
phunyguyno I am not referring to the lvm one00:04
phunyguyI am referring to the app in 12.04 referred to as "Disk Utility"00:06
phunyguyalso, how does one connect to IRC with Empathy now?00:15
DracoDanLRPCIf there is a package in 12.10 that is outdated, where do I start with getting someone to look at updating it?00:24
DracoDanLRPCthe package is targetcli00:24
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule00:24
DaekdroomWe are past feature freeze, so it's unlikely for it to be updated at this point.00:25
DracoDanLRPCits not a feature upgrade, its a functionality upgrade00:25
DracoDanLRPCthe version should be 2.0rc1-200:25
Daekdroom!info targetcli00:25
ubottutargetcli (source: targetcli): administration tool for managing LIO core target. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0rc1-2 (quantal), package size 18 kB, installed size 144 kB00:26
DracoDanLRPCcan you see when it was last updated?00:26
DracoDanLRPCI'm about to patch to beta100:26
Daekdroom5 months ago, according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/targetcli00:27
DracoDanLRPClook at the downloads for that, it shows both rc1 and rc1-200:28
DaekdroomWhat do you mean by downloads?00:29
ActionParsnipDracoDanLRPC: could see if there is a ppa00:29
trismDracoDanLRPC: -2 is the package version not the upstream version00:29
DaekdroomAnd that is the changelog.00:30
DaekdroomThe only version available at the repos is rc1-200:30
DracoDanLRPCokay, in my attempts to get it working on my system I seem to have made a mess... bbiab when I learn how ubuntu package management works and clean up my system...00:34
DracoDanLRPCone part that confuses me is that the version from the risingtidesystems.com git repo requires python 2.6 (not 2.7), but the debian and ubuntu version seem to be built on 2.700:36
trismDracoDanLRPC: there aren't any patches on the package as far as I can see00:38
trismDracoDanLRPC: what errors are you getting?00:40
DracoDanLRPCactually, I just went to grab the link from my email and noticed that I finally heard back from the mailing list!00:42
DracoDanLRPCturns out the biggest problem was not handling an error which caused a stack trace00:43
DracoDanLRPCbut now the biggest problem is the mess I've made on my system...00:43
=== histo1 is now known as histo
jetsaredimanyone know what happened to the pidgin entry in the messaging notifier?00:51
Daekdroomjetsaredim, the messaging indicator API was changed and pidgin's plugin for it has yet to be updated.00:53
DaekdroomBug #104025900:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040259 in pidgin-libnotify (Ubuntu Quantal) "FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104025900:53
jetsaredimfun times00:53
DracoDanLRPCwoot!  think Im getting the hang of this dpkg stuff now :-P01:03
DracoDanLRPCexcept targetcli still doesnt work after reinstalling it :-(01:04
phunyguyActionParsnip, have you tried the how-to you posted?01:12
phunyguyin 12.10, when you go to accounts in empathy, it brings you to system->online accounts now.01:13
phunyguyand IRC ain't in the list.01:13
phunyguyAnd personally, I like having the notifications in the envelope up top... which Xchat isn't giving me.01:14
Daekdroomphunyguy, for XChat, that functionality is provided in a separate package.01:14
Daekdroom(xchat-gnome-indicator if you're using XChat-GNOME)01:15
phunyguyDaekdroom, thanks01:15
ActionParsnipphunyguy: which one?01:17
trismphunyguy: account-plugin-irc isn't installed by default, which is why it isn't in the list01:17
ActionParsnipphunyguy: I don't use empathy, I'm still on my 11 year habit of Pidgin01:17
phunyguyActionParsnip, pidgin doesn't give you fits in Ubuntu?01:18
DaekdroomIs pidgin that old?01:18
phunyguyDaekdroom, pidgin, no, but gaim maybe01:18
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: it used to be called Gaim back in the day01:18
DaekdroomThat I do know.01:19
DaekdroomBut 11-year seems too long even for Gaim01:19
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: but yes its dead old and rocks imho01:19
DracoDanLRPCcan I use apt-get to reinstall a package?01:19
phunyguyActionParsnip, I always had issues with it in Unity01:19
DaekdroomPidgin is not very good with Unity indeed, but it's mostly window management issues.01:19
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidgin_(IM_client)   1998 as gaim initially01:20
phunyguyahh nevermind01:20
phunyguycant restart yet, 1TB file transfer isn't finished ><01:21
ActionParsnipphunyguy: never had an issue, launch the irc channel, minimise main window and off you go. It even groups in the default alt+tab plugin to show all windows associated with pidgin01:21
phunyguyActionParsnip, I had issues with not being able to get the contact list to foreground.01:21
ActionParsnipphunyguy: tried alt+tab ?01:21
phunyguydrove me bananas01:21
phunyguyyes but I am not a natural alt-tabber01:22
trismDracoDanLRPC: apt-get install --reinstall package_name01:22
ActionParsnipphunyguy: ah, i see01:22
DaekdroomI usually closed it using the Launcher then clicked on it again and the contact list would show up01:22
phunyguyEmpathy is tolerable currently01:22
DaekdroomBut that stopped being necessary.01:22
phunyguyEmpathy really has come a long way, but it still has a ways01:23
DaekdroomI can't stand using Empathy because it keeps failing connection to the protocols and account-plugin keeps losing access to my Google/Windows Live accounts >:(01:23
