
battlehandsActionParsnip: no such directory as ~/.config/autostart00:00
battlehandsActionParsnip: if it matters, I;m using lubuntu, not ubuntu00:00
dr_willis:~/.config/autostart$ ls00:00
dr_willislubuntu uses it also i belive00:01
dr_willisit definatly started that browser when i logged into Lubuntu just now00:01
battlehandsdr_willis: ash: cd: /home/battlehands/.config/autostart$: No such file or directory00:01
dr_willisbattlehands:  so make the dir00:01
nydelcan "find" look through hidden files?00:02
phyrexianslugdefine "hidden"? :P00:02
dr_willishidden are not really hidden they just got . in the start of the name.00:02
dr_willisand apps overlook them out of common convention.00:02
nydelbeginning with a period, phyrexianslug00:02
battlehandsdr_willis:  mkdir ~/.config/autostart  ?00:02
dr_willisbattlehands:  thats one way00:02
battlehandsdr_willis: why would I make a directory when ActionParsnip wants me to get files from somewhere00:02
battlehandsI don't understand00:03
nydeldr_willis: does that mean that find does not find hiddens or that it does?00:03
phyrexianslug@nydel:  that just excludes them from ls.   any other tool will see them as normal folders.00:03
Presonus_ProbsThanks PhyrexianSlug, sorry im slow to type, havent used IRC for years00:03
phyrexianslugeasiest (and worst) use of find:    find /* | grep "whatyourelookingfor"00:03
dr_willistheres no really 'hidden' files.. if you use the proper syntax to find.. it will see names that begin with a . same as any other file00:03
battlehandsActionParsnip: please advise00:04
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer and screen corruption every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed('nomodeset' fixes this but then compiz is unworkable00:04
tkingif i press control key for 4 seconds and release i see a round circle around the mouse pointer like this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46512205/Screenshot%20from%202012-09-13%2023%3A59%3A45.png00:04
nydelphyrexianslug: i understand, thank you. yes that's my usual use of find, well not exactly, but i do pipe it with grep00:04
dr_willistking:  that sounds like compiz's 'find the pointer feature'00:05
nydelphyrexianslug: is that better than ls -aR / | grep whatever00:05
DocD90ActionParsnip, hi are you there?00:05
phyrexianslugfind is much lighter on CPU time then ls. (someone feel free to correct me, that's just off the top of my head)00:06
tkingdr_willis i have uninstalled compiz00:06
hydesteranybody running Windows Media Center (Windows 8 preview) in a VM on 12.04?  if so, which hypervisor are you using?  i'm having bad luck with vbox in this specific situation00:06
lotuspsychjetking:you sure its not your wallpaper lol?00:06
dr_willistking:  so what desktop are you using?00:07
tkingam reset compiz and uninstalled it00:07
tkingso am using default00:07
nydelphyrexianslug: cool, thanks for the help00:08
dr_willisusing default what?00:08
tkingi assume cos i ran some command to act like its first time to use ubuntu. The command is suppose to reset all settings done on gnome00:08
tkingam using Unity00:08
lotuspsychjehydester:maybe this can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192341200:08
dr_willisif you removed compiz.. you are not using the 'default' you are using Unity2d?00:09
tkingam using unity 3d00:09
dr_willisUnity3d uses compiz.. which you said you removed.. or did i missunderstand.00:09
tkingwithout compiz unity 3d exists00:10
dr_willisunity 3d  is a plugin for compiz.. so i think thats not correct...00:10
tkingon login options you could select, Unity, Unity 2d, Gnome Classic etc... I assume Unity on its own is 3d because it makes icons on launcher fold00:10
dr_willisand you said you removed compiz... so somthign is not making sence here.00:11
hydesterlotuspsychje: you using it?00:11
lotuspsychjehydester:no sorry mate ubuntu all the way here00:11
dr_williscompiz definatly has a plugin/accessability feature to make the cursor flash/animate for  people who are visually impared00:11
tkingdr_willis, whats the difference between Unity and Unity 2s00:12
lotuspsychjetking:install ccsm, you will soon find out if compiz still runs or not00:12
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seednode2d is less eyecandy-ful and easier on hardware.00:12
hydesterlotuspsychje: heh.  i'm just using it for windows media center.  pretty nice, esp if only $40.  but the crashing is a deal breaker.  i'll possibly uninstall guest additions then.  thanks00:13
dr_willisunity3d is a compiz plugin.. unity2d is not.00:13
ubuntugeekhi #ubuntu, I work on webkit project (http://www.webkit.org). Earlier I was using 11.10 and recently shifted to 12.04. But I am experiencing the compilation is much slower in 12.04 than 11.10. Anybody facing the same issue during compile cycle with any projects?00:13
Coloradan'allo all. minor question for a major issue here.... I have an older laptop thats been sidelined until recently. just installed 12.04 on it, and it seems the builtin touch pad does not exist,00:14
lotuspsychjeubuntugeek: wasnt webkit unsupported by 12.04?00:14
Coloradani've got two usb mice, one which works, but is my mouse for my main laptop, and another i would like to use for this laptop, but is not recognized at all.00:14
ubuntugeeklotuspsychje: in fact I have a situation where my gtk port only builds with 12.04 out of the box whereas 11.10 I need to handfix a lot of broken packages..:)00:15
Coloradanwmy main question is, what can i do to get either the touchpad, or the wireless usb mouse, to be identified or recognized?00:15
tkinglotuspsychje, i have tried to but i find compiz installed from software center and not compizconfig settings manager00:15
seednodeIs Synaptics installed?00:15
DocD90ActionParsnip, ??? ....i have a little trouble with openssh, can you help me?00:16
tkingbut when i search compiz in dash nothing shows up00:16
seednodetking: You just need to install ccsm?00:16
seednodeIt's 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'00:16
DocD90I go...n800:17
lotuspsychjetking: like dr_willis says unity3d runs on compiz00:17
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:17
lotuspsychjeubuntugeek:not sure mate, havent played with it00:18
subcoolum- how do i install a certain file?00:18
andrebguys i just cloned my 250 gb drive toa  750 gb drive..and the system works.. just how do i get it to see and use teh rest of teh drive00:18
lotuspsychje!apt | subcool00:19
ubottusubcool: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)00:19
subcoollotuspsychje, lol- not that easy00:19
ubuntugeeklotuspsychje: sure.00:19
dr_willisandreb:  use gparted from a live cd and resize it.. or use gparted to make a new partion at the end.00:19
seednodesubcool, what are you trying to install?00:19
subcooli just tried to cat the file- but--- came out gibberish00:19
dr_willisactually thats not the same as the accessabilty mouse animation i think. ;)00:19
subcoolsomething for a vmx image..00:19
dr_willissubcool:  we need more details of what/how you installed this thing.00:20
seednodeDo you know the name of it?00:20
subcoolyeah-guy  i know.. lol00:20
subcoolim trying--00:20
subcoolit doesnt have an extension -00:20
seednodeWell, it's worth asking, have you Googled it?00:21
subcoolevery time i open it- i get gibberish.. - which i didnt get the first time00:21
subcoolit comes with instructions- just not how to "install" it00:21
subcooli thought it was sh or something00:21
lotuspsychjesubcool: are you trying to install a virtual machine image?00:21
subcoolbut i got errors00:21
dr_willisdetails.... please...00:21
subcoolyea- but.. there is a pre-install "patch"00:21
dr_williswhats the exact file name>00:21
bazhang!enter | subcool00:21
ubottusubcool: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:21
subcooli was gonn apaste the conents- but-- i cant seem to open it00:21
subcoolbazhang, each line is for someone different, im just being lazy about titleing them.00:22
abuayyoubHello all.00:22
subcooli dont get it- i opened this file yesterday, and it was in english- i thought it was a simple script - now i only get gibberishout of it..00:23
lotuspsychjesubcool: please reply to dr_willis and describe filename00:23
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* dr_willis gives up00:23
subcooldr_jesus_, linux_3200:24
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub: ask your question mate00:24
dr_willisand what is this file supposed to be exactly subcool ?00:24
subcoolmake running OSX operable for linux00:24
nsaquatics#$@@! piece of !@#$ I cannot get this thing to boot from anything other than the original OS Disk. Can't boot to CD nor the new Mirror array.00:24
subcoolon vmware00:25
abuayyoublotuspsychje thanks, I was wondering if  someone please help me out here. I have a WD 1TB external hard disk ( the one with the power source) I had it hooked up to my Ubuntu machine a week or so ago and I was watching a video off it and my power went out. When the power came back on all the contents ( almost 900 GB ) of my film folder was empty. The space was still allocated but the folder shows 0 items. Now, I tried two different programs for the Mac 00:25
abuayyoubrecover deleted files and all it managed to do was find files that I had actually deleted. the 900 GB of data that went missing was nowhere to be found. I tried also apples disk utility, disk aide, disk daisy, disk drill nothing The files weren't deleted obviously they are just not visible. I dont own a windows machine and my linux box doesn't have internet access. Someone please help I have my entire collection of Stargate Sg-1, Dexter, Breaking Bad, 00:25
abuayyoubWire, Firefly and TNG  on there I'm desperate!00:25
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:are you on ubuntu right now?00:25
subcoolugh- ok.. it is a sh00:26
subcoolbut it errors..00:26
abuayyoubno im on the mac. Wifi died on my ubuntu machine. But I can load it in VM ware00:26
andrebdr_wills can i use a 12.04 lts cd to use gpoart on a 10.04lts install ?00:26
subcoolandreb, yea-00:26
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:so you want to recover files on the hd?00:26
abuayyoubyes, lotuspsychje00:26
dr_willisandreb:  gparted dosent really care. :)  so thats a yes00:26
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | abuayyoub00:26
ubottuabuayyoub: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB00:26
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:install testdisk, then run sudo photorec after to recover partitions00:27
subcoolOk- thanks guys, i kinda got a handle on it- the script is simple.. (i opened the wrong file) but- it still erros..00:28
subcoolcase "`uname -m`" in00:28
subcool    x86_64)00:28
subcool        "$0"_64 "$@"00:28
subcool        ;;00:28
FloodBot1subcool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
abuayyoublotuspsychje:  any idea what might have happened?00:28
dr_willissubcool:  those lines are seeing if the os is 32 or 64bit...00:28
dr_willisuname -m00:28
subcooldr_willis, yea.. i got that, - but it errors...00:28
subcoolsays it cant find the 64bit file- which is there00:29
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:not sure mate, some external hd's cant stand powercuts and loose data..what brand u got?00:29
subcooldr_willis, yea.. that is it..00:29
abuayyoublotuspsychje:  WD00:29
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:had the same with a WD book, lost it all...00:29
abuayyoubNever had a problem till now. Seems strange that the date would be still allocated but not available or even visible.00:30
abuayyoublotuspsychje:  oh thats harsh man00:30
abuayyoublotuspsychje:  I wish SSD's get bigger and cheaper soon00:30
subcoolThanks again guys-- ill just call this as broken..00:30
abuayyoubso we can finally ditch these old school drives00:30
lotuspsychjeabuayyoub:try ##hardware mate, cheap ssd links00:30
abuayyoubI have had so many die on my in my time00:30
ActionParsnipSSD is cheap anyways....00:31
abuayyoubActionParsnip:  lotuspsychje  yea there cheap until you get up around 512gb then your in the heat00:31
abuayyoubIm talking 1TB - 2TB00:32
bazhang!ot | abuayyoub00:32
ubottuabuayyoub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:32
lotuspsychjelets continue this on offtopic00:32
tkinglotuspsychje, am back, i installed ccsm, and when i lauched, before i could click anything, my screen changed and i could only see one folder, couldn't lauch terminal and no dash/launcher and status bar00:32
tkingso i reboot and tried to launch00:33
ActionParsnipabuayyoub: but you only need a small one for your OS, the /home /var and /tmp can go on a platter based storage00:33
tkingbut system froze for without launcher00:33
tkingplease anyone know how i can disable and complete have compiz and all its settings removed from my system?00:34
andrebok.. i got the boot disk in and it loads the boot disk.. what option to choice to get gpart ... I am seeing isntall ubuntu server , multiple server install with mass, check disc for defects ..test memory ..boot from hd... and rescue system00:34
ActionParsniptking: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz; rm -r ~/.compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz     I believe (check paths first)00:34
tkingActionParsnip, i have serious problem, maybe you can help :)00:36
GycklarnIn Nautilus, is there any way to simply convert the current window to root, use perform an action using sudo?00:36
phong_hi guys00:36
phong_anyone here are good at programming ?00:36
phong_know some vb.net skills?00:36
bazhangphong_, whats the real question00:36
phong_i'm afraid to ask00:37
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bazhangphong_, how does this relate to ubuntu00:37
phong_been in vb.net no one seem to be answering00:37
phong_i know man00:37
phong_that is why i'm afraid to ask00:37
bazhangphong_, so dont ask here its offtopic00:37
lotuspsychjeGycklarn:you can sudo nautilus from terminal if you like00:38
Gycklarnyeah, I figured, but I was hoping there'd be a quicker way00:39
bazhanglotuspsychje, gksudo00:39
ActionParsniptking: ask the channel and it will reply if it can00:39
bazhang!gksudo | lotuspsychje Gycklarn00:39
ubottulotuspsychje Gycklarn: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:39
blackshirtlotuspsychje, don't sugest them00:39
lotuspsychjebazhang:is that the safest way?00:40
bazhanglotuspsychje, please read the link00:40
Troy^hmm i have my ssh port forward on my router what can't i connect to ssh via the port on my external ip00:40
Gycklarnbazhang, thank you00:41
drupinmy screen hangs after some activity .. i have a usb install like after 4 hours nothing happens then.. option left is reboot manually from CPU00:41
exciseI'm having problems with choppy flash playback regardless of the website it comes from.  has anyone else been experiencing this?00:41
wifioregonI have Ubuntu 12.04 installed but unfortunetly need to install XP side by side. I'd prefer to not have to remove the current Ubuntu, install XP, and then install Ubuntu, but if it comes down to it I will.  Could someone give me a good guide to install XP side by side Ubuntu AFTER ubuntu it installed?00:42
tkingits a long story, i have been using compiz and i got tired because desktop rotate is not stable, so i checked online and removed compiz following some tutorials. Then i reboot. It took me hours i even slept of waiting for things to load as usual without compiz. When i woke in the morning. I saw some activity bla bla bla. So i later found out it booted into "Gnome Shell" as they called it. The i rebooted and logged in to Unity as there were options like "Gno00:43
tkingme", "Gnome Classic", "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu 2D". But now when i press the control key i get some kind of animated flashing stuff around my pointer, which is iritating. Today someone said i am using 3d maybe. That i should re-install ccsm. I did and it froze my computer.00:43
wifioregontking:  I use gnome class is well :-)00:43
Troy^is there a openssh setting to allow external connections?00:43
wifioregonTroy^:  You have to port forward if you have a router to do it00:43
wifioregonTroy^:  Go into your router settings and set up forwarding for port 2200:44
Troy^wifioregon: yea it's down but i can't seem to use my own external ip address to connect to it.. and i'm not using port 2200:44
Troy^wifioregon: yes it's forwarded00:44
wifioregonTroy^:  When you scan your external IP with nmap, does it show the SSH port as open?00:44
andrebcan anyon help me ?00:44
tkingwifioregon, can you help?00:45
wifioregontking:  with?00:45
zrutyHow to read off a mac formatted flash drive?00:45
wifioregonzruty:  reformat it with gparted to fat3200:46
tkingremoving the flashing stuff around mouse pointer when i hold control key for 3 seconds and release00:46
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hashemtking, that's an options in mouse and touchpad00:46
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tkinghashem, whats the option please?00:47
zrutywifioregon: Yes, but there is data on it now00:47
hashemtking, can't you open the program and read it?00:47
wifioregontking:  sorry I dont know00:48
wifioregontking:  other than switch your windows manager which is hardly a solution00:48
tkingHashem thanks00:48
liberty223Hi I am running 12.04, with ultrabook with Intel 4000 graphics. When I launch certain games eg bastion, I get absolutely no graphics, just the cursor and sound00:48
liberty223Should I update to new kernel and if so what is best way to do so00:48
wifioregonliberty223:  updating kernel isnt going to help00:50
wifioregonliberty223:  try running the "additional drivers" application00:50
wifioregonliberty223:  its built into Ubuntu00:50
wifioregonliberty223:  and then install your graphics drivers00:50
liberty223I have intel 4000 graphics00:50
liberty223there are no additional drivers00:50
liberty223intel doesn't have proprietary linux drivers00:50
aelmajidThere's some one to help me please?00:50
aelmajidwith backtrack500:50
wifioregonliberty223:  perhaps its not good enough to play games?00:50
ActionParsniptking: isn't the flashing stuff a compiz plugin00:50
liberty223Perhaps I need to update kernel?00:51
liberty223Intel graphics should be very good at this point00:51
wifioregonliberty223:  do the updates00:52
wifioregonliberty223:  that will update kernel00:52
liberty223I did sudo apt-get upgrade already00:52
wifioregonliberty223:  open terminal and run:  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade00:52
wifioregonliberty223:  then you should have the newest terminal. Check the update GUI as well00:52
wifioregonliberty223:  recently I had to do the kernel update with the GUI00:52
wifioregonliberty223:  also you can use the terminal to find what kernel version you currently have00:53
liberty223what is the latest kernel?00:53
wifioregonliberty223:  or you should see it in grub00:53
liberty223I'm on 3.200:53
liberty223I want 3.4+00:53
tyuiohello ! i need a little help .While installing hotspot shield  vpn on ubuntu 12.04 32 bit .I struck on a line \\\\\\\\\"YourHotSpotShieldUsername" HotSpotShieldServerIP "YourHotSpotShieldUsername"\\\\\\\\\ i don't know how to get this .i visit the hotspot site my eyes don't find any login /sigin option .Please help me .I want to access torrentz00:53
wifioregonliberty223:  3.2.0-31-generic00:53
wifioregonliberty223:  is what I have00:53
liberty223I have 2900:53
wifioregonliberty223:  And I do the updates. 12.0400:53
hashemwifioregon, when you use apt-get, that only gets you the newest kernel in the repositories for the release you're on (eg 12.04)00:54
wifioregonliberty223:  run the GUI update then00:54
wifioregonhashem:  ooh00:54
WeThePeopleaelmajid, ask your question00:54
wifioregonhashem:  thanks! Thats why I had to use the GUI update utility, huh?00:54
hashemno, I'm pretty sur ethe GUI update is the same as apt-get update && apt-get upgrade00:54
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tkingpls if i install a fresh ubuntu, what is the first or default login desktop called, Gnome shell, unity 2d, gnome classic? or what? i want to go back to how i first installed Ubuntu00:55
hashemWith the ubuntu repositories for a given release, new major versions of software isn't made available, only minor bug fixes. For major updates to software, you have to install it yourself or wait until the newer release (like 12.10)00:55
jribhashem: probably need dist-upgrade to upgrade kernel (since dependency of a package changes)00:55
tyuioWeThePeople: help me00:56
hashemjrib, ah yes, you may be right00:56
hashemtking, it's called "unity"00:56
XiaolinDraconisstarting to get the opinion that ubuntu is horrible00:56
jribtking: rename your ~/.dmrc and you'll go back to default00:56
ActionParsnipwifioregon: resize the ext4 in live cd, you can then install windows to the freed space00:56
jribXiaolinDraconis: we're here for support please00:56
bazhangXiaolinDraconis, actual support question?00:56
wifioregonActionParsnip:  but wont the Windows boot manager not show ubuntu?00:57
tkingjrib how do i rename it? i never heard of at00:57
hashemliberty223, if you want to try out a newer version, one option is to install it manually: http://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/installing-a-kernel-in-ubuntu/ I've never done this though. Perhaps another way would be to get an updated kernel from a newer ubuntu repository. idk how to do that though.00:57
jribtking: mv ~/.dmrc ~/.dmrc.old00:57
tyuiobazhang: help me ! ny exams are coming00:57
jribtking: you can read it if you want to see what information it contains00:58
bazhangtyuio, ask the channel a question00:58
nannesHow to install kernel 3.5stable in precise, from official repos?00:58
jrib!kernel | nannes00:58
ubottunannes: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)00:58
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tkingjrib how do i read it it00:58
jribtking: cat ~/.dmrc00:58
OerHeksnannes not available in precise, wait for release  QQ 12.1000:59
tkingjrib no such file or directory00:59
jribtking: if you've already renamed it, then it won't be called ~/.dmrc any more :)00:59
nannesI'll have to use external repos :/00:59
ActionParsnipexcise: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'00:59
bkc_nannes: or use the beta?01:00
nannes no no no01:00
nannesbeta no please01:00
nannesonly stables01:00
bkc_I'm guessing it's out by now... it's mid-september already...01:00
tkingjrib is this comand mv ~/.dmrc ~/.dmrc.old to move or rename? if it is to move as i know, am i not to delete the .old?01:00
hashemnannes, you could try installing the .deb file http://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/installing-a-kernel-in-ubuntu/01:00
ActionParsnipwifioregon: you will need to reinstate the boot loader using the grub again01:01
bazhangbkc_, it's not. 12.10 means October01:01
bkc_nannes: 12.10 is due october, so it's only about a month left anyways...01:01
bkc_bazhang: ...01:01
nanneshashem: I know, I just asked here to know by official sources01:01
hashemtking, you can use 'mv' to rename files01:01
bazhangbkc_, unreleased is not stable01:01
WeThePeople_tyuio, this is what i found Hotspot Shield runs on:01:01
WeThePeople_Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X (10.5 Leopard), Mac OS X (10.6 Snow Leopard), Mac OS X (10.7 Lion).01:01
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exciseActionParsnip, should I paste in the channel or pm?01:02
jribtking: move and rename is the same (think about it)01:02
ActionParsnipnannes: I suggest you reinstall with Quantal if you want the 3.5 kernel01:02
bkc_nannes: well... you have 3 choices really... 1) install a new kernel (that might mess everything up completely), 2) upgrade to 12.10 beta and possibly encounter a wild bug or 3) wait until October...01:02
nannesok ok got it ;)01:02
nannesActionParsnip: Can I ask you a thing?01:03
wifioregonActionParsnip:  using grub? Like a subergrub2 disc? or can I do it from an Ubuntu disc live?01:03
bkc_bazhang: I know it ain't stable...01:03
tyuioWeThePeople_: it means i have to install hotspot using wine and get username and password for it01:03
ActionParsnipexcise: use http://pastie.org01:03
wifioregonActionParsnip:  also do you happen to have a guide?  You think I should back up files before doing this? Its kindof dangerous right?01:03
bkc_wifioregon: I'd go for whatever disc I have around with grub on it :)01:03
ActionParsnipwifioregon: you can use the Ubuntu install CD to instate the bootloader01:03
chadams42memcached issue here, I'm trying to cache images and some return 200 ok, but with no response data?01:04
exciseActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/471720401:04
WeThePeopletyuio, it wont work through wine01:04
ActionParsnipwifioregon: omgubuntu have a page called 'sticking it to grub'   just change 'bind'  to '--bind' in the page01:04
wifioregonActionParsnip:  okay thanks01:05
tyuioWeThePeople:  so, what i do ?01:05
WeThePeopletyuio, do you have windows lying around some where01:05
tyuioWeThePeople: no , i'm pure linux user01:05
ActionParsnipexcise: enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin package to get 64bit flash for flash01:05
WeThePeopletyuio, either dual boot or put windows in a virtual machine aka VirtualBox01:05
hashemchadams42, isn't there a better channel to ask about memcached?01:05
tyuioWeThePeople: my parents don't allow me to use windows01:06
WeThePeopletyuio, ok you want to download torrents?01:06
OerHekstyuio for legal torrents like ubuntu you don't need a hotspot-shield.01:06
chadams42hashem: no one there01:06
WeThePeopletyuio, lol01:06
tyuioWeThePeople: ya01:06
aelmajidsorry WeThePeople i was absent, i want to know how can i install a driver of an adapter wireless in backtrack501:06
lorddeltaAny clue why my internet drivers (networkmanager,dnsmasq,dhclient) would have gone haywire recently? For whatever reason dnsmasq wasn't being passed my dns server ip, I had to restart it and pass it manually01:06
chadams42hashem: and I've stopped making progress....01:07
hashemchadams42, it's not worth it to ask here then, it's just considered off-topic01:07
tyuioWeThePeople: i want to  download pdf and videos for exams01:07
bazhangaelmajid, get backtrack support in their channel01:07
hashemchadams42, try asking on stackoverflow.com01:07
bazhang!backtrack | aelmajid01:07
ubottuaelmajid: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:07
chadams42ah ok thansk01:07
tyuioWeThePeople: can you suggest me sites to download them free of cost01:07
WeThePeopletyuio, use a socks5 proxy01:07
exciseActionParsnip, I'm showing that I have the Canonical Partners repositories enabled01:07
XiaolinDraconisits nice to see the cursor problem was fixed01:07
tyuioWeThePeople:  via ssh01:07
tyuiothat , i can do it01:08
tyuioWeThePeople:  thanks01:08
WeThePeopleaelmajid, type ' lshw' in terminal and copy paste to paste.ubuntu.com01:08
ActionParsnipexcise: then install the adobe-flashplugin and you will get 64bit flash01:08
XiaolinDraconisflash applications stutter and skip01:09
WeThePeopletyuio, np01:09
WeThePeopletyuio, dont for get to set up your torrent client to :)01:09
WeThePeopletyuio, Tor might work also01:10
tyuioWeThePeople: i'm going to network proxy (in built option in ubuntu ) and apply it system wide .Aha01:10
tyuioWeThePeople:  tor is very slow01:11
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WeThePeopletyuio, good idea01:11
tyuioWeThePeople:  thanks : )01:11
bkc_WeThePeople: don't use tor for torrents -.-01:11
=== Guest35800 is now known as Zig
WeThePeoplebkc_, me doesnt01:12
exciseActionParsnip, you're awesome!!  thanks a lot for your time and assistance.01:12
WeThePeoplei dont even use proxy01:12
blackshirtwhy a lot people here gets some trouble with flash01:13
bkc_flash is problem... end of story01:13
WeThePeopleflash isnt the prob01:13
bkc_WeThePeople: no it's not *the* problem... it *is* problem...01:14
blackshirtwhat the problem.. ?01:14
SokelFlash needs to go away01:14
Sokelthat's the problem01:14
WeThePeoplehtml5 then??01:14
SokelIt needs to make way for html 501:14
bkc_make way for html5 :rageface: !01:14
SokelAnd HTML5 only01:14
blackshirtbut,flash was very popular format01:14
bkc_and now le smoke to get my mind of flash -.-01:15
* bkc_ slaps blackshirt for thinking bad thoughts...01:15
lorddeltaBah. HTML5/Flash. Meh. Tomato Tomahto.01:15
lorddeltaPick one and stop bickering. Honestly.01:15
bazhanglets get back on topic of ubuntu support, please01:16
blackshirti think that was bad, but that was a reality01:16
hashemDoes canonical get some money from purchases in the Ubuntu music store? Also, does purchased music have DRM?01:17
ActionParsnipChrome + pepper flash works great here. I don't even have adobe flash installed now :)01:17
lorddeltaSo... where should I look? Re earlier: Any clue why my internet drivers (networkmanager,dnsmasq,dhclient) would have gone haywire recently? For whatever reason dnsmasq wasn't being passed my dns server ip, I had to restart it and pass it manually01:17
MaksimHi all. Hope someone can help. I'm using Ubuntu, latest version, new to it. My new printer Dell V725W works fine wireless in Windows. In Ubuntu, the add printer dialog recognizes it, but it doesn't have my printer model in the list. I went to the Dell website, downloaded the rpm driver for linux, used Alien to convert to deb and install. Using 'dpkg -l | less' I was able to see that it installed 'Dell Network and USB Scan Drivers software.' Ho01:17
Maksimwever, it didn't magically make this work . I'm not sure what to try next.01:17
WeThePeopleaelmajid, did you type lshw in terminal??01:17
lorddeltaActionParsnip: Oh, neat!01:17
Daekdroomhashem, yes and no, respectively.01:17
xanguahashem: the music in the ubuntu music store is drm free01:17
hashemah cool! I'll go buy something then :)01:17
andrebk..finally got the gpart live cd01:18
blackshirtlorddelta, read README files on dnsmasq release01:18
lorddeltaActionParsnip: does it handle games e.g. Kongregate, Amor Games?01:18
andrebquestion: its not enabling me to make the  /dev/sda1 any bigger01:18
andrebany ideas ?01:18
lorddeltablackshirt: that simple? I did try looking through its man pages, but ok01:18
Maksimhow likely is it that my question just got drowned out lol01:18
blackshirtandreb, what you want ?01:19
Sokelandreb: You cannot make a first partition bigger.01:19
Sokelandreb: Especially if you have a second01:19
andrebcuz i cloned my dying 250 gb hd toa  750gb drive01:19
Sokelandreb: It's common sense.01:19
Sokelfdisk -l /dev/sda paints a better picture. Because everything is in order.01:19
Maksimguys, know any other channel I can go to to find an answer to my question?01:20
Azjohi, im having trouble with cue mounting wav files. does anyone know a good channel to ask about that on freenode? :)01:20
blackshirtmaksim, what is your question guys?01:20
SokelStart: 1 End: 20451 for sda1 for example. And then sda2 starts at 20452 and then ends wherever. So you can't.01:20
Maksimblackshirt, here it was: Hi all. Hope someone can help. I'm using Ubuntu, latest version, new to it. My new printer Dell V725W works fine wireless in Windows. In Ubuntu, the add printer dialog recognizes it, but it doesn't have my printer model in the list. I went to the Dell website, downloaded the rpm driver for linux, used Alien to convert to deb and install. Using 'dpkg -l | less' I was able to see that it installed 'Dell Network and USB S01:20
Maksimcan Drivers software.' However, it didn't magically make this work . I'm not sure what to try next.01:20
andrebsokel hrm..01:21
SokelThe problem is you converted an rpm to debian.01:21
andrebmy sd1 is almost full01:21
ActionParsniplorddelta: seems ok yes01:21
Sokelandreb: There's nothing you can do other than completeing starting from scratch.01:21
MaksimSokel: my terminal said I have to do that01:21
bkc_Azjo: cue mounting wav-files? o.O don't really get what you're trying to do :)01:21
lorddeltaActionParsnip: neat, thnx01:21
lorddeltaNot what I came in here for but :D01:22
MaksimSokel: it said something like 'rpm should never be installed directly. you have to use alien for that'. So i googled and it said that on ubuntu you have to either use Alien or install from source01:22
andrebsokels any suggestions on how i can use the other 400gb of space without having to resinstalling01:22
hashemHm...seems pretty stupid you need Ubuntu One to be installed to subscribe to downloads from the Ubuntu Music Store01:22
blackshirtmaksim, is there deb format driver on dell sites?01:22
MaksimBut ubuntu doesn't know my printer model and it seems that though I installed the driver succesffuly through terminal, it didn't tell ubuntu gui01:22
Sokelandreb: Make another partition.01:22
Maksimblackshirt: no sadly01:22
Sokelandreb: Call it a day01:23
Azjoi believe its a dying feature. in the age of time monkeys audio (.ape) could decompress to wav files. and then the cue files would explain burners etc where each track was. once i could get drag this information out on daemon tools but today its a bitch :/01:23
blackshirtmaksim, what about the source files?01:23
SokelMaksim: Um... I found a tar file you can start from01:23
Maksimblackshirt: it only has rpm file on the website. I do not know how to install from source.01:23
SokelMaksim: NEVER convert rpm to deb or vice versa. Dumbest thing you can do.01:23
MaksimSokel: where?01:23
WeThePeoplemaksim, tar are easy :)01:23
MaksimThere is only an RPM01:23
SokelProblem solved.01:24
SokelMaksim: You are obviously not looking :)01:24
SokelMaksim: I like how I found that at my first search01:24
NisstyreDoes anyone know if there is a crossfeed plugin for Rhythmbox in the repositories?01:24
Maksimsokel: sorry but I found this link http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/DriverDetails/DriverFileFormats/Product/dell-v725w-inkjet-printer?DriverId=RKG1W&FileId=2907115239&urlProductCode=False how does dell post two different driver pages01:24
ring2Nisstyre, why do want to feed rhythmbox?01:24
Maksimsokel: sokel it is my first time using linux ever, cut me a break man! I spent hours trying to do this. Sokel, what do you suggest I do, install the targz and it should work?01:25
Nisstyrering2: crossfeed is a type of signal processing that removes the separation inherent in stereo recordings01:25
Nisstyrering2: it's for headphone listening01:25
ring2Nisstyre, it's called crossfade ;)01:25
SokelMaksim: First off, you don't install a tar file.01:25
Nisstyrering2: no it isn't01:26
Azjoah, EAC worked it out for me. no worries.01:26
Nisstyrering2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossfeed01:26
ring2Nisstyre, alright, never heard of it. sorry01:26
hashemMaksim, open a terminal. The 'tar' command works with .tar* files. you can type 'man tar' for more information, but for .tar.gz files, the command 'tar -xvzf myfile.tar.gz' should decompress it.01:28
Nisstyrering2: I know that there is an ALSA plugin for crossfeed, but I'd rather do it at the application layer01:28
Maksimhashem: thank you man01:29
Maksimsokel: thank you as well01:29
Sokeltar xvf file01:29
XiaolinDraconissooo is this pepperflash in the chrome webstore?01:29
bazhang!ot | XiaolinDraconis01:29
ubottuXiaolinDraconis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:29
XiaolinDraconisi am on topic01:30
SokelNo you're not01:30
XiaolinDraconiswindows runs flash games without problem01:30
SokelThat was not even an ubuntu question01:30
XiaolinDraconisubuntu does not01:30
bazhangXiaolinDraconis, chrome has NOTHING To do with ubuntu. take it elsewhere01:30
SokelXiaolinDraconis: Sounds personal.01:30
hashemMaksim, then you have to install it, which is a little bit more involved. There should be a README file or INSTALL file inside the decompressed directory which has instructions01:31
SokelXiaolinDraconis: Either get it to work on firefox or work on Chrome.01:31
MaksimSokel: Hold on a second. The link you gave me is a firmware. I have already installed that one. My problem is that Ubuntu doesn't know about my printer model. I thought installing the driver would help, but it did not01:31
Maksimhashem: It turns out I already did this one01:31
XiaolinDraconisill open firefox but i bet it stutters too01:31
SokelMaksim: Ever decide to reboot your computer?01:31
bazhangMaksim, what does linuxprinting.org database recommend as a driver for that01:32
SokelXiaolinDraconis: Stop whining. Sounds to me you either don't have efficient enough ram, or you do not have a sufficient video card.01:32
ring1Nisstyre, as i read quodlibet is capable of crossfeeding with a plugin. but that doesn't help for rhythmbox01:32
XiaolinDraconisconsidering when searching through other peoples problems, the vast amount of flash problems, it doesnt seem to matter what the browser is01:32
XiaolinDraconisubutu simply fails to handle flash well01:32
SokelXiaolinDraconis: It's your hardware. Guarantee it.01:32
SokelXiaolinDraconis: How about you just install fedora and see if it works for you?01:32
XiaolinDraconiswhy does windows 7 run it flawlessly then?01:33
XiaolinDraconisspecs dont change just the OS01:33
=== Guest910285746 is now known as ubuguest
SokelXiaolinDraconis: I guarantee you do NOT have enough ram to be running unity and flash at the same time, nor video memory. Fix that or search google.01:33
lorddeltaXiaolinDraconis: Probably the graphics drivers then01:33
icqusiuarioubuntu en español01:33
icqusiuariohay o no01:33
XiaolinDraconisthats why i switched to gnome classic01:33
lorddeltaAnd Sokel's got a point too01:33
Sokelun poquito01:33
lorddeltaUnity is heavy01:34
bazhangicqusiuario, #ubuntu-es01:34
hashemMaksim, is there a similar model-number in that dialog box in ubuntu?01:34
Maksimbazhang and hashem: no01:34
Maksimit doesn't even have anything that starts with V01:34
Maksimlinuxprinting doesn't have it either01:34
Maksimi guess cause it's new01:34
FloodBot1Maksim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
bazhangMaksim, take a look at the database01:34
ring1Nisstyre, if you're interested: https://code.google.com/p/quodlibet/wiki/Crossfeed01:34
bazhangMaksim, whats the exact name and model01:34
