
sladenmdke et al:  There's been a request to restore the Medium/Medium Italic into Ubuntu's .deb for the font https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-font-family-sources/+bug/104860009:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048600 in ubuntu-font-family-sources "[FFe] Restore "Ubuntu Medium" weights in Ubuntu's binary .deb" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:16
sladenany applications that handle advanced fonts badly (ie, more than the simple four  Regular/Bold/Italic/Bold-Italic/ will break with other advanced fonts anyway (ie. Linux Libertine)09:17
sladenhowever, it does not appear to affect any screenshots of existing applications09:18
sladenmdke_: this isn't a case of adding new stuff, but of restoring something that is in the main source package, but not built in the binary .deb09:18
sladenand was previously in the distro09:19
sladenwould you be able to comment on the bug report if there's likely to be any issues?09:19
bkerensasladen: I don't see any cons so far looking through screenshots now09:46
bkerensaI will ping jbicha when he is on09:46
sladenbkerensa: ta, thanks for looking09:57
Mirvjust a note that I added "UIFe" also to the title of bug #1043915 I e-mailed about yesterday13:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043915 in unity "UIFe/FFe: Home lens ordering" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104391513:17
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