
ppisatiogra_: alive?09:15
* ndec hopes!09:16
ppisatiogra_: anyway, when you resurrect, can you tell me how to make my Q/omap4 boot from my sda1 instead of my mmcblk0p3? thanks09:46
ogra_ppisati, yo, sorry, i was afk for a moment09:46
ogra_ppisati, after you copied your rootfs edit preEvn.txt and add either the blockid or root=/dev/sda1 ... boot with this and run sudo flash-kernel on the running system (to make sure f-k picks up the change) ... for a test you could then also reboot again09:49
ogra_(preEnv.txt lives on the first partiton of the SD)09:49
ppisatiogra_: so i need to edit, reboot (why?) and then run flash-kernel?09:55
ogra_flash-kernel uses the currently mounted rootfs to determine the blkid when generating preEnv.txt09:56
ogra_so you need to manually change / first and boot with that09:56
ppisatiogra_: uhm09:56
ppisatiogra_: i already tried to modify and reboot, but it didn't mount sda1 as /09:57
ppisatiogra_: maybe i did something wrong, wait09:57
ogra_what did you modify exactly ?09:57
ogra_the cmdline lives in preEnv.txt on the first partition of the SD09:58
ppisatithat stuff09:58
ppisatii figured out by myself before asking09:58
ppisatibut since i couldn't change it09:58
ogra_just changing it and rebooting should be enough, the rest above is just to make sure f-k does the right thing09:58
ppisatii came on irc09:58
ppisatilet me retry09:58
ogra_is there a boor.scr somewhere ?09:59
ogra_(alongside with uEnv.txt and preEnv.txt)09:59
ppisatiogra_: yep09:59
ogra_remove it09:59
ogra_though it shouldnt be used ... but you never know10:00
ppisatilet's see10:00
ogra_(u-boot is supposed to not use it if uEnv.txt exists)10:00
ppisati/dev/mmcblk0p3 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)10:01
ppisatisudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media10:01
ppisaticat /media/preEnv.txt10:01
ppisatibootargs=ro console=tty0 console=ttyO2,115200n8 debug earlyprintk=ttyO2,115200n8 root=UUID=2a29c98b-32b9-45e7-a484-e1aa17b754ef10:01
ppisati/dev/sda1: UUID="2a29c98b-32b9-45e7-a484-e1aa17b754ef" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"10:02
ppisatiand i just rebooted, of course10:02
ppisatithe funny thing is that10:02
ppisati/proc/cmdline is correct10:02
ogra_oh, wait, you might still use an install with the broken root= setting behavior where it is hardcoded in the initrd10:02
ppisatibut u-boot still uses mmcblk0p310:03
ogra_try regenersating your initramfs10:03
ppisati"why always me?" (Balotelli docet)10:03
ogra_flash-kernel had a very silly behavior of hardcoding root in the initrd we sadly inherited that from debian and it was only recently fixed10:03
ogra_make sure to have the latest flash-kernel indeed10:04
ppisatiogra_: 3.0~rc.4ubuntu22?10:06
ppisatiright or wrong?10:06
ppisatire-running flash-kernel10:06
ogra_update-initramfs should have already10:07
ppisatiit overwrites preEnv.txt with: "root=UUID=d0fec503-0269-4a8e-ba97-4d492eb093f4"10:07
ppisatiand that's mmc10:07
ogra_yes, as i told you above10:07
ogra_change it to your sda1 now10:07
ogra_then reboot10:07
* ogra_ hopes that hardcoding stuff doesnt leave cruft behind we have to dig for now so its gone 10:08
ppisatisudo update-initramfs -uv10:09
ppisati/media/preEnv.txt: root=UUID=d0fec503-0269-4a8e-ba97-4d492eb093f410:09
ogra_yes, again, change it before you reboot10:09
ppisatiah right10:10
ppisatibut wait10:10
ogra_as i said above, f-k defaults to generate the uuid from the current /10:10
ppisatibut i already tried to change it and reboot10:10
ppisatiit still boots from mmc10:10
ogra_after regenerating the initrd ?10:10
ppisatiah ok10:10
* ppisati reboots10:11
ogra_the debian flash-kernel hardcodes root= in the initrd10:11
ogra_first regenerate it, then change preEnv.txt to the new uuid , then reboot10:11
ogra_then check if / is right ... if so, re-run flash-kernel, if not we need to find where the hardcoded crap was left behind10:12