Maksimbazhang: Dell V725W01:35
Nisstyrering1: thanks for the link01:35
ring1Nisstyre, yw01:36
ferrisi need a point in the right direction to share a folder between local users....01:36
ubuguesthello. I have installed a window manager and I logged into it and I can't do anything at all. Is there a way to close it and go back to the logon screen?01:36
jribubuguest: what wm?01:36
hashemMaksim, perhaps ask dell support. They specifically mention supporting ubuntu in this pdf http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CCkQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dell.com%2Fdownloads%2Fglobal%2Fproducts%2Fprint%2FInkjet_Printers_Datasheet_US_V5_LR_Brochure.pdf&ei=HIlSUNb0F4-e8QSj6oGYBw&usg=AFQjCNFI-zJZLmsdNgZwHPs6KazUQJJy3A&sig2=UDjMFYVU8vaicKBXOTn2tw01:37
TJ-ferris: Add them both to the 'users' group, and give that group ownership and permissions to read/write/execute the shared directory01:37
ubuguestjrib, dwm01:37
Maksimhashem: I will do that if you suggest it. You think they will actually respond? :)01:37
joshmcubuguest: Try alt + shift + q01:37
ferrisTJ-, thanks.... i will try that01:37
ActionParsnipubuguest: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there then run:  killall -u $USER01:37
joshmcleftalt is the initial modkey for dwm, right?01:38
hashemMaksim, they'll definitely respond, I would guess they won't be of much help. I might be wrong though01:38
jribubuguest: if you're sure it's some sort of config issue on your part, you can restart X by going to tty (ctrl-alt-f1) and issuing « sudo service lightdm restart ».  ctrl-alt-f7 will get you back to X.  However, you probably just need to figure out how to use dwm (look up its docs)01:38
ubuguestthanks, guys :)01:39
joshmcubuguest: as a dwm user it's great but not easy. I'd say if you are using an apt-managed version ditch it and grab the tarball, as using dwm to the extent you want generally means editing config.h and recompiling.01:40
joshmcubuguest: bu-bu-I wasn't done!01:41
joshmcoh well01:41
qazI have a problem with cups , if I try to use the dnssd I can't print01:42
qazwork on with http01:43
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qazany help?01:43
SokelIt's a known bug. Look on google.01:43
qaztnx Sokel01:44
qazso I just use the http/ipp protocol01:45
black_13_is there a process or tool for creating a preseed file ?01:46
black_13_also can a preseed file live in the initial ramdisk01:46
drupinmy box goes blank and if i load google chrome xchat file manager gedit all together .. its installed on a flash drive01:52
drupinonly option is reboot and reset on the cpu01:53
drupinthe swap memory is 1 GB01:54
drupinis it much01:54
Secu34Salut !01:54
Secu34Salut !01:54
WeThePeopleblack_13, a torrent file?01:57
WeThePeopleblack_13_, ^^01:58
black_13_WeThePeople: hey01:58
OerHeksWeThePeople, preseeding file is an automated installation file01:58
coopGood Evening everyone01:58
OerHeksor unattended01:58
OerHeksblack_13_, there is a manual for preseeding > https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html but not a tool AFAIK02:00
ActionParsnipdrupin: how much RAM do you have?02:01
drupin2.5 GB02:01
drupinany driver issue02:01
black_13_OerHeks: if you8 modify the preseed file on the iso will it get picked up during the installed02:02
drupinalso on chrome the flash is not rendering with the default pepper flash version02:02
OerHeksblack_13_, yes, that is what it is used for.02:02
black_13_OerHeks: it isnt being picked up02:03
ksx4systemhow can I set Ubuntu to prefer IPv4 and use IPv6 only to connect with v6-only sites?02:03
black_13_or does it work in the desktop installe02:03
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OerHeksblack_13_, i never used it, all i have is the URL i gave you02:05
weiyanghi, any document on socat, besides the man page?02:05
weiyangi just feel confused about this tool02:06
KRomeleoNi am overclocking my cpu but ubuntu doesnt recognize the overclock02:06
KRomeleoNhow can i be sure its working right?02:06
KRomeleoNubuntu says 3.4ghz but bios says 4.502:06
drupinany luck ActionParsnip ... whats missisng02:07
=== troy_ is now known as Troy^
OerHeksksx4system, never heard of using IPv4 + IPv6 adresses together.02:07
KRomeleoNIntel® Core™ i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz × 4 <--- ubuntu says this in infi02:08
KRomeleoNbuti am oc to 4.502:08
rinzlerhow do I switch from thunar to nautilus?02:08
ksx4systemOerHeks: never heard about how DNS works too, right? ;)02:08
phong_hi all02:08
ksx4systemOerHeks, A example.com + AAAA example.com (insert ultra long IPv6 address here)02:09
KRomeleoNisnt the linux mint version of nautlius out?02:09
bazhangKRomeleoN, ask mintsupport02:09
bazhang!mintsupport | KRomeleoN02:09
ubottuKRomeleoN: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:09
KRomeleoNim talking about the mint developed fork of the file manager02:10
KRomeleoNnot the mint os02:10
mbutubuntuhello folks, does Ubuntu use compat wireless for deafult ath9k_htc (kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_htc.ko)? if yes why I'm not able to use AP mode with my WNA1100 even if is reported to work at least since c-w 3.002:10
bazhangKRomeleoN, ask them, not here02:10
mbutubuntu(sorry I'm on 12.04)02:10
KRomeleoNbazhang, can you help me with my issue?02:10
phong_is there a way to print pdf to image?02:10
bazhangKRomeleoN, overclocking? try ##hardware02:11
rinzlerhow do I switch from thunar to nautilus as default file manager?02:11
TJ-ksx4system: edit the preferences blocks in /etc/gai.conf. Look for the line containing "For sites which prefer IPv4 connections" and edit the settings according to the recommendation02:11
ksx4systemTJ=: well, "precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  100" unhashed does the job02:12
ksx4systemTJ-, thanks02:12
TJ-ksx4system: Glad you got it :)02:12
ksx4systemTJ-: well, I wonder what is wrong with he.net IPv6 tunneling... I've got it working like a charm (this + MikroTik router throwing NATed v4 + public v6 addresses via DHCP) for months02:14
ksx4systemTJ-, but since few weeks it runs utterly slow, just like GPRS connection back in 2005 :(02:14
TJ-ksx4system: doing unexpected lookups that time out? Have you tcpdump-ed the connection?02:15
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MaksimMy Ubuntu Software Center won't launch. It opens and closes immediately..02:16
MaksimI tried apt-get update and upgrade and reinstall of software-center02:17
TJ-Maksim: Are you using an encrypted home directory?02:18
MaksimTJ- I don't know, even what that means :)02:18
warddrMaksim, have you tried running software-center from a commanline window? Does that produce any error messages?02:18
Maksimwarddr yes it does02:18
Maksimhow can I paste it without getting booted by floodbot02:18
ksx4systemTJ-: nope, out of laziness I just switched to IPv4 and I'll continue using IPv6 only when I really need it02:19
warddrMaksim, http://pastebin.com/02:19
andrebgparted rocks02:20
Maksimit's weird that it says 'somaks' because my username is maks, not somaks02:20
Maksimbut anyway, that's what it spits out02:20
andrebwas able to actually resize my root partitiion02:20
warddrMaksim, I'll take a look02:21
Maksimwarddr thank you02:21
andrebbut now my system is SLOW AS FUCK02:21
IdleOneandreb: i feel for you but please don't swear.02:22
TJ-Maksim: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure software-center --force "02:22
andrebthe disk reparitioning worked... the os booted and stuff.. i even increase teh sawp to 10 GB... but the response time of the box has tooken a nose dive02:23
andrebany suggestion to optimize the amchine ?02:23
MaksimTJ- I did it but still no go. I will post new log02:23
OerHeksMaksim, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure software-center --force " should do the trick, see the answer of NikTh >> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2033381.html02:24
xangua10GB for swap¿ really¿ sounds like you have zillions or ram andreb02:24
andrebonly 4gb02:24
MaksimOerheks, thank you but check the last link I just put02:24
andrebof ram02:24
andrebso what can i do to optimize the machine or to tell it to check for errors ?02:25
TJ-Maksim: From what I see, it looks to be related to Ubuntu One' single-sign-on service. Do you have an Ubuntu One account configured ?02:26
MaksimI can open Ubuntu One though. It shows me this login/sign up screen.02:26
MaksimI mean an install screen.02:27
TJ-Maksim: Hmmm... I wonder if that's the issue? I've seen sillier where software assumes it should have an account and fails otherwise. Let me dig a bit.02:27
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MaksimTJ- OK. Thank you for helping02:27
TJ-Maksim: Just to confirm. You're running software center as a regular user, not trying to start it using sudo/gksudo ?02:29
MaksimTJ- I simply typed "software-center" in the terminal02:30
TJ-Maksim: Thanks. Just trying to narrow down the scope02:30
MaksimI never did anything to override super user settings or whatever02:30
iateadonutwhere should i go for repositories to make sure i have all sound drivers and codecs?02:32
iateadonutwill the default ones work?02:32
deBig problem. Was running commands to install xfce 4.10 and it worked just fine. I was testing out xfce but then decided to run commands to remove it. It was never removed and now when I log into unity i dont get anything except acesss to my terminal which is how I got here02:33
dewhat can I do. I just want to redo all that I did lol.02:33
weiyangetable is needed, means?02:34
deI also installed gnome shell which caused me to reboot my computer 6 times in two days. So i think i just want regular old unity and ubuntu back02:34
kostkonde, try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:35
ActionParsnipde: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop     etc, install another DE02:35
kostkonde, see if it will install any extra packages02:35
js1234Hi. I just installed Ubuntu and after updating and restarting, dash home no longer shows any applications02:35
WeThePeoplede, what commands did you use to remove02:35
js1234like, if I search for "terminal" nothing comes up02:36
kostkonde, then logout and login again. If the problem persists, in the terminal give:  unity --reset02:36
deumm something about purge and apt02:36
malkaunsin 12.04 how do i change the color of the top horizontal panel?02:36
TJ-Maksim: I'm looking at the code in ubuntu-sso-client-gtk - it's Python - and it uses a logger. That infers we should be able to get the process to log what it's up to and maybe give us a clue.02:36
js1234if I click on the applications icon in dash nothing comes up either02:36
MaksimTJ- I'm all ears :o02:36
MaksimTJ- It's way over my head but I'll be able to follow your instructions02:37
WeThePeoplede, thats why, --purge only removes old files of updated packages02:37
nagahastuanyone can help with a 12.04 video problem.02:37
deso whats the best thing for me to do right now.?02:37
kostkonsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:37
TJ-Maksim: I might not have any yet! The code is worse than spaghetti!02:37
deI just want unity working02:37
deforget everythng else lol02:37
MaksimTJ- Maybe that is the problem haha02:37
CrazyHorse18how can i find out what process opened a port?02:37
nagahastuI have nvidia mx440  working on 12.04 and tried to install nvidia-96 drivers but saying i held broken packages and need a file xorg-video-abi-1002:38
WeThePeoplelsof -i02:38
CrazyHorse18tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN  << i can see this with netstat -an02:38
wilee-nileede can you get a terminal in the xfce or has it been removed?02:39
CrazyHorse18WeThePeople thanks :)02:39
WeThePeoplecrazyhorse18, wild guess02:39
dei am in terminal now. under my completely striped unity DE02:39
TJ-CrazyHorse18: use the -p process option to netstat, and run it using sudo: "sudo netstat -anp"02:40
wilee-nileede, have you tries sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:40
CrazyHorse18tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      31132/ruby02:41
dei just did it02:41
deit said02:42
deubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.02:42
kostkonde, try giving: unity --reset02:42
sunil__How to open certain file using certain application if that application is not listed in openwith tab?02:43
js1234_Any ideas? No applications show up in unity02:43
js1234_fresh install02:43
deokay unity is up02:43
sunil__how to add application in open with ?02:43
wilee-nileejs1234, even if you type in something?02:43
js1234_wilee-nilee: yeah02:44
js1234_or if I click on the applications icon in dash home02:44
Maksimjs1234, this can be applied to your case, no? http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/9587/how-can-i-open-a-text-file-with-textwrangler-from-the-terminal-command-line02:44
wilee-nileejs1234, try alt+f2 then type in unity --reset   to reset the unity desktop02:44
dehow can i get rid of my gnome 3 and xfce4.10 completely02:44
wilee-nileejs1234, Don't do it in a terminal.02:45
js1234_hmm alt+f2 doesn02:45
js1234_doesn't seem to run commands02:45
drupinwhat repo or packages should be excluded from here http://howtoubuntu.org/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/02:45
Presonus_ProbsHi guys im having some problems with Jack and firewire, can anyone help? Ubuntu Studio 12 trying to run a Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2 desk,02:45
Presonus_Probsffado test gives me this - http://pastebin.com/hcSDUm0L02:45
Presonus_Probs but jackd -d firewire gives me this - http://pastebin.com/DAcxHu2D02:45
TJ-Maksim: I think I've almost pinned down the log-file location :p02:46
MaksimTJ- :D02:46
Presonus_Probsplease note im a total novice so far, armed with a little google fu and a few helpful channels02:46
wilee-nileejs1234_, Then do alt+f1 to a tty log in run it from there and let it run and in about a minute hit alt+f7  to return to desktop02:46
sunil__does anybody know how to open file with application not present in open with ?02:47
Maksimsunil_ http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/9587/how-can-i-open-a-text-file-with-textwrangler-from-the-terminal-command-line02:48
js1234_"unity --reset" didn;t work02:48
js1234_sorry having troubles with my apostrophe key02:48
dehow can I remove xfce 4.1002:48
wilee-nileejs1234_, Did you try it with a tty?02:48
js1234_oh missed the part about terminal02:49
js1234_now trying in tty02:49
libertytrader2Ok, so I installed the 3.4 kernel, but now Grub/Grub2 doesn't boot correctly. I just get a purple screen. After I hard reset, I get a grub selection screen where I can choose a kernel. If I select 3.4 there, then it boots fine. Which file should I be editing to change this? OR is there a GUI tool? Thanks02:49
dfcnvtQuestion related to grub,  Hi, I'm left with "error: file not found." at the terminal which display, "grub rescue>" .... I've research and found that by typing "ls", I've got this result as in exact order, "(hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)" .... How do I set both prefix & root under these selections?02:49
WeThePeoplede, i think you have to reinstall gnome02:50
TJ-Maksim: OK, the logs go to "~/.cache/sso/" . To enable DEBUG level for the SSO component it needs "U1_DEBUG=1" in the environment. Simply setting that for software-center doesn't help, so I need to figure out how to set it when SSO is started by the DBus service02:50
wilee-nileedfcnvt, what has led you to a grub>02:50
kokuryuu0285Hey I having a issue with my ubuntu, I keep on getting "server not found" errors while online, and then I'm not able to get online from this pc at all, but my other pc's in the house are still working online, I sure there no firewall on here, also Make sure nothing on my router is blocking, and check cables, I i boot in to window on this pc i have not issue, only when i try to use ubuntu, any ideas02:51
MaksimTJ- No idea what you just said but I like it so far.....02:51
TJ-Maksim: :p02:51
barakisbrownI need some help with a triple boot install of win7/win8/ubuntu02:51
WeThePeoplede, u said unity02:51
barakisbrownIt install fines but when ubuntu loads .. all i am getting a grub4dos02:52
dfcnvtwilee-nilee: After the new installation of ubuntu. (must have placed a wrong boot in a different drive.)02:52
phyrexianslugdon't think grub will boot win 8 currently.02:52
wilee-nileedfcnvt, It would be easiest to just fix this from a live cd/usb02:52
barakisbrowni have win7 as my main sytem02:52
Presonus_Probsanyone have any idea about firewire and FFADO?02:52
dewell unity is working but now I just want to get rid of xfce4.10 and gnome-shell02:53
Presonus_Probshi roomies :)02:53
deso that i only have unity02:53
barakisbrownI have win7(primary)/win8 extra and now I want to add ubuntu02:53
dfcnvtwilee-nilee: Very well, if that's a solution instead of setting for prefix or root then by the time I get on the LiveCD for chroot. What should I do to fix the grub?02:53
WeThePeoplede, is that suse02:53
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dewhat do you mean. Im on 12.0402:53
wilee-nileedfcnvt, Sounds like you know the chroot just put grub in the mbr of that drive with grub-install /dev/sdX    X is that drive.02:54
barakisbrownAnyway to fix it where I can use win7 boot to boot into linux?02:54
dei just installed the other DE02:54
wilee-nileethen run update-grub dfcnvt02:54
WeThePeoplede, fornd this http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-completely-uninstall-remove-xfce02:54
TJ-Maksim: Use 2 terminal sessions: In the first run this and leave it running: "U1_DEBUG=True python /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login". In the other terminal, run software-center. After it crashes, check the end of ~/.cache/sso/sso-client.log for entries that include "DEBUG" rather than just "INFO"02:54
WeThePeoplede, http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-completely-uninstall-remove-gnome-shell02:55
MaksimTJ- maks@ubuntu:~$ U1_DEBUG=True python /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login02:55
MaksimTraceback (most recent call last):02:56
Maksim  File "/usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login", line 63, in <module>02:56
Maksim    from ubuntu_sso.main import main02:56
MaksimImportError: No module named ubuntu_sso.main02:56
FloodBot1Maksim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
TJ-Maksim: Nice catch :)02:56
TJ-Maksim: what release of ubuntu are you using?02:56
Maksim12.04 LTS I think02:56
TJ-Maksim: check with "lsb_release -a"02:56
phyrexianslug@barakisbrown: you want to fix the win7 / ubuntu bootloader?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:57
MaksimUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS02:57
postmodernsilly question, scp'ing files to a ubuntu 12 server, but they are u=rw and not readable by other users. how do i work around this?02:57
barakisbrownthanks i will try that since I do have a live usb02:57
TJ-Maksim: That suggests you've have incomplete packages02:57
Maksimhow do we remedy this02:58
jochlpostmodern: you want them to be readable by all?02:58
TJ-Maksim: This mat fix it: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-sso-client"02:58
phyrexianslug@postmodern: chown the files after transfer?02:58
postmodernjochl, specifically u=rw,g=rw,o=r02:58
MaksimTJ- done, now what02:59
Maksimredo what you last said about the 2 terminals?02:59
postmodernjochl, the upload directory is already u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx02:59
TJ-Maksim: Yes... I suspect though, you'll need to also do "sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-sso-client-gtk"02:59
jochlpostmodern: man scp mentions -p option to preserve mode03:00
sh4rm4is there a way to get debug symbols for a package ?03:00
TJ-Maksim: That package is a 'recommends' of ubuntu-sso-client, and it actually contains the code that is missing.03:00
MaksimOK it's doing the gtk one03:00
Maksimit finished it03:00
jochlso you could chown, scp, then re-chown (if desired/necessary)03:00
TJ-Maksim: Have you alternated any settings within 'apt' to stop it installing recommended packages?03:00
WeThePeoplede, http://complete-concrete-concise.com/category/ubuntu-203:00
TJ-Maksim: OK, give it a go with software-center now03:00
sh4rm4is there a way to get debug symbols for a package ?03:00
postmodernjochl, is there a way to override the permissions?03:00
Maksimalternated settings? no :O not that i know03:01
postmodernjochl, this is for an upload script, where another user in the same group consumes the uploaded files03:01
trismsh4rm4: some source packages have a -dbg binary package (libc6-dbg, libgtk-3-0-dbg), others may be available on ddebs.ubuntu.com03:01
TJ-sh4rm4: Yes. Ubuntu has archives for them. Called the ddeb (debug debian) packages.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages03:02
trismsh4rm4: if neither are available you can usually rebuild the package with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nostrip noopt" as described here: http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace03:02
jochlpostmodern: if it's in an upload script, you could chown the files before uploading, or copy, chown, and upload if you don't want to tamper with the original permissions03:03
MaksimTJ- http://pastebin.com/d3nvqnWs and http://pastebin.com/hRQSgaaL03:03
TJ-Maksim: That didn't appear to help did it!?03:03
MaksimTJ- no :o03:03
Maksimbut my brain makes me feel like we made progress03:04
Maksimcause I typed stuff into a terminal.03:04
TJ-Maksim: Well, you have the files, but for some reason Python isn't finding the ubuntu_sso03:04
Maksimmaybe i have bad python files installed03:05
Maksimi did try to install python stuff yesterday03:05
TJ-Maksim: aha!03:06
andrebanyone here uses zimbra ?03:06
TJ-Maksim: What did you try to do? install a different python version?03:06
MaksimTJ- I don't remember what I was trying to install, but it required some python stuff, and I dont remember where google took me, or to what commands. I installed python. That is all I remember. :(03:07
sh4rm4damn, what is wrong here ? i have to push the mouse button down for 2 seconds to get it recognized as a click by ubuntu03:07
MaksimI am able to type "python" and then do 12+403:07
Maksimand it spits out 1603:07
TJ-Maksim: what does "python --version" report?03:08
MaksimPython 2.7.303:08
MaksimThat's right, I had the option to choose Python 2 or 3 and I chose 203:08
TJ-Maksim: OK, that's good. and bad... because it ought to be finding the SSO python package!03:08
TJ-Maksim: This *feels* like the wrong python interpreter version is being used by default and that version doesn't have the SSO files in its dist-packages/ directory03:09
MaksimTJ- hm, so maybe I should somehow uninstall all pythons?03:09
TJ-Maksim: What does this tell you? " dpkg-query -l python{2,3}* | grep '^ii'  "03:10
TJ-Maksim: No, you shouldn't! Ubuntu relies on Python these days for core services03:10
Maksimit just puts a > character on the next line03:10
Maksimoh, ytyped it wrong03:11
TJ-Maksim: You missed out a single-quote, or included the double-quotes which I provide just to separate the commands from my commentary. Press Ctrl+C to break out and try again03:11
TJ-Maksim: That looks correct too03:12
sh4rm4TJ-, trism : the debug sym install worked according to the wiki, how to get the sources ?03:12
MaksimWhy does my life have to be so difficult03:13
TJ-sh4rm4: "apt-get source <package>"03:13
sh4rm4dpkg-source: not found.03:14
TJ-sh4rm4: If you've going to use 'gdb' with the sources, you'll need to either start gdb in the source directory containing the source files, or use its "directory" command to add the directory paths of the source03:14
trismsh4rm4: install dpkg-dev03:14
sh4rm4TJ: ok thanks, but how can i get the dpkg-source command ?03:14
MaksimTJ- outta ideas?03:15
TJ-Maksim: I'm trying to figure out what you managed to do to python. Maybe we can avoid needing to know by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure python2.7"03:16
Maksimit did something for 3 seconds and I think it finished03:17
TJ-Maksim: You may also need to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure python2.7-minimal"03:17
Maksimdidn't output anything03:17
TJ-Maksim: not outputting something is a sign of success for most *nix command line tools03:17
TJ-Maksim: py "thong" ?!?! :D03:18
MaksimI have no minimal :O!03:18
TJ-You don't have a thong either!03:18
Maksimok it done, no output03:19
TJ-Maksim: OK, try the "U1_DEBUG=True python /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login" again03:19
TJ-Maksim: same error?03:19
Maksimno module named ubuntu_sso.main03:19
Maksimyeah same thing03:20
TJ-Maksim: grrrr! We need a Python packaging expert03:20
bluemedahello all03:20
TJ-Maksim: I know what it's not doing but not how to correct it03:20
MaksimTJ- yea03:20
MaksimTJ- should we pick this up another time03:20
TJ-Maksim: If you knew what you did to it with Python yesterday...03:20
MaksimTJ- let me look03:21
Maksimmy downloads folder has a Python-2.7.3.tgz ... I installed that03:21
Maksimthat is all I did03:21
TJ-Maksim: Arghhh!!!!!!!!!03:22
Maksimis that bad03:22
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TJ-Maksim: So you installed the upstream package! I bet it's in /usr/local/bin/ and is being picked up instead of the Ubuntu installation!!!03:22
Maksimwhat is upstream03:22
TJ-Maksim: You deserve to wear that thong!! LOL ... OK ... check if I'm correct: "ls -l /usr/local/bin/python*"03:23
TJ-Maksim: You installed Python from a source package provided by the Python project, rather than letting the already-installed Ubuntu package do its thing03:23
Maksimlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 11 20:51 /usr/local/bin/python -> python203:23
TJ-Maksim: Anything that is installed that isn't part of the distro usually will install to /usr/local/*03:24
hillshumpython *should* have been installed by default...03:24
MaksimI guess it was.. I wanted to learn python.. lol03:24
TJ-Maksim: So, we found your problem. Now you need to uninstall that. I'm guessing you extracted that python tar.gz file to directory, is that correct?03:24
MaksimI didn't know03:24
Maksimumm. I downloaded it to Downloads folder and then I installed it somehow in the terminal03:25
TJ-Maksim: If so, change to the directory where you extracted the file (or else re-extract the file now) ... and then in it's directory try "sudo make uninstall"03:25
Maksimlol sorry..03:25
Maksimthere is a aPython-2.7.3 folder in Downloads03:25
pyg_how are the nvidia drivers for the latest ubuntu?03:26
Maksimso I should change directory to Downloads, and type that in the terminal?03:26
TJ-Maksim: change into that Python-2.7.3/ directory first03:26
MaksimI should do cd Desktop and then sudo make unisntall ?03:26
Maksimcd Desktop/Python-2.7.3/03:26
ActionParsnippyg_: works fine here03:26
WeThePeopleis maya commands same as lucid03:26
MaksimI mean downloads03:26
TJ-Maksim: the one in Downloads/ yes03:26
pyg_i'm running debian testing and can't hibernate repeatedly03:26
TJ-Maksim: then try doing "sudo make uninstall" ... that ought to remove all the files it installed into your system in /usr/local/*03:27
pyg_ActionParsnip: thanks, 12.04?03:27
MaksimTJ- it says maks@ubuntu:~/Downloads/Python-2.7.3$ sudo make uninstall03:27
Maksimmake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.03:27
ActionParsnippyg_: yes, I use the edgers ppa (the one that's less fresh, more stable)03:27
jmstick1how can i enable a wireless usb from shell i know the easy way is to install gui but the usb jump drive is only 8gbs03:27
TJ-Maksim: Try this: " ./configure && su -c 'make uninstall'  "03:28
pyg_ActionParsnip: what kernel version?03:28
jeremysthi guys03:28
Maksimmaks@ubuntu:~/Downloads/Python-2.7.3$ ./configure && su -c 'make uninstall'03:28
Maksim./configure: line 2340: config.log: Permission denied03:28
Maksim./configure: line 2350: config.log: Permission denied03:28
jeremystim having problem login in to unity, im using unity 2d now.03:28
ActionParsnipjmstick1: my ubuntu install is4.5Gb, you have enough space. If you install wicd you can use an ncurses interface to confuigure wireless easily03:28
jmstick1using ubuntu 8.0.403:28
MaksimI need sudo?03:28
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic | pyg_03:29
TJ-Maksim: OK ... you must have done it as root so do this  "sudo ./configure && sudo -make uninstall  "03:29
ubottupyg_: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB03:29
andrebhi all03:29
andrebwhats the average upgrade time from 10.04lts to 12.04 lts ?03:29
Maksimits doing stuff03:29
h22turboos[Linux 3.2.0-30-generic-pae i686] distro[Ubuntu "precise" 12.04] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 873.7MB, 74.9% free] disk[Total: 35.8GB, 78.9% free] video[NVIDIA Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]03:29
Maksimsays checking for ... and a bunch of files03:29
Maksimdo you want me to post this long thing it spit out03:30
jmstick1ActionParsnip whats the smallest gui that i can install wicd xubuntu-desktop ?03:30
pyg_ActionParsnip, ubottu, 3.2 thanks, currently with debian I don't get cpufreqd support, but oh well, onward and upward03:30
h22turboMaksim: use pastebin03:30
jmstick1thanks btw03:30
jeremystim having problem login in to unity, im using unity 2d now.03:30
ActionParsnipjmstick1: wicd has an ncurses UI so will be very small03:30
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, do you know if Maya commands are the same as Lucid.. ie sudo apt-get install03:30
ActionParsnippyg_: debian is supported in #debian03:30
jmstick1kewl thx man03:31
pyg_ActionParsnip: kind of...03:31
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: What is maya?03:31
h22turboWeThePeople: try sudo apt-cache search Maya03:31
Maksimat the end it says invalid option --'m'03:31
jeremystim having problem login in to unity, im using unity 2d now.03:32
h22turbojeremydei: we hear u dude... try installing the correct video card drivers03:32
Sokeljeremyst: Here's the problem... you and hundreds of others say the same things you do. 'Hey, it's not working.' and nothing else. How about some details?03:33
h22turbojeremyst: we hear u dude... try installing the correct video card drivers03:33
MaksimTJ- you get my link ?03:34
jeremystok. i just installed the drivers for nvidia, but in system settings> details, the graphics is unknown. i cant boot to unity so im using unity2d.03:34
Sokeljeremyst: You do realize you have to restart after an install, right03:34
jeremysti also remove the fglrx for ati because its what im using awhile but remove it because its overheating.03:35
jeremystrestarted it many times.03:35
ActionParsnipjeremyst: which nvidia gpu are you using?03:35
h22turbojeremyst: yes, it will say unknown if u used nvidia's drivers....03:35
jeremystwait, let me see.03:35
jeremystnvdia 702503:36
rikkun89Good motning everryone03:37
Maksimit's 11:40pm here.03:37
jeremyst@h22turbo its nvidia 702503:37
jeremystonboard gpu.03:37
SokelThere's the first issue.03:38
SokelOn board.03:38
jeremystwhat could be the problem with the onboard?03:39
MaksimTJ- You there?03:39
SokelIt's too old.03:39
jeremyst?? i just bought it last year.03:39
SokelToo old.03:39
Sokel7025 is WAY too old.03:39
jeremystis there a fix for it?03:39
SokelYeah, get an actual video card.03:40
SokelOr use XFCE.03:40
SokelTake your pic03:40
jeremysti have ati but i have to put a customize fan in it so it wont get too much heat03:40
SokelI would deal with the heat. Unless your case didn't bother having a cooling design to it.03:41
andrebsokel i was able to change teh partition size :)03:42
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andrebguys is there a gui for stoping and starting services ?03:52
Sokelandreb: hahaha... wow03:53
Sokelandreb: This isn't windows03:53
andrebi know it isnt windows03:53
andrebi think i stated my question wronhg03:53
cfhowlettandreb: not that I know of.  Most of us just use the terminal03:54
andrebis there a gui that shows you what services start on boot03:54
andrebfor teh different run levels03:54
andrebat present i am reading up on BUM that seems to do that.. does anyone else know of any other programs ?03:55
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Sokelandreb: Just use chkconfig --list and call it a day.03:55
WeThePeoples there a Linux mint 13 ie Maya irc channel03:58
ubottuWeThePeople:: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:58
phyrexianslugLove it when people thank the bots.03:59
WeThePeoplecfhowlett, lol, only like 4 peeps in that channel04:00
WeThePeoplephyrexianslug, nope cfhowlett04:01
cfhowlettWeThePeople: tis what it is...04:01
zykotick9AndrewX192: chkconfig is deprecated for sure on ubuntu.  ubuntu users aren't suppose to use services, so there is no gui (there used to be ;)04:05
zykotick9andreb left...04:05
devslashI'm using ubuntu server. how can i make my usb drive mount automatically at boot up04:06
ActionParsnipdevslash: add it in /etc/fstab04:06
Frowardall my settings are backed up in my HOME, right?04:08
devslashdo i have to use the UUID in stab ?04:08
Frowardso if I flash my system from 32bit to 64bit I can just move over my HOME and reinstlal apps and stuff should work?04:08
bustacapWhat program do I use to read a .xml without it looking like "\00\00\E8\FF\FF\00" etc lol04:09
zykotick9Froward: in terminal "ls -d ~/.*" will list all the hidden settings directories/files in you home dir.  check to see what is there.04:09
kassiushow can I build irssi with all libraries linked within it?04:10
Frowardzykotick9: tanks04:10
kassiushow can I build irssi with all libraries linked within it?04:14
zykotick9Froward: but to answer your question.  yes - backing up your home dir and moving from 32 to 64bit should work real well (if it's the same version of ubuntu, else, perhaps not quite as well...)04:15
ActionParsnipdevslash: it helps if you use the UUID04:15
devslashyea i did thanks i got it figured out04:15
* zykotick9 thinks labels are a lot easier then UUIDs04:15
devslashi can ssh into my server within my lan but i can't ping it. i have shore wall install04:16
kassiushow can I build irssi with all libraries linked within it?04:17
devslashI'm not sure what to do04:17
zykotick9kassius: if you aren't using the ubuntu packaged version, it's not really supported here.  why aren't you just using "sudo apt-get install irssi" so simple... good luck with whatever you're doing.04:18
Sokelwhy install something from source04:19
Sokelwhen it's obviously packaged04:19
SokelThat's stupid.04:19
kassiusI have a shell but its libraries are quite old then im trying to embed the libraries in my irssi because of this04:20
Sokelkassius: Problem number 1, you built from source. apt-get install irssi.04:20
Sokelkassius: Whatever you're doing is NOT supported.04:20
riexHello, can somebody tell me a fix, for this error i am getting when i am trying to install pear DB. Check: http://pastebin.com/abfN4e01 :-)04:20
Sokelriex: Server side error.04:21
riexdo you know a another way to install it?04:22
devslashhey guys i need help. i use shorewall firewall and its blocking ping requests in my lan. how can i unblock it ?04:23
Sokelriex: Nope. Doesn't look ubuntu related.04:23
phyrexianslug@devslash:  try a networking channel?04:23
Sokeldevslash: Ew, shorewall?04:23
phyrexianslug#iptables for life!04:24
SokelACCEPT net fw icmp 804:25
devslashthanks Sokel04:26
Sokelecho "iptables-restore /root/iptables" >> /etc/rc.local && chmod u+x /etc/rc.local04:27
SokelBecause ufw is disgusting04:27
atechhi i could not able hear any sound in my  in my laptop i need help04:27
sh4rm4TJ-, trism: is there a way to add custom cflags when rebuilding a source package with apt-get -b source ?04:27
atechhello any one help me04:27
cfhowlettatech: check to make sure you didn't mute the speaker04:27
atechno it is not muted04:28
atechi just freshly install ubuntu04:28
cfhowlettatech: installed as wubi or what?04:28
atechwubi means04:29
cfhowlettatech: windows installer method04:29
SokelProblem solved atech04:29
atechonly ubuntu totaly formating system04:29
TJ-sh4rm4: I'm not sure; I never use it to build.04:29
atechno my dear sokel04:29
ActionParsnipSokel: the echo command will fail and the command will also not be ran in /etc/rc.local as it is below the exit 0 line04:29
TJ-sh4rm4: I'd doubt it unless it provides a way to pass environment variables to make04:30
SokelActionParsnip: Of course, because ubuntu is shady like that :) I remove exit 0.04:30
sh4rm4TJ-, when trying to build it manually the build errs, unlike with apt-get04:30
ActionParsnipSokel: to use echo to root owned files you need to pipe to: sudo tee -a04:30
SokelActionParsnip: I refuse to use sudo. su - via pam.d and wheel group04:31
ActionParsnipSokel: it's not ubuntu specific, all distros use the exit 0 line.....04:31
SokelActionParsnip: Wrong.04:31
TJ-sh4rm4: How do you build it manually? "debian/rules build" followed by "fakeroot debian/rules binary"  ?04:31
SokelActionParsnip: RHEL and Fedora don't. So, you're wrong.04:31
ActionParsnipSokel: echo "test to add" | sudo tee -a /path/to/fil04:31
bustacapWhat is a program to view .xml files?04:31
sh4rm4TJ-, no, ./configure ; make04:31
atechhello any one help me04:32
atechi not able to hear any sound04:32
ActionParsnipbustacap: gedit04:32
TJ-sh4rm4: that'd be why.04:32
Sokelatech: How about you use google? It's a normal problem. google: ubuntu 12.04 laptop no sound. You get PLENTY of results.04:32
aeon-ltdatech: does your source work for sure?04:32
ActionParsnipatech: if you run:  alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted04:32
SokelAnd I gave you one.04:33
ActionParsnip!google | Sokel04:33
ubottuSokel: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:33
bustacapActionParsnip, shows as all funny characters like "\00\00\00\00\00\" anything else specifically for xml?04:33
sh4rm4TJ-, "debian/rules build" followed by "fakeroot debian/rules binary" refers to what ?04:33
atechi have searched04:33
Sokelbustacap: vim04:33
TJ-sh4rm4: Those are the commands for building debian/ubuntu packages. In every package is a debian/rules Makefile04:34
