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JohnDoe_71Rushow to redirect the sound to bluetooth headset. lubuntu 12.0404:27
JohnDoe71rushow to redirect the sound to bluetooth headset. lubuntu 12.0407:50
MK`When alpha/beta builds are released, do they just freeze the packages on a certain day, like the normal releases, and do some updates, and then build it with that?09:15
MK`or I guess more generally, is the Lubuntu build it the same as as the Ubuntu alpha/beta/release build, just with different default packages?09:17
hosokahello all11:08
hosokaupgraded to 12.10 and did not getting any audio bac11:08
AscavasaionHow would a system running an AMD 2500+ XP (rated at 2500MHz) and actually 1833 MHz (real), with 384Mb RAM, 60Gb + 20Gb + 20Gb HDDs run Lubuntu?14:19
holsteinAscavasaion: you can try it live... i would expect it to be quite tolerable14:19
holsteini would say getting a faster system would require some more compromises14:19
Ascavasaionholstein: Aaaah, thank you :)  Want to use it for storing data, Scanning, print server.14:20
Ascavasaionholstein: What would you say I should rather use then?  Puppylinuyx?14:23
holsteinAscavasaion: i say you should decide what you need14:26
holsteini dont think anyone will argue there are faster distros than lubuntu, but the nice thing about lubuntu is the balance...14:27
AscavasaionDistro to use as a print server for small home network, with scanner.  Also to use as a music player and file server for rest of network?14:27
holsteinit is quite fast, but you can install anything from the ubuntu repositories easily14:27
holsteinAscavasaion: depends on the scanner14:27
Ascavasaionholstein: Yes, and LXDE is a nice desktop too.14:27
holsteinsure, but you can do all of what you are talking about without a GUI... without lxde14:28
holsteinis lxde a good choice? sure... do you need it? i dont know that14:28
bioterrornot that much RAM14:29
bioterrorI would not expect much14:29
Ascavasaionholstein: My wife needs to be able to use the machine as well... hence why I wanted a lighter desktop like Lubuntu.  I tried Xubuntu but I never liked the feel of it.14:30
holsteinLXDE isnt all that much different.. without stating more about what you and your wife are looking for, its hard to say14:31
holsteinyou can literally load up the live CD and see what its like, or install LXDE or lubuntu-desktop in xubuntu or ubuntu14:32
Ascavasaionholstein: Basically something easy to use like Windows XP but simple enough to work on this old machine.14:32
holsteinAscavasaion: sure, but thats opinion14:32
Ascavasaionholstein: Okay, will experiment a little then.  thank you.14:32
holsteinAscavasaion: i personally dont fine XP "easy to use". its likely more that you and/or your wife are just more accustomed to it14:32
holsteinthere are more "clones" of windows xp out there that you might enjoy more14:33
Ascavasaionholstein: Yes, wife is a Windows user.14:33
holsteinthat machine should run windows XP just fine14:36
Ascavasaionholstein: Yes, but I do not have legit Windows XP.14:37
kanliotAscavasaion, lubuntu will do what you want.  dont worry.  you might download the altenate cd just in case the desktop cd doesn't work right14:40
Ascavasaionkanliot: Thank you :)14:40
kanliotbut i can't guarantee that your scanner will work14:41
kanliotand generally you need 512MB to run the liveCD14:41
kanliotbut anythings possible14:41
Ascavasaionkanliot: Oh :(14:41
Ascavasaionkanliot: Aaaah, so I should experiment hehe14:41
kanliotif you're going to dual boot14:41
kanliotyou're really better off with the alternate installer14:41
kanliotthe alternate installer is a lot slower, might take nearly an hour to install 12.0414:43
Ascavasaionkanliot: No dual boot... just Linux.14:43
kanliottry the desktop installer then14:43
kanliotmake sure you "install lubuntu" not try Lubuntu14:43
kanliotand select "use whole disk" not "do somthing else"14:44
Ascavasaionkanliot: Okay, cool, thank you.  Will try that when I am home again.  We have laptops that we use for everyday stuff, but would like a machine to leave running downloads, to play music perhaps, to print from and to scan on.14:45
