
robtygartWhere can I find a Kubuntu 12.10 download? Direct download please...00:32
robtygartI found it..00:36
silverarrowhi is anyone here?01:11
silverarrowhow do you check md5 sums in linux?01:34
silverarrowI always dowload and burn in windows for some reason01:34
JontheEchidnayou can use the md5sum command line utility01:37
brohanWhen I try to upgrade I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1201719/02:11
brohanHow do I correct this?02:11
brohananyone here by chance?02:33
brohanI am having a problem upgrading to 12.10 beta 102:34
taoseekerI am here02:34
=== taoseeker is now known as silverarrow
brohanthis is what I get when I try to upgrade via update manager02:35
silverarrowwhat did you do to initiate the upgrade ?02:35
brohanI went into upgrade manager and installed all updates02:35
brohanrestarted computer02:35
brohanthen went into term and typed update-manager -d02:35
silverarrowbeta 1 was listed as an option?02:36
brohanIt said that 12.10 upgrade was available02:36
silverarrowI don`t get the option in lubuntu02:36
brohanafter typing update-manager -d02:36
brohanIt started the update a page showed up that said it couldn't find on the internet (I went there manually and it had the different irc and web pages for bug reporting) I then on that page clicked upgrade02:37
silverarrowthere is an option in the beta 1 dvd iso to install alongside 12.04, and you can choose which to use at bootup02:37
brohanI box appear, downloaded 2 files, then a message about verifying a gz file02:37
ESphynxIs it going to be possible to bring the dock to the RIGHT in Quantal? Please?02:37
brohanI don't have the DVD02:37
ESphynxSimple reason why Right is that most people (probably including lefties) handle their mouse with their right hand, and to quickly access the dock you go far out to the end of the screen. Now obviously your wrist is more flexible rotating towards the right (and you are stuck with your keyboard on the left anyways).02:38
ESphynxIt'd also be really nice if by default when you click on the Launch button you could see the terminal, like, 'right there'02:38
brohansilverarrow, I don't have a way to burn a DVD, is there one for a thumbdrive?02:39
ESphynxout of appreciation for the fact that Linux is traditionally a geek OS.02:39
silverarrowbrohan,  you would need to download and burn it, but it is availabe, i have burned it¨02:39
silverarrowyes, it is the same iso, you just install to a usb drive02:40
ESphynxsorry I should take this to #ubuntu-unity :P apologies for double-posting02:40
brohanALso I am really not too worried about the upgrade I really just want to get gimp to work. I can not get 2.75 to work at all, and 2.8.2 the text tool fails to work, I heard 12.10 has 2.8 working natively02:40
silverarrowI see02:40
silverarrowmaybe you can have it back ported02:40
silverarrowyou may have to have packages built locally02:41
silverarrowwell, ppa from quantal should be availabe ?02:41
brohanI am new to all of this. I started with 11.10 and did a beta upgrade to 12.04. Is it possible my 12.04 is not complete?02:41
silverarrowno, 12.04 is complete02:42
silverarrowyou mean you just upgraded ?02:42
brohanNo, when it first came out, the Beta 1 of 12.0402:42
silverarrowoh, keep doing upgrades02:42
brohanIt had drivers I needed for my old laptop oddly enough02:42
brohanI have kept my system up to date02:42
brohanevery time I get a message I use update manager02:43
silverarrowfor beta 12.04 to be complete you need to reboot and do upgrades all over02:43
silverarrowbut after that it should be fine02:43
brohanI have done that many times over the last 6 months :-)02:43
silverarrow12.04 is no longer beta, since april at least02:43
brohanI went to synaptic to check for broken packages, it didn't fix any02:44
silverarrowI see02:44
brohanI didn't know if there was some special command to give if you had beta at any time. I am just trying to figure why it won't upgrade for e02:44
silverarrowpaste this one in terminal02:45
silverarrowsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:45
brohanfinished, 0 to upgrade, etc02:46
silverarrowit could be servers not being available or too slow, which isn`t unlikely02:46
silverarrowthen you are upgraded02:46
silverarrowyou have firefox 15.01?02:46
brohanno, I use Chrome02:46
brohanI uninstalled firefox02:47
brohanchrome and chromium02:47
silverarrowshould be fine02:47
brohanHmm, with the error message I posted, what would you try to do?02:47
silverarrowsudo do-release-upgrade02:52
silverarrowor sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:52
brohanthe first said no new release02:53
silverarrowI would just wait a bit02:53
brohanMy terminal is stuck in upper left corner and I can't move it, stuck behind headers and unity bat02:53
