
ralsinammcc: twisted throws an exception that says "connection closed cleanly". So not surprised there :-(00:05
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=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
JamesTaitHappy middle-of-the-week, everyone! :-D08:06
* czajkowski waves to mandel 08:15
czajkowskiI spy mandel10:32
gatoxgood morning!11:11
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alecuhello all!12:01
gatoxalecu, hi12:05
gatoxalecu,  i have the example syncmenu working with python..... i don't know if you saw my email.... i was missing the new method..... because App was creating the instance and it says that it doeesn't take any arg.... now its working :D12:12
alecugatox: great!12:13
alecugatox: yes, I saw the email from charles too.12:13
mandelalecu, sorr for yesterday.. I left suddenly cause I managed to badly break my machine12:14
mandelto the point of re-install..12:14
alecumandel: ugh!12:14
mandelalecu, yes, I wasted a few hours fixing the thing..12:15
mandelalecu, the good news is that I've started fixing the dash bugs because the preview is 'done' (waiting on a visual design with details about fonts, spaces etc..)12:15
mandelalecu, first one I'm tackling is the PreviewStateMachine which is the one that is not showing the second preview correctly12:16
alecumandel: awesome!12:16
mandeland that guy I already have 'hacked' to just show the back button with payment preview but not the right one, so we get the preview for payment and can get back to the other12:16
mandelalecu, need to talk with ux about it though12:16
alecumandel: awesome.12:17
mandelalecu, other bug is the focus of key events that are all hidden by the global search, I know where to look at, no idea if I'll be able to fix it..12:17
mandelI'm off to lunch with chipaca, catch you after lunch :)12:18
alecumandel: right... well, is that nux stuff or dash stuff?12:18
alecumandel: sure, have lunch, let's mumble when you get back.12:18
mandelalecu,  dash problems, nux does it ok12:19
dobeygatox: ah, you had to call SyncMenu.App.new()?12:35
dobeyso the gir is broken i guess :)12:36
gatoxdobey, yap12:36
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
ralsinagood morning!12:52
ralsinaI am again in a bar because apparently my internet connection fails every morning at 9:10 AM12:53
gatoxralsina, hi!12:57
ralsinahi gatox, saw your emails, so, did that work?12:57
gatoxralsina, yep..... i'm moving forward12:57
gatoxralsina, it was a silly thing.... but causes a lot of segmentation faults :P13:04
ralsinayes saw it, missing optional mandatory parameter ;-)13:04
gatoxthe funny thing is that i tried to do it on App('id')..... but it says that it doesn't take any arg..... so, i dismiss it13:05
vila_mmcc: pingeling13:12
ralsinavila_: still a bit early formmcc13:12
ralsinavila_: probably in an hour or so13:12
ralsinavila_: we need to schedule the testing later in the day, sorry for not noticing13:13
dobeyralsina: review for https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-data/update-4-0/+merge/123965 please?13:45
ralsinadobey: got it13:45
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ryeralsina: are we getting an indicator this cycle for Ubuntu?14:08
ralsinarye: yes14:08
ralsinarye: actually, we are getting integrated into unity's new "sync menu"14:08
ralsinadobey: +114:09
ryeralsina: i can has sync menu, i am on Quantal!14:10
ralsinarye: it's still ... not finished? ;)14:11
dobeydoh, forgot to tweak the reviewer/subscription settings14:12
ralsinarye: you can have almost the same functionality by installing sni-qt and running u1cp --with-icon14:12
ralsinarye: the final integrated version will not require you to run u1cp all the time, though14:12
chaselivingstonhey guys, got a new darwin build i can test? :)14:16
ralsinammcc: ping ^14:17
ralsinachaselivingston: mmcc was doing one last night, but I have not seen it14:17
ryeralsina: http://ubuntuone.com/4o0qdudDJxlRdYQBvzXFd1 :)14:17
ryeralsina: it was this way for 5 seconds then loaded properly14:18
ralsinarye: looking...14:18
chaselivingstonralsina: gotcha, was just chatting w/ roberta and she mentioned there were plans to send something to QA soon so i wanted to try and get that build, the one i currently have doesn't work very well :)14:18
