
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
RAOFYou know, it'd be nice if uoa didn't drop the google credentials at least once a day.03:30
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didrocksgood morning05:33
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didrocksbryceh: hey, should we descope https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-bugs-bugs-bugs?06:27
didrocksTheMuso: hey06:33
didrocksTheMuso: should we postponed your WI on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-xorg-lts-updates?06:33
TheMusodidrocks: Yeah, the alsa guys are doing their upmost to keep kernel compatibility so I don't think it will bite us. I'll take care of it.06:36
didrocksTheMuso: thanks06:40
didrocksTheMuso: and for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-accessibility-team-testing ?06:45
mvopitti: good morning, did you see my question from yesterday if lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/support-for-whitelisted-repositories is ok now or if you would like me to tweak/adjust some more?06:56
mvo(happy to do that if needed)06:56
MCR1didrocks: Hi :) Unfortunately 12.10 still suffers from gfx freezes, where you still can move the mousepointer and stuff continues to run in the background, but the rest of the graphics are stuck and all you can do is reboot to fix it. The freezes get triggered by high disk activity like compiling larger projects or upgrading the system and make 12.10 unusable for real work at the moment :-(06:57
MCR1Is this problem already being worked on ?06:58
didrocksMCR1: not that I know of, nor known apart from you. Did you go to #ubuntu-x?06:58
MCR1didrocks: Yes, they were very supportive and I've upgraded mesa and libdrm, but it did not fix it...06:59
didrocksguten morgen pitti07:00
RAOF...click click clik goes the hard drive...07:00
didrocksMCR1: I think they are your best bet to debug it or ask on #ubuntu-unity07:00
pittimvo: yes, I'm ok with it, I set it to "approved"; thanks!07:00
mvopitti: thanks!07:01
pittihm, no xnox to respond to07:01
pittididrocks: bonjour! bonne anniversaire!07:01
* pitti hugs didrocks07:01
mvodidrocks: oh? congrats from me as well :)07:01
didrocksmerci pitti :)07:03
* didrocks hugs pitti07:03
didrocksheh, thanks mvo!07:03
pittiso, that's how it feels to start at 9 o'clock07:03
didrockspitti: enjoyed it?07:03
pittididrocks: heh, we went to bed at 1:30 only07:04
pittiwe went to Munich for the Marina and the diamonds and Coldplay concert07:04
pittiawesome show, 70.000 people, in the Olympia park07:04
didrockswaow, quite big :)07:06
didrocksso yeah, 1:30 should be quite late for you two :)07:07
didrocksbryceh: same question for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libxrandr-utils07:10
larsudidrocks, happy birthday dude!07:11
didrocksthanks larsu :-)07:12
* didrocks just avoided the big 30 by 1 year, *phew*, not sure I'll be that lucky next year :)07:12
* larsu did the same this year. Hoping to repeat that next year ;)07:13
didrocksheh :)07:13
pittiyoung folks...07:13
pittididrocks: tu es jeune!07:14
RAOFdidrocks: Happy birthday!07:14
didrockspitti: je pense que les de 20 ans me trouveraient pourtant vieux! Ce n'est qu'une question de point de vue :)07:14
didrocksRAOF: thanks ;)07:14
* MCR1 is also singing Happy Birthday !!!07:15
pittididrocks: hm, even google translate gives up on your first sentence :(07:16
didrocksMCR1: I hope today everyone will be kind then and it will be a nice, quiet one :-)07:16
* MCR1 will stop complaining about anything today...07:16
didrockspitti: maybe because I missed "jeunes" between "les" and "de 20"07:16
didrocksMCR1: thanks! ;)07:16
pittididrocks: aah!07:17
MCR1Ubuntu is awesome - and it would be much less awesome without didrocks 8-)07:17
didrocksheh, that's kind :)07:18
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, should we postpone some WI on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-thunderbird-enhancements? (apart from the chat one, please remove it! remove it! remove it!)07:18
MCR1I cannot find any more bugs today - they all seem gone (but I cannot promise that they won't come back) !07:19
didrocksMCR1: you mean, we can stop launhcpad? :)07:19
MCR1close the bugtracker !07:19
