
j4m3sSpamapS, i can't seem to get this to work. the erlang program has to be detached and there's not a fork being done.00:01
SpamapSj4m3s: erl can't run in the foreground?00:05
SpamapSj4m3s: you can't detach without forking00:05
SpamapSits the definition of detaching.. fork.. parent exits00:06
j4m3sSpamapS, i put in expect fork but 'stop foo' hangs bc the PID it has is diff than the one running00:22
j4m3sSpamapS, http://pastie.org/private/m0emxwvlroxbd0di4nyng 00:24
j4m3sthe line i commented out is the what the start.sh script executes it also sets the HOME var00:25
SpamapSj4m3s: yeah don't use expect fork if you aren't positive that the process forks00:26
SpamapSthings get ugly tha tway00:26
SpamapSj4m3s: in your case, the process forks once to run the shell script, but who knows what start.sh does00:26
j4m3s_SpamapS, the line that's commented out i got from the start.sh file00:34
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