ActionParsnipbustacap: could try bluefish etc, you may be able to change the encoding set of the file and see normal characters...04:34
ActionParsnipatech: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh04:35
devslashdevslash: apache was configured and working fine. i rebooted my server and now apache won't start. its giving me an error could not open error log file /etc/apache2/logs/error_log.04:35
schoppenhauerhello. i want to temporarily (programatically) forbid terminal switching (ctrl-alt-fn and stuff), but except for hacks like changing the terminal keymap, I cannot find any solution for that. But as Xorg does this, it should be possible to do from another program, too.04:38
devslashany help ?04:38
Sokelschoppenhauer: Why does it matter?04:38
bustacapActionParsnip, how do I change the encoding :/04:38
schoppenhauerSokel: ?04:38
TJ-devslash: That's probably because you've set the path to the log-file incorrectly. It should be "/var/log/apache2/error_log"04:38
schoppenhauerSokel: what kind of question is this?04:39
devslashi didn't set it to that folder04:39
TJ-devslash: something did then.04:39
schoppenhauerok, as this is not ubuntu-specific, I maybe better ask in #linux, sry.04:40
Sokelschoppenhauer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77609804:40
SokelCould've just googled.04:40
Cristiano_SaidI need help with iptables04:40
ActionParsnipdevslash: try:  echo " " | sudo tee /var/log/apache2/error.log04:40
schoppenhauerSokel: doesn't solve my problem.04:41
IBM1234anyone know much about firewalls04:41
ActionParsnipIBM1234: depends in what way...04:41
TJ-devslash: what user is the apache2 process starting as? does it have privileges to that directory/file?04:41
schoppenhauerSokel: you could at least have read the question before criticizing it.04:41
SokelCristiano_Said: What problem with iptables04:42
devslashTJ-:  ok its working now04:42
Cristiano_Saidfirst, I m from Braqzil e don t spek english very well!!04:42
Cristiano_SaidIt's ok?04:42
TJ-!br | Cristiano_Said04:43
ubottuCristiano_Said: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:43
ActionParsnipCristiano_Said: sure but you may weant to join #ubuntu-br  to make things easier :)04:43
Cristiano_SaidJa tentei04:44
Cristiano_Saidmas nao consegui ajuda04:44
Cristiano_Saidirei tentar aqui04:44
atechi not able to get sound04:44
atechanyone help04:44
ubottuCristiano_Said:: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:45
IBM1234mire amigo es mejor que uds entre a ..../Join #ubuntu-br04:45
TJ-IBM1234: what's the firewall done now?04:45
atechhello any one help me no sound on my hp pavilion g604:46
Cristiano_SaidSokel: I'm having trouble redirect packets from squid to apache204:46
atechsokel: plz help me04:46
Cristiano_SaidI'm managing to generate logs of squid, but your site that is external, need to run a script on my server here04:46
Sokelatech: Already gave you help. And you ddin't take it. Like a boss.04:47
Cristiano_SaidI've tried to help in the ubuntu channel, but had no success04:47
rahdukehey can someone help me figure out how to mount my smb share that is connected to my router for NAS, when I smbtree I see the folder, but all attempts at mounting it are totally failing. I'm getting a  "Connection to netdrive failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)" error.04:48
rahdukeI can't browse the folder thru nautilus, it never reads my SMB shares04:48
TJ-Cristiano_Said: "sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128" - change "" to the net-address of your LAN04:49
atechsokel : i take that i found no sound card detected04:49
atechin terminal04:50
atechplz help04:50
cfhowlettCristiano_Said: |!shout04:50
TJ-Cristiano_Said: or do you want to have squid3 as a reverse proxy/cache in front of an apache server?04:50
atechsokel : how could i make my sound card detected04:50
ubottuCristiano_Said:: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:50
locodir-userhi, i have a cuestion, im trying to connect my microphone and make it work as a karaoke mic, but i dont know how to set up the mic to work with out a karaoke program o media player04:51
ActionParsnipatech: still waiting for the URL the comamnd I gave makes.04:51
Skapareanyone know why ia32-libs-multiarch depends on bluez-alsa (in 12.04) ?04:52
cfhowlettlocodir-user: http://www.howtogeek.com/53215/transform-your-ubuntu-box-into-a-karaoke-machine/04:52
Skaparethat dependency is the crux of some dependency hell04:52
ActionParsnipSkapare: i suggest you report a bug04:52
Cristiano_SaidI want to have apache and squid work well.04:52
SkapareActionParsnip: I don't know that it's a bug ... I'm just wanting to know why right now04:53
Cristiano_Saidthe problem that when my site tries to run this script on my server here04:53
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TJ-Skapare: Because that package provides "libasound_module_{ctl,pcm}_bluetooth.so"04:53
SkapareTJ-: why does a server need sound I wonder04:54
Sokelatech, honestly, make a file called 50-sound.conf in /etc/modprobe.d. http://pastebin.com/8Ys9DwKt04:54
TJ-Skapare: "This package depends on i386 versions of packages that were removed from ia32-libs and transitioned to multi-arch.  This allows applications using ia32-libs in previous Ubuntu releases to continue functioning without missing libraries."04:54
locodir-usercfhowlett, i only need to monitor my mic04:55
Cristiano_SaidTJ: Can you help me?04:55
drupinhow i search a repo in apt-get04:55
ActionParsnipSkapare: could be hooked in to speakers using VLC via web ui to pump out music via web ui]04:56
ActionParsnipdrupin: use:  apt-cache search string04:56
TJ-Cristiano_Said: I'm not sure what you're trying to do with Squid. Do you want it to cache HTTP locally for local clients to save on Internet bandwidth, or do you want it acting as a reverse-proxy front-end for a web-server04:56
drupinstring is the repo04:56
SkapareActionParsnip: I suppose ... but this is getting really worse ... more and more programs depended on by libs ... shouldn't be that way ... my server instances are getting larger and larger04:57
ActionParsnipdrupin: no, string is the thing you are searching for, or part of it04:57
ActionParsnipdrupin: eg:  apt-cache search fire04:57
TJ-Skapare: If you don't need the 32-bit compatibility libs you can remove it04:57
SkapareTJ: I need them because of Java (to run a Java app)04:57
Cristiano_Saidok I'll try to explain04:58
TJ-Skapare: Well you could remove individual libraries if they aren't needed.04:58
SkapareTJ: is ia32 a meta package?04:59
cgs_bob_hello all.  I just updated ubuntu 12.04 and got an error while installing blcr-dkms 0.8.2-15ubuntu2.1:  make KERNELRELEASE=3.2.0-29-generic -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-29-generic/build M=/var/lib/dkms/blcr/0.8.2/build.....(bad exit status: 2)05:00
cgs_bob_Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.2.0-29-generic (x86_64)05:00
Cristiano_Saidtenho um servidor que e um hotspot, eth0=wan eth1=lan, na eth1 sao ligados os roteadores sem fio. Se voce tentar acessar minha rede sem fio, meu firewall te redireciona para esse site aqui; login1.altecnologic.com.br. Nesse site voce coloca seus dados. depois clica em conectar. esse botao conectar executa um script aqui no meu servidor que libera voce para acessar a05:00
Cristiano_Said internet05:00
cgs_bob_is this a serious problem?05:00
Cristiano_SaidI have a server and a hotspot, eth0 = wan eth1 = lan, eth1 are connected in wireless routers. If you try to access my wireless network, my firewall redirects you to that site here; login1.altecnologic.com.br. In this site you put your data. then click connect. connect this button executes a script on my server here that frees you to access the internet05:00
Cristiano_Saidafter released their access. and open another site that you can disconnect. you click a button and disconnects, this button executes another script in my server.05:02
Cristiano_Saidthat way everything is working, the problem I want to put the squid to work, but I have to perform the redirect port 80 to port 3128.05:03
Cristiano_Saidand thus redirect the website that has the button descnectar not run the script on my server here05:03
Cristiano_Saidgave to understand05:04
Cristiano_Saidbutton disconect05:05
locodir-userW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/claudiocn/slm/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/claudiocn/slm/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/petrakis/wdt-main/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/petrakis/wdt-main/ubuntu/dists/05:05
locodir-useri have this error message05:06
ActionParsnipCristiano_Said: claudiocn/slm only supports Oneiric05:06
ActionParsnipCristiano_Said: petrakis/wdt-main only supports up to maverick05:07
Cristiano_Saidlooking at my script that my site has to perform here on my server.http://pastebin.com/k1D1BThq05:07
dazukohello all, i want to ask about upgrading my old ubuntu into the newest one.05:07
ActionParsnipCristiano_Said: those PPAs are no good to you as you are using Precise, hence the errors05:08
TJ-ActionParsnip: I think you intended those for locodir-user  ?05:08
locodir-userany one know how to install OSD?05:09
locodir-useri need to install  a karaoke progam05:09
ActionParsniplocodir-user: see above ^05:09
ActionParsnipTJ-: thanks, it's been a long noght05:09
TJ-ActionParsnip: I know the feeling :p05:09
Cristiano_Saidwas not only a problem of redirection?05:09
ActionParsnipCristiano_Said: crossed wires, sorry05:10
Cristiano_Saidok no problem05:10
ActionParsniplocodir-user: you should remove those PPAs, they don't support Precise05:10
locodir-userhow can i remove that?05:11
cc11rocksI think I locked myself out of my two primary accounts. I was running sudo Xorg -- :1 and stuff to try to get multiple screens in different TTY's05:11
locodir-userim new in ubuntu05:11
cc11rocksI didn't get it working, but now it just goes into an infinate loop when I try to login. Ex: if I type in password, black for a second, then back to login screen05:11
ActionParsniplocodir-user: you can use software centre, or delete the relevant .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d05:11
cc11rocksI reinstalled unity, metacity, ubuntu-desktop in a TTY terminal. I think I need to reset the def. Ubuntu login script for the accounts. How do I do this?05:12
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TJ-Cristiano_Said: I'm having problems understanding precisely due to language, but I think what you're wanting to do is write an exception so that the site containing the "disconnect" button isn't redirected to squid?05:13
Cristiano_SaidI saw your suggestion up there, I'll test05:15
Cristiano_SaidTJ-I saw your suggestion up there, I'll test05:16
TJ-Cristiano_Said: That was the default redirect rule we use for squid, which you already have (except yours only redirects one host whereas my example redirects a sub-net)05:16
robertzaccourhey yall05:17
TJ-Cristiano_Said: I think what you need is something like this, inserted in the chain *before* the squid rule so the squid rule doesn't process packets going to the 'disconnect' button server. "iptables -t nat -I ALTECNETCARD -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT" - that may be wrong, but I hope it gives you the idea05:18
SkapareTJ: turns out the package I needed ia32 for is missing ... not sure what to do now05:18
TJ-Skapare: Scream? :D05:18
Skapareif that would work :-\05:18
Cristiano_SaidI'll test05:19
TJ-Cristiano_Said: good luck , hope you get it sorted05:19
Skapareit's sun-java6-{jre,jdk}05:19
Cristiano_Said<TJ-> Cristiano_Said: "sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128" - change "" to the net-address of your LAN05:19
Skaparesupposedly last seen in lucid ... now not there in the archive05:19
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TJ-Skapare: that was dropped from the archives in Precise; openjdk-{6,7}-* is the only ones in there now. If you want the Oracle packages you have to install them directly from the Oracle site05:20
* Skapare was going to check to see what individual libs it depended on05:20
TJ-Skapare: Oracle throwing its toys out of the pram again - licensing conditions05:20
psichashow i could install firefox 3.6 to lucid ubuntu?05:20
ActionParsnipSkapare: or use the ppa from webupd8 to instal the oracle java easily05:20
SkapareTJ-: unfortunately the android emulator does not run correctly on openjdk05:20
TJ-Skapare: really? I've never had an issue (so far)05:21
SkapareTJ: figures ... Oracle seems to be set on destructing Java05:21
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TJ-Skapare: Shame... anyhoooo need at least 45 minutes sleep this morning! g'morning to y'all05:21
SkapareTJ: well, I haven't actually tested it ... this is what I was told05:21
Cristiano_SaidTJ-and the rules that are already in the script? retreat and put only those that you gave me?05:22
SkapareTJ: thanks ... I will bang my head on the wall tomorrow05:22
pozhi everyone, i need help from an expert in setting up dual boots05:23
ActionParsnippoz: ask and see05:24
myheroElesa...u there ??05:24
myherocan anyone help with firefox on ubuntu ???05:24
myheroor any other firefox channel ??05:24
LorSamPau_wmyhero, just ask the question05:25
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cc11rocksCan anyone help me with my infinate login problem (login to login screen, repeat)? Ubuntu 12.04...05:26
myherofirefox is crashing very much....idk why ?? any solutions.....05:27
pozI have win 7 and ubuntu on separate hds. I can boot from the win 7 hd into win 7 perfectly. When I set the ubuntu hd to boot, grub allows me to boot into windows 7 fine. HOWEVER, if I boot into ubuntu, then restart and try to boot into windows 7 I get an error: "no such device: ################" - "invalid signature." - "press and key to continue..."05:27
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pozsomthing seems to trigger after booting into ubuntu that causes grub to have problems booting into windows 7 after05:27
josephdukehello i am running in to some trouble updating my server and it keeps falling to do so giveing me a err on all and w: failed to fetch05:28
myheroLorSamPau_w: firefox is crashing too much......i dont know the exact reason.......any solutions r any way to diagnose the problem......05:29
LorSamPau_wmyhero, run firefox from the terminal and after the crash there must be an error log05:29
psichasff version?05:29
myherook i'll run firefox from terminal then what....??05:29
ferric__hi.  i have upstart, but i keep getting: start: command not found05:30
myheroand where to look for the error log ??05:30
ferric__everytime i try to start squid05:30
ferric__any ideas/05:30
myheroLorSamPau_w: ???05:30
pozI have win 7 and ubuntu on separate hds. I can boot from the win 7 hd into win 7 perfectly. When I set the ubuntu hd to boot, grub allows me to boot into windows 7 fine. HOWEVER, if I boot into ubuntu, then restart and try to boot into windows 7 I get an error: "no such device: ################" - "invalid signature." - "press and key to continue...". somthing seems to trigger after booting into ubuntu that causes grub to have problems bootin05:30
pozg into windows 7 after. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem?05:30
LorSamPau_wmyhero, in the terminal05:30
gates_need help updating my linux server 12.04 lts not updating05:30
psichasyou can recompiler firefox source on your pc and look wich packages you need install05:31
myheroLorSamPau_w: no i mean where to look for error log.....05:31
janefondahi i went i tried this: hdparm --yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing --dco-restore /dev/sdb but got this: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(dco_restore) failed: Input/output error, any ideas? this is the second disc im trying to reset and same story...05:31
LorSamPau_wmyhero, the terminal will show you the error05:31
gates_cant get nothing to install and i dont know why can any one help05:33
myheroLorSamPau_w: there is a number written.....5541390 > 216200954205:33
pozI have win 7 and ubuntu on separate hds. I can boot from the win 7 hd into win 7 perfectly. When I set the ubuntu hd to boot, grub allows me to boot into windows 7 fine. HOWEVER, if I boot into ubuntu, then restart and try to boot into windows 7 I get an error: "no such device: ################" - "invalid signature." - "press and key to continue...". somthing seems to trigger after booting into ubuntu that causes grub to have problems bootin05:34
pozg into windows 7 after. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem?05:34
LorSamPau_wmyhero, it shows after the crash?05:34
pozill come back tomorrow i guess05:34
myheroLorSamPau_w:  i started firefox fron terminal then after that firefox started and this no. showed up then after few seconds fox crashed.....05:35
LorSamPau_wmyhero, whats' the version of ff?05:36
psichastry compiler ff code than05:36
myheroLorSamPau_w: i have fox v11 installed in 12.04...its deafult05:36
psichasoldest firefox 11 on lucid05:37
LorSamPau_wmyhero, update it to 15v05:37
psichassudo apt-get update05:37
psichassudo apt-get upgrade05:38
ferric__can i safely remove upstart and reinstall it?05:40
myheroLorSamPau_w: will it be stable then ?? and can it be due to plugins....??? i had few plugins installed before but then i installed some more plugins...and this problem started after that only....the plugins were....print2pdf, scribd downloader, pdf search engine toolbar and scrpbook plus...also i have turned off  record all recent activities and for apps like fox, gedit, files and whole file system in the system settings....so can it due it or plugins ??05:41
LorSamPau_wmyhero, yes it can be... update to the new version and then if crashes continues - disable the plugins05:43
myheroLorSamPau_w: ok...05:43
myheroLorSamPau_w: and what about the system settings part.....05:43
LorSamPau_wferric__, yes you can05:44
LorSamPau_wmyhero, i don;t think so05:44
ferric__LorSamPau_w: just hit apt-get upgrade, i'm getting start: command not found when i try to start init scripts on a recently upgraded box05:44
LorSamPau_wferric__, it's apt-get update, not upgrade05:45
myheroLorSamPau_w: 1 more thing about firefox......when i print any webpage then sometimes it prints it fine but sometimes it kinds of prints only the 1st page and leaves or ignores the rest......how can it be corrected.....??? also i want to make the print setting like print background colour and print background images option permanent otherwise on every print i have to manually tick mark that 2 options.....an dis there any specific firefox channel....05:47
LorSamPau_wmyhero, i can't help you with that, i allways copy data from the page to word/libreoffice and then print it05:48
myheroLorSamPau_w: ok...any official firefox channel......05:49
LorSamPau_wmyhero, #firefox05:49
myheroLorSamPau_w: thnx05:50
LorSamPau_wmyhero, no problem05:50
subdesignhow is ubuntu with logitech products? plays well?05:50
myheroLorSamPau_w: :) :) :)05:50
LorSamPau_wsubdesign, it depends )05:51
myheroLorSamPau_w: but what about the error number i gave U ??05:51
LorSamPau_wsubdesign, headsets - fine, webcams - not so fine05:51
myheroLorSamPau_w: the firefox error number from the terminal ??05:52
subdesignok thanks05:52
ferric__LorSamPau_w: i did update, then install upstart and it said upstart was uptodate05:52
ferric__LorSamPau_w: but there are no binaries05:52
LorSamPau_wmyhero, it's not the error number i think, anyways it's individual, can't find any info on that, i think it's just memory thing05:52
myheroLorSamPau_w: ok05:53
myheroLorSamPau_w: i m moving to firefox channel...hope some solutions there....:)05:53
LorSamPau_wmyhero, good luck05:53
LorSamPau_wferric__, then it's uptodate... i've never done anything with upstart, i just know that it can be removed and installed in one session with no problem05:55
ferric__LorSamPau_w: yeah, just reinstalled it but /lib/init still has no upstart binary05:56
LorSamPau_wferric__, well i guess you can compile upstart yourself, i suggest you askubuntu05:58
ferric__LorSamPau_w: cool, thank you!06:01
joejackso my wifi works for a few days like a champ, and then refused to connect for a couple days and so on06:02
joejackright now it is in its refusing to connect phase06:02
joejackanything I should check>06:03
ActionParsnipjoejack: does the interface have an IP?06:03
joejackActionParsnip dunno how do i check?06:03
celthunderjoejack: do you have an ip traceroute ping ? what've you tested.06:03
ActionParsnipjoejack: ifconfig06:04
joejackifconfig or wlan0 is showing bunch of stuff like inet addr, is that it/06:06
joejackdamn when I did the ifconfig it actually started working again06:06
joejackmaybe that is a way for me to get it working when it goes on strike, just do an ifconfig06:07
LorSamPau_wjoejack, i think that's a coincidence06:07
joejackok probably06:07
eshloxhttp://wklej.org/id/828806/?hl=text ;-)06:08
joejackso any ideas as to why my wifi would go on strike every few days?06:08
LorSamPau_wjoejack, other devices connect to that wifi is fine?06:09
d8bhattaHello Guys06:09
vkasdoes anybody have an idea about solving this weird problem -  I am working in gnome-classic session and had a panel in the right side of the screen which i deleted. now i cannot reach in the area that was covered by the panel. the area is kind of cut-off from the desktop.06:09
joejackok well i will be back next time my wifi goes on strike thanks06:09
d8bhattaI am getting Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] ((null):0 error06:09
d8bhattaI need help, it is sucking me06:10
d8bhattaI have included ssl certificate and ssl key into my vhost06:10
d8bhattaFollowed this oe06:11
d8bhattabut no improvment06:11
vkaseven when i take a screenshot of the whole screen - that region is not included in the screenshot06:13
BarkeepI just installed 12.04 and am having quite a lag06:14
vkasusing a low resolution helps06:14
BarkeepI suspect it is to do with nvidia graphics card and compiz06:14
BarkeepShould I revert back to gnome from unity or revert to an old driver?06:15
BarkeepAlso, what about 304.43, the recommended update is still 295.4006:17
LorSamPau_wBarkeep, in ubuntu it's usually 2 versions of nvidia driver to install: stable and the newest version, i guess you chose the wrong one )06:18
BarkeepI tried both, it lagged in both06:18
Barkeepeven tabs that I click on firefox open after 3-4 secs06:18
Barkeepthere are 4 selections, version 173, version 173-updates, version-current[rec], version-current-updates06:21
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
MalaikaI was wondering if anyone can help me I'm having an issue with instalation for some reason06:26
LorSamPau_wMalaika, what's the issue06:27
MalaikaI have it parttioned and trying to install but everytime it goes to finish it keeps saying no root file system is defined06:27
ActionParsnipBarkeep: Unity is a shell for Gnome, you already have gnome06:27
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LorSamPau_wMalaika, how is it partitioned?06:29
BarkeepYeah, what I meant was, instead of using unity, should I use gnome itself06:29
Malaikai used wubi.exe to partition and install it06:30
BarkeepIt seems it a common problem with compiz+nvidia+12.0406:30
BarkeepI am poking around with compiz settings manager, I installed it yesterday, after it crashed thrice, I deleted06:31
LorSamPau_wMalaika, i've never tried wubi... it's better to do the partitioning yourself to prevent from this kind of errors06:31
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Malaikabut when I try to partition myself it won't even show even the main drive06:32
Barkeepnow I can't install it back, software center says it has untrusted packages06:32
ActionParsnipBarkeep: you are using gnome itself, unity isn't a replacement for gnome06:32
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ActionParsnipBarkeep: if you want the old school shell then install gnome-panel06:32
LorSamPau_wMalaika, well that's the problem06:33
BarkeepI did so, now I can choose whether to start with gnome (old school) or ubuntu(unity) from log in screen06:33
Barkeepbut I want to make unity work06:34
Malaikaits seems the only true choice I have from the disk I have is to install over windows but I don't even know if I'll run into the same problem06:34
LorSamPau_wBarkeep, what's your gf card?06:34
bill_I like work on ked06:34
Barkeepnvidia 8400 GS06:34
bill_I like work on kde06:34
phy1729I have a box that is connect to the LAN and has a wifi card (Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413/AR2414) I'd like to make an AP and put people directly on the network.06:35
LorSamPau_wMalaika, just run install setup and go to the partition-step and manually make sure that it sees all of the drives, than go back and choose install ubuntu along side with win06:36
bustacapAre there any good applications for viewing security cameras over ip for ubuntu?06:36
LorSamPau_wBarkeep, is it necessary for you to use compiz?06:37
Malaikathe demo sees the drive but when I tell it to install and use a partition it doesn't even bring up the drive itself to partition06:37
ActionParsnipbustacap: try zoneminder06:37
Malaikagparted see's them but the install does not06:37
bustacapActionParsnip, you have the answers for everything! You're the best lol06:38
Barkeepwell, I "can" use the one that is used in 2D06:38
LorSamPau_wBarkeep, have you tired nomodeset?06:38
Barkeepfor compiz?06:38
LorSamPau_wfor get rid of it and make sure that sceen looks fine)06:39
ActionParsnipbustacap: been using Linux a while :)06:42
bill_315I am having class06:42
Malaikadoes it mater to the fact my system is raided?06:42
LorSamPau_wMalaika, lokely06:43
blackshirtbill_315, what you mean with having class lol06:43
devxdevHow can I allow my users to create directories in their home dir?06:43
devxdevall of them get perm. denied06:44
BarkeepThere is this suggestion, purging all nvidia and installing Nouveau06:44
MalaikaI keep coming across people saying to use sudo apt-get remove dmraid but I don't know where I need to imput this at from the ubuntu main screen06:44
Barkeepwould that be stable06:44
Barkeep(not that nvidia itself is stable)06:44
blackshirtdevxdev: usually user can create directories on their home dir06:44
devxdevsorry forgot to say jailed ssh connections06:45
LorSamPau_wMalaika, you must type it in the terminal06:45
Malaikahow do I bring up the terminal?06:45
devxdevMalaika, ctrl+alt+t06:45
blackshirtdevxdev: on some chrooted/jailed ssh environment, check your chroot dir, where the server place the "root"06:46
Malaikathank you I may be back if things arent any beter06:46
blackshirtdevxdev: maybe the admin doesn't give that permission06:46
ActionParsnipMalaika: if you use terminal a lot I suggest you install guake :)06:47
devxdevI can change permissions on the dirs to what ever they need to be, but im not sure what exactly that is :p06:47
devxdevblackshirt, 755?06:48
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bill_315I first come into irc06:49
Kartagisfiles always should be 644, directories 75506:49
devxdevKartagis, ty :)06:50
Kartagisof course files should be 644 if you want others to snoop around06:51
Kartagisand the same for directories06:51
blackshirtnot always, because we can change it .. but it was usually based on distro policy06:51
devxdevok lmao I've just been fiddling with this for far to long and getting annoyed. I was trying to have a dir '/chroot' that had the whole shabang from ..archive.ubuntu.com..06:56
devxdevthen have '/chroot/sites/X' where X would be a users home dir but everytime I attempted an ssh login i got "/bin/bash: no such file or directory" then I mounted all the main files to X and it works06:56
devxdevis there a way to do it so that its looking for /chroot/bin/bash instead of /chroot/sites/X/bin/bash ?06:56
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* Barkeep leaves to install nouveau06:57
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Kartagisguys, do you have a solution to shockwave flash keeping crashing on chromium?07:13
ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/07:13
xcervoKartagis, I also have that problem07:13
Calinougnash works 5% of the time07:14
Calinoudoesn't even work for speedtest :|07:14
KartagisLorSamPau_w: I have adobe flash I think07:14
Kartagisshould I remove sw?07:14
LorSamPau_wKartagis, i don't know the solution, one of them is to disable hardware acceletarion, other - to compile flash by yourself, third - install other version of chrome\flash - and thats pretty much it07:16
xcervoCalinou, I tried gnash but still crashed after a few seconds07:17
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EaglemanHow do i fix OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables ?07:18
flingHow to prevent my urcvtc terminal from printing?07:19
flingI press some combo sometimes and it prints my whole terminal history07:19
xcervohello guys, how can i play wmv file on ubuntu?07:24
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hypershockhey guys what can I do to grub or wherever to make it so when my comp boots that I can see the grub screen any of the console screens, currently I can't see anything until login screen. I have nvidia 304 driver installed.07:29
hypershockscreen any == screen *or* any07:29
LorSamPau_wand to edit that you must edit scripts that compiles it - /etc/grub.d/07:30
LorSamPau_wthere are you options to show grub, to set timeout and other stuff... change it - then "sudo update-grub"07:30
hypershockLorSamPau_w: will that solve the not being able to see anything? by invisible I mean that the kernel is default outputting a modeline that the monitor is refusing to acknowledge.07:31
LorSamPau_whypershock, if you boot with pushing shift(or pressing esc) - grub shows? - try that07:33
LorSamPau_wif not - my solution will not help07:33
mrAlmondhi everyone07:33
mrAlmondI've problems with ubuntu 12.04 server and a software raid 007:33
hypershockLorSamPau_w: yeah that won't work, because of the "unsupported resolution", of which goes away at the login screen as the resolution then enters the supported range of the monitor.07:34
mrAlmondthe md device is fine but when I boot grub says "error : no such disk" and then the rescue console is spawned07:34
LorSamPau_whypershock, you can manually change grub resolution using my first advice07:35
hypershockLorSamPau_w: can you tell me exactly what to edit or look for? those scripts in grub.d are huge! :)07:36
xcervohello guys, how can i play wmv file on ubuntu?07:38
phy1729I have hostapd configured and I can see the AP but I can't connect to it with the password07:39
LorSamPau_whypershock, i think its 00_header ... search there for "gfxmod"07:39
LorSamPau_wxcervo, you can07:39
EoNso i have ubuntu with unity on my VMware Fusion - how do i change it from unity to gnome3?07:39
luingaranyone know the md5sum of the 64 bit ubuntu iso?07:40
xcervoLorSamPau, do I nid to install some plugins?07:40
luingar64bit desktop ubuntu iso?07:40
LorSamPau_wxcervo, use vlc for example07:40
LorSamPau_wluingar, 7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb037907:41
luingaryou get that from a website or what? i couldn't find it anywhere07:41
LorSamPau_wluingar, yeap... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174154607:42
LorSamPau_wluingar, ooooouuups.... that's for 11.0407:42
EoNhow do i change to use gnome3 please?07:43
POVaddctluingar: what are you looking for?07:43
LorSamPau_wluingar, this is for 12.04 - 128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e5207:43
LorSamPau_wluingar, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes07:43
POVaddctnevermind :)07:43
LorSamPau_wEoN, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome307:44
LorSamPau_wsudo apt-get update07:44
LorSamPau_wsudo apt-get install gnome-shell07:44
tsimpsonluingar: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS contains the latest (12.04.1) MD5Sums07:44
luingarall of those are useless cuz i got like 12.04.107:44
luingaroh hey07:44
luingartsimpson: thanks a bundle, that was what i need07:45
* luingar burns07:45
EoNLorSamPau_w: : what does the ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 bit do?07:45
* POVaddct calls a fire fighter07:46
arulmozhihide "username@computer: ~$" part in the terminal. how to do that. instead just "~$" is enough. i have seen in some video tutorials they don't have all these. just "~$"07:46
LorSamPau_wEoN, adds gnome3 repository07:46
luingarso what's the first thing i should do after installing ubuntu? sudo apt-get update?07:46
LorSamPau_wluingar, i always install video driver first )07:47
luingarnone comes with ubuntu?07:47
The_JoshI am installing Gnome 307:47
POVaddctthey really should switch to sha256sum for the hashes. oh, they also have that: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/SHA256SUMS07:47
The_JoshOnly if this Unity had movable launcher07:48
luingarwhat's the difference?07:48
The_Joshor the bar07:48
The_Joshwhatever they call it07:48
The_JoshI would have used it07:48
FloodBot1The_Josh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:48
LorSamPau_wluingar, it comes with, but it's not proprietary07:48
tsimpsonarulmozhi: put "export PS1='\w\$'" in your ~/.bashrc07:48
* lubmil slucha sobie: Fanatic - Czarownica07:49
luingarwhy is sha256sum better than md5sum?07:49
The_JoshIs gnome3 any good?07:49
mrAlmondwhy the "boot" command in "grub rescue" is not recognized???07:50
mrAlmondwith ubuntu 12.04 server?07:50
LorSamPau_wThe_Josh, if you don't like unity - good )07:50
POVaddctluingar: md5 is considered as "broken". thus you can alter data and get the same md5sum.07:51
The_JoshLorSamPau_w, As I previously mentioned, I didn't dislike it that much, but It reduces the screen space due to the huge bar on left and it comes in way07:51
The_JoshIf I was able to move it to bottom, but it seems in ubuntu 12.04 you can't do it07:51
LorSamPau_wThe_Josh, well it's kinda the same07:51
POVaddctluingar: but i think its still difficult enough to do that, so md5 kind of works07:51
IncogNegroHey I am attempting to install ubuntu desktop 12.04.1 on my pc. I am installing from usb and shooting for a dual boot setup. I created a 24gb swap and am installing it on 450gb of ext4 free space. Once it gets to the end of copying files it just hangs and does nothing. Should I just wait hella long? I do not know whatI am doing wrong but I do know that my wifi card in the computer doesnt work in ubuntu so I am using a usb wifi. an07:52
IncogNegroy help would be appreciated07:52
The_JoshBy the way, How to install programs through that are not in Software center or the package respiratory07:52
AscavasaionHow do I mount a NTFS (Windows XP) device that is not in the /etc/fstab file?  I have tried sudo mount t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/hda1  It mounts, but when I cd into it permission is denied.07:52
The_Joshthrough terminal*07:52
EoNdo most people here prefer unity or gnome3?07:52
LorSamPau_wEoN, unity, cause it's default07:53
The_JoshEoN, Currently, I am going to try gnome307:53
EoNLorSamPau_w: but which one do you prefer?07:53
The_JoshBut its only 50% downloaded, so I'll tell you later after using it07:53
EoNThe_Josh: yeah i want to try it too07:53
The_JoshLets just try it :P07:53
LorSamPau_wEoN, but now mint - is more popular than ubuntu - and it's using gnome307:53
EoNalso, how do i install a video driver for ubuntu for my macbook pro?07:54
baizonno its not07:54
The_JoshLorSamPau_w, No?07:54
LorSamPau_wEoN, i'm using win8 and win7 )))07:54
baizonmint isnt more popular then ubuntu07:54
The_JoshMint wont have a huge community so fast07:54
LorSamPau_wEoN, i prefer gnome with some docks07:54
The_Joshso it'll have to wawit07:54
The_JoshAnd ubuntu has nothing wrong you can have gnome3 installed in ubuntu07:55
The_Joshso why install mint?07:55
EoNa lot of people say unity is terrible?07:55
IncogNegroyup I just hit continue and it is just hanging at the "where are you" screen with the spinny cursor07:56
spoljoEoN: a lot of people say that windows is better too.07:56
EoNThe_Josh: yeah that's what i odnt understand. why do people switch to mint instead of just using gnome3 with ubuntu?07:56
LorSamPau_wThe_Josh, you are arguing with yourself07:56
spoljouse what you like.07:56
EoNspoljo: do you prefer unity to gnome3?07:56
luingarisn't unity a 3d engine?07:56
spoljoEoN: awesomewm. I use ubuntu minimal installation and build it myself07:56
EoNi would be willing to give unity a chance - except almost unanimously everyone tells me it sucks.07:57
EoNbut if its workable i'd give it a go07:57
baizoni tried unity07:57
baizonand love it :)07:57
EoNwhat's the keyshort cut to get to a shell?07:57
EoNin unity07:57
auronandaceEoN: ctrl alt t07:58
* Barkeep is back07:59
EoNis there a 'notepad' type application built into ubuntu/unity? i want to test typing07:59
Barkeeppurging all of the nvidia drivers than installing 304.43 did the trick07:59
tsimpsonLorSamPau_w: distrowatch is by no means authoritative, it's a page-hit count (and mint has an advert on top of distrowatch pages, so that's no surprise)07:59
spoljoEoN: gedit07:59
hypershockLorSamPau_w: http://techpatterns.com/forums/about1795.html solves the grub issues quite easily. and thanks for all of your help else I wouldn't have found that link. :)07:59
Barkeepit says it is as different version than current driver07:59
baizonLorSamPau_w: lol ... " On my own opinion, Ubuntu unity is the one reason why Ubuntu is not the most popular distro anymore. "07:59
baizonits distrowatch08:00
baizonits not counting the installation numbers08:00
LorSamPau_whypershock, no problem08:00
baizonit counts the clicks08:00
Barkeepbut  the things I did broke grub, it is not ubuntu purple, now it says debian08:00
tsimpsonanyway, let's try and keep to support discussion in here, though feel free to continue the discussion of mint/unity in #ubuntu-offtopic08:00
CalinouBarkeep, happened to me once. it's purely cosmetic08:00
BarkeepI want my purple back08:00
chaterzhiii all08:01