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Mirvand since this is possibly nautilus problem instead of compiz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/105023707:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050237 in compiz "No functional desktop session if ubuntu-default-settings overrides are not available" [Undecided,New]07:24
didrocksMirv: ah, I know what this is07:25
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didrocksMirv: basically, nothing is drawing the background07:26
Mirvsomething seemingly is preventing nautilus from launching07:26
Mirvbut it's not obvious, what07:26
didrocksMirv: not, the option to tell nautilus "please draw the background" is a distro override07:26
didrocksin a gnome-shell session, it's gnome-shell itself which is dealing with it07:26
Mirvdidrocks: ok! you can probably mangle the bug report to be more correct?07:27
didrocksbut I don't think it's important enough or even fixable properly and still enabling other desktop flavors07:28
dupondjeRAOF: thx for fixing colord bug :)07:35
RAOFdupondje: I'm still hopeful that I've just fixed *all* the colord bugs on Launchpad :)07:35
dupondjeI pray with you ;)07:36
didrocksRAOF: you think you fixed the 2 remaining ones on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-q-tracking-bug-tasks.html07:37
didrocksRAOF: that I added years*hem*hours*hem*minutes ago? ;)07:37
RAOFI'm slightly hopeful that not corrupting libdbus structures might fix unrelated things :)07:38
xclaessegreat, libreoffice does not have any menu in gnome-shell :(07:55
xclaesseanyone knows a workaround?07:55
didrocksxclaesse: there is a bug about that, I saw some glib work regarding that (it's supposed to work with gtk that is in this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa)07:57
didrocksxclaesse: but untested yet TBH (at least, by myself)07:57
xclaesseok, good to know it's being worked on :)07:57
xclaesseI need OOo once a year maybe, and it happens when it's broken :(07:58
didrocksxclaesse: you are in quantal, right?07:58
didrocksyeah, well, you know what we tell about unstable version :) (but I really hope some day that some uploads with regression will really be restrained)07:59
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brycehdidrocks, okay08:39
didrocksthanks bryceh :)08:41
Laneyseeding ubuntu-default-settings broke the chinese images09:20
Laneybecause ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn Provides and Conflicts ubuntu-default-settings09:20
Laneypitti: ^ don't suppose you know why it does this (the Provides and Conflicts)?09:33
pittiLaney: yes, I do; you can only ever have one ubuntu-defaults-*09:34
pittias they divert files, set home page, etc.09:34
pittiit's not defined what should happen if two packages want to set the browser homepage or background image09:35
Laneyseems ubuntu-default-settings was a bad choice of name for the overrides then?09:35
pittiyes, I think so09:35
pittiunless it actually uses ubuntu-defaults-builder, that is09:35
Laneyno it just ships gsettings overrides AFAIK09:35
pittiif it does, then all existing loco derivatives wuold need to copy ubuntu-default-settings09:35
pitti(which would be bad)09:35
Laneywe should rather rename it09:36
pittiubuntu-gsettings-defaults or so?09:36
Laneymaybe it will be more generic than gsettings in the future?09:37
didrockswhy not just ubuntu-settings?09:38
Laneynot fussed09:39
Laneyso, if I version the Breaks/Replaces it shouldn't interfere with the existing use of ubuntu-default-settings, right?09:40
pittiLaney: how do you mean? in all existing ubuntu-defaults-{zh,it,ca,...} packages out there?09:41
LaneyI mean it's pure virtual09:41
pitti(and don't forget about -fr :))09:41
Laneyso it won't Break those out of users' systems09:42
pittiLaney: oh, you mean ubuntu-defaults B/R: ubuntu-default-settings?09:42
Laneythe standard rename dance09:43
pittia >= B/C ought to work, yes09:43
pittiperhaps B/C: u-d-s (>= 12.10)?09:43
pittiit's only intra-quantal anyway09:43
didrocksLaney: tell me if you need help for any newing/promotion and such09:44
LaneyITYM <=?09:44
pittiLaney: no, I mean >=; with <= wouldn't that conflict to e. g. ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn as well?09:44
pitti(assuming that their Provides: counts as somethign as "0")09:45
pittiLaney: I don't know what happens in this case09:45
pittibut I guess it's moot09:45
Laneyno, I think the version would mean that the Provides aren't matched at all09:45
LaneyI'll check09:45