* ogra_ goes to make some coffee ... brb10:12
ppisatiok, rebooted after regenerating initramfs and changing preEnv.txt to root=UUID=$sda110:13
ppisatibut / is still mmcblk0p310:13
ogra_$sda1 `10:16
ppisati$sda1 = sda1 UUID10:16
ogra_oh, k10:16
ogra_right, gimme a sec10:16
* ogra_ has to dig wheer that hardcode stuff ends up10:16
ogra_check if there is either a file "default_root" or param.conf in one for the initramfs config dirs10:20
ogra_ /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/ /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/10:20
ppisatiboth empty10:22
ogra_can you check the "Bootloader-sets-root" var in teh db file in /usr/share/flash-kernel/db/10:23
ogra_(for panda)10:23
* ogra_ wonders why you always hit such curious corner cases10:24
ppisatiBootloader-sets-root: yes10:24
* ppisati too!10:24
ogra_right, so the initrd shouldnt have any hardcoding10:24
ppisatithere's something definitely wrong here10:26
ogra_no idea why it does :/10:26
ppisatilet me debug it10:26
ppisatithanks anyway10:26
ogra_well, that case will likely not happen to anyone else10:26
ogra_not sure its worth putting time in10:26
ogra_its only an issue for people that have installed to SD with the broken f-k version and now want to move to USB disk10:27
ogra_installing to SD is gotten pretty hard nowadays due to the live installer and having to prepare the partitions in an exact way10:28
ogra_so i really dont expect many other people but you to hit that issue10:29
ogra_ppisati, try if that helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202351/10:33
ogra_(and indeed you need ro re-roll the initrd, afterwards change preEnv.txt etc etc like before)10:34
ogra_if that fixes it i know what to do...10:39
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ogra_rsalveti, i just uploaded a fix for bug 1034734 thats slightly different from yours, feel free to test ;)12:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034734 in flash-kernel "flash-kernel shouldn't prompt the user when updating initramfs in case there's no valid /etc/fstab" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103473412:07
ogra_(that should also fix ppisatis issues above)12:08
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ogra_ppisati, ubuntu23 should fix your issue13:25
ogra_an upgrade should download it, i think it is published already13:25
ppisatiah ok13:26
ogra_the fix is for a slightly different issue but i belive it fixes yours too13:27
ppisatilater i'll give it a try13:27
ogra_feedback apprecisted :)13:27
ppisatitrying to fix rtc and release a new kernel now13:28
ogra_*appreciated too13:28
ppisatiwill do13:28
ppisatimy internet connection is so bad these days...13:28
ogra_ppisati, oh, wait, rsalveti has a fix for the broken graphics driver13:28
ogra_would be good to get that in as well13:28
rsalvetiogra_: yup13:28
rsalvetippisati: give me 5 mins and I'll have a link for you13:28
ogra_argh ?13:31
rsalvetixorg is getting most of my cpu randomly from time to time13:31
rsalvetican't even type at my terminal13:31
ogra_use waland13:31
rsalveti95% of my cpu at GetXIDRange13:32
ogra_on your panda ?13:33
rsalvetino, at my x86 host13:33
ogra_phew ...13:33
ogra_who cares about such wasteful arches anyway :)13:34
rsalvetiyeah :-)13:34
ogra_i was actually wondering about their haswell stuff ... 9W isnt bad, but will the new ultrabooks have air scoops for the cooler or what ? http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/9/1/6/9/5/8/f5a34f507256bb9a.jpeg13:37
rsalvetippisati: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202641/13:38
rsalvetippisati: mind giving it a try?13:38
rsalvetiwould be good to check with whatever other patch you're planning to push as well13:38
* ogra_ imagines the next ultrabook generation might look like this http://s3.racingjunk.com/ui/7/97/27518977-880-68-Chevelle-Hood-with-ram-air-scoop.jpg13:40
