
=== rob is now known as Guest60242
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jsappartsHOw to install Via graphics card driver on kubuntu?00:43
Schrodinger`Catdont know00:49
Schrodinger`Cathttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/openchrome jsapparts ?00:49
jsapparts<Schrodinger'Cat> , very thank u man, *-*00:51
Schrodinger`Catyour welcom00:52
Schrodinger`Catjsapparts: toi parler francais ?00:52
Schrodinger`Cati dont have trouvé the same in english00:52
jsappartsi speak portuguese form Brazil. husahsa00:54
jsappartsbye. ; )00:58
epimethhow can I get default conf files for packages?  like, where can I download the files found in /etc/motion?01:18
SIR_Tacoepimeth: you could purge the installation of motion01:23
epimethapt-get remove motion01:23
epimethapt-get purge motion01:23
SIR_Tacoapt-get purge motion01:23
epimethtrying now, thanks01:24
epimethworked, thanks!01:25
SIR_Tacoyou're welcome01:25
epimethworked, thanks!i tried remove and install again, and dpkg reconfigure...  :-)01:25
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tsimpson!cn | nirvana04:57
ubottunirvana: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:57
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avihayskype 4, grrrr!05:08
hyper_chso, running now beta 1 :)07:05
hyper_chsweet, no extra repo required for gimp now :)07:06
hyper_chhmmm, libreoffice not working in beta 1?07:40
nardusghi people08:28
nardusgI am on ubuntu 12.04 beta. My ati network card did not want to play nice with lightdm. So I do apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop. What is the best way to install the kde desktop on kubuntu coming from ubuntu >08:31
nardusgoops... 12.10 ;)08:32
nardusgati display card ;)08:32
ingerHola buenos dias, alguien podria ayudarme a instalar los binarios para programar C en eclipse con ubuntu?08:33
nardusgapt-get install kde-full ?08:34
nardusgor is there anothere one I can use08:34
tonberryE352apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:34
tonberryE352i think08:34
nardusgdoes not exist any more :(08:34
tonberryE352well i'm still on 12.04 so that is about as much help as I can give08:35
nardusgmaybe kde-standard08:35
nardusgwill give that a go08:36
marcuzzoI have a problem with languages packages anyone can help?09:09
marcuzzo I've installed the application Pairs in German09:09
marcuzzobut the translation as some ugly staff and i want to switch to italian09:09
marcuzzo[11:07] <marcuzzo> I did swith in the localization config to italian09:09
marcuzzo[11:08] <marcuzzo> and all the desktop switched too09:09
marcuzzo[11:08] <marcuzzo> but some application are still in german included pairs09:09
marcuzzo[11:08] <marcuzzo> how can I get the new .mo files?09:09
FloodBotK1marcuzzo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:09
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:42
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BluesKaj_Hey all13:15
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lordieva1erGood afternoon13:34
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howlymowlyhi poeple..   short question: I want to change default file associtations for several types for a program (for example I want to put a certain program on the bottom of the list for sevral file types)  how would I do that?13:44
contrastAnyone know if/when KDE SC 4.9.1 will be hitting the Kubuntu Backports PPA?14:04
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Riddellcontrast: yes, "soon"14:13
contrastThanks, Riddell... Is it safe to assume the next feature releases of KDE will also be hitting that PPA for 12.04 (even after the next release of Kubuntu comes out), given it's an LTS release?14:15
Riddellcontrast: not planned I'm afraid, we only have resources to backport to 1 release14:17
vsraoHi. I've tried this twice: I installed Wine, and that change font & color properties for Kate and other applications. Is this common?14:20
contrastRiddell: That's understandable... Anyway, much thanks for all the great work you do on Kubuntu. It's been my distro of choice for about six years. :)14:22
contrastvsrao: I've never experienced that (upon many installations of WINE alongside KDE). Are you still able to just change the font and color settings back via System Settings?14:23
Riddellcontrast: welcome :)14:24
vsraocontrast: I am able to. However, many things like the matching braces being highlighted never return to normal. :(14:24
vsraoAs in, a lot of the settings don't revert back14:24
vsraoEspecially those to do with things turning bold.14:25
contrastvsrao: Just in Kate, or other programs as well?14:26
vsraocontrast: Just in Kate.14:26