baizonLorSamPau_w: http://lifehacker.com/5904602/most-popular-linux-distribution-ubuntu-and-its-variants08:01
Calinou<baizon> mint isnt more popular then ubuntu08:01
chaterzsomeone know how to change the mouse with a command ? or install new mouse easily ?08:01
Calinouand in addition to that: mint sucks08:01
Barkeepit seems like the blue people problem in videos were resolved as well08:01
BarkeepI was planning to tackle that08:01
LorSamPau_wbaizon, ok08:02
Barkeepoh, well08:02
hypershocknow to another video problem. --- I have the nvidia driver v304 installed. and still i have one mode that "display settings" & "nvidia x server settings" doesn't display which is "1280x1024" to be exact. I would like to add that mode to the options list. How?08:02
baizonCalinou: agree08:02
baizontested mint08:02
baizonwasnt happy with it08:02
LorSamPau_whypershock, its in /etc/x11/xorg08:03
LorSamPau_whypershock, /etc/x11/xorg.conf08:03
hypershockLorSamPau_w: isn't that also compiled by scripts?08:08
LorSamPau_whypershock, i'm not sure08:09
CalinouI have similar problem on my xubuntu 12.04 amd64, can't use 60hz, only 50hz, my screen supports 60hz08:10
Calinoudidn't happen with ubuntu 11.10 i38608:10
hypershockI used to be able to do all of this a long time ago when there were simple config files. now everythig is obfuscated like the american government, i mean, regime.08:11
haavardhello everyone08:12
RudeboyNone of my settings are working, like dragging a window to the top of the screen to maximize it, the sliding animation between different workspaces, the water effects etc etc. Trying to enable them through the CompizConfig. They work if I use the Ubuntu Live CD08:13
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humehi.... How can I make the Unity panel disappear, hide? It pops up when I do presentations with Libre office Impress, is quite annoying. Ubuntu 12.0408:16
hypershockhume use appearance under settings, it has a behavior tab which controls unity in that way. I found that setting only seconds ago. :)08:20
hypershockRudeboy: in your install do you have the correct drivers for your card installed? if its nvidia you might need version 304 as found in the proposed repository. I know I did to get those effects going.08:21
Rudeboyhypershock: How do I check that?08:22
kapuhalo sir08:23
hypershockRudeboy: first things first, which graphics card do you have?08:23
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humeHyperbyte, thx..:)08:26
humehypershock, thx08:26
hypershockhume np08:27
Rudeboyhypershock: GeForce GT 540M08:27
hypershockRudeboy: yep, that's nvidia. now open your dash and search for "nvidia x" it'll bring up "nvidia x server settings" you can click that and it'll tell you  your driver version.08:29
Rudeboyhypershock: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.08:29
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
hypershockRudeboy: sounds nasty, before you do that, let me give you a thread08:31
hypershockRudeboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1973025&page=2 which seems to indicate highly to follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee08:32
Rudeboyhypershock: Sounds like a backup is in order....ha ha08:32
hypershockRudeboy: i believe whole heartily that thread will help you out of your problem.08:32
hypershockRudeboy: it couldn't hurt.08:33
sebrockis there a ubuntu server channel or will this one work?08:33
hypershockRudeboy: thanks to dropbox and google chrome things like that don't bother me much anymore. :)08:33
gordonjcpsebrock: #ubuntu-server ;-)08:33
sebrockgordonjcp: thanks08:33
Rudeboyhypershock: Yea, Dropbox is a real winner:) Shot for those lins, gonna see what I can do quick08:34
gyre007is ruby1.9.3 in 12.04 really 1.9.3 ? I read fwe articles on the web that it's just symlink to 1.9.108:38
gyre007or copy or something like that08:38
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Rudeboyhypershock: Ok, just need to restart now. If I don't come back....you know what happened......ha ha :)08:41
tsimpsongyre007: both are true, see the package description https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+package/ruby1.9.308:43
tkinghi jrib08:43
=== George is now known as ThePaRaDoX
tking"mv ~/.dmrc ~/.dmrc.old" i ran this command in terminal and did a reboot, my system changed like i just installed ubuntu, i have to re-install Ubuntu one any one know how i get things back?08:46
tkingi got the advise to run mv ~/.dmrc ~/.dmrc.old from here but i think it has changed my installed files how can i know where ~/.dmrc is moved to08:48
Rudeboyhypershock: Ok, it worked, kinda :) My screen is about 20cm now though ha ha, it's on super low resolution08:48
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Wildbathi is there a way (scripting may be ) to forward mysql.sock to TCP ? I can't touch the setting, the server have set access from localhost socket only :<08:56
blackshirtwildbat, localhost was tcp/ip based... I thin you can reconfigure your mysql server08:57
Wildbatblackshirt, i don't have root access :<08:58
blackshirtwildbat, that was administrator right to change them08:59
tkinghello please i did "mv ~/.dmrc ~/.dmrc.old" as someone asked me here. It affected my system on reboot, can someone tell me how to change and delete the .dmrc09:00
blackshirttking, just copy back the dmrc.old to dmrc09:00
tsimpsonWildbat: answer is no, that'd be a massive security hole09:01
Nordomanyone have sound problems with ubuntu 12.04?09:02
tkingblackshirt, command please? "copy" wouldn't that still keep the backup09:02
blackshirtnot truelly true09:02
tkingblackshirt, what is the command for that09:03
blackshirttking, you want your old dmrc? exactly i don't knwo what you need ...09:03
NordomI started using ubuntu a few days ago, and I noticed that my sound sounds choppy or stutters. When I boot into win7 I have no problems, anyone have any ideas? I am using an asus mb and seems asus doesnt play nice with linux09:03
IronsightAsus loves linux usually :/09:04
tkingblackshirt, yes i dont know terminal am new ubuntu, when you say copy i cant copy what i do not use.09:04
blackshirtJust $cp ~/.dmrc.old ~/.dmrc09:04
tkingthat is why i asked to please give me command to copy09:04
Nordomreally? had problems on both pc's that I installed ubuntu on and both seemed to be related because they  stemmed from asus mb... but I did fix the problems eventaully09:05
blackshirttking, i have show you the command09:05
tkingblackshirt, thanks09:05
Nordom Anyways, does anyone else have choppy or stuttering sound in 12.04 and if so how would I go about fixing it? Google answers havent given any precise answers09:06
blackshirtnordom, what the problems with your sound?09:06
Nordomwhen sound starts playing its choppy and stutters after a little bit its audioable but still not as clear as when I am booted into windows09:07
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tkingblackshirt, sorry i did cat ~/dmrc.old and i saw the stuff to read, so am saying if i want to delete it totally09:07
Nordomblackshirt, seems like a driver issue but I am a ubuntu nub, so wondering how I fix it, since I though ubuntu was pretty good at auto updating drives and such09:07
blackshirttking, read carefully..i don't suggesst cat, but cp instead09:07
Nordomhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure <--- trying trhis currently09:08
Artemis3Nordom, when you boot, you never ever hear the sounds properly? its already distorted?09:08
tkingblackshirt, i know, i said how about i want to delete the "dmrc.old" because i don't want to use it and dont want to have it hanging somewhere09:08
Artemis3Nordom, which asus btw?09:08
IronsightIf you google the motherboard model or chipset model with ubuntu somewhere in there, perhaps there is a fix out there on some forum Nordom09:09
blackshirttking, if you want remove it completely, you can use $rm .dmrc.old on your home dir09:09
IronsightThat's usally how I find my fixes09:09
NordomI am on a asus p8z68v-pro09:10
Artemis3Nordom, does lspci show PCI bridge: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM108x somewhere?09:11
Nordomlspi? whats that09:11
gyre007tsimpson, that has patch0....latest 1.93. patch is 19409:12
Nordomcurrently doing the instructions that where posted in my link09:12
Artemis3Nordom, sorry, its a terminal command09:12
Nordomso in terminal I should type lspci?09:12
xcyb0rgHow long have you guys been studying Ubuntu09:12
blackshirtyes nordom, you should familiar with terminal09:12
xcyb0rgI still don't has the bash shell command line down09:12
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xcyb0rgI should sit down and read threw a book and get 2 it09:13
Artemis3Nordom, only a quick confirm if you do see that chip09:13
tsimpsongyre007: I don't understand what you mean09:13
Artemis3Nordom, but continue with your guide by all means ^^09:13
blackshirtxcyb0rg, what you mean?09:14
NordomI typed in 'lspi' into terminal and it said command not found09:14
xcyb0rgthe command line09:14
xcyb0rgI see you helping someone with it meaning you know it by heart already09:14
BlazemoreNordom: You typed it wrong09:14
NordomI just noticed @.@09:15
xcyb0rgI have seen commands I have no idea who people figured out the correct answer for the right problem09:15
BlazemoreWell usually it's stringing together small utilities09:15
xcyb0rgI spent 20 hours last night trying to get a bug in apt-get install09:15
Blazemore20 hours09:15
Blazemorelast night09:15
xcyb0rgmy var/bin was locked or something09:15
Blazemorerm /var/cache/apt/lock09:15
Blazemoresudo apt-get -f install09:15
Blazemoreproblem solved09:15
FloodBot1Blazemore: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
xcyb0rglol well I was reading forms all night09:16
Artemis3Nordom, lspci09:16
blackshirtxcyb0rg, twenty hours ?? You were great people guys.. I don't think can do it09:16
Nordomthere is a ASM1083/1085 under a ASMedia technology09:16
xcyb0rgthe problem was when I tried to install aircrack09:16
gyre007tsimpson, 12.04 ruby 1.9.3 version is of patch0 -> ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux] ....the latest 1.9.3 version is p194....09:16
xcyb0rgto be able to use airmon0-ng wlan009:16
Artemis3Nordom, ok good to know... do you have extra peripherals you could remove? any extra pci cards?09:16
Blazemorexcyb0rg: http://blog.roryholland.co.uk/?p=1509:16
xcyb0rgonce I got rid of aircrack everything seemed to update09:16
Blazemore"apt-get -f install" solves a surprising number of issues, especially if you've been trying to install .deb files manually09:17
blackshirtxcyb0rg, twenty hours ?? You were great people guys.. I don't think can do it09:17
xcyb0rgI was up from morning until night the problem happened around 7-9 pm and then I didn't go to bed until 10 the next morning09:17
tsimpsongyre007: and?09:18
NordomI could remove my gpu, but other than that I am not using any other pci slots09:18
gyre007tsimpson, and what ?:) I'd like to  have the latest updated version...simples :)09:18
tsimpsongyre007: then grab the source and compile yourself09:19
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Artemis3Nordom, you could try rebooting and entering the bios, try to find that pci latency option and move it from 32 to 64, also try to disable anything than you are not using, or for testing, anything you can... such as extra usb ports, bluetooth, serial/paralel, things like that, try to have the bare minimun, and test09:19
blackshirtxcyb0rg, you are very amazing09:19
root____1hello all09:20
Artemis3Nordom, i happen to have the same chip, and very rarely get the same synthom, but a simple pulseaudio restart cures it. But, have read really bad things about in in the linux kernel mailing list :(09:21
gyre007tsimpson, :) thats exactly what I wanted to avoid by having the Distro doing this for me...09:21
Nordomhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure <--- here ->>> sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop  linux-image-`uname -r` libasound2; This command doesnt seem to be working right is it actually 2 commands?09:21
tsimpsongyre007: if you want the very latest <whatever>, then no distro is going to be able to keep up09:21
NordomArtemis3 is that guide I am doing going to fix it or am I doing something unneeded? ( I am a ubuntu nub who tends to do stuff until A) it works or B) I find some other guide that may work09:23
Artemis3gyre007, i think you could read about "rolling distros"09:23
Artemis3Nordom, can't tell if it will help you or not....09:24
BlazemoreLinux Mint Debian Edition is not too dissimilar to Ubuntu09:24
Artemis3Nordom, but i do know there is a problem with that asus pci chip09:24
Nordomcan u give me any advice about that command I posted 2 replies up09:24
gordonjcpgyre007: sounds like you want something like Arch Linux; it's usually shipping the most recent and broken versions of stuff09:24
Calinouand LMDE sucks.09:25
Nordomlast time I was in bios I was pretty sure there wasnt any legacy options ... but after I finish my guide I will look in bios09:25
Artemis3Nordom, try to turn off as many things as you can, just for testing, you could go back later to turn them back on one by one09:25
Artemis3Nordom, and try to find the pci latency option09:25
Nordomfor this command sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop  linux-image-`uname -r` libasound2; <--- do09:26
NordomI have to change 'uname' to my user name?09:26
bekksNordom: no.09:26
bekksType "uname -r" i a terminal and see what the output will be.09:26
Artemis3Nordom ; is used when you are typing more than 1 command, ie:    ls ; ls -l   its equivalent to &&09:26
bekksArtemis3: Wrong.09:27
Nordomit works but says unable to located linux-image-uname -r09:27
bekksNordom: Typ uname -r09:27
bekksAnd in the command above, you forgot the ` `09:27
Nordomwait wait wait I should type all these commands all at once into terminal!? I have been only doing one at a time09:28
bekksThen start with: uname -r09:28
Artemis3Nordom, you should copy and paste the whole thing :)09:28
Nordompaste doesnt work09:28
nibbler_Artemis3, && only executes the 2nd if the 1st returns true09:28
Nordomwell crl+v didnt09:28
Nordomis there a different way to copy paste into terminal09:28
nibbler_Nordom, mouse-mark and mouse-middleclick09:29
Blazemorelol choice09:29
Nordomty for the advice09:29
bekksOR just type it again, it isnt that hard :)09:29
NordomI got it to work09:29
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Nordomits now installing or something09:29
Nordomdidnt know there was so many ways to copy paste into terminal O.O09:30
Nordomty, I am going to restart and see if it worked09:30
BlazemoreOh. My. God09:30
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Blazemoreerm wrong channel09:31
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EaglemanIs there a monitoring program to monitor cpu/memory/temperature on a windows/linux machine with a centrilized interface?09:33
EaglemanWhich ones?09:34
bekksIt is called "Nagios".09:34
BlazemoreMillions, but Nagios is where it's at09:34
spoljoMunin could work too.09:34
paulus68_what is the right package for sun-java6 jdk09:37
angshow can I see what process consumes how much CPU and RAM?09:38
blackshirtangs, top09:38
angsblackshirt: thanks09:38
blackshirtthat was a powerfull classic tool09:39
baizonangs: gnome-system-monitor09:41
blackshirtread the top manual09:41
zetheroousing the ps command in the terminal ... how does one determine from the output columns whether or not the process is actually running?09:43
bekksAs long as there is a row containing the process, the process is running.09:43
boumais there a way to change the ubuntu font size without installing anything09:43
boumathis is for a laptop without network09:43
boumawhy would gnome 3 remove the ability to change fonts ?09:44
rightonhey guys, im running ubuntu 11.04, when i try to use apt-get and tries to fetch th epackages, it gives me "404 file not found" error, how can i fix this?09:44
bekksrighton: By choosing another mirror and/or running apt-get update09:44
blackshirtrighton, check your sources.list that used to fetch packages09:45
zetheroobekks: so if the process is suspended it will not show up at all with the ps command?09:45
bekkszetheroo: A suspended process is actually running, but doing nothing.09:45
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gyre007I thought when I run apt-get purge remove pkg it should remove any traces of the package09:45
gyre007that doesn't seem to be the case though :(09:46
zetherooso is the rsync command in this output running or suspended? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204407/09:46
bekksgyre007: It does.09:46
bekksgyre007: It doesnt touch user configs as well.09:46
gyre007i installed system ruby....did purge remove...09:46
gyre007the ran updatedb09:46
gyre007and then locate ruby09:46
gyre007and it found crazy lots of dirs09:46
gyre007with ruby in it09:46
FloodBot1gyre007: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:46
bekkszetheroo: Too less information to answer your question.09:47
gyre007so bekks it doesnt look like it does09:47
zetheroobekks: you mean, too little information?09:47
bekksgyre007: Did you uninstall/purge every package that was installed? Installing ruby installs more than one package.09:47
rightonalright thanks bekks09:47
bekkszetheroo: Yes.09:48
zetheroobekks: so then how does one know whether a process is running in Linux?09:48
blackshirtuse ps/top09:48
zetheroobekks: I was told that this command 'ps' would show the required info?09:48
bekkszetheroo: It is running when ps returns at least one column.09:48
The_JoshWell, I am installing gnome3, After completing download, it is asking me gdm or lightdm09:48
gyre007bekks, that might be it...I thought it would uninstall deps too09:48
The_Joshwhich one should I choose?09:48
bekksgyre007: It doesnt.09:48
lngHi! For some reason, I there's no netperf package on our server (Ubuntu 11.10), but it's present on my local machine, how can I add it?09:49
gyre007ah darn...09:49
crizisThe_Josh, lightdm is ubuntus default login manager, gdm is gnome's own one09:49
gyre007is there any way how to clean this up now ? :)09:49
The_Joshcrizis, I see.09:49
The_Joshcrizis, Can we change it later?09:49
something1112just upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 and now DVD playback is low quality (tried playing a Futurama DVD) - but libdvdcss is installed - help!?09:49
crizisThe_Josh, you can later on change this with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' if you choose gdm and don't like it09:49
gyre007bekks,  dpkg -l | grep ruby i guess :)09:50
crizisi'm sticking to lightdm since it looks nicer ;)09:50
zetherooblackshirt: 'top' shows :  10001 root      20   0 75992  24m  408 S  27.2  0.6   3:51.74 rsync09:50
zetheroo 9971 root      20   0 48880  19m  876 S   1.9  0.5   0:13.82 rsync09:50
The_Joshcrizis, It does?09:50
The_Joshcrizis, Is it only related to login manager?09:50
crizisyes, only09:50
The_JoshThen any would do09:50
bekksgyre007: Wrong. Use: apt-get autoremove09:50
criziswhen using unity at least, lightdm shows your own desktop background in login window too09:50
zetherooblackshirt: does this mean rsync is running?09:50
criziswhich is nice09:51
gyre007bekks, brilliant!09:51
The_JoshBut then after entering password, the screen turns black09:51
blackshirtzetheroo, i think yes09:51
The_JoshThats bad09:51
bekkszetheroo: You have two processes of "rsync" running. No one can tell you what they are actually doing atm.09:51
The_Joshinstead it should keep the background and just bring the launcher09:51
The_Josh(Just my personal idea)09:51
zetherooblackshirt: ok09:51
gyre007bekks, libruby1.9.1 doesn't get autoremoved but i guess its being used by something else09:51
bekksgyre007: Thats why it isnt autoremoved.09:52
zetheroobekks: I dunno why there would be two ... there should be one ... oh well .. :P09:52
blackshirtzetheroo, okey, and then what is the problems?09:52
bekkszetheroo: ps -ef | grep rsync | wc -l09:52
bekkszetheroo: There are two.09:52
The_JoshWhat is command to check gnome's version?09:52
nixuHi, so umm I was kinda wondering... Does 10.04.4 have rlt 8188ce/8192ce drivers? ok thanks09:52
something1112tried playing a Futurama DVD after upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 but quality is bad - help?09:53
something1112libdvdcss is installed...09:53
zetheroobekks: that command outputs "4" ... what is that about?09:53
nixusomething1112 why would you even upgrade?09:53
zetherooblackshirt: just was trying to determine whether or not rsync was actually running ;)09:54
bekkszetheroo: Then take a look at: ps -ef | grep rsync09:54
something1112nixu: curiosity, a sense of adventure, madness... take your pick09:54
zetheroobekks: the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204437/09:55
nixu!rlt 8188ce09:55
something1112the quality was fine in ubuntu 10.04, so don't know why the upgrade broke it09:55
nixu!realtek 8188ce09:55
bekkszetheroo: That output is pretty clear :) Three processes were launched for your rsync... command, and one is the "grep" you issued :)09:56
bekkszetheroo: And yes, thats normal.09:56
something1112oh - I am using GeForce 8600M GT, and have package "NVidia binary X.Org driver ('current' driver)" installed from Ubuntu Software Centre09:57
zetheroobekks: ok cool ... thanks!09:57
nixuguys... so Realtek 8188ce is unsupported?09:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:58
bekks!hcl | nixu09:58
ubottunixu: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:58
something1112has anyone else had issues with dvd playback quality in ubuntu 12 using nvidia?09:59
bekkssomething1112: Me didnt.09:59
gyre007i added a PPA repo to the list of repos...it was added to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ just fine but when I run apt-get update im not seeing it in the output09:59
nixu... sweet apple pie10:00
bekkssomething1112: And it is 12.04, not just 12, because there will be a 12.10 too.10:00
something1112bekks: hmm weird10:00
blackshirtare you sure format it in .list?10:00
The_JoshWell, I have C: D: E: partitions with data on D and E currently I am running ubuntu with wubi, but is there anyway I can format part of D: or E: drive without loosing my data and install ubuntu on it10:00
something1112bekks: which packages did you install for dvd playback?10:00
The_Josh(of course ext4 file system format)10:01
fidelgyre007: what do you mean in detail with: you dont see it in output?10:01
bekksThe_Josh: No.10:01
nixuthanks bekks :(10:01
The_Joshbekks, Thats the reason I am using wubi10:01
The_Joshbut sadly, Ubuntu is terribly slow on wubi :[10:01
fidelGregoryFenton: are you able to find the supposed package now using apt-cache search or similar?10:01
blackshirtthe_josh, if you format it, you will lost your data, you should backup them10:02
gyre007fidel, well when I add PPA repo, I think I should see its URL in the output ?10:02
nixuSo I'll have to migrate to linux mint :(10:02
blackshirtBefore format10:02
blackshirtThat was recommended way10:02
gyre007or is it only http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main what I shouold see ?10:02
The_Joshblackshirt, Can't back up over 100 Gigs of data :[10:02
fidelin the output of what in particular?10:02
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The_Joshblackshirt, The partition is of 400 Gigs10:02
The_JoshSo If I was able to format only 100 Gigs from it for ubuntu it would be awesome10:02
GregoryFentonhi fidel, mistype?10:02
fidelGregoryFenton: yep sorry ;)10:03
bekksnixu: Why dont you use 12.04 instead of 10.04?10:03
blackshirtthe_josh, you can do some resize on your partition, and make partiton on empty space10:03
bekksnixu: Use a 12.04 livecd to check wether your hardware is supported.10:03
gyre007fidel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204454/10:03
gyre007see the URL there and the output ofapt-get update10:03
The_JoshSo slow :[10:03
The_JoshAnybody else suffering ubuntu terribly slow on wubi ?10:04
jalexandruhow can I check the eth transfer speed? Thanks10:04
nixubekks: gnome2 fanboy here10:04
bekksjalexandru: ethtool eth0 e.g.10:04
gyre007maybe its not being included i guess10:04
nixubekks: unity is worse than metro...10:05
blackshirtthe_josh, you can do some resize on your partition, and make partition on empty space10:05
something1112if anyone's interested, i found http://www.noobslab.com/2011/09/nvidia-drivers-for-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html - am now trying this, since maybe my nvidia drivers need to be updated... *crosses fingers*10:06
nixuis there any ubuntu april 2010 kernel port to 3.2.6?10:07
bekksnixu: ?10:07
jalexandruthanks bekks for your time, but I was looking for something to show in real time transfer rate made by users the system is slow and has no load so or wa so I'm thinking that nfs is slow ... any ideea what tool will show me the transfer rate for nfs paks?10:07
blackshirtthe_josh, maybe better you install ubuntu on dedicated partitions10:07
somsipbekks: does 10.04 have a PPA for 3.2.6 I think :)10:08
bekksjalexandru: iftop10:08
NordomI tried my guide didnt work10:08
nixuIs there any backport of 10.04 to linux 3.2.6 ?10:08
nixu^ bekks10:08
jalexandruthat's the one thanks bekks: how could I forget about it??? was trying iotop :)) cheers10:08
NordomI have a ALC892 audio ?driver? anyways my audio is still coppy any one have suggestions10:08
bekksnixu: No, there is no backport of 10.04 - maybe there is a PPA for a 3.2.6 kernel for 10.0410:09
The_JoshWell, I installed Gnome 310:09
nixu3.x.x works too I guess10:09
The_JoshBut, I see old gnome :\10:09
lionrougeUbuntu 12.04 freezes at boot. Nomodeset, text don't help10:09
The_JoshI don't see all the flashy stuff :\10:09
bekksnixu: Then try the mainline kernel ppa10:09
The_JoshYes I have chosen gnome at login screen10:09
somsipnixu: Lots of links suggest this PPA for 11.10 but none for 10.04 https://launchpad.net/~francisbrwn9/+archive/kernels10:11
nixubekks: none for 10.04... and I can't compile linux without internet10:11
genoobieI am stuck10:11
nixusomsip, I saw that, thanks10:11
Blazemoregenoobie: Stuck doing what?10:11
genoobieI am running l-ubuntu but for some reason all I get is (initramfs)10:11
genoobiemy computer won't boot...:(10:11
BlazemoreI like this channel, people ask for help and don't get shouted at like in ##linux10:11
genoobieBlazemore, thanks for being patient10:11
genoobieI'm a newb so I don't know how to fix this...10:12
Blazemoregenoobie: What happens if you choose a different option from the boot menu, perhaps an older kernel10:12
Blazemoregenoobie: And did you only just install?10:12
genoobiewell there's a recover mode10:12
Nordompavucontrol says GF110 high definition audio controller. Is this an audio controller provided by ubuntu or is it related to my hardware and installed itself?10:12
angsis there any keyboard program on ubuntu that I can type by mouse clicks?10:12
genoobieBlazemore, there are no older kernel options unfortunately10:12
nixugenoobie: have you formatted a swap partition?10:12
lionrougeIs it possible to boot with ubuntu livecd, chroot and fix some stuff?10:12
Blazemoreangs: yes, search for "ease of access centre" and enable the on-screen keyboard10:12
genoobielionrouge, I haven't tried this10:12
blackshirtangs, you mean onscreen keyboard?10:12
genoobienixu, not to my knowledge10:13
nixulionrouge: "fix some stuff" I don't know if they have that package.10:13
genoobieBlazemor, when I "exit" from (initramfs) it says Kernel panic - not syncing10:13
angsblazemore, blackshirt: Thank you10:13
genoobieattempted to kill init10:13
genoobieetc etc.10:13
nixulionrouge: but yeah you can mount anything with the perms you wish, from livecd.10:14
genoobieand the caps lock key flashes...10:14
Blazemoregenoobie: Is it a fresh install? Has it ever worked?10:14
genoobieBlazemore, yes it has10:14
genoobiefor about 1 year10:14
BlazemoreOh, wow. OK10:14
genoobiewell maybe 6 months10:14
blackshirtgenoibie, you should check your kernel, disk partition order, update-initramfs10:14
BlazemoreI'm sorry then, I don't have a clue. The only thing I can think is that there's some kind of hardware change that's occured. Try seeing if you can boot into recovery mode10:15
crimsonmanegenoobie: laptop? flashing caps lock key indicates probably a battery problem. try removing the battery then booting using just the power cable.10:15
genoobieblackshirt, can I do all this from the (initramfs)10:15
genoobieBlazemore, cannot boot into "recovery mode"10:15
blackshirtgenoobie, i don't think so10:15
nixugenoobie: live cd, maybe?10:15
nixugenoobie: or network boot?10:16
genoobieof course that's my next step and try and recover important data10:16
genoobie(not losing much of significance10:16
blackshirtgenoobie, check your cable etc .... Have you change your disk?10:16
genoobieoh, wait a minute there are older linux versions10:16
genoobieshould I just try booting to one previous?10:17
genoobiemeh, seems to be the same result...10:17
genoobiewell that eliminates that problem...10:17
genoobiecrap, well I have to go, it just keeps booting to "BusyBox"10:18
zweigousefenHello, something strange happens with my AMD drivers on ubuntu 12.04. When I have both xserver-xorg-video-radeon and xserver-xorg-video-ati, the game works fine (http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347617057.png), but when I remove the xserver-xorg-video-ati package, I get this : http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347617070.png. Other GL video games run fine (a little bit slower, but everything is pr10:18
zweigousefenoperly displayed). Is that normal ? Isn't xserver-xorg-video-ati supposed to be just a wrappert that loads the radeon driver ?10:18
genoobieI don't think I can fix this from there...10:18
blackshirtfor some change, maybe causing troubles10:18
blackshirtthat could mean, your kernel can't be load, or maybe your partition not handle correctly,10:19
blackshirtAnd soon10:19
nixuAre ubuntu derivations supported here?10:19
FernestCan anyone give me a hint how to write an alias for the shell?  I try to use several commands, while the first one should take the argument, which is given after the alias:     An example would be "lsd" as an alias for "cd mydirectory ls" and it shoult be able to call it with: "lsd mydirectory".10:19
somsipFernest: alias lsd="cd /home/fernest; ls;", and add this to ~/.bash_aliases10:20
genoobieokay tx all10:20
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blackshirthello dubey10:20
Fernestsomsip: the directory part should be dynamic.10:20
somsipFernest: then you need a bash function so you can 'lsd mydirectory'.10:20
Fernestsomsip: so aliases can not be used for such things?10:21
dubeyi am trying to restrict sudo permissions on per user wise and made this entry in /etc/sudoer file " user xx.xx.xxx.xxx.org=(root)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/less,/usr/bin/tail,/bin/ls "10:21
drupindoes the OS installed in USB freeze or crash...10:21
Fernestsomsip: thank you! You saved me much time :-)10:21
somsipFernest: aliases dont accept parameters so you'll need to wrap them in a function10:21
dubeywhen i tried to do " sudo tail -f /var/log/xyz/xxx.log " it says "  [sudo] password for user:"10:22
smjwhat is TERM environment variable, and why do they recommend xterm-256color for enabling the 256 colors?10:23
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smjif I want to use Konsole, connect to a server with SSH, and resume a Screen session, should I use konsole-256color or screen-256color?10:25
The_JoshI installed gnome 3 and gnome shell in ubuntu 12.0410:25
The_JoshBut selecting Gnome I end up in gnome classic somehow10:25
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zalgorhi. i have a 12.04 nfsserver. Using automount on other clients works fine, but using automount on the server itself fails (with nobind=0, nosymlink=0). Somehow autofs does not try to use -bind ( what is the expected behaviour for me). Any ideas?10:28
The_Joshnixu, Would be glad if you directly help10:28
nixu The_Josh: with what?10:29
The_Joshnixu, How I ended up with gnome classic :[10:30
nixuThe_Josh, so you want the new shiny gnome3 interface?10:30
The_JoshI want to try it10:30
The_JoshI just installed it and gnome shell too of course10:30
nixuThe_Josh: You get gnome classic when your graphics card can't handle gnome3, or they're disabled10:30
The_JoshBut selecting gnome on log in screen ends up with gnome classic10:30
aum__how can i change my splash screen , i failed to install super-boot-manager / plymouth-manager , is there any easy artical to follow i am using 12.0410:31
The_Joshnixu, My graphics card has shader model 5.0 and supports Direct X 11 (I know Direct X has no where to be found around linux)10:31
The_Joshbut just telling you that Its kind of "good" graphic card10:31
nixuThe_Josh: But do you have it set up?10:31
The_Joshnixu, Well, Don't know, really, I don't see anything in Additional hardware panel10:32
nixuThe_Josh: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/hardware/C/jockey.html10:32
The_JoshIn fact, I don't even see Additional Hardware in this gnome classic anywhere :[10:32
nixuThe_Josh: what is your graphics card name?10:33
dubeyanyone ?10:33
Artemis3The_Josh, alt f2  and type jockey-gtk10:33
The_Joshnixu, Nvidia GeForce 520 GT10:34
The_JoshI know not too cool10:34
The_JoshBut I am sure its fine for current requirements10:34
FernestThe_josh: I have a GeForce 460 and Gnome Shell works fine.10:36
rose7676help for ubuntu 12.10 beta ?10:36
fidelrose7676: #ubuntu+110:36
FernestThe_josh: I could solve it with something like this: Instal the drivers from nvidia, purge gnome shell and ALL extensions. Reinstal Gnome Shell.10:36
Fernestwith that it worked for me10:36
fidelrose7676: whatever you mean by '10x' - ask 12.10 related questions in #ubuntu+1 ;)10:37
Artemis3!nvidia | The_Josh10:37
ubottuThe_Josh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:37
The_JoshOk thanks10:37
The_JoshFernest, FYI 460 Is far better than 520 :]10:38
Artemis3yes, nvidia models are tricy, second number matters more :)10:38
FernestThe_Josh: lolwtf... what a concept O_o10:38
FernestThe_Josh: sorry on that. Thought the higher numbers are better -.-10:39
The_JoshFernest, Well, It is newer card than yours, but its entry level GPU in 500 Series while yours is The best one in 400 series :]10:39
FernestNice to know. Now I like my computer even better :-D10:40
Fernestbut nevertheless: Try to use Nvidia drivers and purge gnome shell and reinstall it10:41
FernestI don't think that gnome shell is so hardware-demanding so it is a question of drivers10:41
Krambiorixhi i have a very large file www-data in /var/mail   . Can i just delete it?10:42
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dav_hi, i tried to upgrade to 12.10 beta but upgrading is not finished. Now I can't install updates and system works not fine. Some suggestion, please?10:42
Blazemore|Worksudo apt-get -f install10:42
GregoryFentonHi all. Anyone know of a free (as in beer) alternative to landscape canonical for my servers?10:42
Blazemore|WorkGregoryFenton: Puppet10:42
FernestThe_Josh: but a warning for the Nvidia drivers, although they help much: it will be a bit tricky to use Nvidia drivers + adobe flash (you will end up with blue-faces on youtube OR a very instable flash player which crashes every tenths time)10:43
dav_i tried -f install but nothing10:43
Blazemore|Work"but nothing" - what are you expecting to happen on your system? and what is actually happened?10:44
GregoryFentonBlazemore|Work, thanks, looking into it now :)10:44
Blazemore|WorkIn short, what is wrong?10:44
Blazemore|WorkIs there an ubuntu offtopic chat?10:45
blackshirti think yes10:45
dav_ I can't install updates10:45
Fernestcould somebody recommend a goot terminal to me? Or are there good extensions of gnome-terminal?  I've seen terminals which showed something like "the last 12 commands" in a panel, which could be clicked or started with the F1-F12 keys.10:45
Blazemore|Workdav_: How do you know you can't install updates, if you aren't getting an error message?10:45
Blazemore|WorkFernest: I really like Terminator10:46
EaglemanIs there a monitoring program to monitor cpu/memory/temperature on a windows/linux machine with a centrilized interface and a nice looking dashboard to watch all servers?10:46
Blazemore|WorkFernest: Konsole is good too, but it's a KDE application10:46
Blazemore|WorkEagleman: Yes, nagios10:46
Blazemore|WorkYou are actually the third person to ask that in about half an hour10:46
lionrougeTell me please if 33MB is enough for /boot for 12.04?10:46
The_JoshOh man where is additional drivers :[10:46
The_JoshCan't we run it with Alt+F210:46
aum__i failed to install super-boot-manager / plymouth-manager , is there any easy artical to follow i am using 12.0410:46
The_JoshI can't find it anywhere in Gnome Classic10:47
blackshirtlionrouge, why just 33 mb?10:47
Blazemore|Workaum__: What did you try to do?10:47
FernestBlazemore|Work: Do those support a list of last commands and hotkeys for those?10:47
lionrougeI have gentoo on this drive10:47
User_I am attempting to find drivers for my wireless card on my Asus Maximus V Formula motherboard.... I've googled with no success. Any one have any ideas?10:47
aum__Blazemore|Work, i want to change my boot splash logo.10:48
Blazemore|WorkFernest: Well, bash has the "history" command built in10:48
blackshirtlionrouge, some on ubuntu default, with one kernel, 33 mb was enough for your /boot...10:48
The_JoshFernest Aristide There we go10:48
The_JoshIt wasn't activated for some reasons10:48
dav_simple, program quit without terminates work10:48
nixuDaZ was here?10:48
lionrougeblackshirt,, thanks10:49
nixuthe real DaZ?10:49
EaglemanNagious looks like windows 9510:49
blackshirtLionrouge, you should check and recheck it, and ensure your kernel,initrd images and other related stuff will fit on your 33 mb /boot partition10:49
Blazemore|Workdav_: So what happens when you run "sudo apt-get -f install" - can you put the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com10:49