ppisatirsalveti: drop me an email with the link/fix, my connection is really flaky13:55
rsalvetippisati: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202641/13:55
rsalvetippisati: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202641/13:55
rsalvetippisati: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202641/13:55
ppisatilol :)13:55
rsalvetibut can send the email as well ;-)13:56
ppisatiok, i'll pull all the stuff13:56
rsalvetippisati: sent as email as well13:58
* ogra_ thinks you can also find it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202641/14:04
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Picigswain: you should be good now14:27
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gswainPici: thanks :-)14:48
gswainis there a certain chip that works best with 12.04 arm, we are thinking on using marvel armada 30014:49
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Martyngswain : look at linaro for guidance as to what platforms are well supported16:06
MartynI've been concentrating on the TI:OMAP and ST:Spear platforms16:07
Martynas well as Calxeda16:07
gswainWell I just noticed that the ubuntu arm paged happened to only mention marvell XP and calxeda16:08
gswainI dont see where on the linaro site they cover specific chips16:11
MartynUgh, I really am starting to hate how linaro is caring for that site.16:15
MartynOne second16:15
Martynhave at16:16
Martynand even that page isn't up to date16:16
asiekierka_any TF101 OLiFE users?16:25
infinitygswain: If you're looking for platforms supported by Canonical in 12.04, the list is short (Marvell ArmadaXP, Calxeda Highbank, and TI OMAP4)16:33
infinitygswain: Martyn's right that Linaro builds kernels for a ton of platforms, but none of the that gets any level of "support" (ie: no security updates, etc)16:34
ogra_well, there is the semi supported ac100 :)16:34
infinityogra_: Has the kernel had a single post-release update?16:35
ogra_heh, no16:35
infinityogra_: If not (and I know the answer is no), I put it in the same category as the Linaro platforms.16:35
ogra_it might get one if we find a sane way to fix the console16:35
Martyninfinity : I'm also building kernels (nightly now) for ST Spear 160016:35
Martyninfinity : But it's not "official Canonical"16:35
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infinityMartyn: Yes, well, I'm not sure what he meant by "works with 12.04" either.  If he just wants to know if the userspace will work on his armv7 platform, the answer is always "yes", as long as he can find a kernel. :P16:36
Martyngswain : You still alive?16:36
infinityMartyn: If he wants something that's supported and has security updates and we take bug reports for, the list shrinks.16:37
MartynNo kidding :)16:37
Martynogra_ : So, now I'm waiting for STMicro's Spear production run16:37
MartynEverything is at a halt, hardware wise.. so all the team can do is work on software16:37
ogra_how sad16:37
MartynI'm unhappy16:39
MartynEvery day that rolls on without chips, is another "wasted" day16:40
MartynI've got literally -thousands- of motherboards, with no CPUs16:40
Martynit's been like that for two months16:40
gswainhey guys Martyn im here, i had to run out to a meeting17:06
gswaininfinity thanks: so the marvell Armada XP 300/301 would work then?17:07
gswainand im a little fuzzy about driver support for everything that gets built onto the board, are there certain boards that are supported or not? im curious about things like nics and sata ports and wifi adapters17:08
gswainand yea i was pretty much referring to what canonical supports for its 12.04 release, and was wondering if there was one of the three that worked better/ more reliable than the rest17:09
infinitygswain: We support the XP, not the 300, though I'm not sure if the XP kernel might boot a 300 as well.17:09
