:25
TJ-wilee-nilee: mounting "sda" ?05:25
wilee-nileetj I missed the mnt at the end of the first command my bad05:25
TJ-wilee-nilee: It needs  "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/boot" doesn't it?05:26
roliowilee-nilee:  what should i need to type in terminal ?05:27
wilee-nileeTJ-, I am using the commands exactly in the wiki, minus the /mnt by accident persoanally I would chroot, you are more then welcome to do this rather then question my work here. ;)05:27
TJ-wilee-nilee: I'm pointing out, if rolio is using the liveCD "/mnt/boot" won't exist - it needs creating05:27
wilee-nileeTJ-, look at the link I posted that line is exact as I posted it from the wiki05:28
rolioTJ-:  i'm on live persistence pendrive with 2GB swap area05:28
wilee-nileesudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdX05:28
TJ-wilee-nilee: Ahh OK... I see what it's doing now! I'm so used to the convention of putting mount-points in sub-dirs below /mnt/ I didn't realise they're mounting directly onto /mnt/ itself05:30
wilee-nileerolio, this is the first command sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt05:30
wilee-nileeroilio this is the second sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda05:30
roliodone wilee-nilee05:30
XiaolinDraconiscurious how often trolls come here asking questions they can answer05:30
wilee-nileerolio, open the terminal and use commands there, the pastebin I gave you was missing the /mnt at the end by accident05:31
* XiaolinDraconis thinks rolio was just here under the name yuio05:31
roliowilee-nilee:  sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda   <--------------- /sdaX what is X05:31
rolioXiaolinDraconis:  yup !05:31
wilee-nileeTJ-, those grub commands change on occasion hehe I just use supergrub and do this from the desktop myself or chroot.05:32
rolioXiaolinDraconis: i tried your way , but it can't work in my case05:32
wilee-nileerolio, the one line was an example the X=a the hd05:32
TJ-wilee-nilee: well it confused me also because I always install a separate /boot/ :)05:32
wilee-nileerolio, here is the link to the commands if that helps.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstall_from_the_LiveCD05:33
redwarriors25__any1 here05:34
drupinthe flash player shipped with chrome plays in frames.. so i disabled and use the system flash player 11,2,202,238  .. that plays well....05:36
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BennnAnyone know why Dolphin is not showing .sql files?05:49
adieGuys, I have a problem05:52
adieI try to log into my ubuntu, but it kicks me back to the login screen05:52
adiemy guest account logs in fine! I don't know what's wrong :(05:52
drupinpassword... if you have adie or caps ..05:54
adiedrupin: it "logs in" fine05:54
adieif I had the wrong password it would tell me05:54
adiejust wonce it logs in, it instantly goes back to the login screen05:54
adiesometimes it displays a black screen with text for a split second, but too fast to read :(05:55
adieall I can read from it is "battery ok" or somthing ><05:55
adieprolly not relivant to my issue ^_^05:55
drupinso many users05:58
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jalexandruhi, anybody heard about F3 key being bind in terminal - using ubuntu 12.0406:10
BennnAnyone know why Dolphin is not showing .sql files?06:12
theadminBennn: You mean a file literally called ".sql"? Files starting with a . are hidden.06:13
theadminadie: Stop this, you're flooding the channel06:15
Bennntheadmin, right. I mean name.sql files. They simply aren't shoring up. name.sql.gz shows up, but not name.sql. It's visible in the terminal with ls command, but not in Dolphin.06:15
Bennnctrl+. shows files starting with a '.'06:16
theadminBennn: That's entirely weird... I can see a file called "test.sql" here just fine06:16
Bennntheadmin, you're right. The problem was 'weird'. I restarted Dolphin, now .sql files appear.  *sigh*06:17
drupinlol he is putting images06:17
aharoniHallo. I'm trying to report a bug in Launchpad.06:17
aharoniWhen I press  "Report a bug" in Launchpad, I get to a page with Bug Reporting documentation - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu . But how do I get to the actual bug reporting form?06:19
PoitSuckaHi everyone! I'm looking into a new system but my favorite site to get ubuntu-friendly hardware (pricewatch.com) looks like it's just a domain squatter now.06:19
PoitSuckaWhere do you all shop for hardware?06:19
theadminaharoni: You read the documentation... It has a link and instructions on what you should be using instead of that link (because other methods will give you more details)06:20
PoitSuckaI'm looking for something that lets me pick my individual components and has lots of alternatives (like my beloved, deceased pricewatch)06:20
PoitSuckaIf you've got something you've been satisfied with I'd love to hear! I know there are alternatives I'm missing.06:20
cfhjhdfcGood morning...06:21
PoitSuckaGood morning cfhjhdfc06:22
PoitSuckaWhat can I do for ya?06:22
drupinis the local purge a default program06:23
pagzhow do i change grub settings fresh install of ubuntu i want to swap the defult os selection from ubuntu to win 706:23
lotuspsychjepagz: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub06:24
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=== russian is now known as russian_
aharonitheadmin, really? there's no wasy to ust open the bug reporting form?06:27
PoitSuckapagz: The GRUB_DEFAULT setting in /etc/default/grub that lotuspsychje mentioned is what you want to edit.06:27
PoitSuckaSure thing pagz - if it doesn't work or if you have any trouble come on back and let us know06:27
aharonitheadmin,  I run ubuntu-bug , I select "other problem", and then I get the message: "You need to specify a package or a PID. See --help for more information."06:28
pagzi did try and google this... must of had old guides tho was telling me to edit files not found on the system06:28
PoitSuckapagz:  not your fault06:28
theadminaharoni: Correct, you need to specify *where* the bug is (e.g. by calling ubuntu-bug with "ubuntu-bug firefox")06:28
PoitSuckaYou probably found a bunch of tutorials for the first grub06:28
zsolthi there.trying to make deb packages,with dpkg-buildpackage but it makes only the docs06:29
PoitSuckapagz: Grub went under a bunch of changes when they switched to grub206:29
PoitSuckaSo now there are search results for grub configuration chilling all around the Internet for grub1 that aren't helpful at all for people using grub2.06:30
PoitSuckaIt's confusing. Not your fault.06:30
aharonitheadmin, the docs say: "If you're not sure which package is affected by the bug, type ubuntu-bug in the "Run Application" window and click Run. This will guide you through a series of questions to gather more information about the bug."06:31
aharonibut It gives me an error instead of guiding me.06:31
theadminaharoni: Hm, the guide must be outdated. Either way, if you're not sure which package is affected, why not find out? What *is* the bug?06:32
aharonitheadmin, like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/517092 , but for the Burmese alphabet.06:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517092 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Desktop does not ship Tibetan fonts (ISO code "bo") by default" [Undecided,New]06:34
aharonior should I report it under ubuntu-meta?06:34
theadminaharoni: Yeah, that'd be a good idea... Also, shipping all fonts around is something that might never happen. Though, since Quantal the only way to install Ubuntu will be a DVD so they may fit more data in...06:35
aharonitheadmin,  not shipping all fonts, but shipping at least one font per every script is quite reasonable this days.06:36
theadminaharoni: Hm... Well, I do agree06:36
* theadmin proceeds to invent her own script :P06:37
aharonitheadmin, if I try `ubuntu-bug ubuntu-meta', I get this error: "Package ubuntu-meta does not exist"06:38
theadminaharoni: Hm... Eh... Give me a second.06:38
d3f4c3dhei guyz06:39
N03Ld3f4c3d: hello06:39
d3f4c3dany1 knows what is this06:39
d3f4c3derror while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.406:39
theadminaharoni: I don't seem to be able to find any "Burmese" fonts in the repos at all06:40
theadmind3f4c3d: This is an error while loading a shared library which you don't have installed.06:40
aharonitheadmin, maybe Myanmar?06:40
aharoniIt's a different name for the same language.06:40
ZombieI just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS.06:41
d3f4c3di'm on ubuntu x64 3.2.0-31-generic06:41
theadminaharoni: Not finding anything either... Anyway, I'd say report it as a bug to xfs, that's the closest I can get to it06:41
d3f4c3dhow can i get that library06:41
ZombieI need to ask:06:41
theadmin!find libcrypto.so.406:41
ubottuPackage/file libcrypto.so.4 does not exist in precise06:42
HellogHOW TO : Please help in finding bt5 r2 repo for ubuntu 12.04 32 bit06:42
ZombieWhat is the best proceedure to see of Intel GMA Support is working?06:42
theadminHellog: Third-party distributions and repositories are not supported here.06:42
d3f4c3dis there a way to get libcrypto.so.4 working06:42
Hellogtheadmin: so, where i go ?06:43
theadmind3f4c3d: That library doesn't seem to exist in Precise. Are you using some way old app?06:43
d3f4c3dnot way old but06:43
d3f4c3dold i guess :(06:43
d3f4c3dit's cisco IOS labs basically06:43
d3f4c3dfor training06:43
theadminHellog: Nowhere -- if you're trying to use something that's not officially supported by Ubuntu, you're on your own. Might ask in #ubuntu-offtopic but idk how much help will that be.06:43
d3f4c3d../wrapper-linux: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:44
PoitSuckaZombie: a good indicator - "lsmod | grep i915"06:44
theadmind3f4c3d: libcrypto.so appears to be provided by libssl, but that's not the version it wants06:44
theadminHellog: Might ask in #backtrack-linux too06:44
d3f4c3dso i should update ios version ? because i dont think its possible :(06:45
d3f4c3dif i install old version of ubuntu will it work ?06:45
d3f4c3dsad face lol06:45
PoitSuckaHellog: What theadmin may have meant to say is check #backtrack, or see if you can find a link in the backtrack forums.06:46
PoitSuckanvm, he did suggest it, I was just too late06:47
PoitSuckagj, theadmin06:47
PoitSuckaFor a sec I thought you were being a bit frumpy - you proved me wrong.06:47
theadminPoitSucka: I might have been a bit rude indeed06:47
PoitSuckaYou totally anti-rtfm'd.06:47
PoitSuckaYou actually Ubuntu'd it. Awesome.06:48
russian_sucka )06:48
ZombiePoitSucka: Will do. See, my laptop is running glxgears at  300 fps/06:48
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz06:48
PoitSuckad3f4c3d:  an old version may work. Some googling may help. Try goolging for repo packages for a version, rather than goolging for others that have the same problem06:49
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d3f4c3dthnx but i had enough of anal for today ;) will restart tomorrow06:50
PoitSuckad3f4c3d: your problem may be a bit rare, so you're probably better off looking for a package that exists with that library. Start by searching for that library with its name and version06:50
PoitSuckaThen if you find an index of a repo with that library, try to search for the specific package name listed there.06:50
PoitSuckaGood luck d3f4c3d. I hope it works out for you06:51
d3f4c3dlol bro i have no idea what u said :) but thanks !06:51
PoitSuckaHaven't dealt with that stuff myself or I'd have better advice for you06:51
PoitSuckad3f4c3d: feel free to PM me.06:51
PoitSuckaI'll be unreachable during 8-7 PM PST06:51
PoitSuckabut I'll get back to you for sure06:52
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz06:53
IdleOne!language | student06:54
ubottustudent: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:54
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...06:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:55
ZombiePoitSucka: Can confirm.06:56
fidelrussian_: need any help?06:56
ZombiePoitSucka: Can confirm. i915 is running.06:56
ZombieWhat else should I check?06:56
studentchina  PK japan  ,who winner?06:57
fidel!ot > student06:58
ubottustudent, please see my private message06:58
PoitSuckaZombie: shoot, I'm sorry but I haven't had an Intel machine behave poorly for a while06:59
Jak_AtackkaHello! Can anyone help me with my sound problem? I can't get any audio to come out through my headphones06:59
PoitSuckaZombie: and I've run all three chipsets in the last few years, so I've had to learn AMD, Nvidia, and Intel quirks.. needless to say it gets lost at some point.07:00
PoitSuckaZombie: You may be left at googling from here if somebody else can't chime in.07:00
d3f4c3doddly i have /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.407:03
d3f4c3d present07:03
clu3hi guys, i wanna add folder shortcut to the left of the file browser but it seems imposible, any help pls?07:04
[deXter]clu3, Press Ctrl+D in your folder07:05
theadminclu3: Add it to bookmarks07:05
clu3oh thanks guys, i was just trying to drag and drop the folder and was hopeless07:05
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
PoitSuckad3f4c3d: is it built for your architecture?07:10
PoitSuckaPerhaps if it was built for 64 instead of 32 that could do it.07:10
d3f4c3du mean opposite07:10
d3f4c3dbuilt for 32 and i run 6407:10
theadmind3f4c3d: That's your problem07:10
d3f4c3dcould be07:10
PoitSuckaI didn't mean the opposite, I meant the principle07:11
d3f4c3dits just so specific theres so little information on IOS07:11
theadmind3f4c3d: Try doing a "sudo apt-get install libssl:i386"07:11
PoitSuckaAs in, perhaps you have an X bit binary trying to load a Y bit lib07:11
PoitSuckaDoesn't matter if X > Y or X < y, the point is if X != Y you often get huuuuuuge problems.07:12
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz07:12
theadminEagleman: This might sound ridiculous and unrelated, but do you have an ATI/AMD graphics card?07:13
d3f4c3dPackage libssl:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:13
d3f4c3dThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:13
d3f4c3dis only available from another source07:13
d3f4c3danother words nope07:13
Eaglemantheadmin no its a server07:15
theadminEagleman: Hm, okay then... Not sure.07:15
anzulmy bluetooth used to work in live mode... but doesn't work after installation07:16
silverarrowcan someone do me a favor ? Run update manager just to check if server is up?07:17
theadminanzul: The livecd includes some more drivers than the end install, open "Hardware Drivers" and you'll find it there07:17
theadminsilverarrow: wfm07:17
theadminsilverarrow: You might be using a different mirror than me though, mine is "mirror.yandex.ru"07:18
* silverarrow wonders if theadmin just gave him a snarky remark07:18
theadminsilverarrow: "wfm" = "works for me", sorry07:18
silverarrow;- )07:18
silverarrowtheadmin, thanks though07:19
silverarrowtheadmin, I might have some update manager issues07:19
d3f4c3dif I revert to 12.0 will it fix this crappy libcrypt.so.4 thing ?07:20
theadminsilverarrow: You can run "gksudo software-properties-gtk" (or "kdesudo software-properties-kde" on Kubuntu) and there's a "Find fastest mirror" button in Download From: -> Other, use that07:20
bekksd3f4c3d: There is no way to revert besides a reinstallation.07:20
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer and screen corruption, every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed(nomodeset fixes this but compiz is unworkable)07:21
lasherhaving trouble creating a USB startup disk of 12.04. I have tried unetbootin and startup creator but get no OS booting up, just text on the screen and it says Boot: . I am currently using 10.04.07:22
silverarrowtheadmin, I am in lubuntu07:22
theadminlasher: It says "boot:"? Try pressing Enter.07:22
theadminsilverarrow: Then it should be the first one07:22
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz07:22
theadminsilverarrow: The -gtk07:22
lashertheadmin: yep, done that nothing happens07:22
lasherno flashing on the usb either07:23
silverarrowtheadmin, it crashed on me07:25
anzulwhere do i find the "hardware drivers" ?07:26
theadminanzul: You can run "gksudo jockey-gtk" in a Terminal, or look for that in the menu07:26
anzulthanks theadmin... trying07:26
silverarrowtheadmin, message I get is Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/n/ntfs-3g/ntfs-3g_2012.1.15AR.1-1ubuntu1.1_powerpc.deb 404  Not Found07:27
lowkey33anyone have any luck with xscreensaver in ubuntu 12.0407:27
lotuspsychje!info xscreensaver | lowkey3307:27
ubottulowkey33: xscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Automatic screensaver for X. In component main, is optional. Version 5.15-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 261 kB, installed size 852 kB07:27
fidelfunky issue here on 12.04- i am using the application: autokey. i do know it is running already - but i cant see its tray icon in gnome3 - which works usualy. so any idea how i might be able to access its gui without seeing its tray-icon which is usualy the way to access it?07:27
theadminsilverarrow: powerpc?... Um... I don't think PowerPC is supported anymore, what Ubuntu version are you on?07:27
anzulno drivers in use07:27
anzulthis is what i'm getting07:28
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:28
lowkey33ok thanks07:28
silverarrowtheadmin, lubuntu 12.04, it has worked fine upuntil today, well a few days since last update07:28
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer and screen corruption, every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed(nomodeset fixes this but compiz is unworkable)07:28
anzulhow to get additional drivers available in live mode ?07:29
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hodhi room, i was wondering is there  away to disable my touchpad mouse input for ubuntu 12.0407:29
lotuspsychjeanzul:maybe describe what driver you are looking for, for what hardware wont work07:29
anzulmy bluetooth is not working in installed mode07:29
silverarrowauronandace, why did you do that?07:29
theadminsilverarrow: Hm, odd07:29
lotuspsychjesilverarrow:he's helping you07:29
theadminAnyway I have to be going07:29
anzulit worked in live mode07:30
ydbondtsmall question, I'm running btrfs on ubuntu 12.04. It is loaded as a module here, which gives me slow startup times. Does someone knows if btrfs is also loaded in the kernel somehow ?07:30
silverarrowwell, yes, I see, but I felt I didn`t get the point07:30
Jordan_Uydbondt: I doubt that btrfs being loaded as a module has any measurable effect on your boot time.07:30
lasherI just installed qemu and the usb menu works wth?07:31
ydbondtI think it does. See here: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-btrfs/msg16387.html07:31
silverarrowtheadmin should I worry or is it a server thing?07:31
lotuspsychjesilverarrow:the admin left07:31
madjoeHow to resolve an issue with an apt-get install issue "Package 'X' has no installation candidate"? More details: http://bit.ly/SavZGq07:31
hodhi room i have a question for ubuntu 12.04 is there a way to disable the touchpad mouse input?07:31
silverarrowlowkey33, it has worked fin up until the last few days07:32
silverarrowlotuspsychje, oh, I see07:32
lowkey33i read a few things about problems with it07:32
ydbondtJordan_U: it takes about 9 seconds to load btrfs :/ Is this normal ?07:34
Jordan_Uydbondt: Btrfs is still in development and you should really be using the latest kernel, at least 3.5.3 if not 3.6-rc5, if you want to use btrfs.07:34
silverarrowhow do I do updates in terminal?07:34
fidelsilverarrow: used to apt?07:34
ydbondtauch, I'm using 3.2.0-2707:34
silverarrowfidel, well I can type in apt-get updates?07:34
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Jordan_Uydbondt: Note that upgrading to a newer kernel might cause instability in other areas, but that's something you have to accept if you want to use experimental features.07:35
silverarrowfidel, though I mostly use update manger from menu07:35
lowkey33night room07:35
ydbondttrue :)07:35
Dayofswordssilverarrow: What I do is   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:35
fidelsilverarrow: regarding your question: 'apt' is the basic cmd to update packages from cli07:35
ydbondtthnx, I'll try to switch kernels later :)07:35
hodstill none can help me????????????07:36
Jordan_Uydbondt: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.6-rc5-quantal/07:36
lotuspsychje!patience | hod07:36
ubottuhod: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:36
gordonjcp!help | hod07:37
ubottuhod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:37
Jordan_Uydbondt: You're welcome.07:37
silverarrowDayofswords, fidel, day`s command works !!07:38
ninjoi have a little problem on my ubuntu, i am total newbie, so if someone would help i would be really happy: When i run anyfile i get: permission denied. How to fix that?07:38
silverarrowI get new firefox07:39
silverarrowbeen waiting for 15.0107:39
lotuspsychjeninjo: try running files with sudo in front of it07:39
silverarrowmy update manager is mucked up fidel ?07:39
LorSamPau_w!sudo | ninjo07:39
ubottuninjo: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:39
bekksninjo: So which file in particular do you want to run?07:39
LorSamPau_wjust as i thought07:39
bekksLorSamPau_w: sudo without knowing what he wants to do is sometimes not the best idea :)07:40
ninjobekks, psybnc :)07:40
LorSamPau_wbekks, i'm so lazy today07:40
bekksDO NOT run it as root. Never. Dont do it.07:40
silverarrowDayofswords, I have to write down your command07:41
ninjoEven if i run it as a user, i still get the same error, but not only psybnc, anything else i want to execute with ./07:41
silverarrowa bit worrying about my update manager though ?07:41
ninjoI think its some permissions mixed up07:41
bekksninjo: Are you in the directory where the file "psybnc" is located?07:41
ninjoyea ofcourse :)07:42
lotuspsychje!chmod | ninjo07:42
ubottuninjo: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:42
bekksninjo: And which permissions does that file have currently?07:42
ninjoeverything :D07:42
bekks777 is far to much. 755 is more than enough.07:42
ninjoStill, nothing wants to execute07:42
ninjonot only psybnc, if you know what i mean07:42
bekksninjo: Then provide the exact, detailed error message.07:43
nathandimcan someone suggest a good alternative for adobe reader? one that preferably recalls the last page that you had open07:43
ninjo-bash: ./kurwa: Permission denied07:43
bekksThen "kurwa" does not have execution permissions.07:43
ninjoi have compiled a simple script, gave it permissions, and i cant execute it07:43
ydbondtJordan_U: do you think it is safe to use a quantal kernel for precise ?07:43
lotuspsychjenathanim:libreoffice reads pdf by default on ubuntu07:43
bekksninjo: Whats the output of ls -lha on that file.07:44
ninjoListen bekks, everything i want to run i get the same error, its not something with the "kurwa" file but in general with my unbut :S07:44
ninjot)]#ls -lha kurwa07:44
ninjo-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28K Aug 22 10:40 kurwa07:44
Jordan_Uydbondt: I think it's "safe" in that I don't expect it to cause any data loss or breakage which can't be fixed by booting into an older kernel, but it may not be stable.07:45
deathtapI need some help07:46
susundbe1g!ask > deathtap07:47
ubottudeathtap, please see my private message07:47
ydbondtJordan_U: ok thnx07:47
Jordan_Uydbondt: You're welcome.07:48
nathandimthank you lotuspsychje I'll check it out07:48
deathtapI've downloaded and installed Ubuntu server 12.4, but when I tried to install Drupal, it says that php5-gd is missing. Because of a proxy issue, I cannot use the apt-get command. I've downloaded the rpm file manually and it is on the server at the moment. How do I install or get it compiled?07:48
somsipdeathtap: probably best if you get the deb not the rpm07:50
tsimpson!offline | deathtap, try one of these07:50
ubottudeathtap, try one of these: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD07:50
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz07:51
madjoeHow to resolve an issue with an apt-get install "Package 'X' has no installation candidate"? More details: http://bit.ly/RGxlOj07:51
AdvoWorkI have a virtual machine, running ubuntu 12.04 server, and have a few cifs and nfs mounts in /etc/fstab. These work fine, but I rebooted all VM's yesterday, and even though they boot in order, the ubuntu server must have come up before the file server(therefore the VM didnt boot due to mount errors). Is there anything I can do?07:52
oren_Hey guys, quick question regarding my webcam in Ubuntu: I have a logitech webcam and it works just fine but I can't adjust its settings in anything (color, brightness, etc..), for example in skype my webcam is quite dark so is there any way to alter the webcam settings? (In Windows theres obviously a logitech program for doing so but in Ubuntu I see no way in doing this)07:52
lotuspsychjeoren_:i think you can adjust stuff in skype too07:55
lotuspsychjeoren_:try cheese for special effects07:56
tailfis there any way to partition unused diskspace of an existing ext4 ubuntu partition? i have a feeling there isnt07:56
oren_yeah cheese I can adjust stuff for special effects but it doesn't actually stay outside of cheese07:56
lotuspsychje!info gparted | tailf07:56
ubottutailf: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.0-2 (precise), package size 530 kB, installed size 1872 kB07:56
oren_and I have found no way to adjust stuff in skype07:56
somsiporen_: In Skype -> Options -> Video there is a 'Disable Auto Exposure' checkbox which casues darker video. Any good?07:57
lotuspsychjeoren_:i think webcam adjusting depends on the software you using07:57
oren_What software in Ubuntu can I use to alter webcam settings?07:57
somsiporen_: though thats v4.0.0.8 from Skype downloads, not from the repo07:57
lotuspsychjeoren_:for the best webcam/screen recorder try kazam (#kazam)07:57
oren_alright, I'll try that lotus07:58
yuliohow to open every executable application in terminal as root by default07:58
lotuspsychjeyulio: i dont think thats a good idea07:58
oren_somsip: are you saying the linux-skype on their website is more up-to-date than the one in the repo?07:58
somsiporen_: Last I checked, the repo was at an older version07:59
yuliolotuspsychje:  but , my situation demand me to do that07:59
lotuspsychjeyulio:can you tell us whats the purpose for that?07:59
oren_hmm the one I'm using is and it has no disable auto-exposure07:59
oren_oh wait no07:59
oren_it does07:59
deathtapAnother server on our network has Squid installed. It uses some form of authentication. The Network Administrator is in the hospital because of personal problems, and is unable to be contacted. If we can get the apt-get command to get through the proxy server, we cam use the apt-get install command. We know the password and username, and used the export http_proxy= command, but it is not working.07:59
lotuspsychjeyulio: you could make your own startup icons with commands, sudo in front08:00
oren_I'd like to alter other settings as well though, like color, etc...08:00
somsiporen_: dunno about that.08:00
yuliolotuspsychje: i just install bt r2 tool in ubuntu , but they need to be executed as root08:00
oren_lotuspsychje: apparently kazam is just a screencapture thing08:00
lotuspsychjeoren_:yes one of the best08:00
oren_it's not what I'm looking for08:00
oren_I just want to alter my webcam settings08:00
lotuspsychjeoren_:try what somsip sugested you in skype08:01
somsiporen_: you want to load some sort of logitech.conf that affects anything that uses the webcam during a session? Sorry, don't know of that08:01
oren_In Windows I can easily just go into the logitech quickcam program and change settings08:01
oren_why is there no program in Ubuntu for stuff like this?08:02
lotuspsychjeoren_:quickcam is also software, so you need always an ubuntu package08:02
oren_yeah ... but what package?08:02
oren_what ubuntu software can accomplish this?08:03
lotuspsychjeoren_:maybe this can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam08:04
oren_yeah I've read this, it pretty much says I have to buy a new webcam or do a bunch of complicated stuff I have no idea how to do08:06
deathtapOkay, thanks for the help!08:06
deathtapGot it working08:07
deathtapI'll be back if I have anymore issues08:07
nokiahi. Is there a setting to let me watch laptop on my TV . That lets me close the laptop lid and still view output on the TV08:13
lotuspsychjeoren_:here's a list of webcam packages https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5193108:15
oren_thanks, I'll take a look08:15
lotuspsychjenokia:maybe if you can make the laptop not goto sleep when lid closes, your hdmi cable can still output to tv?08:16
billclotus u can in widows08:16
lotuspsychjebillc: i know but nokia asks for ubuntu..08:17
nokialotuspsychje it works fine if lid stays up08:17
lotuspsychjenokia:you will have to play with energy settings mate08:18
billcuse power settings in ubuntu08:18
lotuspsychjenokia:maybe this can help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130785708:19
iceswordcan i use external keyboard  with a laptop?08:19
oren_Excuse my ignorance, but how do I install a .tar.gz file? I mean when I open it it's just a bunch of code documents or whatever.08:19
lotuspsychje!tarball | oren_08:20
ubottuoren_: Files with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.08:20
lotuspsychjebrb guys08:20
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall08:21
LorSamPau_woren_, it usually conteins some txt files with the instruction on how to compile08:21
iceswordthat's shit08:21
geirhaoren_: installing from a tar.gz file should be the absolute last resort08:21
icesworduse a command  to install08:22
iceswordit's like ./ the exe file08:24
=== H4x012 is now known as Guest43322
Dayofswordsoren_: what is the .tar.gz of?08:25
oren_it has a file called "install" in the folder but it doesn't do anything. I've even executed it as a program but the terminal just flashes up for a second and nothing happens08:25
oren_it s gqcam-0.908:25
kalleperssonWhat is the easiest way to prevent my Ubuntu machine from launching gmd and just presenting me with a log in shell instead08:26
kalleperssonTurning an old desktop into a server and don't want gdm started08:26
fidelkallepersson: if you dont want / need gdm - remove it ;)08:26
kalleperssonI *might* need it later ;)08:27
kalleperssonAny way to just disable it08:27
Exposureyou can use update-rc.d to remove it08:27
Dayofswordsoren_: The standard way to compile is   ./configure; make            if you want to install that to the system do     make install    but i'm not sure how make install function08:27
oren_Dayofswords: I have no idea what that all means, I'm a real rookie with linux. Do you mean go to the terminal and just type that stuff or...?08:28
Dayofswordsoren_: in the terminal go to the folder(using cd /path/to/gqcam-0.9) and do   "./configure" without the quotes. chances are you'll hit some errors though so try that for now08:31
oren_oh okay08:31
oren_will do08:31
iceswordexecute command ./ the executable file08:32
oren_hmm wait a moment08:33
iceswordstupid thing, double the install file gives  you a txt from a  win users view08:34
