
Sarvattmlankhorst: no quantal in winehq? :(01:23
Sarvattfinally updated01:23
Sarvattjeeze having a DE up in 3 seconds is nuts, sata3 ssd's are really worth it01:27
bjsniderit takes me about 8 secs in precise, is quantal faster?01:28
Sarvattmaybe its quantal, not sure01:28
bjsnideri've got an intel 520 here, very fast01:28
Sarvattupgraded from a sandybridge macbook air to a thinkpad x1 carbon with a 2x faster ssd and now its 3 instead of 701:28
bjsniderhome is mounted on the ssd too?01:30
Sarvattone big drive yeah01:30
bjsniderok, maybe that's it, because i've only got root on the ssd here01:30
bjsnidermaybe i should mount more of home on the ssd01:31
Sarvattjust going by [     3.063] X.Org X Server 1.13.0 and wifi being ready 5 seconds into the boot in dmesg, takes me way longer to type a password to actually log in01:31
SarvattX is up 7 seconds in in the macbook air01:31
Sarvattother laptop has a crappy broadcom that needs the proprietary driver to work that takes way longer to associate, might have something to do with it seeming more laggy01:34
bjsnidercrappy broadcom, but you repeat yourself01:51
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tjaaltonha, darktama closed the nvd9 dp bug after i sub'd to it, saying it's supported. need to file a new bug then03:57
Sarvatttjaalton: supported on 3.7 after the rewrite?04:00
tjaaltonSarvatt: no, 3.504:01
tjaaltonit almost works, just claims there's no edid04:02
tjaaltonbut testing with just the discrete I got it hung with 3.6rc and then it confused the monitor so bad that I had to pull the power plug04:03
Sarvatttjaalton: sounds like typical DP fare04:10
tjaaltonwith debug output I could see the modes, but in the end nouveau would just throw in the towel04:11
Sarvatti've had to pull the battery and hold power for 2 minutes to drain the backup on every eDP system at some point :P04:11
mlankhorstSarvatt: erm the quantal package for wine is the same as precise, so just set it to precise05:58
mlankhorstI just didn't want to upload twice05:58
Sarvattmlankhorst: but but its compiled with gcc-4.6, thats blasphemy for phoronix05:58
RAOFWhat? Not compiled with clang?!?!?!!111106:00
* ricotz is pushing nvidia 304.48 to xedgers06:01
Sarvattno -ffruit-loops by default from 4.7 :(06:01
Sarvattyeah its no big deal, thats how the wine ppa has always worked, quantal doesnt go in till after it releases :P06:01
mlankhorstoh it's mostly laziness really06:01
mlankhorstI cba to do the extra work06:01
ricotzmlankhorst, hi, there is no extra work though06:02
ricotzjust a dch and debuild -S -sd06:02
mlankhorst^extra work06:02
Sarvattthere was when ia32-libs was a thing06:02
Sarvattricotz: i'm almost thinking no xserver 1.13 in edgers for precise, what do you think?06:04
Sarvattnot much point when it will be in the backport ppa06:04
mlankhorstjust alter the scripts to rename *ducks*06:05
Sarvattand 12.04.2 come jan06:05
ricotzSarvatt, hmm, i see, updating the 1.12 package might be useful then06:06
Sarvattthats easier, just reuse the old debian/ from the current one once a month or something :)06:07
mlankhorstoops, need to copy the prime xxv's over06:08
Sarvatti woulda said noone would notice if you just left it but yeah people thought we were on mesa 8.x in quantal because of that ppa06:09
mlankhorstthere, now qbp has prime, assuming we get xrandr updated in time and/or the autobind server patch06:09
mlankhorstyeah I'll update it06:09
Sarvatti dont know how you're updating it so hesitant to06:10
Sarvattdont want to screw it up :)06:10
mlankhorstI don't understand what you mean there06:10
Sarvattoh you already updated it all, was just wanting to update it last week when things changed a lot in quantal but didnt want to step on any toes06:11
mlankhorstyeah don't worry about that, I do need to push the changed scripts though :)06:12
Sarvattwhich scripts?06:13
Sarvattah in xorg-pkg-tools, how did i miss that06:13
mlankhorstyou didn't think I would do it by hand did you? :p06:14
mlankhorstonly xorg and xorg-lts-quantal, but I need to update those still06:15
Sarvattblob naming might be a PITA06:16
ricotzi dont think blob needs to be renamed06:16
Sarvattneed to somehow move people from nvidia-current-updates onto nvidia-current-updates-quantal06:16
