
* infinity wonders idly why sru-report exploded...00:11
knomehey skaet00:25
skaethiya knome00:37
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infinitycjwatson: Did you want to verify bug #1038961 at some point, so we can release those apt updates?02:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1038961 in apt "Maximum override line length is too short" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103896102:50
ScottKRight.  That one.04:22
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cjwatsonplars: the README advises on specific things that should be measured in order to adjust the lowmem thresholds in d-i08:35
cjwatsonballoons: pretty much everywhere, and it will be automatically upgraded08:35
cjwatsonLaney: hmm.  probably a regression from python rewrite / private branch merge.  thanks, I'll have a look08:36
cjwatsoninfinity: I'd love to verify that bug but haven't had time yet.  I have a to-do item for it ...08:36
ogra_cjwatson, seems our current kernel and initrd dont boot in 64M (there were some ltsp people testing with 64M clients, they seem to not have enough ram left to mount /)08:40
cjwatsonLaney: ah - regression due to the awkward config kludge that's in place to mediate between shell and python during the transition.  I've updated the whitelist so it should work now; retrying08:40
cjwatsonogra_: lovely :-/08:40
cjwatsonLaney: yeah, that's working now08:41
Laneycjwatson: good news09:02
Laneycjwatson: now bad news, I have a grub rescue prompt :-)09:02
cjwatsonon upgrade?09:02
cjwatsonfollow that and then get me a bug report :)09:03
Laneywill do09:03
cjwatsongosh, apparently no other bug reports about grub 2.00 yet09:04
Laneypopey reported that he got a rescue shell in #-uk09:05
Laneynot sure if that turned into a bug09:05
popeyit didnt09:05
popeyi have two disks in this machine, may be user error09:05
cjwatsonmost grub bugs with multiple disks are user error :)09:05
cjwatsonsudo debconf-show grub-pc09:05
ogra_so change the user !09:06
* xnox is lucky with lvm & using stable device-mapper names to actually boot ;-)09:06
popeycjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/120437409:06
xnoxeven after resizing and splicing my LUKS partition in half everything just worked =) grub2.00 win =)09:06
popeyi have 12.04 on one partition and 12.10 on another09:06
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cjwatsonpopey: now check whether /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD103SI_S1VSJ90B701831 actually corresponds to the disk you're booting from09:07
cjwatsonpopey: on multiple-disk machines I normally advise installing GRUB to the MBRs of all the disks to avoid confusion09:07
popeycjwatson, well, i had to change the boot order in bios to make it boot09:07
cjwatsonexcellent sign of user error, yes :)09:07
cjwatsonsudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc09:07
popeyit doesnt offer which disks to install onto09:08
cjwatsoncontinue through all the other prompts, and select the MBRs of all non-removable disks when prompted for where to install GRUB09:08
cjwatsonsudo DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc09:08
popeystill doesnt09:08
cjwatsonI didn't say it would09:08
cjwatsonbut it should provide a debugging trace09:08
popeyah :D09:09
cjwatson(if a command with extra debugging changes behaviour, that would be a surprise in itself!)09:09
cjwatsonodd.  let me clear out a few other things and then have a proper look09:10
Laneywhat should the prefix be?09:11
cjwatsonon my system it's (hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub.  you can tab-complete the first bit09:12
cjwatson(well, or any of it really)09:13
Laney"file not found"09:13
Laneya possibly pertinent piece of information is that this is a macbook pro (with rEFIt)09:13
cjwatsonoh, of course, you can't tab-complete while the prefix is busted09:14
cjwatsonshould still be possible to set a correct one though - you might have to guess09:14
cjwatson'ls' should work I think09:15
Laney(hd0,gpt4) is the only one that doesn't give me unknown filesystem09:15
Laneyand that is file not found09:15
cjwatsonmight be worth reinstalling grub from a live image as per my mail to -devel, and debugging from there09:16
cjwatsonoh, heh, core.img moved09:24