oren_I do cd /home/gqcam/ but it says no such file or directory08:34
oren_when there obviously is08:34
oren_am i doing something wrong?08:34
silverarrowis there a channel for Totem player?08:34
Dayofswordsoren_: where is the file? in your home folder?08:35
oren_the file is in /home/gqcam08:35
oren_but I can't get into that folder via the terminal08:36
LorSamPau_wisn't it a /home/user/gqcam ?08:36
oren_oh okay I'll try that08:36
oren_ah there we go08:36
Dayofswordsoren_: cant be, /home/ is for user folders, it has to be within it08:36
oren_thanks LorSamPau_w08:36
icesworddid you try to right click the executable file?08:37
oren_yeah I di08:37
iceswordwhat's the choice08:38
oren_when I right click?08:38
iceswordis there a run as admin ?08:38
=== md_5|away is now known as md_5
oren_I am the only user and I guess that would make me the admin08:39
iceswordmaybe  you chose the wrong one08:39
oren_wrong what?08:39
iceswordwrong file08:40
oren_it says in capitals INSTALL08:40
francesco_Hello, I have been here yesterday too. I am planning to install LXDE on my pc, where I have Ubuntu installed. I am afraid, what happens if I want to come back to Gnome again?08:41
somsiporen_: normally that is the instructions on how to install, not an executable08:41
oren_hmm okay08:41
oren_yeah it's a text file thingo08:41
iceswordthe executable file  usually be something.sh, something like that08:41
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, no problem at all. as you login there will be gnome and lxde08:41
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, just don't delete gnome packages08:42
oren_probably a newbie question here but why on earth is it often so difficult to install a simple program in Ubuntu with all this compiling?08:43
francesco_LorSamPau_w, is there the possibility to stop login asking me which interface I want to use? And if it is possible, what if I want to come back to Gnome?08:43
oren_why don't people make simple install executives or something08:43
bekksfrancesco_: Dont use autologim and you can always change your session befor login in.08:43
iceswordso you fix it? oren?08:44
skraitohi guys08:45
skraitohi kid08:45
oren_no, I didn't fix it08:45
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, by default login-screen doesn't show up... just install lxde, then you logout and choose lxde. next time you turn on your pc it wiil load up the lxde, and if you want to change it to gnome again - just logout and choose gnome )08:45
skraitohow are ya08:45
oren_I can't install this thing at all08:45
oren_apparently it requires a bunch of other files08:45
pcbsdl1skraito: You ok yo ?08:45
oren_not included in the tar for whatever reason08:45
iceswordso what is that file?08:45
tehpwnzhey, anyone running Ubuntu on a Macbook pro late 2011 without any issues? can you help me with the install details and what you did to make it work? im bored with OS X eh08:46
francesco_LorSamPau_w, do you mean that when I log in I can choose multiple interfaces from a menu?08:46
Kartagis!find sysfs08:46
ubottuFound: libsysfs-dev, libsysfs2, openhpi-plugin-sysfs, sysfsutils08:46
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, yes08:46
gordonjcptehpwnz: I'm running it on an older macbook08:46
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
gordonjcptehpwnz: refit makes life easy08:47
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1uvXhmQZ5Ic/TzW7sfOJB3I/AAAAAAAAHuk/1NSdl4NJVZM/s1600/gnome-classic-login-screen.png08:47
parapanHi fellows > big problem I have; I've installed arping which uninstalled network manager applet I had no internet connection; I edited the /etc/network/interfaces by hand , introducing eth0 as a device with manual IP's , after that I've installed network manager again from Synaptic ..but still, the network manager does not show in the status bar and even if it's showing (when wireless network is detected) for the wired connection is 08:47
tehpwnzgordonjcp, it works okay? you havent had any issues?08:47
arandoren_: Because the idea is you normally don't install from source, but from repositories instead.08:48
bekksparapan: As long as you configured eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, NM will NOT pick it up.08:48
bekksUndo that change, and configure a static IP in NM, and it will work.08:48
oren_arand: why?08:49
francesco_LorSamPau_w, let me tell you the whole story. I don't know if this is the proper channel to ask. I have an old PC (Pentium IV) and I have notices that it become very slow after updates. Someone suggested me that could be the interface (Gnome) that is getting heavier for my PC. He suggested me to install Lubuntu, or just LXDE on my version of Ubuntu. What do you think? Should I install Lubuntu?08:49
oren_seems kind of counter-intuitive08:49
Noodelsfrancesco_: I would.08:50
parapanbekks > look, after re-installing the network manager, I will delete all modifications made to "interfaces" file .....actually the only line there suppose to be  ....auto lo ......but, I think I've done that and then I lost the network again ....08:50
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, you should... it's not bad, looks nice, will work faster definitely08:51
parapanbekks: and still the network manager was not working ......08:51
skraitohey pcbdl08:52
skraitoi am okay how about you08:52
skraitoawww guys08:52
arandoren_: Because it's more convenient.08:52
parapanbekks: also, when I try to start nm-applet I receive the error "Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager. "08:52
francesco_LorSamPau_w, But I am afraid of loosing my data. My problem is that I already have a double partition with Windows Vista, and Ubuntu on my PC. How can I delete Ubuntu without touching Windows?08:52
parapanbekks: are you still here ????08:54
oren_arand: how on earth is this any more convenient than a single install file executable?08:55
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, it can be done, but it's very complicated, if i was in your shoes - i'll backup all that i need and format the disk - then install windows(if you really need it) and then lubuntu08:55
Costeelationhi guys, regards :D ... i have a problem with the conection... any app can connect :/08:56
francesco_LorSamPau_w, I will need Windows for sure for some work that I have to do as student at University. They use applications only for Windows.08:57
Zombiefrancesco_: I may be able to help.08:57
iceswordthen how you get on irc?08:57
arandoren_: Because packages in repos are prepared to integrate correctly into the system, and the most convenient way for maintainers to create packages is by having a clean source-only tarball.08:57
Zombiefrancesco_: If you don't mind KDE, KDE exists as a meta-package.08:57
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, backup the the needed data, install win first, lubuntu - second08:58
skraitohi alllllll08:58
francesco_LorSamPau_w, one more thing, please. Last night I tried to install lxde on my Ubuntu. I tried "sudo apt-get install lxde", and "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop", but both didn't work. It said something like "impossible to install", or "package not found". What does it mean?08:58
skraitoi need some people here anyone08:58
Costeelationicesword: i dont know but i cant conect with fpt, lightreader, facebook app desktop,08:58
Zombiefrancesco_: You can replace Ubuntu 12.04 sources with Kubuntu08:58
Zombiefrancesco_: You can replace Ubuntu 12.04 sources with Kubuntu 12.,0408:58
Zombiefrancesco_: You have to replace the sources list.08:59
francesco_Zombie, I have been told that X is much lither than Gnome, I know.08:59
skraitoanyone want this script08:59
tsimpsonZombie: you don't have to replace any sources to have Kubuntu08:59
francesco_I already did. Perhaps, there is still something missing from the list.08:59
skraitoget this ubuntu script09:00
ubottuarak90: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:00
Costeelationit is as if a firewall blocked all but I have disabled the gufw icesword09:00
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, well,i don't know... tru sudo apt-get update first... may be lxde isn't exist on your repositories09:00
Costeelationany idea ?09:00
tsimpsonskraito: don't post random things in here09:00
Zombiefrancesco_: Gnome is an X application.09:01
Zombiefrancesco_: KDE is an X application.09:01
skraitothats not random09:01
Zombiefrancesco_: LXDE is an X application.09:01
vkasdoes anyone know a good .bashrc file with handy aliases?09:01
skraitothats a ubuntu hardening script09:01
skraitojust check it09:01
tsimpsonskraito: no, stop it or be removed09:01
skraitoah okay09:01
francesco_LorSamPau_w, perhaps (I don't know, though) the problem is that I stopped updating my Ubuntu a long ago. And, therefore, my PC is not "synchronized" with what they have now. Could it be something like that?09:02
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, i bet on it09:02
francesco_Zombie, sorry. I know.09:03
francesco_LorSamPau_w, how could I solve the problem. Could I "manually" install the packages that I need? Is it difficult?09:03
sveinseIs it possible to resize2fs a running root fs? Expand that is. Apparently it is possible on lvm, but is it on an ordinary block device?09:04
hawkalAnyone know anything about packages.ubuntu.com being down?09:04
bekkssveinse: Depends on the fs.09:04
francesco_LorSamPau_w, if it is so, "sudo apt-get install updates" wouldn't work. I'm not an expert though.09:04
tsimpsonhawkal: it's being worked on09:04
fidelhawkal: seems to be down here to09:05
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, i've never done that, you better google it09:05
bekkssveinse: You cant resize the blockdevice online, but the filesystem only.09:05
francesco_LorSamPau_w, thank you, anyway. Perhaps I had better install Lubuntu.09:05
hawkaltsimpson & fidel okay thank you09:06
sveinsebekks: So I can in principle resize the partition/block device, reboot and then resize the fs09:06
bekkssveinse: No. You have to use a livecd to resize the blockdevice.09:07
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, no problem, you really should install lubuntu09:07
sveinsebekks: Uhm. no. You can change the partition table on a running system. It might not come into effect until you reboot, but you can change it09:08
francesco_LorSamPau_w, last question. :) Do you really think it could be the effects of Gnome that slowed down my PC?09:08
sveinsebekks: So from what I understand you can change the fs, but not the block device. But if the block device has already been expanded (like with lvm), then you can run resize2fs. Isn't that right?09:10
L1lcould anyone help with ipv6 ?09:10
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, i had the same problem on my old laptop... after installing lubuntu - i felt like it's a new notebook... much faster09:10
=== L1l is now known as Lil
decciMay I know if Ubuntu provide any Hardware Suite tool for Dell or HP server?09:10
sveinseWhat defines the fs size? Meta-data in the superblock, or the size of the block device?09:10
francesco_LorSamPau_w, thank you very much for your patience. I have to go now. See you some other time. Ciao.09:11
bekkssveinse: That is correct.09:11
LorSamPau_wfrancesco_, ciao09:11
bekkssveinse: The size of the fs is defined in the superblock of the fs and control blocks on the block device.09:11
sveinsebekks: Since it works with lvm where you can expand the logical volume, it seems to me that the size of ext(4) is bounded by data in the superblock. When you increase a lv the block device increases in size, but you need to run resize2fs to allow the fs to take use of the whole block-dev09:14
sveinsebekks: So, again, wouldn't this be the same as to increase the partition table, then reboot to apply the new partition table (where the only change is increase of the partition's end) and resize2fs it to fill the device09:15
=== parth is now known as Guest19588
n8whey guys, do u know how to import a custom syntax highligh schema into kate? this one in particular: http://osdir.com/ml/kde.devel.kwrite/2004-04/msg00271.html09:24
funky1hi all09:26
PrAsHaNthi funky109:27
=== gabriele is now known as Guest18830
funky1i'm having some trouble to get a command be executed at bootup or login, i run ubuntu 12.04 and have tried to include as a service and cron @restart and using the "start up" function on the desktop09:28
Guest18830there are a channel for help in italian?09:28
funky1the command i want to run is for my IR remote to make it work09:28
DJonesGuest18830: #ubuntu-it09:28
funky1but somehow it is not working on startup to execute this, how to solve this?09:28
funky1or how to investigate what happens?09:28
funky1HI PrAsHaNt :)09:28
Guest18830thanks DJones09:29
EaglemanI want to sepetate 2 domains on the website but i am getting this: [Wed Sep 12 11:29:29 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost 84.107.***.**:80 has no VirtualHosts09:30
GedmiHello guys, i need some help during my ubuntu 12.04 LTS installation. Someone can help me?09:35
parapanbekks: Hello again man ......it worked thank you .....I've modified interfaces files, restarted, network manager was up, deleted old connections and now is working OK ....09:35
susundbe1gGedmi: !ask09:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:36
skraitohi all09:37
* skraito say hi all09:37
maxexcloo" It's not just you! http://packages.ubuntu.com looks down from here."09:38
maxexclooAnyone know anything about that?09:38
tsimpsonmaxexcloo: it's being worked on09:38
Gedmi!ask During my ubuntu 12.04 LTS instalation i have faced to one problem. O dunno what to chose creating a new partition. Logical or primary?09:38
ubottuGedmi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:38
maxexclootsimpson, it seems to be down every time I need it :(09:38
maxexclooAny place I can follow status and such?09:38
tsimpsonmaxexcloo: there are issues with the server running that domain, the admins are attempting to fix as we speak09:39
GedmiDuring my ubuntu 12.04 LTS instalation i have faced to one problem. O dunno what to chose creating a new partition. Logical or primary? (Sorry for some flood, just trying without !ask command. I am new here. :) )09:41
fidelGedmi: what is the current setup of that box?09:42
fidelGedmi: as in: is there any other os on use etc?09:42
fidelGedmi: the !ask command is only used to save keystrokes for the residents inhere - explaining new users how to start getting help inhere.09:42
Gedmifidel: Yes, i have windows 8 in my pc, but i wanna change my os to Ubuntu, but i wanna keep my ntfs partition alive, cuz there i have all my data.. So in the Installation type menu i have selected something else and now i need to partition my computer or smth..09:45
fidelGedmi: well if you want to keep your windows partition - this will include win8 aswell if i understand you correct - create at least 1 additional partition for linux09:46
CartHi guys09:47
CartCould I please quickly have a firewall experts attention ?09:47
Gedmifidel: No, before i had C and D partitions. In C partition i always keep OS'es and system soft and etc.. In D partition i am storing al my personal data files. So now i need to delete C partition and prepare it for Ubuntu. Am i right or no? :?09:47
PrAsHaNthow to install .deb files ?09:47
fidelGedmi: well yeah - in theory it should be afaik enough to delete the current C (i.e. from a live cd) reboot usingthe ubuntu cd and start the installation on that free space which was C earlier09:48
hateball!anyone | Cart09:49
ubottuCart: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:49
CartGuys Ubuntu works with almost every Intel processor right? that will include  lga1155 Pentium G840 - Dual core?09:49
fidelPrAsHaNt: in case you are asking for HOW to install .deb files from cli - > consider using dpkg09:49
fidelotherwise consider asking a more detailed question09:49
Gedmifidel: It doesnt need to partition all those swap, /, /home and etc?09:49
fidelGedmi: thats an option - while you can baiscally use just 1 partition as well09:50
fidelmore or less a user/admin preference thing09:50
vkasPrAsHaNt: if you prefer gui, use gdebi09:50
PrAsHaNtfidel, m totally new here , do i have to install dpkg software or something like that?09:50
fidelPrAsHaNt: as a first step - it would help to ask a clear question ;)09:51
fidelPrAsHaNt: are you looking on how to do that in GUI or CLI?09:51
PrAsHaNtvkas, okey09:51
vkasPrAsHaNt: install gdebi from software center09:51
Cartok im thinking of making a Firewall for a small office building that should deny internet acces to some PCs on the network..now the PC will have the following specs,  Pentium G840 - Dual core 2.8Ghz 2Gig ram and 250Gig HDD with 2 x 1Gig Lan cards09:51
fidelPrAsHaNt: and ask yourself why you download a .deb file manually in the first place - as this makes only sense if apt doesnt offer that specific package/version09:51
Gedmifidel: I see, but what choise is better? And how can i use only 1 partition? I mean what mount point must be?09:52
Cartwhich ive heard is overkill also09:52
PrAsHaNti d prefer it any way so longs its installing stuff09:52
CartWould that work and what can I use in Ubuntu to block IPs etc09:53
PrAsHaNtfidel actually i wanted to install draftsight and i downloaded it lunux version09:53
fidel!info draftsight09:54
ubottuPackage draftsight does not exist in precise09:54
fidelPrAsHaNt: as you see - that package doesnt exist inside the ubuntu repo -> so yes getting it from whatever prjectpage it is and installing it manualy might be the way. as mentioned earlier: you have several ways how to handle a .deb file. the 2 major ways are either using a GUI or a CLI (dpkg command)09:55
fidelPrAsHaNt: simply double-clicking the .deb should open an install dialog as well (afaik....i never tried that myself)09:55
PrAsHaNtfidel, okey thanks09:55
nnggerhelloo booboontoos. I have problem wiht update. Usualy I just deactivated "bad" repo, but this time its not good idea, because Java has some security 0day iessues. Look at this picture:  http://i.imgur.com/E5wZ6.png09:55
fidelPrAsHaNt: but again - try to always use APT if possible - its 1 of the big advantages of linux based systems to have a working package-management for most cases09:56
PrAsHaNtfidel, what is apt??? sorry this is my first day in ubuntu09:57
fidelPrAsHaNt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Packaging_Tool might explain it better then i can in short09:58
PrAsHaNtfidel, thanks again for the link09:58
fidelin very short: its a cmd/tool to search/install/remove applications/packages in ubuntu/debian/similar09:59
fidel!apt > PrAsHaNt09:59
ubottuPrAsHaNt, please see my private message09:59
madjoeHow to resolve an issue with an apt-get install "Package 'X' has no installation candidate"? More details: http://bit.ly/RGxlOj10:00
nnggeronce again.  I have problem wiht update. Usualy I just deactivated "bad" repo, but this time its not good idea, because Java has some security 0day iessues. Look at this picture:  http://i.imgur.com/E5wZ6.png10:01
fidelmadjoe: i usually start with: apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME to see the options10:01
madjoefidel: ok, I'll try to do it now10:01
fidelmadjoe: that should only show you what version you might have - which is available and if so - via which source10:01
skraitowow alot of indian10:02
skraitousing proxy or what ever it is10:03
skraitojust to come from boat10:03
skraitoto get their cow10:03
madjoefidel: N: Unable to locate package ppa:michael-gruz/canon-trunk10:03
himanshu_linuxhi ,I am writing a image to a DVD... what does this means "creating image checksum"?10:03
fidelmadjoe: sounds like an ppa issue - and if i remember right ppas arent supported inhere10:05
madjoefidel: can you direct me somewhere else then, please?10:05
fidelmadjoe: at least i cant help you here - as i dont use/have that source10:05
dr_willisppa maintainer or its homepage/forums10:06
gordonjcpmadjoe: contact the maintainer of the PPA10:06
madjoedr_willis: great stuff! thanks!10:06
madjoegordonjcp: thnx!10:06
dr_willisi dident see the original error. ;)10:07
PrAsHaNtmevvis, that caffeine thing worked10:07
PrAsHaNtfor stooping screensaver and all that10:07
mevvisI have same problem10:07
mevvison laptop10:07
PrAsHaNtthanks to u .....10:08
ForsetiHello everyone, i am new here, and i need some help. I wanna change my OS to ubuntu. Am i need to change my all partitions from NTFS to smth?10:08
ikoniaForseti: do you plan on leaving windows on your machine ?10:09
Forsetiikonia, yeah, for now i am planing to replace my curently os with ubuntu 12.0410:10
dr_willisForseti:  how many hard drives do you have?10:10
ikoniaForseti: ok, so you don't want to change your ntfs partitions10:10
PrAsHaNti am not able to open terminal by ctrl+alt+t10:10
mevvisgrub2 settings its to dificult. what a point?10:10
dr_willismevvis:  what?10:10
tasslehoffAnyone with 12.04 on a Lenovo T530 with the minidisplayport working?10:10
ikoniaForseti: your windows OS will still want to use NTFS10:10
ikoniatasslehoff: I have it working on a T430s10:10
mevvisgood morning dr_willis10:11
Forsetiikonia: No, i want to remove my windows. :) I wanna replace it with ubuntu10:11
ikoniaForseti: in that case, the installer will delete and create new partitions for you10:11
Forsetiikonia, but i have partition where i am storing all my personal data and files10:11
dr_willisForseti:  backup any imporntant data to some safe place like a external usb drive10:11
ikoniaForseti: ok, so leave that one alone, but as dr_willis if you can, backup10:12
Forsetihm, yeah, maybe i can.. :)10:12
dr_willisdata worth keeping.. is data worth backing up..10:12
dr_willisif its not worth backing up.. well..10:12
Forsetiand when i will back up my all data it will automatically install ubuntu?10:13
dr_willisForseti:  you can tell the ubuntu isntaller to use the whole drive. or just parts of it10:14
ForsetiI mean with all partitions needed?10:14
dr_willisor yiu can define your own partitions10:14
pnglWhat's the best way to save ssh passphrases under ubuntu? I'm tired of typing them everytime I ssh somewhere.10:15
ForsetiAnd what is the best option?10:15
voldymani have an old ubuntu about 9.10 or 9.04 can i upgrade it to 12.04??10:15
dr_willisForseti:  totally depends on your needs10:15
dr_willisvoldyman:  should be able to. but it may take some time10:15
=== robert_ is now known as Guest79330
Forsetidr_willis, i have 650gb hard drive, u think ubuntu needs all this space? Or i just can leave one partition with my files and other partition for ubuntu?10:17
dr_willisForseti:  you do have a windows restore cd/dvd   set made in case you ever want to convert the pc back/sell it?  always handy to have.10:17
dr_willisForseti:  ubuntu can handke a large # of partitions10:17
dr_willis50gb would be  planty for a basic ubuntu install10:18
dr_willisnormal ubuntu install uses 2 partitions. one for /  and one for 'swap'10:18
Forsetidr_willis, i have cd/dvd with windows it is not a problem, i just want to decide what is the best option. To have ntfs partition of all my files and other partitions for ubuntu or to have all pc based on ubuntu partitions. :)10:19
voldyman_dr_willis: how?10:19
voldyman_my network errord10:19
dr_willisnot much point in keeping a ntfs partition on a whole ubunty system10:19
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:19
PrAsHaNthow to open terminal for a particular folder? plz h10:20
dr_willisvoldyman_:  i find it faster to do clean installs.10:20
dr_willisPrAsHaNt:  you mean right click on a folder and have a 'open terminal here' item?10:21
voldyman_dr_willis: its 11.0410:21
voldyman_dr_willis:  me too but. but its not my computer10:21
tsimpsonvoldyman_: you can use the instructions here to upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades but it may not be very smooth10:21
Forsetidr_willis, so in windows there are disks (C, D, etc..). Is something like that in ubuntu? Or it is just keeping all things in one place?10:21
PrAsHaNtdr_willis, yes10:21
dr_willis11.04 is not eol  so tats a good thing10:21
* skraito wow indian is everywhere 10:21
* skraito they got telepathy from infra red or what10:21
dr_willisForseti:  windowas names partitions that way.  linux mounts them to different locations10:22
voldyman_skraito: indian here too. feelsgoodman :)10:22
PrAsHaNtskraito, why are you so much focussed on indians?10:22
PrAsHaNtskraito, any interesting story?10:23
skraitooh yeah10:23
skraitoindian is always a cheater10:23
Forsetidr_willis, so you prefer to change all pc hard drive to ubuntu system?10:23
skraitothey cheat 20 cent10:23
DJonesskraito: Theres no need for comments like that10:23
skraitoand cheat another one dollar10:23
tasslehoffikonia: running discrete graphics only?10:23
DJones!coc | skraito10:23
ubottuskraito: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv10:23
skraito+ harassing with smell10:23
voldyman_skraito: do go to #rindia10:23
skraito+ harassing with anything man10:23
PrAsHaNtdr_willis, yes i want "open terminal here "in my right click menu10:24
dr_willisForseti:  for a system thats all linux, noy much to gain by keeping part of it lon ntfs.   external usbs perhaps stay with ntfs if you are moveing them from pc to pc..10:24
dr_willisPrAsHaNt:  there used to be a package in the repos that added that feature10:24
PrAsHaNtokey thanks10:25
dr_willisPrAsHaNt:  or just open a terminal, type 'cd ' then drag/drop the folder into the terminal10:25
PrAsHaNtdr_willis, thanks a lot , though i ll google that package out10:26
Forsetidr_willis, Thank you a lot! I will think about it. :)10:26
saviois there any way any log files that are generated my network-manager  which i can use in case of failure10:27
milo64dr_willis: byobu in ubuntu and byobu in debian are different versions when installed from apt-get10:28
Ora3232savio: Look in the log file viewer10:28
dr_willismilo64:  thats not supriseing.10:28
milo64i mean, what version is it in debian and what version is it in ubuntu10:29
dr_willis!info byobu10:29
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): powerful, text based window manager and shell multiplexer. In component main, is optional. Version 5.17-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 83 kB, installed size 418 kB10:29
dr_willisno idea on debian10:29
ubottusica: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:29
dr_williswow yet anothrt caio, list, exit....10:30
tsimpson!info byobu unstable10:30
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): powerful, text based window manager and shell multiplexer. In component main, is optional. Version 5.16-1 (unstable), package size 130 kB, installed size 418 kB10:30
Ora3232What has list got to do with warez? What a stupid presumption10:30
dr_willisand they always say caio first.... how.. odd. ;)10:31
EaglemanWhy is ubuntu hanging on every reboot, it will take about 3 minutes to boot succesfully:  Waiting for network configuration...   network file: http://pastebin.com/DdsLLHBz10:31
tasslehoffikonia: with discrete graphics my t530 won't boot, and with integrated I can't make the minidisplayport work10:32
milo64dr_willis: [17:31:24] <judd> Package: byobu on i386 -- squeeze: 2.80-1+squeeze1; sid: 5.16-1; wheezy: 5.16-110:33
milo64uh... that's weird10:33
milo64the interface is not the same10:33
dr_willisits just a fancy set of configs for tmux or screen last i looked milo6410:34
milo64oh wait10:34
milo64ok. thanks bye10:34
sno_Hello, I have an ipv6 tunnel setup, is there a way to prevent ipv4 connections to IRC ports 6660-6669 on eth0 but allow connections through ipv6 via iptables?  When I deny those ports on eth0 I´m also not able to connect through the ipv6.10:35
g105bis it possible to install mysql and php to a directory within $HOME to not interfere with possible installed versions ?10:41
PrAsHaNtdr_willis, sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal10:41
pnglI want to update a machine with 9.04 on it. But the packages are gone from archive.ubuntu.org. What should I do?10:42
tsimpsonpngl: you can use the instructions here to upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades but it may not be very smooth10:42
dr_willis3 years worth of updates. :)10:44
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Ora3232sno_: Presume you're using ip6tables already?10:48
Ora3232sno_: As far as I understood it, iptables only applies to v4 and ip6tables only applies to v6 traffic, so using the two you should be able to setup appropriate rules10:51
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sno_Ora3232, thanks for the reply.  Now If I use iptables for ipv4/eth0 why would it prevent traffic on the ipv6 device? ;/10:57
sno_I am aware of ip6tables, I haven´t configured any rules for it, I´m fine with the ipv6 being completely open, it sounds like since it is an ipv6 tunnel, I may need to configure some rules between iptables and ip6tables?  Maybe some kind of forwarding?10:58
bustacapHow can I hide ALL echoing from wget?11:00
sno_Now, given I am connecting to a ipv6 irc server, there shouldn´t be any communication between ipv4/eth0 and that ipv6 irc server.11:00
tsimpsonbustacap: add -o /dev/null11:00
sno_I´m trying to figure out why disabling ports on ipv4/eth0 affects the ipv6/he-ipv6 device. It shouldn´t.11:01
bustacaptsimpson, you're the man. thanks ;)11:01
FloodBot1asker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:07
g105bgood morning asker11:07
Paddy_NIFor show11:08
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Eagleman Where can i find the default /etc/bind/named.conf.options  ?11:15
BluesKaj_Hi all11:15
wiherekI need to connect to a pptp vpn that only accepts certified clients11:16
wiherekI have the .crt file11:16
yuliodr_willis: help me .I can't install and remove software http://paste.ubuntu.com/1200352/11:19
meisth0thyulio: did you try sudo apt-get update?11:20
Eagleman Where can i find the default /etc/bind/named.conf.options  ?11:20
yuliomeisth0th: yup !11:20
EaglemanThe orginal file when it was installed.11:20
meisth0thEagleman: find which package provides that file, download that package11:21
yuliomeisth0th: i even try http://paste.ubuntu.com/1200360/11:22
meisth0thyulio: can you please try running same command as root11:23
MonkeyDustyulio  I haven't followed... is it a PPA you're trying to upgrade?11:23
yuliomeisth0th:  i had tried it under root11:24
dhruvasagarHey guys, I just did a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 and updated all packages, then installed google-chrome-stable from google.com/chrome, I get aw,snap on every page, even the settings page, what could be wrong ?11:24
meisth0thyulio: then i have no idea11:25
meisth0thdhruvasagar: why do you use google-chrome?11:25
meisth0thdhruvasagar: you can install chromium-browser from official repositories?11:25
dr_willislooks almost like a file in /var/lib/dpkg/status got messed up.  try renameing that file. and do a sudo apt-get update/upgrade again11:25
dhruvasagarmeisth0th: well I need it only for the 'incognito feature'11:25
dhruvasagarmeisth0th: ok lemme check chromium11:25
meisth0thdhruvasagar: then chromium is what you should have11:25
meisth0th$ sudo apt-get install chromium-browser11:25
dhruvasagarmeisth0th: cool11:26
dhruvasagarmeisth0th: thanks11:26
