
dholbachgood morning06:46
dpmgood morning all07:06
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bkerensaGangnam Style07:26
bkerensadholbach: will#ubuntu-packaging be the UbuLive channel?07:43
bkerensapopey I registered #ubuntuonair which went empty after the last show07:50
bkerensaadded you/jcastro/Josee07:50
popeyyeah, i recall a conversation with jcastro about whether we needed more channels07:51
popeyor just re-use existing ones07:51
* popey shrugs07:51
bkerensapopey: the only benefit I see is if we hop onto a channel that has a topic we interrupt the flow of discussion07:52
popeyyeah, but the downside is an empty channel07:52
popeywhich is what happened with #ubuntuonair07:52
popeypeople turned up and asked questions and nobody replied07:52
* bkerensa is now idling it07:52
inetprobkerensa: nice idea08:39
inetproand dholbach, that looks like a very nice session08:40
czajkowskithis day is not off to a good start08:43
bkerensaczajkowski: hope it gets better08:47
czajkowskime too08:49
czajkowskiand bugger I thought it was Friday and all08:49
bkerensaI wish it was08:52
bkerensaczajkowski: here I am 2am watching dholbach do a packaging tut08:53
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachthanks inetpro and bkerensa09:15
dholbachpopey, sorry, I had no idea about the channel09:16
dholbachI'll use it next time09:16
popeydholbach, meh :)09:16
popeywe already have too many channels09:16
dholbachshould I use it? or shouldn't I?09:17
bkerensatis registered09:17
bkerensatwo people idling09:17
dholbachnext time, promise09:18
inetpropopey: I agree, but I think it does make sense to have a dedicated channel for the purpose09:18
bkerensasome people were trying to get help in -packaging09:19
bkerensahad it been a bigger turnout maybe people would have got confused09:19
czajkowskior there are more peple there with experience09:20
czajkowskiwe have too many places to send people09:20
czajkowskiit was confusing for UGJ09:20
dholbachI'll use #ubuntuonair the next time09:22
dholbachthat way we can also leave the chat widget in there all the time always pointing to the same place09:22
czajkowskidholbach: care to help a user out https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20845710:32
dholbachhe just asks if anybody has any idea about this error message:10:38
dholbachbuild/buildd/linux-2.6.32/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: can't reset device, 0000:00:10.3-3.2/input0, status -7110:39
czajkowskiahh ohk10:39
dholbachit could be his usb device being broken, but it could also be a kernel problem10:39
dholbachmaybe he can test the device on another machine or under windows and see if it works there10:39
dholbachI can reply10:39
czajkowskidholbach: thank you10:40
JoseeAntonioRdholbach, bkerensa: we already had #ubuntu-on-air for those cases11:42
JoseeAntonioRit's on my announcement11:43
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JoseeAntonioRdholbach: you've got ubuntuonair google's account credentials in case you want to use it, all videos will be kept in youtube.com/ubuntuonair11:47
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, ah, I should've logged into google+ with that account as well11:51
* dholbach totally messed up :)11:51
dholbachalright, got to take the dog for a walk11:52
dholbachsee you in a bit11:52
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
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jcastrobkerensa, thanks for the review!13:55
jcastroI will make sure to use your amazon refer code of course.13:55
jcastroalso, maybe a price/performance ratio would help?13:56
jcastrolike, is the sylvania worth the extra 14 bucks per bulb ...13:56
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jcastroJoseeAntonioR, hey, what time UTC on the 24th?15:04
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czajkowskione jcastro1 is more than enough :p15:48
jcastroI'll get rid of him soon15:48
jcastrohe's a punk anyway15:48
czajkowskidpm: you might try now as there are more LP devs around to give you a hand wit the script in case you didnt have any luck this morning, it's mostly state side we have devs free atm16:08
dpmczajkowski, cool thanks :) Here I go with my third try...16:32
czajkowskidpm: progress :)16:48
dpmyeah, I'm fine with sending an e-mail to lp-dev, but if I can sort it out on IRC the better, as I unsubscribed from l-d a long long time ago16:49
czajkowskiah I see16:51
czajkowskiit is low traffic16:51
dholbachalright my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you tomorrow17:28
=== jcastro1 is now known as jcastro
bkerensajcastro: LOL :) In reality the LightKiwi is the best it uses 6-watts18:04
bkerensajcastro: also Josh P who works at Canonical left some feedback on his LED experience18:04
pleia2jono: thanks for sending the Canonical guys our way last night, we had fun :)18:54
jonopleia2, np :-)18:54
