
Kentosanyone knoww how this might be done?00:00
ChmEarlKentos, did you configure the 2nd NIC in */interfaces?00:16
KentosEarl- yes i did, but im not sure what the proper settings are00:29
Kentosive tried many things, even gone through some dhcp set ups to autconfigure the ip for the machine im trying to connect to it. however i dont seem to be making progress00:29
Kentosthe machine has a remote access controller, maybe i need to configure this?00:31
savidHi, I've adjusted /etc/network/interfaces to add a sub-interface to eth0.  When I run "sudo restart networking", I get "restart: unknown instance:".  When I run "sudo start networking", I get "networking stop/waiting".  Any ideas how I can find out what's going on?01:03
ae01I'm need some help about ubuntu server.01:25
ae01Could you help me please.01:25
patdk-lapI would, but I have no idea what you need cause you forgot to include that info01:25
* patdk-lap hands ae01 a lolipop01:25
ae01that my problems01:26
ae01I'm need to modify ubuntu server for OpenERP01:26
patdk-lapdunno anything about erp or python01:27
ae01I'm need to modiyf like a shell script.01:28
ae01I'm will modify preseed again.01:28
ae01I'm ready for install a pre-package.01:28
ae01Could someone help me pls?01:32
ae01I will leave.01:36
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nov503Hi, is there any way to automatically sync time with a ntp server when node commission?02:09
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ruben23hi guys how to check the version of my kernel headers on my ubuntu server.?03:04
ruben23how to display it..?03:04
Kobayashiuname -a03:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050719 in lxc (universe) "lxc.hook.* not working" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105071903:26
Kentosanyone able to help me with some networking issues?04:36
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linociscohi all04:42
linociscogood morning04:42
linociscomvp,MVP= microsoft most valuable professional ?04:46
mvpnot exactly. im working as barista ;)04:47
linociscomvp, so what do you do with ubuntu server at your coffee bar?04:51
Kentosis there a way to set my second NIC to act aas a gaeway to the internet connection on my firsst nic?04:51
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ChmEarlKentos, is the box in datacenter?05:09
linociscoi think most of here are from USA. It is sleep time05:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1050762 in bind9 (main) "obsolete config files of bind9 left after the oneiric 2 precise upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105076206:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050765 in libcanberra (main) "obsolete config files of libcanberra-gtk-module left after the oneiric 2 precise upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105076507:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050767 in libcanberra (main) "obsolete config files of libcanberra-gtk3-module left after the oneiric 2 precise upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105076707:16
spidernik84Hello, I need some suggestions regarding the virt-install script when installing a vm partitioned with LVM on top of a kvm host as well partitioned with lvm. There seems to be some conflict going on, because the ubuntu installer fails complaining that the lvm is already in use, which is not true. Anyone with the same scenario?07:20
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balboahAnyone happens to know how you can set rabbitmq-server not to only listen on ipv6?08:13
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sebrockwhat should I expect when doing a network upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS? A world of hurt?08:34
sebrockand why the .04 all the time? :)08:34
utnubuweet iemand hoe je je internet settings op de server weer reset zoals bij een verse installatie?08:34
lordievaderutnubu: It is English here though.08:35
utnubudoes anyone knows howto reset the network settings on ubuntu server? im can't connect to the internet anymore, after adding a second network card08:35
lordievadersebrock: Because it was released the 4th month.08:35
sebrockah :)08:35
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ae01I have some question about ubuntu server08:52
ae01Could you plsใ08:52
Kentosgogo ahaed and ask,  nno sure if i can help bu someone might be able o08:53
ae01that my problems08:54
ae01I will customize ubuntu CD08:54
Kentosno familiar with script writting, doing what your trying to do i beyond me at leat, someone else might be able to help, its late though08:57
