
melmothis rebooting a zookeeper node on a maas installation supposed to work ?00:17
melmothi did it on 2  sepearate installations, and after a reboot, the agent-state of the zookeeper node is being kept on "not-started" state00:18
lifelessthats more a #juju question, sorry!00:18
lifelessSpamapS: ^00:18
melmothzookeeper runs, but it s log does mention thing likes "xpiring session 0x139bcf841700004, timeout of 10000ms exceeded"00:18
SpamapSas long as the address doesn't change, you should be able to reboot node 000:20
SpamapSagents should poll/reconnect eventually00:20
smoserroaksoax, around ?00:21
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smoserjtv, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/packaging.lp1049177/+merge/12408300:31
smoserroaksoax, ^ for you too.00:34
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bigjoolssmoser: I'll look00:38
bigjoolssmoser: do you need something to uninstall all that when the package is removed?00:43
smoserwell ther ei sonly the one thing installed, and its will be removed just as any other file00:45
smoserthe one thing ... /etc/apparmor.d/dhcpd.d00:45
bigjoolssmoser: ok - I didn't know if it was automatically removed or not00:46
bigjoolssmoser: can you do a packaging.precise merge as well please00:46
smoseryeah, its just a file.00:46
smoserackaging.precise will depend on sru of the isc-dhcp fix also.00:47
smoserand i'd like to wait until this at least is baked a bit before uploading that.00:47
smosertomorrow i'll try to do a pakaging merge for precise though and just have the mp ready00:48
jtvThanks smoser!02:19
bigjoolshello jtv02:23
jtvbigjools: saw that email where DEFAULT_MAAS_URL turns out to tie into the UI somehow.  Damnation.02:30
bigjoolsjtv: yes - I asked diogo exactly how it breaks02:30
bigjoolsdamnation indeed02:30
jtvNo idea where that happens.02:30
bigjoolsback to the drawing board for you :)02:30
matsubarabigjools, jtv: if I dpkg-reconfigure the package and choose (the internal interface where pxe /provisioning runs) then the web server stops listening on
jtvHi there matsubara02:31
matsubarajtv, hey02:31
bigjoolshey matsubara02:32
jtvHmmm... this sounds as if the connection between UI and the setting is made in the packaging somewhere.02:32
bigjoolsthat's a bizarre thing for the web server to do02:32
bigjoolssounds like packaging02:32
jtvIt should definitely be listening on both interfaces.02:32
bigjoolsnot sure why we need to tell apache where to listen, all interfaces seems more reasonable to me02:32
jtvBecause it must service both you (the human) and the workers/nodes in the MAAS.02:32
matsubarabigjools, jtv: when I run dpkg-reconfigure maas, it stops the apache server but doesn't restart it again02:34
bigjoolsmatsubara: haha!02:34
jtvThat does kind of explain...02:35
matsubarain any case it looks like a bug, reconfigure should restart apache, shouldn't it?02:35
bigjoolsnot sure why it needs to restart it at all02:35
matsubarait stops it for some reason :-)02:36
bigjoolsif you restart it, does the UIU and everything else work?02:36
jtvI wonder where it stops apache...  it seems to be only the postinst and such that mess with apache.02:37
matsubarayes, restarting it seems to bring the UI back up02:38
roaksoaxmatsubara: there's a bug where reconfigure does not restart apache and I'll deal with that02:38
* bigjools heads out to lunch02:39
jtvroaksoax: out of interest, where does it stop apache?  I would have expected to see that in maas.config.02:39
jtv(Because I'm not a packaging expert)02:39
roaksoaxjtv: we don't stop apache202:40
roaksoaxjtv: maybe it is crashing for some reason? the restart stops and start the daemon agian02:40
roaksoaxmaybe that is it?02:40
roaksoaxjtv: no error logs?02:40
roaksoaxapache2 error logs that is02:40
jtvAsk matsubara :)02:40
roaksoaxmatsubara: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201757/02:40
roaksoaxmatsubara: try that02:40
jtvI guess it's just a way to restart the wsgi processes..?02:41
roaksoaxmatsubara: can you, however, directly point me to bugs or issues you find with packaging otherwise I'll lots in bugmail02:41
roaksoaxjtv: yes02:41
roaksoaxjtv: so dpkg-reconfigure maas, change IP should restart apache2 to pick the new IP and things should be just fine02:42
roaksoaxmatsubara: ^^02:42
jtvWait... what new IP?02:42
jtvApache should be listening on all interfaces.02:42
jtvMAAS must be aware of the new address, but not apache, right?02:42
roaksoaxjtv: yes, it is for maas to pick up the new IP02:43
roaksoaxand stuff02:43
matsubararoaksoax, I'm looking at the apache logs. let me paste it for you02:43
roaksoaxjtv: the dpkg-reconfigure maas sets a new ip in DEFAULT_MAAS_URL02:44