trismI find it easier to get to the pidgin contact list if I whitelist the status icon and enable it, then one click01:23
ActionParsnipthere is a PPA to put the pidgin password into the keyring rather than plaintext in ~/.purple too (very cool imho)01:23
phunyguyActionParsnip, agreed.  Maybe I will give it a whirl again01:24
phunyguyand yes Daekdroom empathy is losing access to my google account as well.  Shame because I really like the online-accounts integration feature.01:27
DaekdroomActionParsnip, is that https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-gnome-keyring/+archive/ppa ?01:28
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: indeed01:30
DracoDanLRPCtrism: thanks!01:31
DracoDanLRPCI was trying apt-get --reinstall <pkg> :-P01:31
DracoDanLRPCwhatever I've done to this system.... @#%^01:42
DracoDanLRPCI think I'm gonna have to reinstall ubuntu :-(01:42
DracoDanLRPCI had tried two different things to get python 2.6 installed, using pythonbrew and installing older python2.6 packages01:42
DracoDanLRPCall is removed now, but running python --version gives me 2.6.701:43
dr_willispython --version01:45
dr_willisPython 2.7.301:45
dr_willishow about the 'alterantives' perhaps its pointing to an older one.. not sure how.01:45
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal01:45
dr_willisdoh wrong factoid01:45
DracoDanLRPCroot@dracosan:~# python --version01:47
DracoDanLRPCPython 2.6.701:47
* DracoDanLRPC does an apt-get install --reinstall python-all01:49
trismDracoDanLRPC: sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-minimal;01:50
dr_willis /etc/alternatives/python   perhaps is set wrong.  DracoDanLRPC01:52
dr_willisif it even exists.. ;)01:52
trismpython doesn't use alternatives01:52
DracoDanLRPCtrism: same :-(01:53
dr_willisim out of ideas then. ;) i rarely use  fancy features of python01:53
DracoDanLRPCso... I think the problem came from me using bzr to grab python2.6 and build it from source.............01:53
dr_willisin which case  what does 'which python' say?01:54
DracoDanLRPCI'm considering just blowing away the directories and the executable and then reinstalling01:54
dr_williswhich python01:54
dr_willisthere ya go. :)01:54
dr_willis /usr/bin/python --version    vs   /usr/local/bin/python01:54
dr_willis /usr/bin/python --version    vs   /usr/local/bin/python --version01:55
DracoDanLRPCroot@dracosan:~# which python01:55
DracoDanLRPCroot@dracosan:~# python --version01:55
DracoDanLRPC-su: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory01:55
dr_willisheh. perhaps its using some cache of python in ram?01:55
dr_willisor was...01:55
DracoDanLRPCgiving the full path works01:55
dr_willisive seen bash get confused at times when you add.remove things fromn its path.01:56
DracoDanLRPCI deleted the python from /usr/local/bin/01:56
dr_willisI was thinking there was some bash command to rescan the default paths to get it straightend out01:56
dr_willisits thinking its still there01:56
dr_willishow about opening a new terminal and see what one is used then.01:56
DracoDanLRPCalready on it :-)01:57
DracoDanLRPCthat fixed it, thanks!01:57
DracoDanLRPCit still complains that rtslib is missing :-(01:59
dr_willisI dont even know what rtslib is. ;)01:59
trismDracoDanLRPC: python-rtslib01:59
DracoDanLRPCjust found that, lol01:59
trismDracoDanLRPC: apt-get build-dep targetcli; helps02:00
DracoDanLRPCdoesnt help02:00
trismDracoDanLRPC: no?02:01
DracoDanLRPCthanks a ton for your help and patience trism, you rock02:02
DracoDanLRPCI had to uninstall and reinstall python-rtslib02:03
dr_willisand dance a jig.02:03
DracoDanLRPCdoing an apt-get install --reinstall python-rtslib didnt fix it though02:03
DracoDanLRPCmore ubuntu questions... kinda03:21
DracoDanLRPChow do I pass options to kernel modules?  just put a file named <module>.conf in /etc/modprobe.d ?03:22
DracoDanLRPCand the options in that file of course03:22
ActionParsnipDracoDanLRPC: yes, if you can add:   options modulename whatever=value03:25
ActionParsnipDracoDanLRPC: add it in a new file in /etc/modprobe.d/something.conf    it must end in '.conf'03:25
DracoDanLRPCand I see that I can monitor the module in sysfs03:27
DracoDanLRPCmodinfo qla2xxx | grep parm03:29
DracoDanLRPCparm:           qlini_mode:Determines when initiator mode will be enabled. Possible values: "exclusive" - initiator mode will be enabled on load, disabled on enabling target mode and then on disabling target mode enabled back; "disabled" - initiator mode will never be enabled; "enabled" (default) - initiator mode will always stay enabled. (charp)03:29
DracoDanLRPCcat /etc/modprobe.d/qla2xxx.conf03:30
DracoDanLRPCoptions qla2xxx qlini_mode="disabled"03:30
DracoDanLRPCcat qlini_mode03:30
DracoDanLRPCsorry, that was probably too much to paste03:30
DracoDanLRPCpoint is that after rebooting it doesn't seem to have worked :-/03:31
DracoDanLRPCoh, gotta rebuild initrd03:41
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bjsnidercan someone please install firefox-dev and run a command for me03:58
bjsniderit is a very small package03:58
trismwhich command? I powered down by quantal box but I can check if it isn't something I don't already know03:59
bjsniderpkg-config --cflags mozilla-plugin04:00
bjsnideri need the output obviously04:01