ralsinachaselivingston: yes, the plan was getting it done today14:18
ralsinarye: ugh, but yes, that has been happening lately14:19
ralsinaalecu, thisfred: say me15:01
ralsinathisfred: you are last. Go me :-)15:01
ralsinaDONE: mgmt call, other calls, 1-1s, reviews TODO: more calls, reviews BLOCKED: no NEXT: dobey15:01
dobeyDONE: releases, uploads, control-panel FFe, dropped installer dep in ubuntu15:01
dobeyTODO: final releases/uploads, re-upload of u1client for u1client-data FFe/MIR15:01
dobeyBLCK: None.15:01
dobeygatox: go15:01
gatoxPlay around with gobject introspection and the SyncMenu. Get the same C example working on Python. Start looking at ubuntuone-client to see where it should be integrated.15:02
gatoxWrite the tests and implement the SyncMenu in u1-client15:02
gatoxmmcc, go15:02
mmccDONE: testing launchd daemon, quit problems15:02
mmccTODO: build, qa,15:02
mmccNEXT: briancurtin15:02
briancurtinDONE: webclient porting, 1-115:02
briancurtinTODO: keep pushing on to reduce failures, working on webclient oauth tests right now15:02
briancurtinNEXT: alecu15:02
alecuDONE: dug deeper in the depths of vala and our webservices15:02
alecuTODO: find a vala way to turn async code inside out15:02
alecuBLOCKED: kinda15:02
alecuNEXT: thisfred15:02
thisfredDONE: u1db basic auth / server playlists TODO: u1db server playlists BLOCKED: no15:03
ralsinaok, comments?15:03
alecugatox: "Get the same C example working on Python." <- great!15:03
gatoxalecu, thx :D15:03
ralsinaEOM then15:04
mmccI saw the pings - I didn't get back to the computer last night, building a new .app now.15:05
ralsinammcc: cool15:05
thisfredralsina, reminder that I will be gone for 2 weeks starting sept. 24, on account of getting the hell out of Dodge/Baltimore.15:11
ralsinathisfred: awesome :-)15:12
ralsinathisfred: to Portland right?15:12
thisfredyep, we found a place15:13
ralsinathisfred: cool15:13
mmccthisfred: what part of town will you be in?15:13
thisfredmmcc, north east of the river, I think it's called Boise15:13
ralsinaIsn't Boise the capital of Idaho?15:13
ralsinarandom inaccurate data, brought to you by ralsina, encyclopedia of useless and slightly off data.15:14
pedronisralsina: name reuse is popular anyway15:14
chaselivingstonmmcc: any news on an updated darwin build?15:15
thisfredralsina, it is, but it's also the name of the neighbourhood15:15
ralsinapedronis: goes to show cartography is not real science. Imagine if we called random animals "dogs" just because.15:15
mmccchaselivingston: in progress now. my apologies for not having it yesterday15:15
chaselivingstonmmcc: not a problem, just making sure i hadn't missed it :)15:16
ralsinathisfred: hope the rat population is under control there :-)15:16
ralsinathisfred: and that they are not part of the typical local cuisine15:16
thisfredralsina, it is physically impossible that it is worse than here15:16
ralsinathisfred: and other random scary fake anecdotes about baltimore you have fed me over two years ;-)15:16
thisfredit's not all bad, but the bad parts are pretty bad.15:17
briancurtinralsina: you should watch the TV series "The Wire"15:17
pedronisralsina: oh the big fun of when people give you a city name and a street name in the US but not the state15:17
ralsinapedronis: evergreen avenue, springfield!15:17
thisfredand Baltimore the good parts might be thinner than Javascript the good parts ;)15:17
briancurtin*evergreen terrace15:17
ralsinaoops, sorry15:17
ralsinait's 'avenida siempreviva' in spanish, so I was guessing ;-)15:17
thisfredactually Matt Groening is from Portland15:18
dobeyso are skinny jeans15:18
ralsinaso is cement?15:18
thisfredso is Stumptown Coffee, so I still win :)15:19
mmccralsina: Isle of Portland in Dorset15:19
thisfrednot to mention Voodoo donuts15:19
mmccbtw thisfred, you are ~3 miles from Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen. I'm jealous15:20
* thisfred puts that on his bucket list15:20
mmccalso thisfred see http://mrgan.com/pdxfood/15:20
* dobey will keep his sweet tea and pork bbq. you can have all the hipster vegetarians15:20
* ralsina 's bucket list: 1) a bucket 2) a different bucket15:20
thisfredralsina, sounds more like a hashmap :P15:21