silverarrowthe broken packages might not be  broken packages on your system, but on the update function02:54
silverarrowsounds like you need to do a sudo reboot02:55
silverarrowor just reboot02:55
silverarrowor reset xorg, but I cannot remember the commands02:56
brohanHere is what I get:02:56
silverarrowhave you opened settings in update manger?02:57
brohanyes, not now. I hit enter and it is running, not sure what as I can't see it :-(02:57
brohanHere is what happened:02:58
silverarrowit`s the upgrader03:00
silverarrowit doesn`t work properly yet03:00
silverarrowI don`t think it gets priority until beta 203:00
silverarrowwhich is in the next two weeks03:00
silverarrowor less03:01
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silverarrowif you really need quantal right now, you might need the iso install cd or usb flash03:01
brohanIf I do that can I install from flash, then if it works okay, uninstall 12.04 without messing up my files etc?03:02
brohanThis would be the frist time of doing anything like this, and would like to not have to mess with all the files in my home dir03:02
brohanI just need to get GIMP to work03:03
silverarrownot sure, but I think you can at least uninstall the 12.10 beta and do the upgrade when it works03:03
silverarrowassuming you install alongside 12.0403:04
brohanMakes sense.03:04
silverarrowor you would have to copy your data to external storage and do a clean install03:04
brohanHere is what happens when I think I uninstalled all 2.8.2 gimp and tried to install 2.7 from Software center:03:04
brohanThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.03:05
silverarrowif 2.7 is available in software center, it should fetch dependencies automatically03:06
silverarrowis the gimp bug a common one?03:06
brohanNot that I have seen by searching and posting in gimp03:06
silverarrowyou could post on the ubuntu forum, and most often get replies within minutes03:06
brohanas far as the issue I am having in 2.8 the text tool always crashes when I change fonts03:07
brohanI did, and I didn't get any replies on several sites.03:07
silverarrowthere should be a fix then,03:07
brohanI will reboot, and go back to 2.803:07
brohanand keep hacking it03:07
silverarrow12.04 is longterm supported like never before03:07
silverarrowfixes should come all the time03:08
micahggimp 2.7 was never in any official repo03:39
ZzBuntuAnyone seen any ways to totally replace empathy with pidgin? I want to use pidgin because it does not suck as much... but with online accounts integration03:58
jetsaredimis there a way to downgrade a particular version of a package?04:40
tsimpsonjetsaredim: "apt-get install package=some-version"04:41
jetsaredimtsimpson: how do i find the specific versions that are available other than "latest"04:42
tsimpsonapt-cache policy package04:43
jetsaredimtsimpson: that appears to only show what's installed vs what's available04:44
jetsaredimthere's an issue with some lib and the workaround is to rollback to version n-104:45
tsimpsonjetsaredim: you can try looking at "apt-cache show package" to see if there are others04:45
jetsaredimonly seeing the one version04:46
tsimpsonyou can always try guessing, look at the version and take one off the last number you see04:49
jetsaredimi think the issue is that there aren't any newer versions in quantal repos04:53
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roseoffhelllo 109:58
roseoffThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:59
roseoff fglrx : Depends: xorg-video-abi-11 but it is not installable09:59
roseoffE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.09:59
roseoffsudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle09:59
roseoffubuntu 12.10 beta 210:00
GamoderHi everyone, I got the following problem: My notebook is always overheating since I use 12.10, which wasn't the case in 12.04. I am using an Acer Aspire 5750G. Has there been any difference in energy management or things like that between 12.04 and 12.10?10:44
GamoderOh - and it was  "overheating" before as well, but before it got critical it always reduced CPU speed to get back to about 80°C from ~90°C10:45
GamoderI suppose now it doesn't10:45
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BluesKaj_Hey all13:15
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saulotoledoHello! I have upgraded my system, but now a lot of applications crashes with characters error (codification errors) and my language isn't enable (pt-br). I already have the language-pack-pt language-pack-gnome-pt packages.13:43
saulotoledoroot user can load gnome with correct language, but other users don't. Somebody can help me?13:43
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saulotoledoal works with root13:53
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ryeDoes anybody else have hinting settings changed recently - all fonts are quite thinner than those I've used to have14:31