vsraoSo things like KDevelop follow.14:27
contrastvsrao: Where are you installing WINE from?14:27
vsraocontrast: From the default repository, through apt-get14:27
contrastvsrao: I usually get it from their official PPA (ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa). You might try uninstalling it and reinstalling from there.14:29
gusitoHi everyone14:29
vsraocontrast: Could you tell me what version you have currently? I have 1.414:30
vsraoI wonder if that makes a difference too.14:30
contrastvsrao: 1.5.1014:30
vsraoAh, I see.14:30
contrastvsrao: You also might try manually changing the highlighting settings in Kate (Settings -> Configure Kate -> Fonts & Colors).14:31
vsraocontrast: I've tried that too.14:31
contrastvsrao: That's really weird... Honestly, I doubt upgrading WINE will help, but I guess it's worth a shot. Barring that, I'm at a loss. You might want to ask in #kde.14:33
vsraocontrast: Okay. Thanks anyway. :)14:34
vsraoUpgrading WINE won't help now, I'm sure too.14:34
tsimpsonwine doesn't touch your Kate or katepart settings14:35
vsraoBut, those settings changed as soon as I installed WINE. Both times. On different computers too.14:37
tsimpsonyou should report a bug against wine then (before upgrading to the PPA version) with "ubuntu-bug wine"14:38
tsimpsonbecause that's just completely wrong of wine to touch anything outside of ~/.wine14:39
vsraotsimpson: Alright.14:40
tsimpsonI can't find any reports about wine changing other configs, so it seems quite unusual14:41
vsraoIt seems to be changing only the color settings that Kate parts uses. Especially the 'bold' settings.14:42
contrastvsrao: You might try checking the output of "dpkg -L wine1.4" and having a look at any maintainer scripts contained in the package (/var/lib/dpkg/info/wine1.4.preinst and /var/lib/dpkg/info/wine1.4.postinst in particular) to try and figure out exactly where the changes are coming from.14:43
vsraocontrast: Okay, will do that.14:44
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contrastAnyone have any luck adding their Skype account in KDE Telepathy?15:07
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DarthFrogcontrast: No, I haven't tried.  But I was interested to note that it was possible.15:11
contrastDarthFrog: Don't get your hopes up. It gives the option to add your account, but I've yet to find any confirmation that it actually works (yet). :\15:12
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jacklkHello, is it okay to run KDE applications such as Kontact on  other window managers/desktop enviroments?16:01
tsimpsonjacklk: that's perfectly fine, yes16:02
avihayupgrade ate all my root folder, couldn't log on to graphical shell :-<16:04
avihayalso, kttsd is missing, so I got that "error, can't open kttsd", that tries to open another instance of kttsd, infinite error message loop, fun times, fun times16:06
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tsimpsonthat sounds like a KDE3 thing16:09
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tsimpsonkttsd was replaced by jovie16:10
avihaytell that to the notification system16:11
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avihaywell, nothing that compiling    int main(){return 0;}   and placeing in /usr/bin couldn't solve16:24
tsimpsonwould have been easier to just "sudo touch /usr/bin/kttsd; sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/kttsd", less coding ;)16:25
avihayjust an empty file then?16:28
tsimpsonas long as it's executable, it should work16:30
avihaywell, seems to work, and for some reason TTS does work, and now, for the first time, even string replacement works16:34
avihaytsimpson: can you message me something like avihay: a <b> test16:34
tsimpsonavihay: a <b> test16:35
avihaymmm, need to be in another window, again!16:35
tsimpsonavihay: a <b> test (again)16:35
avihaymmm, failed, apperently, oh well, in 5 more years...16:36
tsimpsonsure :)16:37
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KishiI am having some problems with running Skype on Kubuntu. It worked earlier, but stopped working after trying to synchronize it with Kopete, I thinknk16:57
KishiI've purged it and reinstalled several times16:58
KishiI've even purged Kopete, too16:58
KishiBut it doesn't work anymore16:58
KishiPurging seems to leave some minor settings intact... I've thought it removes everything.17:00
Kishi...Nevermind, I'll ask at #ubuntu17:01
cynicalwhat's the error?17:13
KishiThere's no error, just message that it stopped and (core dumped)17:15
eamonhave a look through the dump and see if you can find the cause.17:20
