
ubuntu-rs-vestiwine & firewall & antivirus : http://forum.ubuntu-rs.org/Thread-wine-firewall-antivirus08:00
Proima li koga treba mi pomoc08:51
fogmakerzdravo brok10:56
brokooo zdravo fogmaker10:56
brokkako je10:56
brokradi li se10:56
fogmakerIdemo na naš kanal10:56
ubuntu-rs-vestiGIMP : http://forum.ubuntu-rs.org/Thread-gimp--1627111:59
KosticИма ли некога од админа на форуму? I need to have a private chat. :D16:27
maletaskiKostic, ima17:13
ubuntu-rs-vestiKupovina programa preko Ubuntu Software centra : http://forum.ubuntu-rs.org/Thread-kupovina-programa-preko-ubuntu-software-centra19:01
=== dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
=== dungodung is now known as dungodung|away

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