jonowish I could be there, I am in Portland right now18:54
jonopleia2, who showed up?18:54
pleia2kyle... and 3 other guys18:55
jonopleia2, cool18:55
jonoI am pleased they showed up18:55
bkerensajono: you enjoying the beautiful sun?19:00
jonobkerensa, hah, yeah right19:01
jonoI am in a room with no windows19:01
bkerensajono: huh are you guys at OSU's office downtown?19:01
jonobkerensa, at the Hilton19:01
bkerensaI know they do the knitting circle there19:01
bkerensathats not fun19:01
jonofrom 8pm until 6.30pm every day19:01
bkerensajono: do all the managers have to be there even the locals?19:02
jonobkerensa, yes19:03
jonowe are all here19:03
bkerensaheh :)19:03
jcastro_pleia2, creepy, I was just about to mail that guy wrt. the openid plugin19:04
balloonsanyone around running quantal and have wine installed and 5 mins to confirm something for me?19:07
pleia2jcastro :)19:09
bkerensajono: if you get a chance check out Lucky Lab before you leave town... slangasek knows the spot19:10
jonobkerensa, cool :-)19:11
jonoprobably not going to get a chance, I fly out tomorrow19:11
bkerensaits where all the hackers go to beer19:11
jonoahhh cool19:11
bkerensalike PuppetLabs has hack nights there and the Debian Beering is there :)19:11
jcastro_jono, hmm, for some reason I still can't propose things onto your calendar19:14
jonojcastro you should be able to19:14
bkerensatungle.me FTW19:14
jcastro_jono, also, it's your birthday on monday isn't it?19:17
jonojcastro yep19:18
jono33 years young :-)19:18
jcastro_woo, that means it's my canonical birthday19:18
jcastro_I started, _5 years ago_ on your birthday19:18
jcastro_and I was ... 33.19:18
jcastro_look at that19:18
balloonsjcastro_, lol19:18
jcastro_that's just creepy19:19
balloonsthat's pretty interesting annivesary19:19
pleia2jcastro should jump out of a cake19:19
jcastro_I want to go to chuck e. cheeses19:19
cjohnstonjcastro_: take my kids19:20
jcastro_technoviking, heya19:29
jcastro_speaking of the forums19:29
jcastro_how does tapatalk support work?19:30
jcastro_is that something we turn on someplace?19:30
balloonsohh tapatalk!19:38
balloonsyou just need the plugin jcastro_19:39
jcastro_oh ok19:39
jcastro_so we can just add that then19:39
balloonsthey even have plugins for vb3 ;-)19:40
bkerensajcastro: VB5 is now out :) btw VB4 has a native mobile suite20:06
czajkowskibkerensa: any idea why I'd get20:12
czajkowskijuju: error: argument --log-file/-l: invalid FileType('a') value: <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at 0x7f1905069270>20:12
czajkowskiwhen I went juju bootstrap20:12
bkerensawhat charm?20:12
czajkowskiI've not gto as far as charms20:13
czajkowskiI'm only on set up20:13
czajkowskiI'm only at configuration20:13
bkerensaczajkowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/105016920:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050169 in juju "bootstrap insists on a logfile (dup-of: 1048864)" [Undecided,New]20:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048864 in juju "Latest python in quantal breaks juju" [Critical,Triaged]20:14
bkerensaI think the last comment in that bug will help20:14
bkerensafor some reason when it is handling logs it is erroring20:15
czajkowskiI've a long night ahead of me at this rate20:15
czajkowskiapt get install juju also doesnt seem to work on 12.1020:15
jcastro_it's broken20:15
jcastro_python stuff20:15
* jcastro_ makes explosion sounds20:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050114 in juju "juju in quantal package has unmet dependancies" [Undecided,New]20:15
bkerensaczajkowski: are you on quantal?20:15
czajkowskibleeding edge20:15
czajkowskibleeding nutter20:15
bkerensaso your stuck until the depends in juju are sorted20:16
czajkowskiwhch doesnt help me testing maas20:20
czajkowskiright off to poke people20:20
czajkowskiI'll eventually get EOD today at some point20:20
czajkowskiThursday are a very long day for me20:20
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jcastro_"python fix is underway upstream, should land today I think"20:22
jcastro_from clint czajkowski ^^^20:22
jcastro_so ... soon!20:22
czajkowskijcastro_: ah cheers thanks20:22
czajkowskishal pass that onto Diogo20:23
bkerensajcastro: http://i.imgur.com/70I16.jpg <-- when juju get one of these?20:27
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jcastro_bkerensa, I have way uglier: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Charms/view/Charms-Precise/view/ec2/20:29
bkerensajcastro: http://i.imgur.com/sMJ5P.jpg <-- Kegbot20:31
marcoceppibkerensa: `juju status`20:31
marcoceppiOkay, time to go home and see how well Subway works for checking messages later20:39
balloonsAlanBell, do you use visual alerts? do they work for you in precise? I can't seemingly get them to do anything in quantal or precise20:44
AlanBellit is a pretty weak effect20:44
AlanBellit kind of varies the dark greyness of the title bar of the active window slightly20:45
