
mlankhorstI may or may not have woken up from a dream about the lockdep self-test functions I was writing for the reservation code..04:00
tjaaltonmlankhorst: how do we tell? :)04:16
tjaaltonbtw, nice proposal from aritger about a new opengl abi, and how it should fix the alternatives mess we have now04:16
mlankhorsttjaalton: well usually I wake up at a certain time, if I wake up earlier it may indicate something like that :-)04:27
Sarvattmlankhorst: thats a crappy dream, a good one would have danvet looking at it and fixing it for you :P04:47
Sarvatttjaalton: yeah that was a great read, will solve so many headaches04:50
Sarvattalso reinforced /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 being ABI we're not conforming to..04:51
RAOFWhere's this discussion?04:56
RAOF(Also, yeah, we should really have libGL.so.1 available) ☺04:56
mlankhorstSo nvidia finally acknowledges drivers that aren't nvidia's own exists? :D05:01
mlankhorst(like i915, radeon)05:04
RAOFLooks very interesting.05:04
tjaaltonoh right, we don't have .so.1 in any direct path..05:22
mlankhorstwhy do we use ld.so.conf hacks though instead of debian alternatives? is it because that one fails on multiarch?05:28
tjaaltonwe use alternatives, the ld.so.conf files05:38
LLStarksbug 1050202 looks so sexy.05:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1050202 in x11-xserver-utils (Ubuntu) "Cherrypick xrandr list providers to complete DRI2 offloading graphics stack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105020205:43
Sarvattmlankhorst: feel like doing an xorg/app/xrandr release? :P05:50
LLStarksSarvatt, will the ddx's make the beta 2 freeze?05:54
Sarvattalready did05:54
LLStarksoh cool05:54
Sarvatttjaalton uploaded them yesterday05:54
JohnDoe_71RusHi try build ./auto-xorg-git -p xserver-xorg-video-ati from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/xorg-server/xorg-pkg-tools/view/head:/README.auto-xorg-git. get error http://pastebin.com/HFDFM13j What i missed ?05:55
SarvattJohnDoe_71Rus: sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-ati?05:55
JohnDoe_71RusSarvatt: Thx. But the same output. ubuntu server 10.0405:58
Sarvattyou need lucid-backports enabled and manually installing dh-autoreconf in that case05:59
Sarvattits going to be a pain, not sure it even works with lucid's xserver, if it does you'll need libdrm updated for sure05:59
ajmitchwould an nvidia driver prerelease like 304.48 be uploaded to quantal?06:01
JohnDoe_71RusSarvatt: Thx.  http://pastebin.com/UXWAGhK3 but enother err06:07
JohnDoe_71RusDepending on what needed to build?06:07
tjaaltonmeh, is there a gcal to subscibe to in order to get the release schedule on my calendar?-)06:10
tjaaltonoh, still a week to go until b2 freeze06:11
=== LLStarks is now known as erappleman
tjaaltonerappleman: cool, thanks :)06:13
tjaaltonok, testing the gpu-autobind patch..06:20
Sarvattwish i got a t430s instead of an x1 carbon so i could mess with it too06:21
tjaaltonso you got it already?06:22
Sarvatttomorrow, 1 month later, many delays06:23
tjaaltonreturn it06:23
erappleman>Now at patch 602_autoconfig.diff06:23
Sarvatti called to return it and they shipped mine while i was on the phone :P 15% restocking fee to return it06:23
erapplemanlet's see if this works with unity, xfce, shell, whatever06:24
erapplemanbuilding xorg server is a pita, i have to sideload ltmain.sh during autogen06:25
erapplemansince it gets removed06:25
tjaaltoni've had no problems building it06:26
erapplemani'm building from apt-source using dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b06:28
tjaaltonbuild from the git branch06:28
erapplemanubuntu x git?06:29
tjaaltonwell, debian pkg-xorg06:29
tjaaltonubuntu branch06:29
SarvattJohnDoe_71Rus: so you're getting stuck because of xsf dh helper not being available which was added after lucid, try taking the debian/ directory from x-x-v-ati in the lucid package, then dropping it in a newer checkout and disabling all the patches in debian/patches/series, you're still going to need a libdrm update that will break the package manager though without some accounting for the old libdrm-nouveau1 :(06:38
RAOFHm. Should try that on the ati hybrid lappy06:42
JohnDoe_71RusSarvatt: so hard ... I want to build a new driver, because after update cairo-dock does not start in gl mode06:43
tjaaltonRAOF: need a newer ddx from git. wonder when they'll do a new release..06:43
JohnDoe_71RusRadeon HD 46xx or HD47xx series I do not remember06:44
tjaaltondamn quantal, mismatch of the local dns cache address in resolv.conf & dnsmasqd06:45
SarvattJohnDoe_71Rus: yeah I dont recommend it at all, if anything updating to 12.04 is really worth it06:45
tjaalton( vs.