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Riddell1 minutes to kubuntu-meeting in #ubuntu-meeting18:00
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone18:19
hyper_chlibreoffice in beta is horribly broken... at least this morning when I upgraded to it... but now there's new versions being updated and I hope it's fixes :)18:45
hyper_chstill broken :(18:48
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: whats happening?18:49
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: Fontconfig warning: "/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/fonts/truetype/fc_local.conf", line 13: Having multiple <family> in <alias> isn't supported and may not works as expected18:49
hyper_chI found that:  http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg3806219.html18:49
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: its a known bug18:50
hyper_chI know18:50
hyper_chI just saw LO updates compared to when I last tried like 12h ago and hoped it was already fixed18:50
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: libfre office works here18:50
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: ya18:50
hyper_chwhy does it work for you but not for me?18:51
hyper_chthat's sort of unfair18:51
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: that error message you are getting is not related to the crashes18:51
hyper_chI just see an endless LO start up screen18:51
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: did you update your system?18:51
hyper_chand endless messages of that18:51
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: yes, upgrade... no fresh install18:51
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: so libreoffice crashes at startup?18:52
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: I just get that error in the terminal and see the start up screen18:52
hyper_chit doesn't "crash", I have to ctrl-c it18:52
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: i can understand18:53
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: i can't understand18:53
hyper_chwhat can't you understand?18:53
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: http://paste.debian.net/189720/18:54
DarthFroghyper_ch: You can safely ignore all those warnings.18:55
hyper_chDarthFrog: an LO still doens't start properly... those errors are the only meaningful output that I get18:56
DarthFrogSo why are you continuing to run the beta?  Go back to the official distro version.  Or report a bug to the Libreoffice devs.18:57
hyper_chhow do you know it's a LO bug and not something in Beta?18:58
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: apart from those error messages what else problem you get with libreoffice?18:58
DarthFrogDo you mean Quantal?18:58
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: I just get the start up screen18:58
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: nothing else18:58
hyper_chuntil I hit ctrl-c18:58
hyper_chDarthFrog: yes18:59
DarthFrogThen you should be asking for help in #Ubuntu+1, not here.18:59
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: you upgraded from 12.04?18:59
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: I did18:59
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: can you rename .kde folder in home to .kde_bak and restart and see if it works?19:00
hyper_ch(or better start with a new profile=19:00
hyper_chI can do that :)19:00
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: so you know that the settings will be lost?19:01
hyper_chwell, creating a new user so that I don't lose my settings19:01
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: try that19:01
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: it works there19:03
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: for ,me?19:04
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: just changed to a different user - new profile - and LO just worked fine19:05
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: nice, enjoy19:05
hyper_chstill doesn't help with my current user though19:05
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: what you did was the same advice i got for the same problem when i had19:06
hyper_chbut I don't wanna lose all my kde settings19:06
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: they recommend to create a new profile for every major upgrade19:07
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: me too19:07
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: but i dont see any options19:07
hyper_chthat shouldn't be necessary19:07
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: backup19:07
