
bazhang<phong_> know some vb.net skills?00:38
bazhangtroll detected00:57
Dave27/wion 7809:43
Dave2erm, yes09:44
ubottuIn ubottu, RoyK said: Icinga is a Nagios fork developed by the community to fix fundemental weknesses in the Nagios codebase10:23
ubottuIn ubottu, RoyK said: Icinga is a Nagios fork developed by the community to fix fundemental weknesses in the Nagios codebase, see https://www.icinga.org/ for more info10:24
bazhangpython from a tarball? ugh16:12
Picibazhang: bhadmeja seems to be aware of what apt is16:13
bazhangPici, yep16:13
Pici12:09:56 <?bhadmeja> is there anything for ubuntu which can convert tarballs to APT, as i read somewhere that yum does it for fedora16:14
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from anne_)17:58

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