mlankhorstSarvatt: no, we just make nvidia-current-updates work for both..06:17
mlankhorstiirc that was a bit harder for fglrx though06:17
Sarvattartifical abi restrictions are a thing of the past all the sudden, where tseliot made them provide multiple ones06:18
mlankhorstbut hey if that plan fails it's going into the rename bin06:18
Sarvattnot sure he made 304.xx provide xserver 1.13's abi in -updates in the precise-proposed one though06:18
Sarvattbut still people would need to be moved from nvidia-current to nvidia-current-updates06:19
mlankhorstyeah nvidia-current-updates might need provides: nvidia conflicts nvidia to join the rest06:19
Sarvattwould be nice if the transition from nvidia-current to nvidia-current-updates was automatic somehow, needs to be06:20
mlankhorstadd those conflicts and provides, and it will be..06:21
mlankhorstor at least probably, not 100% sure06:22
Sarvattpost release, upload another nvidia-current moving people over to -updates? good idea06:22
Sarvattexcept some people want to stay with a working driver06:22
mlankhorstI don't think it will be impossible06:22
mlankhorstdon't forget, the rest of the stack already works in a similar way06:23
Sarvattbest we can do is keep people on a long term support branch, its silly to stay on one driver forever imo06:23
mlankhorstyeah I plan on just making the old one the default, so if people update they just have to update to newer nvidia driver first, or afterwards06:24
Sarvattits really crappy the first lts backport wont even be useful :(06:26
Sarvattbeing done for haswell, but quantal wont work06:26
Sarvattlimited to the kernel though, we'll have to ship 3.7 or 3.8 even with quantal userspace06:27
mlankhorstyou say that as if it's a bad thing06:34
mlankhorstwould rather test while it's less useful than when it's really a must have06:35
Sarvattit was a must have weeks ago, we have a bunch of OEM haswells people are freaking out about :)06:36
mlankhorstso do what we always do, backport drm into current kernel?06:36
Sarvattoems dont pay for that to happen, everything has to be SRUed :P06:37
mlankhorstbusiness as usual then :-)06:38
Sarvattevery tock is a problem apparently06:40
RAOFThat's been the general case, yes.06:40
RAOFAlthough I don't think the GPU side is actually following the tick/tock cadence the same way.06:40
mlankhorstit's tocktock06:40
RAOFProbably because the GPU world moves faster.06:40
Sarvattsandybridge we shipped with no acceleration at all in 10.1006:40
RAOFBut it did support KMS! That's a pretty neat feature :)06:41
mlankhorstwell with llvmpipe fallback I don't know how useful it is to only support kms06:41
RAOFActually, kms + llvmpipe on haswell will probably be reasonably useable :)06:41
mlankhorstoh I mean that last time I tried llvmpipe glitched quite badly06:42
RAOFAh. I think unity's fixed that.06:42
RAOFIf not, they know *exactly* what they need to do to fix it.06:42
Sarvattyeah pretty sure i saw them mention a ccsm change that fixed llvmpipe compiz a few weeks ago06:44
Sarvattin the cirrus kvm bug06:45
mlankhorstah :-)06:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1021104 in Compiz Core "Severe damage artefacts and flickering when using LLVMpipe" [Medium,Triaged]06:45
tjaaltonunity is better, but compiz still crashes quite easily with llvmpipe06:57
Sarvatttseliot: have you given any thought to the q-lts-backports ubuntu-x-swat ppa that is going to go into q after release? -updates drivers you upload to precise need to provide newer abis if they support it for that i think06:58
tseliotSarvatt: nvidia-current-updates is already in proposed (same version as the one in quantal), as for the rest, we don't have drivers which support the new ABI yet07:00
Sarvattnvidia-current-updates in proposed does, does the precise-proposed one provide the xserver 1.13 abi too?07:01
Sarvattsomehow blobs are going to need to work with all of that, its going to be a headache07:01
tjaaltonnew abi support can be added as soon as the driver (properly) supports it, despite the release it's targeted at07:01
tjaaltonhope that was engrish07:02
tseliotSarvatt: we have 304.43-0ubuntu0.1 in precise-proposed but I'll have to hardcode the ABI there too07:03
tjaaltonyou have to hardcode the supported abi's in every release since it started :)07:05
