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tamotsukunGood morning! ^^07:02
tamotsukunHas anyone experience with calling the UO API in Objective-C? :)07:06
tamotsukunSomehow, after signing in (and receiving the access token and secret) I don't need to pass the token to the API since I get proper responses even without it. oO07:13
tamotsukunI mean, I sign in (OAuth) and can get my quota via "https://one.ubuntu.com/api/file_storage/v1" without passing the at with the request ...07:14
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JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D08:15
tamotsukunGood morning^^08:15
tamotsukunIf I may repeat my question, has anyone here experience with calling the UO API in Objective-C? :)08:34
mandeltamotsukun, you will have to wait 'til the morning in the usa, the ios developer do have that experience09:01
tamotsukunMandel, thank you. :)09:07
tamotsukunI thought so, too. But I wanted to try my luck! ^^09:07
keepbrohi guys - Ive got a small problem - Im trying to setup my ubuntuone accoubt and I entered my email and details but it hasnt sent me a verification code - have I done something wrong?09:11
keepbrois anyone in here?09:15
keepbroguess not09:15
tamotsukunI the USA it's still early in the morning :)09:15
keepbrooh yeah - sorry uk time09:16
keepbroill ask later09:16
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gatoxgood morning!11:11
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alecuhello, all!13:12
aleculs -la13:12
alecuwrong window!13:12
gatoxalecu, hi13:12
gatoxalecu, -rw-rw-r--  1 gatox gatox  3548 Aug  3 11:35 run-tests.bat13:13
gatoxdrwxrwxr-x  7 gatox gatox  4096 Aug  3 11:35 tests13:13
gatoxdrwxrwxr-x  7 gatox gatox  4096 Aug  8 15:44 ubuntuone13:13
alecuhi gatox13:13
alecuI've been fighting all morning with my VPS, because quasselcore would not start :P13:13
alecugatox: what's that?13:13
gatoxls -la :P13:13
gatoxfrom u1-client13:14
ralsinaalecu: want an account on my quasselcore?13:15
alecuralsina: it was my burst vps acting weird. It took 3 minutes to login via ssh, and then after trying many things, it took more than 15mins for a reboot13:16
ralsinaalecu: ouch13:16
alecuralsina: anyway, I'm moving away from burst. It's been very slow for ages13:16
ralsinaalecu: and since my vps is n the same company, probably not going to be much in the way of redundancy13:16
ralsinaalecu: really? Mine has been nice.13:17
alecu(and as I type this, it seems to be fast now :P)13:17
alecubah, fast.13:17
alecunot as slow as before.13:17
ralsinaalecu: sometimes it's a matter of changing nodes13:17
ralsinaalecu: you can ask tech support to move you13:17
alecuralsina: does that mean pointing my dns to the new ip?13:18
mandelalecu, did you get my mail?13:18
ralsinaalecu: *maybe*13:18
ralsinaalecu: I think they can move your IP with you13:18
alecuralsina: too much trouble :-) I'll probably move out for good :P13:19
mandelalecu, did an update to your branch with the basic skeleton of the callabacks and with a callback that will give you the password that the user gave13:19
alecuralsina: I also have an old tektonic account that's been reliable all this years. It's more expensive, but more it's been more responsive too.13:19
ralsinaalecu: yes, I had my company on tektonic13:20
alecumandel: great!13:20
ralsinaalecu: it was reliable13:20
ralsinaalso, expensive :-)13:20
alecumandel: ping13:23
ralsinadobey: ping when you are around13:23
tamotsukunGood morning13:24
mandelalecu, yes :)13:25
tamotsukunAnyone here who has experience with the UO API in Objective-C? :)13:25
dobeyralsina: hi13:25
alecumandel: I can't believe that nobody on that sprint is able to point you at what the problem with that preview that's not getting refresed13:25
mandelalecu, yes, they have no clue and other things to work on.. I know the correct generic preview is sent (from the model->title info) but have no idea where is the error, I'll keep digging since that is the last problem to solve, the rest is design13:27
mandelalecu, and although right now the preview is ugly (getting design specs soon) that is the last bug in the entire lens thing13:28
alecumandel: awesome. I'll hook your password callback to the code that does the purchase webcall, and we are ready :P13:29
mandelalecu, awesome :) let me know if it makes sense, ideally you will get a HashMap with a string gvariant and can use it13:30
tamotsukunNobody? :)13:34
mandeltamotsukun, lets ask urbanape13:35
mandeltamotsukun, I think we should know13:35
