
pinky-Good Morning All05:29
daubersme waits for a HUGE delivery from RS07:14
MartijnVdSdaubers: 600 resistors07:17
daubersMartijnVdS: A load of microcontrollers/caps/RFID antenna/Connectors/tools/linear regs etc07:18
pinky-reminds me of when I used to blow microchips on a CLaNzeR chip programmer07:21
pinky-I always used to buy the blanks from RS07:21
pinky-in Leeds07:21
pinky-eeprom reader/programmer07:24
daubersThis is a through hole prototype of a sensor node. If this works then I can make it all SMD (and cheaper) and get some PCB's made up :)07:25
pinky-sounds interesting07:26
pinky-flux is my friend. I luv friends with benifits07:33
pinky-maybe it's too early?07:34
popeyOh Joy!07:48
popeyUpdated my machine and get dumped to the grub prompt07:49
* AlanBell declines to update right now07:49
* xnox is in the office =) woop07:50
popeythis is odd07:51
popeythey've changed the wording of the grub menu07:51
popeyit now just says "Ubuntu" and "Advanced options for Ubuntu"07:51
popey\o/ fixed07:52
* gord upgrades and puts on a cup of coffee for the enevitable breakage07:58
AlanBellpopey: what was the fix?07:59
popeyboot from a different hard disk07:59
popeyi have two, it updated the wrong one07:59
* popey stabs launchpad07:59
AlanBellso it should be OK to update?08:00
mattt"double down" ... what a stupid saying08:00
popeymattt, americans.. what can you say. :)08:00
gordits not a saying? its something you do in blackjack08:01
gordi've never heard it used outside that context anyway08:01
matttgord: i've heard a # of american colleagues say it08:01
popeyme too08:01
gordcorrect them all08:01
gordor just assume you are playing blackjack and throw cards at them08:01
matttmaybe it'll kick it up a notch, and triple down08:01
popeyquintuple down!08:01
xnoxpopey: that's grub 2.00 for you ;-)08:03
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gordwoo after upgrade lightdm doesn't work \o/08:20
xnoxgord: in what way?08:24
matttgord: double down and get that fixed08:24
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brobostigongood morning everyone,09:03
* daubers listens to the loud whine of "Grrnnnnnanaaarrgrghhhhhrhghghghghghghghghhghgh...... *kthump*" as the tree's get taken down09:20
xnoxdaubers: perfect time for conference calls & google hangouts =)09:21
daubersxnox: Yes!09:21
* Laney :(s at trees being taken down09:27
Laneywe're getting a big new tram line in nottingham which is really bad for trees09:28
Laneyhttps://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=university+boulevard,+nottingham&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=56.331468,114.169922&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=University+Blvd,+Nottingham+NG7,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.93774,-1.18727&spn=0.010604,0.027874&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=52.93774,-1.18727&panoid=RqTi6XQILjZ49brKf4nl1g&cbp=12,352.31,,0,-7 both of those beauties09:29
daubersLaney: We're going to plant a fruit tree further down the garden. The tree's that are going are less than a meter from the house. They're starting to affect the foundations :(09:33
dauberscost me £VAST AMOUNTS on the insurance09:34
czajkowskidaubers: aye happened in our house in .ie09:34
daubersso the plan is to get a pear tree or something that has smaller roots which we can train along one of the fences09:34
czajkowskibut mum loves gardening and has planted a lot more all away from the foundations of the house09:34
daubersYeah, these are those horrid things that grow a couple of meters a year too09:34
daubersso replace them with something native and nicer09:35
dauberssomething that bee's will like09:35
* daubers should think about walking down to the doctors surgery shortly09:36
diploI had the same issue, why don't the house builders think about the trees that are planted when they are small09:38
diploMy tree took up the front path by about 3-4 inches all broken, and very close to that is the main sewer pipe.. I was worried the tree was going to take the sewer out so chopped it down.09:38
diploRefusing to die though :/ going to have to dig the stump out soon ( BIG job )09:39
pinky-I like trees and want to hug them all09:53
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pinky-Bonsai to the rescue09:59
JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :-D09:59
pinky-Poets day!09:59
JamesTaitpinky-: Not for me, I started late instead. :-/10:00
pinky-atleast you got a lay-in10:00
JamesTaitThey don't exist in my house!10:00
pinky-young children?10:01
JamesTaitNo, this morning my wife broke her glasses, so I had to take her to the opticians.10:01
pinky-oh drama10:01
JamesTaitYep, two boys.  8 and 5.10:01
JamesTaitSo still young, I guess, even though they seem so grown up so quickly.10:01
pinky-in a blink of an eye10:02
pinky-I'm nearing 50 years old now but been a granddad since I was 4210:03
davmor2Morning all10:04
pinky-Good Morning davmor210:04
pinky-JamesTait : you bought the boys any Lego?10:07
pinky-it's one of my fav toys to give10:07
JamesTaitpinky-: A grandad at 42?  Fairly young, I suppose, but could be younger. ;)10:07
pinky-yeah atleast it wasn't 3210:07
JamesTaitpinky-: We've got *loads* of the stuff.  Most of it left over from when we were boys, but we've got them some updated stuff as well.10:08
JamesTaitI poached some to build a Raspberry Pi case.10:08
pinky-good idea:)10:08
mungojerrybest pi cases i've seen are the pibow10:09
JamesTaitYeah, I wholly intended to get a pibow. In fact, it's what finally convinced me to get the Pi. I've just never got around to it.10:11
JamesTaitIn fact, I should do that now.10:12
christelyeah the pibow is cuteeee10:12
christelthe pins are a tad short though and keep falling out10:12
christel(though they come with spare pins!)10:13
christel(also, morning)10:13
JamesTaitHi christel. :)10:13
christelhullu hullu hullu my dear! <310:14
mgdmI saw a pibow at oggcamp10:14
mgdmmight get one, nw that have the RPi too10:14
JamesTaitI'm going to see how things go with the Pi, but I'm thinking of getting a couple more, or maybe a couple of the other ARM boards that seem to be popping up left, right and centre.10:16
pinky-I've not updated any main applications for ages and looking to try new and wondered if anybody had a recommendation for dvb-s2 software for Ubuntu?10:20
JamesTaitmgdm: I bought my Pi at OggCamp, and got the box signed by Pete Lomas. \o/10:20
* JamesTait has a thing about getting things at OggCamp and having them signed.10:21
mgdmJamesTait: Oh, I didn't htink about the signing bit - I was having a chat with him at one point though10:27
JamesTaitmgdm: Seems like a nice chap. :)10:29
davmor2morning christel10:32
davmor2czajkowski: prod10:32
pinky-in Ubuntu (12.04) Software Center there is only 2 dvb apps and one doesn't work in 12.04 and other has no ATSC support so useless for satellite10:33
davmor2bigcalm: how's london treating you again?  More important have you managed to distroy it yet so you don't need to go back?10:33
christelmorn davmor2 :)10:37
=== mgdm is now known as bigkevmcmgdm
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* AlanBell wonders what to have for lunch11:29
mungojerrygot my hands on the new long iphone 5 http://ubuntuone.com/5AVzrvnmz9WoRWiWXxnmOS11:34
* daubers can't have lunch for another 20 minutes11:37
daubersstupid antibiotics11:37
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czajkowskithose are only guidelines11:44
daubersDfeinatley means I can't get a bit tipsy at my brothers wedding tomorrow :(11:45
daubersMy experience of alcohol+antibiotics was much vomiting11:45
czajkowskiah no they dont seem to have any effect11:46
czajkowskiwas on strong stuff last wweekend at mates wedding and drinking no issue, she was on a morphine patch and also drinking. again no issue11:46
czajkowskisome people seem to be more sensative to them11:47
daubersReally made me ill last time. Don't think I'd ever risk it again!11:48
daubersAt the time I might have been on one of these though http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/871.aspx?CategoryID=73&SubCategoryID=103 as I had a gum infection11:51
czajkowskidaubers: I tend to be on weird strong stuff for my back but over the years have built up a large tolerance11:52
daubersczajkowski: This is something I hadn't heard of before11:53
daubersAh wikipedia, where would i be without you11:56
mungojerrythe main issue with antibiotics is tummy problems11:57
mungojerryso top up on good stomach bacteria11:57
dauberseat many yoghurts, gotcha :)11:58
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AlanBellbigcalm: still up for next saturday in Farnham?12:40