FersureI'm using Lubuntu 12.10 Beta and when I try to access the preferences in gnome-mplayer, the preferences dialog completely freezes.16:57
FersureIs this a known issue?16:57
wxlhave you searched launchpad?16:57
wxlusing 1.0.6-1 i don't seem to have a problem with the dialog freezing16:59
wxlit's a little slow but not freezing16:59
Fersureno open bugs.16:59
Fersureand uh16:59
Fersureit completely freezes for like five minutes16:59
Fersureor whatever.16:59
Fersurethen it's fine16:59
wxlyeah i don't have that long of an issue16:59
kanlioti've reported it17:00
wxland i have a very resource limited vm i'm running it on at present17:00
kanliotwas reported last month17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042679 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1048785 Gnome-Mplayer Preferences Stalls" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:00
wxlyep you did17:00
FersureI have 4GB RAM and a quad-core 2.2GHz processor on this machine17:00
wxlyep you've got a TON more processing power than me; memory too17:00
wxlso it's obviously not a resource issue17:00
TheLordOfTime*sigh*  i always love it when people don't put any data on bugs from apt17:01
wxlplease confirm that bug Fersure17:01
kanliotTheLordOfTime, what you talkin bout17:01
TheLordOfTimekanliot, just the occasional whining about lack of apport bugdata :P17:01
kanliotTheLordOfTime, you a dev? areyou talking about users, or devs building apport templates?17:03
wxlif i may, TheLordOfTime, i think kanliot works hard to report every bug possible and tries to do it in the best possible way that he knows and i think if i were in his shoes i'd be concerned that you were complaining about this bug report?17:03
TheLordOfTimekanliot, neither, i'm talking about using the apport data collection features of ubuntu-bug17:03
TheLordOfTimewhich then autoattaches dependencies, additional config data baout a system, current OS, etc.17:03
wxldoesn't it do that automatically?17:04
kanliotif you could give me an example i could understand better please17:04
Fersurewxl: Confirmed.17:04
TheLordOfTimeor you could read.17:05
wxlFersure: thanks17:05
Fersurenp, and ty. :>17:05
wxlright under "collect information about the bug" it suggests using ubuntu-bug <package> TheLordOfTime17:05
wxlFersure: make sure you're subscribed to it too so you can keep up to date on changes17:05
TheLordOfTimeor if a bug is already filed17:05
TheLordOfTimeyou can use apport-collect17:05
TheLordOfTimebut that's irrelevant :p17:05
wxlso this is a new bug17:05
wxlwhich he used ubuntu-bug on17:05
TheLordOfTimelemme find a bug that *has* such info17:06
wxlwhat else is it missing?17:06
TheLordOfTimethat doesnt' fall under the secureinfo17:06
wxlanbd what, without links, would you suggest different?17:06
TheLordOfTimeyou're saying this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/1042679) had apport data attached to it?17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042679 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "Gnome-Mplayer Preferences Stalls" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
TheLordOfTimeor are we on a different bug?17:07
TheLordOfTimebecause the one you linked was a *duplicate* of 104267917:07
wxli'm just saying it was obviously filed with ubuntu-bug17:07
TheLordOfTimeprove it17:07
TheLordOfTimethis onew was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/104878517:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042679 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1048785 Gnome-Mplayer Preferences Stalls" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
wxlhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/1048785 was i mean17:07
TheLordOfTimebut its a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/104267917:08
TheLordOfTimei'm talking about that parent bug :P17:08
TheLordOfTimeconfirming a duplicate is kind of pointless17:08
wxlshould have made the other one a dupe XD17:08
TheLordOfTimeRemember, this bug report is a duplicate of bug #1042679.17:08
