
=== Svpernov109 is now known as Svpernova09
wrstwb netritious13:15
netritiousty wrst13:16
wrsthow are things out west?13:16
netritiousty wrst13:16
wrstand why you are welcome :)13:17
netritiousa little cloudy..they say it may rain. how bout your neck of the woods wrst?13:17
netritiousgot a bit of lag on the server...will be over soon :)13:18
wrstha ha13:18
wrstlittle on the cloudy side here also13:19
* wrst just notices that ubuntu 12.10 will ship with python313:19
netritiousall kinds of radical happenin' with ubuntu lately13:20
wrstyes i don't picture python 3 being that large of a deal packagers will just have to specify if they need python 213:20
wrsti remember when that happened running arch and I had just one or two issues and as soon as the packagers fixed the package it was no issue, until then you just had to run it specifically under python213:21
xTEMPxi many times wish I had the gumption and desire to focus on learning python13:28
xTEMPxi've gotten started several times and usually  just kinda drop it, as I really don't have a NEED to do it13:28
=== xTEMPx is now known as xTEMPLARx
wrstxTEMPLARx:  I don't know anything :)13:43
xTEMPLARxI'm doing a remote session with a customer in Qatar... bbiaf13:44
wrstthat's long distance computing!13:44
* wrst wonders how xTEMPLARx pronounces Qatar13:44
netritiouswrst: have you checked out qubes-os yes13:50
netritiousxTEMPLARx: if you have some time to kill you should check that out ^13:50
netritiouswhy is installing LILO still an option in the debian installer? does anyone still use LILO? and if so, why not grub?13:51
wrstis LILO still being developed?14:03
wrstnetritious:  no i really haven't had time to check anything much, but i must say i'm not a security hawk :)14:03
xTEMPLARxwrst:  I've HEARD that Qatar is supposed to be pronounced "Cutter", but I usually just say kuh-TAR.14:09
wrstwell that's what i have heard also xTEMPLARx :)14:09
Svpernova09LILO? please god no. kill it with FIRE14:25
* wrst looks for the gas and matches14:32
xTEMPLARxLILO ain't never hurt nobody.. it served the community well for a long long time14:44
wrstxTEMPLARx: i've never used it15:00
wrsti'm not old enough :)15:00
* xTEMPLARx is old15:00
* xTEMPLARx cries15:00
* wrst agrees15:00
* xTEMPLARx cries more.15:01
wrstactually xTEMPLARx i'm just a late arrival :)15:01
* wrst is old also15:01
* xTEMPLARx is 41 now :(15:01
xTEMPLARxalthough, I do my best not to act like it15:01
wrsti'm 7 years behind xTEMPLARx15:01
xTEMPLARxso my chrome browser is like version 10.something15:11
xTEMPLARxjust tried to update an extension, and it says "you can't install because you should be running at least version 21"15:11
xTEMPLARxwhy is mine so old?15:11
* xTEMPLARx is gonna rough somebody up over this oversight!15:12
* xTEMPLARx looks around..15:12
* xTEMPLARx finds only himself at fault.15:12
xTEMPLARxRule number 1:  don't talk about fight club15:12
wrstxTEMPLARx: yeah and if you run chromium its old also15:14
xTEMPLARxi just figured out why its so old15:14
xTEMPLARxi had installed an old "unstable" version15:14
xTEMPLARxso of course it didn't find any newer versions15:14
wrsti prefer running chromium and they really don't update it in the repos15:15
xTEMPLARxwhy do you prefer it?15:15
wrsti think you have to run a ppa for some reason15:15
wrstyou really want to know?15:15
wrstxTEMPLARx: its icon is blue and it matches my background better in gnome-shell :)15:15
wrstreally that's the reason :)15:15
xTEMPLARxyes sir15:16
xTEMPLARxyou do know you can change the icon right?15:16
wrstyeah but that requires effort and for my use i see no difference, and i don't have the google spies watching me15:16
* wrst looks around for the evil googlers15:16
wrstand generally in my distro hopping chromium is in repos15:19
wrstxTEMPLARx: you might find this interesting: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/12/09/13/166203/ubuntu-nvidia-graphics-driver-windows-competitive-but-only-with-kde17:18
xTEMPLARxthankfully, I ain't usin' Unity17:19
* xTEMPLARx phwews!17:19
wrstmaybe you need to use kde xTEMPLARx17:34
wrstxTEMPLARx: no love for kde?18:42
wrstand wb chris4585, and "good mornign" :P18:47
chris4585lol thanks18:48
wrsthow are thigns going?18:48
chris4585good, waiting for my package18:57
wrstdid you order some electronic goodies?18:58
chris4585wrst, yeah, sorry for the delay had to go out to the mail box :)19:26
wrstwhat did you get?19:27
chris4585I ordered three, 120mm fans with 103cfm19:27
chris4585$6.99 a piece from tigerdirect, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683513202219:28
wrstahh cool19:29
wrsthmm no pun intended19:29
wrstbut hey if it works19:29
chris4585they should be pretty good, especially for the price19:30
wrstyes low price is nice :)19:40
xTEMPLARxfor those interested... zoneminder works quite well20:50
Svpernova09we use zoneminder at the hackerspace, works well21:30
Svpernova09used motion at the old space.21:30

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