pittiLaney: I can't say for sure; hence I suggested >=09:45
dpmhey all, does anyone know where the "Suspend" string in indicator-session comes from in quantal? I'm trying to figure out whether it is not yet translated or non-translatable10:39
didrocksdpm: src/session-menu-mgr.c:  mi = mgr->suspend_mi = mi_new ("Suspend");10:42
didrocksseems it's not translatable, yeah10:43
dpmargh, untranslatable :(10:43
didrocksdpm: can get it merged today and upload with the fix10:43
* dpm hugs didrocks10:43
dpmyou rock10:43
* didrocks hugs dpm back10:43
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didrocksdpm: seems there were no bug for that?10:48
didrocksdon't need one, you just send that to the ML?10:48
dpmdidrocks, yeah, that sounds good to me (ping me when the upload is done and I e-mail translators). But I'm also happy to file a bug if you need it10:49
didrocksdpm: ping (uploaded)! :)10:50
RAOFBah. Could Ken please add a call to dbus_threads_init_default() early in gwibber-service, so it doesn't crash daily in libdbus?10:51
RAOF(Alternately, could gdbus please not break previously working applications by calling dbus on a thread)10:52
didrocksRAOF: this is to remove your twitter addition :)10:52
* RAOF → sleep10:53
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, btw, did you see my question about the WI/blueprints this morning?11:16
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, will take a look in a bit11:17
didrocksthanks :)11:17
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dpmhey didrocks, what was the source package you did the upload for when you fixed the "Suspend" string?11:47
didrocksdpm: indicator-session11:48
dpmcool, thanks11:48
didrocksyw :)11:50
didrockslarsu: hey, btw a stupid MR for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/indicator-session/suspend-translate/+merge/12415311:51
larsudidrocks, just approved it. Let's see if autolanding works for a change...11:52
didrockslarsu: is it that bad?11:53
didrockslarsu: mmrazik wants to extend it for unity to replace my merger, if it doesn't work and doesn't handle dependency as unity-merger does, I start to be afraid :)11:53
larsudidrocks, it works most of the time11:53
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didrocksso fine :)11:54
didrocksor rather "ok"11:54
larsuthat's the problem though: if I can't rely on it working, I have to keep thinking about it11:54
larsuand check on it later11:54
didrocksyeah, I imagine11:54
larsuoh well, it's definitely getting better :)11:54
* didrocks still hugs his unity-merger written in a day and half and which has merged 2500+ branches11:55
cyphermoxgood morning!11:58
cyphermoxdobey: you once maintained evolution-webcal. do you still do?12:13
cyphermoxit's in a major need of some lovin'12:13
cyphermoxdidrocks: hey, I think I may have another deletion for you12:17
larsudidrocks, ha, autolanding did fail, but it was my fault: no commit message. I'll just merge it manually12:17
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dpmI've noticed that Alt+PrintScreen to do a screen capture of the active window no longer works in quantal. Does anyone have any ideas against which package this should be reported?12:31
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cyphermoxdpm: my first guess would be compiz, it could be catching that particular key combination12:33
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didrockslarsu: ah, sorry, was my fault for no commit message, didn't know it had the same requirement :)12:42
didrockslarsu: already backport in the package FYI12:42
* didrocks flushes12:56
didrockscyphermox: can you make evolution conflicting it? (and remove the recommends/deps)12:56
didrockscyphermox: I'll do it, no worry12:57
cyphermoxoh ok12:57
didrocksI already had a checkout :)12:57
* cyphermox takes sflphone-evolution12:58
didrockscyphermox: btw, you didn't push your latest and greatest in the vcs13:02
didrockscyphermox: I'm committing it by hand13:02
cyphermoxI could have pushed13:02
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didrocksoh, you had it?13:05
didrockscyphermox: still time to --override13:05
didrockstell me once done :)13:05
cyphermoxah, what did you commit?13:06
didrocksthe same that your upload source :)13:06
cyphermoxsorry ;)13:08
cyphermoxseems I'm not the only one, e-d-s looks out of date in the ~ubuntu-desktop branch13:08