bjsniderfrom the terminal04:01
bjsniderthis will work in kde, gnome, whatever you want04:01
trismbjsnider: I believe it was the same as precise, -DXP_UNIX -I/usr/include/firefox04:01
trismbjsnider: but I can boot and check quantal if you'd like04:01
bjsnideri need to know for sure04:01
bjsniderthank you04:01
trismalright one sec04:01
bjsnideri'd appreciate it04:01
trismbjsnider: yes, same as precise04:03
bjsnidertrism, now, can you ls /usr/include/firefox04:04
trismnpapi.h  npfunctions.h  npruntime.h  nptypes.h  nspr04:04
bjsnidernpapi.h is there04:04
trismI checked that the other day when you were having the issue, though it seems the package is tiny compared to precise (it doesn't have much beside that)04:05
bjsniderwhat's the approximate file size?04:05
trism-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28846 Sep  6 06:08 /usr/include/firefox/npapi.h04:06
trismsame as precise for that file though (size wise anyway)04:06
bjsnidertrism, lsb_release -rs04:08
bjsnideryou'll have to install that package04:08
trismInstalled-Size: 245 versus Installed-Size: 30207 on precise04:09
trism12.10 for the lsb_release04:09
bjsniderwell, this is weird04:10
bjsnidertrism, that's all i needed, thanks04:10
trismno problem04:11
bjsnideroh, now i see what's happening04:13
bjsnidertrism, can you do something else please04:16
bjsniderls /usr/lib/firefox-devel04:16
trismbjsnider: *shrugs* just shutdown again, one sec04:17
bjsniderls /usr/lib/firefox-devel -l04:19
bjsniderneed to know symlinks too04:19
trismnot there at all04:19
bjsniderthat'sa  bit of a problem04:20
bjsniderand if you run this command:04:20
bjsnider pkg-config --variable=sdkdir mozilla-plugin04:20
trismthere is an if in the firefox-dev.install.in for 12.10 that only has MOZ_INC/np* instead of the rest, might have something to do with it04:21
trismthat command returns /usr/lib/firefox-devel/ but its not there04:21
bjsnideryeah, that's my point04:21
bjsniderit's there in precise04:22
bjsnideris there a missing dependency?04:22
bjsnidermy rules code is working but the sdk variable holds a nonexistent location i guess04:23
trismnope, it seems like it was omitted on purpose though looking at the install file, maybe chrisccoulson knows?04:23
bjsnidermaybe that variable hasn't been changed yet?04:24
bjsniderjeez, i'm glad my code's working at least04:26
bjsnideri haven't done anything wrong04:26
bjsnider/usr/lib/firefox-devel was installed by firefox-dev in precise04:28
bjsnideri thinkt he variable should probably read /usr/include/firefox04:28
trismout of curiosity what error do you get when the build fails?04:34
bjsnidertrism, in the /usr/include/firefox/nspr directory, is nspr.h there?04:37
bjsnidertrism, complains about lack of npapi.h04:37
bjsniderwhich is perfectly understandable given the changes from precise to quantal04:37
trismnope, nothing in that directory but md/_linux.cfg04:38
bjsnideryou're kidding me04:39
bjsniderare you kidding me?04:39
trismbjsnider: everything in the firefox-dev package http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204072/04:40
trismbjsnider: debian/firefox-dev.install.in has %%if DISTRIB_VERSION >= 1210 @MOZ_INCDIR@/np*.h %%else install everything below, so kind of makes sense but the changelog gives no indication why that I can see04:41
bjsnidermicahg told me the reason for the change was that the api changed too often to offer the headers04:42
bjsniderbuilding against them would be pointless because they'll be different soon, in other words04:43
trismoh nm: * Kill the SDK - nothing in the archive depends on it (note, we still provide the NPAPI SDK though) in 14.0~b7+build1-0ubuntu104:43
trismI see04:43
bjsnidergecko-mediaplayer builds against the sdk04:44
bjsniderthe plugin.cpp file says it needs the following headers:04:44
bjsnidernsIPrefBranch.h nsIPrefService.h nsIServiceManager.h nsISupportsPrimitives.h04:45
bjsniderall provided by firefox-dev in precise04:45
bjsnideror it requires nspr.h04:45
bjsnideri guess that's the end of gecko-mediaplayer in quantal04:46
micahgbjsnider: nspr.h should be provided by libnspr4-dev, not firefox-dev04:50
bjsnideroh, cool04:51
bjsnidermaybe i can get it to build then04:51
micahglinking against firefox's nspr is a recipe for trouble04:51
bjsniderwhat is nspr anyway?04:51
micahgnetscape portable runtime library04:51
trismyep gecko-mediaplayer fails to rebuild: plugin.h:40:19: fatal error: npapi.h: No such file or directory, since its looking in -I/usr/lib/firefox-devel/include04:52
bjsnidertrism, try building with libnspr4-dev, and pass --with-xulrunner-sdk=/usr/include/firefox04:54
micahgit should really be patched to use the mozilla-plugin.pc file04:55
trismit is, but it is looking at --variable=sdkdir instead of --cflags04:56
bjsniderwhat should?04:56
trismand changing it to /usr/include/firefox doesn't help because it then looks in /usr/include/firefox/include04:56
trismplus a bunch of other directories that used to be linked in /usr/lib/firefox-devel04:56
trismtoo tired to look right now though, good luck with your build bjsnider04:59
DracoDanLRPCugh, FML.  Now this server keeps pausing for like a minute at a time05:35
DracoDanLRPCjust when I thought I had everything fixed05:35
DracoDanLRPCokay, now it seems to have simply stopped.  went to the console and couldn't get any response05:39