christelAlanBell: i believe he is at a training course today (but afaik he still intends to come down for happy hourage)12:41
christeldaubers: yah some antibiotics dont react well to alcohol and make you sick -- the ones you're on now probably wouldnt make you sick if you drank mind, however, the alcohol *could* make them less efficient so it might not be the best of ideas to get shitfaced! ;)12:42
mungojerryawww toddlers http://i.imgur.com/p9wnQ.gif12:47
* mungojerry is a bit broody12:52
mungojerryanyone who syncs their desktop PC data to cloud or other storage - what do you do with . files?13:03
mungojerrycurrently am just backing up Documents , but a recent hard drive crash meant i lost lots of configs :(13:04
popeyi backup my entire home folder13:07
mungojerrydrip-sync, or a backup job?13:10
mungojerryi do one-off backup jobs at home of /home to other folder13:11
mungojerrybut my work pc i am ownclouding13:12
TheOpenSourcererI backup ~, /etc, and /var (sometimes)13:12
bigcalm[mob]Hi peeps :)13:13
AlanBellhi bigcalm13:13
bigcalm[mob]Alanbell: I'm at  conference today hence my lack of response but get email when mentioned.13:14
bigcalm[mob]Yes still up for beerage on Saturday13:15
bigcalm[mob]popey: see above in response to your question as well :)13:15
popeywill see if I can get a pass13:16
bigcalm[mob]davmor2: London continues to suck13:16
bigcalm[mob]Get a pass from whom?13:16
AlanBellbigcalm[mob]: when are you in London until?13:18
bigcalm[mob]popey: I'm down for 4 days, so don't feel limited to Saturday evening :)13:18
davmor2bigcalm[mob]: did you ever stop to wonder if it only sucks when you are there?  I think they do it deliberately for visitors ;)13:19
bigcalm[mob]AlanBell: I have an off peak ticket, so have to wait around until 7pmish u13:19
davmor2bigcalm[mob]: Everyone seems to rave about London but I'm with you I just don't see it :)13:19
bigcalm[mob]Before I can go home13:19
bigcalm[mob]davmor2: hehe. You might be right13:20
bigcalm[mob]AlanBell: are you in the big smoke today?13:21
christeli'm not a big fan of londonia13:21
AlanBellbigcalm[mob]: no, not today13:21
* bigcalm[mob] hugs christel13:21
* christel hugs bigcalm[mob] 13:22
bigcalm[mob]Time to go. Catch you later13:22
christeli intend to mention bigcalm in every other sentence now just so  that he keeps getting emails saying that someone is talking about him!13:22
davmor2christel: that's just harsh think about bigcalm 's poor inbox13:23
davmor2christel: bigcalm is right though it soon gets boring :D13:23
christelthat is exactly what i am doing! bigcalm will feel loved and special when he gets something other than spam13:24
christeloh i didnt spot your evil twin before he left!13:24
diplowhat has bigcalm setup ? Can't be bothered to scroll up?13:24
popeybigcalm, where are you staying?13:25
davmor2yeah I need to swap it's irc channels over to me irssi proxy13:25
christeldiplo: he has one of these irc -> email scripts running so that he gets an email whenever we Talk About Him13:25
christel(paranoid man that bigcalm is!)13:25
diplobigcalm sounds very paranoid!13:26
* diplo wonders how soon it will take bigcalm to get annoyed with it13:26
davmor2diplo: it's useful if you are on more than one channel :)13:27
diploI guess I'm not that fussed :)13:28
popeybigcalm can come and tidy my desk for me Needs a tidy... http://popey.com/~alan/desk.jpg13:40
brobostigonwow, nice setup.13:41
davmor2popey: I don't think you have anywhere near enough screens, keyboard or tablets there you need MOAR13:45
* mgdm has a 27" iMac and a 32" telly on his desk at work for testing porpoises13:47
mgdmI can barely move13:47
directhexhow does one evaluate small cetaceans with LCD displays?13:51
mgdmvery well, thank you13:52
mattti need a new monitor for home13:54
matttany recommendations?13:54
mattt24" widescreen or something of that nature13:54
Dave2Dell U2412M13:54
AlanBellfor testing porpoises go to testtheporpoise.com. simples13:55
* mgdm has a Samsung 24" 1080p monitor, which is fine13:55
mgdmI can't remember the model, sadly13:55
matttyeah, i quite like the dell ultrasharps13:55
matttthey're quite ex tho :)13:56
matttmgdm: cool, will have a peek13:56
gordi have two 24" samsung 1200p monitors :P13:57
popeyi have a cheap philips on my desk13:57