JohnDoe_71RusI tried to build from git. and run cairo with the builded files it worked. But I want to get a deb06:46
JohnDoe_71Rusyet have a problem with wifi AP at 12.04. can not update06:49
erapplemanraof, really curious how deucher and airlie aren't releasing a new stable -ati. intel and nouveau beat em to the punch06:58
RAOF-ati goes ages without a release.06:59
RAOFSo we end up pretty much ignoring their releases and just taking what looks good from git.06:59
tjaaltonso it's probably time for that again :)07:00
RAOFIndeed :)07:00
Sarvatterappleman: easy, ship git in fedora, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/xorg-x11-drv-ati.git/log/?h=f1807:00
mlankhorstoh modesetting 0.5.0 is released07:00
tjaaltonorly? :)07:01
erapplemanSarvatt, fedora is upstream for -ati? no sid/experimental?07:01
mlankhorstyeah asked airlied yesterday if I could do a release for prime, so finally did it07:04
Sarvattmailserver is lagging07:05
Sarvattno tag on xorg-commit, no announce :P07:06
mlankhorststupid git-push, it pushed something now, not sure what07:07
tjaaltonnothing happened when I plugged in the dp cable :(07:07
tjaaltonwhere's my xrandr 1.407:07
Sarvatti saw your push but cant find and record of it, sure its just mail lagging07:07
mlankhorstwoops, I accidentally pushed the debian tag to there somehow07:08
tjaaltonthe log also has "(EE) NOUVEAU(G0): Error creating GPU channel: -19"07:09
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah gpu acceleration is disabled then07:09
Sarvattgit tag -d xserver-xorg-video-modesetting 0.3.0-1! :P07:09
tjaaltonoh pushed a debian tag there :)07:10
mlankhorstSarvatt: remotely?07:11
Sarvattoops forgot a - there before 0.3.0-1, then push after :P07:13
RAOFtjaalton: What gpu are you on - is that the T420s with the nvd9 that doesn't quite work properly?07:13
tjaaltonRAOF: yes07:13
tjaaltonhow is it not working?07:13
tjaaltonI've not used it much07:13
tjaaltonthe nvidia one07:13
Sarvatttjaalton: dont have discrete turned on in the bios maybe?07:14
RAOFLast time I tried - which was some time ago - nouveau didn't have the ctxprogs to do accel. And my understanding from lurking in #nouveau is that this is still the case. Plus some interesting extra bits.07:14
tjaaltonSarvatt: nouveau gets loaded, optimus turned on07:14
mlankhorsttjaalton: because on some cards it's buggy07:14
tjaaltonahh right07:14
tjaaltonwell I'd be happy to get something on the monitor :)07:14
tjaaltonbut don't have xrandr 1.4 to kick it manually07:15
RAOFtjaalton: ...also, before the laptop died, I found that nouveau didn't know how to drive the DP port on the nvd9  :)07:15
tjaaltonso in my case the autobind patch isn't that useful?07:15
tjaaltonRAOF: ha, ok that would explain things07:15
erapplemanprime is still buggy. i have pretty much every new patch from dri-devel and xorg-devel, but everything still renders white if it renders at all.07:15
RAOFBut I did submit an mmiotrace of nvidia setting up a DP connection, and darktama was working on it, so that might actually work now.07:16
Sarvatttoo bad that laptop died :(07:16
RAOFAlso, DP→{HDMI,DVI} worked; it was just native DP that didn't.07:16
RAOFYeah, that laptop was the bees knees.07:16
mlankhorstRAOF: btw you can still work on radeon if you want to, that part is still not done :D07:17
* RAOF may be a bit busy to hack on radeon :)07:17
tjaaltonoh well, attaching the dvi with a dongle crashed the xserver07:17
RAOFmlankhorst: It's the cross-gpu synchronisation that's not done yet, right? You should be able to do DRI2 offload on radeon?07:17
RAOFtjaalton: Progress!07:18
mlankhorstRAOF: yeah, I was working on some lockdep stuff07:18
mlankhorstlockdep should complain if you mess up your reservations07:18
Sarvattif you have the patch mlankhorst dreamt of last night07:19
mlankhorsthey I had most of it working right before I went to bed07:19
tjaaltonunplugging crashed it as well07:20
RAOFBoth sides of hotpulg work!07:20