tjaalton*since the package started to hardcode the abi07:06
Sarvattgoing to be extra weird with nvidia-304 starting next release07:08
tjaaltonhow so?07:09
Sarvattthey're already at 306.xx on the windows side after dropping 6xxx and 7xxx07:09
tseliotalso the 304.xx is gonna be a legacy driver...07:10
Sarvattsomehow transitioning people on 6 and 7xxx using nvidia-current to the new nvidia-304 package, don't even see how thats possible07:11
tseliotshall I call it nvidia-304?07:11
tseliotit would make sense07:12
Sarvattwell you already set that precident with 96 and 17307:12
tseliotbut no, transitioning won't be easy unless we add some code in Update manager (as we did in the past)07:12
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RAOFtseliot: We should really have a debian/supported_abis file for the nvidia/fglrx drivers and generate the Depends from that :)07:33
* ogra_ thought you can do that with a var like ${slib:depends}07:34
tseliotRAOF: that's a good idea. Are there any other packages that do this already or would I have to write new code for it?07:35
RAOFtseliot: You'd need to write new code for it, I think.07:35
mlankhorstI don't see how updating some other file instead of control would help matters?07:35
RAOFtseliot: I don't suppose there's an easy way to *automatically* discover what ABIs are supported?07:36
tseliotmlankhorst: right now we update the debian rules which, in turn, uses debian/control.in to generate debian/control07:36
mlankhorstcan't you just use a simple .vars file?07:37
RAOFWell, ish.07:37
ogra_what about ${xviddriver:Depends}, couldnt that just include the abi ?07:37
RAOFogra_: It does; but the binary drivers support more than one ABI.07:37
tseliotRAOF: I'm not sure, maybe I should see if there's something we can extract from their README file07:37
ogra_RAOF, well, they will only support one in one distro release :)07:37
RAOFSo we want to Depends: xorg-video-11 | xorg-video-10 | xorg-video-13 | ...07:38
ogra_why ?07:38
ogra_your xorg will only provide one ABI anyway07:38
tjaaltontseliot: you can't automate that part..07:38
RAOFPartially because it's a more accurate description of their dependencies. Partially because I don't think we particularly want to rename+backport the nvidia packages, so having them be forward-compatible is pretty nice.07:39
tjaaltontseliot: knowing what happened last time07:39
tseliottjaalton: yes, it's better if we are in control07:40
tjaaltonxserver has debian/serverminver, similar plumbing would work with the blobs07:40
tjaaltonso debian/control has ${blob:Provides} and debian/rules then replaces that with some string07:41
tseliottjaalton: that's just for one ABI though07:41
ogra_RAOF, apart from the fact that nvidia rarely even keeps up (or is ahead) with the ABi i would agree :) 07:41
tseliotthe serverminver07:41
tjaaltontseliot: I meant the mechanism07:41
* ogra_ is still waiting for a tegra release that supports more than ABI 1207:41
tjaaltonhave a file with the abi's, then rules replaces a string in control07:41
tseliottjaalton: right, I'll see how that works and  see if I can reuse the code07:42
RAOFtjaalton, tseliot: Have a file with the abis, and then a rules fragment that dumps them in .substvars.07:42
RAOFThat's more idiomatic; that's how ${shlibs:Depends} et al are done.07:43
tjaaltonhmm right the xserver example was something else :)07:43
tselioteither way it's fine by me07:43
tjaaltonuse what RAOF suggested07:44
RAOFgen-abi-substvars: cat substvars >> nvidia-current.substvars ☺07:44
tseliotok then07:44
ogra_RAOF, that would brak on the smiley :P07:45
RAOFLies! dash is perfectly capable of writing to utf-8 filenames!07:46
mlankhorstugh guess i better work on my presentation08:26
tjaaltonof course..08:31
mlankhorstand all the kerne lcrap I've been working on I suppose08:31
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mlankhorstok the xorg-server patch for autobinding seems to work on my laptop09:49
mlankhorstcan someone push out a new xorg-server version?09:50
tjaaltonwhat's there?10:00
tjaaltonoh that10:01
tjaaltonforgot the udev patch, but I have it here..10:01
tjaaltonneed to run though10:02
tjaaltonnext week is soon enough :)10:02
mlankhorsthehe sure10:02
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