ryeAlso, empathy does not seem to like jabber accounts now (and I don't have any other accounts :) ) - am I the only one?14:33
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philinuxballoons: or anyone else,  any idea whats going wrong on nvidia gpu's http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12236305&postcount=2914:50
balloonsphilinux, which driver / card?14:51
TJ-philinux: That's best asked in #ubuntu+114:51
philinuxTJ-: this is #ubuntu+114:51
TJ-LOL doh! sorry!14:52
philinuxno probs14:52
TJ-philinux: I was in #ubuntu and somehow tabbed along without realising :D14:52
TJ-philinux: Could be it's using the new v304 nvidia driver?14:52
balloonsphilinux, if it's happening in the live session, sounds like a nouveau bug14:53
TJ-still if it's live it's nouveau14:53
balloonswhy would you say nvidia?14:53
philinuxTJ-: when using the livecd / usb it uses nouveax14:53
* TJ- realised as soon as he typed... too many hours without sleep methinks!14:53
philinuxballoons: in the forum that seems to be the one that fails14:53
balloonsI think folks are getting confused14:54
balloonsI see posts about booting the livecd and showing the screen failure14:54
TJ-I was debugging some nouveau issues with kernel 3.5 and 3.6 last week; I thought those were sorted now though14:54
philinuxTJ-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12236305&postcount=2914:54
TJ-philinux: Yeah, I read that earlier14:54
philinuxballoons: no probs on lappy with built in intel graphics14:55
TJ-philinux: Is it primarily after the X server starts, or even beforehand during plymouth splash?14:55
philinuxTJ-: plymouth looks great at start14:55
philinuxmethinks its when x starts14:56
philinuxfrom the garbled screen I managed to log out and the greeter looks fine apart from no user only remote14:56
TJ-philinux: It's a kernel issue. video mode structures are missing due a to a binutils bug14:57
TJ-bug #104965014:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049650 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Regression: "Undefined video mode" with 3.5.0-14.16" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104965014:58
philinuxTJ-: that would explain the video mode error at startup and its asks to scan14:58
TJ-philinux: possible knock-on affects do you think?14:59
philinuxTJ-: could be since plymouth looks fine to start with. What does that nomodeset actually do15:00
TJ-philinux: what it says... prevents the kernel from trying to set the video mode itself using the Kernel Mode Setting API15:01
philinuxTJ-: however this has been going on for quite some time here15:01
TJ-philinux: Could be two bugs just happened to land at the same time that affect the same sub-system :s15:01
philinuxTJ-: mc4man reported this livecd desktop garbled 2 weeks ago15:02
TJ-philinux: The X server side suggests there's some instability in the drivers, possibly the openGL stuff since the interface is always trying to do effects now15:03
philinuxTJ-: why does nomodeset work. what it do15:03
TJ-philinux: Has anyone managed to capture any log entries that give clues? /var/log/Xorg.0.log, ~/.xsession-errors, /var/log/kern.log ?15:03
TJ-philinux: It forces the kernel to leave the video adapter in the mode that BIOS or GRUB set it to15:04
philinuxTJ-: thanks. I've checked the bug report and no logs attached.  But thats because the screen in garbled and unusable15:05
TJ-philinux: Well in those cases, when testing an alpha/beta, the usual thing is to SSH into the PC and grab the logs that way15:05
philinuxNo mouse pointer and impossible to use ubuntu-bug15:05
TJ-I usually have a serial console connection too; in case the network sub-systems falls over15:06
philinuxTJ-: thats beyond me = never done it15:06
TJ-Does it help to switch away from the GUI to a console using Ctrl+Alt+F1 etc?15:07
philinuxTJ-: no, comes back to garbled pixels.15:08
TJ-philinux: But... do you get a useable login prompt at the console? If so, you can use it to grab log files15:08
philinuxAha moment15:08
philinuxcp to usb stick15:09
TJ-philinux: :)15:09
philinuxTJ-: right15:09
philinuxI'll have a go now and then append them to bug report if successful15:10
TJ-philinux: OK. probably best to start a fresh bug for that15:10
Captain_Protonwhat version of gnome-shell is in this release?15:20
philinuxTJ-: I copied the file to the usb stick and now it wont mount :/15:21
philinuxxsession-errors was only one15:21
tsimpson!info gnome-shell | Captain_Proton15:21
ubottuCaptain_Proton: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.4-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 340 kB, installed size 931 kB15:21
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PunisherHi, i try Ubuntu 12.10 on my Latitude ST with Intel Atom Z670 with an intel gma 600. 12.04 works but no kernel newer than 3.2 boots. Screen goes black short after grub16:27