kenvandinehappy birthday didrocks!13:10
didrocksthanks kenvandine :)13:11
didrocksmterry: hey :)13:12
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mterrydidrocks, hi13:18
mterrydidrocks, your birthday!?  awesome13:19
didrocksmterry: :)13:20
didrocksmterry: do you think https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-unity-greeter would qualify as "beta available" for a status?13:21
mterrydidrocks, sure, most of the TODO items are design-related, not code-we-ship-related13:22
mterrydidrocks, I tried to get them to update their status too, but no luck so far13:22
mterry(in the sense of getting the designers to update TODO to DONE if they did it)13:22
didrocksmterry: heh, I know the issue, believe me :)13:23
didrocksmterry: thanks!13:23
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didrocksdesrt_: good morning!13:59
desrt_didrocks: hey14:00
desrt_didrocks: i saw the upload.  thanks.14:00
didrocksdesrt_: yw ;)14:00
didrocksdesrt_: do you have any pick on https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/gconf/support-s-to-as-migrations/+merge/123744? Mirv will appreciate some feedbacks14:00
didrocksit's for dealing the s -> as migration14:00
desrt_didrocks: commented14:03
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didrocksdesrt: thanks, Mirv ^14:04
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dobeymterry: ping. you are import ubuntu_sso.utils.ui in duplicity?14:14
mterrydobey, we do "from ubuntuone.platform.credentials import CredentialsManagementTool" to log in14:15
mterrydobey, and that ends up including the ui module somehow14:15
mterrydobey, same with "import ubuntuone.couch.auth"14:16
dobeyhuh, weird14:17
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mterrydobey, ah...  I hadn't realized they'd removed ugettext in Py3.  Makes sense14:33
dobeymterry: yeah, i had to check that in pydoc14:34
rodrigo_didrocks, google just notified me it's your birthday, so happy one :)14:38
didrocksrodrigo_: oh, that's kind! (waow, didn't know google had this feature ;)). Thanks a lot :)14:39
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, when searching :-)14:40
rodrigo_didrocks, I guess you have your birth date in google+ and it know you are in my circles14:40
didrocksinteresting ;)14:40
rodrigo_didrocks, and not taking the day off for partying??? :D14:41
didrocksrodrigo_: heh, no, seems Julie wants that I leave from work early to go down to the city, but I have absolutely no idea where :)14:41
rodrigo_ah, surprise party14:41
didrocksright, let's see :)14:42
rodrigo_I think it's in a windows developers-only bar, but I shouldn't say anything14:42
didrocksrodrigo_: maybe that will realize on of my dream, trolling there :)14:42
didrocksrodrigo_: in Paris, some years ago, we distributed some ubuntu CD in front of the windows coffee house14:43
didrocksfor the opening14:43
didrockswas fun :)14:43
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tjaaltonanyone here with an intel i915/i945 machine willing to bisect mesa? I'll build the packages15:02
didrockskenvandine: !!!15:06
didrocks-dh_install --fail-missing15:06
didrocksheart attack :)15:06
kenvandinedidrocks, where did you see that?15:07
kenvandinei am complaining to vruiz right now about him removing that :)15:07
didrockskenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~vrruiz/unity-chromium-extension/quantal-autoreconf/+merge/12421915:07
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didrockskenvandine: please stop it! :-)15:08
kenvandinei just did :)15:08
didrocksthanks ;)15:08
kenvandinewow... you see everything :)15:08
didrocksI do \o/15:08
didrocks(effective filters)15:08
kenvandinehe thought it was failing a build15:09
kenvandinebut his build was actually successful :)15:09
tjaaltonjibel: ping15:10
didrockskenvandine: ahah, even better :)15:10
* didrocks will create a dh-install-fail-missing launchpad team soon :)15:11
jibeltjaalton, pong15:14
tjaaltonjibel: willing to bisect mesa?15:15
tjaaltonjibel: ie. testing packages15:15
jibeltjaalton, sure, at least until the machine keeps booting. Do you have packages to test ?15:17
tjaaltonjibel: not yet, have to make the build minimal to increase the likelihood that every iteration builds :P15:17
tjaaltonbut soon15:17
tjaaltonjibel: 32 or 64bit?15:18
jibeltjaalton, 3215:18
didrockstjaalton: looking at the mesa regression from last week?15:18