DracoDanLRPCyet it responds to pings05:39
DracoDanLRPCcould reconfiguring the HBA cause that?05:41
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
sigandersonemesene crashes while I login: http://pastebin.com/s0sHL261   it should be some problem with python in ubuntu 12.1010:30
rose7676help for ati drivers install10:36
sigandersonrose7676, what's your problem?10:37
rose7676siganderson,  sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle >>>>  fglrx : Depends: xorg-video-abi-11 but it is not installable  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.10:38
rose7676siganderson, now fix ?10:38
sigandersonrose7676, that's a problem in repos, the only fix is to wait10:39
sigandersonor you could install the binary driver by downloading it from www.amd.com10:39
rose7676siganderson, manual no installl again problem :(10:40
sigandersonrose7676, are you italian? come to #ubuntu-it-chat10:43
rose7676но но10:46
sigandersonthe only way to use fglrx on 12.10 is to install manually from the binary release on the amd site; it will be so until they will fix the repos10:48
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Guest29868Hi, I updated my quantal and lost grub, so I booted from the liveCD and tried: $ sudo grub-install /dev/sda11:33
Guest29868/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).11:33
Guest29868what am I doing wrong, please?11:33
zekoZekohey everyone, I upgraded a few days ago and I'm noticing a bug with window switching.12:01
zekoZekosometimes when i alt+tab switch to another window, the new window is not focused12:02
zekoZekoso i have to click on it, or switch to another windows and back and then it's OK12:02
zekoZekoi tried searching if a bug was already submitted, but was unsuccessful, maybe i used too generic terms12:02
DaekdroomI'm wondering why the GTK2 version of Ambiance hasn't been updated to have black menus (I suppose the same thing happens to Radiance).12:35
dupondjeEverybody ever ran linux gui on a remote server to code? and then connect to it with vnc ? :p13:04
geserit's probably faster than X11 over the network13:06
dupondjenow using vi, but its not always cool to code with it :(13:07
geserI know13:07
dupondjegood for small files :) sux for big projects13:08
geserI now use sshfs to get the remote code repositories to my computer and then use the IDE13:08
dupondjehmz, could be an option also13:09
dupondjestill a full remote gui is better, if you change settings of the ide for example13:10
dupondjehmz ... :D13:10
geseror use the server as a git/bzr/..  server and use a local branch13:10
gesertoo many options to choose from :)13:11
dupondjeonly the speed ofc13:11
dupondjewould a full desktop remotely be fast enough ... :D13:12
geserI tried that first too (with NV) but it wasn't fast enough (using the IDE didn't feel smooth)13:13
ryeHi, does anybody see weird font hinting/size in current Quantal? http://ubuntuone.com/4FzErYocDSeN4CN5g9hxCN - that's what my font looks everywhere13:44
ryeI've been googling around but don't see any similar reports13:45
jbicharye: you need to install ubuntu-settings, it should be a dependency of ubuntu-desktop but it might require a dist-upgrade to get it13:56
jokerdinorye: if anything, change the hinting to slight in gnome-tweak-tool13:57
bjsniderubuntu-settings. now, is that any relation to gnome-tweak?14:04
ryeubuntu-desktop: Installed: (none)14:11
ryejbicha: thank you! I should have checked I have all the metapackages installed14:11
BluesKajHi all16:04
DrHalananyone else having flickering issues with unity lately?16:34
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BluesKajthe last update/upgrade  put me into grub rescue after the required reboot , and this partition doesn't control grub , or at least it isn't supposed to.18:01
jtaylorthere seem to be some issues with the new grub218:01
jtaylormine won't even install because of a to large image18:02
jtaylorgrub 2.00 instead of 1.9918:02
BluesKajbut why would grub that's installed on my 12.04 partition be affected by an upgrade on my 12.10 partition18:03
Picijtaylor: I was just going to say that I saw someone with the same problem in another channel.... but that someone was you.18:03
jtaylorI'm still waiting for -4 to show up on my mirror, maybe it fixes the issue18:03
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BluesKaj12,04 is the boot partition, what don't I understand about this issue ?18:04
jtaylorgrub tends to take over the boot record on upgrades18:05
jtaylorfor me it constantly changes between debian and ubuntu's grub each time it gets upgraded in one of the two18:05
BluesKajis it safe to remove grub from this partition, then18:06
BluesKajwhy would we need 2 grubs is the real question18:07
bjsnideryou can never have too many grubs18:09
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trismnew menu is kind of vague, just says "Ubuntu" and "Advanced Options for Ubuntu"18:13
BluesKajbjsnider, could you elaborate pls ?18:15
bjsniderBluesKaj, i was kidding18:17
* BluesKaj shrugs , I'm still confused18:18
wilee-nileejtaylor, grub will take over the mbr in a distro upgrade yes.18:20
wilee-nileeeasily fixed18:20
trismit really shouldn't, you usually get a debconf prompt asking you to install grub somewhere (assuming you didn't install grub when installing +1, ubiquity -b), it didn't touch my setup18:21
