
darkxstjbicha, I notice the gtk symbolic icon bug affects the gnome classic status icons00:28
jbichaoh? I don't think I've run GNOME Classic this week00:30
jbichathat's why we need a QA team :)00:30
darkxstthe status icons seem to use ambiance theme00:32
darkxstand hence the coloured icons are displayed instead of symbolics00:32
jbichaso there's a new kernel that supposedly fixes the undefined video mode problem02:12
jbichathat's a pretty quick turnaround02:13
darkxstjbicha, yeh very quick02:34
darkxstaside from the coloured icons making this worse, gnome classic will still show wrong power icons once that gtk bug is fixed02:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1050695 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel does not obey icon theme" [Undecided,New]02:35
jbichacould you include a screenshot, gnome classic looks the same to me as it looked in precise02:52
darkxstok, added03:01
TheLordOfTimeyou know if it were up to me, i'd Incomplete that bug03:02
TheLordOfTimehow's that different?03:03
darkxstthe icons are full color03:03
darkxstin the status area03:03
darkxstand they are also from Ambiance not Adwaita03:03
TheLordOfTimehere's a question:03:03
TheLordOfTimedo application icons *have* Adwaita themed icons shipped with them?03:04
TheLordOfTime('tis valid)03:04
darkxstwell things like nautalius do03:04
TheLordOfTime"things like nautilus"03:04
TheLordOfTimejbicha, /query?03:04
TheLordOfTimeunrelated technical question03:05
darkxstthe icon on bottom left corner is adwaita icon03:05
jbichadarkxst: are you sure those aren't Adwaita icons? they sure like Adwaita icons to me and light-themes isn't even installed on my VM03:07
TheLordOfTimejbicha, screenshot for compare?03:07
jbichaTheLordOfTime: sure03:07
TheLordOfTimeand also, seriously, unrelated tech question :P03:07
jbichaTheLordOfTime: there's nothing to compare, his screenshot looks just like my fresh Ubuntu GNOME install03:08
TheLordOfTimejbicha, where's the ISO?03:08
* TheLordOfTime was going to VM it03:08
TheLordOfTime... after this system finishes its kernel updates03:09
TheLordOfTimeunfortunately, from a bugsquad perspective, i dont' see enough information in this bug, that'd technically rule it as "incomplete"03:11
TheLordOfTime... but apparently i'd want to test first :P03:11
* TheLordOfTime digs around for ISOs03:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-gnome to: Ubuntu GNOME Remix | Alpha 2 is out! Download from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.10Alpha2 | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | http://gnomebuntu.org/ | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome
jbichaTheLordOfTime: download link is in the channel topic ^03:12
TheLordOfTime<TheLordOfTime> unfortunately, from a bugsquad perspective, i dont' see enough information in this bug, that'd technically rule it as "incomplete"03:12
TheLordOfTime<TheLordOfTime> ... but apparently i'd want to test first :P03:12
TheLordOfTimejbicha, ^ repost of what i said after you died03:12
jbichaI guess the bug is that gnome-themes-standard probably doesn't ship symbolic icons for the specific icon names that the indicators are looking for03:16
jbicha...or the bug could be that the indicators are looking for the wrong icon names but I believe it would be too late to fix that for 12.10 if that's the case03:16
jbichaif it would require renaming Ubuntu icon theme icons03:17
TheLordOfTimemight need further information or details03:19
TheLordOfTimeif it were my call, the bug would be incomplete, but that's me03:20
jbichasomeone could poke around the indicator's source code and see what it's doing03:20
TheLordOfTimethe bug as it stands is pretty damn ambiguous, you have to admit03:22
TheLordOfTimeas it stands, at least, its incomplete.03:22
TheLordOfTime(again, IMO)03:22
TheLordOfTimei'm headed off to beat my girlfriend in Halo on the xbox, then go to bed ;P03:22
* smartboyhw has just finished compiling a daily build again10:06
smartboyhwYo jbicha12:25
jbichagood morning12:43
darkxstah timezones!12:46
darkxstjbicha, you had any progress getting artwork and slideshow?13:07
smartboyhwjbicha: I do wonder: Are you a canonical employee/13:07
darkxstsmartboyhw, this is a community resping13:08
darkxstremix even13:08
smartboyhwlol since I saw my gmail saying that jbicha sent through canonical.com13:09
jbichasmartboyhw: no, but I have an ubuntu.com email which Canonical manages13:12
smartboyhwAh that's why:)13:12
smartboyhwjbicha: How are ya?13:12
smartboyhwjbicha: Getting membership in I think October or Nov13:12
jbichaI started using Ubuntu in 2006 and didn't get membership until 201113:18
jbichaI should have applied sooner actually13:18
smartboyhwWhat? That's long13:18
smartboyhw6 months is usually enough13:18
jbichanot exactly13:21
smartboyhwWell 5 YEARS is a bit too long, I think maybe 1 to 2 years13:22
jbichait's not 6 months of use, it's at least 6 months of "significant" involvement13:22
smartboyhwDon't I know;)13:22
darkxstjbicha, so boot bug wasnt fixed so quickly after all?13:26
smartboyhwdarkxst: Anyway it is not the Remix problem I think, upstream it is13:26
darkxstsmartboyhw, yeh its definately ubuntu bug13:27
smartboyhwWait for the ubuntu devs then13:28
smartboyhwjbicha: You do work a lot on docs I see:)13:31
jbichayeah, I need other people to do docs stuff too but it's a bit challenging to get involved in it13:34
jbichait doesn't require knowing programming though13:34
smartboyhwdocbook is too difficult to me:)13:34
darkxstsmartboyhw, did I even address that question to you? no need to jump in with random answers!13:34
jbichaoh, well, ubuntu-docs itself uses Mallard now which is simpler than docbook, but yeah13:36
TheLordOfTimeoww... okay, so maybe staying awake for 40 hours is bad *yawn*16:18
jbichaTheLordOfTime: go to sleep!16:28
TheLordOfTimei just woke up after sleeping16:53
TheLordOfTimeended up passed out on the floor, apparently *yawn*16:53
madchildcan someone please give me a little sound troubleshooting advice17:09
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:10

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