tsimpsondhruvasagar: firefox has "private browsing", which is the same thing under a different name11:26
meisth0thdhruvasagar: you're welcome11:26
ndeeanyone has a tutorial on how I can allow for an FTP account only exactly one IP address?11:26
yuliodhruvasagar: you can also try opera and midori(fastest)11:26
Ora3232dhruvasagar: I wouldn't use Chrome, it captures your personal details11:28
dhruvasagaryulio: I have used opera before, not sure it has the incognito like feature, haven't used midori at all11:28
Ora3232dhruvasagar: Use an open source browser11:28
dhruvasagarOra3232: hmm you might be right :)11:28
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Guest29050 /SET term_force_colors ON11:32
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=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj_
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
j2daoshhey all. quick question concerning the autostart11:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:39
j2daoshhow do i turn on logging for an application? remote desktop doesn't log by default (which is freaking retarded in my opinion) and I want to start it so it creates a log11:39
fidelj2daosh: might depends on the remote desktop app you use in the first place11:40
j2daoshi attempted to add >> /var/log/vnc.log to the auto start, but that didn't work and only said it couldn't open the display11:40
fidelsome apps do log into syslog - checked that?11:40
j2daoshfidel: its xrdc11:40
fidelj2daosh: so check first what this specific app is supposed to do according to the dev/docs11:41
j2daoshfidel: yeah, and checked the auth log. no mention. but when i netstat -tp|grep ESTAB, i see people connected to the vino-server from china11:41
j2daoshand thats when i killed it and decided to start logging lol11:41
dhruvasagarbtw chromium works like a charm :)11:42
AdvoWorkI have a virtual machine, running ubuntu 12.04 server, and have a few cifs and nfs mounts in /etc/fstab. These work fine, but I rebooted all VM's yesterday, and even though they boot in order, the ubuntu server must have come up before the file server(therefore the VM didnt boot due to mount errors). Is there anything I can do?11:44
eleazarhey guys, random question, is there a vnc or ssh server automatically running on ubuntu? i forgot to start teamviewer before i left for work and now i can't access the box, but i have another pc on the network that i could use to ssh or vnc with11:44
johnmAdvoWork: there are several options, but one of the simplest would be to look at using autofs opposed to static mounts of nfs volumes.11:45
dengkehey guys11:46
dhanasekaranHi guys I am to cloud with ubuntu, Basic difference between ubuntu iso, and cloud-image iso, please guide me11:46
dengkeThis is my first time using IRC11:48
fideldhanasekaran: consider rephrasing your question. personaly i do know there are ubuntu desktop & server & alternative isos ... but never heard of an cloud iso11:48
dhruvasagarbtw I have installed ubuntu 12.04 on my macbook pro, except for the work around for installing wireless firmware drivers, which is very well documented I might add, everything works quite well!11:48
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fideldhanasekaran: http://www.ubuntu.com/download <- should offer an overview11:49
dhanasekaranfidel, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/11:49
fidel!en | dengke11:49
ubottudengke: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:49
MonkeyDustdhanasekaran  there's alos this http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud11:49
dengkeI konw11:50
dhanasekaranfidel, i am using openstack what is difference between iso image cloud image11:50
SolarAquarionSome on my ubuntu system is wrong http://privatepaste.com/76ec175a6911:52
bazhangSolarAquarion, what version of ubuntu11:52
bazhangSolarAquarion, this is not the channel for 12.1011:53
MonkeyDustSolarAquarion  try #ubuntu+111:53
SolarAquarionMonkeyDust and Bazhang i'm there11:54
bazhangSolarAquarion, so be patient11:54
johnmSolarAquarion: I'd question why it's trying to import the linuxmint object on a vanilla ubuntu install.11:56
tasslehoffwill it work to install nvidia-current when I'm running on internal graphics only (set in bios)?11:56
SolarAquarionjohnm because my system isn't a vanilla install11:57
MonkeyDustidd "ImportError: No module named linuxmint"11:58
johnmSolarAquarion: Then what is it? if it's a problem of linuxmint, then it's probably best looking to the linuxmint guys11:58
SolarAquarionBut i'm using ubuntu 12.1011:59
johnmSolarAquarion: if it's something you've recently changed yourself, it's unlikely to expect a lot of help for an ubuntu release thats not yet been released.11:59
SolarAquarioni know11:59
fideli guess someone mentioned #ubuntu+1 already right?11:59
SolarAquarion.........  and i'm waiting11:59
johnmSolarAquarion: But you've not explained what you've done for it to look to import linuxmint related material. If you're pasting that error you won't het much response. Outline in #ubuntu+1 what you've done to cause this problem, and if they can direct you on an appropriate solution12:00
Sidewinder1SolarAquarion, While you're waiting, there's also the ubuntuforums.org; if you haven't searched already.12:00
MonkeyDustSolarAquarion  start from the beginning, what were you doing and why, before you came here for help12:01
SolarAquarionI had a linux mint 11 (Katya) which I uprgraded to Maya which I upgraded to ubuntu 12.1012:04
MonkeyDustSolarAquarion  a diffzerent distro is not an upgrade12:05
johnmSolarAquarion: I would strongly suggest just installing a fresh ubuntu 12.10 and copying over what you require from backups12:05
johnmyour $HOME is mostly portable, and most other things (on a desktop environment) should carry sane defaults, it's a fairly straight forward job12:05
johnmYou'll get no end of cruft carried over from linuxmint, since they do alter more than you might anticipate - which is of course why you see the current issues.12:06
MonkeyDustIIRC, mint is based on debian, not on ubuntu12:07
dr_willisi think they have  variants on both12:08
dr_willisi just stick with ubuntu. ;)12:09
ViaNocturnaMonkeyDust: That's incorrect, uname will list Mint as Ubuntu12:10
MonkeyDustViaNocturna  you're right, just tried it in vbox12:13
ViaNocturnaMonkeyDust: It's okay, it all leads back to Debian eventually lol12:14
zykotick9MonkeyDust: <OT> there is a mint based on debian LMDE12:18
itsrachelfishIs it just me or is packages.ubuntu.com down?12:19
maxexclooany status updates on the packages.ubuntu.com site?12:19
maxexcloohas been for hours12:19
itsrachelfishoh wow12:19
maxexclooit happened a week back too12:19
maxexclooAlways when I need it for work too!12:19
uglyhello all, had a question if someone could help me that would be awesome12:19
zykotick9!ask | ugly12:20
ubottuugly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:20
uglyIn the /etc/default/grub directory, what do i have to edit so that i will be able to select either my linux system or my windows os?12:23
zykotick9ugly: try running "sudo update-grub" and see if it gets automatically added.12:24
zykotick9ugly: fyi /etc/default/ is the directory, grub is a file ;)12:24
uglythank you i tried, normally it says skipping windows nt but this time it said nothing12:26
uglyAlso i have tried to find the Grub Device map so that i can see where windows was located but i was unsuccessful, do you have the command for that?12:28
dr_willisshould be in /boot/grub ugly12:29
dr_willisor /boot/12:29
m3powhello , anyone knows how can i install the documentation on ruby so i can access it from terminal12:29
uglyi tried /boot/grub/menu.lst and got permission denied, next step?12:30
p1l0twhat does the t in drwxrwxrwt mean?12:31
dr_willismenu.lst is not used by grub2.12:31
uglythats right its grub.cfg right?12:31
delinquentmeSO say someone gives me access to a server that they own ...  THey've got a user for me ... and I'm wondering how secure the password I update my user with is12:31
BluesKaj \/etc/default/grub for grub2 users , menu.lst is for legacy grub12:31
dr_willisugly:  and what do you mean 'tried' ?12:32
delinquentmeIs it hard for them to get the password for my user account if they're an admin?12:32
dr_willisdelinquentme:  normally quite difficult12:32
p1l0td = directory ; r = read ; w = write ; x = execute ; t = ?12:32
delinquentmedr_willis, noted12:32
dr_willispick a long password if  you are parasnoid12:33
zykotick9don't use a "password" at all!  use a "pass sentence" 14 characters or more type thing12:33
delinquentmeso this is something hashed / encrypted sooo the longer it is  ... the more difficult?12:34
dr_willisyes delinquentme12:34
dr_willisi saw the maths once.. longer = better then more random but shorter12:34
dr_willisbut this is getting into the tinfoil hat paranoia level12:35
zykotick9dr_willis: less then 14-18 characters can be stored on a dvd rainbow table... so anything short is already decrypted12:35
dr_willisdna scanners..12:36
dr_willisugly:  best to keep it in the channel. im at work and may have to leave at any time12:37
dr_willisugly:  'sudo fdisk -l' will show all partitions on the system12:38
uglyok appreciate it i will try that, i have tried rootnoverify (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader+1, is that close?12:38
dr_willisi dont even know what you are trying to do12:39
dr_willisthat looks like the old grub1 syntax.  ubuntu uses grub2 nirmally these days12:39
uglyoh for some reason when i downloaded ubuntu it took away my boot option menu so it boots straight to linux12:40
uglytrying to get it so that i can boot to a selectable menu12:40
dr_willisugly:  you see the grub menu at all on boot?12:40
BobMarleyi have updated to the 12.04 lts, is there a way to have the lucyd environment?12:40
BluesKajugly, did you sudo update-grub ?12:40
dr_willisBobMarley:  you mean gnome2 ?12:40
unless_How do I solve this situation : "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused" ?12:41
BobMarleydr_willis, i dont know what i was using then, but i dont like the side wive of the 12.04 lts12:41
uglyyes i can access the grub menu on boot, and yes i have used update-grub12:41
=== Vobine is now known as Psychoholic
Piciunless_: make sure that sshd is actually running on that host.12:41
dr_willisunless_:  check the server logs and configs and see why its refuseing it12:41
dr_willis!classic | BobMarley12:42
ubottuBobMarley: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity12:42
BluesKajunless_, make sure  is up and running12:42
dr_willis!nounity | BobMarley12:42
ubottuBobMarley: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:42
unless_BluesKaj, how?12:42
BluesKajping it , unless_12:42
BluesKajpinging won't turn the device on , but at least you'll know , unless_12:43
belugsHi guys, Which the best software to recover deleted file? Extension DBF12:43
dr_willisBobMarley:  i perfer unity these days.  its getting a nice set of features.12:43
unless_BluesKaj, it is working.12:43
uglyits just not giving me the option to boot windows, skips straight to linux12:43
belugsI try the software "foremost", but he doesn't recover DBF file12:43
BobMarleydr_willis, but it is hard to me to see which programs are oppened12:44
dr_willisugly:  so you see some kernel entries, and memtest and other entries in the grub menu12:44
uglyyes i see all of them except windows12:44
dr_willisBobMarley:  oh? little arrow shows open apps and the icon background changes i belve12:45
BobMarleydr_willis, is there at least a way to manage the unity features? like resising it?12:45
dr_willisBobMarley:  youcan resize the panel yes.12:45
BluesKajugly, then you might have timeout =0 in the grub menu , when booting hold down the left shift key to get grub , then "e" to edit the timeout12:45
StryKaizerEvery time I receive a message over IM, I get promted for authentication (superuser),   Anyone any suggestions on fixing?12:45
p1l0tSo how do I know if (t = restricted deletion flag || t = sticky bit) { on my system; }12:45
BobMarleydr_willis, but how?12:45
uglymy grub timeout is set to 30, although the hidden timeout is set to 012:46
dr_willisBobMarley:  setting somere in the settings tools. a slider i recall..  not on a pc so i cant look12:46
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dr_willisBobMarley:  the omgubuntu and webupd8 site have some neat unity tweaking tips and info. askubuntu.com  also has some good info12:47
dr_willisBobMarley:  tip #1 - press and hold the super key to see a keybord shortcut list12:47
belugsHi guys, Which the best software to recover deleted file? Extension DBF. I tried the software "foremost", but he doesn't recover DBF file.12:48
unless_Pici, how do I make sure sshd is running?12:48
dr_willissudo service sshd status    (i think)12:48
sno_unless, that is a question google can answer.12:48
BluesKajugly, run this , sudo os-prober ' then run 'sudo update-grub12:48
geekbridr_willis:, unless_: sudo service ssh status12:49
geekbrileave the d off12:49
dr_willisunless_:  the service command is handy ;)12:49
hficor pidof12:49
uglyBluesKaj, ok i ran them both, i can see windows xp there, then i ran sudo update-grub12:49
dr_willisit supports tab completion also12:49
BobMarleydr_willis, is there also a way to put the unity say at the top of the screen?12:50
dr_willisBobMarley:  nopt12:50
BluesKajugly, then you should be able to boot into windows12:50
dr_willisBobMarley:  nope12:50
EaglemanHow do i add a pam user to imap, so he will be able to login on to imap. Some how the user Charlie is able to login in imap.domain.net and and the user Mathew is not able to login. same server but i only changed the user/password12:50
uglyBluesKaj, ok will try, then off to bed, work on it tomorrow i guess, thanks for the help12:51
BluesKajugly, np12:51
p1l0tDoes it depend on whether its a file or directory the sticky bit or restricted deletion flag?12:51
BobMarleywhere is that button that minimizes all the windows?12:54
dn4in the latest ubuntu release why does the software center not show irssi12:54
dn4why is the terminal harder to find as an app; hmm12:54
jn_anyone know a program/plugin written in java which is open source and relates to linux somehow ?12:54
fidel!info irssi12:54
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-4ubuntu3 (precise), package size 870 kB, installed size 2396 kB12:54
unless_geekbri, sudo: service: command not found, and now :P12:54
fideldn4: the terminal is not harder to find an app - just do: apt-cache search irssi12:54
DealizerHi anyone?12:55
sogeking99Hey guys, I want to migrate my install from wubi to be a duel boot. When I installed it I choose a small, partition, around 30GB. I am following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi I see sda4 matches that size, but has mount point as '/host'12:55
fideldn4: to be honest - its usualy faster then using the gui ;)12:55
sogeking99can I use that one?12:55
dn4um hmm12:55
DealizerI've got a problem with Synaptic, any help?12:55
unless_dr_willis, do I need to install service?12:56
fidelBobMarley: might depend on what desktop you use ;)12:56
fidel!ask > Dealizer12:56
ubottuDealizer, please see my private message12:56
EaglemanHow do i add a pam user to imap, so he will be able to login on to imap. Some how the user Charlie is able to login in imap.domain.net and and the user Mathew is not able to login. same server but i only changed the user/password12:56
dn4when did this software center for ubuntu get created?12:57
BobMarleyfidel, i am using the latest one , the unity12:58
fideldn4: several years ago - if thats answer-enough12:58
DealizerI was installing a bunch of packages and suddenly my desktop session quited. I've logged in again and I want to recover that Synaptic window, how can I do that?12:58
PrAsHaNthow to install .run file?12:58
fidelBobMarley: so rephrase your question then and hope someone inhere us uusing unity and knows the answer12:58
dn4man in 2008 ubuntu did't have the software CENTER haha12:59
dn4evne in 0912:59
sogeking99Anyone know?12:59
dr_willisPrAsHaNt:  chmod +x foo.run   then ./foo.run     but what are you running?12:59
fidelPrAsHaNt: .run files get executed usualy from terminal12:59
belugsSomeone know about extundelete? Can he recover deleted dbf file?12:59
fideldnaccording to wiki version 1.02 shipped with 9.10.....and that is 2009 ;)13:00
geekbriunless_: "which service" doesn't return /usr/sbin/service ?13:00
dr_willisbelugs:  if you are  lucky13:00
PrAsHaNti want to install amd graphics driver which i downloaded it from the official site13:00
BobMarleyfidel, in the lucyd there was a button on the left and at the bottom, i would like that button back13:00
frisis there anyway to run oidentd bind to only localhost, like mysql has skip-networking13:00
dr_willisPrAsHaNt:  the version in the repos dosent work?13:00
belugsdr_willis: Lol.. I tried the software "foremost", but he doesn't recoverd dbf file13:00
fidelBobMarley: i was just pointing out that you should ask a clear question - otherwise you'll end without answer. personaly i dont use unity - so i cant answer your question . but reasking your question - mentioned that you are talking about unity should be the way to go13:01
PrAsHaNtdr_willis, no its not compatible with draftsight the cad software13:01
dr_willisBobMarley:  the bot mentioned the gnome-fallback mode, or try lubuntu13:01
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PrAsHaNtdr_willis, so i write all the commands in terminal that u said above?13:01
unless_geekbri, I got this : bash: :/usr/sbin/service: No such file or directory13:02
belugsdr_willis: so, I read about undelete software, and many people said extundelete is good13:02
EaglemanHow do i add a pam user to imap, so he will be able to login on to imap. Some how the user Charlie is able to login in imap.domain.net and and the user Mathew is not able to login. same server but i only changed the user/password13:02
dr_willisbelugs:  ive never nneeded to use any of them13:02
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:02
geekbriunless_: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:02
unless_geekbri, 8.04 I think13:03
dn4so at least 4 years13:03
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.13:03
geekbriunless_: my memory is rusty on that version, it is possible that they weren't using upstart at that point.13:03
fidelunless_: run: lsb_release -a // in a terminal13:03
belugsdr_willis: neither me.. but, my worker deleted one dbf.. and backup is old !!!13:03
fidellsb_release should output your current version - if its really 8.x consider running updates ;)13:03
unless_I need it in order to run mpitch13:04
geekbriunless_: try "pidof sshd"13:04
belugsdr_willis: I'm trying recover... if I can't... I'll restore old backup, but it is the last choice.13:04
fidelunless_: well getting support for such old versions will get harder and harder over time ;)13:04
geekbriunless_: you could also try "dpkg --get-selections | grep openssh-server" to see if its even installed13:05
unless_geekbri, 485313:05
dr_willisssh localhost   ;)13:05
geekbriOf course, that is assuming that is still what the package was called 4 years ago :)13:05
geekbriunless_: seems like its running to me!13:05
dr_willissee if you can connect locallt13:05
unless_well, it is 99% certain ssh is working because mpitch is.13:05
unless_it is connected locally.13:05
dr_willisthen time to check the firewall rules and ssh logs13:06
geekbricould always sudo netstat -natpl | grep LISTEN.*sshd13:06
geekbrimake sure its bound to the proper ip13:06
DealizerI was installing a bunch of packages and suddenly my desktop session quited. I've logged in again and I want to recover that Synaptic window, how can I do that?13:07
geekbrisounds to me like sshd is running just fine though13:07
sogeking99Hey guys, I want to migrate my install from wubi to be a duel boot. When I installed it I choose a small, partition, around 30GB. I am following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi I see sda4 matches that size, but has mount point as '/host'13:07
ViaNocturnaDealizer: I would imagine you would have to fire Synaptic again13:07
sogeking99can I use that one?13:07
Dealizer@ViaNocturna: Yes, I've tried it but it says it's locked. So it's running in the background13:09
sogeking99I'm new to IRC, are you guys seeing my messages?13:10
fidelsogeking99: yes we do13:11
BluesKaj!Adeptfix | Dealizer13:11
ubottuDealizer: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:11
sogeking99ok thanks13:11
Deeewaynehow can I disable the UI in 12.04?  I don't see any /etc/rc2.d/*S30gdm files nor do I have a /etc/init/gdm.conf13:12
* BluesKaj hopes that command is still relevant13:12
usr13Deeewayne: Just kill X13:12
=== Vanadis is now known as Vanadis_
usr13Deeewayne: pkill X13:13
Deeewayneusr13, I want to disable from starting on system startup, not stop it manually each reboot13:13
hficDeeewayne, why use desktop version then? .. Why not use ubuntu server13:13
DealizerBluesKaj But doing that I assume apt may stop installing the list of packages (?)13:14
JettisDeeewayne you should find lightdm.conf13:14
usr13Deeewayne: Uninstall xorg13:14
DeeewayneJettis, thanks13:15
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:15
BluesKajDealizer, I assume synaptic crashed , but is locking access to dpkg13:15
dr_willistext mode = no lightdm started13:15
WDKevinOther than XMPP, is there a simple, secure instant messaging server I can use?13:15
DeeewayneI have ubuntu server but installed (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop) yesterday because I thought I needed it to get around some vmware workstation 9 issues.  Now I don't want it and would prefer to remove the ubuntu-desktop entirely.  Is there an easy way to remove ubuntu-desktop ?13:16
ViaNocturnaDealizer: Try this link, it's aimed at a locked apt: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/fixing-could-not-get-lock-var-lib-dpkg-lock13:16
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:16
serdotlinechoDealizer: type in terminal : sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock13:17
sogeking99Anyone know another place I might ask?13:19
DealizerBluesKaj, ViaNocturna, serdotlinecho: Thanks! removing  /var/lib/dpkg/lock  was the solution!13:20
BluesKajsogeking99, ask what ?13:20
ViaNocturnaDealizer: you're welcome13:20
BluesKajDealizer, np13:20
digitaljediwhats up all? :)13:20
serdotlinechosogeking99: askubuntu.com, ubuntuforums.org13:20
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
sogeking99BluesKaj,  I want to migrate my install from wubi to be a dual boot. When I installed it I choose a small, partition, around 30GB. I am following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi I see sda4 matches that size, but has mount point as '/host'13:21
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sogeking99is that what i want to use?13:22
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BluesKajsogeking99, no mountpoint should be changed to just /13:22
=== PaRtH is now known as Guest89110
usr13sogeking99: Did you create your swap and root partitions?13:24
BluesKajsogeking99, but that might just be a temporary mountpoint until all is trnsferred to the new partition13:24
sogeking99usr13, no, I think wubi handled everything13:24
usr13sogeking99: Oh? "This document describes how to migrate a Wubi install to partition. The partition(s) must be created already."13:25
sogeking99BluesKaj, do you think I should just try? 'owner@ubuntu:~/Downloads/wubi-move-2.2$ sudo bash wubi-move-2.2.sh /dev/sda4'13:25
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usr13sogeking99: I've never done this before, but the first paragraph indicates, (to me), that you have to first create the partitions.13:25
sogeking99usr13, yeah, it is a partition I had on my windows install. I believe wubi is using a lot of the space13:26
=== Shadows` is now known as SoulShadow
LennyLinuxHi, i installed the ruby1.9.1-examples package and tried to find the examples with locate command, but it didn't work. How or where can i find the installed examples?13:26
BluesKajsogeking99, in order to dual boot you need a separate ext partition for ubuntu to be copied to13:27
usr13"The examples shown below assume the target partition is /dev/sda5 and the swap partition (if required) is /dev/sda6."  So the question is, how many partitions do you have now?13:27
Ora3232LennyLinux: The package manager can tell you where things are installed13:27
Ora3232LennyLinux: rtfm for the command13:27
NunnersCan someone provide some assistance setting up vsftpd so that I can access sftp owned directories?!13:27
LennyLinuxOra3232: which command sorry?13:28
sogeking99BluesKaj, the only free one is this 30GB one, which is where wubi installed ubuntu. So I need to make a new partition somehow?13:29
LennyLinuxOra3232: aptitude?13:29
sogeking99usr13, sorry.13:29
Ora3232LennyLinux: dpkg -L <package name>13:30
usr13sogeking99: Maybe the script does create partitions but I doubt it because you can not re-partition when the existing ones are mounted unless you have free (unused/unpartitioned) space on your HD.13:30
flrnshow do i install a printer (samsung ml 1670) using the splix package?13:30
flrnsor splix driver13:30
Ora3232LennyLinux: You can also do it by right clicking on the package in Synaptic (don't think there's an equivalent in the dumbed down Ubuntu software thing)13:30
flrnsi just installed the package, but the driver doenst appear in the "install driver" dialog13:30
usr13sogeking99: How big is your hard drive?13:30
LennyLinuxOra3232: ok, thanks.13:31
sogeking99usr13,  my two TB HDD's are pretty full, but I might be able to spare another 30GB, first I must shrink one right?13:32
=== Nunners_ is now known as Nunners
BobMarleyi am trying to do some steps fromthe following tutorial: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141513:32
BobMarleyand i am not able to pen the myunity13:32
BluesKajsogeking99, that tutorial seems risky to me , save your data in a separate dir in windows then use gparted to set up proper partitons for windows and linux , then use the live media to install the ubuntu OS , that would be the best method You can transfer your data from the saved windows dir /folder to ubuntu very easliy after the install13:33
usr13sogeking99: Yes, you need to boot from liveCD and shrink one or more partitions in order to make at least 30G free space.  (I recommend more, much more.)13:34
usr13sogeking99: Now I am not an authority on migraging wubi.  Like I said, I've never done it.  But I do know how to re-partition and make room for a Linux install, so...13:35
sogeking99okay thanks guys13:35
Marzatahow is "who am i" in ubuntu linux?13:35
Marzatawho is who13:36
LorSamPau_w_The who is who13:36
Marzatabut the unix "who am i"?13:36
compdocooops, sorry13:36
compdocits whoami13:36
usr13Yea, whoami13:37
usr13Marzata: whoami13:37
usr13Nakkel: It's the same13:38
usr13Marzata: But who just gives all that is logged in and where.13:38
BobMarley i am trying to do some steps fromthe following tutorial: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141513:39
BobMarley and i am not able to pen the myunity13:39
tuananhtdthello every body13:43
sootsfsnet#centos /j13:46
BobMarleymyunity was not installed on my pc, i solved my problem13:47
andrewsHey all - would anyone be able to tell me, roughly, how to connect my brand new installation of 11.04 (latest didnt work very well) laptop to my works windows 2003 server network (I know my unser names, the domain name etc I just dont know how to 'get there')13:47
BobMarleyanyway, i would like to make the unity even smaller than available13:48
subdesigni get File Exists error making a symlink, any idea why?13:49
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fidelBobMarley: talking now about the unity-dock?13:50
BobMarleyfidel, yes13:50
klj613hello. how do i forward my SSH keys whilst ssh'ing? so me -> vm -> server. thanks :)13:57
^DEMOSS^i do it is #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt   #mount -t proc none /mnt/proc   #mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev    now i wanna mount dev/sda5 - were i have /usr partition. what command i need to use for mount /dev/sda5 to /mnt and have scripts on mnt ( i wanna chroot and reinstall grub )13:57
fishcookeri've looking for sun-java6-jre from this repo http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/s/skype/14:02
fishcookerbut nothing here14:02
ikoniafishcooker: it won't be in there14:03
fishcookerwhere is it14:03
^DEMOSS^were is all helpers ? )14:03
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:03
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
ikonia^DEMOSS^: the channel has 1400+ people in it, if you ask a question, people will help if they can14:04
^DEMOSS^i do it is #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt   #mount -t proc none /mnt/proc   #mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev    now i wanna mount dev/sda5 - were i have /usr partition. what command i need to use for mount /dev/sda5 to /mnt and have scripts on mnt ( i wanna chroot and reinstall grub ) Help please ^) i wanna go to home and eat my dinner )14:04
ikonia^DEMOSS^: you've already mounted /dev/sda1 to /mnt - you can't mount /dev/sda5 there14:05
^DEMOSS^in dev/sda1 i have a root system ( / ) in dev/sda5 i have /usr.14:06
joeblowyou can create multiple folders under /mnt and then mount thema all under /mnt14:06
ikonia^DEMOSS^: ok, so you want to mount it on /mnt/usr , not /mnt14:06
^DEMOSS^i need write #mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/usr ?14:06
geirha^DEMOSS^: yes, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/usr14:07
ratcheerYes, but first you need to: mkdir /mnt/usr14:07
tykimim trying to use playonlinux but i need to install raw3patch14:08
tykimi have no idea how to do it can anyone help me?14:08
^DEMOSS^o_O special devise does not exist (/dev/sda5) oO14:08
^DEMOSS^oh its ok /dev/sda5 )14:09
=== tiagoscd is now known as JavaNunes
tykimdoes anyone know about raw 3 patch?14:11
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joeblowraw3 patch install http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBBvNLXLels14:13
dn4why does ubuntu need to upgrade flash; and I cannot find an upgrade for youtube14:17
nsxflash on linux is discontinued anyway14:19
nsxbasically, if you want flash in linux, use chrome.14:19
dn4then how does one view youtube with out flash?14:19
nsxuse chrome.14:19
nsxgoogle has a special license to bundle flash within chrome.14:19
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
nsxit's the only way you're going to be able to keep an updated web flash player in linux from here on out.14:20
dn4hmmm what will replace flash in the future?14:20
nsxthe linux/NSAPI flash is completely dead, though14:20
dn4since linux discontinued it14:20
nsxlinux didn't discontinue it.. adobe discontinued NSAPI flash on linux14:20
Picinsx: dn4: There are still flash packages available for Ubuntu.14:21
dn4oh well that is a conundrum if ever.14:21
Picidn4: Perhaps you should clarify what you mean by "why does ubuntu need to upgrade flash"?14:21
nsxPici: I never said they weren't.  but they're already obsolete.14:21
nsxPici: and any site that requires the latest version will not work with them14:22
nsxchrome is the only recourse14:22
