
=== Guest56625 is now known as ntwrk_keith
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meditatingfrogis there a general ubuntu support team?02:48
hashemLike a group of people you can call to get help?02:49
hashemCanonical offers support for-pay, but I'm unsure if it's for consumers or companies02:50
meditatingfrogno, like a team of people doing support for fun02:50
meditatingfroglike this one02:50
meditatingfrogi guess i should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:51
hashemthere are the folks at http://askubuntu.com02:51
meditatingfrogthanks hashem02:51
hashemI'm unsure of anything else, but there might be something.02:52
meditatingfrogi was just wondering because i had an idea, like if having tiered free support would be a good idea02:53
meditatingfrogthat's kind of what ub is02:53
hashemwhat is ub?03:00
PickeledEggsHi, I just installed Ubuntu on my custom computer. Frequently in instances like when I open the software center, the entire system freezes completely. What could be the cause of this.05:15
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: could be too much paging, but probably high cpu usage05:18
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: are you sure it's frozen or has it merely slowed down so severely as to appear to be frozen?05:19
PickeledEggs<meditatingfrog> I wasnt able to move my mouse or even open the terminalto do an xkill05:20
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: what was the maximum amount of time you gave it?05:20
PickeledEggsabout a minute or so05:20
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: did the caps lock function?05:20
PickeledEggs<meditatingfrog> nothing05:21
PickeledEggs<meditatingfrog> i had to restart05:21
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: sounds like a problem with the software center.  it only happens when you open the software center?05:22
PickeledEggsmediatingfrog: as far as I know05:23
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: you could try running USC from a terminal, sudo software-center --enable-lp05:23
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: found that here w/ a google search http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-to-run-ubuntu-software-center-from-terminal-865067/05:23
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: are you sure you have enough system resources for the Ubuntu Software Center?05:24
geirhaMy bet would be crappy graphics drivers05:25
PickeledEggsmediatingfrog: I mean, I have 16b gigs of ram, an i7 quad core processor and a nvidia gaming graphics card05:25
geirhayou really need something close to the kernel to freeze the system beyond repair05:25
meditatingfrogmaybe try turning off desktop effects05:26
geirhaNvidia. Linus has been knowwn to utter some profanities in that direction05:26
PickeledEggscould it be the graphics card, i heard recently bad things about it05:27
geirhaPickeledEggs: Try logging in with the Ubuntu 2d session. See if you get any freezes there05:28
PickeledEggsgeirha, haha i saw that, but yea its an NVIDIA GeForce gt 630m 1gb gddr3 mobile graphics card05:29
meditatingfrogwell, an infinite loop in a program could do it05:29
geirhameditatingfrog: Nah, keyboard and mouse input should still get through05:30
PickeledEggsis there drivers that I might want to install before putting it to 2d mode?05:30
meditatingfroggeirha: yeah, i think you're right05:30
geirhaPickeledEggs: The cog icon in the upper right corner -> system settings -> additional drivers (or something like that)  see if it suggests any other drivers05:32
PickeledEggsgeirha, ok let me try that real quick05:32
gates_any one on i need help to get any thing to install on my server05:35
gates_i was able to do so in the past but i added a new harddrive and reformated the old one and loaded the new os for it but now i cant get any thing to install05:35
meditatingfrog!ask | gates_05:37
ubot2gates_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:37
geirhayou did a new install? or did you copy the old install to the new drive?05:37
gates_A new install05:38
PickeledEggsit says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and I actually see something in the system drop down bar for NVIDIA05:38
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: you may find this useful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:39
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog, ok let me check that out real quick.05:40
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: you may just have to click "activate" in order to enable the binary driver05:40
meditatingfroggates_: i'd like to help but i don't know what you're question is05:41
gates_i have 2 hard drives on my box and i tryed to config it to use both and with every thing sead and done i cant install any programs to the server or update it05:43
tsimpsonwhat happens when you try, are there any error messages?05:44
gates_well it seads E: unable to etc:05:44
tsimpsonthat doesn't help, you should copy the exact errors and post them to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ then post the URL back here05:45
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog, there are so many unix alternative drivers how do I tell which one is the correct one for me?05:47
meditatingfroggates_: so this happens with all packages or a particular package?05:47
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: you should try installing the recommended driver that comes with your ubuntu installation in "additional drivers"05:47