cjwatsonpopey: this'll involve a new upload to fix up dpkg-reconfigure - can you manage in the interim?09:26
popeyyeah, its fine09:26
* xnox was on the safe side and manually run grub-install & --recheck a few times before rebooting...09:28
ogra_we should just all switch to u-boot :)09:28
ogra_standardize on one bootloader across all arches etc *grin*09:29
Laneyerror: can't find command 'linux'\nerror:  can't find command 'initrd' (today's daily)09:34
* Laney retreats to b109:34
cjwatsoneh, after doing what with today's daily?09:35
Laney"Try Ubuntu without installing"09:35
cjwatsonafaik that grub image hasn't even been rebuilt against 2.0009:36
* cjwatson hates life09:36
LaneyGNU GRUB version 2.00-3ubuntu109:36
cjwatsonpatch piloting today is not obviously happening09:36
Laneycould it be me?09:36
cjwatsonoh, d-i was rebuilt, just not by me :)09:37
cjwatsonok, so maybe that makes a degree of sense09:37
cjwatsonb1 good idea for now but clearly I need to fix that urgentlyl09:37
* cjwatson moves his pilot shift to Monday09:38
* Laney is suddenly glad for 100mbit internet09:38
Laneyhahaha oh dear09:45
LaneyI have some horrible broken lightdm greeter on b1 instead of a desktop09:46
Laneyit's a sign09:48
Laneyto get a new laptop09:48
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Laneycjwatson: ok, looks like I was installing to a partition. After downgrading and installing 1.99 properly, it upgraded fine.10:30
cjwatsonhm, ok; seems a bit non-ideal though10:31
cjwatsoninstalling to a partition is fairly common among Mac users10:31
cjwatsonhow big is /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img10:31
Laneywhen it was broken I was getting errors that grub-install couldn't find that10:32
Laneylet's see10:32
cjwatsonwould be easier to see all the errors than to play twenty questions, then :)10:33
Laneydidn't record it all, I'm afraid10:36
Laneybut that one was:10:36
Laney# grub-install /dev/sda10:36
Laneysource_dir doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory10:36
Laneycore.img is 2639310:36
cjwatsonuname -m, and does /sys/firmware/efi exist?10:40
Laneyx86_64, and no it doesn't10:41
cjwatsonmight you have been booted in EFI mode when you previously ran grub-install?10:41
Laneyhowever now yopu mention10:41
Laneythat was the option offered to me10:41
cjwatsonlooks like the current grub-install uses the x86_64-efi platform if booted in EFI mode10:41
cjwatsonwhich seems kind of sane10:41
cjwatsonbut if you only have grub-pc installed then that won't work10:42
cjwatsonoption offered> when booting an image you mean, or something else?10:42
Laneyit presented the USB drive as "EFI device" or something like that10:43
cjwatsonusually dual-capable BIOSes offer both10:47
cjwatsonbut who knows about insane Macs10:47
Laneyperhaps there is a way10:47
Laneyanyway it's a separate issue to the initial problem10:47
cjwatsonso maybe grub-install needs to fall back to i386-pc if x86_64-efi isn't installed10:47
cjwatsonyeah, but the more confusion I can fix the better10:50
LaneyI wonder if OSX still boots10:51
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xnoxwell rEFIt should have offered both options: bios & PC boot.....11:42
cjwatsonbios *is* PC boot, I hope11:42
cjwatsonym efi and pc boot?11:42
xnoxyes efi & PC boot11:42
xnoxrEFIt often is confused on grub upgrade, especially if you manage to install it on both sda & sda411:43
xnoxe.g. partition and mbr. One will work while the other one will always give a fizzy fit.11:43
LaneyIt offers to boot "Legacy OS", but it doesn't work. Just boots from the hard drive.11:53
Laneyand Mac OS does still work. happy days11:53
cjwatsonI suspect legacy OS just chainloads the MBR or something11:53
LaneyI don't know what it does, but it's only there when the USB drive is present11:54
Laneyhm, is it intentional that the grub menu has no timeout now?11:55
cjwatsonBut are you testing in kvm here?11:56
Laneyno, the mac11:56
cjwatsonDunno then11:56
cjwatsonBug me11:56
Laneylet me check I didn't accidently press a key11:56
Laneyah, it was recordfail12:08
cjwatsonoh, by no timeout you mean "sits there" not "boots without waiting"12:11
cjwatsonyeah, likely recordfail12:11