dn4I just installed; went to youtube; needs latest flash; had to install a package14:22
dn4no worries I figured it out14:22
nsxI think it's a lost cause to even worry about the NSAPI flash plugin anymore.14:22
joeblowjust install the Restricted Extras package on ubuntu14:23
nsxnot only are you opening yourself up to security vulnerabilities, you're quickly going to find that it won't work with a lot of sites.14:23
dr_willisjoeblow:  insuall the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package14:23
Picinsx: while updates are no longer viable, I don't think that dn4 was actually looking for an update, but rather the initial install of flash.14:23
dr_willisjoeblow:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:24
dn4hmmm security issues T_T14:24
Picidn4: Agreed.14:24
joeblowsomeone was having a problem with youtube and flash14:24
sebas_Hello all :) I've just downloaded Ubuntu Beta 1 and it does not start completley. Graphics are messed up.. any way to get it started? (I use nvidia graphics)14:25
hficsebas_, #ubuntu+114:26
joeblow<sebas_> - most ubuntu betas have video problems, I would start in video compat mode14:26
Pici: Quantal/12.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:26
Ora3232sebas_: Report any bugs you experience to launchpad14:27
Ora3232sebas_: You could test a newer version of the nouveau driver if you're so inclined14:27
Wishinguser account issue14:29
Wishingi want to add another user14:29
dn4is java bad to install?14:29
TheLordOfTimedn4:  no, just harder...14:30
dn4I want to access this website problem with www.w4ax.com14:30
TheLordOfTime!java | dn414:30
ubottudn4: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:30
^DEMOSS^ok now i have a error - thats not list of partition found when do #update grub14:30
Ora3232Wishing: Have you tried google? This is fairly trivial14:30
Wishingmy password is not working for sudo tasks14:30
^DEMOSS^What i need to do ?14:30
dr_willis^DEMOSS^:  pastebin the exact commands and exact error messages14:31
WishingOra3232, what is the command line for adding another user to the system14:32
^DEMOSS^uff i try it14:32
dr_willisWishing:    sudo adduser billgates              or similer.14:32
joeblowWishing or Ora3232 - you can use useradd or adduser14:32
sebas_Ora3232: thanx and I might try that one if I can find out how to start Ubuntu in videocompat. mode14:33
WishingMaster is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.14:33
dr_willisWishing:  so what have you done to the system lately? you semed to broke sudo14:34
ubottufabrizio-smisci: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:35
Wishingdr_willis, well i tried to enable the root account but it didn't allow me14:35
dr_willisWishing:  and how exactly did you try?14:35
finga_hi i use mixxx as dj software, but cannot find my cdrom, how can i make it work?14:35
bobweaverfinga_,  cd /media && ls        is it there ?14:36
dr_willisfinga_:  normally its /dev/cdrom but in some cases ive seen it be /devcdrom0 or cdrom1,   /dev/sr0 should also be the optical drive14:36
dr_willisyou dont mount music cds14:36
Wishingdr_willis, i logged into kde interface and then from user account settings, i tried to enable root account14:37
finga_bobweaver, dr_willis: no its in cdda://sr0/ in nautilus but with drag and drop mixx says it cannot find the location14:37
dr_willissome tools can sort of fake-mount them so you see the music as files.14:37
Wishingi did allow me to enable the root account14:37
hficWishing, you don't get removed from a sudoers account by clicking thru menus.14:37
Wishingdr_willis, i did allow me to enable the root account14:37
dn4is ubuntu one free?14:37
dr_willisfinga_:  because cdda: is a specual type url.14:37
Calinoudn4, yes14:38
Wishinghfic, well thats what i did14:38
dr_willisfinga_:  tell it /dev/cdrom perhaps14:38
hficWishing, you removed yourself from the sudoers group by not using the appropriate group flags.14:38
dn4is ubuntu one use to spy on your stuff? can I trust it?14:38
dr_willisfinga_:  or /dev/sr014:38
dr_willisdn4:  yes and yes14:38
dr_willisand yes..14:38
hficWishing, It's really the only way I can even see someone getting removed from the sudoers group14:38
Wishinghfic, so now what to do?14:38
finga_dr_willis sr0 and cdrom in /dev are both not there14:38
dr_willisubuntu one works fine.. its free.. if you want encrypt your stuff14:39
hficWishing, the easiest way to fix is either load up a livecd and edit the sudoers file.14:39
dr_willisfinga_:  that is weird.14:39
joeblowWishing - for now I would change the root password by using the passwd command until sudo is fixed14:39
finga_dr_willis jup xD14:39
sambagirli am having so much trouble with warty warthog. Seveas are you here?14:39
hficWishing, OR use another user account that has sudo access and readd yourself to the admin group14:39
dr_willisfinga_:  pop in cd. check dmesg command for errors perhaps14:39
Wishinghfic, edit the file! how?14:39
sambagirlhow do you get compiz to work in warty?14:40
hficWishing, Like I said use a LiveCD and edit the file.14:40
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.14:40
dr_willisyou dont.14:40
Wishinghfic, whats the command to edit the file?14:40
^DEMOSS^http://pastebin.com/2UnHhHyt - this is all command as i use14:40
joeblowWishing check visudo and see what group is enabled for sudo access and then edit /etc/group to make sure your user is in the group14:41
finga_dr_willis: dmesg throws no error with cdrom14:41
hficWishing, or use a user who's still in the sudoers group and add the removed user thru cli.14:41
sambagirlwell heck dr_wilis they sent like a huge box of every type of processor cd of it and we were looking thru the box14:41
gediminas how to turn off that automatic microphone controlling?14:41
^DEMOSS^dr_willis: what do you think about it ?14:41
hficWishing, sudo nano /etc/sudoers14:41
gediminasWho can help me? ;[14:41
sambagirlwhat is your problama geriminas?14:42
gediminas how to turn off that automatic microphone controlling?14:42
=== gediminas is now known as Aress
sambagirlwhat ver?14:42
dr_willis^DEMOSS^:  there was no need to set a root password. and it looksa like your windos partitions are all messed up or partioned weirdly14:42
^DEMOSS^Aress: where microfone  autocontrolling ?14:42
Aresswhen you talk it reduces the volume14:42
Aressof microphone14:42
Aressso another person can't hear me :[14:42
sambagirlwell maybe that's good aress14:43
^DEMOSS^dr_willis: all parttitions are ext314:43
dr_willisfinga_:  does the cd evn spin up? can  the media players play it14:43
hficAress, is this only happening in a specific application ?.. like Skype maybe?14:43
AressI want to control it myself14:43
dr_willis^DEMOSS^:  whats the  original problem then?14:43
^DEMOSS^dr_willis: i need delete /boot folder and reinstall grub again ?14:43
Aressit happens on linux :D14:43
Aresswhen I open microphone options it shows that it reduces the volume of microphone14:44
sambagirlyou say only in linux?14:44
sambagirlwhat version?14:44
finga_dr_willis: yea autostart is working and i can play it in vlc, i also tried to cope the path from vlc to mixxx, but its not working either14:44
AressI had same problem before ~1 year14:44
Aressbut i don't remmeber14:44
joeblowfinga - did you try sudo update-grub14:44
^DEMOSS^Aress: original - i have problem with grub14:44
sambagirlwhat version?14:44
dr_willisfinga_:  what path did vlc use?14:44
Aresshow i fixed it :[ I'm using Linux Mint 1314:44
delinquentmeis there a way I can ping a host to see what kind of server it is?14:45
sambagirlyour in the wrong channel14:45
AressIt's the same as ubuntu14:45
finga_joeblow: what has grub to do with that?14:45
=== usr is now known as Guest96405
sambagirlit is mint not ubuntu14:45
hficAress, no it's not14:45
auronandaceAress: no it isn't14:45
Aressall packaged how many i saw named ubuntu14:45
sambagirlthat;s llike saying a yugo is the same as a ferrari :D14:45
finga_dr_willis: cdda:///dev/sr014:46
=== Guest96405 is now known as klumi
joeblowfinga - I thought you were having a problem with grub, sorry14:46
finga_joeblow: np ;)14:46
dr_willisfinga_:  and ls -l /dev/sr0   shows nothing?14:47
brontosaurusrexsambagirl, its more like yugo vs yugo florida14:47
AressBut options with microphone is same as in ubuntu..14:47
hficAress, Your using a different distro which isn't supported in this channel.14:47
^DEMOSS^help me 8(14:47
finga_dr_willis: it shows just /dev/sr014:47
sambagirli dont get it fred flintstone?14:48
AressThanks :D14:48
sambagirlgood baby aress now go take a nap :)14:48
finga_dr_willis: and /dev/sr0/ says its not a folder14:48
AressWanna die?14:48
^DEMOSS^ok now i have a error - thats not list of partition found when do #update grub14:48
sambagirlsue have any DMT?14:48
finga_dr_willis ahhh now i have it lol14:48
^DEMOSS^http://pastebin.com/2UnHhHyt - this is all command as i use14:48
dr_willisfinga_:  thats because its NOT a folder. its a device14:48
AressI will make it :D14:48
* sambagirl grins :D14:49
finga_dr_willis: yea i think i can also mount it in shell but its for a user who as no idea about the shell14:49
dr_willis^DEMOSS^:  i would guess that you got some weird hard drive parrtitions going on.14:49
dr_willisfinga_:  you do NOT mount a music cd.14:49
finga_dr_willis: aha ok, but any way i cant use it in mixxx14:50
dr_willis you tell the app the cd is at /dev/sr0 or /dev/cdrom  and it should figure it out14:50
dr_willisno idea what mixx wants14:50
dr_willisif it wants audio files. you rip the cd to the proper files/format14:50
finga_dr_willis: ok ^^ i will try #mixxx too thx a lot anyhow14:50
finga_dr_willis: yea that will be the workaround xD14:52
tuffgongasking for php assistance14:52
tuffgongasking for php assistance14:53
freakolowskyi have 4x2G DDR3 1333 RAM ... setup in dual channel ... why am i getting max 10G/s bandwidth?14:53
Priceytuffgong: /join ##php14:53
tuffgongthanx Pricey14:53
samsamsupersami have /home on its own partition. does growing that partition left mess with the data?14:54
deadmundsamsamsupersam: no14:55
samsamsupersamdeadmund: thanks14:55
Priceysamsamsupersam: I'm intrigued as to what method you're using to resize 'left'?14:55
samsamsupersamPricey: gparted. i have a partition before it that i've cleared out14:56
deadmundPricey: I'm assuming he has unallocated disc space14:56
tuffgongPricey, failed to deliver me to the php  channel14:57
Priceysamsamsupersam: oh, i guess you're going to 'move' it first, then resize it...14:57
iNTElany one playing conquer online here ?14:57
samsamsupersamPricey: yup14:57
iNTElcuz i wanna play it and it .exe14:57
iNTElso i don't know what should i do ? XD14:57
PriceyiNTEl: Check out http://appdb.winehq.org/14:58
Priceydeadmund: Right, but resizing 'left' isn't really possible, which was my confusion.14:58
deadmundPricey: I think he means 'left over' not 'in the left-ward direction'14:58
EroXXXHi. I've closed out myself out of the sudoers File and the grub recovery is not shown up as a possibility at startup. Is there a way to fix it?14:59
=== xazax is now known as Guest373
Priceydeadmund: I don't think that interpretation makes sense in the original question.14:59
samsamsupersamdeadmund: it is in the left-ward direction14:59
MonkeyDustEroXXX  use a live cd or usb, edit the sudo-file on your hdd14:59
PriceyEroXXX: Are you sure grub isn't? hammer Esc?15:00
unlessHow do I search for a given package I want to install?15:00
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
=== Guest373 is now known as xazax_
MonkeyDustunless  apt-cache search15:00
PriceyEroXXX: If you can get a grub menu, you can always edit the boot parameters to boot into a single user mode... but if you've a live cd handy then that's probably an easier way to go.15:00
deadmundPricey: samsamsupersam In that case, you'll notice that gparted will take a LONG TIME to repartition because it will have to copy all that data to a new physical location on the disc (left-ward).  This has a higher chance of data-loss but if the re-partitioning does not fail there should be no data loss.15:01
EroXXXiOk, but is there another way? I'm in the train now and have nothing with me and need to work with the Laptop now15:01
iNTElpricey : is it will work15:02
iNTElits looks like 110 MB15:02
PriceyiNTEl: Have you searched wine's app database for your application?15:02
PriceyiNTEl: The link I gave you?15:02
zanybrainEroXXXi: give the left shift key a try just after POST … just hold it down15:03
iNTElpricey : its not in top 2515:04
iNTElpricey : i see another way to make it work15:04
iNTElbut its need playonlinux15:04
PriceyiNTEl: search for it15:04
iNTEland wine together15:04
deadmundunless: aptitude search <package name guess>15:04
deadmundunless: without the <'s15:04
iNTEli searched but i found only hard way15:04
iNTElpricey : would u like 2 take the link15:04
ikoniaiNTEl: how hard is this to grasp15:05
ikoniaiNTEl: search the link Pricey gave you for your game15:05
ikoniaiNTEl: that will tell you if it's supported15:05
iNTElikonia : am gonna 215:05
PriceyiNTEl: wine is free. There are other alternatives such as crossover (a commercial version of wine) which have their own app databases.15:05
ikoniaiNTEl: right - so until you've searched the link and found out it's support status, there is no point having additional discussion15:06
Pyr0_Audaxwhy is my name grey?15:06
iNTElpricey , ikonia : https://www.google.com.eg/#hl=ar&q=conquer+online+on+ubuntu&oq=conquer+online+on+ub&gs_l=serp.3.0.0i30.11840.14000.0.15192.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&fp=f1348b7686edce2&biw=975&bih=64615:06
deadmundPyr0_Audax: it's only grey from your perspective.15:07
ikoniaiNTEl: again - not what you where told to do15:07
dr_willisPyr0_Audax:  its hot pink here15:07
ikoniaiNTEl: search the database15:07
ikoniaiNTEl: nothing else15:07
deadmundPyr0_Audax: Your client is doing it for you.15:07
iNTElikonia : relax , XD15:07
PriceyPyr0_Audax: Most channels on the network are +c which blocks colour from being sent to the channel.15:07
ikoniaiNTEl: I am relaxed,15:07
Pyr0_Audaxoh, ok15:07
PriceyPyr0_Audax: You can see what modes are set on the channel with '/mode #channel'15:08
Pyr0_Audaxok ill try that15:08
PriceyPyr0_Audax: Nicknames themselves will never be coloured by others... nor will any status messages such as join/parts/quits/kicks/mode changes etc. etc. They are all down to the client to do what they want with.15:08
PriceyPyr0_Audax: The contents of messages though are fair game... though as I said, because this channel is +c, clients that allow you to "colour" text... won't work.15:09
Pyr0_Audaxwat does  Channel #ubuntu modes: +CLcntjf 5:10 #ubuntu-unregged15:09
Pyr0_Audax* Channel #ubuntu created on Sat Nov 25 22:42:41 2006 mean15:09
PriceyPyr0_Audax: +CLcntjf - each one of those is a different channel mode. http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml15:09
iNTElikonia : i think the wine doesn't support it15:10
ikoniaiNTEl: there you go then15:10
ikoniathat is your answer15:10
Wishingdr_willis, how do i edit sudoers file if i am logged in using usb stick. what is the command in cli15:14
PriceyHang on... iNTEl... isn't this game a browser game?15:14
PriceyiNTEl: is it even released yet?15:14
Wishinghow do i edit sudoers file if i am logged in using usb stick. what is the command in cli15:15
seednodesudo visudo?15:15
PriceyWishing: I'd "chroot /path/to/mounted/root" then "visudo"15:16
Priceyseednode: that would change the sudoers file on the usb stick15:16
seednodeWell, I assumed he was already chrooted.15:16
SilfenXHell! I just installed Pangolin Server and wanted to add the Gnome3 desktop to it and followed these instructions (http://pastebin.com/ADLYP2M5) but when the machine reboots I still end up at the CLI loginprompt. I'd be much obliged if someone could help me get the machine to boot the Gnome3 desktop properly.15:16
seednodeI'd think you'd do that first thing when repairing a borked install.15:16
Priceyseednode: if chrooted, why the sudo ;)15:17
=== defcon is now known as Guest1998
killer_is there any software that converts .doc to .pdf15:18
Marzatawhat viewer opens WBMP files?15:18
killer_is there any software that converts .doc to .pdf15:18
Marzatakiller_: LibreOffice Writer15:19
menacehey, i have an installation script, which i want to automate with expect. but after some user input, the script does not install the files of the installation program, but outputs every data... any idea why that/what happens?15:22
killer_thanx Marzata15:23
alecbI just got a new t430 which can't seem to connect reliably to certain wifi networks that work fine in windows (though some do work well in ubuntu, like my personal wifi). I went though some steps with someone else on here before and I think we concluded that I am using the proprietary drivers in ubuntu. any ideas on what the problem might be?15:25
ikoniaalecb: I'm using a t430s and I have zero issues at all15:25
ikoniaalecb: I believe the 430's come with intel wifi cards, so I'd be surprised if you where using a propitary driver15:26
ActionParsnipalecb: what driver does the wifi use?15:26
TheLordOfTimealecb:  pastebin the output of lspci please, it should list your wifi card in there15:26
TheLordOfTime!pastebin | alecb15:27
ubottualecb: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:27
joeliohrm, new install on new laptop (lenove x220) is spamming the console/logs with USB errors - on latest 12.04 kernel15:28
joeliohub 1-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 315:28
ikoniajoelio: what device is plugged in15:28
alecbTheLordOfTime: are there other commands I should run after that? It's easier if you give me a bunch of commands at once since I'm in windows and I need to switch back every time15:28
ActionParsnipjoelio: are there any bugs reported?15:28
ikoniajoelio: that's a usb3 device port isn't it15:28
joelioikonia: there are no devices plugged in15:28
TheLordOfTimealecb:  unfortunately, we have to ID the card before we can give you a diagnostic :/15:28
ikoniaI don't see those on my x22015:28
TheLordOfTimealecb:  if we don't know the exact card, well...15:29
ikoniajoelio: it's a usb3 device though there is a usb3 port on the x22015:29
TheLordOfTime(this is why ethernet exists, btw)15:29
dr_willisjoelio:  seen similer when i had a laptop with a flakey webcam built in15:29
ActionParsnipjoelio: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc15:29
ikoniadr_willis: good spot, device 3 on bus 1 is the web cam15:30
ActionParsnipjoelio: and the output of:  uname -a15:30
joelioActionParsnip: preciser15:30
joelioprecise even15:31
dr_willisi had to edit /etc/sysconfig (?) i recall to reduce the kernel logging level..  and smack the laptop to get the webcam working...15:31
joelioLinux rd31523 3.2.0-26-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 17:49:24 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:31
dr_willisloose cable i think it had.15:31
ikoniadr_willis: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 147e:2020 Upek15:31
ikoniathe other possibility is the fingerprint reader isn't configured15:32
ActionParsnipjoelio: latest precise kernel is   you may want to run updates:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:32
Guest22660hello, trying to connect a sata ssd drive on an old ide motherboard using an adapter. the hard drive is recognized in bios and gparted but afer a random few seconds aprox. 1 minute ubuntu live cd freezes. any idea?15:32
ActionParsnipGuest22660: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:33
ActionParsnipGuest22660: did you burn the CD as slowly as possible?15:33
ActionParsnipGuest22660: is the adapter connection sound?15:33
compdocGuest22660, sounds like a bad idea15:33
joelioActionParsnip: hrm, I use my own internal mirror that's just been updated via apt-mirror this morning and just again (to ensure it was current)15:33
ActionParsnipGuest22660: have you tested your RAM using memtest86+ from Grub?15:34
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic | joelio15:34
ubottujoelio: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB15:34
ActionParsnipjoelio: your kernel isn't the newest for your release15:34
Guest22660ActionParsnip , what do you mean by is the adapter connection sound?15:34
ActionParsnipGuest22660: pushed in fully, solid etc15:34
joelioActionParsnip: ok, let me change soruces and check again15:35
Guest22660ActionParsnip , it is15:35
ActionParsnipGuest22660: and my other questions...?15:35
Guest22660ActionParsnip , tryed everything nothing worked15:36
ActionParsnipGuest22660: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:36
* joelio has a feeling apt-mirror has broken itself and isn't updating15:36
Wishinghow do i add a new user in cli, i am logged in using a usb pen drive...15:36
* joelio grmbles15:36
Guest22660ActionParsnip , i mean it has to be something else, maybe it s just incompatibility15:37
ActionParsnipWishing: sudo adduser nameofuser15:37
roastedQuestion - I downloaded a program which runs by executing it via "./nameoffile".... I was going to just map a keyboard shortcut to it so I don't have to launch it via terminal each time, but I Got to wondering - is there a way to include this particular application within my application menu of Unity?15:37
dr_willisWishing:  chroot into the installed system then use adduser as root15:37
ActionParsnipGuest22660: but did you test it, it's a simple questin15:37
Guest22660ActionParsnip , i did15:37
ActionParsnipGuest22660: finally15:37
OerHeksGuest22660, if the ssd is Sata3, that could be a problem15:37
WishingActionParsnip, i am running ubuntu thru a usb stick not from actual hd15:37
ActionParsnipGuest22660: did you burn the CD as slowly as possible?15:37
dr_willisroasted:  make a proper whatever.desktop file for it and copy that .desktop fine to the right location15:38
ActionParsnipWishing: then you will need to chroot, why not boot to root recovery mode on the installed OS and do it there instead?15:38
Guest22660ActionParsnip , i did burn slowly as possible , it s sata 215:38
ActionParsnipGuest22660: what is?15:38
WishingActionParsnip, what is chroot?15:38
roasteddr_willis: ahh, .desktop files. right. do I need to create one based on specific parameters? Or is a .desktop file just some sort of link?15:38
Guest22660ActionParsnip , the ssd drive15:38
ActionParsnipWishing: where you switch the system your commands act on from the live USB to the installed OS, very powerful15:38
dr_willisroasted:  its a file.. your system had 100's of them.15:38
MonkeyDustWishing an installation inside an installation, so to say15:39
dr_willisroasted:  look at gedit.desktop for an example15:39
ActionParsniproasted: if you copy one from ~/.config/autorun you can modify it and throw it in /usr/share/applications15:39
roasteddr_willis: I see that. I just ran locate .desktop in term. Quite a few different paths as well. Is there a specific path I should be looking for?15:39
roastedActionParsnip: cool, thanks15:39
WishingActionParsnip, so how do i do chroot to add another user?15:39
ActionParsniproasted: you may need a script to cd to the containing folder first, then execute the binary if the pwd is significant15:40
roastedActionParsnip: the autorun part has me a little lost tho.15:40
dr_willisroasted:  user made ones in .config/applications or .local/applications i recall15:40
alecbmy lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1200740/15:40
roasteddr_willis: are they a headache to create?15:40
ActionParsnipWishing: omgubuntu has a guide called 'sticking it to grub'   you can use that. You just need to change the word 'bind'  for '--bind' in the guide15:40
dr_willisroasted:  look at gedit.desktop and see.. rather trivial text file15:40
ActionParsniproasted: the ones in ~/.config/autorun are simple, make a copy of one and you can edit it in your favourite text editor15:41
roastedActionParsnip: I don't see autorun, though15:41
heatmsieranyone know much about wine in here15:41
roastedannnd he left....15:41
heatmsieris this the right place to talk about wine and ubuntuy?15:41
heatmsieris this the right place to talk about wine and ubuntu?15:41
dr_willis90% of the desktop files ive seen are 90% translation lines. ;)15:41
Piciheatmsier: Depending on your question about wine, it may be better answered in #winehq.  Remeber that #ubuntu focusses on Ubuntu issues.15:42
gr33n7007hWhen in gnome-terminal I uncheck 'Show Menubar', menu dissapears. How do I keep it persistently??15:44
TheLordOfTimeby not unchecking that?15:44
ubottuanmelo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:45
gr33n7007hTheLordOfTime, I don't want the menu bar there15:45
heatmsierand another thing15:45
heatmsierI have ubuntu 12.0415:45
WishingActionParsnip, the guide on omg is about faulty grub, while i am facing a problem with user accounts.15:45
heatmsierand an intel i7 92015:45
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:45
heatmsierand ubuntu runs *painfully& slow15:45
heatmsierubottu stfu15:45
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.15:45
ververeubottu stfu15:45
ververeAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.15:45
ActionParsnipWishing: read between the line15:45
ververeWishing: read between the line15:45
FloodBot1ververe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
ververeververe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
ActionParsnipWishing: you are first making a chroot to THEN fix grub, but the first steps make a chroot, which is what you are wanting15:46
ververeWishing: you are first making a chroot to THEN fix grub, but the first steps make a chroot, which is what you are wanting15:46
heatmsierI absolutely hate machines that try to emulate human beings15:46
ververeI absolutely hate machines that try to emulate human beings15:46
FloodBot1ververe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
Piciheatmsier: I triggered the bot, because you are over using your enter key.15:46
heatmsierververe, antother bot15:46
ververeheatmsier: I triggered the bot, because you are over using your enter key.15:46
ververeververe, antother bot15:46
ActionParsnipWishing: just because a guide isn't 100% what you need, doesn't mean that some of the steps can help you, think about it15:46
ververeWishing: just because a guide isn't 100% what you need, doesn't mean that some of the steps can help you, think about it15:46
ActionParsnipPici: thanks15:47
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
ActionParsnipWishing: I know you don't have a grub issue, i read what you wanted earlier and the steps there get you to a chroot, which is desired15:47
SilfenXHello! I just installed Pangolin Server and wanted to add the Gnome3 desktop to it and followed these instructions (http://pastebin.com/ADLYP2M5) but when the machine reboots I still end up at the CLI loginprompt. I'd be much obliged if someone could help me get the machine to boot the Gnome3 desktop properly.15:47
WishingActionParsnip, okay let me check that15:48
ActionParsnipSilfenX: why didn't you just install the desktop OS?15:48
ActionParsnipWishing: can you see why the page is useful now?15:48
SilfenXWishing: Because I dont want the unity desktop15:48
ActionParsnipSilfenX: you don't have to use unity SHELL, Unity isn't a desktop15:48
ActionParsnipSilfenX: you can install Xubuntu and use XFCE desktop and Unity isn't even installed. Xubuntu is also fully support by the Ubuntu community and is also LTS15:49
SilfenXOk, I ll keep that in mind until net time. Is there a way to get this installation to boot into Gone3, since it s all there already?15:50
ActionParsnipSilfenX: the Gnome3 desktop is also used in the default Ubuntu 12.04 install. Do you want to use Gnome-shell instead of Unity by any chance?15:50
_adriani have got problem with lm-sensors15:50
ActionParsnipSilfenX: Gnome is and always has been the default DE in Ubuntu15:50
mustuhi i need to troubleshoot NFS connectivity..15:50
mustushowmount -r .. rpcinfo -p ... both commadn shows results for the remote host but when try tomoutn it says rpc timeout...15:51
_adrianafter sudo modprobe w83627ehf, have got this error message FATAL: Error inserting w83627ehf (/lib/modules/3.2.0-30-generic/kernel/drivers/hwmon/w83627ehf.ko): Device or resource busy15:51
dr_willisSilfenX:  id purge that ppa and install the gnome-shell from the default repos. its possible that ppa is broken15:51
SilfenXdr_willis: you think that might be the reason for it not booting into the gnome shell/desktop?15:53
dr_willisSilfenX:  i just said its possible....15:53
dr_willisbe sure you got lightdm installed also15:53
ActionParsnipSilfenX: if you added a ppa then yes its likely to be causing issues, gnome-shell is already in the ubuntu repos so is ready to install without adding anything15:53
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell | SilfenX15:53
ubottuSilfenX: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 329 kB, installed size 901 kB15:53
dr_willisid also install ubuntu-desktop to make sure all needed extras have been installed as well15:54
karamel4eAny specific channel for data rescuing, hdd issues, etc?15:54
SilfenXActionParsnip: Oh. So Gnome3 desktop is presented as an option durning the desktop version of Pangolin 12.04?15:55
upsetCan I use gtk2 themes in 12.04?15:55
SilfenX*installation of15:55
SilfenXif the addition of the gnome3-team repo was causing issues I d be seeing that during boottime or would boot just default to CLI login prompt?15:57
black_13can the preseed file on the desktop iso be modified or if modified will it be used to preconfigure the install process?15:58
xanguaSilfenX: no, Ubuntu already uses gnome3 ; i would just download and install ubuntu desktop iso and then install gnome shell15:58
dr_willisi think theres a factoid on that15:59
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:00
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
Captain_Protonwhat is the channel for beta16:00
SilfenXxangua: I d do that but I ran out of blanks when I did that with the server iso :P16:00
wilee-nileeCaptain_Proton, #ubuntu+116:00
upsetCan I use GTK2 themes in Ubuntu 12.04?16:00
dr_willisupset:  i dont think so16:00
Captain_Protonwilee-nilee, thanks16:01
sliddjurI have a laptop that sound is turning on and off all the time. it makes a clicking sound. so i have to physically disable it each time... Its a hp compaq 6910p laptop.16:01
dr_willismost apps are gtk3 in it16:01
upsetdr_willis: Do you know if it is possible to update them by hand?16:01
sliddjurit works fine when there is sound playing16:01
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
dr_willisupset:  make a new theme that looks like the old....16:01
upsetdr_willis: Or if it is possible to force applications to use gtk2?16:01
upsetdr_willis: You mean start from scratch? Are they so different I can't add/change some lines?16:02
ActionParsnipSilfenX: yes, it just uses the Unity shell by default, it still has gnome3 desktop installed16:02
CatKillerHi there! I have a quick question about sockets in general. Let's imagine I have a synchronous (blocking) socket connected and waiting for data. Now I also catch user signals using signal.signal, and when catching a "kill" signal, I do "socket.close()". Because the "signal" is processed as an interrupt, it kills my socket "ungracefully". Is there any way to close it in a better way?16:02