lordievaderKentos: That depends on where you are, for me it is still morning.08:59
tsimpsonae01: 1) don't chmod +x a .deb, it's not required. 2) #ubuntu-installer is better for the d-i stuff08:59
ae01I'm living in Thailand.08:59
ae01help me for develope my country.09:00
ae01In Thailand is 4:00 pm.09:00
lordievaderae01: I'd say follow tsimpson's advice.09:00
ae01d-i preseed/late_command string ubuntu-installer openerp; in-target chsh -s /bin/zsh09:03
ae01right or not?09:03
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ae01How to making automatics installation?09:11
ae01next time will ask a question.09:17
spidernik84sebrock: I'm trying that upgrade procedure09:20
sebrockspidernik84: tell me how it went09:21
spidernik84it worked quite well but in 2 cases out of 3 the machine could not boot autonomously09:21
sebrockI remember doing this way bay, and it was a headache09:21
spidernik84I had to press shift and instruct grub to pick the kernel09:21
sebrockelaborate please09:21
spidernik84after you reboot, the machine randomly halt before booting, apparently when running grub09:22
spidernik84if, instead, I intercept the boot by pressing shift09:22
spidernik84I can see the grub menu09:22
spidernik84pressing then enter09:22
spidernik84the machine boots09:22
spidernik84yet, sometimes it fails even by doing this. Could be a race condition or some hardware incompatibility09:22
spidernik84this behavior happened two times after an upgrade09:23
spidernik84one of the upgrades did not show this issue09:23
spidernik84same machine09:23
sebrockbut grub instantiates before any kernel loads... so this has to do with your boot stuff alone09:23
sebrockyeah, I will probably hold of to the next LTS and do a complete reinstall09:24
spidernik84yeah well, a clean install is always safer but not always feasible09:24
spidernik84I'm about to upgrade 6 kvm hosts09:24
spidernik84with around 20 vms on each09:24
spidernik84not very happy at the idea of having a non booting machine09:24
spidernik846x20... an easy calculation09:25
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pramodnsHello All, I am trying to package apache 2.4 .. but i need to get it to use the same directory structure as the apache 2.2 ubuntu installation does09:34
pramodnsis there any place with a apache 2.4 package already? or is there a simple way to get it packaged that way?09:34
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xnoxpramodns: debian experimental has apache 2.4 use that, as that is the future09:39
xnoxpramodns: and they changed the structure slightly. beware php is not compatible with apache 2.409:39
pramodnsyes, i read about it..09:39
pramodnsI was hoping a recompile would fix it..09:40
pramodnsill check the debian experimental , thanks xnox09:40
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xnoxpramodns: no, 'recompile' will not fix it. mod_php needs porting & writing code. if you need php forget about apache2.409:42
xnoxor use something like external fcgi09:42
xnoxbut then you are better of with uwsgi and/or nagios09:42
* xnox giggles at nagios09:42
pramodns:) thanks09:43
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RoyKxnox: heh - nagios hasn't evolved much since the last seven years or so10:22
xnoxRoyK: well icinga, kensai, shensai or whatever that japanese "multi-stuff" thing.....10:23
RoyKxnox: I know, I've been using nagios/icinga/etc for 10+ years ;)10:24
feisarhi, using kvm and vmbuilder on precise for the first time, is there any reason not to use amd64?10:44
feisar(when building a new vm)10:45
Kentosamd64 as the virtual proceor?10:45
feisarthe vm is going to be a webserver10:46
Kentosdepend on your needs and what physical hardware you have10:46
feisarI can't see it needing more than 3gb or ram any time soon10:46
feisarjust wondered if there is any reason _not_ to use amd6410:47
Kentosi can't think of a great reaon not to, unless your hardware on the host is a 32bit proc, im not sure 64bit vcpu will be any more or less demanding on your proc though, I have heard webservers arent entirely demanding on proc but i'd ay if you want 64bit go for it10:47
Kentosjust make sure to DL the 32bit libraries if you run 32 bit proceses10:48
feisarright ok10:49
Kentosi've run into some problems with that on a desktop version before, server might come with the library though10:49
alexlistjust installing my first maas instance. awesome job, server team! I've done manual cobbler instances for RH/Fedora in the past, and this service just rocks ...10:49