gordi have to keep checking websites to catch them when they are cheep. everything else is 1080p or rediculously expensive13:58
popeybe nice if they did monitors with 2xvga, 2xdvi and 2xhdmi13:58
gordwhy would you want two inputs?13:58
mgdmthis one actually doesn' thave a model number written on it13:58
mgdmsuffice to say it's a SyncMaster of some sort13:58
gordsyncmasters say on the top left, least both of mine do13:59
mgdmOh, FFS13:59
mgdmYes, it's a P2450 :) I suspect they'll have a newer one by now13:59
bigcalm_laptopGits :P14:08
bigcalm_laptopLove you all though14:08
bigcalm_laptoppopey: now or next week?14:13
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popeybug 104234315:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1042343 in Ubuntu One Client "[FFE] Ubuntu One integration with Q sync indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104234315:15
shaunoremind me again, why can't we ban timezones?15:25
mgdmI'd like to ban daylight saving time15:27
shaunoI want to scrap them completely.  my head hurts.15:28
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Seeker`hmm, preordered an iphone 5 through carphone warehouse over the phone. Wonder whether I should have had a confirmation email yet17:21
pinky-iphone 5 is only avail on EE and Three, not avail on 02 or Voda.. The battercharger from old iphones are obsolete so new required also17:36
AlanBellwonder if the daily live cd works today17:36
pinky-oh and you cannot make a call and surf net at same time17:38
MartijnVdSpinky-: yay Apple.. oh wait17:42
* MartijnVdS had an interesting experience with Apple's lock-in today17:42
MartijnVdSor actually, other people did (I just showed them that what they wanted to do was impossible unless they used ONLY apple hard/software)17:43
MartijnVdS(or ONLY other hard/software)17:43
Seeker`pinky-: well, thats just wrong17:43
MartijnVdSno mixing17:43
pinky-I'm desperate for a new phone and undecided what to buy next...17:43
Seeker`iphone 5 is available on all of the operators on the UK17:44
Seeker`You can only get 4G on EE / Three in the near future17:44
MartijnVdSpinky-: Galaxy Nexus still wins for me :)17:44
MartijnVdSeven though it's almost a year old now17:44
pinky-I read tech-news otherday that said different17:44
pinky-maybe I need to research further17:44
Seeker`Well, that took the whole of 2 seconds to disprove :P17:45
Seeker`and http://www.o2.co.uk/iphone/iphone-517:45
Seeker`o2 are being really slow releasing their pre-orders though17:45
Seeker`hence why I gave up and pre-ordered from carphone warehoues17:45
pinky-The iPhone 5′s LTE Will Only Work on EE, Even After Vodafone and O2 Roll Out 4G too <= yes I see news has been updated thanks for pointing it out17:47
popeyNg, ordered yours? :)17:48
Ngpopey: yup17:48
Ng32gb black17:48
Ngpopey: you?17:48
Seeker`Ng: snap17:49
popeysticking with 4s till Ubuntu phone arrives :)17:49
Seeker`Ng: who did you order with?17:49
* Seeker` is upgrading from an almost-broken 3GS17:49
NgSeeker`: direct from apple17:49
Seeker`I tried to do that. Ran out between putting it in my basket and getting to the checkout though17:50
Seeker`pinky-: 'a 4G exclusive'17:50
pinky-says on that page.. Everything Everywhere, the owner of the T-Mobile and Orange networks, is in the process of selling part of its 4G band to mobile operator Three. If it went ahead, the deal would make Three the only other mobile operator in the UK to offer 4G services compatible with Apple's new iPhone.17:51
Seeker`yup. 4G services compatible. Not that Vodafone or O2 can't have the iphone 5.17:51
Seeker`Not sure how many other ways there are of saying it17:51
Seeker`not sure whether I should be concerned over lack of confirmation email17:52
Seeker`I bet HSBC have blocked the payment or something. They seem to be really bored in their fraud department at the moment, seem to be blocking just about every transaction with my credit card.17:53
pinky-2 wifi's in the iphone 5 is quite funky..17:55
pinky-I watch BBC Parliament regular in day time when nothing else on and I've noticed alllll politicians use Blackberrys. It must be because of encryption.17:59
pinky-and/or group chat18:00
MartijnVdSNo, it's because they don't have any connection with "normal" people18:02
pinky-hehe well said:)18:03