infinity(Having no 300 hardware, I can't really say)17:09
infinityBut they're two different SoCs.17:10
gswainoh i didnt know that17:10
ogra_infinity, you got other Xp hardware ?17:10
infinityogra_: I have no Marvell hardware at all, but "we" have a ton of XP kit.17:10
infinityAFAIK, we have nothing with a 300/310 in it.17:11
ogra_i was just wondering17:11
ogra_hmm, so i switched to bip ...17:23
ogra_i really like that i can connect multiple clients ...17:23
ogra_but why does it have to be a system process17:23
ogra_(dircproxy just runs as user)17:23
infinityogra_: irssi's proxy is quite nice (and a user process).17:28
ogra_hmm, can it handle multiple connected clients ?17:28
ogra_thats my main criteria17:29
ogra_now that my ac100 has a decent speed and display i want it to be connected all the time as my desktop is17:29
infinityI'm not entirely sure, since I don't use proxies at all, I just have a friend who swears by it.17:29
infinity(I just use irssi in screen, which I can connect to as many times as I like cause, well, screen)17:30
ogra_yeah, i'm a spoiled xchat user17:30
infinityIrssi proxy is a bit different than most proxies, normally proxies create a new connection to IRC server when you connect to it, but irssi proxy shares your existing IRC connection(s) to multiple clients. And even more clearly: You can use only one IRC server connection to IRC with as many clients as you want. Can anyone figure out even more easier ways to say this, so I wouldn't need to try to explain this thing for minutes every time?17:32
infinity^-- From the irssi docs.17:32
ogra_sounds exactly like bip17:32
ogra_i'll take a look on the weekend17:32
GrueMasterI can't remember what SOC the Dove boards had.  Thought it was the Armada 500 or something.17:34
ogra_it was a dove :)17:35
infinity500/510 sounds right.17:36
infinityThe 300/310 and XP are both vaguely related, but none are the same SoC.17:37
ogra_became kirkwood, no ?17:37
infinityNo, Kirkwood's different again.17:37
infinityMarvell has a lot of CPUs.17:37
ogra_ah, k, then they were parallel developments17:37
GrueMasteriirc, not all of the armada's are Armv7 compatible.17:38
infinityIt's a system integrator's dream, it's a software development nightmare.17:38
infinityUntil we get to the magical goal of a single zImage, anyway.17:38
ogra_we could start with a singularized SoC17:38
ogra_would make the zImage part so much easier17:39
GrueMasterIsn't that what devicetree is for?17:39
ogra_nah, thats software17:39
infinityBut DT doesn't buy us anything until the drivers and board-specific bits stop conflicting.17:39
* ogra_ was more about merging the vendors ;)17:40
infinityWhich is being worked on, but it's a long road.17:40
infinityogra_: No thanks to the merging vendors idea.  Heck, any of us who built hobbyist machines during the early 2000s know that x86 CPUs wouldn't be half as awesome if it hadn't been for competition from AMD.17:41
GrueMasterOnly in arm are there 700 ways to implement the same SOC in a conflicting mannor.17:41
infinityogra_: Competition and diversity is the only thing that keeps ARM attractive to a lot of system builders.17:41
ogra_infinity, so lets keep two then :)17:41
ogra_(and none of them should be apple)17:42
infinityWe just need to clean up the kernel mess, that's all.  There's no reason all the SoCs can't be supported in a single kernel, except for splintered and conflicting development that made it so.17:42
ogra_yeah, indeed17:42
* ogra_ likes the start of the first paragraph ...17:43
GrueMasterActually heading that way anyways.17:44
GrueMasterInterestingly, by enabling the capabilities for cloud computing, Intel server sales are down.17:45
ogra_well, the latest TI statement about OMAP sounded different17:45
prpplagueogra_: link?17:46
ogra_prpplague, i have only a german one, letr me see17:46
ogra_hmm, cant find an english one17:48