The_JoshAristide, Now as I am activating the 3D accelerator, will gnome 3 work  automatically next I restart?10:50
AristideThe_Josh, Sorry I don't know10:50
blackshirtlionrouge, one kernel image on ubuntu was about 24 mb in size... You should sure ... 33mb would not fit to install second kernel10:51
dav_Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code10:51
FernestBlazemore|Work: I like a visual representation of the last commands. Are those featured in your suggestions?10:51
Blazemore|WorkFernest: Yes, you type "history" and press Enter10:51
bekksdav_: Please pastebin the complete output.10:51
Blazemore|WorkThen you type !n where n is the number of the command10:51
Blazemore|Worklionrouge: Is there a reason you want a separate /boot partition at all?10:52
aum__Blazemore|Work, i tried to add the ppa , its added in the list ,but when i do update its giving W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mefrio-g/plymouthmanager/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found10:52
blackshirtdav_, you should describe more completely10:52
FernestBlazemore|Work: mhh. no. I mean something like this: "The last xy (unique) commands are always listed in a side panel. F1-F12 can be pressed to launch those commands"10:53
blackshirtaum_, check the ppa.. I think that was not on there10:53
Blazemore|Workaum__: You need to replace "precise" with "oneiric" in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mefrio-g (or similar)10:53
moothecowcan I have the auto update process send a test mail? Configured heirloom mailx for it, can send mail from cli fine10:55
somsipFernest: best I could suggest is 'alias h='history | tail -n 12', then map F1-12 as "!-1", "!-2", "!-3"...etc10:55
somsipFernest: so you 'h' to see your last 12 commands, then Fn to re-run it10:56
dav_blackshirt I try: I have upgraded to 12.10 beta with kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade but during the process the program had quit to run. Now i have about 2 Gb of updates but i can't install.10:56
Fernestsomsip: cool tip! I'll try it out!10:56
Blazemore|Workdav_: sudo apt-get -f install10:56
Blazemore|Workdav_: Stop ignoring me. run sudo apt-get -f install and paste the output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and I WILL be able to help you10:57
blackshirtdav_, what the program cauesd first?10:57
Blazemore|WorkThat's the third time I've said that10:57
Blazemore|WorkWhat exactly do you want? a "make everything better" command? Help us help you.10:57
dav_blaze, ok10:57
Blazemore|WorkI need a coffee, sorry. Brb10:57
unlessToday I upgrade my system and after that when I boot it keeps waiting for network configuration at start-up, then I have no network. When I try to open the Network at System Preferences it says the system network services are not compatible with this version, and I only see network proxy as service option. Could someone help me to solve it  please?10:58
GunClivewhere can i look at the size of the packages of ubuntu? thanks guys.10:58
XiaolinDraconisi would like a make everything better button10:59
blackshirtgunlive, apt ptovided it11:00
dav_blaze, done (italian output)11:00
aum__Blazemore|Work,  thanks let me check by rebooting ...11:01
Fernestsomsip: In which file would I add those hotkeys? .bashrc?11:01
unlessHave it ever existed a Ubuntu release 9 ?11:01
dubeynot able to understand why asking for password even after making this entry in sudoer file : "user hostname = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/less,/usr/bin/tail,/bin/ls11:01
unlessI am looking at the Ubuntu repository and I think it jumped from version 8.04.4 to 10.0411:02
unlessSo we never have a 9 release ?11:02
Blazemore|Workdav_: Italian is fine, could you paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com11:02
Blazemore|WorkAnd give me the URL in this channel so I can see exactly what the errors are11:02
Blazemore|WorkYou'll learn a bit about dpkg, and I'll learn a bit of Italian, so that's nice11:03
dav_i pasted it11:03
Blazemore|WorkWhat is the URL?11:03
bekksunless: We had, but that is outdated meanwhile. Only 10.04 LTS is still supported. 9.x isnt.11:03
bekksdav_: Well, you have to share the URL. We cant guess it :)11:04
Blazemore|WorkThanks dav_ I'm looking now11:04
Blazemore|Workdav_: Do you need Skype?11:05
Blazemore|WorkBecause that's trying to remove Skype11:05
Blazemore|Workdav_: Try this: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -f install11:06
blackshirti think not a wise doing apt-get clean11:06
dav_you mean i have to remove skype?11:06
GunCliveapt-cache says that xubuntu-desktop has a size of 3596. is this kb or mb?11:06
unlessbekks, do you thing I still can find it?11:07
Blazemore|Workdav_: You don't have to remove Skype, but whatever you were doing was also removing Skype11:07
blackshirtThat would clean downloaded packages from apt cache11:07
bekksunless: No. Why would you need it?11:07
Blazemore|Workblackshirt: Yes, there might be a problem with a specific package11:07
unlessbekks, I need it to run a VM for MITCH.11:07
blackshirtgunclive, i think byte11:08
bekksunless: Whatever that might be. If it still needs 9.x packages, it is hopelessly outdated.11:08
blackshirtgunvlive, look with some graphical tool11:08
unlessbekks, I found a list of available releases at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/ but they have release 8 but not 9.11:08
dav_same error message11:08
bekksunless: Because 9.x isnt supported anymore at all.11:08
Blazemore|Workdav_: I actually have never seen that error message before, but I'm using Google Translate11:08
Blazemore|Workdav_: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:09
FernestI can't find some tutorial on how to add shortcuts for the terminal11:09
unlessbekks, I wonder because I never saw release 9. And how come they still show 8 if and not 9?11:09
Fernestand I don't get where to add those shortcuts. Is it part of the .bashrc? or part of the gnome-terminal program or part of the ubuntu hotkeys?11:09
bekksunless: 8.04 is an LTS release, 9.x want.11:09
dav_blaze, same message even with last command11:10
unlessbekks, what is an LTS release?11:10
gordonjcp!lts | unless11:10
ubottuunless: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)11:10
GunCliveblackshirt, synaptic also tells me something about 50kb. kubuntu-desktop as well. so this wont help11:11
unlessMmmm, ok. But if I insist, where would I find relesase 9?11:11
bekksunless: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Table_of_versions11:11
GunClivewhats the size of xubuntu-desktop?11:11
bekksunless: Hopefully, it is purged from all mirrors meanwhile.11:12
dav_i have forgotten... i have a message about incomplete upgrading and if i want to complete it but when i choose yes  i have an error11:12
unlessbekks, lol, I found it at a old-releases directory.11:15
unlessbekks, why do you hate it so much?11:15
Blazemore|Workdav_: I'm really sorry but I can't help any further11:15
dav_i'll try again, thanks for your help however11:16
bekksunless: I do not hate it. It is outdated from the point of its age and from the point of security updates.11:16
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dav_and have a nice day11:16
unlessbekks, oh, ok.11:16
bekksunless: So unless you know how to handle those issues, do not use it.11:17
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unlessWell, guys I got this Ubuntu screwed after a upgrade. The network got totally mess out and I simple cannot use Ethernet anymore. Coudl someone show me an advice about how to proceed in such a situation please?11:17
unlessbekks, yes, I got the spirit.11:18
blackshirtunless, what is your lan card?11:18
unlessblackshirt, not sure, hold a sec please, let me try figure it.11:18
chaterzsomeone here know the command xsetroot please?11:25
moothecowcan I have the auto update process send a test mail? Configured heirloom mailx for it, can send mail from cli fine11:26
unlessblackshirt, man, how can I figure it?11:28
funky1hi all:) i have installed an app via git, how do i update to the latest version of that app via git?11:30
crizisgit pull11:30
funky1and do i need to compile and reinstall again as well or will the git be sufficient?11:31
funky1sorry for n00b question11:31
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crizisofc you'll need to recompile11:31
funky1ok thought so, just wanted to make sure but i don't need to remove old version fisrt?11:32
unlessHow do I figure what lan card my computer have?11:32
bekksunless: lspci11:32
traceeei need help11:37
unlessblackshirt, the result of lspci is at : https://gist.github.com/372143711:37
traceeei recently installed the latest version of ubuntu11:37
diverdudehow can i see how much diskspace i have left?11:37
traceeegoto disk info11:38
traceeeand i need help aswell11:38
diverdudea command11:38
traceeeHow do I fix my internet on ubuntu11:38
traceeeit says im connected11:38
traceeebut i have no connection11:38
blackshirttraceee, what the internet problem you have ?11:39
diverdudehow can i see how much diskspace i have left? (a command)11:40
blackshirtdiverdude, du / df11:40
blackshirthi dubey11:40
JoshYAY gnome 3 works11:41
Bishhttp://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=rr8txf&s=6 could someone explain that to me? both sdd and hdd are detected an accessible, as you can see in the bottom left11:41
bekksBish: Provide the output of sudo fdisk -l please11:41
dubeyblackshirt: i am using ubuntu 10.04. can't figure it out that why it is asking for password even after making this entry in sudoer file : " user  server = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/less,/usr/bin/tail -f,/bin/ls11:42
dubey "11:42
unlessblackshirt, have you seem my answer?11:44
Bishas i said, they are accessible and the ssd is even mounted right now, and yes i tried it unmounted11:45
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Bishየተለቀቀውን መግጠሚያ what a crazy language11:47
chaterzBish, whut is that ?11:47
Bishinstall xubuntu in some weird language11:48
Bishi opened the desktop file, to get the command11:48
chaterzu know the command xsetroot ?11:48
unlessCould someone help me please ?11:48
bekksunless: without asking a specific question - no.11:49
unlessbekks, I lost my machine network after a upgrade. What can I do to solve it?11:50
dubeyanyone ?11:50
bekksunless: Check which NIC you are actually using, using lspci.11:50
aum__Blazemore|Work, plymount installed fine , but it only shows on shutdown but not on boot up...11:51
unlessbekks, I have the lspci result at : https://gist.github.com/372143711:51
unlessbekks, can you find which one is it?11:52
bekksunless: lspci | grep -i ethernet :)11:52
mtrd`wHello! I've got a little problem while running ssh! Here is the output of "ssh -vX user@omega" : http://pastebin.com/8GHSka75 It seems to crash everytime, before i can enter my password, or after i'm logged, but it crashes rapidly everytime. Any ideas to fix that ?11:54
MrSassyPantsok, what's the equivalent to ctrl-alt-delete (starting the task manager, screw everything else) in unity?11:54
unlessbekks, then I think it is : Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 78)11:55
bekksunless: Correct.11:55
MrSassyPantsdoes unity even have an interface to kill dying processes?11:55
unlessbekks, then what I have to do ?11:56
bekksunless: PAstebin the output of "sudo ifconfig -a" please.11:56
unlessbekks, ok, just a sec please.11:57
randomDudeMrSassyPants: yes... it's called gnome-system-monitor11:57
MrSassyPantsrandomDude, and is there a keyboard shortcut that runs it reliably?11:58
moothecowunless: try ctrl+shift+esc i don't use desktop11:58
randomDudeMrSassyPants: create one in keyboard shortcut config11:59
unlessbekks, https://gist.github.com/372153111:59
moothecowMrSassyPants: ctrl+alt+f1, login, become root, kill whatever you want11:59
MrSassyPantsrandomDude, so there isn't one by default? :O11:59
randomDudeMrSassyPants: no but you can create one in the keyboard config gui11:59
moothecowMrSassyPants: tried ctrl+shift+esc that's the taskmanager shortcut for windows and works on several linux distro's I've used11:59
zekoZekohey everyone, i upgraded to QQ and noticed a bug with window switching that I would like to report but I don't know how to search if it's already been submitted. Could anyone help?12:00
yao_ziyuanhow do i undelete a file on an usb disk (fat)?12:00
bekksunless: You have the wrong IP configured on eth0. You have but it needs to be
bazhangzekoZeko, 12.10 is in #ubuntu+112:00
bekksunless: You have the wrong IP configured on eth0. You have but it needs to be
unlessmoothecow, what do you mean?12:00
MrSassyPantsmoothecow, ctrl-shift-esc does nothing12:00
zekoZekobazhang, thanks.12:00
moothecowunless: soz was for the sassy pants12:01
unlessbekks, ok, and how do I change it?12:01
usr13bekks: unless How did that happen?12:02
unlessbekks, when I go to Network painel it shows me only Proxy.12:02
bekksunless: It also shows you the possibility to set an IP address.12:02
unlessusr13, now sure, it happened after a upgrade12:02
bekksunless: manually configured wrong IP.12:02
usr13unless: Do you actually have a proxy server on your LAN?12:02
dn4why does xchat in ubuntu start changing random ass colors12:02
unlessusr13, no12:03
usr13bekks: Then just manually change it.12:03
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Brandon_Leehi free people12:03
bekksusr13: Tell it unless, not me :)12:03
unlessbekks, I can't change it.12:03
bekksWhy not?12:03
unlessWhen I open Network System Controls windows all I see is Proxy network.12:04
Brandon_Leehow do i registrate nickname?12:04
usr13unless: sudo ifconfig eth0
unlessThe Ethernet just disapiered.12:04
LjL!register | Brandon_Lee12:04
ubottuBrandon_Lee: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:04
usr13unless: Or you can ask the dhcp server for new info:  sudo dhclient eth012:04
unlessusr13, I do that and restart?12:05
usr13unless: no12:05
usr13unless: just do it.12:05
usr13unless: Test:  host av.com12:06
n1ckn4me09876543anybody know what the command line is to find out what version of RAR im using?12:06
dr_willisnormal commands take a --version option or -version or -help of --help12:06
moothecown1ckn4me09876543: dpkg -l *rar*12:07
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hipitihopanyone using zoneminder on 12.04 ?12:08
unlessusr13, when I try dhclient eth0 i got this : RTNETLINK: Operation not permitted12:10
dr_willisYou used sudo with that command unless ?12:10
unlessdr_willis, no. trying again12:11
usr13unless: Did you use  sudo  ?12:11
usr13unless: ask the dhcp server for new info:  sudo dhclient eth012:12
unlessOk, here we go : https://gist.github.com/372158912:15
unlessThe results.12:15
unlessusr13, I had forget the sudo :P12:15
shackletomwhat's the name of the program that monitors all unread messages from programs like thunderbird and pidgin in one system tray icon?12:17
Brandon_Leecan anyone tell me a good java help channel?12:19
layke_This is going to sound silly question.. I'm sure you get a lot of them anyway.. :) I just download and built a package. I downloaded it to /usr/src/package-name and then configured, and built it. I was kind of expecting it to install it self to /etc or something. But it's now acvilable from /usr/src/package-name/package-name12:19
unlessusr13, did you see the results?12:19
layke_Is that the norm? Or how things work?12:19
Brandon_Leeit's invite only12:19
codesciencejust realized that. sorry12:20
usr13unless: So, is it working ok now?12:20
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unlessusr13, not sure, let me check.12:23
usr13unless: If not, just use the network manager to re-connect to the wired network.  If that doesn't work, try:  sudo service networking restart12:24
unlessusr13, not ok. When I go to Network it shows me a message like : The system network services are not compatible with this version.12:25
usr13layke_: Why didn't you use the package manager?12:25
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usr13unless: You could also try this:  sudo ifconfig eth0;sudo route add default gw
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unlessusr13, sorry, I though it was ok because the Wired services came back and decided to reboot because it says the services are Unmmanaged but it all became what it was at first.12:34
unlessNow I did everything from beggin and the Wired is back at Network painel, but Unmmanaged.12:34
askeraskshi everyone12:35
cfhowlettaskerasks:  greetings12:35
askerasksHOW can i make different desktop run in tt612:36
askerasksHOW can i make different desktop run in tty612:36
layke_usr13, It didn't work originally using PPA. I've now tried the package manager and it worked this time. Perhaps I installed some dependencies that were originally missing.12:37
layke_usr13, Where do files that I install from a package manager go to? Compared to files I manually build?12:37
unlessusr13, no, same thing.12:37
askerasksikonia : hi12:38
askeraskssmartboy : hi12:38
Brandon_Leecan you help me find a program in terminal>12:39
Brandon_Leecan you help me find a program in terminal?12:39
Brandon_Leewith which command?12:39
Brandon_Leeor to be precise the folder of it12:39
dr_willisand the command is?12:39
dr_willisprogram is?12:39
dr_willis'locate patternname' is a good way to find things.12:40
savrthis is crazy. I was on 12.04 on a sandy bridge laptop and I would only get 2 hours battery. now I upgraded to 12.10 and I am getting over 4.12:40
savryeah flipping wow12:41
Dellion12.10 isn't a beta?12:41
Brandon_LeeI made a distribution upgrade yesterday but it shows me that I am with 12.0412:41
cfhowlettDellion: it is beta - not released until next month12:41
savrI have been running kernel 3.5.3 for awhile12:41
cfhowlettBrandon_Lee: 12.04 is the latest release.12:41
savrbut it didn't make as much as an improvement as 12.1012:41
savrI really like the refinements 12.10 brings12:42
savra lot less buggy12:42
Dellionjust wait ubuntu mobile :D12:42
ThinkT510savr: 12.10 talk in #ubuntu+1 please12:42
savrI really want an ARM Android/ubuntu 15" tablet convertible12:42
Dellion15"? XD12:43
Dellionso big12:43
unlessusr13, ?12:44
Brandon_Leeyeah I saw this!12:45
Brandon_Leelooks very nice12:45
dr_willisIlll  belive in them when i see them in the stores. ;P12:45
Dellionbut double core needed12:46
Brandon_Leeit's bad that in Bulgaria no one distributes such things12:46
Brandon_Leeit's only apple and microsoft12:46
Brandon_LeeI am very pleased by ubuntu on my old asus lapi :)12:46
Brandon_Leeit's dual core 1.73 ghz , 2 gb ram, video shares from ram 256 mb 160 gb hdd12:47
Brandon_Leeand it's very nice12:47
Brandon_Leehope that 12.10 is more optimized12:48
savrhmmm lets check this out12:48
Brandon_Leeno normal hdd12:48
Dellionso damn12:48
Brandon_Leebut i don't have driver for my ATI express X1100 video12:48
Dellionwill be perfect with one12:48
Brandon_Leei don't know if it's nesesarry?12:49
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arunkumar413which is the simple and best tool to trim audio for ubuntu12:49
ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: what is the output of: lsmod12:49
fidelarunkumar413: there is no best. i do use audacity12:49
gyre007im running Ubuntu 12.04....installed mysql....when im trying to start it im getting: start: Job failed to start ....there is no sign of the reason in /var/log/mysql.log or .err UHH12:50
Dellioni use vlc for all :>12:50
arunkumar413fidel, but audacity is very heavy. I guess12:50
fidelarunkumar413: well happy guessing then ;)12:50
fideli dont see how the trim section of it is heavy at all ;)12:50
Brandon_LeeThinkT510, it's very long output12:51
arunkumar413fidel, i want a light weight app only for cutting mp3 files12:51
ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: pastebin it12:51
bekksarunkumar413: cutting or trimming?12:51
ThinkT510!paste | Brandon_Lee12:51
ubottuBrandon_Lee: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:51
Brandon_Leeto make it to bin file and paste it here?12:51
arunkumar413bekks, cutting12:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:54
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Brandon_Leei think this is what i had to do?12:55
Brandon_LeeThinkT510, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204687/12:55
biiferHi. I have a "sftponly" user that is able to log on to a server and access a home folder. /home/sftpuser/test for example, this is done with chroot so that the user is unable to access the rest of the system. But now i want this user to also be able to access the "/media/D/" and the "/media/E/" folders. I'am trying to do this with the "mount --bind" command but I cant really make it work. Suggestions?12:55
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ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: there you go, you are using the open source radeon driver12:55
Brandon_Leeaha thanks ThinkT510  :)12:56
DellionHey, it's possible to chroot a thing on a PC, to another PC ? :D12:57
dr_willisDellion:  chroot into a network nfs share you mean?12:57
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:58
DellionThing like that yeah12:58
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dr_willistry it and see i guess.. ;)12:58
gyre007ah I see12:58
gyre007it's apparmor which is preventing mysql from starting12:58
Dellionchroot an apache on a server to an arm mobile :d12:58
gyre007but why aaaah12:58
dr_willisi would think there would be some security 'issues' with doing chroots that way12:59
gyre007darn...might as well just disable apparmor on mysql12:59
DellionNo matter :d12:59
Jellyg00seack, I accidentally ctrl+c'd during a sudo apt-get install <something> at the stage of building dependency tree and now /var/lib/dpkg/lock is open, how can I manually close it? I'd normally log out or reboot but I've got some processes going on, I tried killing the apt-get process id within ps but no joy12:59
ThinkT510!fixapt | Jellyg00se12:59
ubottuJellyg00se: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:59
dragonslayJellyg00se: dpkg -a reconfigure13:00
UbUserhi all! Ubuntu 12.04 and virsh... i have this error when starting e VM:  internal error cannot load AppArmor profile13:00
UbUsersomeone Know how to fix?13:00
Brandon_Leei am very happy because of this channel! :)13:00
unlesscould someone help me please?13:01
Jellyg00seubottu, dragonslay, thank you very much gents :)13:01
ubottuJellyg00se: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:01
Brandon_LeeI love the open source community13:01
Jellyg00seor ThinkT510 ;)13:01
appi_uppihi i'm using rsync with the options 'rsync', '-aPv', '-e', "ssh -oNoneSwitch=yes -oNoneEnabled=yes" top copy files13:02
appi_uppibut it copies the file even if it is present there13:02
appi_uppihow can i get rid of this13:02
bekksappi_uppi: It copies the file as long as it differs.13:03
unlessbekks, did you quit helpping me?13:03
appi_uppibekks: i'm calling it in a python script.. but still the files are copied again and again even it is present13:03
usr13unless:  to re-connect to the wired network,  try:  sudo service networking restart13:03
Brandon_LeeI have one very old PC13:04
usr13unless: You could also try this:  sudo ifconfig eth0;sudo route add default gw
bekksunless: others already told you what to do :)13:04
ElesaHi, I have a serious problem, I get a message saying that mounting /proc/bus/usb failed at boot time, and then it asks me to either press S to Skip or M to do it manually, I pressed a key to remove the splash screen and look at the boot messages and it looped, so I pressed S to skip, and now I can't login because the /home directory is empty, even with checking with sudo ls /home in tty1..13:04
dr_willisi dont even rember unless 's original issue13:04
Brandon_Lee1 GHZ celeron, with 384 mb ram, 20GB hdd and 64 mb video can u tell me which distribution to use on it for home need like internet, chat, playing videos and music13:05
Brandon_Leemaybe for some server work?13:05
ThinkT510dr_willis: his wired network stopped working after an upgrade13:05
DellionMaybe Lubuntu or Xubuntu13:05
ThinkT510!lubuntu | Brandon_Lee13:05
ubottuBrandon_Lee: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:05
ElesaBrandon_Lee: I'd say Lubuntu. It's lightweight and fast.13:06
cfhowlettBrandon_Lee: definitely consider xubuntu or lubuntu - lightweight and meant for lower spec devices.13:06
dr_willisBrandon_Lee:  the lightest ubuntu variant would be 'lubuntu'  but with that low end a box. even that may be too much. some of the PuppyLinux variants may be needed. some of those are focused on VERY low end machines13:06
Brandon_Leei don't wanna throw it away i love the old machine13:06
dr_willisBrandon_Lee:  your ram will be your biggest bottleneck.13:06
ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: 384mb or ram is not good13:06
=== kn4ve is now known as knave
usr13unless: If you find that you have a proper network connection but are unable to resolve domain names, edit /etc/resolv.conf so that you have only one nameserver line that says nameserver
DellionInstall it with a minimal CD ;)13:06
dr_willisBrandon_Lee:  you could also use just a window maanger, instead of a full desktop. but ram will be the limit13:06
Brandon_Leeyeah I've red about puppy linux13:06
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Brandon_Leebut can I install it on HDD?13:07
dr_willisyes you can.13:07
Brandon_Leebecause I don't wanna boot it everytime from USB13:07
Brandon_Leeor CD13:07
StanaDynecan someone help me with this?13:07
StanaDynerm: cannot remove `<file name>': Invalid argument13:07
Brandon_Lee10x :)13:07
ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: help with other distros in ##linux or the appropriate channel13:07
dr_willisStanaDyne:  whats the exact command you are using.13:07
ThinkT510Brandon_Lee: this channel is just ubuntu support13:07
dragonslayStanaDyne: you should replace <filename > with the exact filename13:08
angshow can I check if a file has +x?13:08
StanaDyneI've tried13:08
StanaDynerm junk_yard.mp313:08
ElesaI have a serious problem, I get a message saying that mounting /proc/bus/usb failed at boot time, and then it asks me to either press S to Skip or M to do it manually, I pressed a key to remove the splash screen and look at the boot messages and it looped, so I pressed S to skip, and now I can't login because the /home directory is empty, even with checking with sudo ls /home in tty1..13:08
StanaDynerm -f junk_yard.mp313:09
StanaDynerm -rf junk_yard.mp313:09
jribangs: ls -ld file   for example13:09
StanaDynerm junk_yard.mp313:09
jribStanaDyne: this is not your terminal...13:09
angsthank you jrib13:09
usr13StanaDyne: file junk_yard.mp313:09
unlessusr13, ok, I will do that. My Wired connection reapiered on Network but it is not working yet, I mean not editable, and not fixed, just a temporary service. If i boot it desapiers.13:09
usr13unless: Obviously, you have a defective system.  Not sure how to fix it and you may need to re-install.  (I understand that you were in the process of upgrading to 12.04 and it failed?)13:11
ElesaHelp anyone?13:11
asariHi, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit. I have installed libfftw3-3 and then installed libfftw3-3:i386. libfftw3-3:i386 installs into /usr/lib/libfftw3*, and completely overwrote libfftw3-3. Is it normal? Can't it be installed into /usr/lib32 or elsewhere?13:11
lesshaste how do I tell the current screen resolution in ubuntu?13:12
cfhowlettElesa: what was the issue?13:12
ElesaI have a serious problem, I get a message saying that mounting /proc/bus/usb failed at boot time, and then it asks me to either press S to Skip or M to do it manually, I pressed a key to remove the splash screen and look at the boot messages and it looped, so I pressed S to skip, and now I can't login because the /home directory is empty, even with checking with sudo ls /home in tty1..13:12
Elesa^ that one13:12
usr13StanaDyne: In other words, find out what junk_yard.mp3 is.  (Find out if it is a file or a directory.)13:12
dr_willisStanaDyne:  pastebin the exact commands and exact error messages, and also the output of 'ls -l junk_yard.mp3'13:12
unlessusr13, not really, this was already 12.04 version, but I got serveral updates yestarday. After it it just came back like that.13:12
StanaDynetech@server:~files$ file junk_yard.mp313:13
StanaDynejunk_yard.mp3: ERROR: cannot open `junk_yard.mp3' (Invalid argument)13:13
StanaDyne 13:13
ElesaUbuntu also failed to shutdown correctly because it got stuck at the process, so I had to shutdown manually.13:13
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cfhowlettElesa: this wouldn't be a wubi set up, would it?13:13
usr13unless: I see.  Well, if you can establish a working connection, try doing updates again.  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade13:13
arunkumar413just installed audacity but i cant hear the sound13:13
unlessusr13, I don't mind reinstalling it. I just need to figure if there is a way to avoid having to reintall every single detail was configured13:13
unlessusr13, hard to find a way to restablish that connection.13:14
ElesaMy /home is in another partition, by the way.13:14
usr13unless: If I am wrong about the fact that you suffered an interrupted or broken distribution upgrade, I doubt that you need to re-install.13:14
lesshastewhat's the application to manage the display resolution in ubuntu?13:15
hopohopoThis is probably a really easy question, and I've looked everywhere for the answer but can't find it. I'm using the 'Mouse Keys' setting under System Preferences -> Universal Access, and they work great. My only problem is, I'm not sure how to make mouse move faster. Does anybody know if there is a way?13:15
unlessusr13, I was working with a VM from Virtualbox durring that upgrade. Could that have any interference from the update?13:15
usr13unless: I don't know, but this looks interesting:   http://askubuntu.com/questions/154389/how-does-dhclient-get-called-under-12-0413:18
StanaDyneusr13 > http://pastebin.ca/220421013:19
bartekWhat's a reliable way to see if a process is running, in that I can then take that result and use it as a boolean with bash? Using ps seems kind of ridiculous13:20
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jribbartek: try #bash13:20
Elesacfhowlett: I should try a Live USB and check that everything is there.. I don't see any reason for having my files deleted.13:20
ElesaAny ideas before I do that though?13:20
sapharothElesa, I think this might help http://www.linux-usb.org/USB-guide/x173.html13:21
cfhowlettElesa: I think that's a good idea.13:21
Muellibartek: I'd use pgrep.13:21
StanaDyneusr13 ? still therE?13:22
sapharothElesa, hey did you get the link. i think i have some n/w problem here.13:23
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ElesaAnyone there?13:24
sapharothElesa, did you get the link13:25
sapharothhey anyone here? are my messages reaching anyone?13:26
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StanaDynecan anyone help with an error "Invalid argument" when trying to delete a file?13:27
cfhowlettsapharoth: yes we c u13:27
ThinkT510sapharoth: yes we can see you13:27
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usr13StanaDyne: Yes13:28
Dellionanyone try to install wireless ralink rt2500 drivers for wifi ?13:28
sapharothcan anyone suggest how to copy a line or to say a command from the terminal?13:28
sapharothright where we are working13:28
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Sinuhedhi, nekdo z cech ?13:29
sapharothi've searched lots of sites. but none has a solution13:29
ElesaThanks, I don't know what happened to my /home though. I hope it wasn't deleted or something. D:13:30
ElesaI got it, I'm seeing a lot of people get disconnected.13:30
ElesaMe too, so I'm gonna try to recover from a Live USB.. Thank you.13:30
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it13:30
ThinkT510sapharoth: don't mean to be rude but you haven't exactly explained what you want to do well13:30
usr13StanaDyne: rm 02-junk_yard_rhythm_section-gin_and_tonic_\(original_mix\).mp313:30
jribStanaDyne: you should fsck that partition...13:32
StanaDynesame thing usa_today13:32
StanaDynesame thing usr1313:32
unlessIs there a way to convert all system settings to default ?13:33
jribunless: create a new user?13:33
ubottuSinuhed:: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:33
StanaDynexfs jrib and not enough memory when I try xfs_check13:33
jribStanaDyne: well it seems like some sort of file corruption to me13:33
unlessjrib, Mmmm.. seems to be a very nice idea.13:34
jribunless: you can also just move all the .* files in your ~ somewhere, but creating a new user might be a little more convenient13:34
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sapharothcan anyone suggest how to copy a line or to say a command from the terminal, right where we are working?13:35
StanaDyneit's 5TB13:35
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StanaDynecreate new user?13:36
ThinkT510sapharoth: couldn't rephrase that could you?13:36
sapharothsorry please dont mind my english.13:37
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sapharothi want to copy a line from the terminal window without the help of a mouse. Can anyone suggest how to do that.13:39
jribsapharoth: you can use screen or tmux13:39
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jribsapharoth: or something like xclip depending on what you want to do13:40
sapharothjrib, thanks i'll check it out.13:41
ElesaHi again, I booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that Precise does not want to mount it. >.>13:41
ElesaNasty, nasty precise. Help please?13:41
Elesasapharoth: I got your link too, thanks.13:41
evil_catCan I make a question ?... :)13:42
evil_catI'm having problems accessing via web to the content in the /www/ dir hosted in my /home/user dir. Using lighttpd web-server-infraestructure. As I partitioned the disk, I can't allocate more than 5GB to my root partition. I set up the dir /home/user/www at 774 with Read and eXecute privileges to allocate the webs. The user allowed to acces to it is www-data. But probably permissions are not well setted up because I recieve 403 Forb13:42
evil_catCould www-data privileges affect to access to home non-root directories? I'm so lost. I used a very simple directives in lighttpd.conf. The config file: http://paste.lighttpd.net/P#UAzTxSI39Sok3dkZ8s7lvRX913:42
asariMy libfftw conflict problem looks already fixed in 12.10 Quantal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fftw3/+bug/781726 . Thanks.13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781726 in fftw3 (Ubuntu) "package libfftw3-3 needs converting to Multi-Arch" [Medium,Fix released]13:42
sapharothjrib does xclip help copying into the buffer.13:42
jribsapharoth: yes, you can send things to the clipboard13:43
evil_catperhaps I need to change some fstab directives, to reach access to a different partition ?13:43
jribevil_cat: you want 775 on directories13:43
unlessDoesn't work. New user same setting. :P13:44
jribunless: what setting?13:44
unlessMaybe a beta release upgrade.13:44
unlessjrib, I am having a issue here with my network.13:44
evil_cat[jrib] I tryed too, but with no result13:44
unlessI have network acess now.13:44
unlessBut there is no updates available fot my version.13:44
ElesaHi again, I booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that my installed Precise does not want to mount it and that's why it seemed to be empty and I couldn't login graphically. Help?13:45
jribevil_cat: pastebin ls -ld / /home /home/user /home/user/www /home/user/www/page_in_question13:45
unlessIs there a way to revert rebuild my packets?13:45
unlessOr just reintalling?13:46
jribunless: you haven't actually said what your exact issue is yet13:47
unlessjrib, my network wired services have desapiered13:47
unlessafter a upgrade13:48
The_JoshWell, I have a blue port and a green port on sound card in which I have Speakers and headphones plugged in respectively13:51
unlessIs there a way to revert rebuild my packets?13:51
The_JoshThe problem is that ubuntu is detecting blue one as digital13:51
The_Joshand not letting me switch it to analog13:51
The_Joshso I cannot hear sound out of speakers13:51
The_JoshBut I can out of headphone13:51
sapharothElesa, did you go as per the link?13:52
jribunless: I don't know what "revert rebuild" means13:52
The_JoshWell, anybody know what I can do?13:52
cfhowlettThe_Josh: run pavucontrol in your terminal and check settings13:52
ElesaCould I have the link again please?13:52
evil_catjrib: -rwxrwxr-x 1 root www-data 3569 2012-09-12 14:03 //home/metx/www/index.lighttpd.html13:52
jribevil_cat: this isn't what I asked13:53
evil_catahap... 3 times /home/user ?13:53
jribevil_cat: pastebin: ls -ld / /home /home/user /home/user/www /home/user/www/page_in_question13:54
sapharothElesa, http://www.linux-usb.org/USB-guide/x173.html13:54
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evil_catjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204808/13:57
jribevil_cat: you didn't include /home/metx13:57
Ansi_I have a VFS101 validity sensor on my laptop which has Ubuntu 12.04 lsusb shows that it is there.. but how do i make use of this validity sensor to login to ubuntu13:58
Cuantos-AnosHola amigos13:58
Elesasapharoth: There's already something on that file.. usbfs/proc/bus/usbusbfsdevgid=14 0 013:58
ubottuCuantos-Anos:: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:58
Ansi_please some one assist me13:58
Ansi_I have a VFS101 validity sensor on my laptop which has Ubuntu 12.04 lsusb shows that it is there.. but how do i make use of this validity sensor to login to ubuntu13:58
evil_catyou're right. Now there is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204817/13:59
Ansi_I have a VFS101 validity sensor on my laptop which has Ubuntu 12.04 lsusb shows that it is there.. but how do i make use of this validity sensor to login to ubuntu14:00
Ansi_please some one assist me14:00
jribevil_cat: but http://paste.lighttpd.net/P#UAzTxSI39Sok3dkZ8s7lvRX9 speaks about a "user1", not a "metx"14:00
evil_catwell I used a default reference to user114:00