tjaaltondidrocks: yep15:18
didrocksgreat, thanks tjaalton :)15:18
tjaaltondidn't see anything obvious on upstream bugzilla15:19
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tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/1/15:52
tjaaltonjibel: still uploading..15:52
tjaaltonjibel: there15:57
jibeltjaalton, trying16:02
tjaaltonjibel: thanks, should be enough to install libgl1-mesa-dri and -glx16:03
tjaaltonmaybe libglapi-mesa16:03
jibeltjaalton, 9.0~git20120913+bisect-0.1 works16:05
tjaaltonjibel: cool, thanks! I'll prepare the next set16:06
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/216:18
jibeltjaalton, is it uploading or should I install only these 3 packages ?16:19
tjaaltonjibel: just these three16:20
tjaaltonremove the previous extra ones if you installed them :)16:20
jibeltjaalton, bisect-0.2 works16:24
tjaaltonjibel: great, building the next one..16:24
tjaaltonshould be quicker now16:25
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/316:27
jibeltjaalton, 3 is ok16:30
tjaaltonjibel: thanks16:30
tjaaltonhang around ;)16:31
tjaaltonI want to file it upstream asap16:31
tjaaltonjibel: /4 ready16:32
jibeltjaalton, 4 is ok too16:35
tjaaltonbuilding again16:36
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/516:38
tjaaltonshould be bad..16:42
jibeltjaalton, it is bad16:42
tjaaltonphew :)16:42
jibelyou broke my netbook again :(16:43
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/616:45
tedgmterry, Uhg, that rls 0.6.0 didn't build in the PPA :-/16:48
tedgmterry, I'll fix it.16:48
mterrytedg, k16:48
jibeltjaalton, 6 is ok16:54
tjaaltonwould've though it wasn't, but oh well16:55
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/716:57
jibeltjaalton, 7 is broken17:03
tjaaltonjibel: ok, final build17:04
tjaaltonreally weird...17:04
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306/817:06
tjaaltonso two commits, moving stuff around in main headers..17:07
tjaaltonwhy the heck would it break just i91517:07
jibeltjaalton, 8 is ok17:14
tjaaltonjibel: thanks!17:15
tjaaltonjibel: would you be willing to test one last time with this single commit reverted from the version that got rolled back?17:16
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jibeltjaalton, the version that got rolled back was 20120903.e1673d20, right ?17:20
tjaaltonjibel: yes17:20
tjaaltonbut I'll build a new set17:20
jibeltjaalton, so, I installed 20120903.e1673d2, verified that it is broken17:25
jibeltjaalton, installed  bisect 0.8, and verified that it works17:25
jibeltjaalton, afk for a moment, let me know when a new set is available, I'll test it later today.17:26
tjaaltonjibel: yeah, building now, available in 10min17:27
tjaaltonjibel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp104730617:36
mterrytedg, did you ever fix whatever build problem you had with remote-login-service?19:01
mterrytedg, (i.e. should I look at that MR?)19:01
tedgmterry, Looking at it.  It's failing because the tests can't get the system bus.19:01
tedgmterry, So it's fine without tests.19:01
tedgNot sure how to test running without a system bus.19:01
mterrytedg, that isn't something that's come up before?19:02
mterrytedg, doesn't installing dbus in a chroot start a system bus?19:02
tedgYeah, that is interesting, there should be a system bus there.  I wonder if it's just that NM isn't on the system bus.19:03
tedgCancelling killed the build logs :-/19:03
jibeltjaalton, are the packages *~git20120903.e1673d20-0ubuntu2_i386.deb at the root of http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~tjaalton/lp1047306 the new version that need testing ?19:15
tjaaltonjibel: yes. the bisect was already reviewed to be good, so those should work :)19:18
jibeltjaalton, I'm asking because they really look like the broken version. the checksums are the same19:20
tjaaltonjibel: let me check19:24
tjaaltonjibel: oh duh, I built the old snapshot.. hang on19:25
tjaaltonpurged the debs, should get the new ones now19:27
tjaaltonnot yet copied19:28
tjaaltonjibel: ready19:34
tjaaltonafk ->19:39
jibeltjaalton, latest debs are good. I'll update the report. Thanks!19:45
jibeland good night everyone19:45
dobeykenvandine: ping19:51
kenvandinedobey, pong19:52
dobeykenvandine: hey. do you know how to 'package' these webapp things?19:52
kenvandineit's just a single file19:53
kenvandinea userscript19:53
