
Unit193knome: Sorry to be a bother (who'd guess?), but what was the standpoint of having a xubuntu without additional packages?00:14
pleia2knome: oh hey, you owe me a "powered by Xubuntu" sticker04:55
knomeUnit193, can you elaborate; what do you mean?10:05
Unit193knome: Package that just had default settings, artwork, etc rather than abiword and the rest of the default programs.10:05
knomeso why didn't we drop the default stuff you mean?10:06
Unit193No, a different metapackage.10:06
Sysiat some point somebody suggested that there would be minimal-xubuntu metapackage created10:08
knomeyeah, we can still do that10:08
knomebut was that the question? :)10:08
Unit193Wasn't that becauase of alternate, and it'd lessen the pull on lower connections?  Yes.10:09
knomeah yeah, now i remember the whole discussion10:09
Unit193...I don't yet. :P10:09
knomethe idea was to provice a minimal package for those, who use the minimal installer, and don't want to install xubuntu-dekstop10:09
knomethat does effectively mean you have less to pull10:10
knomebut there was no discussion about including it anywhere by default; because we still think that a few applications do add to the "xubuntu experience" so much that we don't want to drop them from the default ISO/installation10:10
Sysiwe could just add guide for installing xfce4+xubuntu-default-settings10:11
knomeyes, i think that would produce pretty much the same results, though we should definitely check that it does10:11
Sysisome panel plugins might be missing10:12
ochosiit's not entirely useless to have a few apps by default in the live install10:15
ochosii know people who use livesticks to work sometimes10:15
knomeochosi, can you suggest something for the abiword slide?10:15
ochosiknome: a new equivalent screenshot?10:15
knomeochosi, that, and the text needs to be changed10:16
knomehttp://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/branding_exports/slideshow_office.png ?10:20
ochosiyeah, sounds good to me10:22
knomedo you want the shot to be updated?10:22
knomei'm going to file an UIFe today10:22
ochosiwell it would be nice10:22
ochosisince it's the only inconsistent one atm10:22
ochosiknome: i'll do the screener for you if you want10:24
knomeyeah, that would be nice10:24
ochosiknome: http://imagebin.org/22811710:26
knomemmh, good, thanks10:28
knomehmm wait10:29
knomeold shade button?10:29
ochosino, it's the menu button10:30
knomei can fix that10:30
ochosiin our default layout there is no shade button in that place10:30
ochosiso it's in fact _your_ bad, not mine (this time)10:30
knomei'll leave it10:30
ochosianyway, i don't think anyone will notice or complain10:30
knomei'll fix it10:31
ochosiknome: btw, i have the workaround for the xfwm4 theme ready in my vbox11:10
knomeaha :)11:10
knomethat's 2px?11:10
ochosiso in case we decide to go forward with it, i can push it pretty much anytime11:10
ochosilike this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09122012-011059pm.php11:11
ochosii think it looks bearable11:11
ochosinot as nice as should be11:11
ochosibut what can you do11:11
knometerminal is the only killjoy11:11
knomewell, you can fi Xorg... ;)11:12
knomefix too11:12
ochosiyeah, terminal doesn't look extremely nice with it11:12
ochosii could add the 1px inner border at the bottom too11:12
ochosibut for most other windows apart from term i think it's better this way11:12
knomeyour call, i'm fine with either11:12
ochosiwell, with 16:9 resolutions being so popular, let's not waste vertical pixels ;)11:13
mr_pouitknome: hey, any news about indicator-sound (it hasn't been reviewed yet)11:55
knomemr_pouit, bug # ?12:11
mr_pouitknome: Bug #1048217 (ido-gtk2 has been accepted, indicator-sound-gtk2 is still stuck in NEW)12:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048217 in Ubuntu "[FFe] Re-introduce indicator-sound-gtk2/ido-gtk2" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104821712:18
ochosihey mr_pouit 12:21
ochosiwe still have to fix ubiquity and lightdm wrt wallpaper12:23
ochosiand i was wondering whether we should just have a symlink pointing to the current wallpaper always12:23
ochosiso that we don't have to submit patches to ubiquity for each release12:23
mr_pouityeah, or we can replace the wp each time12:24