ElesaAnsi_: Please be patient and wait a bit before pasting your question again. :)14:00
evil_catuser1 means metx14:01
evil_catto metx*14:01
evil_catappears as metx in the lighttpd.conf14:01
Ansi_thanks Elesa :)14:01
unlessjrib, I mean rebuild the default packages configurations.14:02
jribunless: is this ubuntu?14:02
ElesaAnsi_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158518014:02
unlessjrib, of course. 12.0414:02
jribevil_cat: is this ubuntu?14:02
evil_catyes, Desktop 10.0414:02
aandyok, giving up on compiling llvm+clang manually... is there really no ppa or other repository for clang 3+ on ubuntu 10.10? :(14:02
unlessjrib, perhaps now 12.04.114:02
ElesaAnsi_: You could look for one in their homepage?14:03
Ansi_like a software to run it?14:03
ses1984is it possible to install ubuntu to an existing ext4 partition and leave the existing files intact?14:03
jribunless: ok.  Try a live cd and see if your wired internet works there I guess.  I don't know what else to suggest. Are you using network manager?  Is your eth0 displayed anywhere?  What's ifconfig look like?  Do you get any feedback about the wired connection?  Are you on wireless now?14:03
ElesaAnsi_: Umm, I mean a driver..14:04
jribevil_cat: as far as I can tell, /home/metx/www/index.lighttpd.html should be accessible to www-data14:04
Ansi_if lsusb is showing then i think the driver has been installed isnt it??14:04
Ansi_Elesa if lsusb is showing then i think the driver has been installed isnt it??14:04
unlessjrib, I am at another computer, my internet is working at that computer also. I am avoiding having to reintall the hole system from scrach here, just it.14:05
evil_catthen is the clue is not on dir privileges, I can discard this hand... I'm right?14:05
evil_catperhaps I need to activate some mod's in lighttp conf14:06
jribevil_cat: right.  You're getting a 403 for your_server_ip/index.lighttpd.html, right?14:06
ThinkT510ses1984: yes but i'd be careful of whats already on there14:06
sapharothtry ignoring whats on the /proc/bus/usb for a while. and apply the settings14:06
evil_catNow I get 404 Not Found.14:06
Elesalsusb and lspci scan the buses at a low level, and do not require drivers in order for the devices to be found beyond those for the buses themselves.14:06
evil_catlater I got 403 Forbidden14:07
jribevil_cat: and just "your_server_ip", what do you get?14:07
evil_catthe same14:07
evil_cat404 Not Found14:07
jribevil_cat: you're sure you are checking the right server, correct?  Check the lighttpd logs (you may need to set one in your config)14:09
evil_catjrib: I can access to index.lighttpd.html by server_ip/index.lighttpd.html14:09
evil_caton jrib14:09
evil_catbut is not redirected to it when I use the single ip14:09
jribevil_cat: well you have index-file.names only as index.html14:09
evil_catI have more than in initially, probably the response is in the config file14:10
evil_catI'll check possibilities, I'm so new using lighttp14:10
evil_catthanks jrib I'll come back later :)14:10
ElesaHi again, I booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that my installed Precise does not want to mount it and that's why it seemed to be empty and I couldn't login graphically. Help?14:11
jribevil_cat: my (default) index-file.names is: ( "index.php", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm", " index.lighttpd.html" )  I don't know what's up with that space there and I believe it may not even use index.lighttpd.html unless I remove the space14:11
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sk1pperhi all!14:15
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:15
sk1pperi am running win7 32bit on my laptop and i want to install ubuntu amd64. how can i find out if my CPU is 64bit compatible?14:15
=== ComradeH1z` is now known as ComradeHaz
OerHekssk1pper, what CPU do you have?14:16
compdocsk1pper, in device manager, find out which Processor you have14:16
sk1pperi have intel core 2 duo T9300 2.5GHz14:17
sapharothsk1pper, uname -i14:17
vantage|workthat's 64bit14:17
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
histosk1pper: cat /proc/cpuinfo   and you can find the certain flags14:17
vantage|workI think14:17
sapharothif it is i386 it14:17
sapharothis 32 bit14:17
compdocits 64bit14:17
sk1ppervantage|work: how did u understand that is 64bit?14:18
vantage|workthere you go14:18
vantage|worksk1pper: just a bit of knowledge14:18
Krambiorixwhere can i set the apache temp folder?14:18
OerHeks64 bit it is.14:18
histosk1pper: cat /proc/cpuinfo and look at the cflush size14:18
histosk1pper: and the one just below that14:18
vantage|worksk1pper: C2D procs usually are 64bit14:19
* vantage|work wishes he didn't know all this sh..14:19
sk1pperok guys thanx! so i can install ubuntu 12.04 64bit with no problem then :)14:19
The_JoshThere is no simple way to easily switch windows like some taskbar14:20
ElesaYeah! I'd install the 32 bit version if you don't have more than 4 GB RAM though.14:20
The_JoshAlt+Tab is the shortcut14:20
=== Joseph is now known as Guest46400
vantage|worka lot of systems cannot even reach the full 4Gb ;)14:20
vantage|worklimited to 3 and a bit14:20
sk1pperi have 4GB of RAM14:21
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info14:21
=== Guest46400 is now known as Achilles
Achilleshello, i need help with installing ubuntu. I do not get a boot menu and it just loads up Windows 7.14:21
vantage|workgah, I wish I was dumb and more selling oriented14:21
vantage|worktaking advantage of the smart people xD14:21
histo!grub2 | Achilles14:22
ubottuAchilles: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:22
vantage|worknow it's the other way around14:22
ElesaI didn't know about that. But if you don't have more than 4 GB RAM, then go for the 32 bit version instead, sk1pper. Some compatibility issues may arise later. >.>14:22
Elesavantage|work: lol14:22
histoElesa: no compatibility issues14:22
The_JoshWhy is ubuntu detecting my sound card's blue port as HDMI14:22
The_Joshand why can't I switch it?14:22
ElesaOh right, the ia32libs or whatever they're called, right?14:22
fidelElesa: i havent seen any real 64bit issues for a long time now. anything particular in mind?14:23
OerHeksElesa, no, since 11.10 ubuntu 64 bit is multi arch14:23
histoElesa: most apps have been built with 64bit support now. I haven't found anything in recent years that doesn't work.14:23
ElesaThat's cool. :D14:23
AchillesWhy is tha Ubuntu works with my sound card better than Windows 714:23
Achillesthat is weird14:23
vantage|workhow about buying some land in south america and planting potatoes, living from that, 12 hours working a day, and done with it14:23
vantage|workI've been thinking about that for a long time14:24
FernestCan somebody tell me how the default command line of gnome-terminal on ubuntu looks like? And which global variables are used?14:24
OerHeksvantage|work, running ubuntu on a potato is offtopic.14:24
Elesavantage|work: O_O14:24
vantage|workwe're running out of oil14:24
vantage|workand it's not a joke14:24
vantage|worknor a complaint14:24
FloodBot1vantage|work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
fidel!ot > vantage|work14:24
ubottuvantage|work, please see my private message14:24
Elesa!ot > Elesa14:25
ubottuElesa, please see my private message14:25
vantage|workgood point, thanks fidel14:25
JediMasterhi all, is it possible to specify the ubuntu proposed repository when doing a dist-upgrade, e.g. from 11.10 to 12.04? I'm affected by bug #956051 which stops us from being able to upgrade ubuntu from 11.10 to 12.04 (or even install it) on Xen VMs running on AMD cpus. 11.10 works fine, but the libc bug stops the upgrade or install working, and there is a fix released in propsed that should help,14:25
JediMasterbut I'd like to test it before it goes into main14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956051 in eglibc (Ubuntu Precise) "libc6 crash while running 'xm'" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95605114:25
JediMasterthat's the one =)14:25
ElesaYay, a bot PM'ed me! Now, on topic.. I booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that my installed Precise does not want to mount it and that's why it seemed to be empty and I couldn't login graphically. Help?14:25
ElesaReally, help please, this is urgent. D:14:25
OerHeksElesa, do you have an encrypted /home ?14:27
ElesaOerHeks: Nope.14:27
mike3Hi guys, is there anyway to install gcc 4.4.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 ?14:33
The_JoshHow to get version of sound card in ubuntu?14:34
ThinkT510mike3: whats wrong with 4.3?14:34
subz3r0question: Proftpd, vsftpd or glftpd?14:34
mike3i have an application that needs to be compiled in 4.4.5 or up. It doesn't work in version less than that.14:35
mike3This is straight from the developer.14:35
OerHeksmike3, i think you better wait for !! 12.10 ..14:35
OerHeks* QQ 12.1014:36
ElesaI booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that my installed Precise does not want to mount it and that's why it seemed to be empty and I couldn't login graphically. Help?14:36
gyre007guys if I add a PPA which is providing packages which are available in Distro repos...how do I tell Ubuntu to install it from the distro repos and not from PPA ??14:37
Elesa^ good question, I want to know that too. x14:38
davis776gyre007, apt-get install package=version_from_repo14:38
The_JoshPlease help me to find my sound card version in ubuntu :[14:38
subz3r0The_Josh, open a terminal then: lspci14:39
subz3r0The_Josh, also you can do: dmesg14:39
gyre007davis776, so I have to specify a version otherwise the first one in order will be installed...14:39
davis776gyre007, yes or you can set priority in /etc/apt/preferences14:40
beast_hello everyone=)14:40
The_Joshsubz3r0, Thanks alot14:40
The_JoshRemembering commands is quite a problem when using linux :P14:40
beast_has anyone by chance ever gotten this error?   "dependency is not satisfied: plowshare ubuntu 12.04"14:40
beast_has anyone by chance ever gotten this error?   "dependency is not satisfied: plowshare (>=1~svn1525)"14:41
beast_sry mistyped it the first time14:41
ThinkT510beast_: you are probably trying to install something that isn't in the repo14:42
beast_ThinkT510, right, it was a downloaded .deb file for "super-boot-manager"14:42
ThinkT510beast_: whats wrong with grub?14:43
gyre007davis776, interesting...14:43
beast_ThinkT510, nothing in particular, i just favor having burg installed on top of it to give it that nice graphical effect.14:44
beast_ThinkT510, now im just trying to install anything that will give me more themes for it14:44
beast_ThinkT510, let me say this, first i had install x64 ubuntu 12.04 and burg with that and it had a certain burg theme with it. now when i reinstalled x86 and burg again, that certain theme was not in there..14:45
ElesaI booted from a Live USB Stick and everything is there in the /home partition, it seems that my installed Precise does not want to mount it and that's why it seemed to be empty and I couldn't login graphically. Help?14:45
ElesaNo one knows?14:45
JediMasterwhen doing a do-release-upgrade, is it possible to specify (or maybe alter sources.list) to include the proposed repository to fix a bug that is stopping 11.10 upgrading to 12.04?14:45
beast_ThinkT510, so im trying different programs to see if they allow me to get different themes for burg.14:45
ThinkT510beast_: have fun14:46
beast_ThinkT510, rofl...thx14:46
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
bustacapWhen I search using grep with this command, "grep -r ".com" whateverdirectory" it ignores the "." and just searches for "com". Is there a way to get the period included in the search?14:47
Picibustacap: escape it with a backslash14:48
bustacapPici, so "\.com" ?14:48
Picibustacap: yes14:48
bustacapPici, great. Thanks :)14:49
tkingplease sudo apt-get update showing this "W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used" any idea how to get things correctly?14:49
Pawlo1984tu wolno popolsku14:51
ElesaHelp anyone?14:51
pappijoHi! I want to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 on a E4 InfiniNode machine, but the installer freezes after the "Detecting Hardware" message. Any suggestions?14:52
IszakI want to install ubuntu on my Macbook Air 13" 2011, how can I install it along side OSX?14:57
Oimel1987Hello. At boot sequence I've got the error: cryptswap1 is not ready. The only options I've got there is wait or recover. What can I do to resolve this problem ?14:57
ThinkT510!mac | Iszak14:58
ubottuIszak: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:58
IszakThinkT510 mine isn't listed14:58
=== Guest76387 is now known as Strife
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:59
bazhang https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir4-2 Iszak14:59
pappijoHi! I want to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 on a E4 InfiniNode machine, but the installer freezes after the "Detecting Hardware" message. Any suggestions?15:00
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Pawlo1984dzień dobry potrzebuje programu na ubunte do naprawy dysku i mbr15:01
Pici!pl | Pawlo198415:02
ubottuPawlo1984: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:02
blackshirthi ncs_one15:02
NCS_OneI have a laptop with win7 and ubuntu 10.04, I installed ubuntu 12 but it doesn't show on grub menu. How can I fix this?15:02
histo!grub | NCS_One15:02
ubottuNCS_One: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:02
histopappijo: can you hit alt+f4 on the machine and see if there is any output or is it completely frozen?15:03
NCS_Onehisto: thanks15:03
pappijohisto: wait a moment...15:04
patrick1981Pawlo1981: uzyj "Hirens Boot"15:04
OerHekspatrick1981, hirens is ILLEGAL, pleas suggest UBcd15:05
patrick1981Pawlo1984: albo sproboj Ubuntu Live CD "and run fsck" or "badblock"15:05
bazhangpatrick1981, english here only15:05
patrick1981OerHeks: cool man :)15:05
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blackshirthello yatta15:06
pappijohisto: It continuously tries to read fd0, but no floppy drive is installed15:07
blackshirtjust ask guest6518015:13
Guest65180I know everything15:14
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=== Guest65180 is now known as mattkruse
yattagraphic card problem occurred recently (displayed 4 screens) but all is fine now. now while problem persisted I couldn't start startx in 12.04 but in 9.04 it recognized problem and switched from terminal to GUI with few questions. why? why could 9.04 switch to GUI?15:15
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subz3r0mattkruse, everything? whats about the blackhole between your ears?15:16
alecbI recently attempted to install manufacturer drivers for my wifi card. how can I check if the installation worked?15:22
blackshirtalecb, what the driver you have been installed?15:22
wilee-nileetry the wifi15:22
yeatsalecb: well the simplest test would appear to be whether wifi works ;-)15:22
alecbyeats: wilee-nilee the wifi kind of works but is having the same problems it was having before installing the manufacturer drivers (ie, using the kernel drivers)15:23
yeatsalecb: a less smart-alecky answer is 'lsmod | grep drivername'15:23
pappijoHow can I enable the multiverse repository?15:24
yeatsalecb: have you looked at the logs?  /var/log/syslog, for instance?15:24
alecbblackshirt: I forget the exact version number but it's a driver for a realek card, versions number ends in 88CE I thik (it's what comes with a t430).15:24
blackshirtpappijo, multiverse was activated by default15:24
alecbyeats: lsmod is probably what I'd be looking for.. what what I look for in /var/log/syslog ?15:24
yeatsalecb: well, it depends on the device, the driver, etc., but I would think it would be obvious if there's a problem15:25
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blackshirtalecb, realtek chip usually given named with prefix rtl or the chip series number15:25
alecbblackshirt: I'm pretty sure the kernel driver was called 'rtl<some number>', I guess I'm not sure what the manuf driver would appear as15:26
alecbyeats: you mean obvious in the logs? it is obvious there's a problem, I'm just not sure if this is because of a failed instalation or in spite of a succesful one15:27
billci have a belkin home base for printers i use in windows and would love to use in ubuntu15:27
yeatsalecb: obvious in the logs15:27
yeatsalecb: if the driver installed correctly, I would try to rule out a hardware issue15:28
alecbyeats: alright, I'll try lsmod/look in the logs15:28
blackshirtalecb look it with lsmod15:28
alecbyeats: hardware issue is ruled out because it works fine (well, it's usable) in windows (which I'm using now)15:28
blackshirtalecb, i am using realtek chipset too for my lan card,15:30
blackshirtAlecb, but 8193 series instead15:30
yattahow much commands (last used ones) are stored in terminal? sorry I think I can't form better question15:33
baizonyatta: as many are in .bash_history stored :)15:34
histobillc: have you tried installing your printer?15:34
billcno i haven't15:34
histoyatta: push the up key in the terminal to see your last commands15:34
histobillc: try adding your printer if it's supported by cups you shouldn't have any issues15:35
histobillc: you can even try from the livecd before you install to see15:35
billcmy printer plugs into the belkin usb15:36
yattabaizon, so basically you can see your first command from installing ubuntu?15:36
baizonyatta: yes15:36
billcthe belkin is eithernet15:36
baizoncheck out this file ;)15:36
yattabaizon, are commands in correct order?15:37
histobillc: yes I understand. Open a browser in ubuntu and go to localhost:631     in the address bar. You can see if it finds your printer there.15:37
baizonyatta: yes they are15:37
yattabaizon, then I have problem15:37
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baizonand the problem is?15:38
yattabaizon, bad memory15:38
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
baizonhow come yatta ?15:40
yattabaizon, is there limit15:40
yeatsyatta: the bash_history varies per shell session15:40
billchisto it says no printers15:40
yattaI can't find them all I think15:40
marek_hello all, im newbie and sorry for my bad enlish ;)15:41
marek_i ve got lenovo z580, i want to configure my touchpad, i use this script: http://www.mepis.org/docs/en/index.php?title=Configuring_the_touchpad_with_xinput15:42
marek_but now right button in touchpad works like left ;/15:42
marek_do you know how i can fix it?15:42
ikoniamarek_: ask the guys who make the script15:42
ikoniamarek_: the touchpad should work normally out of the box15:42
ikoniamarek_: what didn't work on the touch pad that you needed to change it15:42
subz3r0!pl | marek15:42
ubottumarek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:42
=== erry_ is now known as erry
iateadonutthe task bar that comes with ubuntu by default on the left - what is that called and how cann i make it thinner?15:44
DJonesiateadonut: Its called the unity bar, you may be able to change its size using the app myunity15:45
alecbthis is my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/ and my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/. does it look like I'm using the manuf driver or the kernel driver? the version number on the driver seems different than the card, so I think not, but I'm not really sure if I'm looking at the right things15:46
=== Barkeep is now known as Shehrazad
yattabaizon, yeats: does bash_history has limit ?15:46
Tony_StarkI may be behind on the curve, but Does anyone know what has happened to lightread?15:47
h00kiateadonut: You can also do it in System Settings -> Appearance -> "Launcher icon size" slider on the bottom15:47
Tony_StarkLightread is no longer updating.15:48
alecbie, driver is rtl8192ce, but the card's number is 8188CE15:48
baizonyatta: http://superuser.com/questions/137438/how-to-unlimited-bash-shell-history15:48
iateadonutthanks h00k, djones15:49
yattabaizon, thank you15:50
alecbgah, I've got to go to class, will be back later15:50
iateadonuti have a more complex problem - i'm dual booting with another linux distro and using the same partition for my  -apache root- - the problem is my old distro considers /var/www/html/ the root while ubuntu considers it /var/www/15:50
iateadonuthow can i resolve this problem?15:50
blackshirtiateadonut, you mix two server from two distro, you make a stupid thing15:52
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iateadonutthat's not true.15:55
iateadonutthat's how i usually upgrade15:56
iateadonuti've already got dual boot mandriva/debian working15:56
iateadonutsharing /home, /mysql, and /html partitions15:56
iateadonutand /home/.thunderbird.15:56
iateadonuthow else can you try a new distro if you don't keep your servers?15:57
ThinkT510iateadonut: that doesn't sound smart15:57
THEBLACKKINGhi, how can i switch between arabic and english in lubuntu?15:57
THEBLACKKINGi'm trying to do it with setxkbmap15:57
bazhang!ibus | THEBLACKKING15:57
ubottuTHEBLACKKING: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus15:57
iateadonutso when you dual boot two distro's, how do you keep your home, mysql, and html intact?15:57
blackshirtiatedonut, maybe better you stacking the apache server15:58
blackshirtiatedonut, you can't boot dual distro on same time15:58
ThinkT510iateadonut: 1: i don't run a server 2: i wouldn't share /home between distros15:58
iateadonut2: why?15:58
ThinkT510iateadonut: i keep what i need on a seperate storage partition15:59
ThinkT510iateadonut: different distros ship different versions of the same apps, mixing config files can really mess things up16:00
blackshirtiatedonut, if you share your web server root from two different distro, maybe some time you get messed up16:01
iateadonuti'm using pidgin right now in this chat room with the same config as my old distro16:02
iateadonutsame with skype16:02
FloodBot1iateadonut: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:02
=== tyler is now known as Guest84036
ThinkT510!wfm | iateadonut16:02
ubottuiateadonut: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/16:02
billcwhy would u want 2 versions of the same program16:04
Blizzsup bros16:04
BluesKajHi all16:04
ThinkT510billc: not on the same system, i mean distro A ships with version x while distro B ships with version y16:04
blackshirtmaybe not a problem.. But we know, apache on debian based server was running with www-data user,  and we know on centos/redhat, apache httpd was run with www user ...that has different owner16:05
blackshirthi bhadmeja16:05
bhadmejaoh!! someone responded!16:05
bhadmejai was trying on some other rooms but no one16:05
yeatsbhadmeja: people will generally respond if you aske a question16:06
THEBLACKKINGbazhang, i want to add the arabic layout not just switch between it and english16:06
THEBLACKKINGi type "setxkbmap us,ar" in the terminal16:06
Tony_StarkI asked a question and did not get a response16:07
bhadmejaok here is a general question, i am having quite a tough time installing tarballs in ubuntu. what are the most basic requirements that i should install "like python etc) toi make sure most tarballs installs easily16:08
bazhangbhadmeja, thats not how you install packages in ubuntu16:08
OerHeksbhadmeja, take a look at the read.me inside tarball16:08
ThinkT510!software | bhadmeja16:09
ubottubhadmeja: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:09
bazhangbhadmeja, dont install python from a tarball16:09
THEBLACKKINGok, it worked now with "setxkbmap us,ar -option grp:alt_shift_toggle"16:09
bhadmejais there anything for ubuntu which can convert tarballs to APT, as i read somewhere that yum does it for fedora16:09
bazhangbhadmeja, no need in this case16:10
ThinkT510bhadmeja: why are you trying to install from a tarball?16:10
THEBLACKKINGشُكراً على أي حال :)16:10
bhadmejabecause i got a dvd from a tech magazine, it has all the files in form of tarballs, was just curious how to install them16:10
bhadmejaelse i usually prefer sudo apt-get on;y16:11
Tony_Stark./configure make makeinstall16:11
bazhangbhadmeja, dont. use the package manager16:11
Tony_Starktarballs install with ./configure make makeinstall16:12
ThinkT510bhadmeja: because thats what the package manager is for16:12
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!16:12
ThinkT510bhadmeja: if you install things outside of the package manager then it won't be aware of them and can mess things up16:13
bhadmejahmmm.. one more thing recently i installed mathematica in ubuntu16:13
bhadmejait was not getting installed, later i found out on internet that it dont get installed if directory path name has space in it16:14
bhadmejaso i copied it in drive with no spaces in name and it gor installed smoothly16:14
bhadmejaany suggestions why16:14
shwaiilQ: I'll have to use some music production software, so I'm thinking about VM running Windows. Because the Hardware / Audio Card is not supported on Linux, I supose I can't do the VM and have to install dual boot windows instead ? I supose drivers should be suported by host OS, if I wanted the audio card available on VM windows. Can someone comment on this ? Thank you!16:15
bhadmejajust curious16:15
ThinkT510shwaiil: yes16:15
shwaiilThinkT510: thanks for looking. So my best option is the dual boot16:16
ThinkT510shwaiil: indeed16:16
shwaiilThinkT510: oh :(16:16
killer04is anyone familiar with running ubuntu off of a USB?16:19
ThinkT510!usb | killer0416:20
ubottukiller04: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:20
sverre_anyone know about logitech webcams on ubuntu?16:20
l23hey, just upgraded my 12.04 to 12.10.. later recognised that 12.10 doesnt support non-pae anymore (didnt even know that I had a non-pae cpu).. So going to build my own kernel, but wondering, are there any options in the make menuconfig I should change to get a to ubuntu stock as similar as possible kernel?16:21
killer04I've ran it from a USB before, I was just wondering if it would still run if other things besides the ubuntu files were on the USB16:21
wilee-nileekiller04, there are at least two ways to run ubuntu on a usb be clear on your intentions16:21
jkeiperhow do i use 12.04 server CD to change grub so it doesn't switch into a bad display mode (i.e. one that my monitor doesn't support)?  I just need straight text ...16:21
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com16:21
killer04I installed it from liveusb last time and dont have it install16:22
killer04to my computer16:22
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kbtwhat is the triggers here ?16:22
OerHeks!factoids | killer0416:23
ubottukiller04: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:23
bazhangkbt /msg ubottu16:23
ThinkT510kbt: it won't repeat if somebody just used it16:24
sverre_how do I turn off my red led on my logitech webcams? anyone?16:24
kbtaha, ok thx16:24
THEBLACKKING!faq | kbt16:25
ubottukbt: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com16:25
killer04So is anyone able to help me, or are you just going to keep linking me to stuff?16:25
wilee-nileekiller04, There are handfulls of usb loaders somw wil load without making a new partition, so yes theoretically having a bootable live and other files are possible, but to be honest a dumb idea.16:25
wilee-nileekiller04, you could make several partitions if the usb is big enough.16:26
killer04What exactly I am doing is putting ubuntu on a 32GB flash drive, I was if ubuntu would still work I i put some like word docs on it too16:27
killer04I may partition it like you said....16:27
killer04would definitely make everything work16:27
wilee-nileekiller04, do a full install on a usb that big it will run like a HD install albeit slightly slower due to usb transfer speeds.16:28
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
killer04I want to mess around with it some more, I know last time I washaving isues because it couldnt support my wireless card16:29
mike___killer04: Are you hoping to access the word docs etc from the USB stick when you're running Ubuntu from it?16:29
killer04it would be at completely seperate times16:30
mike___killer04, then you can just put them into the root (or another folder) on the stick as you normally would.16:30
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black_13can a preseed file be added to the initial ram disk file (initrd.lz)16:51
black_13or rather when you specify arguaments to kernel on boot up where are the stored are they stored in the /proc or /sys file systems?16:52
JuJuBeeWhen I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a, nothing seems to be happening but top shows dpkg using 60% CPU.16:53
mike___black_13, I believe "cat /proc/cmdline" will show you the arguments that grub(2) would have passed to the kernel on a running system.16:54
black_13it does or it does show something that look lke would you would expect16:54
black_13mike___: when you specify a preseed file i imagine the installer would use those values16:56
alexesi have a general question (please feel free to redirect me elsewhere if this isn't the right place)... i have an ubuntu server that's managing a single domain, and i was wondering what the best way to handle creating subdomains was.16:57
TheLordOfTimealexes: DNS should handle "subdomains", then those DNS entries should point to your server, not sure how your domain registrar handles the DNS though16:58
TheLordOfTimealexes: then on your server you would have listeners for those domains (in apache2, or whatever webserver), or have other services listening for that hostname, but again, its partially dependent on your goal(s), and DNS/registrar16:58
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mike___black_13, are you saying you're trying to specify boot options in a preseed file but the boot loader isn't picking them up?17:00
alexesTheLordOfTime: I'm using no-ip. I'm having trouble seeing how it ties together... if I wanted test.example.com to go to /var/www/test, why would my registrar have anything to do with it?17:00
black_13what has happed is i am trying to specify a preseed file on the cd and this file is not being recognized17:01
TheLordOfTimealexes: what's no-ip?17:01
alexesTheLordOfTime: my registrar.17:01
NaminukasHello could someone direct the total n00b to a channel of where somebody can help with let's begin with "after update to 12.4 my sound is gone"?17:02
TheLordOfTimealexes, dynamic DNS?17:02
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alexesI'd think that the default would be to let the server you're pointing to handle the DNS (i.e. act as a DNS server)17:03
somsipalexes: free or a different package?17:03
alexessomsip: free.17:04
mike___black_13, Ah I see, sorry I misunderstood. So are you booting using a CD and trying to change the preseed file it uses, or booting normally and trying to specify a preseed file on a CD you have in the drive.17:04
somsipalexes: so no subdomains? Just 'mydomain.no-ip.org' and similar?17:04
alexesoh wait, sorry, I think I may have explained it wrong.17:04
alexesI registered my domain name through no-ip.com, and I use their dynamic DNS client.17:05
black_13mike___: i have tried both17:05
black_13mike___: in one case i tried making a preseed file and then added it to a custom iso using isomaster17:06
madchildi had sound until unsucessfully added center can i get some sound troubleshooting advice please17:07
mike___black_13, I'm afraid I don't know then, have you read through the Ubuntu Installation Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html ? There might be something in there that helps.17:09
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black_13mike___: i have been there as well and its terse17:10
madchildnot yet but i just had sound now it won't recognize my sound card17:11
madchildthanks for the link17:11
mike___alexes, So were you hoping to be able to get something like sub1.mydomain.no-ip.org?17:12
alecbback again. my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/ my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/. can anyone confirm that I'm not using the manuf drivers for my wifi card?17:13
alecbI'm guessing this is the case b/c the version number of my card doesn't match the version of the rtl driver17:14
alecbbut I'm not really sure if those numbers are even supposed to match up17:14
alexesmike___: I guess I'm just confused at how subdomain management works. I have a shared hosting account with hostgator, and I can setup the subdomains there extremely easily, all I have to do is specify what it is (i.e. test.example.com points to /var/www/test) and it does it by itself... I own the domain example.com and I want to be able to have test.example.com go to (for example) example.com/test17:14
alexesthe domain example.com is what I'm hosting on my own private server at home17:14
mikk0im installing 12.04 LTS, and my install cd wont boot unless i specify the "noacpi" option under F6. i installed, and now my installation wont boot. how do i fix it so it boots with "noacpi" ?17:15
mikk0is it a kernel parameter?17:16
OerHeksmikk0, same way, hold shift to enter grub menu, 'e' for edit ...17:16
mikk0ok holding down shift during boot doesnt bring up any menu, i just get a lbank screen17:17
Frowardhow do I see what version of ubuntu I have?17:19
miniCruzerFroward: open terminal, type 'cat /etc/issue' and press enter17:19
miniCruzerFroward: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion17:20
fidelFroward: lsb_release -a17:20
FrowardminiCruzer: thnx bro :D17:20
miniCruzerlots of ways to do it17:20
miniCruzerI downloaded a patch for lxterminal17:21
miniCruzerhow do I apply it?17:21
miniCruzeras in17:21
miniCruzerpatch -p1 < lxterminal.patch17:22
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miniCruzerdoesn't do it17:22
DkYI have an USB-2-Ethernet adapter using the mcs7830 driver. The problem is that I need to run ifconfig eth0 up after each reboot. to get any traffic flowing (the if says up before that)...Anyone have any hints?17:24
miniCruzerDkY: did you create a wired profile for it?17:24
DkYminiCruzer: Nope....have manually set it up in /etc/network/interfaces, how do I do that?17:25
alecbbump -- any ideas on the wifi issues?17:26
trismminiCruzer: when using -p1 you usually have to apply it from the source directory, so if the patch and the source directory are in the same folder: cd source/; patch -p1 < ../lxterminal.patch17:26
miniCruzerDkY: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157439117:27
miniCruzertrism: so I have to compile lxterminal from source?17:27
miniCruzerbecause lxterminal comes shipped17:27
TakyojiI'm having an issue of RAM being flooded, no, it's not by shared memory or buffers; the system has 2GB of RAM, but only 70MB free (and yes, I'm referring to the row of '-/+ buffers/cache'. I'm looking through top and the biggest process is only 0.3% of the RAM; a few instances of Apache and Postgres, and nothing else notable17:29
mike___alexes, Ok, my DNS is a little rusty but, DNS has different record types (A, NS, MX, etc). So it depends whether you're registrar handles example.com for you, or simple offloads any DNS queries to your server. Chances are your registrar handles the DNS for your domain, therefore sub domains would have to be set up at your registrar. What your registrar is doing is allowing example.com to be resolved to your servers (or routers) public17:29
mike___IP address. But your server isn't actually managing the example.com domain. When you setup test.example.com on your web hosting I think you're actually configuring apache/IIS with VirtualHosts/Host headers.17:29
black_13how do enable ssh unbuntu 1217:29
ThinkT510!ssh | black_1317:29
ubottublack_13: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:29
trismminiCruzer: that is usually where apply a patch, though I will admit I'm not really sure what you are doing, do you have a link to the patch?17:29
alexesThat makes sense...17:29
sorush20I have a problem ati radeon hd 5450 pci edition I can give a link for you to see.. I'm using the amd drivers and when xserver loads my monitor says out of range... I don't know how to set the monitor prameters17:29
TakyojiI cannot find anything that would cause it to add up to using almost all of the 2GB of RAM, with ANY graphical applications running17:29
alexesIt's just weird that such a simple thing still remains so complicated.17:30
Troy^black_13: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html17:30
miniCruzertrism: yeah (its lubuntu but that channel is dead) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxterminal/+bug/97191817:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971918 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl-Shift-C issues a Break command" [Medium,Triaged]17:30
Troy^Takyoji: i have the same on my ubuntu server right now.. it is not actually using that much apparently17:30
trismminiCruzer: lubuntu is supported here too17:30
mike___alexes, Good :)17:30
Troy^Takyoji: this is what mine looks like i have actually 1.75gb of ram http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205227/17:31
miniCruzertrism: cool. that bug is supposed to be fixed in the next release but seeing as how frequently I'm using irssi I'd like it patched quickest as possible17:31
miniCruzerI'm gonna try to compile from src17:31
DkYminiCruzer: ..Ok if the auto eth is was you meant...then I have it... (auto eth0 <new line>iface eth0 inet static)17:31
alexesthanks mike___ :)17:31
miniCruzertrism: should there be any kind of output if a patch is successful?17:32
ElvanoWhen I try to upgrade my distribution I get the error that the 'Ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist. Anyone know how to solve this?17:32
mike___alexes, You're welcome.17:32
miniCruzerDkY: i'm guessing you might be using broadcom? (b43?)17:32
trismminiCruzer: yes it will say: patching file src/lxterminal.c17:33
DkYminiCruzer: Im using a MosChip mcs7832 chip which uses the mcs7830 driver....17:33
miniCruzeroh yeah you said that17:34
DkYminiCruser: btw, only Ubuntu (not Debian, Redhat/Centos/SLES) actually can recognize the usb adapter as network interface...17:35