matsubararoaksoax, https://pastebin.canonical.com/74380/02:44
roaksoaxmatsubara: do you have a  node deployed where I can test?02:45
roaksoaxmatsubara: err log in and test?02:45
roaksoaxthat's maybe upstream error02:45
matsubararoaksoax, the maas server is running but there's no node deployed02:45
roaksoaxmatsubara: yeah can you tell me your steps to reproduce the issue you encountereD?02:46
matsubararoaksoax, sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas02:46
matsubarachange the ip02:46
matsubarathe apache server is stopped but not restarted02:46
matsubarafeel free to log in the Lenovo lab02:47
roaksoaxmatsubara: yeah that's a bug02:47
roaksoaxmatsubara: there's a restart_apache2 missing on dpkg-reconfigure02:48
roaksoaxmatsubara: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201757/02:48
matsubaraI see02:49
roaksoaxmatsubara: try now02:50
matsubarais it a known bug?02:50
roaksoaxmatsubara: yes it is a known bug, I will fix it tomorrow02:50
roaksoaxmatsubara: i was concentrated on getting the releases support into maas02:50
roaksoaxmatsubara: pastebin /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py after the dpkg-reconfigure02:51
matsubararoaksoax, yes, now it restarted fine02:51
roaksoaxmatsubara: alright cool then02:52
matsubararoaksoax, do you still need that pastebin?02:52
roaksoaxbigjools: btw.. if you can take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/add_ubuntu_releases_lp1013146/+merge/124092 and tell me how is it looking, it would be great02:52
roaksoaxmatsubara: nah!02:52
matsubaracool. thanks02:53
roaksoaxmatsubara: i'm sure the above fix has fixed things02:53
roaksoaxjtv: so can we ship our own maas-dhcp upstart job then?02:57
smoserroaksoax, fwiw, there are python bindings to distro-info02:57
jtvAnd hi smoser02:57
smoserroaksoax, yeah you can do that.02:57
smoser(i'm not really here)02:57
jtvThat explains.02:57
roaksoaxsmoser: python-bindings as in import DistroINfo etc etc or similar?02:57
jtvroaksoax: I have a handy example of a modified upstart job if you want it.02:58
roaksoaxsmoser: ah cool, willk use that intstead then02:58
roaksoaxjtv: sure, i wont merge it tonight though as I'm in zombie mode02:58
roaksoaxbut will do tomorrow02:58
roaksoaxi'd like to get this fixed tomorrow02:58
jtv@#$% timezones02:58
jtvI'd be most grateful.  Hang on, I'll paste my upstart script.02:58
smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201799/02:59
smoserthats a patch to cobbler that i used to use it there.02:59
smosermight just get you started02:59
smoserbut its very simple02:59
roaksoaxsmoser: nice, thanks!02:59
jtvroaksoax: I named it maas-dhcp-server — http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201804/03:00
roaksoaxjtv: awesome, will merge it tomorrow and test03:00
jtvThanks!  We'll need to make corresponding changes to trunk as well, as we need to restart dhcpd.03:00
roaksoaxjtv: you can go ahead and make then later in your day today, so that tomorrow morning I can make the ones in packaging03:01
roaksoaxand we should be good03:01
jtvThanks again.03:01
smoserjtv, that looks reasonable.03:02
smoserdid you see my note that we will need packaging of that?03:02
smoseras right now maas-dhcp just has 1 file03:02
roaksoaxsmoser: i'll take care of that tomorrow morning :)03:03
jtvsmoser: If I'm thinking of the same note, then yes.  But that was quite some time ago now, so maybe there's something I'm missing.03:03
smoserjtv, so how are you going to configure $INTERFACES ?03:03
jtvWhich also needs packaging.03:03
smoserjtv, no, my merge proposal had comment about it.03:04
smoserso you cant really do that03:04
jtvDidn't see that.03:04
jtvWhy not?03:04
smoserso /etc/default/maas-dhcp-server is going to be a conf file03:04
smoserand if you edit it03:04
smoserand then the package upgrade03:04
smoserit will force a prompt03:05
smoserer... if the package'd file changes and there were local file changes.03:05
roaksoaxsmoser: we need to handle that automatically i'm afraid03:05
jtvThen... can we put it somewhere else?03:05
smoserroaksoax, right. so /etc/default/maas-dhcp-server is not the right place.03:05
smoserfor the things that you're configuring there, what i would suggest is some config not in /etc/03:05
roaksoaxsmoser: i already have an idea of how to handle that automatically03:05
smoserthat maas managers03:05
smoserbut what you *could* do is have /etc/default/maas-dhcp invoke 'maas-shell get-my-dhcp-interfaces'03:06
smoseror somethign like that.03:06
smoserbut having maas edit that file i think is not right.03:06
jtvThat's getting a little roundabout, given that all we want here is to set a variable.03:07
jtvWhy not just...03:07