alecutamotsukun: both of our iOS developers are on the US, so they probably have not started their work day yet.13:50
alecutamotsukun: please try asking here again in a few hours.13:51
tamotsukunalecu, thank you. I will come back in a few hours! :)13:53
tamotsukunHave a nice day!13:53
alecumandel: I'm getting this: /home/alecu/dash/source/unity/tests/test-gestures/compiz_mock/core/window.h:25:25: fatal error: core/window.h: No such file or directory13:59
alecumandel: do you have any idea what I might be missing?13:59
mandelalecu, which branch?14:00
mandelsorry, stupid question, unity one14:00
mandellet me check, did you merge the branch with trunk?14:01
alecumandel: yes14:03
alecumandel: I updated trunk before doing it14:03
mandelalecu, let me update my tree and take a look14:03
mandelalecu, might have been something new that landed in trunk, is a moving target atm14:03
alecumandel: I'll try unmerging, to see if trunk has the same issue.14:03
mandelalecu, ok, did the vala branch compile?14:04
mandelalecu, I need to update compiz to get trunk building, give me some mins14:07
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alecumandel: how are you updating compiz?14:21
alecuvia a ppa or compiling from trunk?14:23
mandelalecu, ppa14:23
mandelalecu, I've got it compiling yet it was complaining that I was missing /usr/share/compiz/xslt/compiz_gsettings_schemas.xslt14:24
* mandel misses python14:24
alecumandel: lolz14:24
alecumandel: rotflcopter14:24
alecumandel: I, on the other hand have acquired a fondness for Vala.14:24
mandelalecu, I'm not surprise compiling and complaining are so similar words..14:25
alecumandel: as much as "programador Vala" sounds so awful in argentino.14:25
mandelalecu, yes, is not cpp!!! I would take vala any time over the::annoying->language.c_str()14:25
alecumandel: in fact, I'm preparing a Lightning talk called "Vala for twisted programmers"14:25
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alecumandel: you have yield in vala! and something similar to @inlineCallbacks!14:26
alecumandel: it's awesome!14:26
mandelalecu, and lambdas and delegates, so yes, it is a good wrapper around glib :)14:27
mandelalecu, I also discovered why they use ? when it is not needed (pointers) it generates extra code to ensure that you are ready for null14:27
alecumandel: I think that's backwards: it checks for null when there is no ?. When there's a ?, the null check is skipped.14:29
mandelalecu, when you use ? it knows that it can get a null pointer, else it does not14:30
mandeland you can also do int?14:30
alecumandel: right, and the "checks" for null are only present in the code when there is no "?"14:31
dobeyalecu: in the generated C yes, but valac itself has checks for when you try to pass null into an argument that doesn't have the ?14:32
dobeyalecu: so if you try to pass null in the vala code to something that doesn't allow null, you'll get a compile error from valac, rather than waiting for the program to fail when you run it14:34
mandelthat is why I was trying to explain and failed14:35
mandelalecu, anyway, getting back to work, I have no problem compiling it with the unity staging ppa and Q14:37
dobeyralsina: is your internet behaving today?14:37
ralsinadobey: no, but I am in a very nice bar14:37
ralsinadobey: it crashes every day ~9AM and comes back ~11AM14:37
ralsinadobey: and has done that monday-friday for over a week14:38
dobeyralsina: one of your neighbors hijacking your connection to run a shady business for 2 hours?14:38
ralsinadobey: it's my working hypothesis, actually14:39
ralsinaor rather, "neighbour doing something evil with an electrical device and fuzzying my phoneline"14:39
dobeyi believe that is called brown boxing, in the official parlance14:41
ralsinaI don't think it's intentional14:44
ralsinasince the adsl modem has no link, it's completely useless for anyone, and you can't just hook another one in that line because it's uplink-locked14:44
ralsinaand if someone managed to crack a adsl modem so it works on my line it would be *much* easier to just connect to my wifi, which has the password on the name as courtesy ;-)14:45
ralsinaso it would take a strange combination of genius and utter idiocy to steal my internet this specific way14:48
alecuralsina: how are we doing the team meeting today? mumble? hangout? skype? teleportation pods?14:54
ralsinamy teleportation pod is at home14:55
ralsinaparadoxical, I know14:55
mmcchi folks. just wrote nice notes for standup, before realizing it's Thursday14:58
alecuit gets really paradoxical with time machines. With teleportation pods things are usually more stable14:58