TheLordOfTimehow do i manually clear the local DNS cache in 12.04?17:35
serge_ruhello, can you help me please? i successfully connected to my openvpn server but my windows 7 client don't want to go to the internet via the server. what should i do to route all internet queries through the new TAP connection?17:36
DkYI can always do a ifconfig eth0 up from a  startup script...17:36
miniCruzerThat ended up being my resolution was to just run a script for it17:37
morganwhen I went to sleep last night my sound was fine, today when I woke up, it's like it's stuck at 5% volume. how do I reset the sound or something?17:37
mbeierlTakyoji, I notice the same thing, and I have yet to find a decent answer to the question.  One answer that I did find was that there was a kernel module (it might have been the nvidia one) that was leaking memory and lsmod showed it taking up a whole bunch of memory that was not reported elsewhere17:37
DkYI have bought 14 adapters to be used in appliances so would really to see it working properly....17:37
black_13mike___: i know that fedora has a toolset for making custom iso does ubuntu ?17:38
morganI guess how do I just reinstall all the sound drivers etc?17:38
DkY...my first test installation before ordering all of them seemed stable without the issue if I recall correctly...17:38
belugsHello guy... I recovered one deleted file using photorec... your name is f491205543.gz and your size is 26mb, but when I descompress there is other file f491205543 (without extension) and size 2 kb... Someone knows how I get the files inside gz (sorry my english, lol)17:39
mike___black_13, I've not used it myself but you could try the customization kit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization17:39
mike___serge_ru, Is your routing table set up to route network packets through the TAP device?17:40
mikk0i installed 12.04LTS and it would only work with the noacpi option in the first menu upon installation. now, when my machine boots the screen just goes blank. when i hold the shift key down to get into grub, its just blank.17:41
serge_rumike__, i think openvpn client do it itself17:41
ElvanoWhen I try to upgrade my distribution I get the error that the 'Ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist. Anyone know how to solve this?17:41
alecbbump -- my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/ my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/. can anyone confirm that I'm not using the manuf drivers for my wifi card?17:43
DkYCan there be a timing issue when loading the mcs7830 driver + usbnet and also bringing up the interface /etc/network/interfaces?17:46
mike___serge_ru, Does this work for any other client? At a guess, I'd say you probably don't have IP forwarding set up (it's disabled by default) - http://www.ducea.com/2006/08/01/how-to-enable-ip-forwarding-in-linux/ . Otherwise have a look here (it mentions about routing to other networks): https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openvpn.html#openvpn-advanced-config17:46
miniCruzertrism: success17:47
serge_rumike__, i don't have any other clients since this is my first experience in my openvpn server configuring17:47
wilee-nileeElvano, It might help if you name the upgrade from what to what release and the DE you are using and any cutomization of the DE I would think.17:47
trismminiCruzer: excellent17:47
morganis this correct fstab for a SSD or should I tweak it more?: UUID=e5621774-3602-461b-a98a-b74aa9a5cb84 / ext4 discard,errors=remount-ro 0 117:48
mike___serge_ru, Then I think the problem is your VPN server isn't configured to forward your clients network packets, i.e. IP Forwarding isn't enabled. Read the first link I sent in my previous message, which should tell you how to check and enable IP forwarding.17:49
wilee-nileeElvano, ASwell do you have that install backed up, in a clone or the parts you cannot lose?17:49
aLeSD /join #cmake17:49
serge_rumike__, thanks, i'll read it17:49
aLeSD /join #cmake17:50
eprilliosWhat happened to themes and single service view in Gwibber?17:53
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evillyEvilWhy is Ubuntu called "Linux for human beings" ?17:53
evillyEvilWhich Linux isn't for human then?17:54
Frowardmost of it17:54
wilee-nileeevillyEvil, sounds like  #ubuntu-offtopic question this is support.17:54
fidelnever ask or think about marketing ;)17:54
FrowardI'm trying to get to the Itunes store in ubuntu, so far the only solution I've found is install an older version of itunes in WINE. Are there any native apps that can access the store?17:55
ElvanoWell, as far I know I have Ubuntu 12.04LT installed. Detailed: Installed version: 7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3, available version 7u7-2.3.2-1ubuntu0.12.04.1 @ Wilee-nilee17:55
Frowardit's either this or reinstall windows :( not even my laptop, the boss's17:55
newcodehey guys - I get an error 127 when trying to run a command through crontab17:55
fidelFroward: afaik there is no way on linux to access the itunes store besides running itunes either inwine or in a vm17:55
newcodethe command works fine outside of cron17:55
newcodeany advice?17:56
newcodethis is what I'm getting17:56
newcode(CRON) error (grandchild #1871 failed with exit status 127)17:56
newcode(CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)17:56
fidelFroward: i assume going the vm way might be easier if you want to stick with latest itunes versions17:56
wilee-nileeElvano, So this is a in distro upgrade sounds like a partial upgrade is offered don't do a partial, wait till the all the pkgs are in the repo.17:56
Frowardfidel: ooh, VM is a Good Idea!17:56
Josh__Well apt-get is working, but aptitude is not17:56
Frowardfidel: thanks for the knowledge bump ;D17:57
fidelFroward: hf ;)17:57
Josh__fidel, Halp me too please :P17:57
skorvhow do i set fstab to ignore partitions (no mount point what so ever)...17:57
ElvanoYes, it did say I could only run a partitial upgradude. How do I disable it suggesting me these? @ Wilee-nilee17:58
Kardosskorv, comment them with # ?17:58
Frowardfidel: do you know if there's a VM that'll use/run off of the actual windows partition on the HD?17:58
skorvkardos: the partition would appear on places... and thats what i need to avoid17:59
wilee-nileeElvano, you don't it means packages are missing and you should wait till they are there under normal circumstances, I suspect your circumstances are not normal, can you exspand on this.17:59
Abbas|guys, how do i perform this shortkuct key in ubuntu gvim? http://abbaskhan.eu/s/20120914175859379.jpeg17:59
fidelFroward: what do you want to achive indetail?17:59
Kardosoh i dont know what places is, sounds like a gui thing17:59
mike___newcode, Does the user that the cron job runs as have the permissions to do whatever it is you're trying to do?17:59
CalinouFroward: you know there are other stores out there?17:59
Calinouwhy did you even use itunes' store?18:00
Calinouit's full of DRM/MP3 shit18:00
FrowardCalinou: doesn't matter, boss has TONS of cash and gift cards tied up in it18:00
Frowardend of story.18:00
alecbAbbas|: you type a quote (ie, shift+<the single quote button>), then you type the + sign, then g, then P18:00
Calinoupoor boss18:00
Abbas|ok ty alecb18:00
alecbAbbas|: it's four button presses in all, or 5 if you count the shift18:00
newcodemike___: it seems like, it's working fine outside of crontab with that user18:00
serge_ruanother newbie question: how can i learn the local ip address of the ubuntu server in the local network?18:00
alecbactually 6 with shifts18:00
rsvpcheck out the new command line CALCULATOR with easy syntax: https://gist.github.com/370984718:00
alecbbut w/e18:00
skorvkardos: yes it is a gui thing18:00
Abbas|they're in a squence right?18:00
Frowardfidel: instead of using up HD space on the host (linux) partitions, run off the windows partition I already have installed but never use18:00
Abbas|not all pressing at once18:00
Josh__Well apt-get is working, but aptitude is not18:00
fidelserge_ru: ifconfig18:00
mike___serge_ru, ifconfig18:00
Frowardfidel: maybe even modify those files instead of linux files when it downloads music18:01
wilee-nileeJosh__, aptitude is considered deprecated.18:01
serge_rumike__, it shows only "outer", external ip addresses and lo18:01
fidelFroward: well virtualbox shouldnt care where the vm filesitself is located as long as it can access it18:01
Frowardoh awesome18:01
Josh__wilee-nilee, I see18:01
fideland it should be availablevia packages18:01
Josh__wilee-nilee, What was the difference between both anyways?18:01
Frowarddo you recommend virtualbox or vmware?18:01
Kardosi dont think thats a fstab issue, sounds like your gui is examining /dev/sd* and doing something, sorry i can;t help, maybe someone else can18:01
Josh__VirtualBox, Froward18:01
SMTbrhi, someone can help -me with a cron job?18:01
Josh__If you ask me18:01
FrowardJosh__: why?18:02
wilee-nileeJosh__, YOU are asking the diffrence between apt and aptitude?18:02
fidelFroward: but accessing that virtual hd located on your windows partition from within windows will be another story18:02
newcodemike___:  any other advice?18:02
Josh__wilee-nilee, Well yes?18:02
rsvpwilee-nilee, do you think synaptic will become deprecated someday due to the commercial nature of software-center ??18:02
wilee-nileeJosh__, lookit up. ; )18:02
Josh__wilee-nilee, Rather between apt-get and aptitude18:02
Josh__Both have install :P18:02
fidelFroward: if its just about using that unused space ... i dont see a reason why itshouldnt work18:02
mike___newcode, No sorry. anything in cron logs?18:02
wilee-nileersvp, synaptic is considered deprecated.18:02
newcodemike___: yes, the error I mentioned above18:03
newcode(CRON) error (grandchild #1925 failed with exit status 127)18:03
Frowardfidel: lol yeah :D I've got a LITTLE experience with VMs and linux.18:03
FrowardI think I can do it.18:03
newcodemike___ seems like cron can't find the script18:03
Josh__wilee-nilee, Wow what even synaptic is deprecated?18:03
wilee-nileersvp, I never use the software center whether it is commercial based is a subjective.18:04
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SMTbrhi, someone can help -me with a cron job?18:04
rsvpwilee-nilee, deprecated in the sense that development on synaptic will cease ??18:04
jakempman, what the hell is up with unity crashing18:04
SMTbri cant make it works18:04
jakempI thought 12.04 was supposed to be stable18:04
fidel!details > SMTbr18:04
ubottuSMTbr, please see my private message18:04
mike___serge_ru, you mean world routable IP's?18:04
fidel!repeat SMTbr18:04
wilee-nileeJosh__, does not mean that can't be used it is just understanding their use in this state,18:04
fidel!repeat > SMTbr18:04
Josh__wilee-nilee, What do you use instead when you want to find packages?18:04
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mike___newcode, Might be a problem with the format in the crontab file?? :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176048818:04
wilee-nileeJosh__, I don't need to find packages I know what is there that I need I use apt and synaptic apt-fast specifically.18:05
fidel!pm > SMTbr18:05
ubottuSMTbr, please see my private message18:05
rsvpapt-get is clearly not descriptive enough :) in re to what a package does.18:05
newcodemike___: ok, thanks, I will look into it18:06
Josh__wilee-nilee, That would be only useful if you are going to use what there is in repositories already18:06
serge_rumike___, yes, it shows 'world routable IP', although i need the local ones to correctly configure the server firewall for routing http and other web queries via openvpn18:06
Josh__wilee-nilee, what if you want to install say tint18:06
SMTbr00 15 * * * vitor /home/vitor/backup/exec_backup18:06
SMTbrthis is my cron job18:06
ElvanoI'm running the Gnome3-shell. I guess that might explain something @Wilee-nilee18:06
SMTbrand it dont works18:06
wilee-nileeJosh__, I don't want to indstall tint.18:06
serge_rumike___, something like 10.8.0.* as in tutorial, but i'm not sure it's the same in my case18:07
wilee-nileenoob questions lol18:07
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fidelSMTbr: what is exec_backup? a script?18:07
serge_rumike___, or maybe 192.168.[0|1].*18:07
fidelSMTbr: if so - is it executable? is it using full path for its commands inside the script?18:08
Josh__wilee-nilee, Well, The point I am trying to make is, If you are going to install something that is not available in repository, without help of package manager how can you install it quickly and easily?18:08
fidelSMTbr: does the script itself works if you run it manualy?18:08
Josh__I just want to know the way you can say18:08
SMTbryes, its executable, and it use full paths18:08
wilee-nileeElvano, I'm running 12.04.1 with the gnome shell, gnome 3 is the support for the ubuntu desktop=unity and the gnome-shell18:08
SMTbrit works, if i enter the directory and type ./exec_backup18:09
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wilee-nileeJosh__, I would look on the web abd see where it is at.18:09
rsvpThe_Josh, "man apt-get"18:09
The_Joshrsvp, Already read18:09
wilee-nileeJosh__, It is not often that you will install outside of a ubuntu repo generally.18:09
jribSMTbr: what if you don't enter the directory first?  In any case, pastebin the actual script18:09
The_Joshwilee-nilee, I find it very often18:10
The_Joshwilee-nilee, I have my own repos on git hub and many places18:10
wilee-nileeJosh__, Mioght be in a ppa for example if outside of a repo18:10
The_Joshbitbucket,github :P18:10
rsvpyou have the manual installer debi-something-or-another...18:10
SMTbrfidel, http://pastebin.com/tnEkNPBh18:10
ElvanoI'm also running the gnome-desktop if that matters @ Wilee-nilee18:10
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wilee-nileeElvano, What you need to do I think I doubt I can help here though is to pastebin the commands you run and the errors in a pastebin.18:12
rsvpSMTbr, see if there's a difference between "sh backup" and "bash backup"18:13
Shehrazadwhere is firefox profile folder in 12.0418:14
Shehrazadit not where it is supposed to be18:14
rsvpSMTbr, because cron uses sh and needs to know about the proper environment.18:14
wilee-nileeShehrazad, .config18:14
Shehrazadshouln't it be under lib/firefox18:14
SMTbrrsvp: where i can see it?18:14
rsvpsee what?18:15
wilee-nileeShehrazad, Not sure exactly what your loking for so I assume it is the user profile.18:15
SilvereXHey guys18:16
rsvpadd the spell check module from the repo, wilee18:16
skorvany way to hide "LVM2 Physical Volume"?18:16
FrowardSilvereX: hey, are you the guy who built/compiled xchat2 for windows?18:16
SilvereXI get asked that occasionally18:17
SilvereXI'd never heard of it18:17
Shehrazadyeah, user profile18:17
BluesKajSilvereX, the original xchat costs afte 30 days , xchat2 is the open source version , based on gtk/perl18:18
SilvereXAnybody know why when I try to open an executable, it doesn't load, but instead creates an empty text document titles invalid encoding?18:19
skorvnautilus show LVM2 Physical Volume... no idea how to hide it... any thoughts?18:19
TheLordOfTimeSilvereX, what executable18:19
SilvereXTheLordOfTime: sub rosa18:20
SilvereXThe linux one18:21
ElvanoI'll have to do that another time, thank you for your help @ Wilee-nilee18:21
pepeehi. is there a way to delete a post in paste.ubuntu.com ?18:23
wilee-nileepepee, I think they are there once posted18:25
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pepeewilee-nilee, what do you mean?18:26
Picipepee: no.18:26
wilee-nileepepee, Not removable18:26
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mike___skorv, Not entirely sure whether you can do that.18:27
pepeewilee-nilee, well, I suppose, but I need to delete a post18:28
DataLatei got some problems - i can't login on lightdm18:28
pepeesome personal info, posted by mistake18:29
DataLatethe screen flashes black and sends me back to login screen18:29
pepeebtw who is the genius that modified pastebinit?18:29
DataLatecould someone help?18:29
pepeesrsly, I want to use pastebin.com, not paste.ubuntu18:29
pepeeDataLate, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:30
skorvmike___: i've seen a lot of stuff regarding18:30
Shehrazadwow, that was easy18:30
skorvmike___: reported as a bug18:30
Shehrazadit was just under help>trubleshooting18:30
Shehrazador about:support18:30
* Shehrazad knows better now.18:31
DataLatepepee: i couldn't find any errors there, seemed all ok18:32
pepeeDataLate, dmesg or /var/log/syslog18:32
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mikk0 i installed 12.04LTS and when i boot it, the screen just goes blank18:32
mikk0any ideas?18:32
Frowardtry hitting Ctrl + alt + f1 to see if you can get to another TTY18:33
pepeemikk0, do you know how to edit the boot commands in grub?18:33
Frowardf6 is the visual screen, I think18:33
mikk0pepee, how do i get into the grub menu?18:34
pepeetry removing quiet splash from the kernel line in grub18:34
pepeemikk0, reboot and hold shift18:35
DataLatepepee: i found this: Could not open output pipe /dev/xconsole18:35
DataLatecould that be the problem?18:35
mikk0holding shift doesnt do anything. i just get a blank screen18:36
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | mikk018:36
ubottumikk0: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:36
wilee-nileemikk0, Is this only one OS installed?18:37
pepeeDataLate, googling now18:37
DataLateill go afk for ~5 mins, brb18:37
mikk0wilee-nilee: yes. its the only one18:38
mikk0ubottu, ok thanks18:38
pepeewtf? launchpad deleting bugs?18:38
wilee-nileemikk0, That release 12.04 should show the grub menu if you hold down the shift key right after powering on are you certain it does not?18:38
Lord_ZeroIf you dont hide joins/parts/quits in #ubuntu, youre gonna have a bad time.18:39
alecbcan anyone tell me if the manuf. drivers for my wifi card are installed (or if I'm using the kernel drivers). my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/, my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/18:39
p3rsistHi guys. Anyone of you know how to set the time zone directly in the command line without using the interactive dpkg-reconfigure tzdata ?18:40
histop3rsist: is there a problem with dpkg-reconfigure tzdata ?18:43
mikk0wilee-nilee: i am absolutely certain it does not.18:43
Lord_Zerop3rsist:$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata18:43
p3rsisthisto: I want to run it in a host config management script.18:43
wilee-nileemikk0, Sounds like a bad install if you have not changed grub, the grub menu is before graphics are kicked on.18:44
histop3rsist: well you could edit /etc/timezone manually but you need to run a fw things to make it change immediately.  Take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst  to see what is run when dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is called18:44
wilee-nileemikk0, Or grub is not installed in the mbr.18:45
xiddo ubuntu repos have any prebuilt vim profiles18:45
pepeemikk0, do you know what grub is?18:45
wilee-nileemikk0, Is there more then one HD, or did grub get put on a USB on the install or another HD's mbr not of the install, or is the HD installed to not first in the bios to be read.18:46
mikk0pepee, i have used slackware since like '93. grub is just a replacement for lilo18:47
alecbbump -- can anyone tell me if the manuf. drivers for my wifi card are installed (or if I'm using the kernel drivers). my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/, my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/18:47
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pepeewilee-nilee, I'm not sure if you can run linux without a bootloader18:47
wilee-nileepepee, Did I say you could?18:48
DataLatepepee: im back now18:48
pepeemikk0, try pressing the up or down arrow keys after rebooting18:48
DataLatedid you find something?18:48
pepee<wilee-nilee> mikk0, Or grub is not installed in the mbr.18:48
wilee-nileepepee, I was asking questions since this is a frsh install as to where grub g=has been put.18:49
pepeeDataLate, nope , there seems to be a bug report, but it was deleted or something18:49
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DataLatei have no idea why it happened. i was just messing around (installed fluxbox and alternate file manager), then i just restarted lightdm18:50
DataLateand i couldn't log back in18:50
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wilee-nileepepee, besides you can manually boot, but my questions are in finding out the possiblities of the grub menu not showing, as in where was grub put, are there muitiple HD's here, did grub get put on a usb drive using to install.18:51
DataLatepepee: i removed nautilus and it deleted some other packages (ubuntu-desktop etc) could that be the problem?18:51
DataLatei installed nautilus afterwards but it didn't help18:51
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pepeeDataLate, could be, I don't really know, sorry18:52
DataLatealso, i was able to access my guest account for a while, but after another restart i was unable to18:52
DataLateso you have no ideas?18:52
pepeemikk0, what do you see when booting?18:53
DataLatei guess i gotta reinstall then18:53
pepeeDataLate, gotta google some more, I think18:53
DataLateokay.. i would google myself too, but no desktop >.<18:53
pepeeah yeah haha18:54
pepeewell, try using elinks or something18:54
DataLatesyslog just tells "user connected - user disconnected"18:55
DataLateshould i try reinstalling/reseting something?18:56
DataLateshouldn't there be a way?18:56
DataLatehmm .. i logged in and it tells me "system restart required"18:57
DataLatei try restarting :D18:57
NaminukasCould somebody please help with no audio issue after upgrade from ubuntu 11 to 12?18:58
ZDroidHi all!18:58
pepeeNaminukas, #ubuntu+118:59
zal07:09.0 Multimedia controller [0480]: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder [1131:7133] (rev d1) Subsystem: Creatix Polymedia GmbH Device [16be:0010] Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx- Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-18:59
Troy^Naminukas: what audo chipset18:59
zal Latncy: 32 (21 000ns min, 8000ns max) Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 16 Region 0: Memory at df5ff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=2K] Capabilities: <access denied> Kernel driver in use: saa7134 Kernel modules: saa713418:59
zalno signal18:59
phy1729Could someone explain bridging to me? I thought it would make a virtual hub but whenever I brctl addif br0 eth0 my connection drops.18:59
Troy^Naminukas: be more specific.. also 12.04 correct?18:59
shihanphy1729: you need to configure br0 after you do that (i.e. dhcp/static)19:00
pepeeforgot that 12 is current :/19:00
Naminukasyes to 12.0419:00
Troy^Naminukas: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec19:00
phy1729shihan: I just want everything that connects on wlan0 to be ploped onto the LAN19:01
phy1729DHCP is done by a different box and this box has it's eth0 IP set already19:01
shihanphy1720: well, normall you'd just set eth0 to manual, brctl br0 add eth0, wlan0 as well... then, remove any eth0 config and put it on br0 instead19:02
shihanphy1729: like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205431/19:03
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mike___I'm running 12.04 Server with XBMC (auto logs in to XBMC and obviously has X installed). Every so often the display seems to overscan and I have to resize XBMC to be able to see the corners again. Anybody got any ideas what might be causing this? X server or XBMC?19:03
GlencoreHello, is there any known issue where my /tmp directory would become full and/or locked? (my filesystem is a single partition which is not even close to full). Thank you19:04
NaminukasTroy^ try grep --help19:04
shihanmike___, depends on how your configure the overscan... you can do it at xbmc or the driver19:04
Naminukasno such file or directory19:04
Troy^Naminukas: ???19:04
NaminukasI think i did something wrong19:05
pepeeNaminukas,         grep Codec /proc/asound/card0/codec*19:05
Troy^Naminukas: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec19:05
Troy^Naminukas: copy and paste19:05
phy1729shihan: is there a tuitorial on this so I can actually understand what I'm doing?19:05
pepeephy1729, ##networking  ?19:06
shihanphy1729: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge would be good19:06
shihan+ place to start19:07
Naminukastroy usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [file]19:07
Troy^Naminukas: do you know specific model of your realtek chipset19:08
Naminukassorry cant copy paste chating from windows pc ubuntu laptop can't connect to internet and that's another issiue19:08
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xiamxwhat does a "bare 3.5 kernel" refers to? http://pf.natalenko.name/19:08
Troy^Naminukas: can you not connect to it internally(inside network) and ssh to it?19:09
xiamxwhat does a "bare 3.5 kernel" refers to? http://pf.natalenko.name/19:09
Troy^Naminukas: ok type alsamixer tell me if it is installed?19:09
pepeexiamx, the 3.5 release I suppose19:10
pepee*final release, without patches19:10
NaminukasI cant configure eth0 by my isp's requierments i need to change MAC then enter manual TCP/IP v4 config19:10
xiamxpepee: where do you think I can download it?19:11
grizcreativeTrying to automatically (according to predefined rules) move and rename media files after torrent is finished downloading19:11
grizcreativeCant find an easy solution19:11
pepeexiamx, for ubuntu? no idea, try requesting one in the forum or somthing19:12
Troy^Naminukas: you can't change your MAC. so you have to set a static IP on eth0 which is not hard. so i assume you are not connected to a router but straight to a modem?19:12
xiamxpepee: i'll try to ask on other channels, im on fedora19:12
xiamxpepee: thanks buddy19:12
pepeexiamx, what is it for?19:12
TheLordOfTimeTroy^, isnt it possible to set up MAC spoofing?19:12
xiamxpepee: trying out pf-kernel http://pf.natalenko.name/19:13
Troy^TheLordOfTime: technically yes, but really you can't change your MAC19:13
Naminukasgrep Codec /proc/asound/card0/codec* worked heres the output19:13
TheLordOfTimethat's true, but "change your MAC" can be interpreted as "spoof your MAC" in some cases19:13
TheLordOfTimebut that's a discussion for another time19:13
NaminukasRealtek ALC26219:13
NaminukasLSI ID 104019:13
mike___TheLordOfTime, Troy^ I'm pretty sure you can specify a different MAC when bringing up an interface (if your driver allows it)19:13
Troy^Naminukas: ok type alsamixer is it installed?19:14
TheLordOfTimemike___, that's called "spoofing"19:14
pepeexiamx, yeah, but that do you get from it?19:14
TheLordOfTimeyou can't actually change the HW address19:14
TheLordOfTimeits hardcoded19:14
adymitruktrying to install oracle using alien19:14
adymitrukit seems to delete the .deb file19:15
whoeverhi all having some vido problem with asus entgs450 videos that hawe a white individuale there skin tone is blue, but yet in windows vm they look normal. I tried to fix it by insalling aditional driver under settings and enabling it, but that didn't seem to fix it. can someone assist19:15
Kroach1brightness control is broken on a laptop, is it possible to stop the default Fn keys from controlling brightness?19:15
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pepeeTheLordOfTime, use macchanger19:15
Naminukasyeah i found manual how to unmute with this tool didnt help19:15
adymitrukthe instructions for the install require it19:15
DataLateomg finally19:15
TheLordOfTimei didnt say i needed to spoof my IP :PO19:15
DataLatei got it working!19:15
phy1729shihan: thanks I didn't realize that the if's should be set to manual and the br should have all the settings19:15
david__does anyone here use gnome-shell19:15
Naminukasok opened alsa mixer419:15
TheLordOfTimedavid__, i used to, why?19:16
phy1729now to get wpa to work19:16
pepeeDataLate, what was the problem?19:16
shihanphy1729, no worries :)19:16
david__is it safe to install gnome-shell in ubuntu 12.04 alongside unity?19:16
JayWalkerdavid__ pretty sure, yeah19:16
JayWalkerlots of people do it19:16
histodavid__: you can install anything you want.  After installing shell you'll be able to select it from teh login screen.19:16
pepeeTheLordOfTime, eh? macchanger is for changing the MAC address19:17
david__it wont conflict with my system at all?19:17
NaminukasTroy^ yes it's installed19:17
JayWalkerI'm having trouble installing the nvidia proprietary binaries. It requires no X server to be running but every time I kill xorg it restarts, and when I lot in as root it cant make a file in /tmp. Any suggestions?19:17
Troy^Naminukas: ok, nothing is muted right19:17
mike___JayWalker, reboot into single/recovery mode?19:18
david__is gnome 3 stable? it will it crash on me alot like unity use to before 12.04 came out???19:19
JayWalkermike___, that's how I got in as root. cant use /tmp19:19
david__will it****19:19
DataLatepepee: there was some file i needed to chown .. just a sec19:19
Naminukascd mic beepinternal are muted again allthough i unmuted it before i restarted pc19:19
DataLate~/.Xauthority, IIRC19:19
pepeeJayWalker, run it with sudo, or run sudo -i to get a root shell19:19
DataLatei chowned it to my user account19:19
pepeeDataLate, oh well haha19:19
DataLatethere was a bug report somewhere ..19:20
DataLatethank god it worked :D19:20
Troy^Naminukas: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-generic then reboot you should get sound19:20
pepeeDataLate, that file isn't needed I think19:20
JayWalkerpepee that doesnt work if X server is running, which I cant seem to kill19:20
DataLatepepee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/87166719:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871667 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) ".Xauthority sometimes owned by root, which blocks login" [High,Fix released]19:21
pepeeJayWalker, log out, sudo service lightdm stop    (or gdm, kdm, whatever)19:21
NaminukasTroy^ sudo: aptitude: comand not found19:22
w30JayWalker, you have to stop lightdm or whatever you use to run your login gui19:22
Troy^Naminukas: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic19:22
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JayWalkerw30, pepee, that worked. thanks19:23
DataLatewhat was the default file manager on xfce?19:23
Troy^DataLate: Thunar19:24
DataLateis it wise to remove nautilus and install thunar?19:24
pranavkwhat is a metapackage, i mean how its different than other normal packages ?19:25
pepeeisn't is pcmanfm?19:25
Troy^DataLate: not sure on wise or not, I actually don't really know why you would19:25
DataLatewell, i am using fluxbox19:25
DataLateand i have problems with nautilus19:25
DataLateeach time i open it, fluxbox fucks up19:25
pepeeDataLate, try installing it, no need to remove nautilus, I suppose19:26
Troy^DataLate: yea i don't see a problem then just leave nautilus installed just install Thunar and set it as default file manager19:26
DataLatei dont know how to set it as default :(19:26
alprepranavk: it's just a help to provide many packages at once19:26
shihanpranavk: a metapackage really doesnt contain much in the way of files, just a bunch of dependancies...19:27
michele_ /etc/default19:27
Troy^DataLate: sudo update-alternatives -all19:27
j`eydoes ubuntu have a different default ssh port?19:27
pranavkalpre: shihan : i am installing mysql, they have two packages there, one of them being meta, so does it mean that i need metapackages before installing the other one ?19:28
hegemoOni have trouble with perl version19:28
BluesKajj`ey, different than what ?19:28
michele_j`ey no, 2219:28
hegemoOnand /usr/share/perl and /usr/share/perl519:29
j`eymichele_: ty19:29
DataLateTroy^: there was no file manager there19:29
hegemoOnhow do i specify which module i want to run ?19:30
shihanpranavk: generally not, no19:30
Troy^DataLate: hmm19:30
hegemoOnbecause Zlib.pm is quit different version from both directory19:30
Troy^DataLate: go to system settings19:30
DataLatei am using fluxbox19:30
pranavkshihan: when would i need only metapackages and not the other one, is there any situation you can think of ?19:30
DataLateno gnome :P19:30
pepeeDataLate, alt+f2  thunar19:31
KverasI have a problem with my Samba setup. When I use "touch /path/to/server/foo" I have no problems creating a file from the client. But when I try to save a file from Firefox, I get a popup complaining about permissions. ls gives "drwxrwxr-x+ 2 1001 cifs 0 sep 14 21:27 watch/" and I have specified "gid=1001" in my fstab. Any thoughts?19:31
michele_j`ey your welcome19:31
DataLatepepee: is it now default?19:31
shihanpranvk: well, meta packages just install everything for a specific set of circumstances... like mysql (meta package) might install mysql-server, mysql-client (and a tonne of other mysql packages)... i.e. everything you could depend on for mysql work... but if you just wanted server, then mysql-server will most likely do what you need19:31
NaminukasDid it restarted there was logon sound and that's it no sound in test sound nor from music player nor when selecting OS sound scheme19:32
pepeeDataLate, nop, to run it do that19:32
DataLatethat didn't help much :)19:33
DataLatewhen i open something from browser or something19:33
DataLateit opens up nautilus19:33
pepeeDataLate, try closing logging out or rebooting19:33
Troy^Naminukas: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol19:34
Troy^Naminukas: when it installs open it and go to configuration and select "Analog Stereo Output"19:34
Troy^Naminukas: it is Pulse Audio Voume btw19:35
shihanpranavk, sometimes too, meta packages point at the "most used version" i.e. mysql-server might point at mysql-server-some-version (even if its not newest) because its the most likely one you want... but if you installed mysql-server-some-version rather then the meta-package, theres no real difference19:35
hegemoOnnobody to help me about this issue ?19:36
pranavkshihan: i see, thanks19:37
shihanhegemoOn, often with -I option in perl, but #perl would probably help you better then here19:37
Naminukasit didnt install nedds to download something and fails couse no connection19:37
Troy^Naminukas: connect it to the net19:38
leoleenhow do you reinstall the default theme and and login wallpaper on oneiric19:38
NaminukasI can't19:38
Troy^Naminukas: why19:38
TheLordOfTimeNaminukas:  no ethernet cable?19:38
Naminukasneed to change or imitate other mac and change TCP/IP config to custom adresses19:39
Naminukasand that by the way doesn't work to19:39
Troy^Naminukas: why does the MAC matter?19:39
Naminukascose thats how provider ensures that you dont connect your cable to other pc than your own19:40
Troy^Naminukas: lol that is easily bypassed get a router19:40
shihan"ifconfig hw ...." changes mac addresses19:41
Naminukasyeah no monety for that19:41
=== jakub is now known as jakub_r
Naminukastried it doesnt do a squat19:41
Troy^Naminukas: do internet sharing and use a switch19:41
Naminukasifconfig eth0 down19:41
pepeetry reloading the module19:42
=== LiKwan_ is now known as LiKwan
NaminukasHave got no network equipment jus the freaking UTP cable19:42
shihanahhh, not all nic cards will happily change mac addresses, but its rare that they dont19:42
pepeermmod somthing; modprobe something; ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig hw ....19:42
derplyHi. I am having trouble with boot-repair. It tells me to refer to this: paste.ubuntu.com/120548819:43
Troy^You can get routers now a days that can use your computers MAC the one that was initially configured with your ISP. Or you could set up a linux box dual nic(gateway) with a switch19:43
pepeeor download the macchanger package manually and install it on the other machine19:44
Troy^Your ISP is a scam Naminukas where do you live?19:44
Naminukasnow i dont even understan what are you talking about, keep in mind i'm a total noob in linux and i dont understand network much19:44
sapharothderply, paste the complete link19:44
BlueWolfHello, I have a .sh file in my downloads and its for my new printer how do I install it?19:44
Naminukasyeah it sucks here19:44
derplysapharoth: Err... that is the complete link?19:45
Troy^Naminukas: they have huge bandwidth pipes though19:45
NaminukasBut you see i live in a dorm19:45
shihanthere is an alternative you might try... setup bridging, bridge the ethernet port, then change the mac address on the br0 interface19:45
pepeeNaminukas, http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/macchanger19:45
Naminukasso no coverage of all the awesome ISP's19:45
sapharothderply, dude with the http.19:46
Troy^Naminukas: ahh well you pay for your own ISP in your room?19:46
shihannaminukas: btw, what makes you think its not working? (ifconfig ... hw ether)? simply cause you cant access anything?19:46
Troy^Naminukas: could make your live alot easier with a router19:47
Naminukasnope when i put cable in it says disconected19:47
Naminukasif config up does not give any response19:47
shihannaminukas: ahhh, if your in a dorm, chances are that is "by design"19:47
OerHeksNaminukas, After changing MAC, maybe .. reboot?19:48
shihanNaminukas, is the pc that normally plugs into that cable a pc the dorm gave you?19:48
saviohey how can i use remmnia to share my desktop any howto19:49
* OerHeks wonders how Naminukas is internetting iwithout acces19:49
savioi'm confused19:49
kunji1Naminukas, you can set up the MAC spoofing in the GUI, you might need a reboot, but in almost all cases logging out and back in is sufficient.19:49
hegemoOni just only installed standard ubuntu19:49
Naminukasim with other windows pc now19:50
hegemoOni dont know how this could happen19:50
Troy^shihan: i assume when he got his internet installed they used the MAC of his computer at the location19:50
guntbert_savio: if I remember correctly you use vino-preferences to share your desktop19:50
kunji1Yeah, that's a common practice at universities (to do mac filtering)19:50
Troy^hegemoOn: what do you mean only standard ubuntu?19:50
NaminukasThanks guys19:50