mr_pouitbut a symlink works for ùe12:24
ochosi(although, to be fair, with this one it's a bit problematic because we will have to use 2 different wallpapers for xfdesktop and lightdm/plymouth)12:24
ochosiso: the "normal" wp with the 4 dots in the right bottom corner is for xfdesktop and ubiquity12:25
knomemr_pouit, fw'd12:25
ochosia dotless wp will have to be used for plymouth and lightdm, because they don't scale the wp correctly yet12:25
knomemr_pouit, will be processed today12:26
mr_pouitokay, great, thanks12:26
knomemr_pouit, see http://typewith.me/p/x-q-beta2-prep12:27
ochosiknome: can you pls put the dotless wp somewhere with a bugreport?12:27
ochosiso that mr_pouit can pull it12:27
knomei'll attach it to the old bugreport12:28
knomei'll export it now12:28
ochosiin return, i'll do the merge-request for ubiquity12:28
mr_pouitam i supposed to see something :P12:28
ochosimr_pouit: so how shall we handle the wp issue with the symlinks and all?12:28
knomemr_pouit, lol, it's just etherpad failing again12:28
mr_pouitI'll add a symlink, xubuntu-wallpaper.png, or whatever name you prefer (omg-ponies.png, knome-is-not-gnome.png)12:29
ochosiomg-ponies plz12:29
knomei prefer the latter12:30
ochosimr_pouit: ok, then i'll point ubiquity to xubuntu-wallpaper as soon as that's fixed/uploaded12:30
Unit193Don't get that confused with the xfcenotifyd theme.12:30
ochosiok, then omg-bronies instead12:30
knomethat's another +0.5MB :P12:31
ochosidrop old wps :)12:31
ochosithen you'll actually save space12:31
knomeworksfor me12:31
knome+" " or -" "12:31
knomedo we have a package that reintroduces them on install?12:32
knomeshimmer-wallpapers exists?12:32
ochosialternatively xubuntu-wallpapers-old12:33
mr_pouitI'm not introducing yet another package at this point, enough of that :312:34
knomeyeah, not this cycle12:35
knomei was just wondering if such exists12:35
knomebut i'm still ok with dropping the old wallpapers, because we need the space really much12:35
knomemr_pouit, bug 1043170 has new attachment12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1043170 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Update Xubuntu wallpaper for Quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104317012:35
knomewe will probably need an UIFe for the Plymouth change, since that still has the old wall?12:36
ochosiso yeah, we need this ^ for lightdm as well now12:36
ochosioh, i mean12:36
mr_pouitthen I'll replace the old filename with a symlink to the new wp12:36
knomelightdm is bugfix obviously12:36
mr_pouitNo need to fix ubiquity then12:36
knomebut plymouth not, since that actually has the P wall...12:36
ochosiyeah, i'm taking care of ubiquity12:37
ochosi's fine12:37
ochosijust plymouth and lightdm for you, mr_pouit 12:37
mr_pouitochosi: no need to fix ubiquity if I add the symlink12:37
knomei've asked for an ACK for UIFe for that12:38
ochosimr_pouit: yeah, but if you create a symlink now that points to xubuntu-greybird or whatever the old name was, then we'll have to fix it again next cycle12:38
mr_pouitnext cycle we'll change where the symlink points to12:39
ochosi"xubuntu-precise-right.png" is not a very cool general name in ubiquity12:39
mr_pouitand ubiquity will still be happy12:39
knomeagreed with ochosi...12:39
knomebut doesn't ubiquity have the new wallpaper already?12:39
knomeor not?12:39
knomeand does plymouth have it then?12:40
knomeam i mistaken12:40
mr_pouitI don't care whether it sounds cool or not (:12:40
mr_pouitknome: only-ubiquity doesn't12:40
knomeaha, but plymouth does?12:40
mr_pouit(live session and plymouth and lightdm are ok -- except they use the wp with dots)12:41
knomei'm still waiting for a release team member to ack the UIFe12:43
knomeand yeah, i'd like the wallpaper names to be more generic too12:43
mr_pouitknome: that'd be great if you could ask the release team to clarify the remote login feature of lightdm (acked by FFe). It seems to be on by default, it seems to require some code in the greeter, so I'd say it has been introduced without any thought for greeters other than unity-greeter :)12:46
knomeack'ed the UIFe, so feel free to go ahead with the wallpapers12:47
knomemr_pouit, what's your worry?12:47
mr_pouitI may be mistaken, but all this stuff is starting to annoy me12:47