jtvif [ -f /var/lib/maas/dhcp-interfaces ]; then03:07
smoseryou can do that. but i'd not bother with 'dhcp-interfaces'.03:07
jtv    INTERFACES=`cat /var/lib/maas/dhcp-interfaces`03:07
smoserbut rather a shell sourceable file there.03:08
smoserand then you can set other things in it there also03:08
smoserrather than needing multiple settings potentially.03:08
jtvWell then we can do one better: just add a management command that prints out the interfaces.03:08
smoserthats what my suggestion above was03:08
smoser(/etc/default/maas-dhcp invoke 'maas-shell get-my-dhcp-interfaces')03:08
jtvAh, then that'd be "maas" not "maas-shell," right?03:08
smosersure. whatever it was.03:08
smoseror should be03:08
smoserbut yes, ask maas what the value is03:09
smoseras it is the thing that knows03:09
roaksoaxsmoser: that's a cool idea03:09
jtvThat's fine, yes.03:09
smoserbed time03:09
smosergood night.03:09
bigjoolsso why is apache only listening on the one interface?03:12
roaksoaxit is not, MAAS has as DEFAULT_MAAS_URL the IP of one interface03:13
roaksoaxas a best effort attempt03:13
roaksoaxto automatically determine what interface to be used03:14
bigjoolsto be used by what?03:14
roaksoaxto be used by MAAS as DEFAULT_MAAS_URL03:14
roaksoaxin packaging that is03:14
bigjoolsI think we're confused about what it means03:14
bigjoolsas far  as the code is concerned, it's the internal-facing URL for the nodes to contact for API03:15
roaksoaxbigjools: yep03:15
roaksoaxbigjools: i know that :)03:15
bigjoolsok :)03:15
bigjoolsso we need to prompt for it on installation03:16
bigjoolsit only does it on reconfigure03:16
bigjoolsor is that deliberate?03:16
roaksoaxbigjools: that's deliberate. We cannot, should not prompt for it on installation03:16
bigjoolsin any case it picks the wrong ip/interface in the qa lab03:16
roaksoaxbigjools: that's why we display a message saying that if it is the wroing address it should be changed03:17
bigjoolsit's coming back to me now03:17
roaksoaxbigjools: if we always proimpt for it, it will break MAAS installation on the CD03:17
* roaksoax is off to bed03:20
roaksoaxgoognight all03:20
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jamjelmer, mgz: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/6b0c81dbfeb8a772657f16370d380d1e26c9a4d3?authuser=0&hl=en-GB08:45
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Davieyroaksoax: not urgent today.. but can you explore using freeipmi-tools as a config option in maas upstream?12:32
roaksoaxDaviey you mean instead of ipmitool?12:34
Davieyroaksoax: right12:37
mgzhm, I can't make after updating trunk because buildout is timing out trying to get repl13:09
mgzwhere do I need to remove it from to skip over that? it's not in versions.cfg and removing from buildout.cfg didn't help13:11
mgzah, need to edit the makefile13:12
smoserroaksoax, do you happen to know why maas uses 'python-twisted'  as a dependency13:34
smoserdoku was asking me if that was necessary, versus a more fine grained list of what it actually uses.13:34
roaksoaxsmoser pserv and txlongpoll need it13:39
smoserbut they dont need the blanket package13:39
smoserthey need specific things it depends on13:40
roaksoaxsmoser why is that is it still uninstallable?13:40
smoserare you asking whether or not it is uninstallable? or asking *why* it is13:41
smoseri think doku probably fixed it, or if not is on it13:41
smoserand it will be fixed13:41
smoserbut specifying a meta package when you dont need it is just wasteful13:41
smoser(not a big deal, just we probably get things we dont need)13:41
roaksoaxpython-twisted is a met package?13:42
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roaksoaxsmoser smoser: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/trunk/view/head:/required-packages/base13:55
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smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202679/13:57
smoserit sure looks as "mostly meta"13:57
smoserroaksoax, its low priority13:58
smoserbut doku asked me13:58
smoseras we wouldn't have seen the uninstallable if we didn't depend on that package :)13:58
smoserrvba, around ?14:06
smoser{{kernel_params(arch="amd64") | kernel_command}}14:06
smoserwhat does that do ? in the templates14:07
smoseris it "call kernel_params *or* use kernel_command ?)14:07
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roaksoaxsmoser: hold on15:23
roaksoaxsmoser: why was python-twisted uninstallable in the first place?15:24
roaksoaxsmoser: cuase the reason why maas was uninstallable in your case was becuase a dependecy was uninstallable, not becuase it depended on a meta-package15:24