Mirvrelease team ack/no-ack needed still regarding Unity 6.6 for bugs #713423 #1043915 and #87601713:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 713423 in unity "[FFe/UIFe] Unity launcher gets cluttered when having multiple partitions and/or external volumes attached" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71342313:15
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psivaacjwatson, when i run ubuntu-bug grub2, the pop-up window says grub2(not installed)! is this an expected behaviour?14:17
cjwatsonI expect it's true14:18
cjwatsongrub2 is a transitional package - you probably have either grub-pc or grub-efi-amd64 installed, depending on details of the platform14:18
cjwatsongrub-pc => BIOS, grub-efi-amd64 => UEFI14:19
psivaaahh ok, grub-pc is the one on mine, thanks14:20
knomestgraber, hey. we need UIFe for bug 1049658, and possibly need you to update the translations and do some magic.15:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049658 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu "[Xubuntu] Office slide needs to be updated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104965815:07
stgraberknome: granted15:12
stgraberknome: please push to lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu15:12
knomestgraber, i will, just a sec15:12
knomeurgh, diverged branches15:13
knomestgraber, should be done now15:15
mterryFriendly poke about bug 1049231 and friends15:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049231 in unity-greeter "[UIFe] The gap between the user name and password entry is too large in the greeter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104923115:15
knomestgraber, will you take care of the rest?15:16
stgraberknome: yep, just waiting on an update from highvoltage as we might also want to bundle an update to the edubuntu slideshow. Once I know more I'll update the translations and upload.15:16
knomestgraber, ok, thanks a lot :)15:17
jamespageiulian, is there anything I can do to help unblock bug 1043654 ?15:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043654 in zentyal-samba "[FFe] New version of zentyal-samba" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104365415:58
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iulianjamespage: Oh that one. I shall have another look at it in a few moments. I haven't been satisfied with the information provided so far.16:05
iulianWhat's it doing in precise-proposed?16:06
jamespageiulian, different bug16:06
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iulianOh I see.16:07
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iulianzentyal is poorly maintained at the moment I must say. It'd be nice if bencer could take more care of it.16:08
benceriulian: why do you think is poorly maintained?16:09
iulianbencer: Because of the issue we've got now.16:10
benceriulian: i think is explained in the issue, we didn't reach the freeze with the package ready16:10
bencerand we were focused on upstream bugfixing rather than uploading broken ubuntu packages16:11
bencernow packages are ready16:11
benceri don't see the problem uploading now16:11
bencerseriously, blocking this only makes having a broken package status16:12
bencerinstead of allowing to upload a new package which is compatible with the other ones already in the archive16:12
iulianbencer: I was having comment #10, paragraph 2 in my mind when I said that. You were supposed to test the packages before uploading to the archive.16:13
iulianBut that's not important now. It's been done already.16:13
benceriulian: yes, i know, the upload was a bit messy, you are right16:14
bencerbut was also my first upload, i didnt make everything perfect first time, i've realized about my mistakes there16:14
jamespageiulian, zentyal has certainly suffered over the last few releases, but bencer is trying to step up to make things better16:21
jamespagebut he is new to alot of the processes - how can we move this forwards?16:21
iulianjamespage: Very happy to hear that. I've just approved it now.16:23
jamespageiulian, much appreciated16:24
iulianI hope it doesn't break anything else. There are loads of new features in there.16:24
bencerjust to confirm, we can upload new packages containing *only bugfixes* without ffe and until the final freeze, right?16:25
bencerthanks a lot iulian & jamespage16:25
tumbleweedbencer: yes16:25
iulianbencer: Correct.16:25
bencerok, one more question16:26