ogra_it points to http://www.media-server.com/m/p/fjs7m9d5 that should be the talk17:49
ogra_essentially he says that TI wants to withdraw with OMAP from mobile and tablet and focus on industrial computing instead17:50
ogra_(and automotive)17:50
gswainso is the arm version of ubuntu 12.04 still considered an LTS release?17:51
ogra_he says he expects apple and samsung to own the whole market long term17:51
ogra_gswain, no, it never was17:51
ogra_well, arm server is iirc17:52
gswaini thought 12.04 was supposed to be an LTS release for x86 stuff17:52
ogra_but not for arm17:52
gswainoh bummer17:52
ogra_we wont prevent bugfix uploads from building on arm after 18 months though :)17:53
gswainwhat about security backports?17:54
gswainhow long do they last?17:54
ogra_same thing ...17:54
ogra_if there are security fixes uploaded even after 18 months they will be provided for arm too17:54
infinityogra_: Erm, that's not true at all.  precise/armhf is LTS.17:54
infinityogra_: Some/many of the IMAGES aren't, that's all.17:54
ogra_infinity, desktop ?17:54
ogra_desktop is definitely not LTS17:55
gswainim not using x or anything17:55
infinityogra_: Server, technically, but no one's actually going to try to sort out the package sets to decide what is and isn't. :P17:55
ogra_right, as i said above, arm server is LTS17:55
ogra_officially even17:55
ogra_desktop isnt17:55
gswainok cool17:55
infinityThe "product" support is really more about the images (which we've already stopped building) than the packages.  But yeah, technically/officially, only "server" is LTS.17:57
ogra_well, its also about the kernels17:57
ogra_i dont think omap4 is LTS actually, only highbank and armadaXP are17:57
infinityI got a different impression last time it came up.17:58
infinityPlus, as long as we run omap4 in the DC, it's LTS. :P17:58
ogra_k, then i might have misunderstood17:58
infinityAnd omap is "free" in the master branch, so it's LTS "by accident". ;)17:58
GrueMasterHmm.  Arm status seems to change like my underwear lately.17:59
ogra_the various unity disasters in the past clearly show that arm isnt LTS on the desktop though :)17:59
* ogra_ wonders if the unity upload that did hit precise-proposed today has the GLES patch or not :)18:00
ogra_... and if QA qill notice if its missing18:01
infinityogra_: Well, it built, that's a good sign, right?18:01
GrueMasterSo, what has the dropping of Unity-2D done for Ubuntu TV & Ubuntu on Android?18:01
ogra_infinity, it builds just fine defaulting to GL18:01
ogra_thats the danger :)18:01
GrueMasterWell, I would notice (if I were still QA).18:01
ogra_you will only notice at runtime18:01
* GrueMaster notices everything.18:02
infinityogra_: Not without libgl-dev installed, it wouldn't. ;)18:02
infinityogra_: And the build log only shows libgles2-mesa-dev18:02
ogra_phwe, good18:02
ogra_*phew even18:02
gswainbut the userland still gets updated as well?18:14
gswainlike apache and whatnot?18:14
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TypoNAMperhaps one of you guys know, what do I need to do to get /dev/ttyS0 or whatever in Ubuntu 12.04 to make use of Pandaboard ES's existing RS232 serial port. I'm trying to use the serial port from a program running on the pandaboard.23:20
infinityTypoNAM: It's /dev/ttyO223:22
* ogra_ was about to say that :)23:22
infinityTypoNAM: (Note that's an Oh, not a Zero)23:22
TypoNAMI tried that and I'm not able to send nor receive any characters on any of the /devttOx devices23:25
TypoNAMgah, /dev/ttyOx23:25
rcn-eewell, did you try as root, or add yourself as 'dialout' group? it's ttyO2 for the serial on the panda..23:26
TypoNAMI cheated, chmod a+rw /dev/ttyO*23:27
infinityAnd if udev wasn't going to recreate those on reboot, that would work.23:54
infinityJust "adduser your_name dialout" and log out.23:54
infinityWith a sudo on that.23:54

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