
Mamarokit would be nice if we had taglib 1.8 as it solves quite some problems08:12
freglRiddell: lately it's been mostly Laszlo doing attica stuff, I'm not up to date.08:25
RiddellMamarok: ack08:30
RiddellI want to do a review of all kubuntu packages to check they're up to date08:30
Riddellyofel: this might be interesting about the best way of tracking bugs https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-release-bug-list-workflows08:37
Riddellbut the whiteboard there is so long I got bored :(08:37
xnoxRiddell: there is xubuntu on the report, but I don't see kubuntu =( http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-q-tracking-bug-tasks.html08:56
xnoxRiddell: no, there is kubuntu with 4 bugs on that report08:56
Riddellxnox: I suspect that report only lists packages which are KDE only, so it doesn't list e.g. ubiquity kde bugs09:08
xnoxRiddell: yeah. maybe you should ask for 'kubuntu' tag added to that list? currently it's 'packageset' + series quantal09:10
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1034986] vlc crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1034986 (by Ricardo J. Moreira Teixeira)09:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034986 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "vlc crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,Confirmed]09:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you upload https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/kdevelop-custom-buildsystem_1.2.2-0ubuntu1.dsc11:10
shadeslayersurprisingly, it's not in the kubuntu packageset11:11
shadeslayereverything else has been uploaded11:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: please send mail to cj11:12
shadeslayeraye, doing that11:12
shadeslayerwe also don't have ktp in the packageset right?11:13
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Riddellshadeslayer: how did 4.9.1 backports get on?11:50
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
QuintasanRiddell: Meeting today?12:07
agateau_Riddell: I know the developer of kded-appmenu, he contributed to dbusmenu-qt and plasma-widget-menubar. Actually I asked him to take over maintenance of the applet12:07
QuintasanThat would be 20:00 here12:09
QuintasanHmm, more than fine12:09
Riddellagateau_: why does it need a kded?12:10
RiddellQuintasan: yes if anyone can come12:11
RiddellJontheEchidna, apachelogger: you'll be there?12:11
QuintasanWell, I'm going to the doctor this evening but I'll be able to make it12:11
agateau_Riddell: the kded runs the registrar, which hold the association between window ids and dbusmenu menubar12:12
agateau_Riddell: you can then have multiple applications ask the kded to render the menubar12:12
agateau_Riddell: this is necessary for example on a dual screen setup to have one menubar applet per screen12:12
agateau_Right now the applet also acts as a registrar, which makes it impossible to run more than one12:13
agateau_or run it with oxygen-appmenu12:13
Riddellagateau_: so should we be replacing plasma-widget-menubar with kded-appmenu12:17
Riddell ?12:17
agateau_Riddell: I just looked at the source code, and I don't see a copy of the applet there, you want to check with Cédric I think12:21
agateau_Riddell: but in the long run, it should replace plasma-widget-menubar yes12:22
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1039582] DPMSControl, a non existent action on Kubuntu on VMWare guest @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1039582 (by Marco Parillo)13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039582 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "DPMSControl, a non existent action on Kubuntu on VMWare guest" [Undecided,Fix released]13:03
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BluesKaj_Hey all13:15
RiddellMamarok: who's after taglib 1.8?  it'll need a feature freeze exception so I'll need to find reasons13:16
MamarokAmarok, dragonplayer, every application that uses tagged files13:17
Mamarokand of cours tagging solutions like kid3 and easytag13:18
RiddellMamarok: sure but I think I need someone who can highlight the useful features and bugfixes13:20
Mamarokwell, now one can write id3v2.3 tags, that support didn't exist previously, also the mp4 and asf support is there by default. APE version 2 is also supported now13:21
Mamarokand quite a few bug fixes that were annoying us :)13:22
RiddellMamarok: who's us? amarok?13:23
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
MamarokAmarok and dragonplayer, mostly, but the id3v2.3 tag writing is also sueful for every other software out there, inclusing VLC and the mass taggers13:24
MamarokRiddell: we also need it to support more music file types: mod, s3m, it and xm in particular13:38
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
RiddellMamarok: hmm the faffy bit is there's a second build of taglib in the package "rusxmms" for cyrillic uses and that's a nasty patch to port13:46
RiddellI've no idea why cyrillic needs a special build13:46
Mamarokno idea13:47
Mamarokbut who uses xmms anyway...13:47
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RiddellMamarok: well it's not for xmms it's a variant of the library to read tags in non-unicode cyrillic14:11