alexlisthowever, I'm running my maas on a public IP, you might want to secure maas before q is released ...10:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 975462 in maas "add ability to use over https" [High,Triaged]10:50
Kentoswhat is maa used for?10:50
alexlistmaas is machine as a service10:50
alexlistit runs an os provisioning service, you can pxe boot physical machines or VMs from it and they get the os installed that you configure in maas ;)10:51
Kentosahh, yeah ive heard it referenced but wasnt sure what hte application was10:51
alexlistinternally, it's using cobbler (I'm using 12.04 atm)10:51
Kentosahhh awesome10:51
alexlistbasically dhcp, dns, pxe, plus a very nice management interface10:52
Kentosi was thinking about setting up some VMs, but i don't have a use for more 'servers' yet as far as webserving goes10:52
alexlistYou might want to consider LXC for that, but I haven't tried yet how well that works with Ubuntu Cloud (i.e. maas and juju)10:53
Kentosbut maas might be a nice thing to consider when i have multiple VMs i need to set up10:53
alexlistthe problem is that when you have multiple VMs, you have to manage them all. configurations, software updates (security is paramount on publicly exposed servers), ....10:54
Kentosyeah, not really understanding of the whole 'cloud' thing, im just getting started in working with a server here, but I dont know what i would need a cloud for10:54
alexlistIn particular if you run dynamic stuff inside Apache modules ...10:54
alexlistwell... it's just  a nice marketing term for doing things right :P10:54
alexlistimagine you want to have failover in case your hardware dies10:55
alexlistor reshuffle the load between physical servers10:55
Kentoswhat sort of security should i look into for some webserver?10:55
alexlistwith a proper virtualization environment, you can migrate VM instances from one physical host to another with almost no downtime10:55
alexlistbut honestly, unless you're really big or have an established customer base, I doubt you have the economies of scale to compete with commercial cloud providers like Amazon EC2, Rackspace, ...10:56
Kentosbasically a multiple machine load balancing and failover to keep it running10:56
alexlistit's more than that10:56
alexlistfrom the user perspective, all data is stored somewhere on the net10:56
Kentosahh well i will look into the clouds more when the sun rises10:57
alexlistI see it more from an admin perspective... the ideal sysadmin is like an insurance policy: it's best if you don't need him, and it's best if you don't notice his work ...10:57
alexlistsun was bought by oracle ;)10:57
alexlistre webserver security - I guess there are many many articles on that, way better than what I can tell you ;)10:58
alexlistThe most important thing is to isolate different environments and keep software up to date I think ...10:58
Kentosright on, ill take a look around, im justt trying to get some basic stuff going currently and figure my way around the linux server platform10:58
alexlistWhat have you been using so far?10:58
Kentosjust basic stuff, im using ubuntu 12.04, on a dell poweredge 2800, set up a bit of a test on the server for websites, and ttried messing around to get my main pc's internet to go through the dual NIC on the server and into the router(didnt figure it out )11:00
KentosI'm thinking about trying some other thimg but right now the cpu cant handle all too much11:01
Kentosmight upgrade the proc and add a second one11:01
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alexlist@Kentos you should definitely look into application sandboxing using LXC. I don't know if your PE2800 has proper virtualization support to run real VMs efficiently. What's the CPU model in that box?11:50
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feisarhi, following this walk though: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html (jeos and vmbuilder) I'm wondering if it's possible to build a vm and instruct it to use LVs instead of creating disk files?)12:36
SpamapSfeisar: probably. Honestly though, you're probably better off just booting the cloud image than trying to build your own jeos vm12:50
SpamapSfeisar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images#Ubuntu_Cloud_Guest_images_on_Local_Hypervisor_Natty_onward12:50
thierry_hi everyone12:51
thierry_i'm trying to make wifi works on my ubuntu-server on my pandaboard, and i'm following instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31853912:51
thierry_when i restarted networking service, i got some error with resolv.conf file12:52