alecummcc: you can use them as notes for this meeting!14:59
mmccalecu: nah, just gonna wing it14:59
mmccgotta get one of those teleportation pods that teleports itself, too14:59
alecuyo dawg!15:00
ralsinagatox: you mumble15:01
ralsinaI have exactly 31 minutes of battery left  :-)15:01
dobeyassuming you're not using mumble on it15:02
dobeyjoshuahoover, thisfred: mumble?15:02
ralsinaalso, you will listen some nice soothing bossa nova, since I am on a cafe15:02
joshuahooverdobey: yep, let me get my headset on...one min.15:02
thisfredon my way15:02
dobeyall i hear is line noise from the power supply in my speakers15:03
ralsinacan anyone hear me?15:03
dobeyvery noisy15:03
dobeytoo much gain or so15:04
dobeyfor some reason mumble decided push to talk meant push to do nothing, today15:22
ralsinadobey: are 6+ hour delays on PPA builds the standard?15:27
ralsinaor did I choose a very bad day to try my hand at packaging? ;-)15:27
dobeyralsina: which PPA are you building in? your own?15:29
ralsinadobey: yes15:29
dobeyralsina: it might have a lower build score, so might take longer; but i had a couple of nightlies builds say "6 hours" yesterday, but didn't take that long15:30
dobeyralsina: it will take a while still, but it might not actually take 6+ hours15:30
ralsinadobey: it already has been there 5:30 and says 30 minutes :-)15:31
ralsinadobey: it's ok, I am not in a hurry at all15:31
dobeyit's not 'normal' i guess, but some of the builders are disabled15:31
dobeyah ok15:31
dobeyralsina: part of the problem is also that some jobs which are arch-independent still only build on i386; so all the python-only code and the recipe source package creation, and translation templates imports stuff, all runs on the i386 builders; which can clog them up a bit too15:32
dobeyanyway, need to get lunch here. bbiab :)15:33
* gatox lunch + errands15:34
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* ralsina looks at the battery... 3minutes (those are long minutes!)15:34
ralsinaanyway, lunch sounds good15:34
alecumandel: did you get past the xslt issue?15:50
mandelalecu, yes, I compiled everything with no problem, do you have issues?15:50
mandelalecu, by they way, I simply copied the missing xlt from the compiz src15:50
alecumandel: that seems to work. I'll have to wait for an hour for compiz to compile first :P16:01
* alecu grabs his plastic sword. COMPILE!16:01
mmccalecu, is that this sword: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a3/Purple_dragon_book_b.jpg ?16:02
mandelIf you see mi going on an off it means that my nvidia drivers are going crazy due to unity16:03
alecummcc: lol. It's this one: http://xkcd.com/303/16:10
mmccalecu: oh right. :)16:11
alecumandel: I got everything to compile16:16
mandelalecu, \o/16:16
alecumandel: and I even got your screen displayed, with the info gotten from the webservices16:16
alecumandel: so \o/ indeed16:16
alecumandel: one thing: I can't see the input box for the password16:16
mandelalecu, yes, that is nux being an ass, I'm in the process of creating decoration so you can see the text entry16:17
mandelalecu, but is there, click between the two labels16:17
mandelalecu, that is the default text entry.. is between pathetic and depressing16:17
alecumandel: doh, it's there, true!16:18
alecumandel: thanks!16:18
mandelalecu, np, I spent hours thinking it was not there..16:19
mandelalecu, you should be able to do the full process while I make the preview better looking and show the other previews (cancel shows the last preview for example)16:19
alecumandel: yes, I'll have lunch and will work on finishing the purchase16:21
mandelalecu, awesome then, it seems that we are going to be on time :)16:22
alecumandel: we are going to have "something" on time.16:22
alecumandel: we are a long bugfixing way of having it on time :-)16:23
* briancurtin lunch + doctor run16:25
mandelalecu, well, yes, we wanted to have an example on time, bug are to be expected16:25
mandelalecu, specially when I had to fix a lot of little things within the dash16:25
alecumandel: right!16:26
alecumandel: got a minute for mumbling?16:26
mandelalecu, sure, let me reboot to mac os x :)16:31
mandelalecu, give me some mins, I managed to get from one preview to another \o/16:32
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mandelalecu, mumble?16:37
alecumandel: sure, let's16:40
mandelalecu, ok, launching mumble16:40
mmccanyone currently have a mac handy to test creating a new account with the latest build?17:39
mmcclisette ran across a problem with PIL loading one of its C modules, but it works fine for me… wondering if anyone else can reproduce17:39