dobey"How are you today, sir?" "Better." "Better?" "Better get a bucket."15:21
ralsinathisfred: it's my <ol>  of buckets15:21
thisfredmmcc, have heard great things about Pok Pok. I think they recently opened a restaurant in NY too15:21
dobeythere's a Nando's in Washington D.C. now15:22
dobeyand mattgriffin still wins. he has the moth15:23
thisfredThat's a great place, I admit. But there's great restaurants in Baltimore too. Portland just has a ton more, and a lot more cheap and good options.15:24
thisfredlots of food trucks too15:24
dobeyhooray; ubuntuone-installer is gone.15:26
thisfredalso, we have a brewery across the street. This could prove a mistake.15:26
dobeynow if we can get rid of ubuntuone-couch15:26
thisfreddobey, or at least rename it to u1-auth or something, and take out the couch parts15:27
dobeywell, that was one of the other many projects i didn't get around to this cycle15:27
dobeymoving all the "credentials" stuff for u1 into ubuntuone-credentials, and getting rid of u1-couch15:28
dobeybut maybe i'll do that first thing after the 12.10 release15:28
dobeyjust to get it done15:28
ralsinadobey: good idea15:29
ralsinadobey: we could clean up a lot of that sort of things15:29
dobeyor maybe today if i get furious enough15:29
dobeyi'm sure release team would ♥ me doing another FFE/newpackage/MIR today15:30
ralsinadobey: have some calmdown tea :-)15:31
ralsinadobey: and let's set aside a couple of weeks right after release to wreak havoc15:32
thisfredthat's not the one made from coca leaves15:32
mmccthisfred: just noticed that http://slappycakes.com/ isn't on that list… if you like breakfast foods, that's a fun spot15:33
ralsinathisfred: coca tea is both delicious, and seriously WAKEUPDUDE effective15:33
thisfredYeah I had it in Cordoba15:33
mmccoops, this build will have the share links tab in it again…15:34
thisfredthx, another one for the list15:34
dobeythisfred: you were not there for the platform sprint were you?15:37
* dobey doesn't remember15:38
mmccugh, moving a big .zip into a watched folder with the root daemon generates a MakeFile but no upload action…15:38
thisfreddobey, where? Portland? no, I've only ever been there when I was going to a wedding in Seattle.15:39
* gatox lunch15:39
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
dobeythisfred: yeah. this place was pretty good: http://www.veritablequandary.com/15:40
thisfredmenu looks awesome yeah15:41
thisfredand brunch15:41
mmccmmmm, brunch15:41
dobeymmm, elevensies15:41
mmcchere's the most recent build of the mac client: http://ubuntuone.com/6WRvVdrg5EJc1alQM6EFb915:45
mmcccc chaselivingston ---^15:45
chaselivingstonmmcc: thanks :)15:45
mmccyou will have to change or delete your syncdaemon.conf to enable the new daemon. there's info in the README inside that .zip15:46
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, thanks for the heads up15:46
ralsinavila: ^15:46
mmccbtw, chaselivingston and vila - this has a non-working share links tab. I will need to re-remove (or fix) that for our public release. but fyi, don't expect that to work15:47
chaselivingstonmmcc: ack15:48
vilammcc: ghaa, just finished my tests :-/15:48
mmccvila: d'oh15:48
vilammcc: which went pretty well, so we certainly do need more ;)15:48
mmccvila: confused - need more tests?15:49
ralsinammcc: of course. There are always bugs, so if the tests pass, we need more tests :-)15:50
vilammcc: if you mention some fix to remove or things that don't work and I didn't encounter any issues, I need to have more tests that would have reveal that ;)15:51
mmccaha. and here I thought I could just go to brunch :)15:51
vilammcc: go to brunch !15:51
mmcc:) kidding, I just got here. I'm going to see if I can reproduce this sync bug with the new daemon that I ran into trying to upload the new build15:52
chaselivingstonmmcc: remind me how to see the waiting transfers and such w/ u1sdtool?15:54
mmcc% ./UbuntuOne.app/Contents/Resources/U1SDTool.app/Contents/MacOS/u1sdtool --current-transfers15:54
chaselivingstonmmcc: ack, thanks15:56
mmccbrb, coffee15:56
chaselivingstonmmcc: seem to be stuck at file sync starting… fwiw i wasn't asked for my admin password15:59