BluesKajbjsnider, so would you know if it's safe for me to remove grub from this install and rely on grub on the other to boot from18:22
bjsnideryeah, because you just need the kernel, that's what is booting18:22
BluesKajthe other OS/grub sees the all the kernels on the HDD , does it not ?18:24
bjsniderif you install a new kernel in the os without grub, you'll have to boot into the grub os and re-run update-grub18:24
wilee-nileetrism, a user that understand that would not be complaining about grub I would think it is easily manipulated.18:24
BluesKajbjsnider, that make sense , but as I asked before why would a kernel upgrade create chos in grub that resides on a differnt partition/OS?18:27
BluesKajyeah , like grub rescue18:28
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, You have to know which grub is in the mbr, and update accordingly.18:28
BluesKaji had to go into tyhe live cd a nd reinstall grub on the boot partition18:28
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, I doubt you need a boot partition to begin with.18:30
BluesKajwilee-nilee, I do know , that's the whole point of this discussion , grub on the boot partition shouldn't be wiped out by an upgrade on a differnt install18:30
wilee-nileehaving a boot partition just convolutes the process more than is needed to be honest.18:30
BluesKajsorry boot partition is a misnomer , the / partition of the other OS18:31
BluesKajit's flagged as boot in fdisk18:33
wilee-nileeI think you may not understand the setup, I have 3 linux setups and W7 on one HD, I never have probles, I know which OS has the grub control in the mbr. If I get a upgrade in a non control OS I switch it to having the grub in the mbr I update grub I remove the extra kernel if needed, then boot to the OS I want to have control and reinstall grub to the mbr from there.18:33
wilee-nileeyour grub> could of been an anomaly, you description is missing a lot of understanding as well of the whole process.18:34
bjsniderthe o/s with grub control is the one you keep running update-grub in18:38
bjsniderbut it's run automatically every time there's a kernel upgrade in any of the linux o/s partitions, which transfers control18:39
BluesKajthanks for the info , maybe i didn't explain my setup more clearly , I have one HDD with / and /home partitions on on it , 12.04 and 12.10 , also another HDD that's W7 , and an external drive for media , The 12.04 was the original install , and it seemed to assume grub duties for all the HDDs . I have had grub rescue before after 12.10 updates , but it always affected the 12.10 install , never the 12.04 grub .18:41
=== Guest54648 is now known as wN
BluesKajbjsnider, then this last update /upgrade is dangerous , because grub was definitely broken , someone should look into this18:51
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, I am running 12.04 and 12.10 on the same hd this did not happen to me grub is not broken.18:56
BluesKajwilee-nilee, did you see the kernel updgrade ?18:56
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, yes.18:56
BluesKajhave you rebooted ?18:56
BluesKaj hmm, odd , anyway it broke here ..it's still an issue IMO18:58
wilee-nileeno problems, I saw the kernel upgrade I ran sudo grub-install /dev/sda giving 12.10 mthe grub control I then ran update-grub I rebboted to 12.10 removed the older kernal and ran update-grub and then booted to 12.04 anf gave it grub control again.18:58
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, Have you modified grub with the grub customizer, or another grub tweaking tool?18:59
BluesKajwilee-nilee, one shouldm't have to run those commands to prevent problems after a kernel upgrade , that's the whole point19:00
BluesKajwilee-nilee, no19:01
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, Have you modified grub with the grub customizer, or another grub tweaking tool?19:01
wilee-nileemy commands just shorten the process you have to run to get the controlling grub to read the other OSthat has had a kernel update, I like only one kernel set personally.19:04
cowsquadhow is quetzal working out for you guys? thoughts?19:53
zoktaranyone else experiencing "fullscreen streches to multiple monitors" effect?20:07
drcMain Menu in Xubuntu 12.10-not-yet-beta :) doesn't appear to be functioning like that in 12.04...1) Some items that I uncheck do not get removed from the menu and when I look again they are still checked; and 2) When I try to add items (File Manager or Terminal) to the top-level xfce-menu, they are placed in Other.  Is this the way of the future or a temporary aberation?20:10
jakubohi, is there a way to get back to old grub, as im using softwareraid, and some people seem not to give a damn about it...20:30
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zoktarjakubo, i had issues with getting that working, in the end i just made it with btrfs instead20:56
jakubozoktar: why is the FS relevant?21:03
jakuboit says that there is not enough space to embed stuff21:04
jakubowhich is necessary for RAID21:05
yofelold grub is still in the archive so you can install it yourself if you need21:06
yofelshould be the 'grub' package21:06
patdk-wkjakubo, all you need to do is move your partition to be at 1MB instead of at 32k on the disk21:07
patdk-wkthen you will have lots of room for grub21:07
jakubopatdk-wk: is there an easy way to do it on a software raid setup?21:10