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog,  no drivers show up in the window for "additional drivers"05:48
gates_meditatingforg: yes i even tryed to do a update it starts with a Err and the websites it trys to download from and after that a {W: failed to fetch ...} of the same sites05:49
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: well, that's weird.  it should say enabled or activated if you have an nvidia card05:49
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: you may need someone to take a look at it to see what the problem is.  have you connected with your local ubuntu community?05:50
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog,  there is actually an NVIDIA X server settings and when I open it it says that "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."05:52
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog,  does that mean I should just run that command through the terminal?05:53
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: the link i sent you (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia) may help, but ideally, you should find someone that has similar hardware that has installed the driver.05:54
meditatingfroggates_: can you ping out from the system?05:54
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: best way to do that is to search http://ubuntuforums.org05:55
gates_i never leaned to do that05:55
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: or wait in here to see if someone can help you out with your specific problem (there may be users in here that have your card, or more experience installing nvidia drivers).05:55
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog,  and I'm pretty new to the ubuntu community and don't really know how to get connected05:55
meditatingfrogi've only done it twice.  with a geforce2 card and a nforce motherboard05:56
meditatingfrogi think that's what they were called05:56
meditatingfroggates_: on the server type ping www.yahoo.com05:56
meditatingfrogor www.google.com05:56
meditatingfrogor whatever site you wish that's outside your LAN05:56
meditatingfrogwelcome then PickeledEggs ^_^05:56
gates_saying unknown host on both05:57
PickeledEggshaha thanks05:57
meditatingfroggates_: so it's not connected to the internet05:57
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: check out #ubuntu-beginners-team to get to know some folks, it's the off-topic channel05:57
gates_thats weard the wire is connected on both ends05:58
tsimpsonmore likely DNS issues05:58
meditatingfroggates_:   try pinging
PickeledEggsmeditatingfrog, ok thanks, umm what exactly do I do to there to get to know people in the community?05:59
meditatingfrogit's a server, he may need to configure the ip05:59
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: \o and wait05:59
gates_its working05:59
meditatingfrogPickeledEggs: yeah, or hello if you prefer05:59
gates_how do i get it to stop pinging05:59
PickeledEggsohh ok thanks05:59
tsimpsongates_: Ctrl-C05:59
gates_thanks but yes i was able to ping that ip06:00
meditatingfrogi'm going to bed.06:00
geirhacheck the nameserver setup.   cat /etc/resolv.conf06:00
gates_noting in it06:02
gates_geirha u there?06:09
gates_is any one there?06:11
PickeledEggshi guys, I'm back. I went on firefox and my computer locked up after I downloaded the driver off of the nvidia website.06:31
PickeledEggsthen I got a black screen and now my screen res is all messed up.06:32
PickeledEggsWould anyone be able to tell me the command to install the nvidia driver?06:34
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pinky-anybody know of a good dvb-s2 app for Ubuntu 12.04?11:47
pinky-or any dvb-s2 software at all?11:51
satyanash1pinky-, DVB-S2 as in Digital TV in ?11:59
pinky-I'm from the UK and want to watch HD channels on satellite11:59
Oimel1987Hello can anybody help me with a  problem ?14:46
histo!ask Oimel198714:47
ubot2Factoid 'ask Oimel1987' not found14:47
histo!ask | Oimel198714:47
ubot2Oimel1987: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:47
Oimel1987I've got an error at boot sequency called "cryptswap1 is not ready ..."14:49
Oimel1987I've got the option to wait or to recover it. what can i do to solve this problem ?14:49
rich_i'm looking to install guest additions15:53
rich_any help available?15:54
holsteinrich_: i would search it in the repos and install.. otherwise, let us konw what you are trying to accomplish15:55
rich_i'm tryin to install the guest additions in Virtual Box for the Ubuntu OS15:56
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
PickeledEggsHi, I need to install the driver for my NVIDIA graphics processor that I got off of the website. How do I install the .run file for the driver?16:49
holsteinPickeledEggs: is the one in the repos not working for you? there should be a "readme" or help file in the download...16:50
duanedesignsudo apt-get install nvidia-current shouuld indtsll newest driver for your system17:42
duanedesignbah too late17:43
duanedesigngetting slow in my old age17:43
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thewrathhey all!21:35
thewrathi am going to set up my own DNS, DHCP server21:49
thewrathwhat is the best distribution for that21:49
holsteinthewrath: i like the turnkey ubuntu ones21:53
thewrathit will be used for internal21:55
holsteinthewrath: anything will run those services... i would use what you are comfortable witl21:56
holsteinthe turnkey applicances are nice and run great live or vitualized21:56
thewrathdid i miss something but they are only paid servies22:13

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