dr_willisupset id say check askubuntu.com  themeing is complex to do it right16:02
upsetdr_willis: Thanks16:02
ActionParsnipSilfenX: the default Gnome shell is...gnome-shell and is also available in the ubuntu repos16:02
Punisher_i've encountered a bizzarre error....when i log in to my ubuntu 11.10, it asks me to enter a keyring....what is that? since without entering the password i cannot use my drives to write on them16:02
Punisher_what should i do?16:02
ActionParsnipPunisher_: you can set a blank keyring pass and it won't bother you16:03
WishingActionParsnip, what needs to be done after chroot is performed to add a new user?16:03
CatKillerIgnore my last question, wrong channel16:03
dr_willisenter your keyring password,, which seems you set to your normal password Punisher_16:03
ActionParsnipWishing: run:  adduser newname16:03
WishingActionParsnip, will this new user be a part of sudoers?16:03
IgmuIs there a better channel for assistance with a sound configuration issue on my Ubuntu 12.04 laptop?16:04
dr_willislgmu the forums and askubuntu.com are worth checking out16:04
ActionParsnipWishing: no but if you run:   adduser name sudo        it will be able to use gk/sudo16:05
ActionParsnipIgmu: what is the issue?16:05
Punisher_ActionParsnip: so why is the reason that i cannot download with vuze because it says failed to create a....directory on a drive which has plenty free space and it used to download the same file on it...file partially downloaded16:05
WishingActionParsnip, explain ur last advice16:05
Punisher_dr_willis: i did what u said but nothing came out of it....16:06
ActionParsnipWishing: the first command adds a normal user, the 2nd adds it so that it can use sudo and gksudo16:06
WishingActionParsnip, adduser jim sudo...........will be a part of sudoers..............cool16:06
dr_willisPunisher_:  did what exactly?16:06
ActionParsnipPunisher_: are you trying to save torrent data to an NTFS partition by any chance?16:06
Punisher_furthormore, i cannot remember seting such a password for my ubuntu16:06
ActionParsnipWishing: well, it will be part of the sudo group, which gives it access to sudo and gksudo16:06
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dr_willisPunisher_: people tend to just enter their lgin password out of habbit when it first asks16:07
WishingActionParsnip, what about password for the new user..........is it blank/nothing?16:07
Punisher_dr_willis: i entered the same password i use to enter my ubuntu to the password field16:07
Punisher_ActionParsnip: Yes i do16:07
ActionParsnipWishing: you will be asked to set it when you make it, or you can run:  passwd username16:07
ActionParsnipPunisher_: wanna know how I knew :)16:07
ActionParsnipPunisher_: did you mount the NTFS writable and writable as user16:07
iNTElactionparsnip : hey16:07
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has info on how to reset the gnome keyring. you just delete one file16:08
Punisher_dr_willis: yes you're right...i did the same but it has no results16:08
FloodBot1heatmsier: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
Punisher_ActionParsnip: yes i'm very eager to know how...and what is the problem16:08
iNTElheatmsier : ??16:08
iNTElheatmsier : why all that ?16:08
heatmsierI feel like killing someone, why are we treated like little kids on this channel?16:08
iNTElluca : hey16:08
ActionParsnipPunisher_: using NTFS can be a pain and when users say they have issues doing basic data storage it is nearly always because they are using junky NTFS16:08
WishingActionParsnip, i am going to try this now, see u in a bit16:08
heatmsierI have a problem with wine in ubuntu, and I am seeking support16:09
ActionParsnipiNTEl: howdy16:09
dr_willisheatmsier:  you were acting like one just now..16:09
iNTElheatmsier : i agree16:09
heatmsiercould someone please kindly point me in right direction16:09
Punisher_ActionParsnip: I mount it as usual....16:09
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:09
iNTElActionPasnip : am f9 , u ?16:09
heatmsierdr_willis, I am a grown adult, I can gladly think for myself16:09
Punisher_i have no idea16:09
heatmsierI don't need some machine pushing me around16:09
dr_willisheatmsier:  so spamming wine was a mistake?16:09
heatmsierhardly spam, 3 lines? calm down children16:10
iNTElheatmsier : calm down , DUDE16:10
ActionParsnipPunisher_: I suggest you check the mount options, make sure it i swritable and writable by users. If the partition is USB based then be sure you use the safe remove option before you unplug it16:10
Punisher_ActionParsnip: so this problem arose suddenly? and what do u mean by Junky NTFS?16:10
lucahow are you boys16:10
iNTElActionPasnip : i back with a new proplem XD16:10
IgmuUpon Plymouth, my sound is muted. When I wakeup from suspend, my sound indicator shows full volume but no sound. I must restart to regain sound & unmute. I'm using alsa. Should I look within a config settings file? I don't know logs or boot up order.16:10
dr_willisheatmsier:  the bot said where to go... #winehq16:10
heatmsierdoes anyone have any useful suggestions, I'm basically trying to unlock a motorala C39 and I have a windows executable which I need to port over a serial interface16:10
heatmsierthere is my dilemma16:11
rbrookshi can someone help?16:11
ActionParsnipPunisher_: NTFS cannot hold Linux permissions, so you need to set the file accessing at mount time to apply to the whole storage rather than granular settings like the Lnux file systems you have16:11
Punisher_ActionParsnip: how can i make sure that it is writable? no it's my hdd16:11
IdleOneheatmsier: How is that an Ubuntu issue?16:11
heatmsierI am in Ubuntu16:11
Punisher_ActionParsnip: how can i do that?16:11
ActionParsnipIgmu: what if you unload then reload the sound driver module then reload it, or try running:  kilall pulseaudio16:11
IdleOneheatmsier: but your issue is motorola/wine related. has nothing to do with Ubuntu16:11
heatmsierok thanks IdleONE16:12
heatmsierI shall go elsewhere16:12
heatmsierand leave you guys alone16:12
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dr_willisheatmsier:  the bot said where to go... #winehq16:12
IdleOneheatmsier: you could try asking in #winehq16:12
ActionParsnipPunisher_: add an option in /etc/fstab to mount the NTFS at boot and you can define the options to give users write access16:12
iNTEli think ubuntu need alot of customization and its so hard , need to be always connected to internet16:12
heatmsierdr_willis and IdleOne, I hope you go on to enjoy a long and propserous homosexual relationship, may be you can lick each other out like the gay couple you are16:12
dr_willisheatmsier:  so you are a child..16:13
iNTElbut its the only choice , even its distrutions worse than ubuntu16:13
IdleOnedr_willis: Please don't sink to his level16:13
alprePunisher_: do you use the ntfs on a windows partition too?16:13
Punisher_ActionParsnip: let me make myself clear.....i'm a begginer in ubuntu...so plz give me instructions so that i can do it....thnx dude16:14
Punisher_alpre: yes i do16:14
alprePunisher_: You can read the ntfs-3g manual, it has a config wizard to map your linux user to your windows user16:14
iNTElActionparsnip : could u answer this please , can i use norton ghost to make image from ubuntu16:15
iNTElcuz making all that again is boring16:15
Punisher_alpre: where can i find that?16:15
alprePunisher_: otherwise you can use fmask and dmask to give all users the same partitions16:15
ActionParsnipPunisher_: there are plenty of guides online for how to add an NTFS partition to /etc/fstab   I gotta jet now but a bit of searching online will show you how. Its not hard at all. You will need:  sudo blkid    to get the UUID of the NTFS partition and:  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab   to get write access to the file.16:15
alprePunisher_: in the manual16:15
iNTElor ubuntu is not failing like windows ?? , i mean could it still for years16:15
ActionParsnipiNTEl: if the software supports Ext4, then yes16:15
dr_willisiNTEl:  clonezilla and g4l can do sim iler things in linux16:15
IgmuActionParsnip: I have reinstalled pulseaudio, will try kill cmd. I'm without sound now from wakeup.16:15
iNTElyea its like a cd burner16:16
iNTElmake an image but u can burn it on a partition not a cd16:16
iNTElits really cool if it right16:16
dr_willisiNTEl:  clonezilla can backup and restore from a server on the lan. no need for  a optical disk16:17
joeliohmm, still getting USB errors in console even after upgrading to latest kernel16:17
delinquentme" sudo -s "16:17
delinquentmedoes this take the password and just execute subsequent commands in suro mode?16:18
Guest31702hello, trying to connect a sata ssd drive on an old ide motherboard using an adapter. the hard drive is recognized in bios and gparted but afer a random few seconds aprox. 1 minute ubuntu live cd freezes. any idea?16:18
theadmindelinquentme: Sort of. You should use "sudo -i" instead16:18
iNTElActionparsnip : another Q : there is some official distrubutions like Xubuntu there is a dvd its size 4.7 , is it comes with customization ?16:19
delinquentmetheadmin, why?  One changes the current dir .. one doesnt16:19
theadmindelinquentme: More of, "sudo -i" updates environment appropriately. "sudo -s" doesn't.16:20
delinquentme-s also activated some : __rvm_ensure_is_a_function: command not found16:20
xanguaiNTEl: it comes with extra languages packs16:20
iNTEljust that ?16:20
theadminiNTEl: Yes, just that.16:20
theadminiNTEl: Why is it funny? Some people are unable to understand English and other languages on the CD editions.16:21
iNTElk but not all this size to add just lang packs16:21
iNTElam an egyptian guy i use english easily but i have on my HDD files typed in arabic so i have 2 install arabic16:22
iNTElbut its not need all this size16:22
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Guest31702hello, trying to connect a sata ssd drive on an old ide motherboard using an adapter. the hard drive is recognized in bios and gparted but afer a random few seconds aprox. 1 minute ubuntu live cd freezes. any idea?16:22
theadminiNTEl: But for ALL the languages that are around? Yes, it will be big16:22
iNTElso i think its funny >> download the livd CD 700 MB and download ur lang pack16:22
iNTElso i think its not a good choice np16:22
theadminiNTEl: To download your language pack you have to understand the language the CD is in.16:22
compdocGuest31702, its obvious it wont work16:22
iNTElya , that's a point16:23
Guest31702compdoc , why do you say that?16:23
iNTElbut not enough  ..............16:23
theadminiNTEl: You don't need the DVD, you don't download the DVD, it's simple as that.16:23
compdocGuest31702, test it further - try to install windows or some other OS16:23
theadminiNTEl: Also, I think the DVD is not 4.7 GB but just around 1.516:23
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ikoniatheadmin: it's 2.2 currently.16:24
iNTElya but the reason of making DVD is really ..............16:24
theadminikonia: Oh16:24
ikoniatheadmin: (well the one on my laptop is)16:24
Guest31702compdoc , do you think it may be an electrical problem?16:24
iNTEltheadmin : can u help me about a little funny thing16:24
theadminiNTEl: Well, depends on what the little funny thing is16:24
compdocGuest31702, i think those apadters are unreliable16:24
theadminYay text aligning16:24
iNTEltheadmin : XD , k , can u open ubuntu software and type in the search bar "wine"16:25
theadminiNTEl: I don't have the software center installed, what is your end goal?16:25
delinquentmewhats the command to open a file and refresh it? Like what would you use to view server logs while SSHed in?16:26
Guest31702compdoc , i guess im starting to have that idea too16:26
delinquentmetail -f something16:26
theadmindelinquentme: tail -f /var/log/exim/main.log16:26
theadminOr whatever16:26
compdocGuest31702, you could try a pci controller16:26
iNTEltheadmin : there is 2 program , 1st : microsoft windows compatibility layer (meta-package)  42 download16:27
Guest31702compdoc , would i get the same speed as with the ide adapter?16:27
iNTEltheadmin : the 2nd : wine windows program loader 26 download16:27
iNTElwhich one should i download for an online game ?16:28
theadminiNTEl: Not too sure which is which. You should do "sudo apt-get install wine" in the terminal to get the right thing16:28
compdocGuest31702, I think you would get a lot better performance, as long as the adapter is supported by ubuntu.16:28
compdocGuest31702, but youre better off with a new motherboard16:28
compdocGuest31702, SSD drives are better off with more modern equipment16:29
esingShould I install first Ubuntu or first Windows 7 when aiming for Dualboot?16:29
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:29
iNTEltheadmin : ty 4 help , srr for annoying u16:29
theadminiNTEl: You weren't annoying me at all, glad to help16:30
iNTEltheadmin : u know who just turned 2 use ubuntu16:30
iNTEltheadmin : and ty 4 ur kindness XD16:30
jakempmy machine just randomly logged me out16:30
jakemphow do I find out why this happened?16:30
pinnenHi, I am about to install "Ubuntu 12.10 beta1" and I am using the normal amd64 -install -disk, with an nvidia 8800GT -graphics card, but the installation fails.. when i press .. "Start ubuntu setup" from the install usb I made.. I get this question.. "Undefined video mode number: 0" .. And when it tries to boot X11(the installer) the driver seems to crash.. and I get strange colors and nothing happens. Any tips? :)16:30
ikoniapinnen: #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel for 12.10 discussion16:31
apollo13hi, anyone else with crashes for firefox 15 on ubuntu 10.04 (up2date from lucid-security)16:31
pinnenikonia: thanks!16:31
deadmundjakemp: Sounds like X crashed.  You can look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:31
apollo1315.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 -- crashes at startup even after killing ~/.mozilla16:31
deadmundjakemp: There are other logs too like dmesg (command) and /var/log/syslog16:32
apollo13backtrace is at: http://dpaste.org/AmyGX/ -- not really telling me much though16:32
Guest31702compdoc ,  ssd drives consume less than ide. im trying to connect a sata ssd to an ide motherboard. aint the sata ssd receiving more volts than required?16:32
black_13how do i cause ubuntu to use a custom preseed file?16:32
joelioThis is spamming my logs.. new 12.04 build, new laptop - https://gist.github.com/347b44932e63a09b5b7b16:33
Guest31702ssd drives consume less than ide. im trying to connect a sata ssd to an ide motherboard. aint the sata ssd receiving more volts than required?16:33
alpreGuest31702: better use a proper pci sata controller card16:33
delinquentmebest way to UN-install anything which is related to rubygems?16:33
compdocGuest31702, ssd use the same voltages as any other drive16:33
joeliodelinquentme: system rubygems?16:33
compdocthey just consume less16:33
jakempI just got the notification that X crashed deadmund16:33
* jakemp sighs.16:33
delinquentme( i know its bad )16:33
deadmundjakemp: haha, sometimes it crashes! :(  That's why Ubuntu is writing wayland16:34
Guest31702compdoc , so that s it . thanks16:34
jakempdeadmund, ubuntu isn't writing wayland16:34
jakempthe guy writing wayland works for Intel, iirc.16:34
joeliodelinquentme: gem uninstall {gem name}16:34
joelioor just apt-get purge rubygems16:34
joelioand remove the /var/lib... whatever dir that has the gems in16:34
jakempor has something changed since I least read up on it?16:34
deadmundjakemp: I stand corrected16:35
jakempI know ubuntu has been really good about keeping wayland in their repos16:35
deadmundjakemp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayland_%28display_server_protocol%29  Ubuntu I guess is trying to lead the charge16:35
jakempdeadmund, interesting fact, if you scroll down to one of those links to phoronix on wikipedia you can see my name =D16:36
bjrohanHi everyone. My display drivers are all kinds of amiss, therefore I have to use recovery. In recover I have been able to disable auto-login, however it is still enabled in regular boot. From recovery, how do I disable normal boot auto-login?16:37
deadmundjakemp: You're THE August 2011?????16:37
deadmundjakemp: I'm in the presence of a celeb16:37
esinghfic So basically I should installed Windows 7 before Ubuntu avoiding to overwrite the MBR of Ubuntu correcT?16:37
* jakemp throws, umm, USB flash keys at deadmund.16:37
* deadmund chokes on usb flash drive caught in his throught16:38
deadmundesing: Windows 7 first.  (yes)16:38
deadmundesing: Windows 7 will over-write the MBR.  Ubuntu will again in a correct way that lets you boot both OS's16:39
alpreesing: you can always fix mbr in both ways16:39
seednodeYou could always fix it manually, though.16:39
bjrohanHow do I disable auto-login for normal boot when logged booted into recovery?16:39
dr_willisbjrohan:  i think its set in the  lightdm.conf file16:40
esingHow can change boot order and the time of the boot screen when booting?16:40
jakempwill Ubuntu 12.04 get the open source AMD drivers for the 7000 chipsets?16:40
jakempor will that require 12.10?16:40
alpreesing: you edit /etc/default/grub16:40
deadmundalpre: not anymore?16:40
bjrohandr_willis where is that file found?16:40
dr_willisbjrohan:  use 'locate filename'16:41
alpreedit it, deadmund that's the new grub2, isn't it?16:41
deadmundalpre: IDK. Stupid grub2 vs grub differences.  I can't remember16:41
deadmundbjrohan: It's probably in /etc/16:41
alpredeadmund: before it was /boot/menu.lst or something16:41
deadmundalpre: yeah...16:41
dr_willisgrub1 = menu.lst16:42
dr_willisgrub2 has config files you edit, then update-grub reads them then makes a /boot/grub/grub.cfg   i belive16:42
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delinquentmeif I ran this: sudo gem install rubygems-update-1.6.2.gem16:44
delinquentmecan I just switch install to uninstall?16:44
delinquentmewill purging a package in apt-get *ONLY* remove those packages which were installed with apt-get?16:45
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dr_willisapt-get only works with  the package manager  apps.. what specifically do you mean delinquentme16:46
theadmindelinquentme: It will be able to remove any packages on your system. Long as they are installed with dpkg.16:47
dr_willisyou can use apt-get to remove apps installed with ANY of the apt tools16:47
delinquentmedr_willis, I downloaded a package and installed it locally ( not using apt-get )16:47
delinquentme sudo gem install rubygems-update-1.6.2.gem16:47
dr_willisinstalled it HOW exactly16:47
delinquentmeis what I ran .. and now I'd like to uninstall that16:47
delinquentmeI used wget to download the file16:47
dr_willisgem is a ruby thing/package manager for ruby things16:48
deadmunddelinquentme: gem is not an apt tool so apt-get will not uninstall it.  I'm guessing sudo gem uninstall <thing>16:48
dr_willisother labguages have similer 'tools' perl has its cpan stuff.  not sure about python. ;)16:49
Picidr_willis: pip or setuptools/easy_install or anything that can interface with the Python Package Index.16:50
deadmundThe python modules are all part of your distros packages.  Apparently many developers do not like this but I prefer it.16:50
deadmundPici: But I think that is rarely used.  (pip that is)16:50
Picideadmund: I use pip all the time if I need something that Ubuntu can't provide, or is too outdated.16:51
deadmundPici: I see.16:51
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theadminOh that reminds me, how can I get Ubuntu's pip to work with Python 3?16:52
watukkaHi, I just installed linux first time in my life and got everything else to work just nice but now i just need to know if i need anything else than Wine to run Windows OS progs???16:53
smtis there any way to update to 12.04 without breaking gnome?16:53
dr_williswatukka:  depends on the windows app. not all work in wine16:53
delinquentmeERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError)    cannot uninstall, check `gem list -d rubygems-update-1.6.2.gem`16:53
delinquentmeso I check that command and its empty16:53
theadminwatukka: Nope. I suggest you install PlayOnLinux though. It's a tool to manage wine stuff in an easy way16:53
dr_willissmt:  gnome2 is basically dead..16:53
delinquentmeI'm not sure if that tells me anything useful?  Or maybe its saying that its not even installed?16:54
dr_willissmt:  theres gnome3's fallback/classic modes16:54
watukkaoh ok thx alot16:54
dr_willisamazing how people forget all of gnome2's failings when its gone.. ;)16:55
Picitheadmin: pip 1.0 (which has shipped in Ubuntu since Oneiric) supports python 3.  If you're on an older release, I suppose you could use easy_install to install pip and then use that.... or grab the deb from a newer release (although I'm not supposed to tell you to do that)16:55
SolarisBoydelinquentme: what version of gem are you running?16:55
IgmuI used killall pulseaudio.  System monitor shows process killed, sleeping. Volume mutes, then full... No actual sound.16:55
SolarisBoydelinquentme: and what version of ruby16:55
theadminPici: See, there's one problem with pip in Precise, it depends on python-setuptools which doesn't work with python3. It's supposed to use python-distribute...16:56
Picitheadmin: ooh.16:57
SilfenXOT: Hmm, since I'm out fresh out of CD-ROM s, is it possible to burn a CD-ROM image to a DVD-R?16:57
PiciSilfenX: sure16:57
SilfenXPici: ty16:57
theadminPici: So even if pip has internal support for python3, it won't work long as the distribute backend is not installed :(16:59
kqrhello! i've recently installed ubuntu on my laptop, and one of the features that cause me trouble is the "tap and drag" on the touchpad. i don't find anywhere i can disable that, but i would very much like to. does anyone know how to do that?17:00
kqr(i still like tap to click, but not dragging)17:01
Picitheadmin: It should pull the right dependency if you install pip from easy_install though... or at least it should.17:01
nightwatchhi there, I've been running in to much problems after the update to 12.04 specially with my webcam.. I know that's possible to get it working with kernel 3.0.29 however it is not in the available repositories. is there a procedure to downgrade ubuntu 12.04 to use kernel 3.0.29?? can somebody give me some pointers (google didnt help)17:02
furanhow do I get the defconfig for x86_64 that ubuntu compiles with? with all of ubuntu's preferences?17:02
furannm found it17:04
tarwichDoes wheezy use xorg.conf? I'm trying to prevent my monitor from going black every ten minutes and it doesn't seem to read /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:08
IdleOnetarwich: wheezy is Debian, try #debian17:09
tarwichHmm… I'm on ubu. Don't know how to get version17:09
IdleOnetarwich: lsb_release -a17:09
tarwichDoes precise use xorg.conf? I'm trying to prevent my monitor from going black every ten minutes and it doesn't seem to read /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:10
brohandr_willis, thank you for the help with the auto-login, it was in /etc/lightdm/ :-)17:10
brohanCan anyone here offer help with KDE? No one is in that channel :-(. My system tray is not loading17:11
AnDsOHalo guyz is it possible to ping to a class a network such as from class c network by creating routing table in ubuntu how can i do it17:12
jribtarwich: if you create it, it should.  But see wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config17:12
tarwichjrib: Thanks. On it....17:13
esingIs Ubuntu as safe as Webconverger considering browsing porn sites?17:13
deadmundesing: I have no idea what webconverger is.  the topic of porn is off-topic / not really allowed here.  It is the safest way to browse said sites in my opinion.17:13
deadmundesing: Linux in general is the safest way to browse the web.17:14
jribtarwich: also, those settings should be accessible through the display/monitor/power saving gui17:15
tarwichjrib: Everything in that GUI is turned completely off. I'm running the desktop on tty7 and a terminal on tty3. However, I'm controlling tty3 through ssh, so the system isn't getting any mouse/keypresses, so the monitor keeps going off.17:16
tarwichjrib: (And I've rebooted after turning the settings off)17:17
watukkatarwich: qsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false17:17
jribtarwich: tty3 has X?17:17
tarwichUh… No. Somewhere I mis-explained. :-)17:17
unlessI am facing some issues at running VirtualBox in Ubuntu 12.04 and I wonder if someone could help me figure what is going on here please.17:18
jribtarwich: Check out the various options to setterm (though I don't know how one saves these).  I would see if it does what you want first though, and then worry about saving17:18
tarwichjrib: tty3 is just a plain text console. But when I google "monitor blanking every 10 minutes" people suggest setterm -powersave off, which gives me an error that google says is related to the tty7 having X on it.17:18
jribtarwich: what error?17:18
unlessThe problem log says something like : Cannot create IPC semaphore because the system limit for the maximum number of semaphore sets (SEMMNI), or the system wide maximum number of semaphores (SEMMNS) would be exceeded. The current set of SysV IPC semaphores can be determined from the file /proc/sysvipc/sem" <- Seems to be a rather bad issue17:18
tarwichsetterm: cannot (un)set powersave mode: Invalid argument17:19
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tarwichwatukka: qsettings isn't installed for me. I'm looking into what it is.17:20
jribtarwich: hmm, I can usually run "setterm -powersave off -blank 0" ok with X on tty7.  But I guess I would also play with xset /in/ X since those are the settings you'll be manipulating with xorg.conf I believe.  This way you can see if it works without having to restart X17:21
unlessThis error log is at:  https://gist.github.com/370818617:21
tarwichjrib:  Ok… I think I can actually run that command in a terminal inside tty7. Any obvious way to query the result to see if it's taking effect in tty3? ('course I could always wait 10 minutes)17:22
Guest84996cp will copy hidden files as well?17:23
AnDsOtarwhich:how can i ping like from ubuntu to
Guest84996I want to copy my old /home/username folder which is mounted, to my current /home/username17:23
Guest84996So I just cp -R old new17:23
jribtarwich: well the setterm you ran in tty3, right?17:23
tarwichjrib: The one that failed, yes. I'm trying it in tty7 now.17:24
jribtarwich: xset q   will give you the current status (there are a bunch of options about blanking and powersave in the man page)17:24
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auronandaceGuest84996: man cp, i think there is a switch for hidden files/folders17:24
jribGuest84996: cp will copy what you tell it to, whether hidden or not17:25
dr_willisand you need to check the ownership of the files Guest8499617:25
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Guest84996dr_jesus, Yeah I noticed I have a lot of "permission denied" showing up17:25
Guest84996dr_willis, ***17:25
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:26
Guest84996Can I grep man cp? It didn't work for me.. man cp | grep hidden17:26
watukkatarwich: dont know if this helps but www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/cannot-un-set-powersave-mode-582229/17:26
dr_williscopy the files as root. and then set the right owner. or set the owner first17:26
Guest84996dr_jesus, Ah okay. :) Sounds better.17:26
dr_willisGuest84996:   use /patternname  to search in the man pages17:26
Guest84996Cheers dr_willis17:27
tarwichwatukka: Thanks! That's actually open on my screen currently. It seems to have worked for Jeebizz. :-)17:27
snoop-li0nwut it iz17:27
digitardmy epson stylus cx7400 ran out of paper mid job. I've added more paper, how do I tell the printer to resume printing? (ubuntu 11.10, usb printer)17:28
snoop-li0nIs there a way I can use a vpn on my ubuntu windows? I do a lot of on-line drug dealing and I want to make sure that I have a secure connection. Also does ubuntu windows have a calculator? I need to be able to make unit conversions for dime bags.17:28
xr1rrinstalled fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04.1 but its really bad at responding.. any ideas17:29
dr_willisxr1rr:  clarify what you mean17:29
tarwichjrib: Ok. from tty7 I ran qset -dpms, then sqet -q and it shows dpms off. However, from tty3, qset sais invalid display. I'll wait 10 minutes and see what happens.17:29
xr1rri.e. if I min/max a window, takes a few seconds to response17:29
dr_willisand you did install any 3rd party video drivers you need xr1rr ?17:29
jribtarwich: you mean xset?17:30
snoop-li0nxr1rr: put a magnet on your computer. Make sure its a very strong magnet. That should speed it up17:30
jribtarwich: xset will only work inside X, yes17:30
jribtarwich: check for plain screen blanking too17:31
jribsnoop-li0n: that's not welcomed here17:31
snoop-li0njrib: are you being racist?17:31
xr1rrits not normally slow thats the reason for the reinstall in the first place17:31
snoop-li0njrib: don't talk down on me becuz im black17:31
dr_willisxr1rr:  whats your video card?17:32
tarwichjrib: Yes. I meant xset. And… Blanking was in there (set to off). Then when I disabled DPMS it went away, so I'm pretty sure that killed it. Just waiting now.17:32
xr1rrnVidia geforce 9600m gs17:32
dr_willisxr1rr:  you installed the nvidia drivers? or not you are using the noveau drivers. or worse case the vesa drivers17:33
Guest84996Everytime I reboot, I run a command..  xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = backslash bar" Where would I enter this so that it's always ran without me having to do it?17:33
xr1rrYes, I installed the nvidia drivers17:34
Guest84996When I Googled it, it seems there are like 5 different files that manage this?17:34
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theadminGuest84996: There is "Startup Apps" in Ubuntu, use that tool to run any graphical apps17:34
ParhamHi. Does anyone know how I can fix the driver for D-Link Dwa125 with an id of 2001:3c19? I have found guides for other IDs, but not mine.17:34
sathishHi, How do I change TERM colors? I want to set it to a specific color set, any directions are appreciated17:35
BluesKajParham, drivers don't need IDs , just the right chip model17:36
LuiXhi there. I need a good tool (in your experience) to recover data from an NTFS partition that could not be restored by partition tools17:36
kalytheadmin, Thanks for the advice. I noticed this page  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup  But it looks like it's not installed for my version?17:36
kalyUbuntu 12, with KDE is what I'm running.17:37
ParhamBluesKaj: Well, the guides say that their instructions work only if my id matches theirs.17:37
BluesKajwhose instructions, Parham ?17:37
BluesKajParham, ok , you must mean ssid and essid17:38
ParhamBluesKaj: I don't quite remember. I googled for 'install dwa125 driver on linux' and found a forum post that linked to a blog. In that blog, an id is given, and the guide says, "If your id matches this, continue."17:38
Krambiorixhi guys, i want to install openoffice headless via apt-get and i do sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-headless   but i get E: Unable to locate package openoffice.org-headless17:39