patdk-wkhmm? it's just a partition21:11
patdk-wkassuming you have enough space on the disk, to reorganize things21:11
patdk-wkit's very very easy for software raid to move it around21:11
jakuboso i can just resize the raid partitions?21:12
patdk-wkthat, dunno21:12
patdk-wkmove sure, resize, I dunno21:12
jakubowithout losing data?21:12
patdk-wkmove, yes21:13
patdk-wkwhat does your partition layout look like?21:13
jakuboso the first partition is to start at 1MB?21:13
jakubowell... cant tell you exactly atm, as my system is broken21:14
jakubothats the tricky thing21:14
patdk-wkneed something like sysrescd or any partition iso tool21:14
jakubobut ill just get over there and get a live system up21:14
jakubowill you be here for a soem time to aid me if necessary?21:15
patdk-wkprobably not :(21:15
patdk-wkgoing out for dinner soon21:15
patdk-wkbut I have done this thousands of times21:15
patdk-wkbut  Ido understand, it can be scary if you haven't done it before21:15
=== cmagina_away is now known as cmagina_
jakubobut apparently you have left some space on your disks21:16
patdk-wkand also, not fun if you do make a mistake21:16
patdk-wkwell, most of my disks these days are virtual21:16
patdk-wkso I just add some space :)21:16
patdk-wkor, I'll steal space from a swap partition or something21:16
patdk-wkall depends what is available21:17
jakubothat option sounds possible21:17
jakuboor does the space need to be at the beginning?21:17
patdk-wkit doesn't matter at all21:18
patdk-wkif it is, it's *easier*21:18
patdk-wkif the space is at the end21:18
jakuboso it just needs to be unpartitioned space?21:18
patdk-wkwell, it will have to COPY the whole disk, and take awhile21:18
patdk-wkactually ya, you have two options21:19
patdk-wkideally, the first 1MB of the disk should be empty21:19
patdk-wkand if possible, that would be best21:19
patdk-wkif not, you could make a small partition anywhere, and make that bootable flag21:19
patdk-wkand install grub there21:19
patdk-wklike delete swap, and create two partitions to replace it21:19
patdk-wkbut moving partitions is probably going be better long term likely21:20
patdk-wkso you have the first 1mb free21:20
jakuboi just dont like the idea of having to redo an install with alternative install media, as it seems that pulse audio messed up with 4.0 sound...21:20
jakubo... since about 12.04 and having 2 dist upgrades really isnt the thing im looking for21:21
patdk-wkya, as long as you can free up some space somewhere, its ok21:23
patdk-wkexcept we can't take that space from the softraid partition21:23
patdk-wkbut like swap or somethingelse disposable (likely only swap) would be ok21:23
patdk-wkor if you can copy everything off one partition to another to free it up (unlikely if your using software raid though)21:24
jakubodo you know whether it will be permanent? or is it some temporary state?21:24
jakuboi mean the 1MB requirement... and where foes it come from?21:24
patdk-wkthe 1mb isn't a requirement21:26
patdk-wkit's the recommended thing since 4k sectors came out21:27
patdk-wkgrub only uses approx 40 to 60k21:27
patdk-wkbut the old recommendation was limited to 30k21:27
patdk-wkso 1mb is LOTS of space from this view point21:27
jakubothx for your help. maybe one last thing21:31
jakuboi got serious issues with the touchpad21:31
jakuboany idea?21:32
patdk-wkjakubo, don't use touchpads21:41
patdk-wkwell, I don't use them21:42
edgyhi, after the latest updates, my grub is lost, so I reinstalled it but every time I do update-grub I lose it again, is it only me?21:44
jtaylornot only you21:44
jtaylordo you get to large core.img error?21:45
edgyjtaylor: exactly21:47
jtaylorme too21:47
edgyjtaylor: so what can I do now?21:47
jtaylorI installed precises grub again21:47
edgyjtaylor: is there a bug issue?21:48
jtaylordidn't check yet21:48
patdk-wksounds like another case21:48
patdk-wkcheck that you have 1mb free diskspace before your first partition21:49
patdk-wkyour first partition should start on or after sector 204821:49
patdk-wkgrub2 can exceed the old limit, of putting the first partition at sector 6321:49
jtaylorthe question is why does it need more?21:49
jtaylorits a significant regression21:49
jtaylorlots of machines start at 6321:49
patdk-wkgrub2 has been claiming it needed more for a long time21:50
patdk-wkdunno what change made it require more though21:50
edgypatdk-wk:  parted -l shows: 1      32.3kB  107MB  107MB   primary   ntfs            boot, diag21:50
patdk-wkany machine installed in the last few years shouldn't be at sector 6321:50
patdk-wkya, that 32.3kb is the issue21:50
edgypatdk-wk: which means I guess only 32 KB is there21:50
patdk-wkonly grub1 should work :)21:50
patdk-wkgrub2 does lots more than grub1, why it needs more21:50
edgypatdk-wk: but it was working before with grub221:51
patdk-wkyes, I dunno what exactly changed (I haven't installed latest quantal yet)21:51
patdk-wkbut I have been tracking grub for a long time21:51
edgypatdk-wk: how can I fix it now without losing my systems?21:51
patdk-wkis that really ntfs?21:51
edgypatdk-wk: yes, that was windows21:51
patdk-wkI would use a partition took, and let it resize that partition, assuming it will resize ntfs also correctly21:52
patdk-wkand free up 1mb of space21:52
patdk-wkeasy fix21:52
patdk-wklots of bootable partition iso's can do that21:52
