
svuorela_given that I live in copenhagen, is a Debian developer, a KDE developer and friends with quite many of the linaro people, I guess I will have to spend a couple of nights taking people to bars with good beer in copenhagen :)00:00
lifelessNo sleep for a week !00:01
StevenKlifeless: Oh bleh, you can sleep on the flight home00:01
svuorela_I've told my boss for that week that I'm going to be very unstable at the office00:02
svuorela_anyways. I will go to bed. I_look forward for your emails (and for meeting you in copenhagen)00:03
svuorela_(i'll catch up on the backlog when I get up)00:03
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SamB_MacG5there should be a way to give people a carrot for having written helpful pieces of text like those on https://launchpad.net/bzr-colo/+announcements ...01:57
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thomihi - I'm trying to register a project on lp that mirrors code from github. THe upstream project uses the BSD 3-cleause license, which is not available in the list of avaialble licenses. Am I better select "open source/other", or "simplified BSD license" (as it's *almost* the same :)04:40
thomi...and if I pick "other open source", is there some kind of review step?04:40
thomihmm, nvm - I went ahead and picked "other"04:45
wgrantthomi: Other/Open Source04:45
wgrantIt'll be reviewed, but you can start using the project immediately04:45
thominext Q: is there a UI where you can see the branch import queue?04:45
thomisomething similar to the build queue?04:46
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+machines shows the active jobs, but there's no queue listing04:46
* thomi twiddles fingers04:47
wgrantYou might be able to see https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/CodeImports/04:49
lifelesshuh, I thought https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports?field.review_status=REVIEWED&field.review_status-empty-marker=1&field.rcs_type=&field.rcs_type-empty-marker=1&submit=Submit+Query had a freshness sort, but am wrong.04:51
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/+recently-imported-branches shows branches with recently imported revisions04:52
wgrantBut that's all I know about04:52
thomibranch imports seem pretty expensive huh?04:53
wgrantSome of them are04:54
thomiseems like there's less than 10 imports per hour, which surprises me04:54
wgrantBut some of the machines are a tad old04:54
wgrantthomi: Oh, no04:54
wgrantthomi: Those aren't recent completed imports04:54
wgrantThey're recent completed imports which pulled in new revisions04:54
thomiahh ok04:55
thominot initial imports04:55
thomithe fact that https://code.launchpad.net/+recently-imported-branches seems to be sorted by last modified time confused me - but I see the 'Registered' column now04:55
thomiooh! My import is running :)04:56
thomihmm, the page for my trunk branch contains a link to 'https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+machines/pear' that I don't have permissions to view :(04:57
wgrantYou should have permission to view it04:58
wgrantI suspect somehow has a private import04:58
wgrantWhich isn't meant to happen04:58
thomiwgrant: odd - I refresh the page and it works again04:59
thomianyway, thanks for your help05:00
thominow I can start using bzr again (yay!)05:00
wgrantRight, that sort of thing is usually transient05:00
wgrantAs a private branch that you can't see shows up, and eventually drops off the history05:00
dardevelinhello i'm having some troubles related to using bzr to login to launchpad... i already posted the question in bzr channel, but after a while had the doubt if it was the correct channel...  :/05:12
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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l3onHi all... somebody here knows where can I find the Ubuntu_SSO API?11:36
czajkowskil3on: this for the italian loco website?11:38
l3onczajkowski, yep... We are no longer able to Login via UBUNTU_SSO with Drupal7 launchpad-teams module11:38
l3onI think there's some problem with ubuntu_sso-teams request...11:39
czajkowskiI'll try and find out for you11:39
czajkowskiit's not LP11:39
czajkowskil3on: it's not a LP issue it's SSO so you'll need to ask in #canonical-isd11:43
czajkowskisorry I can't be more help11:43
l3onok, thansk again! :)11:43
SpamapSany updates on the builders/PPA builders status?14:26
SpamapS19 hour backlog for PPA builds. :(14:26
czajkowskiSpamapS: we did put an annoucement out yesterday14:30
czajkowskiwe are missing some builders14:31
czajkowskibut we are looking into it14:31
SpamapSYeah I see the tweet 22 hours ago.. just wondering if anything has changed, like "oh we found them hiding under the hedge"14:31
czajkowskiSpamapS: it's not going to change any time soon14:32
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dobeymaybe they went down to pub already14:46
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Reduced Builder capacity at present -Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
mgzit is friday, I hear builders tend to knock off at about 214:55
dobeySpamapS: what do you have a 19hr build time for? there seem to be only 2 i386 builders missing14:56
dobeyand one of my recipe builds that just got requested for 3 different versions of ubuntu, has ~1min estimated time for each of them14:57
dobeyamd64 shows an insanely long wait time because chromium-daily and yade are currently building on a couple of them, i guess14:59
dobeyand yade at least is notorious for > 18hr builds :-/15:08
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shlHi, i have a problem with the launchpad mailserver, are there any known troubles?16:44
czajkowskishl: can you elaboarate16:45
czajkowskinot seen or heard of any issues today16:45
shlYeah, a user of my e-mail-server doesnt get any mail from launchpad. Ive also checked the server logs, the launchpad server does not even try to connect to my mailserver...16:46
czajkowskishl: what list and user are you referring to ?16:47
shlSorry i dont know the details, the launchpad-id of the user is t5377c10216:47
shlIts "Fabian" from comunio16:47
czajkowskiI dont see any mailing list set up for either of those teams on LP16:48
TheLordOfTimedon't think any of them are teams, czajkowski16:49
TheLordOfTimeif i'm interpreting what shl is saying right, the issue is the user recieves no emails16:49
shlWait, i will call Fabian and ask him whats the exact problem?16:49
TheLordOfTimeand is using shl's mailserver for email stuffs16:49
czajkowskishl: yes please seems t be some confusion16:49
TheLordOfTimeshl, details!  details!  DETAILS!  :p16:49
czajkowskiTheLordOfTime: best to ask you know :)16:49
TheLordOfTimeczajkowski, true.16:50
TheLordOfTime... AGAIN?16:50
TheLordOfTimei'm about to slap PHP :/16:50
shlHm he doesnt answer, i think the best is to come again if ive got more informations?16:51
TheLordOfTimeor have him come over and explain the issue16:51
czajkowskishl: or send them themeslves on here16:51
TheLordOfTime^ that16:51
czajkowskibest to hear directly from people16:51
shlOh Fabian pays my company for those things ;)16:52
shlBut anyway, thanks for your fast response @ czajkowski and LordOfTime16:53
TheLordOfTimeyour company fails then because they can't explain what's going on :P16:53
* TheLordOfTime is being extremely critical today, blame lack of sleep16:53
shlIt fails because i dont see ANYTHING from launchpad at the mailserver logs, and what should i do in this situation in your opinion :)?16:54
shlYessir, correct, asking the other side if they can check their logs :D16:54
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Reduced Builder capacity at present -Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
shlNow ive spoke to Fabian, normally an email is sent if he starts downloading a translation from his project.17:18
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svuorelalifeless: did you get the news that I actually succeeded in getting a account ? :)19:00
lifelesssvuorela: yes, congrats :)19:05
svuorelapartial casesensitivity ftw :)19:12
kirklandflacoste: howdy20:26
kirklandflacoste: have a few minutes, per email?20:26
flacostehey dustin!20:26
flacostekirkland: sure!20:26
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