thierry_and wlan0 is not up, rebooting pc does not change anything eithert12:52
SpamapSfeisar: if you follow those steps, you can just create an LV, and dd if=blah.raw of=path/to/lv12:52
feisarSpamapS: thanks but this terminology is fairly new to me, I don't quite follow you. I have a metal box with 12.04 installed and I want to run a few 12.04 VMs - I was using 'vmbuilder' to do this12:52
SpamapSfeisar: vmbuilder doesn't really run vms. It just builds the disk images.12:53
SpamapSfeisar: kvm or xen or vmware actually run the vm12:53
thierry_it says resolv.conf is not a symlink n, not doing anythign12:53
feisarsure, I'm using KVM and using vmbuilder to put my vm together - does that make sense?12:54
thierry_ifup wlan0 returns, ioctl[SIOCSWENCODEEXT] : Invalid argument$12:55
feisarah ok this 'dd if=blah.raw of=path/to/lv' implies that switching to LVs is easy - even if the VM has been up and running, is that correct?12:55
SpamapSthierry_: perhaps this is a simpler way: http://www.finnie.org/2012/04/19/wifi-on-an-ubuntu-server/12:56
SpamapSfeisar: yes. The cloud images are pre-made by the ubuntu project, so you don't need to build your own...12:57
feisarah I see12:57
SpamapSfeisar: but if you already went through the trouble of building one, you can just put the disk image on an LV with dd12:57
feisarthanks, I haven't built it yet but written a script with all the options in12:58
feisarSpamapS: is it possible for me to get a lot wrong in building my own image?12:59
feisari mean, it seems fairly straight forward so far13:00
thierry_SpamapS:  i'm trying it now , thanks13:01
SpamapSfeisar: wrong is not the right term. The cloud images are uniform, and building vms is busy work... so building your own is, IMO, quite a waste of your time.13:04
thierry_SpamapS:  thanks , Great :!)13:05
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hallynjdstrand: will you have a chance to test bug 1040033 with the qemu 1.2.0 version in ppa?13:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1040033 in qemu-kvm "Fresh VM installs via preseeded oneiric isos sometimes fail with filesystem issues" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104003313:28
jdstrandhallyn: hey-- I will, and I'm sorry I haven't yet, I've been sprinting this week13:28
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hallynjdstrand: ok, just trying to make sure I don't forget about it.  thanks.  (well, and if we're going to ask for FFE to get 1.2 into quantal it should be soon :)13:29
jdstrandhallyn: I can kick off the tests when I get back home13:29
hallynjdstrand: thanks13:29
jdstrandhallyn: understood. I won't forget-- it is on my high priority todo, which unlike my ever-expanding todo, actually means something13:30
hallynjdstrand: thanks :)13:30
med_what's supposed to start openstack-dashboard (horizon)? manage.py runserver doesn't seem to be in an upstart13:33
feisarSpamapS: thanks13:38
hallynzul: can you check whether https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-September/msg00843.html applies to q?13:52
zulhallyn:  looks like it13:55
hallynzul: ok, did you have any other changes to push?13:57
zulhallyn:  nope13:57
hallynzul: have you had any openstack bugs seemingly caused by libvirt in q?  You'r ehappy with it overall?13:57
zulhallyn:  yeah im ok with13:58
hallynzul: groovy13:58
hallyntyhicks: https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-September/msg00843.html  libvirt cve for q.  is it ok if we just push the fix, or is the security team already handling it?13:58
aandyis there any apt/aptitude way of getting clang 3+ on ubuntu 10.10? (apt-get install clang gives 2.8, even after apt-get update of sources)14:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1050934 in qemu-kvm (main) "VM stops receiving packets on heavy load from virtio network interface briged to a bonded interface on kvm hypervisor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105093414:06
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feisarHi, I'm using vm-builder and it seems to have stopped on 'Calling hook: bootstrap' can anyone give me an idea of the time it takes to build? I mean hours or minutes?14:18
FirefishyNewbie here, how best to get this resolved? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amd64-microcode/+bug/1036618 Request to backport amd64-microcode to precise14:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1036618 in amd64-microcode "Please backport amd64-microcode to Precise" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:28
FirefishyWithout the updated microcode some recent AMD's run overly hot + likely other issues14:29