patdk-wkI normally use payfor ones21:52
patdk-wkso dunno the free ones on the top of my head21:53
edgypatdk-wk: do you know whether gparted works?21:54
zekoZekogparted is the shit for this stuff, should work OK, but I'd make a backup of the partition anyway if possible.21:55
patdk-wklooks like yes21:55
zekoZekoi resized & moved partitions of all kinds of windows machines with it.21:56
patdk-wkjust move the start from 32k to 1MB :)21:56
zekoZekoincluding servers.21:56
patdk-wkya, I haven't, as I have been using my old trusty iso for longer than gparted has been around21:56
patdk-wkso just used to it, vs gparted21:56
patdk-wkbeen slowly using gparted more though21:57
jtaylorI wonder how lvm deals with it when I resize the partition under it ._.21:57
patdk-wkit doesn't21:57
patdk-wkyou have to adjust the ext4/xfs/...21:57
patdk-wkthen resize lvm21:57
patdk-wkthen resize the raid21:57
patdk-wkthen resize the partition21:57
patdk-wkI have done it before :)21:57
patdk-wkmore than once :)21:57
jtaylorbut I'm just a bit concerned that lvm might screw things up during the resize21:57
patdk-wkya, it's always *fun*21:58
patdk-wkcause with lvm, you dunno where the free space really is21:58
patdk-wkhopefully at the end21:58
wNresize bigger or smaller?21:59
patdk-wkwhen using lvm though, I normally leave lots of free space, cause I assume I will use snapshots21:59
zekoZekowith LVM, i'd move al the LVs to another drive first :)21:59
edgypatdk-wk, zekoZeko: ok I did the resize and would reboot. please please sit around for five mins in case I face problems ;)21:59
jtaylorwell I should try fixing the issue, previously it only prevented me from using btrfs21:59
wNi agree with zekoZeko. you can pvmove the extents off of the pv you're intending to screw up.21:59
patdk-wkya, defently would be a lot safer21:59
zekoZekoi managed to screw myself like that once21:59
patdk-wkyep, easy to do22:00
patdk-wkI spend a good day or two when I do those things22:00
patdk-wkwith lvm in the mix22:00
patdk-wkjust checking and double checking every calculation I make22:00
zekoZekoactualy, the problem was that the old partition started at sector 63 and when i deleted it and created again, it started at 204822:00
zekoZekoand I couldn't get my PV back :)22:00
wNso if you can map back each extent of the PV, you could technically move only the pv extents that would be affected by  the underlaying resize22:00
zekoZekoit was fun rescuing data from that drive :)22:01
wNyou can do that if you check segments of each lv22:01
patdk-wkzekozeko can't be as fun as rescuring data from a 6 drive raid50 with 3 failed disks :)22:01
patdk-wkwhat is really sad about that is22:02
patdk-wkthe server continued to run for MONTHS with 3 failed disks22:02
patdk-wkwithout anyone noticing, and people using that server every day22:02
zekoZekopatdk-wk, yeah, still less than rescuing it from 5 or 6 driver that were pulled from an array because of a fire22:03
zekoZekoi think it was some IBM array22:03
edgypatdk-wk: wait, shall I reboot first and then use grub-update to verify or use grub-update then reboot?22:03
zekoZekoand the vendor support said nothing can be done if we don't know the order of the drives :)22:03
patdk-wkonce the partitions are moved22:03
patdk-wkyou will need to reboot probably so linux sees the partition change, not sure22:04
patdk-wkand then reinstall grub22:04
patdk-wkwell, reinstall grub to the bootloader22:04
patdk-wkzekoZeko, odd, figuring out the raid order of disks is normally easy22:04
edgyok let me reboot22:04
zekoZekoedgy, if it won't boot, have a install cd handy, boot to rescue mode, mount the install, chroot and run grub-install /dev/sda22:05
zekoZekopatdk-wk, no idea, it wasn't me rescuing data, was a guy i used to work with.22:05
patdk-wkah, I assumed he knew it wouldn't boot, as that was his issue :)22:05
zekoZekopatdk-wk, anyway, he imaged the drives (SCSI) to a big SATA drive and played a little and managed to stitch them together and rescue the data22:06
zekoZekopatdk-wk, afaik the backups were also gone in the fire :)22:07
patdk-wkya, my case the disks had lots of read issues22:08
patdk-wkso I used ddrescue to image the disks to files22:09
patdk-wkthen just played with them to get them in order22:09
patdk-wkcause I didn't know the failure order22:09
zekoZekook now that some people are here, let's talk ubuntu+1 :)22:09
zekoZekoi have trouble with alt+tab window switching22:10
patdk-wkI don't use gui :)22:10
zekoZekothe window i switch to sometimes loses focus22:10
zekoZekoso i have to click it, or switch to another window and back, then it has focus22:10
* patdk-wk has to go :(22:11
patdk-wkedgy taking longer than 5min22:11
zekoZekonice talking to you22:11
zekoZekoi'll wait for a few more minutes :)22:11
patdk-wkya, there should of been a warning/message if users didn't have 1MB free space22:12
patdk-wkatleast ubuntu since atleast lucid installs that way22:12
patdk-wkmy 8.04 isn't though, if people have been updating for awhile :(22:13
zekoZekoi never thought about it, on important machines i always erase the partition table22:13
zekoZekowhen installing22:13
patdk-wkya, I always wipe on install22:13
patdk-wkbut I do upgrades a lot22:13
zekoZekoyeah me too, especially my workstations.22:14
patdk-wkbut people using winxp or older22:14
zekoZekoi have to say, the Q upgrade was very smooth on both machines i tried it on22:14