TheLordOfTimeComment here only if you think the duplicate status is wrong.17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042679 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "Gnome-Mplayer Preferences Stalls" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104267917:08
TheLordOfTimechrono order :P17:08
TheLordOfTimeshut up ubottu, nobody asked you!17:08
wxli've seen bugs where that's not true17:08
wxlhold on lemme find one17:09
* TheLordOfTime yawns17:09
TheLordOfTimethis sucks, no coffee...17:09
wxlmmm iced coffee yumm17:10
* wxl waves his glass around proudly17:10
* TheLordOfTime glares at wxl evilly17:10
wxlthat's why i'm happy and you're a crabby patty17:10
wxlspeaking of crabby patties we better get on topic on Unit193 is gonna kick our butts17:10
wxlFersure: in case the above doesn't make sense you should actually confirm and subscribe to bug 104878517:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042679 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1048785 Gnome-Mplayer Preferences Stalls" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104267917:11
TheLordOfTimeexcept 1048785 is already confirmed :P17:12
TheLordOfTimeokay, screw it, coffee time17:12
wxli'm just saying the one that matters is the other one but whatever17:12
* TheLordOfTime heads off to find somewhere that has coffee17:12
Fersurewxl: Yeah, that's the one I confirmed/subscribed to.17:12
wxlFersure: great! thanks again! i'd suggest in the future if you've got something funky, check launchpad. if you don't come up with something, then irc/mailing list is a good place to check. sometimes you just don't have the right terms. despite that, when the bugs are triaged, they'll get lumped together as dupes if they are. as a general rule, file a bug.17:13
FersureAh, okay. ^^17:14
* TheLordOfTime grumbles17:14
TheLordOfTimeanyways, yeah, reporting a bug even if another bug already exists is fine, but chekcing launchpad first is always appreciated17:15
FersureI'll be honest, using lubuntu wasn't my first choice. ;x17:16
FersureI was hoping to install gentoo but the install completely failed. D:17:16
* wxl gasps in shock17:16
Fersure`emerge syslog-ng` just completely failed. with seemingly no fix.17:17
wxlwellll i won't start the distro wars, Fersure, but we're happy with what we got :)17:17
Fersureoh, I love lubuntu17:17
FersureIt's just.17:17
FersureI always loved portage. It's just... in a bad state these days.17:18
FersureLubuntu. :D17:18
kanliot<Fersure> I have 4GB RAM and a quad-core 2.2GHz processor on this machine17:18
wxlhonestly i've never used gentoo17:18
* kanliot invites fersure to #lubuntu-offtopic17:18
wxloh, no, pebkac17:20
jakeLubuntuWhen I go to update my Lubuntu 12.04 release via sudo apt-get update, it gives me a long list of errors saying it can't fetch several packages from the Ubuntu server; help?17:31
wxljakeLubuntu: can you pastebin the results?17:32
jakeLubuntuyep. just a sec.17:33
wxljakeLubuntu: also it might be useful to see the content of /etc/apt/sources.list17:33
jakeLubuntu                                        W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com precise InRelease: File /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_InRelease doesn't start with a clearsigned message W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise InRelease: File /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_InRelease doesn't start with a clearsigned message W: GPG error: http://secu17:33
wxlthat's one of the bugs in ppc lubuntu 12.10 :(17:33
jakeLubuntuok, no big deal. I thought I was running 12.04 though- still applicable?17:34
wxljakeLubuntu: please pastebin the results starting with the command to the end. don't paste. pastebin.17:34
jakeLubuntuhow do i pastebin? new command to me.17:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:34
jakeLubuntuURL for the paste. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205236/17:38
wxlyou have several errors here17:38
wxlpastebin /etc/apt/sources.list17:39
wxlit might be easier to sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:39