pinky-yeah I liked Blackberry when they were first launched but I wouldn't buy one now18:05
pinky-and I really do need a new mobilephone18:07
pinky-I wonder if the new iphone 5 has real glass for the screen and break if you drop them? I don't know as not looked it up or read anything related yet.18:08
pinky-hmm I'm off to look stuff up, bbiab18:09
bigcalm_laptopGood afternoon peeps :)18:18
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: you know it's evening now right?18:26
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: time is relative. And it _is_ after noon :)18:27
bigcalm_laptopBest thing about London?18:27
bigcalm_laptopLeaving it to go home :)18:27
pinky-don't wear a watch and "you" decide what the time is18:27
popeypip pip18:27
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: That's not fair, there are some good people there too, but on the whole I find the best thing about London is it makes you appreciate where you live more :)18:28
davmor2popey: Tally Ho18:29
pinky-yeah I was born and bred in Hayes near Uxbridge but live in Yorkshire now and I'm much happier here as life is quiet and slow18:30
pinky-and the air is freash18:30
pinky-I live in a small village 1 mile from the sea and everybody knows everybody in the village... they miss nothing!18:32
pinky-so everybody behaves18:32
pinky-I could never move back to London, been here too long now and like it18:33
pinky-moving back to London would disturb me18:34
popeyi used to work in uxbridge for a while18:36
popeythat place is a hole18:36
AlanBellso did I18:36
davmor2popey: it might be a hole but it isn't in the middle of the Atlantic now is it :D18:38
popeythats aldershot18:39
pinky-I lived in Bordon near Aldershot for a few years once too18:39
* bigcalm_laptop is just passing though Watford Junction18:39
pinky-the Big Divide is somehwere just north of Watford Junction18:42
pinky-so they say18:42
Seeker`bigcalm_laptop: you'll be near me now then18:45
* Seeker` expects bigcalm_laptop to drop out due to tunnels shortly18:45
Azelphuranyone know roughly how much you'd pay for a home insurance type thing that would cover you for gadgets while wandering too?18:52
pinky-I've got mobilephone insurance from my banks but I pay monthly fees for the account so I'm unsure18:54
Azelphuryea, I heard it's pretty cheap if you get the whole deal covered in one go18:54
pinky-yeah I get travel insurance and RAC cover and online fraud insurance thrown in18:55
pinky-freebies really. its just the account I needed18:56
popeyusually you have to specify on the policy certain items over a specific value18:57
Azelphurwhat perks does the account give you?18:57
AzelphurI mean I checked out a few places that offer gadget insurance, but they are usually quite expensive (£15 a month-ish) for my GS3 Nexus 7 and a laptop18:58
* MartijnVdS books a trip on a boat19:25
shaunooff-chance anyone knows how to get mysql to not treat í and i as equals?19:52
MartijnVdSshauno: "collation"20:07
MartijnVdSis the magic word20:08
MartijnVdSshauno: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367711/what-is-the-best-collation-to-use-for-mysql-with-php20:09
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://www.splicd.com/IzmNy3jqFog/2064/2074 british police are fun :D20:10
MartijnVdSAzelphur: uh what20:10
shaunohm, I thought I was using utf8_bin20:11
MartijnVdSooh, new QI tonight20:17
AlanBellQI was good21:32
matttinternet's down21:46
mattttrying bt fon21:46
MartijnVdSBT fon hom?21:53
* mattt looks at martinvds21:54
MartijnVdSmattt: "ET phone home"?21:55
shaunogood lord, it actually works - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/hwyayrsecnp5bqt/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-14%20at%2022.56.08.png21:58
shaunocrazy i18n _and_ timezones at 11pm.  how much do I hate myself right now.21:59
MartijnVdSshauno: but can you do this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205756/22:00
ali1234perl scripts will make even less sense22:01
ali1234python3 can do that too22:02
ali1234why does perl use that "my" keyword?22:02
ali1234what are they trying to say by calling it "my"22:02
ali1234turns out what they are trying to say is "we already used the local keyword for something totally bizarre that nobody would ever want to do"22:07

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