ralsinaI am running out of battery, so will have to head back home, and either hope the internet there works, or grab the power adapter and head bac out.16:05
ralsinaSo, will be back eventually.16:05
dobeyneed to get lunch, bbiab16:11
thisfredall this talk of brunch made me fry eggs and bacon16:15
mmccchaselivingston: hmm. you should've been asked. can you paste the contents of your controlpanel.log?16:23
chaselivingstonmmcc: where is that located?16:24
mmccchaselivingston: ~/Library/Caches/ubuntuone/log/controlpanel.log16:25
mmccchaselivingston: also, can you check if you have more than one ubuntuone-syncdaemon process running?16:25
chaselivingstonmmcc: https://pastebin.canonical.com/74338/16:26
chaselivingstonmmcc: did check that, only saw one16:26
* mmcc had to go get my phone for 2-factor… looking now16:27
mmccchaselivingston: ok, it looks like maybe you already had the daemon installed from one of the earlier builds. this shouldn't be a problem for people who only had the alpha from two weeks ago, but you've been using other builds, right?16:28
chaselivingstonmmcc: right16:29
mmccso can you paste the results of 'sudo launchctl list com.ubuntu.one.fsevents'16:29
chaselivingstonmmcc: https://pastebin.canonical.com/74339/16:30
mmccand the resultlts of 'grep com.ubuntu /var/log/system.log'16:30
chaselivingstonmmcc: https://pastebin.canonical.com/74340/16:32
mmccok, I think it's an old version - so, quit the app, make sure syncdaemon is dead, then remove the existing daemon with 'sudo launchctl remove com.ubuntu.one.fsevents', and try restarting the app again. it should ask for your password then16:34
chaselivingstonmmcc: ah, there we go, asked for password and now file sync is in progress16:35
chaselivingstonmmcc: seems to be syncing as well16:38
mmccchaselivingston: great. If you have a chance, can you test dragging a file into the watched folder using the finder works? That's the bug I ran into. I have a hunch that it's ignoring some event flags, but I wanted to be sure it's not just me16:41
chaselivingstonmmcc: i actually did that earlier and it shows up on the web16:42
mmcchrm. ok, thanks!16:42
chaselivingstonmmcc: no problem!16:42
mandelI cannot believe that compiz crashes as much as it does..16:44
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
* alecu is off to have lunch and run some errands17:28
alecuand I'm back18:24
dobeymeh; going to take forever to build stuff in a PPA today19:06
mmccso, a couple people had issues with today's build because a previous build installed the old non-working root daemon. I'm adding better daemon version checking so we can avoid having to tell people to 'sudo launchctl remove' the daemon before running a new build19:15
ralsinammcc: ok19:16
mmccit always checked the version, now it does something with that :)19:16
mmccthis was on the list after 'get it working'19:16
dobeybah, i really want some soft pretzels right now19:24
dobeyor an alternative form of lots of carbs/sugar might be acceptable. like beer19:25
ralsinadobey: since you are in core hours, make that light beer.19:26
ralsinaor some non-alcoholic beverage, like Budweiser.19:26
dobeyin only drink light beers… like Chimay19:27
ralsinahmmmm chimay19:36
mmccstill far from beer time here - I'm drinking Ubuntu Coffee19:47
mmccreally - http://www.allegrocoffee.com/coffee/coffee-products/coffee-blends#cafe-ubuntu19:47
mmccthisfred, if you're still around, just saw this on twitter: http://xoxofest.com/guide/  -- a guide to cool stuff in portland20:02
thisfredmmcc, awesome, thx!20:03
gatoxpeople, eod for me..... see you tomorrow!! enjoy :D20:14
ralsinabye gatox!20:15
gatoxralsina, bye20:15
ralsinaEOD for me, as usual, will do reviews at night on request21:08
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeyok, am off as well. have a good evening all21:44
mmccback from lunch21:48
mmccso ctypes uses a single underscore for the _fields_ magic variable. only, code using wrong double underscores worked fine without it. what is it even for?22:41
mmcchave to go now, ctypes is making it hard to print the errors so I can tell why I don't have permission to remove the old daemon from code…23:01
mmccwill try to get back to this tonight23:02
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