Riddellreally it's a bit weird this being a patch in a distro package14:12
Riddelland a whole second build of the library.  ugly14:12
Riddellxnox, dpm: you guys use cyrillic?  got an opinion on the value of tablib-rusxmms?14:18
dpmRiddell, hm, unfortunately not. You might want to try with danilo, he does use cyrillic14:18
xnoxi use cyrillic, but what's the context?14:18
Riddellxnox: seems taglib has a second build as part of its packaging tablib-rusxmms14:19
Riddellfor use in mp3 files using non-unicode cyrillic14:19
Riddelldebian added it http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=38457314:19
ubottuDebian bug 384573 in libtag1c2a "Russian id3 tags problem" [Normal,Fixed]14:19
Riddellbut I don't know if I can port the patch to taglib 1.8 which is now being requested14:19
RiddellI wonder if it gets used still14:20
xnoxnot surprised.... hardly any russian songs use any sensible encoding, i.e. they mostly use anything but unicode14:20
* xnox gave up that battle years ago all my song tags are jiberrish14:20
xnoxI did retag them onces into $encoding, but the next player used $otherencoding so I gave up14:21
xnoxRiddell: it would be lovely to have that patch, maybe my songs will finally work!14:22
Riddellxnox: well it's in14:23
Riddelltry installing libtag1-rusxmms14:23
Riddellto replace -vanilla14:24
xnoxok... but I don't use xmms anymore14:24
xnoxor does that replace libtag itself?14:24
Riddellno, it just comes from a project called rusxmms14:25
Riddellit replaces libtag14:25
RiddellI'll try porting the patch14:27
Riddellpkgkde-symbolshelper seems to have lost its mojo, the update to attica didn't work on platforms other than those I've built it on already and applied the build log15:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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RiddellMamarok: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+bug/1050463 for you, you may want to add any other information you think will persuade the release team15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1050463 in taglib (Ubuntu Quantal) "FFe update to 1.8" [Undecided,New]15:15
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
yofelRiddell: thanks for the blueprint, I'll probably read that sometime over the weekend16:51
shadeslayermeeting in a hour right ?16:52
tsimpson~1 hour 5 minutes16:55
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Riddell1 minutes to kubuntu-meeting in #ubuntu-meeting18:00
Riddellapachelogger: ping?18:01
Riddelldarkwing_: ping?18:01
Riddelljussi01-nom: ping?18:01
Riddellapachelogger: meeting!18:02
* apachelogger puts on some pants18:02
Riddellin #kubuntu-meeting18:02
Riddellin #ubuntu-meeting18:02
apacheloggerwe should totally decide where to do meetings :P18:03
RiddellSteveRiley: meeting?18:29
tsdgeosare you guys rebuilding kdelibs? the new attica makes all apps crash18:30
yofelthat should not happen...18:31
tsdgeoscrashing is bad :D18:33
CIA-12[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-wallpapers] Philip Muškovac * 44 * debian/changelog release 4:4.9.1-0ubuntu118:34
yofelwasn't committed18:34
shadeslayernew attica got uploaded?18:41
tsdgeosand now my system has a mixture of 0.3 and 0.418:42
tsdgeosand obviously things don't really play well with eachother18:42
yofelwell, 0.3 and 0.4 have a different ABI and SONAME - so by definition nothing should break. But KDE does weird things with libs...18:44
tsdgeosyeah well18:45
tsdgeosi can tell you why it crashes 18:45
tsdgeosit's not KDE fault18:45
Riddellit's still compiling18:46
RiddellI should have used -proposed for it18:46
tsdgeosRiddell: ok, it's fine, i just wanted to know if it was being taken care of or not18:46
tsdgeosi can live with crashing about dialogs for a few days18:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/kmix-flick.mkv18:48
apacheloggerdo you get that when quickly changing tracks in amarok?18:48
shadeslayeraye, I've seen that happen before18:49
shadeslayerhowever, I don't use amarok 18:49
shadeslayerTomhawk :)18:49
apacheloggersame thing18:52
apacheloggerit's caused by pulse streams chagning18:52
apacheloggerd__ed: btw any additional feedback on ktp from us asking people to test?18:54
* apachelogger thinks somehow all the wrong people were reached and feedback was mediocre18:54
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yofelas for kde-wallpapers. Including all resolutions of Ariya would be roughly +28MB, but I would still give it a try19:14
apacheloggeryofel: try png compression techniques19:17
apacheloggermight squeeze out a bit19:17
yofelhm, the archive does run optipng over it19:18
* yofel tries19:18
Quintasanafiestas: #ubuntu-meeting19:22
yofelapachelogger: saves about 1MB as most of the images are already optimized19:36
apacheloggeryofel: that's something19:54
ScottKMeeting seemed to go well enough.22:23
apacheloggeralso as promised I broke kmix https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdemultimedia/kmix/repository/revisions/d1344b63ded3b53dff44794f8e17e67ca530de9e22:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: we maybe should backport that22:44
apacheloggerthe issue is rather ewww on various levels22:44

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