patdk-wkheh, my workstations always fail upgrades, always reinstall22:14
patdk-wkserver normally upgrade fine22:14
zekoZekoand the system itself is in quite a good shape for being 1 month before release.22:14
zekoZekothe previous version was shite at a similar time22:14
patdk-wkya, I need to test again, was way too busy to do the beta1 release testing22:14
patdk-wkwas having iscsi issues on the alpha images22:15
zekoZekoi'll see what my home machine will say when I get the time22:16
zekoZekoi haven't been there for like 14 days or so :)22:16
patdk-wkmy home machine is the only one left to upgrade to precise22:16
patdk-wkmy laptops and work are precise22:16
zekoZekobut it has software raid + luks and that combo usually craps out on me on upgrades :)22:17
patdk-wkI run luks on the laptop, that was a pain to install22:17
patdk-wkbasically I just install it to a dummy drive22:17
patdk-wkthen move it to luks22:17
edgypatdk-wk: seems it works very well22:17
patdk-wkcause I use FDE on the laptop22:17
patdk-wkedgy, no problem :)22:18
zekoZekohaha. my laptop is an atom. with luks. imagine :)22:18
patdk-wkso is one of mine :)22:18
patdk-wkmy new one is nice, aes at 380MB/sec to the ssd22:18
edgypatdk-wk: there was errors like /usr/sbin/grub-probe: warning: Couldn't find physical volume `pv0'. Some modules may be missing from core image..22:18
edgyhow those affects me?22:18
patdk-wkedgy, no idea :(22:18
zekoZekoedgy, so it works now? I wouldn't worry about the errors too much.22:19
patdk-wkI haven't played enough with ubuntu grub or what they changed in it to know22:19
edgyzekoZeko: yes, it's working very well22:19
edgypatdk-wk, zekoZeko: parted made the partition like this: 1      1049kB  106MB  105MB   primary   ntfs            boot, diag22:19
edgywhich is not 1M accurate but I guess that doesn't make a big difference, would this alignment affect performance in any way?22:20
zekoZekodunno, not my area of expertise really :(22:20
zekoZekomisaligned partitions do affect performance sometimes, but I can't tell you for sure when.22:22
edgyok thanks I would read more about it, bye for now22:24
pepeehi. sorry for asking this here, I know is off-topic, but I don't know where to ask and no one will pay attention in #ubuntu. how can I delete a post in paste.ubuntu.com ?22:42
[4-tea-2]pepee: they're probably all busy searching paste.ubuntu.com for the post you want to delete.23:18
pepeeoh yeah, how funny23:18
micahgpepee: file a request by mailing rt at ubuntu dot com with the reasoning23:19
micahgpepee: PM?23:19
pepeemicahg, ok23:20
[4-tea-2]pepee: if you disclosed any passwords or something like that in your post, you should consider them compromised anyway.23:22
pepee[4-tea-2], not password, but some file path in a semi-public computer that may reveal too much info :/23:23
edgypatdk-wk: I'm back. I got confused, should I leave 1M or 2M at the start?23:25
edgypatdk-wk: I am reading http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2011/09/make-sure-your-partitions-are-correctly-aligned-for-optimal-ssd-performance/23:25
edgypatdk-wk: and in one place it says 2M and in another it says 1M23:26
zoktaranyone have strange  fullscreen behaviour, youtube fullscreen games fullscreen, it kind of looks like it is trying to span across to my other monitor.23:35
Daekdroomedgy, it says leave 2M, then change it back to 1M23:36
edgyDaekdroom: no, I mean when he says:  If this number is divisible by 4096 (that is, if dividing it by 4096 equals a whole number and not a decimal), your partition is correctly aligned. If not, you need to realign it.23:37
edgyDaekdroom: you got my point?23:40
Daekdroomedgy, I think those 1MB need to be exact 1024KB, but I'm not sure.23:40
Daekdroom(in order for it to be correctly alligned)23:40
edgyDaekdroom: how can i check whether I did properly or not? fdisk -l shows start 2048 but parted -l shows 1049kB23:41
DaekdroomIs it a partition in the middle of the SSD?23:41
edgyDaekdroom: it's not an SSD, just the first partition in a normal disk23:43
edgyDaekdroom: is this alignment only for SSDs?23:43
DaekdroomAs far as I know it doesn't affect performance in HDDs.23:43
edgyDaekdroom: that's good news but let me prepare for my next laptop. is the fdisk or parted output is correct?23:45
DaekdroomI can't say for sure, but I think Parted is not very reliable when it comes to showing space.23:46
DaekdroomIt's left small unformatted spaces in my HDDs quite often.23:47
edgyDaekdroom: from  gparted it doesn't show the space in the beginning, GUI is always lacking or I am missing something obvious23:48
DaekdroomI don't know if it's meant to work that way.23:48
edgyDaekdroom: according to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Format, it seems HDD are also affected23:50
Daekdroomedgy, it looks to me it's specific to 4K-sector drives.23:51
edgyDaekdroom: ah! I don't know what's this 4K-sector drives? how can I tell whether mine is?23:51
Daekdroomedgy, sudo fdisk -s -l should tell it.23:52
DaekdroomPhysical Sector Size would be it.23:53
edgyDaekdroom: you mean this line: Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes23:55
Daekdroomedgy, yes.23:55
edgyDaekdroom: so it seems I have those 4k disks23:55
joseph_COhi I'm from colombia but I don't speak english23:56

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