smoseryou are correct, roaksoax . python-twisted should never have become uninstallable (that was a valid issue) and prevented maas from being installed.15:25
smoserbut it just raised the question of "why were you depending on that meta package" rather than the specific packages you need15:25
roaksoaxsmoser: now, we need to find out what dependencies of python-twisted are needed by maas15:26
roaksoaxallenap: ^^15:26
roaksoaxsmoser: well upstream mentioned that as a dependes, maybe they just need python-twisted-core, or maybe just need the whole of python-twisted15:28
roaksoaxsmoser: as pserv runs a twisted daemon15:29
* allenap looks15:31
allenapsmoser, roaksoax: python-twisted-{core,web} is all I think for direct deps.15:32
roaksoaxallenap: ok cool, i think we can update that then15:37
allenapmgz: bzrlib.osutils.get_user_encoding() reports "ascii", but my args do seem to be encoded as utf-8. Would you happen to know if this is something my terminal has done, when I pasted in from charmap? Or a bug in get_user_encoding()?16:03
mgzit's based on your C locale setting16:04
allenapmgz: I'm tempted to use sys.getfilesystemencoding() but I'm not sure that's a good idea.16:04
allenapmgz: en_GB.UTF-816:04
mgzokay, you probably are using bzrlib from a script but aren't calling `locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')`16:06
allenapmgz: Ah ha, such are the runes needed. Thanks.16:07
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guimalufanyone can tell me what can be generating this error in my node syslog? Sep 12 17:34:26 main-menu[582]: (process:2659): wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error16:34
guimalufSep 12 17:34:26 main-menu[582]: WARNING **: Configuring 'network-preseed' failed with error code 116:34
guimalufSep 12 17:34:26 main-menu[582]: WARNING **: Menu item 'network-preseed' failed.16:34
mgzguimaluf: are you filing bugs about the issues you run into?16:41
mgzeveryone: there's a really basic "what is maas" question on the openstack mailing list16:41
mgzI'd reply if I knew how to give a pithy answer.16:42
guimalufmgz, no i'm not. I don't understand the cause of this issue. It happened out of nothing. :/16:43
mgzguimaluf: if no one is around to answer on irc, it's good to follow up with either a bug report, or a message to the mailing list with more details16:45
mgzpeople are in different timezones, there's no guarentee someone who can answer your questions will be on at the same time as you16:46
guimalufI know :/16:47
guimalufI'm trying to get information about my issue, but I dont know where to go :/16:47
mgzso, hm, the launchpad MaaS page also suggests using askubuntu with the tag maas16:51
mgzbut when you've got a bug, I'd just file against maas on launchpad16:51
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guimalufmgz, I found out the issue. the char 'é' inside comments on maas.pressed :/18:06
melmothwhat does it mean when "juju deploy" on a maas server ends up with the new machine kept in "pending state" ?19:49
melmothon a working install, as soon as i deploy something, i see a new machine id, with info about it19:49
melmothbut here, on the real cloud i try to install, the machine is still in pending, and no new machine are set into "allocated to root" on the web page19:50
guimalufmelmoth, have you check the ssh-keys? in my case I'd give up to use maas + juju + openstack.20:22
guimalufcause of this. all my servers kept in pending state.20:22
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melmothyep, not the ssh key.. turned out zookeeper was having problem, did not investigate , we are on our way to a new bootstrap20:22
guimalufmelmoth, exactly! zookeeper problem!20:25
guimalufanyone know how can I set up a smarter partition scheme when deploying a node? I've tried late-command, but isn't working. :/20:29
melmothguimaluf, http://pastebin.com/gtxGJgt320:34
melmoththis is a preseed i used on a 1 disk machine where i wanted to have a nova-volumes vg separate from the vg used by the system done at installation stage20:35
melmothi guess doing something similar in the preseed file used by maas should work (but you dont have to bother creating the nova-volumes vg, the nova-volumes charms takes care of it)20:36
guimalufmelmoth, partman can only handle with one disk. I want to make sd[b-z] also avaible20:36
melmothhavent try with several disk, my main problem was that i had only 1 anyway :)20:36
guimalufI had, and partman dont deal with more then one disk. also none of my recipes had been aplied20:38
melmothgrumble same stuff again20:55
melmothahhh, note for later: dont put for the maas server in the juju environment.yaml :)21:05
melmoththings seems better now21:05
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