knomemaybe you could ask yourself? (:12:47
mr_pouityeah, right :P12:48
knomewhat's your worry then?12:48
mr_pouitmmh, no, it'll be fine I guess12:50
mr_pouitlightdm will have remote login enabled, but users won't be able to use it with lightdm-gtk-greeter12:51
mr_pouitthat's all12:51
mr_pouitso nothing to annoy the release team with12:51
knomeheh, ok12:52
knomei don't even want to count the amount of UIFe's this time12:53
knomeochosi, now that mr_pouit is around, should we tell him to push the fix to grey/blackbird? (:12:53
knomeochosi, or do you want to wait if xorg is magically fixed?12:53
knomemr_pouit, can we ulink the non-xubuntu-specific bugs from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-xfce-41012:58
knomehey bluesabre 12:58
bluesabrehey knome12:59
bluesabrethat was fast12:59
knomesometimes i am, sometimes i'm not...12:59
bluesabreWhat's up?12:59
knomefiling UIFe's :D12:59
knomeand looking at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/ and seeing xubuntu has the best percentage, and definitely not the least work items either13:00
ochosiknome: so you wanna go ahead with the workaround for xfwm4 themes anyway?13:01
smartboyhwOMG Xubuntu has 85% while others are below 55% Good job really I took off my hat to knome and others:)13:01
knomeochosi, well no, but looking at next week, i don't think there's big possibilities i'm going to have time to investigate it13:02
knomeochosi, and it's really late in the cycle anyway, we can just revert for R if the xorg bug is fixed13:02
ochosiok, so i guess i'll have to attach patches to the bugreports13:03
ochosishall we fix the default xfwm4 theme from upstream as well?13:03
knomeyeah, but i don't think you need an UIFe13:03
bluesabre50.42 workitems must be completed per day13:03
knomeit's a bugfix...13:03
bluesabreThat's crazy13:03
knomeochosi, upstream being?13:03
ochosithe xfce xfwm4 default theme13:03
mr_pouitknome: done, and set as completed13:03
knomeif you wish to13:03
knomemr_pouit, thanks :)13:04
ochosimr_pouit: so, about those xfwm4 problems...13:04
knomebluesabre, not for xubuntu ;)13:04
bluesabreYeah, I know13:04
ochosimr_pouit: shall i just link to the respective commits in git or what would you prefer?13:04
bluesabreStill, its a pretty impressive number13:04
knomeok, so only 4 blueprints not finished13:04
ochosiyeah, and how many postponed? ;)13:04
knomea few only13:04
ochosiwell, "a few" :)13:05
knome22 work items13:05
knomenot too bad13:05
knomethat's 87 done if we finish the rest13:05
knomewe only *filed* 75 last cycle13:06
knomeand postponed 12, so 6313:06
knome24 work items done more13:06
knomethough you can't really compare, 1 != 113:06
knomebut we have those monster items this cycle, like "rewrite offline docs"13:06
knomeand i think we were able to improve this time too13:07
ochosithe big silence because everyone is secretly watching apple's event...19:01
elfyapple ducking? 19:02
SysiI won't have money to get iphone for at least a year19:10
bluesabrenah, I'm watching One Piece19:13
bluesabre... secretly19:13
pleia2the apple event is a block away from me, shall I go downstairs and report live?19:14
SysiI think it ended already19:14
pleia2oh ok19:14
elfyonly if there's reall aple dunking involved pleia2 19:14
pleia2it messes up local traffic in my neighborhood, very annoying19:14
Sysi(I followed trough IRC)19:14
pleia2I am actually working today so I haven't paid attention19:15
ochosii think they have new everything, they re-invented everything and no-one "in the industry" has ever made anything alike before19:17
ochosi(except samsung, but apple only agree to that in court)19:17
pleia2turns out I'm happy with the cheap knockoffs 5 years later19:17
Sysizombie pride (N9)19:18
pleia2(plus I like open source, so...)19:18
ochosipleia2: really, you like opensource? isn't that kinda weird..? =)19:19
pleia2buncha hippies19:19
ochosihehe, exactly19:20
Sysiandroid UI isn't bad even if none of them is really good either.. but I don't want to hear "try flashing this custom rom" ever19:20
Sysiunless it's under five click operation19:21
SysiI've used desktop linux long enough to know how trying to tweak things usually ends :P19:22
ochosiin a perfect user-experience? (:19:23
Sysiyeaah, that19:33

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