wxlthen you can cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit and it will return the url17:39
jakeLubuntuyeah... i had them on a previous install of the same Lubuntu 12.04 and though reinstalling the OS would work, it didnt. :/17:39
miniCruzerFersure: :O17:40
FersureminiCruzer: :O17:40
miniCruzerwho r u17:40
FersureNot Joah.17:41
FersureHe sucks.17:41
miniCruzerhe does17:41
Fersureyou'd know.17:42
miniCruzerlxterminal is about to get the smackdown17:42
jakeLubuntumy command line refuses the sudo apt-get pastebinit.17:42
miniCruzerjakeLubuntu: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:42
jakeLubuntutried the install, it's not working. lists can't be parsed. see my pastebin above at 11:4317:45
wxlsudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf17:45
kanliotjakeLubuntu, please pastebin /etc/apt/source.list w/o using pastebinit, just cut and paste17:45
wxlthen try again17:45
jakeLubuntuok, had a class end- got the sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf part, was anything posted after?17:51
wxlnope jakeLubuntu go for it and try over and you should be good17:51
jakeLubuntualright, hitting the update now...17:52
jakeLubuntusame issue. makin a paste with the rm results and then the apt-get update.17:55
kanliotplease pastebin /etc/apt/source.list w/o using pastebinit, just cut and paste  it might not be neccessary but please17:56
jakeLubuntusorry, that's the paste of the code. going for the /etc now17:56
wxljakeLubuntu: try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -rvf18:00
jakeLubuntutried the /etc/apt/source.list, must be doin it wrong. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205309/18:01
jakeLubuntui'll try that sudo command again, tried it before- results pastebin'd at 11:5618:01
kanliotleafpad /etc/apt/source.list18:02
kanliotno sudo18:02
wxljakeLubuntu: no it's slightly different; there's an r in there18:02
kanliotwe're just looking at the contents18:02
wxlalso it's sources.list not source.list18:02
* wxl pats kanliot 18:02
jakeLubuntuhave source list, paste bin in 3, 2...18:03
jakeLubuntutried the new rm command @wxl, gonna try the update again...18:04
jakeLubuntuWOOO! *jake hugs wxl18:06
* wxl hi5s jakeLubuntu 18:06
jakeLubuntuso, what does that command do?18:06
jakeLubuntui see it rm part of the lists, btu what are the -rvf for?18:06
jakeLubuntuand the * at the end of the directory? :)18:06
wxlsudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -rvf18:06
wxlsorry had to remind me of it18:07
wxlso sudo makes you superuser for the command18:07
wxlrm actually is the remove command18:07
wxl /var/lib/apt/lists/ is a directory18:07
wxlit includes a directory called partial18:07
wxlthese are indexes apt downloads18:08
wxland technically every front end (liek synaptic) downloads18:08
wxlthe partial one includes ones that haven't fully downloaded18:08
wxlsomehow or another something in there got corrupted18:08
wxlsince these are really only temporary files they can be deleted and will be refreshed when apt-get update is run again18:09
wxl-r says to be recursive18:09
wxl-v says to be verbose18:09
wxl-f says don't ask to confirm, just do it18:09
wxlso basically the command says "remove every apt index and any files within that directory without asking for my permission and make sure you tell me all about it. and oh, by the way, i have clearance to do it; ask for my password if you don't believe me"18:10
wxlya dig?18:10
jakeLubuntuok, thanks man. i get every word of it... so with the temp files that were deleted (and just now refreshed), they're basically what the computer thinks exists to be checked for updates?18:11
wxlyeah it's like it's first going to download these indexes of what is available to download18:12
wxlonce it has that it can use that to download specific files18:12
wxlif you're doing "install <package>" it will parse them for instances of that package18:12
jakeLubuntuok, and we just cleared what ended up being corrupted indexes... sweet!18:12
wxlor if you're doing "update" it wioll parse them based on what you have already installed18:12