ralsinammcc: sorry, no, still at a bar :-(17:39
gatoxbackkkkk....... my laptop almost die :P17:42
* briancurtin back18:21
dobeymmcc: do you have a link to the iconutils thing to convert PNG to icns on mac?18:31
mmccdobey: a link to the docs? the tool itself is just installed in /usr/bin/iconutil18:32
dobeymmcc: yes. so i can see what all the arguments are/etc… i don't have a mac to look at :)18:32
dobeyah, hrmm; may have found a useful PDF from developer.apple.com18:33
mmccalso, "Usage: iconutil --convert ( icns | iconset) [--output file] file"18:33
mmccthe docs say that -c is also OK:18:34
mmcciconutil -c icns <iconset filename>18:34
mmccand 'icon set filename' is actually a directory named something.iconset18:35
dobeyyeah. thanks18:37
dobeyand with that, brb18:37
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briancurtinalthough i cant read most of the schedule, PyCon AR looks like it's going to be awesome given the names i recognize :)19:58
ralsinabriancurtin: hopefully!19:58
ralsinaafter 15 years speaking in public this is the gig that makes me most nervous in ... about 14 of those years19:59
* ralsina goes check that 15 number... DAMN make that 2020:00
ralsinalooks like I got older while I was not looking20:01
briancurtinmy age calendar often has off-by-one errors. usually the first few months of being some age i end up saying "i'm 27...oh, wait, 28"20:03
ralsina27... ok, I am depressed now :-)20:03
mmccbriancurtin: mine just stopped at 30. I'm actually 33 but I always think I'm 3020:03
chaselivingstonralsina: if it makes you feel any better, I'm 22 :)20:04
ralsinachaselivingston: hmmm testing... nope. Now that means there is someone working here that could be my son.20:04
dobeyhow old is gatox? 15?20:04
* ralsina feels like he's in Logan's Run now20:04
gatoxdobey, heyyyyy... why? :(20:05
chaselivingstonralsina: haha, very nice20:05
dobeyralsina: RENEW! RENEW!20:05
dobeygatox: haha :)20:05
ralsinadobey: I think I will run away in my hovercar :-)20:05
gatoxdobey, i'm 2620:05
ralsinadobey: also, knowing "RENEW, RENEW" means you could RENEW too ;-)20:05
* dobey has Logan's Run on blu-ray20:06
dobeygatox: i guess it's not as fun to joke about you without mandel here too :)20:07
gatoxdobey, yes jeejejej20:07
gatoxdobey, mandel was really sad when he wasn't the youngest anymore20:07
dobeyeh, when i started at HelixCode/Ximian/Novell way back in the day, i was 19.20:08
mmccidea: USB punching bag with LCD screen that shows the name of the technology you currently most want to batter20:15
mmccpresently, ctypes20:15
mmccspecifically, if you have a ctypes Structure and typo '__fields__' instead of '_fields_', it just silently works…? except, is it the right type or not? argh20:18
* gatox eod!! see you tomorrow people20:31
ralsinaI have to go pickup my mom20:32
ralsinawill be back much later20:32
beast_hello everyone20:57
beast_im having a problem in ubuntu 12.04 x8620:57
beast_its taken me a few days to get wireless internet to work, and now that i did, the system is not loading the ndiswrapper module after a reboot.20:58
beast_how can i force or make the system load the module after every reboot?20:58
chaselivingstonhi beast_, may i recommend checking out http://askubuntu.com20:59
beast_chaselivingston, thx ill give it a look see21:04
chaselivingstonbeast_: np :)21:04
beast_chaselivingston, unfortunately, im not finding anything there..21:07
beast_this is aggravating.21:07
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beast_its taken me a few days just to get wireless to work. and now it doesnt want to work after a reboot unless i manually reload the module.21:08
briancurtinbeast_: are there any other ubuntu channels you could try? this channel is specifically about the Ubuntu One product21:08
chaselivingstonbeast_: feel free to ask a question there, giving folks the opportunity to respond. http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask21:08
beast_briancurtin, i guess ill have to find out the hard way and type out the same question and un-numbered number of times to other people.21:09
beast_thx anyways guys21:09
dobeybriancurtin, chaselivingston: if people ask general ubuntu questions in the future, just point them at #ubuntu instead21:13
dobeyeh, i need to go. gotta cut the grass^H^Hweeds before it gets dark21:14
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tamotsukunGood evening, are there still some iOS developers around? :)23:49

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