Krambiorixwhat can i do?17:39
kalytheadmin, Strange. I can't find "Startup Applications Preferences" by typing it, but if I just run "gnome-session-properties" in terminal it loads.17:40
theadminkaly: Ah, it's in the control center thing nowadays17:41
itsrachelfishhi #ubuntu!17:41
itsrachelfishOddly enough, I'm connected to the internet but ubuntu refuses to let me change my wireless settings17:41
itsrachelfishI can't even disconnect-- it wont let me!17:41
kalytheadmin, Sorry, I'm clearly new to Ubuntu "control center"? TYped that in, can't find that either.17:41
ParhamBluesKaj: Sorry, if you replied to me, I didn't see the message in the channel traffic.17:41
itsrachelfishHas anyone else experienced the wireless menu locking up in 12.04?17:42
itsrachelfishMaybe locking up isn't the right word, it's still responsive17:42
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itsrachelfishBut I can't change networks or disconnect from my current network17:42
itsrachelfishAnd it shows "More networks..." but when I hover over it, it pops up an empty box17:43
theadminkaly: Click the power icon in the top right, it's called "Settings" there or something, can't remember (I'm a KDE person)17:43
watukkakaly: the startup applications are in upper right corner under the gear looking icon :)17:43
tarwichjrib: fail. :-( Going to give the url that watukka sent a shot.17:44
kalytheadmin / watukka Found it thanks. :) I'm also on KDE, but I found everything I need under System Settings.17:44
kalyI couldn't get used to Unity.17:44
gitesh window-manager for linux?17:45
Krambiorixanyone ? i want to install openoffice headless via apt-get and i do sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-headless   but i get E: Unable to locate package openoffice.org-headless. What can i do about that?17:45
marshallim having a problem where my server doesnt seem to be recognizing my authorized keys. I've added id_rsa.pub and i'm still being asked for a password.17:47
OerHeks!info openoffice.org-headless17:48
ubottuPackage openoffice.org-headless does not exist in precise17:48
auronandaceOerHeks: its libreoffice now17:48
dr_willisits libreoffice now a days isent it?17:50
deadmundisent it ?17:50
dr_willisi always remove it. ;)17:50
deadmunddr_willis: abiword?17:50
dr_willisdeadmund:  i rarely evn need that ;)17:51
OerHeksauronandace, i know, openoffice is still available, just cannot find that specific package.17:51
deadmunddr_willis: latex?17:51
dr_willisOerHeks:  its not in the default repos17:51
auronandaceOerHeks: not in precise17:51
OerHeksI am on Kubuntu now, thought the repo's would be the same :(17:53
unlessCould someone help me to verify my disk from a Ubuntu Desktop disk please?17:53
auronandaceOerHeks: they are the same, openoffice is not in precise17:53
auronandaceOerHeks: its libreoffice now17:53
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=== Aristest is now known as Aristide
OerHeksauronandace, i don't want to make a fuzz about it, but it is >> http://picpaste.com/pics/openoffice-hJWakWal.1347472489.png17:55
unlessWhat is the command to do a disk verification really?17:55
OerHeksso kubuntu and ubuntu repo's are different.17:55
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auronandaceOerHeks: you sure you're on precise?17:56
auronandaceOerHeks: lsb_release -sd17:56
OerHeksauronandace,  lsb_release -sd17:57
auronandaceOerHeks: yes, run that in a terminal17:57
OerHeksduhh forgot to copy >> Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS17:57
tsimpsonauronandace: there are openoffice.org transitional packages17:58
tsimpson!info openoffice.org17:58
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.0-7ubuntu7 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 142 kB17:58
theadminOerHeks: They're not real -- they're for upgrade purposes only. They point to the LibO packages17:58
theadminOerHeks: (translating what tsimpson said to English :D)17:59
auronandaceOerHeks: see what tsimpson and theadmin said17:59
OerHeksah thanks, tsimpson + theadmin that clears it18:00
theadminOerHeks: Oracle killed off Openoffice.org in favor of LibreOffice so it's a sane choice to move to LibO18:00
joeblowbouron Hello18:03
SilfenXHello! Been looking around but havent found anything particularly useful about how to add a shell/desktop to an already existing server installation. Can anyone point me towards some thorough tutorials on th ematter?18:03
tsimpsonSilfenX: which shell/desktop do you want?18:04
jjjjjeth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient[1051])     neone know what that is chkrootkit came up with it18:05
unlessIs there  a correct better way to use fsck command? Or is that a way to do a very good disk verification other that this command?18:06
hassan_my ubuntu doesnt read a cd?18:06
kelnHello, I have an 8 core AMD FX CPU (6.0GHz) and 16GB DDR3 RAM and a 6 GB Radeon Graphics card, will it be enough to run Ubuntu?18:06
hassan_itll be great....18:07
joeblowKeln you need at least a 6.01GHz machine and 9 cores18:07
hassan_my ubuntu doesnt read a cd why?????18:07
hassan_joeblow help?18:08
TheLordOfTimejoeblow:  that's not useful, please don't make statements like that.18:08
TheLordOfTimekeln:  you'll be fine, yes.18:08
joeblowwhere is your sense of humor18:09
hassan_hey u lord of time...can u help me out?18:09
jjjjjeth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient[1051])     neone know what that is chkrootkit came up with it18:09
unlessI had a system crash and now after booting my wifi are not identified anymore. What should I do?18:09
hassan_my ubunt isnt reading a cd help?18:10
jjjjjwhat is dhclient 1051 newat18:10
jjjjjcan i erase it18:11
Picijjjjj: It is used to request and receive dhcp addresses from the network.18:12
joeblowjjjjj - I would backup your data and do a reinstall18:12
jjjjjhmm ok18:12
jjjjjthere was some stuff before it hold on on the line above one sec18:12
unlessNow it says Firmware missing at my Wireless Control Painel Network Wireless tab.18:12
jjjjjChecking `sniffer'...                                       lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient[1051])18:13
jjjjjne use18:13
ubuntu_noobis there a location for general how to questions?18:13
WeThePeopleubuntu_noob, justa sk18:14
joeblowubuntu_noob - right here18:14
tsimpsonjjjjj: there's nothing to be concerned about with that output18:14
ubuntu_noobokay cool18:14
jjjjjoh ok thanks for that18:14
jjjjjjust one more thing18:14
SilfenXtsimpson: the gnome3 shell/desktop. I just tried the desktop version of the installer but for some reason it deosnt boot after installation finishes18:15
ubuntu_nooblooking to find out why my drive shows 15Gb free in the same partition my Ubuntu 11 install shows.18:15
jjjjji got the settings for firestarter from a web mag but the settings were lost for the firestarter policy i think it was outbount policy, i think inbound was all18:15
ubuntu_noobBut I can not access that partition.18:15
unlessHow do I ajust this Firmware missing issue from my Wireless ?18:15
jjjjjwhat is a good policy for outbound in firestarter18:15
tsimpsonSilfenX: you can just install the "ubuntu-desktop" package to get that18:15
SilfenXtsimpson: oh, wont that give unity?18:15
WeThePeoplejjjjj, do you have kids?18:16
jjjjjum no why18:16
Picijjjjj: Thats completely up to you.  Most people don't create any outbound rules.18:16
WeThePeoplejjjjj, then why do you want to set outbound policy18:16
WeThePeoplejjjjj, its inbound that peeps set policy on18:17
tsimpsonSilfenX: you will have the option to use "Ubuntu Classic" from the login menu, that's the non-Unity version (so you'll get both)18:17
jjjjjwell i think the mag said something about nothing should want to connect out or outbound should be restricted. i could be wrong could be the reverse18:17
ubuntu_noobSo in gparted I see that I have an etire 15GB free but no way to access it. All I can use on the 80Gb hdd is 54 GB.18:17
jjjjji forgotten18:17
jjjjjwhat policy do you have18:18
SilfenXtsimpson: So "Ubuntu Classic" will have the Gnome3 desktop/shell in 12.04?18:18
tsimpsonSilfenX: as far as I'm aware, yes18:18
joeblowGnome 3 has to be installed by itself18:19
SilfenXtsimpson: Also, is it possible to make the login screen not ask you which shell you want each time you start the machine?18:19
tsimpsonSilfenX: it should remember what you selected last time, and default to that18:19
jjjjjwheres comrade we the people gone18:19
SilfenXtsimpson: I'd prefer if I could only install gnome3 and not the inity files as well, but maybe thats nitpicking18:20
tsimpsonSilfenX: looking into it, you may need the "gnome-shell"18:20
tsimpsonso try that instead of "ubuntu-desktop"18:20
WeThePeoplejjjjj, firestarter automatically blocks inbound connections18:20
joeblowsudo apt-get install gnome-shell for Gnome 318:20
WeThePeoplejjjjj, i set no policy18:20
jjjjjbut why give the option to make it restrictive by default?18:21
WeThePeoplejjjjj, cuz its a firewall and most peeps dont know how to set a policy18:21
SilfenXjoeblow: on 12.04 server, will that give me a bootable gui just from that one install command?18:21
jjjjjoh ok i will leave it then.18:22
jjjjjta for that18:22
joeblowSilefenX did you start out with server or the desktop install of ubuntu?18:22
SilfenXjoeblow: I have server 12.04 already installed18:22
joeblowthen you should be good.  At the menu you will select if you want gnome or unity18:23
SilfenXjoeblow: menu?18:23
macmartineI made some changes on my server yesterday and I apparently messed up mysql. 'mysql -V' returns 'Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.63, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)', so does that mean that it's still installed?18:23
voozeMy sound is often "laggy" like falling out or what you could call it.. both in rhythmbox and Lastfm-client (so its not the mp3 files) any ideas what i could be missing? (it was fine in arch linux)18:24
macmartineI no longer have /etc/init.d/mysql18:24
MalfermitaKodoWhat do you guys/gals/smallfuzzy creatures from Alpha Centauri use for incremental backups?18:24
joeblowif you installed server I would do a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop first.18:25
auronandaceMalfermitaKodo: i copy what i need manually to an external harddisk18:26
SilfenXjoeblow: whole point was to avoid cluttering the drive with any Unity related padding - if possible. Maybe it isnt possible to avoid that?18:26
joeblowpersonally I would install XFCE - LXDE or gnome shell18:27
MalfermitaKodoauronandace: sure that can be done, but sounds like quite a bit of a hassle...18:27
antti_j #kahvi18:27
crizisMalfermitaKodo, i used to use rdiff-backup on server, and ubuntu has built-in backups right in system prefrences nowadays18:27
joeblowif you do the sudo apt-get install gnome-shell it should resolve all the dependencies you need for a complete dekstop18:27
BrewskiHi #ubuntu. Anyone familiar with touch screens?18:27
SilfenXsideone: I need a more fleshed out shell/desktop to be able to set up VPN and do some tinkering with network settings. I m useless at CLI18:27
auronandaceMalfermitaKodo: depends how organised you are and how much you need to back up i suppose18:28
SilfenXsideone was meant to be joeblow, sry18:28
BrewskiI'm trying to add a second monitor, which happens to be a touch screen. I got the span desktop working with it, but it's not quite calibrated right18:28
Brewskithe touch screen input tracks correctly but when i release the 'touch' the cursor moves on me18:29
MalfermitaKodoauronandace: not organized whatsoever, thus searching for a solution which is similar to time machine under that OS from Cupertino18:29
MalfermitaKodoso that an accidental rm -rf can be undone18:30
WeThePeoplebrewski, http://x.debian.net/howto/use-xrandr.html18:30
joeblowubuntu is smart enough to install what you need from a server install to LXDE for example sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop18:30
ainI'm in Sudan and we have the international ban I can not download the entire system updates18:31
ainWhat should I do to Download Now full?18:31
ainHowever Beginner in the system18:31
nmapanyone can help me, my sound (internal soundcard) is gone, yesterday it was working just fine and today its gone.  Suggestions ?18:31
MalfermitaKodoCan you select another mirror if one is blocked, ain?18:32
WeThePeoplenmap, check alsamixer18:32
WeThePeopletype it in the terminal18:32
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BrewskiWeThePeople, I'm using xrandr, and I've used a transformation matrix to get the touch screen calibrated to only use that screen, but it still acts up18:32
SilfenXjoeblow: tyvm, much obliged18:34
WeThePeoplebrewski, idk about touch screen, but there are plenty of apps in the soft center for that18:34
joeblowno problem18:35
WeThePeopleain, use a proxy maybe?18:36
SilfenXWhat are "restriced apps"?18:36
unlessCould someone help me figure a way to fix a corrupted wireless driver please?18:36
WeThePeopleain, is there a website explaining the ban?18:36
nmapwethepeople, sorry but im a beginner in linux systems, alsamixer doesnt tell me much18:37
seaskiiSSH will not login I get msg "authentication method password failed"18:37
WeThePeopleunless, type lshw interminal and copy paste to paste.ubuntu.com18:38
WeThePeoplein terminal*18:38
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com18:38
seaskiiSSH will not login I get msg "authentication method password failed"  Ubuntu 12 new install i removed openssh client and server and reinstalled, checked sshd_config pls HALP !18:38
ainCan you give me that proxy please?18:39
nmapit shows me the correct card and all looks fine18:39
tsimpsonseaskii: that means the username/password combination is incorrect18:40
seaskiisame password i used in the terminal for sudo and to log into x18:40
tsimpsonseaskii: what username are you trying to connect as?18:41
SilfenXso, to be lengthy about this: doing a "sudo apt-get install gnome" from the command prompt in server 12.04 will result in a fully bootable gnome3 desktop?18:41
WeThePeoplenmap, type sudo apt-get update18:41
gurifisumy ld complains it can't find ld: error: cannot find -lfftw3_omp . However, I have in /usr/local/lib: libfftw3_omp.a  libfftw3_omp.la. I've also set LD_CONFIG_PATH to export /usr/local/lib18:42
IdleOneSilfenX: you want gnome-shell18:42
gurifisusorry I meant LD LIBRARY PATH18:42
WeThePeopleunless, what is problem18:43
SilfenXIdleOne: Whats the difference between gnome-shell and gnome?18:44
ainThank you18:45
ain Did not advise me a lot, but thank18:45
IdleOneSilfenX: assuming you want the new Gnome3 look and feel. I know that the gnome-shell package will get you that, not 100% sure what the gnome package will give you.18:46
unlessWeThePeople, https://gist.github.com/370899918:46
nmapwethepeople, ok done it.  What i have done now is mute pcm in alsamixer but still nothing18:46
WeThePeoplenmap, pcm has to do with cd18:47
aingood bye18:47
nmapoh someone said i had to mute it18:47
IdleOneSilfenX: looking at package description, it seems the gnome package will give you the same thing.18:48
SilfenXIdleOne: I need a fleshed out desktop environment, not a barebones but if I could help it, I really only need comprehensive network support installed to deal with VPN s and tinkering with network setup in a GUI env18:48
IdleOneSilfenX: either package will install the full gnome environment18:48
WeThePeopleunless, have i help with theis before?18:49
SilfenXIdleOne: ok, ty18:49
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unlessWeThePeople, no18:49
WeThePeopleunless, you have the wireless card disabled18:50
unlessWeThePeople, yes, I figured the driver at Additional Drivers System Settings18:51
WeThePeopleunless, what is the problem, specifically? is it not connecting to the internet or..18:52
WeThePeopleany errors18:53
deadmundWeThePeople talks to himself... :P18:53
seaskiii've added user "borg" at the end of sshd-config AllowedUsers borg18:53
nmapwethepeople, in the log files i find this: snd_pcm_avail_delay() returned strange values: delay 0 is less than avail 16.18:53
nmapSep  3 19:37:43 NnMAP pulseaudio[1925]: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_hda_intel'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.18:53
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:54
deadmundthank you ubottu18:54
RadarLuvIs there a flash plug-in for Chromium?18:55
WeThePeopleunless, type 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'18:55
D7RadarLuv, its built in18:55
deadmundThis list: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/  shows complete systems are linux supported I need to buy a PCI WiFi Card.  Where can I see a list of the best supported WiFi cards?18:55
unlessWeThePeople, When I try to activate the driver I got this message: Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log, and this is at : https://gist.github.com/370907118:56
WeThePeopleradarluv, search the software center for adobe flash18:56
RadarLuvI see the plugin for Mozilla, will that work for Chrome as well?18:57
netraamehtHello, does somebody know how to make a bash file which copies a directory to a ftp server, or the *.dat files?18:57
unlessWeThePeople, if I figure this driver name I could try to reinstall it via cable network, what do you think?18:59
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WeThePeopleunless, ok, what did you install exatly.. i use broadcom to and have a script for it but you might need to uninstall something19:00
designbybeckso this Ubuntu 12.10 Remote Login thing: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/ubuntu-12-10-login-screen-adds-remote-desktop-access19:01
designbybeckI use Ubuntu on our campus network... I login with my own username and password to my local machine... And if I want to hit the Windows Share... i do it with smb://servername/dir19:01
designbybeckthen it prompts me for username password and domain an dthat works19:01
unlessWeThePeople, after Ubuntu instalation it comes authomatically.19:01
auronandacedesignbybeck: 12.10 support in #ubuntu+1 until realease19:02
designbybeckWill this allow me to use it to authinticate the same waya?19:02
designbybeckah... ok just curious auronandace19:02
WeThePeopleunless, try this >>>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193292219:03
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igmuI am have audio issues. Upon Plymouth, sound is muted. Adjusting volume creates sound capability. After wake-up from suspend, gnome indicator displays full volume, but no sound. Tried reinstalling pulseaudio, no change. $kill-all pulseaudio, no change. Created lshw, pulseaudio --dump-conf,  pulseaudio --dump-modules on http://pastebin.com/4J0xdGvk19:09
zetherooI have a laptop here running Ubuntu 12.04  - suddenly the speakers no longer work (no sound emitted), however sound come out through the headphone jack and also via Bluetooth speakers. I also got the internal speakers to work once after plugging and unplugging the earphones, but after plugging and unplugging the headphones a second time the speakers no longer worked!19:10
WeThePeoplezetheroo, type alsamixer in terminal and check that19:11
Punisher_i want to mount a NTFS drive which is already mounted (if the meaning of mounting is that i can open its folders and contents)....but there is a bizzarre problem...can somebody guide me through?19:11
WeThePeoplepunisher_, justa ask19:11
WeThePeopleyes thats the meaning19:12
LuiXhow do i access windows recovery console from grub?19:12
Punisher_WeThePeople: i can write on and read from it....but my Vuze can't....19:12
Punisher_what should i do?19:12
wilee-nileeLuiX, hit f8 like would as usual at picking windows19:12
WeThePeoplepunisher_, so you have vuze save to this partition but cant write to it?19:13
Punisher_WeThePeople: yes....it was saving on it that suddenly the electricity went off....when the system came again vuze gives me an error which reads: Failed to create parent directory....19:15
unlessWeThePeople, I did it via cable, just reintalled the driver. Thank you!19:15
Punisher_WeThePeople: another thing is that i can manually write to it....creating files and folders and etc....19:16
WeThePeopleunless, is it working19:16
zetherooWeThePeople:I don't think this is a volume issue. There is something wrong with the headphone jack being enabled/disabled19:16
zetherooas I said above " I also got the internal speakers to work once after plugging and unplugging the earphones, but after plugging and unplugging the headphones a second time the speakers no longer worked!"19:16
WeThePeoplepunisher_, redo the operation19:16
Punisher_WeThePeople: which operation do u mean?19:17
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zetherooWeThePeople:  When I plug in headphones I have to manually select the second Output entry in the Sound settings dialog to get sound through the headphones19:18
WeThePeoplezetheroo, yes my ubutnu wont play out of speaker if i jave headphones enabled from alsamixer, disable headphones in alsamixer19:18
unless_WeThePeople, yes, talking to you through it :D19:18
zetherooWeThePeople: in alsamixer the Headphone and Speaker settings show no volume bar and the little square has two zeros19:20
w30If Steven Warren or Maxim Thikonov read this channel, a big thank you  for fixing my purple people in flash on Nividia19:20
WeThePeopleunless, type 'sudo apt-get autoclean' and 'sudo apt-get clean'19:21
WeThePeoplezetheroo, press m to enable disable the selected19:22
Punisher_WeThePeople: u mentioned i redo the operation...which operation or what operation do u mean?19:22
WeThePeoplepunisher_, i assume you where downloading somthin, have you tried to redownload it and save it to the ntfs19:24
zetherooWeThePeople: they are already on ... hence the '00' in the little box ... instead of 'MM' when they are off ...19:24
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WeThePeoplezetheroo, yeah turn the headphones off19:25
Punisher_WeThePeople: yes yo're right....so u mean i have to start over downloading?19:25
vartanhey guys, my wireless wont seem to work. i've installed the additional drivers, went through all things related to my broadcom driver in synaptic, but, when i open wicd, it says no wireless networks found. i checked the kernel, and its using the ssb, so i know its not the kernel. i have no clue what else it could be.19:25
zetherooWeThePeople: sound is still not coming from the speakers19:25
WeThePeoplepunisher_, yes try that19:25
unless_WeThePeople, donne19:26
Punisher_WeThePeople: I did what you said....i stopped downloading and started it again and again.....but the same error came AGAIN....19:26
unless_Is there a way to eliminate stuff I don't use from my Ubuntu to occupy less disk?19:27
unless_Like OpenOffice and games for example.19:28
gordonjcpunless_: uninstall stuff?19:28
vartanunless: go through synaptic, uninstall things you dont need19:28
unless_gordonjcp, no specific command to reduce a distro to minimum19:28
vartanalso, i noticed that i cannot turn off my wireless with the switch it has. maybe its somehow related19:28
gordonjcpunless_: no, although you could start by installing a minimum distro19:29
WeThePeopleunless_, those where some commands to do that19:29
unless_Mmm, ok.19:29
unless_gordonjcp, is the a light version of Ubuntu?19:29
WeThePeoplezetheroo. type lshw and copy paste to paste.ubuntu.com19:29
MonkeyDustunless_  lubuntu and xubuntu19:30
gordonjcp^^^ those19:30
WeThePeoplepunisher_, create the parent directory for the files you want to save19:30
unless_MonkeyDust, well, there are some privileges I wouldn't like to loose.19:30
vartanany ideas guys?19:31
MonkeyDustunless_  meaning?19:32
unless_MonkeyDust, Unity for example.19:32
Punisher_WeThePeople: how can i do that? if you by saying parent directory meant that i manually create the directory for saving the data....i can't...because it had already downloaded some amout of information...19:33
unless_I did create a .bash_profile and added alias apache='sudo qetc/init.d/apache2' but it didn't result nothing. What I made wrong?19:33
WeThePeoplepunisher_, a directory is a folder19:34
Punisher_WeThePeople: and by the way...when i changed the saving directory to another drive....it started downloading19:34
Punisher_WeThePeople: i know what a directory is...but i don't know that a parent directory is...19:34
MonkeyDustunless_  maybe it's an idea to create a kind of 'Unity lite' DE19:35
vartanhey guys just in case anyone missed it.  hey guys, my wireless wont seem to work. i've installed the additional drivers, went through all things related to my broadcom driver in synaptic, but, when i open wicd, it says no wireless networks found. i checked the kernel, and its using the ssb, so i know its not the kernel. i have no clue what else it could be.19:35
unless_MonkeyDust, better I guy a better computer ;P19:35
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unless_does anybody know how to create an alias for bash ?19:36
kalyI've read man.. don't understand.. why ln -s isn't working as expecting.19:36
fengshaun__hi all, is it possible to have the manpages (from the man command) in plaintext so I can process them?19:36
kalyln -s -t /omd/sites/o/etc/nagios/conf.d/ /omd/sites/o/etc/check_mk/nagios19:36
kalyCreated a symbolic link, in the original destination?19:36
WeThePeoplepunisher_, http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/parent_directory.html19:36
kalyI'd expect it to go inside of /omd/sites/o/etc/check_mk/19:37
MonkeyDustfengshaun__  there's this http://linuxmanpages.com/19:37
Picifengshaun__: if you redirect the output from man somewhere, it removes the formatting.  i.e. man bash > foo19:37
zetheroo1WeThePeople:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201156/19:37
fengshaun__MonkeyDust, not the best solution, but thanks!19:38
fengshaun__Pici, that sounds promising, let me try it19:38
fengshaun__I used | instead of >19:38
dr_willisfengshaun__:  i belive theres other ways to get the man pages in other formats as well. i recall using troff, or nroff years ago to make nice printable versions19:38
fengshaun__dr_willis, thanks, I will check that out19:39
fengshaun__redirection works!19:39
dr_willisif i remeber right the man pages are formated with nroff, using the 'man' macro set19:39
tobiasBoraBonjour !19:39
tobiasBoraoupss sorry19:39
wdshi, I have a pw recovery question19:39
Picikaly: but you specified /omd/sites/o/etc/nagios/conf.d/ as the directory where you'd like to create the link.19:40
wdsI used the windows installer which loads ubuntu via window's boot manger19:40
wdsI'd like to enter single user mode19:40
wdsbut am unsure how to do so without grub19:40
kalyPici, I thought I specify the target first? So did I get my arguments mixed up? I'm confuszzled?19:41
wdsdoes anyone know how to do so from the window's boot loader?19:41
zetheroo1WeThePeople: btw, the speakers were working fine 2 days ago ...19:41
wds(I unintentionally took myself off of wheel)19:41
Picikaly: Are you sure that you want the -t argument at all?19:41
kalyAh, you are right. I don't.19:42
kalyI totally misunderstood that option19:42
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igmuPici: Is this what you mean for fengshaun_ ? ln -s -t /omd/sites/o/etc/nagios/conf.d /omd/sites/o/etc/check_mk/nagios/19:42
tobiasBoraHello !19:43
econdudeawesomeHello! How would I unzip a set of files to folders for each individual file? Trying to modify the following: for i in *.tar.gz; do tar xvzf $i -C path/to/output/directory; done19:43
igmuoops, for kaly19:43
kalyRemoving -t and it works :P19:44
tobiasBoraI use KDE and I'd like to know how to do to open a bluetooth device like a usb key (to see the folders, the files etc...). What paquage do I need ?19:44
econdudeawesomerather: for i in *.tar.gz; do unzip $i -C path/to/output/directory; done19:44
WeThePeoplezetheroo1, what changes did you make, any updates?19:44
zetheroo1WeThePeople: it's not mine ... :P19:45
dr_willistobiasBora:   you mean access a bluetooth enabled phone to see the files on it?19:45
zetheroo1WeThePeople: I don't think any major changes were made ... I don't know about updates though19:45
tobiasBoradr_willis: yes it is19:45
WeThePeoplezetheroo1, type this in termianl >>>  speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -l5 -twav19:46
WeThePeoplezetheroo1, what does it do??19:46
dr_willistobiasBora:  should be able to 'pair' the devices then see the phone in the file manager or send stuff from the phone.19:46
dr_willistobiasBora:  if you have a lot to transfer i suggest using a usb cable or wireless  - bluetooth is amazing slow19:47
zetheroo1WeThePeople: is there supposed to be sound? - because there is none ...19:47
tobiasBoradr_willis: I've already 'pair' my phone, and when I open my file manager, I only see "send a file", and not browse...19:47
OsmodivsHello. I use Ubuntu 12.04 32 bits, I can't open ZSNES, I get this error but I do not know what does it mean. Can someone help me?19:48
tobiasBoradr_willis: yes I know, but I've no usb cable, and that's for test bluetooth too.19:48
optikxwhat is linux good for servers?19:48
dr_willistobiasBora:   theres different bluetooth services thay the phone m ay need to turn on. or have19:49
WeThePeoplezetheroo1, http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/laptop/412281-82801h-ich8-family-hd-audio-controller-rev-04-no-sound.html19:49
dr_willisoptikx:  depends on your server needs19:49
mirajoptikx : on the ubuntu channel, the correct answer is always "ubuntu"19:49
WeThePeopleyes there is suppose to be sound19:50
gordonjcpOsmodivs: it's a segmentation fault; it means that the program has tried to read some memory it's not allowed to19:50
gordonjcpOsmodivs: looks like it's failing to connect to a mouse, somehow19:50
gordonjcpOsmodivs: can you disable mouse support, or something?19:50
Punisher_WeThePeople: thank you very much..........19:50
mirajdid super nes boxes support a mouse?19:51
zetheroo1WeThePeople: I am going to boot from a LiveCD just to be sure that it's not a hardware issue19:51
Osmodivsgordonjcp, The thing is, I can't evev open the program to mess with the settings19:51
WeThePeoplegood idea19:51
gordonjcpOsmodivs: any command-line switches?19:51
Osmodivsgordonjcp, It's gotta be the PS3 game pad19:51
gordonjcpOsmodivs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsnes/+bug/34615519:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346155 in zsnes (Ubuntu) "zsnes: Segmentation fault at startup on Intrepid/amd64" [Medium,Triaged]19:52
WeThePeoplepunisher_, get it to work19:52
optikxps3 gamepad really.19:52
optikx? wow19:52
gordonjcpOsmodivs: ^^^ I googled for "zsnes segfault on startup@19:52
dr_willisnot tried zsnes in ages. it used to be a 32bit only app.19:53
dr_willisi recall snes9x also working well19:53
zoskyhi yall. on our ubuntu-server /root is a usb stick and /home is a 14 drive softRaid. rebooting changes /root to sda sdc sde ... i successfully created a uDev rule (for another stick) but it then ahows @ /dev/sde1 & /dev/usbStick ... what am i missing ? help plz19:54
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dr_williszosky:  normally one uses the uuid to define where / is. so if its on sda,b,c,xyz  it dosnet matter19:55
dr_williszosky:  you mean '/'   correct?  /root/ is roots home on /19:55