micahgFirefishy: this is a new source, right?14:30
SpamapSFirefishy: new hardware support in precise is handled by backporting the current stable release's kernel usually.14:30
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SpamapSFirefishy: if this is something else, it can be done as an SRU https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:30
FirefishySpamapS: It is a package, just like intel-microcode, support is already in kernel.14:30
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Firefishymicahg: Yes new package, Quantal package builds fine on precise.14:31
micahgFirefishy: in the future, you might want to consider using the requestbackport tool from ubuntu-dev-tools as it will fill in the information about required testing and sucj14:32
Firefishymicahg: noted.14:32
SpamapSmicahg: I don't know that this is a requestbackport thing. Hardware enablement is SRU worthy14:33
micahgSpamapS: sure, but it's a new source package14:33
micahgas in we had nothing like this in precise before14:34
micahgand backports are enabled by default, so anyone who needs it should see it14:34
FirefishyThe package is in debian squeeze-backports.14:35
micahgFirefishy: I've updated the bug with the testing needed (you already said it builds, did you install/run the package as well)?14:35
* micahg also wonders why this is related to server14:35
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Firefishymicahg: Opterons ;-)14:51
micahgFirefishy: can you please comment in the bug as to the testing you've done with the package built on precise?14:57
FirefishyYip will do14:58
tyhickshallyn: Feel free to push that into q15:11
phunyguyHello, I have tried Ubuntu server 12.10 beta1 in a virtualbox VM, and after running updates, the network card no longer shows up.  I tried on a physical box thinking maybe it was just kernel issues with virtualbox virtualized hardware, and sure enough, after updates, I can't get in.  I am assuming it is the same issue.  Is this a known issue?15:15
phunyguyMy wife on the other end says that a login screen is there, so no kernel panic or anything preventing boot, it's just not responding on the network15:15
yeatsphunyguy: you've tried bringing up the card manually? (e.g., 'ifup eth0')?15:21
phunyguyi'm trying to duplicate the issue again in virtualbox.  I have since reinstalled and not ran updates yet.15:22
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phunyguyOK I have duplicated the issue.  There doesn't seem to be any network devices listed in /dev15:45
phunyguyyeats, ^^^15:46
ogra_in /dev ?15:46
phunyguyalthough one shows up in lspci15:46
phunyguyyes ogra_15:46
ogra_you mean /proc/net/dev ?15:46
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ogra_there have never been network devices in /dev15:47
phunyguyhmm yeah there is the issue I think.  I changed p2p1 in /etc/network/interfaces to eth0 and it came up15:48
phunyguymust be a bug?15:49
phunyguyand thanks ogra_  I didn't know that.15:49
phunyguyor maybe it was a fixed bug? Sounds more like it.15:53
phunyguybut it really should change the entries in /etc/network/interfaces when the update happens....15:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #1047054 in python-urllib3 (main) "urllib3 does not do certificate verification by default" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104705415:56
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phunyguyyep, it was the same issue on the physical box, wrong device name in /etc/network/interfaces16:10
phunyguyjust lost half a day waiting for my wife to wake up so I could walk her through changing it, lol!  =D16:12
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smosersecurity/apparmor person...16:31
smoserafter maas lays down a file into /etc/apparmor.d/dhcpd.d/maas does it's packaging have to explicitly call 'apparmor update' ?16:32
smoseror is there some magic triggers16:32
sbeattiesmoser: no, something will need to reload policy, preferably just for dhcp.16:34
sbeattiesmoser: that said, I haven't looked at what dh_apparmor provides, whether there's magic in there to do the right thing.16:34
smosersbeattie, thanks.16:35
sbeattiejdstrand: you know more about dh_apparmor, any tips for smoser?16:36
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phunyguyOh man I love upstart.  Where has it been all my life?16:38
smosersbeattie, so you think i should just always call on install ?16:44
sbeattiesmoser: yes, I guess so. I was looking to see if there was an existing apparmor hook in the dhcpd upstrart job16:50