AlanBellI wanted to plug it into a full screen compiz screen wobble or something20:45
balloonshow about the beep when caps or num lock is used?20:45
balloonsI'm not seeing the effects of etheir20:46
AlanBellactually I am not seeing any effect now20:46
AlanBellflash the entire screen never worked20:46
AlanBellwell not since before unity20:46
AlanBellflash the window title used to work but is almost useless20:47
balloonsahh.. are there open bugs on everything mentioned?20:47
AlanBellbug 101668320:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1016683 in gnome-control-center "universal access visual alert not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101668320:48
balloonsI don't want to duplicate.. but as far as I can tell, none of what we're talking about is working20:48
AlanBellbug 27274920:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 272749 in vte "Set window manager "URGENT" hint on bell." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27274920:49
AlanBellthat might be a decentish solution20:49
balloonsI'm going to open a new bug for the beep on num lock and caps lock20:50
balloonsall I see is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/11629620:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 116296 in gnome-control-center "No beep on keystroke when using accessibilty features" [Low,Triaged]20:51
AlanBellyes, I wasn't aware of that one, never tried it20:51
balloonsjust doing the pass through of accessibility features as usual20:53
AlanBellI have some more bugs to file I think, I went through the installer the other day20:53
balloonsit's stablish now.. as far as feature changes20:54
balloonsI've been going through and updating the tests to reflect the changes20:54
AlanBellthe dash doesn't work at the moment is kind of a big one20:54
czajkowskiAlanBell: xnox in -uk works on the installer20:54
AlanBelloh, cool20:55
balloonsyes, we made him mr. fixit today20:55
czajkowskiwe had it at the UGJ at the weekend so pointed out stuff annoying us20:57
balloonswonderful.. he's been great thus far20:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050624 in gnome-control-center "Universal Access 'beep on caps lock or num lock' doesn't beep" [Undecided,New]20:58
balloonsat least it's out there now AlanBell20:58
AlanBellcool, thanks balloons20:58
balloonsbug #7 today for me.. wow.. I think that might be a record20:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 7 in launchpad "Need help for novice translators" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/720:59
* balloons notes he hasn't been trying to find bugs!20:59
czajkowskiballoons: I filed a lot at the weekend20:59
czajkowskiupgrade from 12.04->12.10 was not smooth or nice21:00
balloonsreally czajkowski ?21:01
balloonsI tried several times to break it.. couldn't do it suprisingly21:01
balloonsI even did a lucid->quantal install ;-)21:01
czajkowskiballoons: yeah I lost my window management as did others21:01
balloonsdouble upgrade21:01
czajkowskihad to go to tty1 and do an output to some log so I could follow the upgrade21:02
czajkowskithen when it did upgrade and restart it just kept crashing with compiz, telepathy and gwibber21:02
balloonswhen you upgraded, where you running unity?21:19
czajkowskiballoons: yup was running 12.0421:19
czajkowskiI wasnt the only one who lost their window management either21:20
czajkowskione of the other guys did also21:20
balloonshmm.. perhaps something new has emerged21:20
balloonsmetacity got dropped21:20
czajkowskihe did his on the monday I did mine onthe saturday21:20
balloonswhen it was removed, you likely lost window management21:20
balloonsdid a unity --reset after upgrade fix things?21:21
czajkowskicouldnt also get a hold of anything to do anything for abotue rhalf hr of updates21:21
czajkowskithen I eventualy got to alt f4 some other windows when I came out of tty1 and back to desktop21:21
czajkowskiso I could in fact go through the rest of the install21:21
jcastro_akgraner, this girl on The Voice did "Hallelujah". Made me think of that UDS where we were all crying and stuff22:20
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: does sometime between 18:30 and 19 works for you?23:39
* JoseeAntonioR has got a visa interview that day23:39
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: blueprints, tracks and such things are not loaded yet, right?23:42
cjohnstontracks arent23:42
cjohnstonafter tracks and rooms get entered, other things will happen on summit, until then, summit is stuck23:43
JoseeAntonioRanything I can help with?23:43
cjohnstonmagically create data23:44
JoseeAntonioRif magically is "get data from somewhere and re-write it", then I may be able to help, otherwise not :)23:45
cjohnstonthe data exists, somewhere, alteast the room part, i assume.. i just dont have it23:46

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