kenvandinetalk to racarr though, i think there is some tool19:53
dobeyand a desktop file and icons presumably?19:53
dobeyi was looking at lp:webapps-applications but it just seems to run "xdg-open $url" for things19:54
kenvandinethe desktop file gets created automatically19:54
kenvandinewhen it loads19:54
kenvandineif you are talking about for an app that will be on the launcher by default19:55
kenvandinedefinately talk to racarr19:55
kenvandinehe has a plan there19:55
dobeyi don't know what i'm talking about. i was just told i need to get some sort of package together for the new music store as a webapp :)19:56
dobeyand i can't find any documentation about that, and nobody said anything about needing more javascript19:56
tedgdobey, You don't need it to be a package.  Websites can just include it on their own page.19:56
tedgThe package is only for websites that don't support Ubuntu themselves.19:56
dobeytedg: with the right icons and everything?19:56
tedgOne would think the U1 store would do that themselves :-)19:56
tedgdobey, Yes19:57
ralsinathe site already supports it19:57
kenvandineit is19:57
dobeytedg: is there any documentation about it? or are you the only one who knows this through anecdotal evidence?19:57
kenvandineyou just need the launcher19:57
ralsinathis is about the icon in the launcher, yes19:57
kenvandineaquarius and racarr discussed this at length19:57
dobeyright, so what is this launcher supposed to launch?19:58
tedgAh, so before the user allows the site to have integration, we want to have a link in the launcher.19:58
tedgSo it's a desktop file then.19:58
tedgdobey, The Internet19:58
* dobey makes a big blue e icon19:58
tedgI don't know the whole story here, but I'd guess "webbrowser http://musicstore.u1.com"19:59
dobeyExec=wine C:\ieinstall.exe19:59
kenvandinedobey,  xdg-open url19:59
kenvandineand you need to get the app on the pre-allowed list20:00
kenvandinereally, talk to racarr :)20:00
tedgdobey, That would be awesome, I've missed cleaning off malware, the productivity today is KILLING ME!20:00
kenvandineit will magically add a new launcher with the right properties20:00
dobeyhaving Exec=xdg-open $url really makes no sense, btw :)20:01
dobeyunless unity's .desktop file parsing is broken20:02
dobeyType=Link, URL=$url would be the correct way to do that :)20:03
jbichakenvandine: I'm going to do an empathy upload to drop the gsettings override20:08
kenvandinejbicha, for?20:08
jbichabecause that override is in ubuntu-settings now20:10
jbicharhythmbox can be uploaded too if someone wants to sponsor (it's not in the desktop set)20:14
Laneyjbicha: you noticed the rename, yes?20:20
jbichaLaney: yes, saw it in didrocks' weekly Release report20:27
Laneyah, cool, didn't know it went there20:28
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chrisccoulsonhttps://twitter.com/chrisccoulson/status/246348011746230273 \o/20:44
dobeywhere is the "integrate this site with ubuntu?" thing supposed to appear at?20:46
chrisccoulsoni've no idea20:46
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: nice!20:49
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, yeah, it looks much better :)20:49
chrisccoulsoni need to make it work with native styled widgets now. and i need to do quite a bit of refactoring to remove a hack i'm using too20:50
tedgrobert_ancell, Do you know what could be happening with bug 1049849 ?21:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049849 in lightdm ""Remote Login" account not confined by guest AppArmor profile" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104984921:16
robert_ancelltedg, not off hand but I guess it hasn't launched it quite the same? I will investigate21:18
robert_ancellit will have to be in the daemon21:18
tedgrobert_ancell, I thought so, I figured it was the same code though, no?21:20
robert_ancelltedg, it should be21:20
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TheMuso`didrocks: WIll fix those up as well.21:58
TheMuso`didrocks: oh thanks./22:08
dupondjeWhat is the way to go when I have the following 'issue' in my program. GTK app, multi threaded22:29
dupondjenow you call gdk_threads_add_idle to get clipboard data for example.22:30
dupondjebut then, it needs to get processed and send somewhere else.22:30
dupondjebut I guess you don't want to do that in the locked thread ?22:30
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