smoserand i shoudl call on remove also i think16:50
smosersbeattie, does that look reasonable ?16:56
AaronMickDeeAny reason why NFS server speeds would drop?16:57
sbeattiesmoser: yeah, that looks good16:58
sbeattie(based on visual inspection, nothing more :) )16:59
smoserAaronMickDee, i'm sure there are lots of reasons.16:59
AaronMickDeeI meant, any specific reasons or bugs that are eye glaringingly noticeable. :)17:01
hallynstgraber: for bug 942862, it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to trap failure in the attempt to update the container, and, if that fails, flush and re-download.17:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 942862 in lxc "lxc-create failure creating a lucid container in a precise host with old cache" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94286217:19
hallynhm, actually, we install python-software-properties before we apt-get update.17:22
hallyni'm gonna try and address that one17:24
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stgraberhallyn: resolvconf on lucid was unsupported, I fixed that in quantal and precise with a change to lxc-ubuntu17:25
hallynstgraber: ?  is that related to the out-of-date-lucid-cache bug in lxc-create?17:27
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I noticed you mentioned the part about debootstrap re-trying the install of resolvconf multiple times17:27
hallynno i wasn't really worried about that17:27
hallynbut sometimes lxc-create fails, when lxc-create -- -F succeeds17:28
hallynI'm just going to, if that happens, output a msg suggesting trying -F17:28
hallynI was going to automatically do that, but that gets too hairy i think and is more likely to break something else :)17:28
stgraberyeah, wiping the cache automatically might surprise some users ;) printing a msg seems better17:30
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savidHi, I've adjusted /etc/network/interfaces to add a sub-interface to eth0.  When I run "sudo restart networking", I get "restart: unknown instance:".  When I run "sudo start networking", I get "networking stop/waiting".  Any ideas how I can find out what's going on?17:51
savidWhen I run "ifup eth0:2" I get the error "RTNETLINK answers: File exists".  Any ideas?18:02
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nov503hi, does when I install a node in MAAS, i have to sync the time with root first…does anyone know how to automatically do that?18:23
hallynstgraber: do you mind checking ubuntu:lxc (last two revisions)?  Kind of tough to device a good test for the upgrade failures (i'm only trying to protect against dist-upgrade failing;  if they've corrupted their own cache that's a different problem)18:47
stgraberhallyn: will look in a sec18:48
nov503solved, thanks!18:59
stgraberhallyn: change in ubuntu:lxc looks reasonable19:26
hallynstgraber: thanks,  will run one more test and push19:31
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hallynyay!  my utah lxc testcase works.  the mysterious failures?  timeouts!19:32
stgraberhmm, so lxc was somehow slower under utah? :)19:33
hallynno, it gives like a 5 minute timeout by default for the whole suite19:34
hallynso utah timed it out and said the tests failed19:34
hallynjamespage: lp:~serge-hallyn/utah/utah-lxc is a branch on top of your server-tests branch which adds lxc tests.  I"ll do a mp in a bit to get yoru review19:36
stgraberyeah, all the tests including the various lxc-creates can take way longer than 5 minutes ;)19:36
hallynyup :)19:36
stgraberhallyn: can you also push your ubuntu:lxc changes to your git branch? I'll then push them to the staging branch (I'm mostly interested in the clear fix for the hooks)19:37
hallynstgraber: yup19:39
hallynstgraber: what the heck?  how come, once in awhile, bzr seems to drop my dep-5 comments at top of a patch??19:43
stgraberhallyn: hmm, never seen that yet (though I tend to put only very minimal comments, so maybe I never noticed ;))19:44
hallynthe first time if igured i must have forgotten.  but now i'm sure i had put the comments in19:44
LavvyHello, i am runing into problems here, i am testing the ubuntu cloud live, it is quite simple and automatic. I used the username/password (ubuntu/ubuntu123) from the get started guide, but i could not get into openstack. Please is there any  username/password for openstack? Or what am i missing?19:46
hallynstgraber: pushed to github.com/hallyn/lxc #staging19:46
hallynpushing 0.8.0~rc1-4ubuntu35 in a few mins (barring test failures)  have a good weekend19:47
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LavvyHallyn you have an idea?19:49