bencerthese latest packages 2.3.x packages containing only bugfixes16:26
bencerhave been renamed to 3.016:26
tumbleweedthe version isn't important, it's the content16:26
bencerwhen we released the stable yesterday, should be okey to upload the packages with  the 3.0 version number, or we should stick to 2.3?16:26
bencerok, cool, then going to upload the ones approved on this ffe, and i will upload the new 3.0 after that, before the final freeze16:27
bencerthanks everybody!16:27
iulianbencer: That's fine. Make sure to update your Depends as well. :)16:27
tumbleweedbencer: it usually makes sense to close the bug from the upload16:43
bencertumbleweed: yup, just i got aware of that16:43
bencergoing to close manually and i will take that in account in the future16:43
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mterryskaet, could I get a look at UIFe bug 1049231?17:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049231 in unity-greeter "[UIFe] The gap between the user name and password entry is too large in the greeter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104923117:40
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micahgskaet: Bug #1044657 probably should've been highlighted in teh release meeting but wasn't18:40
ScottKIs there any way we could expedite getting the fix for Bug #1044657 uploaded?  It's blocking switching Kubuntu back to LO by default.18:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1044657 in libreoffice "[regression] Missing LO menus when not run in Unity" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104465718:40
infinitymicahg: It probably needs to be hilighted to Sweetshark more than the release meeting.18:45
infinitymicahg: (As in, if he preps an upload, I'll happily review and sponsor it)18:45
ScottKI guess the problem is he broke LO and then went on vacation.18:46
* micahg forgot about the revert regressions rule, so apparently there's some process breakdown18:47
ScottKSo it's left broken and I guess based on the fix committed status there's an option to move forward, but we ought to move forward or back.18:47
infinityIf I could find this mysterious commit that supposedly fixes it, I'd JFDI.18:50
ScottKThat would be lovely.18:50
infinityOh, he was referencing an upstream commit.18:52
ScottKYeah.  http://www.mail-archive.com/libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org/msg39638.html18:52
* infinity nods.18:52
* ScottK refers infinity back to his previous JFDI comment ...18:53
infinityBut.  But.  Birthday weekend!18:53
infinityOh, sweet merciful spaghetti monster.  Never visit someone with slow internet, never visit someone with slow internet...18:55
infinityOr never download LibO sources.18:55
stgraberhighvoltage, knome: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu uploaded (xubuntu changes, edubuntu changes and translation update)19:02
jbichamicahg: except that the previous LibreOffice was unusable too :( bug 104135419:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041354 in libreoffice "unity-panel-service uses ~100% CPU when libreoffice-gtk is installed and enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104135419:04
highvoltagestgraber: awesome19:05
infinityjbicha: Yeah, I think the only way forward here is forward.19:05
infinityjbicha: Say, do you want to sort out this mess with the upstream unitymenus stuff? ;)19:06
infinityMy guess, based on the next commit being "Fixed crashes when executing some menu actions", is that we just want to be using the "latest upstream" for this particular bit, not cherrypicking fixes.19:06
jbichainfinity: no, good luck finding someone to do it though :)19:09
infinityI'll just do it in the background.  It's all download/compile/upload for hours/days anyway, there's no actual WORK.19:10
infinityJust lots and lots of waiting.19:11
infinityAnd cursing.19:11
LaneyIIUC there's a branch for the menus stuff, so it should be possible to just take head of that, yeah.19:44
infinityLaney: Yeah, I'm slowly working on that.19:50
infinityOr, rather, my computer is, I'm not doing much to help.19:50
infinityDownloading.  Not as cool as compiling.19:50
Laneysomeone needs the cloud!19:51
infinityOh, that's a fair point.  I could be doing this elsewhere.19:51
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