mlankhorstanyone feels like uploading modesetting 0.5.0?07:20
mlankhorstthat should just leave -ati only being prime incapable then :-)07:21
=== JanC is now known as Guest57134
tjaaltonget a nice bootsplash image on the display hooked to nouveau07:42
erapplemanwish i could do that07:43
erapplemanhdmi is connected to intel07:43
mlankhorstgetting there, slowly08:15
tjaaltonmlankhorst: wanna release xrandr 1.4?-)08:16
RAOFWhat's needed over an existing quantal install for playing around with prime? New -ati, new -intel, ??? ...?08:16
tjaaltonbtw, the dp-dvi dongle gets super hot..08:16
tjaaltonjust new -ati08:16
RAOFThat's not an active dp-dvi, is it?08:16
tjaaltontesting 3.6rc to see if dp works08:17
mlankhorsttjaalton: I think airlied should08:22
tjaaltoni'll build it from git to see how it works08:41
tjaaltonwe can also dump the current git to x11-xserver-utils/xrandr if we want08:45
tjaaltonsigh, forgot again how to disable multiarch on quantal08:52
tjaaltonremoving /etc/dpkg/dpkg.conf.d/multiarch isn't enough08:52
tjaaltondunno how it keeps coming back on the chroot08:53
tjaaltonpowertop isn't too happy on quantal, calculates the power consumption wrong08:56
tjaaltoni doubt it's taking 1,6W with nouveau loaded :)08:56
tjaaltonhmm, might be decimal fail09:01
mlankhorstfound a case lockdep doesn't handle, maybe I throw too much at it :-)09:08
mlankhorstso awesome though :D09:16
tjaaltonhmm, semi-success with dp on 3.6rc09:25
tjaalton[   66.509680] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DDC responded, but no EDID for DP-109:26
RAOFAh. hybrid radeon lappy doesn't prime, because radeon's not hooked up to any outputs so it gets unloaded.10:49
RAOFOh, well.10:49
tjaaltonah.. 10:52
mlankhorstenough lockdep for now11:02
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tjaaltongreat, intel refuses to recognize my monitor now12:07
mlankhorst'what monitor' ;)12:08
tjaaltonha, monitor fail12:11
tjaaltonnouveau got it so confused that I had to pull the power plug too12:12
tjaaltonand compiz fail, every window was maximized when I got it back12:13
tjaaltonmlankhorst: bugs? 12:57
mlankhorstI suppose so13:06
tjaaltonbzr fun.. "different rich-root support"13:26
tjaaltonso I won't push it then13:26
mlankhorstbzr kind of makes me want to track down that git client for it again13:28
tjaaltoneh, another try and it succeeded13:33
mlankhorsttjaalton: does the reference patch for autobinding work?13:46
tjaaltonmlankhorst: not sure, what should it do?-)13:48
tjaaltonbesides, no acceleration here so..13:48
mlankhorstoh thought you were testing with it13:48
mlankhorstjust binds everything to the first display13:49
tjaaltonI have it running13:49
mlankhorstwithout the need to do it manually13:49
tjaaltontrying to figure out how to driver the external screen13:56
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tjaaltonanyone with an intel 915/945 willing to bisect mesa?14:38
tjaaltonguess I just need to build seven sets of packages then :)14:58
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mlankhorsthehe :)17:17
* mlankhorst imagines someone bisecting through a launchpad ppa17:18
tjaaltonhow the heck can "c8a86f717f8e302 mesa: move IS_NEGATIVE() and DIFFERENT_SIGNS() to macros.h" break i915?17:19
brycehmlankhorst, heh - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Blueprints/FriendlyGitBisection17:19
mlankhorsttjaalton: USE_IEEE not being defined or something?17:20
tjaaltonmlankhorst: maybe.. main/macros.h is included anyway17:20
tjaaltonintel_mipmap_tree.c: In function 'intel_miptree_alloc_mcs':17:21
tjaaltonintel_mipmap_tree.c:796:37: warning: 'format' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe17:21
tjaaltonless guessing, more building17:22
mlankhorsthehe :)17:22
* mlankhorst is thinking of using RCU to remove a set of locks17:23
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tjaaltonnice, can update mesa again.. maybe not tomorrow though20:29

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