hallynLavvy: 'ubuntu/ubuntu' maybe?19:49
hallynLavvy: smoser probably knows19:50
stgraberhallyn: thanks, you too. (I cherry-picked your two commits and pushed to staging)19:50
smoserwhat know do i?19:50
LavvySmoser the openstack username password in ubuntu cloud live19:51
hallynsmoser: ^ Lavvy is trying 'ubuntu cloud live'19:52
LavvySmoser help am stuck19:52
smoserLavvy, ubuntu:ubuntu maybe ?19:52
smosermed_, ?19:52
smoserLavvy, you're saying on an instance?19:53
hallynLavvy: what is this getting started guide you're talking about?19:53
smoserinside it?19:53
med_smoser, ?19:53
med_maybe ubuntu:ubuntu19:53
LavvyGe started said ubuntu; ubuntu12319:54
LavvyBut not working19:54
med_Lavvy, you mean for the openstack dashboard?19:54
TheLordOfTimeLavvy:  what "getting started" guide?19:54
* med_ hasn't run cloud-live since November19:54
LavvyYes med , openstack19:54
med_Lavvy, the dashboard?19:55
med_I think it's admin...19:55
med_maybe admin:admin19:55
LavvyThelordoftime, it comes with the ixo19:55
LavvyNot working though19:56
hallynjamespage: actually, that seemed to want to push to lp:utah, so i pushed straight to your tree.  hope you don't mind!19:56
med_Lavvy, I'm taking a look. Sorry for the delay.19:57
LavvyOk med19:58
LavvyHi med20:06
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med_Lavvy, confirmed it is ubuntu/ubuntu12320:08
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LavvyBut i have used it med, am i missing anytin20:09
med_Lavvy, it will take me a bit longer to actually run this version. I've just examined the code so far (and mostly had to shake off a lot of cobwebs.)20:09
med_I'll boot it and get back to you in 10-15 minutes.20:10
LavvyOk, med20:10
med_Lavvy, hmmm, seems to work fine. I launched the included browser and it automatically brings up 3 tabs.20:22
med_The 3rd one goes to the localhost dashboard instance and ubuntu/ubuntu123 works fine.20:22
med_please restate your problem as I'm not having issues and we must have confused something.20:22
LavvyWow, may i got something wrong in my case20:23
LavvyHello, i am runing into problems here, i am testing the ubuntu cloud live, it is quite simple and automatic. I used the username/password (ubuntu/ubuntu123) from the get started guide, but i could not get into openstack. Please is there any  username/password for openstack? Or what am i missing?20:23
med_that is the username for openstack.20:24
med_when you say "for openstack" tell me PRECISELY what you are trying to do.20:24
med_ie, is that a login, a web page, etc that you're trying to access.20:24
LavvyI want to login into openstack dashboard20:24
med_Lavvy, ^20:24
med_and what URL are you using?20:25
med_and did you run the start-openstack.sh?20:25
LavvyYea the third tab20:25
med_well, ubuntu/ubuntu123 does work there.20:25
med_four steps:20:25
med_1) boot the image20:25
med_2) run the nova-setup.sh20:25
med_3) run the start-openstack.sh20:26
med_4) go to the 3rd tab and login as ubuntu/ubuntu12320:26
LavvyOk let me reboot now again20:26
med_Good plan.20:27
med_the only issues I'm aware of is if there is some networking issues.20:27
med_be aware, it may not work (COMPLETELY) if you only have a wlan20:27
med_(but I think all those steps will work)20:27
med_I think wlan fails when you are inside an instance and try and do networking20:28
LavvyOk am rebooting20:28
med_due to some intentional limitations on network spoofing ie promiscuousity on wlan interfaces.20:28
jamespagehallyn, thats fine20:35
LavvyMed, when i ran nova-setup.sh. It said cant create database 'nova' : database exists20:36
med_Lavvy, I think you've done a persistent boot then20:37
med_Lavvy, are you booting from a USB thumb drive? a CD or a hard disk?20:37
LavvyPlease how do i resolve that?20:37
med_and are you booting cloud-live on bare metal or inside a virtual machine?20:37
LavvyFrom harddisk20:38
med_that's not really the main idea with cloud-live.  I suspect you've made some persistent changes then.20:38
LavvyWith underlying window720:38
med_Lavvy, I'm going to private message with you for a bit if that's okay20:38
LavvyOk thanks20:39
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hallynzul: tyhicks: note i think precise's libvirt also needs that CVE fix that i pushed to q.21:16
hallynif someone wants to SRU that...  i probablywon't get to it tonight21:16
tyhickshallyn: It will need to go through -security21:17
hallyntyhicks: then i leave it in your capable hands :)21:18
tyhickshallyn: We have it marked as a "low"21:19
