
qwebirc25335trying to set up vnc on headless backend without a video card. i installed Xvfb but dont know how to configure it for x11vnc04:02
qwebirc25335ill try again latter. thanks05:10
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Macross_Plusnebody awake here??05:16
=== stuartm_ is now known as stuartm
mal2HI I can't  stop my backend and I've googled and tried every command I found. I'm using mythbuntu, please help13:16
dmfreyservice stop mythtv-backend13:24
mal2stop: unrecognized service13:26
mal2no, doesn't work13:42
mal2I get the message I listed ther13:42
dmfreythen try /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop13:51
rhpot1991sudo service mythtv-backend stop14:19
stuartmif all else fails killall -9 mythbackend14:51
dmfreyoops, had that command backwards15:00
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur
=== dkeith__ is now known as dkeith

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