zoskydr_willis: that is correct(in fStab) but i need to exclude root from sd* for smartMonTools to look at only the HDDs (otherwise it failes because /root does not have SMART(19:56
zoskysorry, i do mean /19:56
dr_williszosky:  ive ran totally from usb flash with no issues befor19:56
MonkeyDustinteresting idea: / on a pendrive19:57
dr_willisbut not sure about smartmontools19:57
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  saw a bsd nas thing do somthing similer also )19:57
dr_willisive never seen a usb jump around from one boot to a next like that. just whatever usb i booted became the sda device19:58
solidoodlesupporHey Guys!19:58
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zoskydr_willis: / on USB runs great. i want to monitor SMART status (of the HDDs). can i use UUID in smartmond ?19:58
dr_willisi know nothing about smartmond. if its failing because the usb has no smart info... sounds like a bug in smartmond to me19:59
solidoodlesupporGot a quick question20:00
solidoodlesupporand I'm sorry if it comes up a lot20:00
RageRiothi, having a problem getting ubuntu on a laptop. currently has win xp installed on it with a spare partition ready for ubuntu to format/partition. when the live disk starts, choosing run or install ubuntu results in a restart (text comes up and stall before restart last msgs PnP bios...). I have used a CD and a USB Stick and version 12.04. laptop is 2GB ram (video using 256mb) and CPU is 1.6GHz duel core.20:00
solidoodlesupporHow do you add items to the Launcher in Ubuntu 12?20:00
dr_willissolidoodlesuppor:  for what?  i drag/drop from the dash  or just pin a running app20:01
dr_williseach app has its own .desktop file that defines it. the launcher can see/use the .desktop launcher files20:01
loader56hi :)20:01
solidoodlesupporI'm just tyring to toss a basic Python app in there20:02
deke111Hi - I'm thinking of installing ubuntu on a Windows 7 machine using wubi instead of re-partitioning the disk. Any disadvantages in this such as performance issues? Thanks.20:02
solidoodlesupporAlso: I want my python scripts to run on double click20:02
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dr_willissolidoodlesuppor:  make a .desktop file for it   is one way20:02
solidoodlesupporHow do I do that?20:02
zoskydr_willis: smartmond has 2 options, explicitly call out sda sdb or device scan (/dev/sd* /dev/hd*) ... to use eaither i need the USB stick to be excluded from the group, like /dev/root20:02
dr_willisits a file... you make.. look at the gedit.desktop file for an example20:03
dr_willissolidoodlesuppor:  askubuntu.com has some guides on making your own launcher also20:04
blakesSo I want to set up a default set of menus for the Gnome-Desktop and deploy them to all users on the system.  (Precise,gnome-fallback,ltsp)20:04
solidoodlesuppordr_willis: do you have a link for that guide?20:05
solidoodlesuppor^^ I think that's what i need20:05
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has a search feature20:06
dr_willisthey have several20:06
dr_williscp gedit.desktop   testapp.desktop   and edit it as needed ;)20:06
blakesdr_willis... are you talking from the /etc/xdc or is that located elsewhere?20:07
dr_willis /etc/xdg perhaps?20:07
dr_willis.desktop files can be in several places20:08
dr_willis   locate gedit.desktop20:08
blakesDo i need to <Merge> the newly created "testapp.desktop"?20:08
dr_willismerge?  not sure what you mean20:08
dr_willisapps launchers are defined by their .desktop files they get scanned and added to the menus from the info in the files20:09
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dr_willistheres other places where .desktop files are used also.. like for the different desktop sessions20:10
blakesYeah... I have been down this path you are leading me and it does not work as simple as that.... plus there is no allowance for nested menus... like myapps-->programming-->python20:12
blakesI'll look some more.. thanx20:12
dr_willisblakes:  i dont even know what you are doing..20:13
RageRiotI think I may have found a potential colprit to my problem trying to get ubuntu to run, the text that fills the screen before it restarts shows the following "PCI 0000:00:09.0: adress space collision: [mem 0x00007800-0x0000787f] conflicts with reserved [mem 0x00000000-0x0000ffff]"20:15
RageRiotI'll just reiterate for any one who missed it20:16
RageRiothi, having a problem getting ubuntu on a laptop. currently has win xp installed on it with a spare partition ready for ubuntu to format/partition. when the live disk starts, choosing run or install ubuntu results in a restart (text comes up and stall before restart last msgs PnP bios...). I have used a CD and a USB Stick and version 12.04. laptop is 2GB ram (video using 256mb) and CPU is 1.6GHz duel core.20:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:16
Rienzilhahey there20:17
solidoodlesuppordr_willis: I don't see any tutorials20:17
solidoodlesupporthis is just a SO style site20:17
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RienzilhaI have an ubuntu 11.10 machine, that doesn't boot and to which I do not have console access. I can access it when it boots from a live cd over ssh. is there a way to make ubuntu log as soon as possible so I can see what's going on?20:18
dr_willisim on my phone so cant easially search stuff.. plus its time for me to head out.  be back in about 2 hrs.20:19
kristenbbusing empathy chat, is it possible not to display disconnection/joining messages in here?20:21
kqrquick question: how do i take a screenshot of a single window?20:22
kristenbbis it possible to make unity reduce a window when left clicked on the side panel, if it is displayed ?20:23
kristenbbis it possible to leave thunderbird running without having it in the side panel, just as rhythmbox does?20:25
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Berenicesomebody can help me with ubuntu studio?20:30
* RageRiot say HELLO ! :D20:30
kristenbbusing empathy chat, is it possible not to display disconnection/joining messages in here?20:30
keo-wso i rebooted my ubuntu server today to discover it didn't come back up. the message it reports is 'kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs unknown-block(0,0)20:30
BluesKajBerenice, probly best to join #ubuntu-studio20:31
Bereniceok, thank you20:32
kristenbbcan someone help me please?20:32
Bereniceone moment.. how can I join ubuntu studio?20:33
netsavy006I'm having trouble adding a repo.20:33
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sarsaeolin 10.04 is there a way to SHOW the passwords stored for wireless acces spoints?20:37
kristenbbcan someone hear me???20:37
sapharothall i'm seeing is joining n quiting is anyone talking20:37
sarsaeolim talking20:38
kristenbbhello world?20:38
sarsaeolhi kristenbb20:38
kristenbbthought this software wasn't working20:39
kristenbbit's the first time i'm using it20:39
sarsaeolkristenbb: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30249/in-empathy-irc-how-do-i-turn-off-the-joined-and-disconnected-messages20:39
kristenbbthank you !20:39
sapharothare you talking about xchat?20:39
sarsaeolshe said empathy20:40
kristenbbI don't know, I think it's called empathy, it's just the default software that comes with ubuntu, and is accessible at the top right corner20:40
kristenbbis it possible to leave thunderbird running without having it in the side panel, just as rhythmbox does?20:40
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kristenbbsarsaeol, the link you mentioned offers to switch to xchat. Is it as integrated into the OS as empathy though?20:43
sapharothkristenbb: ya i'm sure there must be an option somewhere. i've not used one though. or try Ctrl+w instead of Ctrl+q20:44
BluesKajsarsaeol, odd, if you a version , telepathy comes up20:44
llaskinis there a way to write a tar command which will include the directory tree but not tar up certain file types?20:45
billchow do i watch netflix on google chrome20:45
llaskinsilverlight doesn't support chrome AFAIK20:46
sapharothwhat do you mean by 'certain file types'20:46
llaskinI want to tar up all files in a directory except for files of type *.mp4 and *.png20:47
BluesKajbillc, you can't watch netflix on Linux20:47
billcit says i'm missin something20:47
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tsimpsonllaskin: use the --exclude option, see http://manpages.ubuntu.com/tar20:48
billccrome 20 or higher20:49
tsimpsonllaskin: rather http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/tar.1.html that what it redirects you to20:49
WDKevinin my home network, i have a ubuntu server running on a bare metal box. is it possible to setup a VPN tunnel from that server to a remote server and then tunnel internal network traffic on a specific port through the VPN?20:49
BluesKajbillc, there was arumour over a yr ago that google browser would accomodate netfix with a silverlight-like plufin , but it b=nevermaterialized20:49
sapharothyou can do one thing move the file you dont need to some other location by mv *.file_type1, *.filetype /someplace20:50
WDKevinso that, in essence, i can proxy any traffic through port, for arguments sake, 9000, and that traffic is tunneled through the remote VPN, but all other traffic is straight to the WAN20:50
billcso i can't watch it20:50
sapharothand then tar the rest.20:50
BluesKajoops  scuse my phat phingers20:50
BluesKajbillc, you can on windows , but not linux , and netflix uses it's own browser20:51
billcty BluesKaj20:52
dr_willisbought a movie that had a 'legal' digital download... but it requires itunes... basically out of luck aint i?20:53
dr_williscame with blueray, dvd, and digital download.20:54
RageRiotno doubt theres proably a way round it20:54
dr_willisi just ripped the dvd to video ;)20:55
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dr_willisbut its still annoying20:55
cihhanHi all! I was wondering if there is any way to measure the resource usage using C directly from a library in Ubuntu? I can read /proc, but I would prefer if a library can provide this information.20:55
dr_williswife wanted to watch it on her android phone.. nope.. cant do that either.20:56
fengshaun__how can I force quit one of tmux's windows?20:57
fengshaun__I had ssh running and it timed out, now the window is stuck20:58
dr_willishmm.    try   a ctrl-c in it?20:58
MrokiiHello. Can anybody recommend an app to edit (cut out parts) in an mp4-video?20:58
fengshaun__I have, no luck20:58
dr_willis!info shotwell20:58
ubottushotwell (source: shotwell): digital photo organizer. In component main, is extra. Version 0.12.3-0ubuntu0.1 (precise), package size 2292 kB, installed size 6884 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:58
dr_willisdoh wrong app.. what is that video editor20:58
fengshaun__starts with p20:59
fengshaun__let me check20:59
dr_willis!info openshot20:59
ubottuopenshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 16025 kB, installed size 43611 kB20:59
Mrokiidr_willis: Thanks, will take a look.20:59
dr_willisthats the one ive been playing with lately20:59
dr_willisits a little  basic20:59
fengshaun__oh, pitivi21:00
sapharothfor any image related query i would suggest gimp.21:00
fengshaun__I haven't used it, though21:00
dr_willisthat and devede  let me make dvds for the grandkids with their fave cartoons21:00
MrokiiAs long as it can simply cut out parts in an mp4 videofile I'm fine with it.21:00
fengshaun__kdenlive also works21:00
fengshaun__or should, at least21:00
dr_willisgotten where i use mp4 all the time ;)21:00
check12I'm trying to compile/run a program on an ubuntu box with no root access. It depends on libssl, which the box doesn't have. Is there anything I can do?21:01
dr_williscompile libssl as the user put it in your home.. perhaps21:01
Mrokiifengshaun__: I'll try openshot first, but thanks. Will keep it in mind.21:02
dr_willisi think theres 2 other video tools in the repos also21:03
check12dr_willis: if I compile it somewhere other than default, what changes in the new compilation process (ie, how do I point it to the location of the libssl install?)21:03
dr_willis!info kino21:03
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.4-1.3 (precise), package size 3948 kB, installed size 8241 kB21:03
dyrvereI'm really liking VLMC btw. It's crashy but the layout is rather nice.21:04
jessefromvancouvcihhan, if you're looking to record/graph resource information, consider using sar and ksar.21:04
dr_willischeck12:  i think you have to do some stuff with ldpath and so on. not done this in years21:04
dr_willisvlmc is a very new one i recall.21:04
dr_willis!info vlmc21:04
ubottuPackage vlmc does not exist in precise21:04
dyrveredr_willis: Yup, once it's stable I can really see it gaining the same popularity of VLC but for video editing.21:05
wirelesubuntu için yardıma ihtiyacım var yardım edecek gönüllü varmı :)21:05
dr_willisi think thers one more.  vlmc, openshot, kino, pitivi21:05
cihhanjessefromvancouv: I am not really planning to graph them, I just want to be able to measure.21:06
Mrokiidr_willis: Heh, thanks. :)21:06
TeamRocket1233cIs GNOME 3 + Openbox with Tint2 panel possible?21:06
cihhanjessefromvancouv: In fact, there are a couple of APIs for that such as SAR and Sigar21:06
cihhanjessefromvancouv: Have you ever used them?21:06
TeamRocket1233cAnd what about Xfce + Fluxbox with the same panel?21:06
drupinm not able to run gotour after installing go with procedure on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Go  and go get code.google.com/p/go-tour/gotour this is go env https://gist.github.com/349870821:06
IdleOne!turkey  | wireles21:06
ubottuwireles: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:06
TeamRocket1233cBeen googling a lot about how to swap out Mutter with Openbox in GNOME 3 and making it work.21:07
jessefromvancouvcihhan, I've used them to look at bottlenecks in the system but not directly through C code. I would log the epoch start and finish times of my programs and analyze the resource utilization using ksar.. Not quite what you're after I don't think21:08
webguy024hello I am having a problem with permissions (mainly I just suck at understanding them). Running precise, nginx/php5-fpm. Running a sript in a directory that is owned by root. php error about permissions. I suspect php is running as something not able to ammend that directory.. how can I fix this?21:08
cihhanjessefromvancouv: what I want to do is to write a C code that will connect to a couple of other machines and measure their resource usage and output them later21:09
cihhanjessefromvancouv: so, it's a bit different :)21:09
jessefromvancouvcihhan, good luck :)21:09
billchow do i know if i have ubuntu desktop or server21:10
cihhanjessefromvancouv: thanx, i will definintely need it :)21:10
OerHeksbillc, if you see a gui, you don't have server. unless you installed a desktop on your server.21:11
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tsimpsoncihhan: use the getloadavg() C function21:13
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cihhantsimpson: hmm, thanks. but what about other possible resources such as memory, network, detailed CPU, etc.21:14
cihhantsimpson: do you know any functions for them?21:14
fengshaun__does anyone know anything about the "learn" command?21:16
tsimpsoncihhan: that'll be scattered all over the kernel API, I'm not aware of a library for collecting that information21:16
fengshaun__I can find its manpage or any info on it21:16
billcOerHeks: TY  must b desktop all kinds of icons21:17
OerHeksbillc correct21:17
billccan i make this a server21:18
cihhantsimpson: i see your point. I think you are right, I couldn't find a single library which will be useful for this purpose.21:18
OerHeksbillc, you are free to install a service ( as on a server) like php/mysql/apache221:18
OerHeksbillc, the server iso is optimised for those services.21:19
OerHeksbillc no gui = more power21:19
unheedingany way to get my battery applet to report better times?  it's been saying i'm 2 minutes away from fully charged for a good 20 minutes now21:20
billcOerheks: i have a desktop, netbook tablet and smartphone can i use the server to communicate with the others21:20
webguy024hello I am having a problem with permissions (mainly I just suck at understanding them). Running precise, nginx/php5-fpm. Running a sript in a directory that is owned by root. php error about permissions. I suspect php is running as something not able to ammend that directory.. how can I fix this?21:20
OerHeksbillc yes.21:21
wirelesamd ati hd 5770 video card's driver friends using the play of the game, no effect of the CCC does not have any solution to this problem?21:22
billcwhat a wunderful cuntry, am not versed in unix can i use the desktop to handle the server21:23
=== kpuljek is now known as Soul_Sample
rds_hello guys is there any LESS css editor available for ubuntu ?21:24
zykotick9webguy024: option 1) change permission to allow everyone to write to the folder.  option 2) change to folder to www-data owner (probably)21:26
iNTEldr_willis : i wanna change my default GNOME to Xfce21:35
stasz1hey, who can help me ?21:35
iNTEldr_willis : can u help me ?21:35
zykotick9!ask | stasz1 ask and see21:36
ubottustasz1 ask and see: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:36
nieehi boys :)) anyone to help me pls? after typed this command "touch /fsckcheck" and restart my pc not visible another HDD21:36
stasz1http://i.imgur.com/AvLeb.jpg How i can change this theme ?21:37
zykotick9niee: did you use "sudo touch /fsckcheck"?21:37
nieezykotick9: yes21:37
zykotick9niee: what does "restart my pc not visible another HDD" mean?21:38
bobweaverrds Geany has a plugin to get a live browser the  you can have css on right hand side and browser with firebug or whatever on left21:38
iNTElcan anyone help me , i wanna change my GNOME ( Default ) to Xfce21:38
KyraYuiis there like a general channel that i can ask questions in about irc chat21:39
stasz1http://i.imgur.com/AvLeb.jpg How i can change this theme ?21:39
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
trijit_any idea how i can use vpnc in ubuntu?21:40
trijit_alias tj21:40
nieezykotick9: view pls -> http://pastebin.com/yML7aYGG21:41
trijit_ny idea how i can use vpnc in ubuntu?21:41
zykotick9niee: pastebin.com no thanks21:41
daemongpl!info xfce | iNTEl21:42
ubottuiNTEl: Package xfce does not exist in precise21:42
nieezykotick9: private?21:42
daemongpl!xfce | iNTEl21:42
ubottuiNTEl: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:42
zykotick9niee: no thanks.  best of luck.21:42
daemongpllol there it goes21:42
KyraYuiis there like a general channel that i can ask questions in about irc chat21:43
iNTElubottu : isn't u a bot ?21:43
ubottuiNTEl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
iNTElubottu : i see21:43
zykotick9!info xfce4 | daemongpl fyi you need the 4 ;)21:43
ubottudaemongpl fyi you need the 4 ;): xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB21:43
iNTElubotti : so i can't change my GNOME to be Xfce ?21:43
tarwichKyraYui: Have you asked alis?21:43
KyraYuiasked who?21:43
zykotick9!alis | KyraYui21:44
ubottuKyraYui: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:44
rds_Hai guys is there any CSS LESS editor is available for linux ?21:44
bobweaver!purexfce | iNTEl21:44
ubottuiNTEl: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:44
bobweaverrds_,  Geany has a plugin to get a live browser that  you can have css on right hand side and browser with firebug or whatever on left21:44
rds_bobweaver,  I want to use compile css LESS !21:45
Guest76217any idea how to setup vpnc in ubuntu?21:45
daemongplzykotick9, new to ubottu and ubuntu ;)21:46
bobweaverrds_, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7245826/less-css-compiler-for-linux21:46
bobweaverrds_,  I never used it myself though21:46
daemongplIts nice to watch the questions and learn. Also to be corrected to learn :)21:47
rds_bobweaver, k21:47
bobweaverrds_,  there is also21:48
bobweaver!info lessc | rds_21:48
ubotturds_: Package lessc does not exist in precise21:48
bobweaverwell there use too be lol21:48
PoolShark_I need some help getting a windows machine connected to an Ubuntu server running Samba21:49
PoolShark_The windows network browser can see the server, but attempting to connect to it results in an "Access is denied." messasge21:49
bobweaver!info node-less | rds_21:49
ubotturds_: node-less (source: less.js): the LESS CSS meta-language - compiler and Node module. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1~20120115-1 (precise), package size 39 kB, installed size 182 kB21:49
sam66i have a query regarding battery performance21:49
dr_willisPoolShark_:  you made some guest shares? or made some other shares?21:49
sam66i am running 12.04 on a hp laptop21:50
rds_bobweaver, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LESS_%28stylesheet_language%2921:50
PoolShark_dr_willis: yes, there are shares, some of them public and broswseable = yes21:50
bjrohanI have tired the gimp channel for help, but no one is there, anyone here have experience with Gimp and text tool crashes?21:50
bobweaverrds_,  yeah thanks21:50
dr_willisPoolShark_:  did you give the linux user you are connecting as a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' ?21:50
gordonjcpbjrohan: start it from a terminal, see if you can pick out a big obvious error message when it crashes21:50
zykotick9sam66: in future try to put your entire question/issue on one line, with details (see "/msg ubottu ask" and/or "/msg ubottu enter" for details)21:51
bjrohanOh yes I can, it is a Pango - Cairo error21:51
PoolShark_dr_willis: yes, I've done all that. The win7 machines have no problem connecting to the shares.. been set up this way for a long while. It's this new VM I have on my ESXi box that is having trouble... (It's WfW)21:51
bjrohandr_willis, I did another upgrade, my low-res issues were solved. I have no idea how21:51
dr_willisbjrohan:  the drivers started working. ;)21:52
zykotick9sam66: we still haven't see your question BTW21:52
sam66i recently installed a new battery, on first day gnome-power-statistics showed battery capacity as 99%, now after 2 weeks it is showing a capacity of 90%. is this behavior normal or is the battery broken or is ubuntu causing some problem?21:52
sam66n sorry for fragmented question, trying irc first time21:53
bjrohangordonjcp: Here is my pastebin from term  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201426/21:53
bjrohangordonjcp This error happens no matter what font I choose21:54
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alpresam66: probably normal, btw, lithium batteries last longest if not charged to 100% or discharged to 0%, keep it in the "middle", if you can :)21:54
PoolShark_dr_willis: any ideas? It's kinda hokey to have to make an iso image of antyhing I need to transfer to it heh21:54
sam66thanks alpre21:54
alpresam66: it shouldn't go much lower soon I'd say21:55
zykotick9sam66: also, don't leave you battery charging.  heat is it's enemy, and charging heats it up.21:55
dr_willisPoolShark_:  i just use winscp to get stuff actross to window machines - i rarely use samba21:55
gordonjcpbjrohan: try googling that error message just before the segfault21:55
sam66thanks guys21:55
dr_willisPoolShark_:  i dont use complex vm setups any more either. so no other ideas other then to check the firewall21:55
bjrohanThe script-fu?21:55
gordonjcpbjrohan: actually, it may be happening further back, there are lots of errors there21:56
PoolShark_dr_willis: I'll see if I can find an implementation of scp that will work on Win32s heh, but I won't hold my breath :)21:56
gordonjcpbjrohan: have you installed any unusual plugins?21:57
PoolShark_this setup isn't that complex.. it's just a win 3.11 VM on the same network as everythign else in my house21:57
alprePoolShark_: do you have to have access by multiple pcs to the share at once?21:57
PoolShark_alpre: yes, everythign in the house can access the shares just fine21:57
PoolShark_except this VM heh21:57
bjrohanjordanjcp, plugins for GIMP? not that I know of. I logged into a guest account and get the same error21:57
PoolShark_and I'm sure it's just the ancientness of WIn 3.1121:58
PoolShark_but i thought I'd ask anyway21:58
alpreah, windows 3.11, never mind21:58
PoolShark_my life is pretty boring :)21:58
gordonjcpPoolShark_: Win 3.11 doesn't come with TCP/IP support, so all bets are off21:58
gordonjcpincidentally, that was the last version of Windows I used21:58
gordonjcpI still have the Windows install disks21:58
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=== kassius is now known as mercvrivs
justdaveso I have two Ubuntu 12.04 boxes...  on one of them, I get an orange starburst icon in the top menu bar when there's updates available.  In the other, I get the count of the updates available show up as a badge on the Software Update icon in the Unity dock.  Where's the preference that controls which of those it does?  Doesn't seem to be in the software update prefs...21:59
xanguajustdave: sounds like you are not using unity on one of those22:00
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justdaveisn't that what makes the dock on the left?22:00
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xanguaor maybe installed a 3rd party indicator stuff22:01
dr_willisI dont have eitehr icon here. ;P22:02
justdaveThere's a preferences link in the orange starburst icon when it shows up, but that just goes into the Software Sources dialog22:02
mecormin1080got a ?22:03
mecormin1080anyone here22:04
mecormin1080know anything about apache222:04
savrI need an app where I can input pages from a document and scanned in pages and organise them then save them as a pdf22:05
savranyone got any recommendations?22:05
mecormin1080none of my graphics are coming up on the web22:05
mecormin1080or styles its just links and text22:05
gordonjcpmecormin1080: "view source", check your paths22:05
BobJonkmanHi all:  Is there an "apt-remove-repository" like there is an "apt-add-repository"?22:06
gordonjcpmecormin1080: post a link?22:06
gordonjcpmecormin1080: check your permissions in your webroot22:07
gordonjcphttp://mecormin.servebeer.com/images/ <- gives 403 error22:07
mecormin1080how im new to apache22:07
gordonjcpmecormin1080: also, #ubuntu-offtopic because it's not really an Ubuntu support question22:07
PoolShark_gordonjcp: I have TCPIP for WFW installed22:07
gordonjcpPoolShark_: masochist, take your sick deviant behaviour out of here22:08
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OerHeksBobJonkman, yes, ppa-purge22:08
PoolShark_gordonjcp: lol :p22:08
xangua!ppa-purge | BobJonkman22:08
ubottuBobJonkman: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:08
gordonjcpPoolShark_: now, I must get back to porting Fig-Forth to a 1980s synthesizer...22:08
PoolShark_gordonjcp: I don't suppose I should tell you about my Tandy 1000 VM running Deskmate22:08
gordonjcpPoolShark_: #ubuntu-offtopic, or possibly #classiccmp ;-)22:09
PoolShark_gordonjcp: okay okay I'll shut up now22:09
PoolShark_now where did I leave those PCBoard disks?22:10
gordonjcpPoolShark_: I'll leave you with this thought: http://gordonjcp.github.com/miragetools/22:10
BobJonkmanThanx xanga, OerHeks22:10
=== frg is now known as FrOgfOOt
PoolShark_gordonjcp: that's pretty kickass22:11
gordonjcpPoolShark_: it's fun poking the sound chip directly22:11
FrOgfOOtubuntu 12.0422:11
TMLIs there some central location that explains why a package that existed in version x.y was dropped in x.(y+6)?22:12
gordonjcpPoolShark_: Forth is a fun language22:12
BobJonkmanPerhaps the ppa-purge and python-software-properties  could be combined, with a symlink for ppa-purge to apt-remove-repository ...22:12
jribTML: debian bug tracker and launchpad22:12
PoolShark_gordonjcp: I poke chips all the time (I'm an EE)22:12
gordonjcpPoolShark_: I don't get to do it nearly as much as I'd like to, but I spend a lot of time repairing stuff22:12
TMLjrib: And if there's nothing in either of those, and it doesn't exist, what does that tell me?22:13
jribTML: what package are you talking about?22:13
PoolShark_gordonjcp: It can get tiresome especially when you're debugging stuff... so why my whole 311 project is about is establishing a link between two 19.2k v.32 modems using the 6kHz audio channel in a 2-meter FM Ham Radio instead of the copper phone lines, to successfully dial into a BBS22:14
FrOgfOOtafter end of play QuakeLive at 640x480 leterbox system dont rollback to normal resolution 1366x76822:14
TMLhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam-dotfile/+bugs - 0 bugs; http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=libpam-dotfile - 0 bugs22:14
gordonjcpPoolShark_: #ubuntu-offtopic, this sounds like fun22:14
albechso confused with the way resolv conf is configured in 12.04.. it totally messes up resolution through vpn connections22:15
billclol EE here northwestern class of 6822:15
TMLjrib: It existed in natty (http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libpam-dotfile), but not since then22:15
FrOgfOOt<FrOgfOOt> bugreport:22:15
FrOgfOOt<FrOgfOOt> ubuntu 12.0422:15
FrOgfOOt<FrOgfOOt> after end of play QuakeLive at 640x480 leterbox system dont rollback to normal resolution 1366x76822:15
FrOgfOOt<FrOgfOOt> after end of play QuakeLive at 640x480 leterbox system dont rollback to normal resolution 1366x768 widescreen22:16
dr_willisFrOgfOOt:  use the xrandr tools to set the res back perhaps.22:16
dr_willis!info gxrandr22:16
ubottuPackage gxrandr does not exist in precise22:16
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FrOgfOOthandwork is function22:18
=== berniukas_trauki is now known as drmtech
jribTML: it seems to be in debian though, right?22:19
TMLjrib: Definitely22:19
TMLI'm using it on my debian boxes22:20
iNTEldr_willis , or anyone can help : my graphics card in not definited22:20
iNTEland tried additional drivers22:20
dr_willisiNTEl:  and what is your video card?22:20
iNTElbut it doesn't give me anything22:20
jribTML: that's pretty weird.  It could have happened that the package didn't build when ubuntu synced with debian, but if it's missing in ubuntu for a few releases I doubt that's the explanation.  Try #ubuntu-motu maybe22:20
iNTElits intel g33/g31 graphics card22:20
iNTEldr_willis : its intel g33/g31 graphics card22:21
dr_willisiNTEl:  most intel drivers are built in. its possible the chipset is to new, or some other problems, theres the xswat ppa that may have newer drivers, or you could test it out in 12.1022:22
iNTElmy board is intel g3122:22
iNTElits old22:22
iNTEldr_willis : if i update my ubuntu version would it discover anything ?22:23
drmtechdos anyone know how to remove versioning from a file in rapidsvn without deleting it?22:23
dr_willisiNTEl:  try a 12.10 live cd.22:24
dr_willisiNTEl:  or check the forums or askubuntu.com about that exact chipset.22:24
dr_willisor all of the above22:25
drmtechi need a versioned file to become unversioned22:25
iNTElty dr_willis , another little thing22:25
munskinghello, i just installed 12.04, updated and all that good stuff, but after installing an nvidia driver my second monitor is blank and the cursor is an X(like when i use xming), is there a known fix for that?22:25
iNTElam now download Xfce , on ubuntu22:25