tyhickshallyn: Does it require an authenticated remote attacker or can anyone DoS libvirtd remotely?21:19
hallyntyhicks: makes sense.  thanks!21:19
hallyntyhicks: hm, well i thin kanyone can.  more to the point, at the moment i don't think there are any gaps in the list.21:19
hallynso IIUC (which i may not) it should not yet apply to us.  it's more of a 'if someone backprots and does it wrongly' thing21:20
hallynbut, i could be wrong about that21:20
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hallyntyhicks: see first paragraph in https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-September/msg00843.html.  so technically i don't believe it's exploitable right now.21:21
tyhickshallyn: Ok, thanks. libvirt will be getting updated by us since CVE-2012-3445 is a medium. We'll apply the fix for CVE-2012-4423 at that time.21:21
uvirtbottyhicks: The virTypedParameterArrayClear function in libvirt 0.9.13 does not properly handle virDomain* API calls with typed parameters, which might allow remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (libvirtd crash) via an RPC command with nparams set to zero, which triggers an out-of-bounds read or a free of an invalid pointer. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-3445)21:21
uvirtbottyhicks: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-4423)21:21
hallyntyhicks: great21:21
tyhicksI read it the same as you21:22
hallyncool.  then - have a good weekend21:22
tyhicksyou too!21:22
pythonirc101does anyone know of benchmarks between opteron 6272 vs barcelona 8378 for fpu computations percore?21:22
pythonirc101anyone running good multi-core servers here?21:24
patdk-wkwhat is a good multicore server?21:24
* patdk-wk can't EVER remember running a single core server21:25
pythonirc101patdk-wk:  I was hoping to get some help on deciding on CPUs -- 6272 vs 6274 vs Intel -- and how they compare with my older CPUs -- 837821:26
patdk-wkno idea, I only run intel servers21:26
pythonirc101patdk-wk: I've a budget of 10k, what would you recommend for me as the intel cpu I should look for? If I want 32-cores -- probably I can't afford intel?21:27
patdk-wkI dunno why you would want 32cores21:28
patdk-wkif you wanted fpu power21:29
patdk-wkatleast I don't think fpu power is increases as cores increase21:29
patdk-wkyou would need to know what your looking for, and find benchmarks that relate to it21:29
pythonirc101patdk-wk: Each core has an FPU -- at least for my current 837821:29
patdk-wkya, I don't know much about fpu's, I try never to use them :)21:30
patdk-wkbut I thought at some point, they where shared between cores21:30
patdk-wkmaybe not these days21:30
pythonirc101the new opterons do that21:30
patdk-wkI know cpu speed doesn't match for amd vs intel21:31
patdk-wkbut I normally look at it if you need ram cache or not21:31
patdk-wkas amd has a very small cache21:31
chronosGood night.21:31
patdk-wkand intel has large caches21:31
patdk-wkand that is mainly what makes the intel cpu much more expensive21:32
chronosSome dev here have a idea of why this serious bug isn't worked: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.7/+bug/99284221:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 992842 in python2.7 "update-manager dpkg: error processing python2.7-minimal (--configure) : Illegal instruction" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:32
patdk-wkso if cache is useless, likely stick with amd21:32
chronosthis break a server being updated21:32
pythonirc101can one put a E5-2690 in a 4 cpu config?21:32
patdk-wkunless you can benchmark it and fine intel is better21:32
patdk-wkpythonirc101, nope21:32
patdk-wke5 is dual cpu only21:32
pythonirc101so E7-480721:33
patdk-wkit must be a e7-4xxx not sure if any of those are limited to 2 cpu, but normally if not all do 4 cpu21:34
pythonirc101so $1k per processor21:34
pythonirc101how much is the MB?21:34
patdk-wka lot21:35
pythonirc101so can't build it under 10k?21:35
patdk-wknot too bad21:36
patdk-wk3k for case+mb21:36
patdk-wkcould, but would be tight21:36
patdk-wkatleast 1k in ram likely21:37
pythonirc101patdk-wk: seems like intel is not selling it to general system builders -- that cpu!21:38
patdk-wkeveryone is reselling them via ibm21:40
patdk-wkor serversupply if you want alittle cheaper21:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #1051091 in resource-agents (main) "resource nfsserver default init script doesn't match ubuntu's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105109121:56
pythonirc101patdk-wk: what's a good chasis + mb for E7-4807?22:34
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