DarthFroghyper_ch:  You could try removing the ~/.config/libreoffice directory and see if that helps matters.  Or rename it to something else if you don't want to delete it.19:09
hyper_chDarthFrog: I tried to remove the ~/.libreoffice folder that didn't work.. .will try now also wiht ~/.config/libreoffice19:09
hyper_chthx, didn't know that there's more in ~/.config19:09
DarthFrogIs on my system.19:10
DarthFrogMind you, I don't have a .libreoffice.19:10
hyper_chDarthFrog: .config/libreoffice did the trick19:10
DarthFrogGood stuff.19:10
hyper_chit's way quicker to re-setup libreoffic than all of kde :)19:11
DarthFrogYou shouldn't really ever have to do that.19:11
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: ping19:11
DarthFrogTo me, that's worse than having to reboot Windows because you moved your mouse.19:12
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: ya19:12
hyper_chI'll write that in my blog :)19:14
hyper_chthx DarthFrog and phoenix_firebrd19:14
hyper_chbtw, you two work a lot widh PDFs?19:14
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: no editing only viewing , why?19:15
DarthFrogPDF's are fine on my desktop, suck big-time on my Nook.19:16
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: DarthFrog:    https://github.com/sjau/pdfForts   -   http://images.sjau.ch/img/c11c42fe.png19:16
hyper_cha few still need to be rewritten but they should be working19:16
hyper_chthis is weird, I see no menu bar in LO19:17
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: very nice19:17
hyper_chphoenix_firebrd: bash, kate, dolphin/konqueror, pdftk, ghostscript & uno19:18
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: Do you know that there is a functionality in Krename too19:18
hyper_chdon't know krename at all :)19:18
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: its a bacth  file rename  app that also provides extracting the meta data of pdf through a plugin19:19
phoenix_firebrdhyper_ch: you can also enhance that soft by adding your functionality to it19:20
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fabio_ci sono ragazze19:41
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BluesKajtrying out xchat ...seems ok19:54
BluesKajfabio_,  Canada19:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:59
hyper_chhi BluesKaj19:59
fabio_i from reggio emilia19:59
BluesKajhi hyper_ch20:00
hyper_chBluesKaj: updated to quantal since I had issues with normal updates today :)20:01
BluesKajhyper_ch,  what issues ?20:02
hyper_chwell, updates this morning removed wine20:02
fabio_blueskaj what do you do20:02
hyper_chand couldn't reinstall it.. got some weird message about php5 dependencies not being fullfilled - which didn't make much sense20:02
hyper_chso I upgraded to quantal ;)20:02
Southway280 users, it's quiet in here20:04
hyper_chSouthway: you want me to ask you questions?20:06
Southwaygo for it20:06
hyper_chI run out of them :(20:07
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:07
BluesKajjust a friendly reminder :)20:08
Southwayas for your php5 problem, when your error says dependencies not being fullfilled, it means a component that php5 has been  removed.  youll need to find what is no longer fullfilled and install them manually.  Google.com usally has the answers20:09
hyper_chSouthway: how is php5 related to the wine package?20:10
hyper_chand the 'missing' dependencies were installed as was php5 yet it still complained about it20:10
hyper_chbut that wsa on 12.04 :)20:10
SouthwayI usaully get drunk on wine, maybe it did too20:10
BluesKajwine fonts are so small on this monitor that I can't read the options to increase them20:12
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uberamdI'm running Kubuntu in a multi-monitor VM. I increased the KDE panel size to accomidate multiple rows in the task manager part of the panel. When rebooted, the system forgets the custom height I set. Ideas?20:40
pedahzurHit an odd one today. Noticed desktop effects weren't enabled. Tried to enable, and said it failed to enable 22 effects. "Details" told me: "For technical reasons it is not possible to determine all possible error causes." and "Desktop effect system is not running."  glxinfo tells me "direct rendering: Yes" and under "Advanced" I have OpenGL as the compositing type, and "Qt graphics system" as "Native." KDE 4.9. Any ideas?20:50
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hazamonzo__hey folks. mu kubuntu 12.04 installation failed. Something about the bootloader. Now im on the live desktop. Where can i find the log so i can google this error?23:47

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