chronofusionsmall screen tearing problem on all videos ( ripped and youtube) help? please?22:26
dr_willischronofusion:  whats your video card?22:27
iNTEldr_willis : its really strange ? i found my card definited alone22:27
TMLjrib: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam-dotfile/+publishinghistory shows why - the package has been orphaned, but it still exists in debports for whatever reason.22:27
dr_willis'definited alone' ? means what22:27
iNTEldr_willis : is install Xfce interface on ubuntu (GNOME) will make any proplems ?22:27
jribTML: you should become the maintainer :)22:27
TMLjrib: Thanks for the pointer to #ubuntu-motu22:27
=== elena is now known as Guest65645
chronofusiongtx 580 1.5gig Galaxy Accelero Xtreme plus hsf edtion.  no overclocking going on either.  tried both nvidia proprietary drivers in " additional drivers" program22:27
TMLjrib: ha - you ever tried to become the maintainer for a Debian package?22:27
dr_willisiNTEl:  normally one installs the xubuntu-desktop package22:27
chronofusionalso tried in vlc  to uncheck " resize interface to video size" under preferences22:28
dr_willischronofusion:  you tried the vsync setting in ccsm/compiz?22:28
jribTML: long time ago, I did try very hard though ;)22:28
iNTEldr_willis : which one is faster , gnome or ubuntu ?22:28
dr_willisiNTEl:  ubuntu is Unity on top of gnome322:28
TMLjrib: I have tried in the past - it was more work getting approval to be the maintainer than it would have taken to have written the package from source in the first place :)22:28
chronofusionyes..and it didn't matter..also completely uninstalled everything that said compiz in synaptic package manager..and restarted pc22:28
iNTEldr_willis , k ty22:28
chronofusiontechnically it's Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Studio that i'm using22:28
dr_willisUninstalling is 'windows mindset'22:28
TMLprobably points to a problem in the Debian project structure, but WTF do I know? :)22:29
iNTEldr_willis : how can i use wine22:29
chronofusionalso made sure that it's running at 60hz  ( terminal nvidia-settings)22:29
iNTEldr_willis : just open the .exe normaly ?22:29
Or1onI'm trying to use indicator-cpufreq to change CPU frequency but it only works as root. Is there a group that have permission for indicator-cpufreq use? Whats the best way to set it up on ubuntu 12.0422:29
hosokaAfter using the alternate installation and all was working well and after reboot it tells met target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. Try passing init= bootarg. What to do ?22:29
hosokamy line starts with (initramfs)22:30
grizcreativewhat dlna server package have you had best luck with?22:30
chronofusionthe problem doesn't happen in my win 7 pro x64 boot up ( im' dual booting that with Ubuntu 12.04 x64 studio22:30
iNTEldr_willis : r u heard about conquer online 2.022:30
dr_willisCCSM tool general tab - Opengl - 'sync to vblank' helped my videos22:30
gordonjcp!best | grizcreative22:30
ubottugrizcreative: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:30
chronofusionregardless of what media player i use.   powerdvd 9, vlc 2.0.3.  etc22:30
dr_willisiNTEl:  wine foo.exe22:30
gordonjcpgrizcreative: that said, *for me* minidlna causes the least amount of obscenity22:31
iNTEldr_willis : what is that ?22:31
neisesHow do I get audio out of my HDMI?22:31
chronofusionthis was a problem for my older setup also back when i tried Ubuntu 10.04  32bit and 64 bit as well as Linux Mint 12 32 bit and 64 bit22:31
iNTEldr_willis , should i type in dash or terminal ?22:31
kevinneises: if you are using nvidia, you can only do it with the proprietary drivers. google can help with that22:32
chronofusionSo i dont' know if it's just..opengl  vs direct x  or what..i'm stumped22:32
neisesI tried with the nvidia drivers, but it just set my desktop environment in fallback mode.22:32
grizcreativegordonjcp: thank you22:33
neisesHow do I find out which drivers I am using?22:33
dr_willisiNTEl:  learn to use the terminal22:33
TMLhosoka: Most likely, the wrong UUID got written to /etc/fstab during install. Get a rescue CD, boot to it, and run "fdisk -l". That should give you a list of partitions. Mount those until you find the partition that has /etc/fstab in it, then you can update that file to change the UUID=xxxx to /dev/sda1 (or whatever partition you found /etc/fstab in)22:33
TMLneises: lsmod22:33
iNTEldr_willis , am trying they told me that is useless22:33
dr_willisiNTEl:  what is? and who? and trying what?22:33
iNTEldr_willis : specially in the last versions22:33
neisesIt says nvidia and intel are both being used.22:34
neisesI'm using nvidia on my TV and intel on my laptop.22:34
wilee-nileeOr1on, If you install using this ppa you will not need root and have a icon.  https://launchpad.net/~artfwo/+archive/ppa22:34
iNTElneises saying intel appear like talking to me22:34
iNTEldr_willis : i didn't get it22:34
Or1onwilee-nilee, thank you!22:34
keepbroHI guys - I was wondering if someone could help me with a small problem? Im a new user to linux having used windows all my life and some bits are a bit confusing22:34
iNTElthere is a book called , simply ubuntu22:34
iNTEldr_willis : that's what drived me to ubuntu22:35
savrI need an app where I can input pages from a document and scanned in pages and organise them then save them as a pdf22:35
savranyone got any recommendations?22:35
chronofusionso any Ideas ..anyone?    screen tearing problem?22:35
drmtechdoes anyone know how to remove versioning from a file in rapidsvn without deleting it?22:35
albechdo i really have to push all domains from the vpn server to the openvpn client for ubuntus new dnsmasq configuration to handle forward lookups correctly?22:35
hosoka<TML> that is getting way tech for me. The installation was coming from an alternate cd and finished the installation very well. Till the reboot it got me this message.22:35
iNTEldr_willis : result of wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\foo.exe22:35
chronofusionIf i could just conquer that problem...then the last step is testing wine with sc2 and a couple of other games to see if the framerate is still limited to around 30.. if it's improved to almost 60..then I can leave windows behind for good22:36
WeThePeoplekeepbro, whats up22:36
neisesIf I'm using nvidia drivers, why am I not able to get sound from my hdmi?22:36
albechwith hundreds of domains accessed through the vpn thats hardly viable22:36
AdieI accidently sudo chmod -R adie:adie /22:36
TMLhosoka: Hm - well, that's what you need to do. Is there a particular part of the response that you didn't understand?22:36
i7chi, i have bumblebee installed but actually i'm only using my intel graphix on ubuntu, never my nvidia... since my hdmi port doesnt work (always says disconnected) is there an easier way to use intel graphix and make the hdmi port work?22:36
chronofusionmakes me wonder,  Neises, if you haven't selected that option in your sound preferences22:36
TMLAdie: LOL22:36
chronofusionit gives me wtwo sound options in mine distro22:37
neisesI looked in the sound preferences, but when I selected hdmi, the sound went away.22:37
TMLAdie: I laugh because I did it once myself - 20 years ago, on a SunOS box.22:37
keepbroProblem is is that I had to wire my laptop directly when I installed ubuntu on my laptop and now every time I try and find my wifi hub it picks every one up in a 50 mtr radius but mine. I think Linux thinks that its a wired network and not wifi so its not looking for it as such but im not good enough to say "look this way"22:37
AdieI was told to try to take ownership of my home folder to try to fix my logging in problem22:37
AdieI did it wromg, lol22:38
keepbroother prob is that Im currently wired in as we speak so it still wont look for it as a wifi hub22:38
TMLAdie: AFAIK, the only solution to that problem is "recover from most recent backup"22:38
chronofusionSo can anyone help me with screen tearing problem?22:38
WeThePeoplekeepbro, what distro did you download22:38
AdieTML: not even a big deal right now22:38
keepbroubuntu 11.1022:39
Adieubuntu is like a really hard game to me. I keep trying over and over, and each time I get further22:39
Adiebut I keep dying and have to restart the level22:39
AdieI haven't lasted 3 days yet -.-22:39
albechAdie, thats the spirit :D22:39
chronofusionI feel ya Adie.  got handbrake to work as flawlessly as in my win 722:39
neiseschronofusion: I looked in the sound preferences, but when I selected hdmi, the sound went away.22:39
AdieI think MOST of my issues relate to my gpu >:U22:40
Or1onwilee-nilee, that ppa does not seem to have packages for precise. should I just try to manually install the 12.10 version?22:40
AdieI keep trying to make my gpu work right, and I keep breaking the whole OS22:40
TMLAdie: I have a solution to that one for you22:40
TMLStop installing X22:40
chronofusiondid you restart your pc after that..then check the sound preferences again..and tried to play a video or music...then of course checked the volume in your built in monitor's speakers or whatever that hdmi cable or adapter is plugged into?22:40
dr_willisiNTEl:  and that makes sence.. since foo.exe was an EXAMPLE of a windows app.22:40
AdieI like X22:40
WeThePeople.keepbro, use the hud and look for network manager22:40
TMLAh. Well, probably not your favorite suggestion, then :)22:41
WeThePeoplekeepbro, ^^^22:41
iNTEldr_willis : ?? so ?22:41
dr_willisiNTEl:  so find some windows .exe file to run, and use wine the/path/to/the/whateveritscalled.exe22:41
TMLAdie: I've been using *nix without X for almost 25 years - it's great22:41
Adiethe stock open source drivers don't seem to like unity3d, and the propriatory drivers don't seem to like 3d games22:41
albechdoes anyone have a good working openvpn client implementation where they use a DNS through the VPN for internal lookups across multiple domains?22:41
keepbronot finding it on the network manager on the hud22:41
dr_willisiNTEl:  if you downloaded a setup.exe you would use 'wine setup.exe'  get the idea?22:41
iNTEldr_willis : so i type in terminal wine/xx/xxx/xxx.exe ?22:41
hosoka<TML> did you meant that I reboot the pc with the alternate cd ?22:42
keepbroeveryone elses but not my own22:42
dr_willisiNTEl:  if this is totally confuseing to you, then you may want to spend an hr or two reading some bash/shell tutorials.22:42
TMLhosoka: You boot from the CD, it should give you an option called something like "Rescue"22:42
iNTEloh 2 h ?22:42
iNTElits ........22:42
TMLkeepbro: you just can't see your AP?22:43
iNTElall i wanna know22:43
iNTEldr_willis : that typing wine and what after22:43
TMLWireless Access Point22:43
keepbroAhhh yes - just mine is not showing - all my neighbours wifi's are visible though22:43
dr_willisiNTEl:  its rather fundamental.. 'command /path/to/comthing/to/use'22:43
Adieis there anything I can do to make ubuntus filesearching faster? I am running from an ssd and it's still painfully slow22:44
TMLkeepbro: What kind of authentication is your AP set to use?22:44
dr_willisAdie:  searching how?22:44
wilee-nileeOr1on, Strange it skips from oneric to quantal, do you have the universe repo open in /etc/apt/sources.list22:44
Adiedr_willis: hitting the search button from nautilus22:44
hosoka<TML>initialy it reinstalls the system on rescuemode again22:44
Adiesearching systemwide22:44
dr_willisAdie:  i tend to use the locate command.22:44
keepbroumm... <tentatively> it asks me for a WEP key each time...22:44
TMLWEP? WPA2? 802.1x?22:44
TMLkeepbro: "it" what? Ubuntu? Or the AP?22:45
keepbrothe ap22:45
keepbroubuntu cant see the AP22:45
keepbroI think22:45
TMLkeepbro: My thought is that your ubuntu might not be setup to handle the kind of auth that the AP is expecting.22:45
wilee-nileeOr1on, I think this is a deb that will work. http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-12.04/ubuntu-universe-i386/indicator-cpufreq_0.1.4-0ubuntu2_all.deb/download/22:45
keepbroI use virgin media as do some of my neighbours and I can see their APs22:46
Or1onwilee-nilee, yes I have universe uncommented on source.list. OK I will give that I try. I think its the same one I have tho22:46
TMLFor example, if all your neighbors were using the far-less-secure WEP and you were using WPA, and your ubuntu didn't have whatever drivers/software you need for WPA2, it wouldn't show your AP but would show others'22:46
iNTEldr_willis : can't i just launch the file from its place22:46
dr_willisiNTEl:  if its marked 'executable' you can.. but wine foo.exe will show you error messages...22:46
hosoka and then starts with /dev/sda1 highlighted as first22:46
iNTEldr_willis : executable22:47
iNTEldr_willis : executable !22:47
keepbrook - so can  I reset or something or bitchslap my hub into liking ubuntu?22:47
wilee-nileeOr1on, How did you install the one you have.22:47
Or1onwilee-nilee, from software center22:47
dr_willisyes.. the executable bit set on  some windowsbinary.exe lets wine 'run' it..   which is one way i NEVER use to launch .exe files22:47
TMLhosoka: http://opensource-sidh.blogspot.com/2011/06/recover-grub-live-ubuntu-cd.html might help you22:48
wilee-nileeOr1on, Hmm, I have been using it for awhile never needing root it autostrats with the desktop.22:48
Or1onwilee-nilee, hmm... maybe my user is supposed to be in a group that is not?22:49
TMLhumberto: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IvLWcT-T0oo/Td0WzG95Y1I/AAAAAAAAAIU/9Qd7fp-uwiU/s1600/Rescue+Grub1.png22:49
TMLhumberto: Sorry, mis-target22:49
keepbrobecause other than this everything is working fine on my ubuntu and its nice to be learning how to use the terminal. Its just that I wish I could work in bed not at my desk22:49
WeThePeoplekeepbro, my guess is somthin isnt setup correctly i wopuld go through everything again, double check it22:50
wilee-nileeOr1on, If you have admin I would think you are alright, not sure on permissions though.22:50
iNTEldr_willis : so how u deal with ur game , .exe files ?22:50
iNTEldr_willis : tell me please !22:50
antimatroidis there an easy way to get the temperature to display next to the time again?22:50
antimatroidi really liked that22:50
dr_willisiNTEl:  i run them with  'wine /path/to/the/game.exe' like ive said several times.....22:50
iNTElwine /path22:51
Or1onwilee-nilee, I have been upgrading since 2009. maybe a setting didn't updated. yes I have admin22:51
iNTElor wine \path ?22:51
WeThePeopleantimatroid, right click on the panel and choose weather app22:51
WhiteRussian+OK BUEW7/LXU2j0A915916Ilvb0/HVnH/p1d4417YeEw/Mk6FP.w5D/v0Ugeqi1kCuED.Nj5iz0vVJ9R1Qcab.022:51
keepbrois there any resource page I can look at thats the definitive guide to sorting out network probs with Ubuntu?22:51
WhiteRussian+OK TaVDP.7Nxz018aUtN1k2qFc1h8d9U/aUhhK/hIbVE/b6.tv1TPnA0/tAxbH/mpCVf.wdLdh.Yxp1d.6Oz/J09Egjc0Z1Muo.22:51
WhiteRussian+OK FA4.X/y3Wfm0FQoVy0NxskO022:51
dr_willisiNTEl:  linux dosent use \ for paths....22:51
WeThePeoplekeepbro, irc has a channel #networking22:51
Or1onwilee-nilee, I'm also using low-latency kernel. I'm not sure if that makes a difference tho22:51
keepbrothats not a dating channel is it? I ve been burnt like that before22:52
WeThePeoplekeepbro, lol no22:52
keepbroI google cracksearch once - never again22:52
wilee-nileeOr1on, I have no idea really, paths and permissions if I can describe loosely are not really an area I would have any info of without googling them.22:53
keepbrook I'll give that a shot - thanks for the help WeThePeople and TML - hope you guys have a nice day or night wherever you are. Ciao22:53
iNTEldr_willis : is there linux system easier XD22:53
iNTEldr_willis : i feel that this customization will not end22:54
dr_willisiNTEl:  i  think you need to apply more effort.22:54
dr_willisNo idea what you mean by 'customization'22:54
iNTEldr_willis : and my time doesn't make me able 222:54
chronofusionum ok..weird..i got kicked?22:54
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kevin[ 6:54 pm] - * chronofusion has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:55
dr_willisIts taken the last half hour for you to understand 'wine /path/to/foo.exe'   it seems.... and im still not sure you understand the idea.22:55
iNTEldr_willis : have u tried playonlinux before its called (POL) 222:55
=== Guest23956 is now known as XMENDES
dr_willisiNTEl:  its just a gui front end to wine.22:55
XMENDEShi everyone22:55
XMENDESanybody cant help  me?22:55
dr_willisXMENDES:  ask a question and see.22:55
Or1onwilee-nilee, someone in the forums said that it worked after a reboot. I will give that a try. thanks for the help!22:55
chronofusionI sent Neises a link.) so i think)..then i lost connection?22:56
iNTEldr_willis : k so lets make it easier22:56
XMENDESi have installed the 12.04 ubuntu ;; and my nvidia card dont works. nvidia mx 4000.22:56
iNTEldr_willis : i have a game in the patch D:/games/co/autopatch.exe22:56
XMENDESi try install out of lightdm22:56
XMENDESbut the driver was incorret22:56
dr_willisiNTEl:  D: means your windows drive? since linux dosent use d: type drive names...22:56
chronofusionso the screen tearing problem...any ideas that i haven't tried yet?22:56
iNTEldr_willis : the right command is wine D:/games/co/autopatch.exe22:56
iNTEldr_willis : XD22:57
iNTEldr_willis : should i be installed windows22:57
iNTEldr_willis : or that comes with wine ?22:57
dr_willisi never once used  a windows drive letter as an example.. if you can 'cd' to the location, you can then run 'wine whatever.exe'22:57
WeThePeoplexmendes, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82019922:57
XMENDEStks man22:58
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iNTEldr_willis : so should i type the drive name22:58
dr_willisiNTEl:  wine replaces windows..  so im not sure what you are asking.. go download some trivial game to your Downloads directory then in the cli use 'cd /home/YOURUSERNAME/Downloads'    then 'wine thenameofthedownload.exe'22:58
iNTElor dev/sda ?22:58
dr_willisiNTEl:  You use the PATH.. neither of those are PATHS.22:58
dr_willisNow is time for you to go hit up a bash tutorial and learn about paths i think.22:59
iNTEldr_willis : relax , u just helping amagine that u an addict of conquer online and haven't play it for 3 days22:59
iNTEldr_willis : i think the addict ( me ) will give up from co , mean quit23:00
iNTEldr_willis : and am XD23:00
XMENDESwethepeople - i ve tried this.. but the envy dont works on 12.04 too23:00
iNTEldr_willis : u say XD 223:00
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Kaiser92hi to all23:00
Kaiser92i need help about some crashes i meet on my ubuntu studio version23:00
Kaiser92anyone can help me?23:00
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iNTEldr_willis : tell me the path and how i type it and how i can browse me HDD and partitions from the terminal23:01
iNTEldr_willis : am learning fast , but not 2 fast :D23:01
MonkeyDustKaiser92  there's also the channel #ubuntustudio23:01
XMENDESanyone with nvidia mx 4000 on ubuntu 12.04?23:02
antimatroidWeThePeople: cheers :)23:02
antimatroiddelayed sorry aha23:02
XMENDESiḿ looking for the corretly driver for this23:02
chronofusionsorry xmendes..that card is around 7 plus years old23:03
XMENDESeheheheh yes23:03
dei am trying to run a command to install non free codecs. It says unable to locate package non-free-codecs and another error23:03
deheres the command23:03
desudo apt-get install non-free-codecs libxine1-ffmpeg gxine mencoder totem-mozilla icedax tagtool easytag id3tool lame nautilus-script-audio-convert libmad0 mpg321 mpg123libjpeg-progs23:03
XMENDESbut then ubuntu 10.04 has a driver23:03
Or1onwilee-nilee, it still requires sudo to work. I'm giving up for now.23:03
XMENDESi think gonna make a downgrade on my ubuntu23:04
XMENDESto 10.10 at least23:04
MonkeyDustXMENDES  10.10 is not supported23:04
wilee-nileeXMENDES, 10.10 is end of life23:04
XMENDESthis card works on 9.0423:04
XMENDESthis pc is five years old ..23:05
XMENDESok guys... downgrade on ubuntu :/ until buy a new Gcard.23:05
MonkeyDustmy old pc is 11 years old, working on it as we speak23:06
XMENDESthanks for help.23:06
iNTElmonkeydust : can i pm u23:06
XMENDESmonkey pc 5 y old.. but my gcard.. is 7 our 8 y old23:06
iNTElmonkeydust : lol , u shocked me23:06
iNTElmonkeydust : please tell me how ubuntu work on ur pc23:07
iNTElmonkeydust : my pc is 3 or 4 yrs23:07
XMENDESlol.. this gonna be 6.04 vs23:07
iNTElmonkeydust : but i can't run my games , or do anything23:07
XMENDESfor games i have a ps3. lol23:08
MonkeyDustiNTEl  i'm no gamer, i use the old pc remotely, headless23:08
XMENDESim just use to web and little things too.23:08
iNTElmonkeydust : help me ?23:08
XMENDESdont need a high performance pc yet23:09
iNTElmonkeydust : hepme hepme23:09
iNTElmonkeydust : XD XD23:09
XMENDESbuy guys.. tks a lot!!!23:09
=== Wolf is now known as Guest53673
iNTEloh , that's cool , cuz i can't understand it23:10
iNTEli have to improve me lang skills23:10
iNTElits really boring23:10
iNTEli was think the mean of ubuntu23:10
iNTElis working here23:10
iNTElbut no one help another23:10
iNTEllike 100 or 200 member in the channel23:11
iNTEland they r not speak23:11
iNTElubottu : hey23:11
iNTElfloodbot1 : hey23:12
wadSo, when I plug in my external USB drive, it gets mounted in /media with the UUID number. That's great, but I'd rather it mounted to a different place, on a specific mount point. I put an entry in /etc/fstab for it, but when I boot and it's not there, the computer halts until I tell it to continue. I've been manually uncommenting the line in fstab, doing "mount -a", then commenting it out again. I tried adding the "nofail" option in there, didn't do anything. Id23:12
dr_williswad:  set a label on the filesystem  and it will use /media/filesystemlabel23:13
Troy^wad: had a similiar problem.. but it seemed to be a problem using UUID for some reason so i used the action device /dev/sdd123:14
Troy^wad: this is my fstab, /dev/sdd1 is the external23:14
* wad looks23:14
dr_willisuse the noauto option for external media perhaps.23:14
iNTEli really think that my arabic channel is better than this23:14
Troy^lol good for you23:15
iNTElnobody on it but if there there is someone will help as possible23:15
wadwhat does "noauto" do?23:15
iNTElcu guys23:15
dr_willisUUID=779265E2127472CA  /media/willis/SilverDisk ntfs-3g  defaults,nosuid,nodev,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0          mounts on boot for me. external Ntfs23:15
dr_willistells it to not mount at the initial boot.23:15
iNTEland don't try what UBUNTU mean23:15
dr_willisbut i dont need it.23:15
waddr_willis, but will it automount later on in the boot process?23:16
iNTElUbuntu : Am Exist Cause Of Others23:16
wadI'd like it to automatically mount when it's plugged in.23:16
dr_williswad:  mount /media/whatever     can mount it..23:16
* wad nods. Got it.23:16
dr_williswad:  on Plugged IN is differnt then at boot time with it being there.23:16
Troy^wad: then apt-get install usbmount23:16
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dr_willisi normally dont  do such things with my external usb hds. ;)23:17
wadAh, so if I just leave the entry in fstab, with "noauto", then it won't mount automatically when I boot with it plugged in, but if I plug it in afterwards, it will?23:17
dr_willisi just set the label then make links from like    /home/willis/Storage   to -  /media/thelabel23:17
dr_willisit wont mount untill you tell it to mount.23:18
lnxslckhello all23:18
wadAh, okay.23:18
lnxslckdo you guys know of any tool that keeps a log of internet usage? like an internet counter?23:18
wadlnxslck, you mean, like squid?23:21
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Troy^lnxslck: uhh ntop does as well23:21
lnxslckwad, not really, some graphic tool that shows how many kbytes i've sent and received23:22
lnxslckand that keeps log of that, so i can see how many mb i've used, per day, or per month23:22
Troy^lnxslck: ntop23:22
wadlnxslck, the system monitor kinda does that.....23:22
lnxslckwad, but it doesn't keep history23:22
lnxslckTroy^, i will try ntop23:23
wadYeah, just for that one session.23:23
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lnxslckwad, i have a prepaid internet connection, so i need to control my internet usage per month23:23
Troy^lnxslck: ntop is the complete package for network monitoring23:23
lnxslckTroy^, does it keep history? or is just for that session?23:23
wadlnxslck, oh yeah, I see the need. Good idea.23:23
Troy^lnxslck: look at it, it is forever23:24
lnxslckTroy^, i'm googling it right now23:24
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TeamRocket1233cHow light would MATE be if its window manager were replaced with Openbox and its panel were replaced with Tint2?23:24
TeamRocket1233cI mean if that's doable with GNOME 2 than it should be doable with MATE.23:25
lnxslckTeamRocket1233c, why not just go with openbox and tint2?23:25
TeamRocket1233clnxslck: Just curious about the outcome of an Openbox-based MATE with a Tint2 panel, that's all.23:26
lnxslckTeamRocket1233c, ok. i do use openbox and tint223:26
lnxslckbut not mate23:26
TeamRocket1233cPlus I spotted a screenshot of GNOME 2 with Openbox as the WM and it looked pretty decent.23:27
lnxslckTeamRocket1233c, not sure why you would want that23:27
lnxslckTeamRocket1233c, when you can go just with openbox standalone23:27
TeamRocket1233cWell, you'd get a full-blown DE,23:28
lnxslckso why not just go with one or other?23:29
lnxslckeven that openbox is not a de23:29
Troy^XFCE ftw23:29
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TeamRocket1233cTroy^: You could actually make Xfce look a little nicer by changing the panel.23:31
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Spotted someone who had an Xfce desktop with a Tint2 panel and it looked pretty sweet.23:31
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: which panel hmm23:32
Troy^here is mine atm TeamRocket1233c http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/2089/1014f.png23:32
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Xfce4 + Tint2 panel.23:32
lnxslckTroy^, ntop, seems a bit hard to configure or get it running23:32
Troy^lnxslck: not really there is lots of tutorials or guides just need to look them up23:33
JonJTroy^: Your dock is awn?23:33
lnxslckTroy^, ntop runs like a daemon and then you see the results on a web browser?23:33
Troy^JonJ: awn?23:33
Troy^lnxslck: correct23:33
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Really though, nothing beats an invisible panel as far as sleek goes.23:33
Troy^yea but functionality is where it is at23:34
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Invisible or transparent or translucent panel, and hey, if Tint2 works great combined with Openbox, it would work great combined with Xfce4, GNOME Shell, or MATE too.23:34
Troy^JonJ: the dock is docky23:35
JonJTroy^: Ah, okay. Thanks23:35
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: i would have to see a screenshot i gues23:36
delinquentmedoes upgrading packages... require a reboot?23:36
zykotick9delinquentme: usually no, for kernel - yes23:36
OerHeksdelinquentme, if the upgrade tool says so.23:36
delinquentmeand does " sudo apt-get upgrade" do anything?23:36
zykotick9delinquentme: yes, but not quite as much as "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"23:37
fengshaun__how can I match the '^[' (escape) character in vim?23:37
fengshaun__I can't do /\^\[23:38
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: GNOME Shell + Tint2. http://www.micahcarrick.com/images/migrating-to-gnome-3/tint2-panel-large.png23:39
Tech-ItchI can't get jackd to work. or maybe I have misconfigured it. I'm truly lost. help23:39
Tech-ItchI'm trying to start up the server using QjackCtl to no avail23:40
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Tech-ItchI get this msg when trying to start it up. Could not connect to JACK server as client.23:42
Troy^is that yours TeamRocket1233c23:42
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Nope, but it's an example of how GNOME Shell would look with Tint2.23:43
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: I don't have a PC with anywhere near enough horsepower for GNOME Shell.23:44
Troy^oh TeamRocket1233c what do you run then23:44
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Crunchbang Statler with the stock Openbox config on a PII with 128 megs of RAM.23:45
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: omg why?23:45
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: Can't handle anything heavier.23:46
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: man i could give you a P3 with 512mb of ram..  no i mean't why so old.. even my server has more horsepower my ubuntu server is a p4 2.6gb with 2gb of ram23:46
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: I'm just stuck with a PC that old.23:47
PoolShark_that's old?23:47
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: kijiji or ebay could find you way more for like 50-100 bucks :P23:47
PoolShark_THAT'S old23:48
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: I could probably buy a PIII~500 and swap out the PII with that temporarily, and then add about a CD's worth of RAM to it to hold up until I can at least get a Core 2 Duo with 2 gigs of RAM.23:48
true_techiewhere can i find out the name of the port that a device is connected to?23:49
Troy^i could give you a p3 800 lol if you lived close enough23:49
Troy^true_techie: what device?23:49
Troy^PoolShark_: why would you do that?23:49
true_techieTroy^, a peripheril device, namely a phone23:49
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: PIII~800 and PIII~1GHz are available in Slot 1, right?23:49
Troy^true_techie: lsusb23:50
trismfengshaun__: / ctrl+v escape23:50
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: no idea lol, been so long since ive used it, it does work though23:50
true_techiewill try it23:50
PoolShark_Troy^: Long story, but the short version is that I need Win31 to run the BBS software I'm going to use to create a 9600bps link between two old 1990's USR Courier modems using the audio channel of 2m radios instead of an actual dialup link23:51
Troy^lol wow PoolShark_23:51
nrdbPoolShark_, thats an interesting little project.23:52
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fengshaun__trism, oh genius!  Thanks!23:52
PoolShark_yeah it'll be fun to see if we can get it going23:52
PoolShark_going to use two channels for duplex23:53
Troy^hmm two channels one for down and one for up would be more bandwidth23:53
PoolShark_yes it will23:53
PoolShark_two standard 12kHz channels23:53
TeamRocket1233cTroy^: I'm a little curious as to how GNOME 3 would operate with Tint2 panel and Docky dock.23:54
Troy^TeamRocket1233c: yea gnome 3 is alright I had problems with it when i tried using it when it first came out had bugs with ati driver. So have become a big xfce fan even though i could run whatever i wanted23:55
=== jungejas_ is now known as jungejason
delinquentmeif I'm installing MYSQL on my system ... I should create a new user to handle the mysql installation right?  How do I do that in ubuntu ... from the command line?23:57
OerHeksdelinquentme, ithat info is all here >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP23:58
OerHeksand more23:58

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