
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
dglassIs anyone working on python-evolution? It seems broken in multiple ways in quantal. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-desktop/+bug/1041785) I have been using it for talking to evolution in another package (wakeup), and need to know whether I should create a detailed workaround for python-evolution support02:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041785 in gnome-python-desktop "python-evolution evolution.ecal has NoneType" [Undecided,New]02:54
RAOFdglass: In my experience the evolution bindings tend to be bad; from memory, upstream is not particularly happy with supporting them, as they expose evolution internals.02:56
RAOF(ie: they're not even API stable)02:56
dglassRAOF: that is certainly what it seems like.... so the answer is no, nobody is working on them, and yes, I should create a workaround?02:58
RAOFAs far as I'm aware.02:58
dglassOkay, well at least that is straightforward. Thanks for the info. It may be almost helpful to remove this package in this case, so as not to confuse people into using this package02:59
RAOFYeah; I did the same with something that relied on the C# evolution bindings.03:00
dglassOkay, well thanks a lot for the info.03:01
pittiGood morning03:34
ajmitchmorning pitti03:44
RAOFHey pitti03:44
didrocksgood morning05:33
pittibonjour didrocks05:43
didrocksguten morgen pitti, comment ça va?05:44
pittiça va bien, merci! et toi?05:44
pittiJe suis quatre-vingt-dix-huit % bien :)05:45
* pitti is still amazed by French numbers05:45
pitti"let's just skip 17, 18, 19, 70, 80, 90, nobody needs those" :)05:46
didrockspitti: c'est juste des mathématiques :)05:46
didrockspitti: still coughing, but it seems it's stalling like that. So drinking tea + honey05:46
pittigood luck!05:47
pittimeh, google accounts are still bothering twice a day05:48
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didrockspitti: you did restart your session sign yesterday's signon update?05:50
pittiyes, several times05:50
didrockspitti: I didn't get it yet since I restarted, (normally, I got it every day), maybe I'm more lucky? :)05:51
Mirvdesrt / didrocks: patch v2 at https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/gconf/support-s-to-as-migrations/+merge/12374407:40
tjaaltonI should probably unhiglight 'timo' :)07:41
didrockstjaalton: heh, indeed :)07:41
didrocksMirv: ok, let's wait for his feedback, thanks!07:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:43
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didrockshey chrisccoulson!07:52
didrockshow are you?07:52
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, i'm good thanks. how are you?07:53
didrockschrisccoulson: still coughing, so tea + honey for the day I think :)07:55
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* ogra_ wonders why he isnt capable to find a dmrc spec in fdo 09:07
ogra_isnt that a freedesktop definition ?09:07
didrocksogra_: I was thinking it would be, but I only found the definition on http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/stable/configuration.html.en09:09
didrocksand the lightdm one: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/LightDM/Design09:10
didrockswhich more or less push it as a standard :)09:10
ogra_yeah, thats the one i hit when searching for it on fdo09:10
ogra_but that doesnt actually have a proper definition09:10
ogra_seems lxdm completely ignores dmrc ... which has funny effects if you swithc back and forth between DMs09:11
ogra_(i have a user for whom the alternative was switched to lightdm on a 12.04 upgrade and he has a hard time getting the default session right again)09:11
ogra_so he asked about an explanation for dmrc ... i cant really belive there is nothing desktop agnostic about it on fdo09:12
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Mirvdesrt: thanks! :)13:19
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* didrocks is happy to look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html now13:52
didrocksstill some work to go, but we started by far :)13:52
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Mirvdidrocks: hi, ok so you think the remaining migration problem is a blocker. I didn't ask anyone yet, so if you or popey can ask desrt or tim or someone to try it out in US timezones today still, I wrote a description at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1204871/14:34
Mirvmy brains are finished for this week now :)14:35
popeyI'll hunt them down Mirv , thanks14:36
didrocksok, let's see what would be popey's results14:38
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, native theme rendering in firefox is a PITA14:57
chrisccoulsondo you think anybody would notice if it stopped rendering native styled widgets?14:57
Riddellis ubuntu desktop staying with language-selector for 12.10 rather than integrating bits with gnome control centre?14:58
mterrytedg, is that remote-login-service thing ready?  I'd like to push it today14:59
mterryI can work on the test issue if you're busy today14:59
tedgmterry, In general yes, getting the fixes through the system.  Turns out what was breaking Jenkins and the PPAs were actually different.14:59
tedgmterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~remote-login-service-team/remote-login-service/trunk/+activereviews15:00
mptchrisccoulson, I would :-)15:09
chrisccoulsonmpt - it's making my life difficult ;)15:09
ogra_note he didnt say he would complain :)15:10
vuntzjbicha: thanks for the panel fixes!15:32
didrocksvuntz: just when you wanted to deprecate the fallback session, how sneaky this is :)15:46
jbichahaha, it was minor tweaks, the fallback session still needs lots of love :)15:48
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursula
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, this is fun :/16:02
didrockschrisccoulson: how fun? :)16:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks, it's the "my head is about to explode" kind of fun16:04
didrockschrisccoulson: urgh, you should take some rest then!16:04
chrisccoulsoni can't rest until i've finished what i'm working on though ;)16:05
chrisccoulsonstarting this at the end of the week probably wasn't the best plan :)16:05
didrockschrisccoulson: even if we molest you to force taking a nap? :)16:05
Ursinhacompletely understand this ^^^^^16:05
chrisccoulsonheh :)16:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
tedgmterry, I pushed 0.7.0, merge request should update.16:56
mterrytedg, awesome16:57
tedgIt has a couple of other fixes from tsdgeos as well.16:57
tedgOkay, I'm going to grab lunch.  ping me if there's issues.16:58
Riddelldoes ubuntu desktop have a colord config tool?17:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== xclaesse is now known as Zdra-n900
mterrykenvandine, you mentioned having some MIRs almost ready?  Do you expect those to hit today or next week?18:25
kenvandinenot today :/18:26
kenvandinemonday... i hope!18:26
mterrycharles, do you know when a new dbusmenu release might happen?18:32
charlesmterry, I've got a batch of new releases for early next week, mon-tue timeframe18:33
mterrycharles, awesome18:33
charlesI'll make sure dbusmenu's on the list18:33
charlesthat's for your images fix, yes?18:34
mterrycharles, that was my proximate concern, yeah18:34
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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