Punisheri removed quiet an splash from the grub entry and add "text" but after some boot lines screen goes black, too16:29
Punisheri tried to blacklist sdhci and psb_gfx but it don't works16:40
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maxflaxHi, having problem installing fglrx.. it's complaining about xorg-video-ab11 missing.. running 12.10 and trying to get my radeon card to work here18:06
trismmaxflax: seems to be the last upload for fglrx installer that hardcoded the abi to 11, although bug 1032672 is probably still relevant in that it doesn't support 13 yet, which is what we have18:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1032672 in fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu) "fglrx-updates broken dependency with xorg-video-abi-12 (Quantal)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103267218:11
maxflaxtrism: is there a workaround?18:12
maxflaxcan't find any "xorg-video-ab" packages in repositories18:13
trismmaxflax: the bug description states: [Workaround] Use the FOSS -ati driver. so I am guessing no, but I don't have an ati device to mess with18:13
maxflaxtrism FOSS it the xorg-video-radeon driver?18:14
trismmaxflax: xorg-video-abi-* is provided by the xserver-xorg-core package, it is a virtual package18:14
trismmaxflax: I believe so18:14
maxflaxtrism - virtual packade meaning it's inside another package or?18:14
trismmaxflax: in a way, it doesn't really exist but another package provides the functionality18:15
maxflaxso how do I know which one is installed on my system?18:16
trismmaxflax: the problem is we are on xorg 1.13 in quantal (so we have xorg-video-abi-13) but fglrx doesn't seem to support it yet18:16
maxflaxtrism - so can I downgrade my xorg to an older version which has support in fglrx?18:17
maxflaxand then installing fglrx from ati binaries18:17
trismmaxflax: while technically you could, in that case I think you would be better off installing precise and waiting for fglrx to support 1.13 before returning to quantal18:18
maxflaxI know one thing - last time I bought a AMD card for a linux box.. always so many problems with radeon18:18
maxflaxtrism - when do usually ati release new drivers for xorg?18:25
trismmaxflax: comment #13 indicates it is usually before Final Freeze which is October 9th for quantal18:27
maxflaxtrism: so ATI is developing the fglrx following the release dates of ubuntu?18:28
trismmaxflax: not so much, but enough people use ubuntu that I'm sure they want to get working drivers in for the releases (as much as possible)18:31
maxflaxtrism . ok18:31
maxflaxtrism - gonna try how to find out how to enable the FOSS Ati opengl.. says somewhere is has 3D support if even so slow18:42
hyper_chLO won't start for me on an upgraded 12.04 -> 12.1018:59
trismhyper_ch: I notice bug 1050533 , but be the same issue19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1050533 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice doesn't start - segfault error 4 in libuno_sal.so.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105053319:20
trismhyper_ch: but = might19:20
hyper_chtrism: nah, no segfault19:20
hyper_chtrism: removing the .config/libreoffice made it work again19:20
hyper_chbut I have no menu bar19:20
hyper_chjust the two default toolbars19:20
hyper_chcan you look up how to enable/disable menu bar?19:21
trismhyper_ch: since the fixes to libreoffice-gtk people have been having problems with the global menu, removing the libreoffice-gtk* packages seem to workaround it according to bug 104961219:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049612 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice menu inconsistently does not appear" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104961219:22
hyper_chtrism: I use kde19:23
hyper_chstill, lo-gtk was also installed19:24
hyper_chtrying now :)19:24
hyper_chtrism: sweet :)19:25
trismhyper_ch: worked?19:27
hyper_chtrism: works fine again :)19:27
hyper_chawwww.... that means tomorrow I have to do real work again :(19:28
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hyper_chtrism: another problem I noted is that skype didn't get auto-updated but it was removed during upgrade to quantal20:34
phunyguyI see in 12.10, the GUI disk management tool has changed, how would one configure RAID devices now? Is it just command line as an option now?22:37
ActionParsnipphunyguy: you mean gparted?22:59
phunyguyActionParsnip, I don't think it is gparted23:55
ActionParsnipi see23:56
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:56
phunyguywell I can do it command line, was just curious.23:56
TJ-phunyguy: were you referring to system-config-lvm ?23:57

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