jakeLubuntui'm a compsci major and i love this stuff. haha.18:12
wxlnow i'm going to warn you that rm -rf is not a command you want to exercise lightly18:13
wxlfor example don't EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER do sudo rm -rf /18:13
wxlman it gives me chills just typing it18:13
wxlthat will erase your whole hard drive without asking18:13
jakeLubuntui getcha already. any recursive deletion can be fatal to the system. that would be nice if in a different directory and rebooting a hard drive though.18:13
wxlthere amy be reasons to use it, i'm just saying be careful; it's clear you grok that18:14
kanliotyeah that's bad when you put a space after the /18:14
jakeLubuntuwell, sweet. i'll save hte command in case it does it a third time. did it before on an earlier install of lubuntu, and then just now after i rebooted the system (just a school netbook, so it's not the end of the world haha).18:15
wxlin general, these sorts of problems are quite rare18:16
wxli've encountered them personally maybe once18:16
wxland i have 3+ lubuntu machines18:16
wxloh, 4+18:16
wxlforgot about the desktop i have hidden in the corner of the room18:16
kanliotman find lubuntu | wxl18:17
MenethorilIs there any shortage of beta testers for Lubuntu 12.10?19:40
TheLordOfTimeeveryone's welcome to betatest a release :p19:41
kanliotif you would like to help you are more than welcome19:42
MenethorilI realize that, but I didn't want to flood the Launchpad with my admittedly amateur bug reports if it is already being tested liberally.19:42
kanliotplease join #ubuntu-testing19:42
kanliotwe will preview or review your bugs19:42
MenethorilI'll do that, then.  I've got an old P4 at home I was hoping to resurrect.  Hopefully this will help both of us :)19:43
MenethorilRather, all of us19:43
AscavasaionLubuntu runs my printer and scanner amazingly!  I richt clicked and shared the printer on the Lubuntu20:00
AscavasaionLubuntu runs my printer and scanner amazingly!  I richt clicked and shared the printer on the Lubuntu machine.  I was wondering how I would install it via network on this Ubuntu machine?20:00
holsteinAscavasaion: i typically set the printer to be shared, and just add a printer in the wizard... usually its pretty automatic20:01
Ascavasaionholstein: I got it to print and scan so easily... WOW.  I am so impressed with Lubuntu.  And it is quick.20:02
Ascavasaionholstein: Is it Samba, LPD/LPR, ipp, Jet Direct, Find Network Printer, Other?  I have tried them all and no luck.20:04
kanliotAscavasaion, there's some articles on the wiki about sharing printers20:06
holsteini usually double check firewall settings20:07
holsteincheck and make sure i can ping the machines fom one another20:07
Ascavasaionwhat ports does printing use? 9100?20:07
holsteinAscavasaion: id have to look it up, but thats why i just pull the firewalls down when im on a trusted network for troubleshooting20:08
Ascavasaionholstein: Okies.20:09
kanliotif you just installed lubuntu, you won't have a firewall20:11
kanliotnor will you need one20:11
AscavasaionI have Firestarter.20:13
AscavasaionDoes this look correct - dnssd://Samsung%20SCX-3200%20Series%20%40%20entmoot._ipp._tcp.local/cups20:23
holsteinAscavasaion: depends.. i would just try some different sharing configurations til it works20:24
Ascavasaionthat is what it autodetected.20:24
holsteinAscavasaion: wont hurt to try it20:25
holsteinAscavasaion: i find sometimes i just have to try a few different ones20:25
AscavasaionOkay, trying ti ... just installing drivers.20:25
AscavasaionHmmm, it is not printing.  It is late, and I am working tomorrow... will try again another day.  Thank you so much holstein and kanliot ... Lubuntu is most impressive.20:28
AscavasaionNight night.20:28
holsteinAscavasaion: GN.. we'll get it going when you have time :)20:28
AscavasaionTa, night.20:29
NotLarryok, since I can't find the faq:)  How much space is good for a lubuntu install (I'm going to use it for pentest and netsec learning)?20:45
NotLarryok, found the faq:)20:47

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