shihanTroy^, i dont think so, i think his dorm is using a fairly common piece of network security that blocks any hardware except their own... changing mac's aint gunna help19:50
NaminukasTroy^ especialy19:50
hegemoOni mean i didnt played with module and perl19:50
Troy^kunji1: is easily bypassed with newer routers19:50
saviobut guntbert_ ubuntu has remmnia desktop client what about that19:51
hegemoOnand know i have conflict of module version19:51
NaminukasI'm gonna go now couse my girl is litteraly is trying to drown me in tequila19:51
hegemoOnso this is pretty annoying19:51
Naminukasgonna ask questions here tomorow19:51
kunji1Tory^: it's easily bypassed period, but lots of people don't know how :P, and at least it has been the practice at every campus I have been to.19:51
shihankunji1, i bet i can make a setup you couldnt bypass ;)19:52
Troy^lol yea kunji1 most of the dorms i've been here have open wifi spots through out the dorms19:52
guntbert_savio: a "client" is something that connects to a "server", so you need remmina (or vinagre) to actually connect and see your shared desktop from another machine19:52
pepeeso, people doesn't know how to use macchanger19:52
savioshihan, theres is know such thing that can't be bypassed19:52
soman>>> How can I use url in open file dialog in Ubuntu 12.04 to automatically download a url into temp dir ant post file from temp dir to any form in a web like it could be done in Windows?19:52
Muellii dont' understand soman.19:53
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crillyWhat is this Windows Unbuntui Imstaller thing? I've used and it, and I'm in Ubuntu, but it's very slow - why?19:53
pepeesoman, using wget and curl ?19:53
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kunji1Troy^: yeah, that's true, but I mean for their wired networks they use the mac addresses, and those networks are mostly separate.  Often only a few ports are opened on the wireless, like 80, 443, and some others, often even ssh is blocked.19:54
derplyCan anyone help me with my grub issues? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205488/19:54
somanMuelli: I want to post to web my photo not using a local file but url. How can I do that without manually doanloading a photo and specifying it in open file dialog?19:54
saviocrilly, it installed ubuntu in windows environment like any other windows applicaton19:54
kunji1shihan: I'm sure you can make a setup I can't bypass (yet at least, I have a lot to learn :P)19:54
crillysavio: That's worthless. God damn it. I'll burn a CD and bive that a try.19:55
Troy^kunji1: glad i live at my own house19:55
pepeederply, sorry, what's the problem?19:55
Muellisoman: no idea.19:55
somanpepee: It would be good to do it with GUI. Is it possible?19:55
saviocrilly, good luck19:55
crillysavio: Yeah I will need it - it's an Acer PC.19:56
derplypepee: I am trying to repair grub using boot-repair.... but I can't seem to get grub to work. boot repair gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205488/19:56
kunji1Troy^: Yeah, dorms are rough, I'm back at home now though, commuting this semester, which is also a pain19:56
guntbert_!ot | kunji119:56
ubottukunji1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:56
BlueWolfI have just bought a new Canon Pixma MG2100 printer and the drivers are in my downloads folder, a .sh how do I install it through the terminal? How do I type it?19:56
saviocrilly, is this your first installtion of linux/ubuntu19:56
Muelliderply: eh. that looks all weird. What is it that you're trying to do. I read chroot /mnt/boot-sav/sda5 apt-get purge -y --force-yes linux-image-* which doesn't sound right.19:57
sapharothderply, i read your link why are you loading the boot loader in sda5 your boot partition is sda7.19:57
yeatsBlueWolf: probably 'sudo ./scriptname.sh'19:57
Troy^BlueWolf: sudo chmod +x filename.sh then type ./filename.sh to run it19:57
Muellianyway derply, /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 232: /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: cannot create /boot/grub/grub.cfg.new: Directory nonexistent might be relevant19:57
pepeederply, do you know how to reinstall grub from a livecd?19:58
derplysapharoth: It said something about making a separate /boot in boot-repair.19:58
shihankunji1, Troy^ : my bet is that the pc thats supposed to be plugged into that utp cable Naminukas has was supplied by the dorm with a very locked down very of windows... and the card in it has been coded with ethernet authentication data so its very difficult to plug something else in there19:58
OerHeks!grub2 | pepee19:58
ubottupepee: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:58
Troy^shihan: i doubt it he said he pays for the ISP himself19:58
derplypepee: I am trying to do it with boot-repair...19:58
pepeeOerHeks, ?19:58
BlueWolfyeats, Troy^: Sorry I am not familiar with the code what would be the exact code? :D19:58
Troy^BlueWolf: i just told you the exact code19:59
NCS_OneI installed ubuntu 12 on my laptop and it doesn't detect my second monitor. How can I fix this?19:59
shihanTroy^, yeah, but then ifconfig hw ether... should work if it were just mac address filtering, there are VERY few cards (and they'd have to be very old) that cant do that these days19:59
pepeederply, the easiest, best way to do it is from a live cd, chrooting in the ubuntu partition19:59
BereniceI have a problem with qjackctl.. can anybody help me please?19:59
MuelliNCS_One: how do you know that it doesn't detect your second monitor?19:59
BlueWolfTroy^: Trying :D19:59
Muelli!anyone | Berenice19:59
ubottuBerenice: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:59
derplypepee: Alright.. I don't know how to do that, then.19:59
kunji1shihan: Actually I would be surprised if that was the case, not sure what university would be that pro windows and locked down, but there's probably some out there20:00
crillysavio: lol not quite no.20:00
NCS_OneMuelli: I went to System settings > Display20:00
pepeederply, also, what's the problem? can't boot, some error message?20:00
MuelliNCS_One: and then what/20:00
Troy^BlueWolf: you need to be in the directory of your downloaded driver file.20:00
crillysavio: But Acer PCs seem to offer a very high degree of resistance, ignoring any media I hand it, going straight to the Windows install.20:00
NCS_OneMuelli: I press "Detect displays" ..20:01
derplypepee: I am trying to use boot-repair to fix grub, but I keep getting the errors in this post: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205488/20:01
BlueWolfTroy^: That's the thing I have no clue what I am doing. How would I do that20:01
derplypepee: At the bottom.20:01
BlueWolfIt's in a file20:01
sapharothalright, do one thing boot through the live CD and make a grub install on sda7.20:01
MuelliNCS_One: and then what?20:01
SnapSnapWhile updating, I got this error message: "task manager cannot be monitored or controlled. Most likely the daemon crashed" Is this a major problem or minor crash?20:01
Bereniceok then... I have ubuntu studio, where should I go? i don't know a lot about this chat20:01
Troy^BlueWolf: so it is compressed?20:01
sapharothderply, alright, do one thing boot through the live CD and make a grub install on sda7.20:01
NCS_OneMuelli: it only shows the laptop monitor20:01
MuelliNCS_One: Dumb question but have you plugged your monitor in..?20:01
guntbert_BlueWolf: 1) open a terminal window, then type the commands Troy^ sent you20:01
NCS_OneMuelli: yes :)20:02
MuelliNCS_One: can you pastebin us the output of xrandr?20:02
Troy^guntbert_: he doesn't know basic directory munipulation commands20:02
BlueWolfTroy^: cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb.tar.gz - Thats the file name20:02
kunji1guntbert_: Sorry for straying off topic here's the reason I'm here actually, I want to start Conky as root after login, and I'm not sure how.  local.rc runs as root I think, but that's at boot, not login.  I don't think the .bash_profile thing runs as root, and even if it did, it could give problems with ssh.  Also the standard Ubuntu startup stuff does not run as root.  Conky needs to start as root so it can read logs in /var/log/  Is the20:02
derplysapharoth: How do you make a grub install without boot-repair?20:02
saviocrilly, i don;t know about that. how can accer offer such type of resistance once my dell offers such resistance for dual boot of windows genuine version and ubuntu20:02
shihankunji1, he's from lithuania, and i know nothing of their politics, but who knows... and it really isnt that hard any guy with a cisco or juniper cert would know how to do it20:02
saviocrilly, i format windows and installed other one20:02
Troy^BlueWolf: tar jvxf filename.tar.bz20:02
derplysapharoth: And should I or should I know have a separate boot partition?20:02
sapharothboot through the live CD become chroot and then do grub install.20:03
derplysapharoth: know = not*20:03
kunji1shihan: hmm, Lituania, it could be, he should probably talk to the IT department on his campus.20:04
guntbert_kunji1: don't run GUI apps as root. the log files in /var/log are by default readable by anyone20:04
sapharothi dont know. first try doing a grub install. if it fails. then create new one20:04
BlueWolfTroy^: Listen I am sorry if I sound arrogant or rude but I don't know what to do exactly with ( tar jvxf filename.tar.bz. )? :D20:04
kunji1guntbert_:  .... they aren't on my 12.04.1 install for some reason20:05
cat-orzeplease, I have an idea20:05
crillysavio: I might have to resort to that kind of brtuality, yes :)20:05
Troy^BlueWolf: tar jvxf cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb.tar.gz20:05
sapharothderply, Actually i dont think so.20:05
pepeederply, are you sure it is not a GUID Partition Table (gpt)?20:05
kunji1guntbert_: So I guess I should just edit the permissions on my logs then?20:05
cat-orzeI could talk to my dream of yesterday?20:05
derplypepee: I am sure of nothing. :-/20:06
cat-orzeYesterday I dreamed it would be perfect in my linux desktop20:06
Troy^sorry BlueWolf: tar zxvf cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb.tar.gz is the one i previously gave you doesn't work20:06
guntbert_kunji1: maybe, please !pastebin the output of  ls -ld /var/log ; ls -l /var/log20:06
NCS_OneMuelli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205552/20:06
shihanwait, default perms for log files on ubuntu are not world readable (see /etc/rsyslog.conf)20:07
cat-orzeSorry. I speak Spanish, I am translating with google20:07
guntbert_cat-orze: pleae keep to ubuntu-support20:07
guntbert_!es | cat-orze20:07
ubottucat-orze: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:07
BlueWolfTroy^: Ya it's not working, is the not suppose to be something to tell it that the tar is in the downloads folder?20:08
MuelliNCS_One: and that's all I presume..?20:08
NCS_OneMuelli: yes20:08
Troy^BlueWolf: type ls -al20:08
MuelliNCS_One: get us also /var/log/Xorg.0.log and lspci -vv  To know what VGA card you have.20:08
BlueWolfTroy^: and now?20:09
sapharothderply, i once had a similar problem. i did a grub install on where my boot partition is. n now it's working fine.20:09
Troy^BlueWolf: do you know how to go to directories in the command line?20:09
kunji1guntbert_: My 12.04.1 install was pretty weird, the installer crashed numerous times and finally I got as far as where it installs Grub, and that hung.  So I had to finish the install myself because it wasn't working (install grub manually and work around the hang, create my user account and add it to sudoers, etc...), here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/MZRtX87B20:10
derplysapharoth: So, I want to go sudo grub... etc.20:10
blzAnybody else having issues with hibernate?  I think the last kernel upgrade broke hibernation...20:10
BlueWolfTroy^: Sorry I don't, my knowledge of the command line is poor. Is it not easyer to extract the file and run the .sh?20:11
kunji1blz: hibernation has always been kind of hit or miss, which is I think why it is now disabled by default in the GUI20:11
blzkunji1, that's a shame... =/20:11
Troy^BlueWolf: that si what we are dong20:11
cat-orzeI'm new but I keep the unity launcher, could put something like that and leaving only the top bar?20:11
blzkunji1, anything I could do to try to fix it?20:11
kunji1blz: Sorry, no idea, I've never gotten that in depth in the inner working of linux20:12
BlueWolfTroy^: So do I just double click the .sh?20:12
Troy^BlueWolf try it20:12
cat-orzeSorry, se you later20:12
Troy^BlueWolf: you can extract it by dragging first as well20:12
sapharothBlueWolf, see "man tar" to untar the type of file you need.20:12
BlueWolfTroy^: When I run it nothing happens20:13
adymitrukanyone getting stuck with "sudo apt-get update"? hangs forever?20:13
savioblz disable hibernaet20:13
Troy^BlueWolf: sudo chmod +x filename.sh20:13
guntbert_kunji1: you need to add yourself to the group   adm, then you can read most of the logs (need to log out/in) to make it work20:13
NCS_OneMuelli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205566/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205570/20:13
crillysavio: Earlier you said the Wubi installer installs Ubuntu as a Windows application. I'm not certain that is correct, or have I misunderstood you?20:13
saviocrilly, i think so what you think?20:14
guntbert_Troy^: maybe tell him to use chmod -v ... (so he actually sees results)20:14
crillysavio: I think that's wrong, because the MBR has been updated.20:15
BlueWolfTroy^: chmod: cannot access `cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb.sh': No such file or directory20:15
derplysapharoth: Right.. so I am in the grub> prompt, how do I do this thang?20:15
Troy^BlueWolf: you are not in the directory obviously20:15
kunji1guntbert_: yeah seems like a reasonable way to go ^_^20:15
BlueWolfTroy^: the .sh is in a file in the downloads?20:15
jochlI have IDLE in my unity launcher, but when I click on it the windows appear under "*Python Shell*" which makes the launcher behavior quite useless, is there an easy way to associate the windows to the launcher?20:15
adymitrukstuck on "waiting for headers" while running "sudo apt-get update".. anyone else? is there a cure?20:16
Troy^BlueWolf: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/unix1.html read 'list' and 'changing directories'20:16
saviocrilly, if you want to remove it you have to use uninstaller of windows20:16
BlueWolfthe file is cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb -  and the .sh is in that install.sh?20:16
BlueWolfTroy^: the file is cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb - and the .sh is in that install.sh?20:16
saviocrilly, and it;s old method when we have to upgrade win 98 to xp without formatting it that time also same happenes20:17
Troy^BlueWolf: you need to extract the .sh from it tar -zxvf cnijfilter-mg2100series-3.60-1-deb20:17
BlueWolfTroy^: I have20:17
saviocrilly, they update MBR but you can uninstall xp using Add and remove facility20:17
Troy^BlueWolf: ok type ls -l and the .sh should be there no?20:17
summu_BlueWolf, try running "sh cnijfilter****"20:18
saviocrilly, on wubi webpage :"The Windows-based Ubuntu Installer (Wubi) allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu from within Microsoft Windows"20:18
summu_BlueWolf, sorry try running "sh install.sh"20:18
Troy^summu_: i am not sure BlueWolf even knows how to navigate to a directory via cli20:18
ShehrazadHi, all!20:18
crillysavio: Indeed - the files are stored within Windows, but the MBR has been configured to read the FAT partition to load the boot loader - GUB in this case.20:19
summu_damn is it BlueWolf!20:19
Shehrazadis there a way to remove programs from dashboard, especially the ones that have icons in taskbar20:19
summu_i mean is that true BlueWolf20:19
Shehrazadunlock only removes them if they are not active20:19
Troy^summu_: huh?20:19
BlueWolfTroy^: Hold on, I my have over come my stupidity. Ok i double clicked the .sh and then run in terminal?20:19
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guntbert_adymitruk: is you internet connection ok? if yes try to use a different mirror20:20
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Troy^BlueWolf: i dont know did it run?20:20
varzakSo I downloaded Ubuntu desktop 12.04 64 .. and burned it on a dvd. When I boot to the dvd I get the error "error: "prefix" is not set". and that screen will stay there for several minutes. How to I install ubuntu?20:20
Troy^BlueWolf: i'm not looking at your desktop20:20
kunji1BlueWolf: sure, go with that one20:20
arosen1if you are running ubuntu 12.04 is there anyway to get the classic gnome back like in 10.04? (I'm installed gnome-shell but it's like the 11.04 gnome).20:20
sapharothBlueWolf, alright that working i suppose.20:21
NCS_Onevarzak: try a pen. like this you don't waste DVDs20:21
saviocrilly, wikipedia has some description  thay says it uses some loopmounted device20:21
saviocrilly, thanks20:21
arosen1The way that window dragging works at the bottom of gnome-terminal in the new version of gnome drive me crazy. It's hard to click in the right place to expand the window out.20:21
BlueWolfTroy^: What do you mean  "i'm not looking at your desktop"?20:21
Troy^varzak: that doesn't tell us very much20:21
NCS_Onevarzak: use UNetBootIn20:21
kunji1arosen1: yeah, it shouldn't be hard to find by googling gnome-classic or gnome classic, something like that.  It's pretty easy and you can pick what one you want at the login screen20:21
varzakDo you want more detail or what?20:22
Troy^BlueWolf do us all a favour and google "linux cli for noobs"20:22
sapharotharosen1, don't you like the new gnome look?? just asking!!20:22
arosen1sapharoth: no i hate it :/20:22
saviocrilly, i have ever use mount -o option20:22
arosen1it was better before  imo20:22
saviocrilly, it's same20:22
shihanarosen1: yeah, the window draggin is very annoying... if you use the top right, its a little easier20:22
shihanarosen1: you get like a 1-pixel grab location for the drag :)20:23
varzakIs it a problem with the disk or my computer20:23
arosen1Also i don't like the x's on the right side.20:23
arosen1i mean on the left side.20:23
arosen1I want them on the right.20:23
BlueWolfTroy^: Sorry I'm a pain I know. Listen I think I have it working but I just need to try print something. Can I get back to you?20:23
guntbert_!enter | arosen120:23
crillysavio: Indeed - just a loopback device. You simply take an ISO and mount it locally so it appears as a local block device20:23
ubottuarosen1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:23
Troy^BlueWolf: yup20:23
guntbert_savio: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> »20:24
NCS_OneI installed ubuntu 12 on my laptop and it doesn't detect my second monitor. How can I fix this?20:24
kunji1arosen1: google that one as well, I'm pretty sure moving the xs back is pretty easy, but I don't remember it off the top of my head20:24
Troy^NCS_One: what graphics card?20:24
NCS_OneTroy^: nvidia20:25
savioguntbert_, yeah i know i'm just explaining him thanks anyway20:25
Troy^NCS_One in settings do you not have a nvidia settings manager?20:25
NCS_OneTroy^: no20:26
derplyOkay.. so I tried using boot-repair again, and this is the first error I get: Embedding-error-in-sda detected. You may want to retry after activating the [Separate /boot partition:] option.20:26
guntbert_savio: so I addressed the wrong person, sorry :)20:26
Troy^NCS_One: do you have anything prompting you about propietary graphics driver like a dialog window?20:26
savioguntbert_, it's not your fault i just type wrong in hurry20:27
NCS_OneTroy^: already done it20:27
savioguntbert_, sorry for trouble20:27
ghabitHello. I have Bose companion 5 sound, how to get it working on ubuntu? (12.04 is here).20:28
derply... and here is the other error I get: http://www.pasteall.org/3524120:28
NCS_OneTroy^: When I go to "Additional drivers" it says that "NVIDIA accelareted graphics driver (version current)[Recommended]" is installed20:28
BlueWolfTroy^: Ok it appears I have over come my stupidity and got it working - Printing. Now I just need to learn how to scan it?20:29
Troy^NCS_One: type in term nvidia-settings20:29
zykotick9NCS_One: is this a hybrid video setup?  does "lspci -v | grep -i vga" list 2 cards?20:29
pepeederply, how many times have you tried to fix it without rebooting?20:29
Troy^BlueWolf: no idea.. put paper in hit scan button?20:30
saviocrilly, i suggest you should try  Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager20:30
derplypepee: Ha.. just the once.20:30
saviocrilly, for fun20:30
Troy^NCS_One: nvidia-settings will bring up the settings manager20:30
pepeederply, also, I wouldn't trust in that script20:30
NCS_Onezykotick9: only shows 120:31
derplypepee: eh?20:31
kunji1zykotick9: Do you know much about hybrid setups?  Because I may contact you for some help later if you do.20:31
zykotick9NCS_One: ok, then open nvidia-setting and verifiy if it shows 2 monitors20:31
zykotick9kunji1: nothing at all.  sorry man.20:31
pepeederply, well, doesn't seem to be working. why would you use it again and again?20:31
whoeverare there drivers that work for ausu engts450 vider card ?,  the card works fine in windows  but thing that should have a beig color or white people look blue. I have tried the propietary driver undr settings aditional drivers, but not change20:32
BlueWolfTroy^: Do you know what program I can use to scan images or documents onto my computer? How does one normally do this on linux?20:32
derplypepee: If you have an alternative, I'd use it... but that seems to be what everyone recommends.20:32
kunji1zykotick9: Ah well, I had given up on it, but then you just gave me hope, and then crushed it T.T20:32
Troy^BlueWolf: did you hit the scan button on your printer or does it not have one?20:32
zykotick9BlueWolf: xsane or simplescan are 2 common scanning options20:32
pepeederply, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109920:32
whoeverBlueWolf: scane20:33
pepeederply, under  "From the Live CD:"20:33
kunji1BlueWolf: yeah simplescan  is as it says, the simple one, but xsane is awesome!20:33
derplypepee: I'll give it a go, cheers.20:33
BlueWolfkunji1: xsane is a scanning program?20:33
kunji1BlueWolf: Yeah20:34
Troy^BlueWolf: eya20:34
zykotick9BlueWolf: sane stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy"20:34
BlueWolfwhoever: kunji1: Troy^: which is the better one or user friendly one ? scane or xsane?20:35
derekpioneeri added display-setup-script= /usr/share/lightdmxrandr.sh to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:36
pepeederply, this looks better  http://opensource-sidh.blogspot.com/2011/06/recover-grub-live-ubuntu-cd.html20:36
derekpioneerbut it does not run on startup20:36
Troy^BlueWolf: i don't really scan anything20:36
guntbert_BlueWolf: why don't you try both and choose yourself?20:36
derekpioneerwhen i do sh /usr/share/lightdmxrandr.sh i get a couple errors but it changes my resolution fine20:36
derekpioneeradding it to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf does not seem to run it on startup though20:36
derekpioneeri have to run it manually every time20:36
whoeverBlueWolf: well what are you scanning images, pdfs to ocr20:37
BlueWolfwhoever: all? Documents, images etc20:38
whoeverBlueWolf: xscan, give scan~2pdf a shot, it has ocr capabillities20:38
kunji1BlueWolf: simplescan is more user friendly, but xsane really isn't hard, so I always go with xsane myself20:39
whoeverBlueWolf: but if you want to do film negetives, slides and don't mind paying  then try vuescan20:39
Troy^does xsane do scan2pdf?20:39
BlueWolfkunji1: ok I will try20:40
BlueWolfwhoever: I don't need that much, just documents20:40
whoeverKyngdom: i think all the above are pretty user friendy20:40
whoeverBlueWolf: then xscan should do just fine20:40
BlueWolfwhoever: kunji1: Troy^: guntbert_: Thanks all for the help. Sorry if I was a pain :D :D :D :D20:41
Troy^Scan Tailor looks good too20:41
whoeverBlueWolf: and just thouging it out there i was in the same boat as you a few years ago20:41
whoeverBlueWolf:  np20:41
BlueWolfwhoever: Terrible feeling not knowing much :D20:41
BlueWolfwhoever: Thank you :D20:42
Troy^We all start somewhere but BlueWolf for your best interest you should goodle "Linux CLI Basics" or "Linux CLI for Noobs"20:42
kunji1Troy^: What do you mean by that exactly?  You can save as a pdf of course, isn't scan2pdf some other lib though?20:42
Troy^i mean't will it save whatever you scan to a pdf20:42
BlueWolfTroy^: Thanks I guess I am a " Noob " :D20:43
kunji1yeah, I think bmp is default, but just change the extension to pdf and it saves as pdf instead20:43
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kunji1whoever: the name is xsane, not xscan :P20:44
Troy^BlueWolf: CLI is the command line backbone to linux. For your better understand of how it works that is where your best bet is to start.20:44
whoeverah.... /me gives kunji1 a copy of windows 8 :_)20:45
BlueWolfTroy^: Once again thanks for the help, I will be looking into it every time I get free time, :D20:45
kunji1BlueWolf: Yeah, you'll want to know how to use the terminal, start off with just navigation, get used to the commands cd, and ls to start off20:45
timposeyI am trying to install a Nexxt usb wirless 54g adaptor, but ubuntu 10.04 will not let me.  I have installed ndiswrapper and the driver, the driver recognizes the hardware but when I click on the Network manager applet, there is no option to enable wireless networking.  how do I get this option to appear?20:45
BlueWolfkunji1: Will do, the commands work with all Linuxes right?20:45
kunji1whoever: T.T... but I don't want Windows...20:46
whoeverBlueWolf: don't foreg man cd or man any command20:46
kunji1BlueWolf: yeah20:46
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Nijican someone help me make my pendrive unbootable?20:46
BlueWolfThanks guys20:46
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Troy^my computer air adjustable height is no longer keeping its seal i don't think i keep slowly getting lower to the floor :S ugh stupid staples chair20:46
zykotick9BlueWolf: "the commands work with all Linuxes right" NO (see android).  but they work with all gnu/linuxs ;)20:47
Troy^Niji: backup your important data and format the stick20:47
kunji1BlueWolf: yeah the man command brings up the short version of the manual for whatever the command you give as an argument is20:47
timposeyNiji what problem are you having20:47
whoeverkunji1: to bad bil gates told me you'd say that and to even insallit for you, and give you your ubuntu disk  to use as a coaster20:47
Nijisomeone knows how to make my usb unbootable? i tried formatting doesn't work20:48
Troy^Niji just change your boot order in your bios20:48
Troy^Niji if you formatted it what is it trying to boot from the stick?20:49
zykotick9Niji: you need to remove grub (by clearing the MBR), which isn't on the "partitions".  sorry i don't know the easiest way (or any for that matter) to do that.20:49
Nijibut thats a hassle20:49
shihanthe easiest way is to blat (zero) the first 400 bytes of the usb disk (iirc)20:49
kunji1Niji: well so long as your bios supports booting from USB, most do these days.20:49
zykotick9shihan: ftw - if you know how ;)20:49
kunji1Why would he need to remove grub from the mbr?20:50
shihanwell i ifigure i dont really wanna say how cause i'd do it with dd, and if you choose the wrong /dev/sd?, then its a gunna be painful20:50
zykotick9kunji1: to make it UN-bootable (assuming it's grub and not something else)20:50
Nijii don't want it to be bootable cuz i can't use it on the store to print stuff out on those kodak machines20:50
kunji1zykotick9: oh, whoops, lol, I read that as bootable, yeah20:51
shihanif you know which /dev/sd? device it is, and you dont care about anything on it... sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdx... make sure you get the right /dev/sd? device tho20:51
kunji1I'm pretty sure you can use dd and just write nothingness to the mbr20:51
=== summu_ is now known as sapharoth
unless__If I want to run Apache at my machine do I need to change anything at this machine firewall?20:51
kunji1unless__:no, are you even running a firewall?20:52
Nijii don't have anything important in it now20:52
jribunless__: default firewall blocks nothing20:52
timposey when I click on the Network manager applet, there is no option to enable wireless networking.  how do I get this option to appear?20:52
Nijii'll try that ty20:52
unless__ok, I was just interested if there were a default firewall.20:52
NCS_Onetrevorj, zykotick9: its working now. Thanks20:52
unless__I think I explained myself poorly. Thank you guys!20:53
kunji1unless__: There is a default one (ufw), but it's also not in use by default20:53
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.20:53
unless__kunji1, ok, thank you.20:53
NCS_OneTroy^, zykotick9: its working now. Thanks20:53
Troy^NCS_One: np20:53
kunji1nice dr_willis, if I spend more time here I should probably learn those ubottu summons20:54
BlueWolfkunji1: Sorry I am back to irritate you guys. Ok the printing works but the scanning programs are not picking up my scanner?20:55
guntbert_!brain > kunji120:55
ubottukunji1, please see my private message20:55
weeedarcould anyone take a look at my weird OpenAl-problems? :/ http://paste.debian.net/189853/20:56
nwilson5trying to set up a cronjob, i keep getting this error in syslog: "CRON[25537]: (CRON) error (grandchild #25538 failed with exit status 1)"20:58
zykotick9NCS_One: nice work, glad to help.20:58
BlueWolfTroy^: Sorry I am back to irritate you. Ok the printing works but the scanning programs are not picking up my scanner?20:58
nwilson5anyone know what that might be. below it it says: "(CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)"20:58
zykotick9nwilson5: cron is trying to email it's output, but you don't have a mail server (MTA installed)...20:59
nwilson5k, so unimportant20:59
nwilson5but not sure why the script is erroring20:59
riktkingi hav e a problem, i have set ssh password less entry up, but need to reverse it, hpow do i do it20:59
skpl^BlueWolf: scangear20:59
nwilson5i can run it outside of cron20:59
jochlI have IDLE in my unity launcher, but when I click on it the windows appear under "*Python Shell*" which makes the launcher behavior quite useless, is there any way to associate the windows to the launcher?20:59
Nijihow do i remove the first 4.0kb from the usb?21:00
BlueWolfskpl^: Another program?21:00
zykotick9Niji: is it grub or windows that is bootable on the usb?21:00
skpl^BlueWolf: download and install the scangearmp package21:00
=== summu_ is now known as sapharoth
BlueWolfskpl^: Where do I download it from?21:01
sapharothNiji, it's by default. you don't have to.21:01
kunji1BlueWolf: Sorry man, I've never had xsane not work with a scanner of mine.21:01
NijiIt won't return to normal tho even when i formatted it21:02
BlueWolfkunji1: It just could not find my scanner?21:02
zykotick9BlueWolf: try starting xsane with gksudo, so from a run or terminal "gksudo xsane".  does that pickup your scanner?21:02
kunji1BlueWolf: but you might want to try logging out and in again to see if it picks it up, and try disconnecting and reconnecting the scanner21:02
trismjochl: bug 737106 , unfortunately I don't immediately see any workaround21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 737106 in python-defaults (Ubuntu) "IDLE (using Pyhton 3.2 or 2.7) Icon Doesn't Show in Launcher" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73710621:02
shihanniji: did you try the bit above? (cat /dev/zero > /dev/sd...)21:02
sapharothNiji, and it's not the virus, the usb has it reserved.21:02
Nijii typed that nothing happens21:03
shihanniji: did you check which device your usb is? i.e. its /dev/sdx where x is a letter between a-z (make SURE you get the right one)21:03
NCS_Oneon ubuntu 12 where can I change the positions of the workspaces?21:03
BlueWolfzykotick9: this is what it says: You try to run Xsane as ROOT, that really is Dangerous! - Do I Continue at my own risK?21:04
Nijihow do i know which one? lol doesn't tell me just says cruzer21:04
shihanniji: when you plug it in, it should mount somewhere, if you do a "df" from the command line, you should see it as /dev/sdx21:05
Nijiok its sda121:05
shihanoh no, i very much doubt its sda121:05
zykotick9BlueWolf: continue - and see if it works!  did you use gksudo?  that's important!21:05
shihanwhats sda1 "mounted on"?21:05
shihanniji: next column21:06
shihanlike "/" or "/media/" something21:06
BlueWolfzykotick9: Yes I use: gksudo xsane21:06
Nijijust "/"21:06
BluesKajNiji, try lsusb?21:06
zykotick9BlueWolf: then continue, it'll probably see your scanner (right away possibly)21:06
shihanniji: yeah, thats your harddrive, you dont want to tough sda21:06
BlueWolfzykotick9: No it has not found my scanner?21:07
shihanis there something "mounted on" "/media/...."?21:07
dioxinjoin beaglebone21:07
Nijiyeah i see two21:07
Nijidev/sr1                  6828      6828         0 100% /media/U3 System21:07
Niji/dev/sdb1              7823360         4   7823356   1% /media/C4D7-163F21:07
shihanis it a 8gb usb drive?21:07
zykotick9BlueWolf: sorry, exit out then.  i got no other ideas (fyi, i need to run xsane like that for it to find mine, i'm sure there is a scanner-group or something that i should be a member of to fix it)21:08
Nijisdb1 i assume21:08
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trismNiji: you can't just reformat to get rid of the /dev/sr1 device, I had to use the u3 removal tool from sandisk's site on windows, there is also a linux tool around somewhere but I don't know if it works/still works21:08
shihaneject it, make sure /dev/sdb1 disappears from the table first... if it does, re-plug it back in, and then "sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdb" (not /dev/sdb1"21:08
BlueWolfzykotick9: So what now?21:08
=== summu_ is now known as sapharoth
Nijiu3 thats the problem i can't get that off21:09
shihantrism, u3's are bootable?21:09
zykotick9BlueWolf: it also sees my TV capture card on start, i have no idea why ;).   sorry man, I gots nothin' :(  good luck.21:09
shihanOH RIGHT, ignore what i've been saying then21:09
Nijii'm reading21:09
luyangHey does anyone recommend OSSEC?21:09
BlueWolfzykotick9: Thanks :D21:09
zykotick9BlueWolf: i'd search to see my scanner was supported by sane, not all are...21:09
Nijii've ejected it21:10
Vooloohow do I get java 7 jdk?21:10
BlueWolfzykotick9: I have a number of scanning programs21:10
dr_willishad to kill some u 3s in the past.21:10
trismNiji: http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2550/~/removing%2Funinstalling-u3-launchpad-on-a-pc if you have access to windows, afterwards it is just a normal usb drive21:10
Nijii only see one media on the list now21:10
zykotick9BlueWolf: i'd guess they are all probably frontends to sane.  but i could be wrong.  do any of them work?21:10
BlueWolfzykotick9: No21:11
IngEliasHola hay alguien que hable español?21:11
shihanniji: dont do what i said, trism's the guy to listen to21:11
OerHeksNiji, if you want to remove u3 stuff, there is an U3-tool21:11
NCS_Oneon can I change the default workspaces positions to: 4 workspaces 1 row?21:11
OerHeks!info u3-tool21:11
ubottuu3-tool (source: u3-tool): tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1.1 (precise), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB (Only available for alpha; amd64; arm; armel; armhf; i386; ia64; mipsel; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; hurd-i386)21:11
Nijihaha ah i see21:11
dr_willisNCS_One: with unity i  dont think you csn21:12
Nijithank you for helping21:12
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kunji1zykotick9: Xsane is the frontend to sane, it's in the software center and it works great.  I believe simplescan is also actually a frontend for sane, but just has very limited options.21:12
zykotick9BlueWolf: what's with the "I" before each of your posts?21:12
zykotick9kunji1: that's what i was sayin' ;)  i like xsane myself, simplescan is too simple ;)21:13
kunji1zykotick9: yeah same ^_^21:13
BlueWolfzykotick9: What I?21:13
zykotick9BlueWolf: that time it didn't happen21:13
zykotick917:09 < BlueWolf> I21:14
kunji1Vooloo: you download it from the Oracle site21:14
BlueWolfzykotick9: Not sure?21:14
zykotick9BlueWolf: and at 17:10 and 17:11 as well21:14
BlueWolfzykotick9: I don't know, I'm not doing it.21:14
zykotick9BlueWolf: but you are ;)21:15
BlueWolfzykotick9: It's Aliens :D21:15
kunji1Vooloo: You could also use icedtea or openjdk from the repos, but I needed the Oracle version myself in order to use the FX2 stuff.21:16
alecbcan anyone tell me if I have manuf drivers for my wifi card installed or if I'm still using the kernel drivers? my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/, my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/21:16
lighterappwhat command can use to find out the actual font i am using at this very moment on Gnome Terminal?21:16
jochltrism: thanks for the link anyway21:16
demonoid_comhello guys21:17
=== sysadami1 is now known as sysadmin
kunji1Vooloo: I need to log out and back in real quick, but I can help you some more with any of those 3 options if you would like when I get back21:17
=== sysadmin is now known as sysadamin
StanaDynecan someone help me with an error I'm getting while trying to delete a file? (Invalid Argument)21:18
SokelStanaDyne: rm filename. What's hard about that21:18
StanaDynerm: cannot remove `02-junk_yard.mp3': Invalid argument21:18
SokelStanaDyne: Because you're not \'ing out the -21:19
demonoid_comrm -f21:19
demonoid_comtry rm -f filename21:19
Sokeldemonoid_com lol, no21:19
beandogStanaDyne: try putting double quotes around it.21:19
beandogrm "filename"21:19
demonoid_comSokel why :D21:19
beandogthat covers anything that'd need to be escaped (unless it has quotes in it)21:20
Sokeldemonoid_com: Invalid argument MEANS there's a - somewhere in the filename. That's why you don't try to put a -f on it and expect it to work.21:20
jribStanaDyne: I already told you what to do.  You need to fsck that partition21:20
Sokeldemonoid_com: It's either you " " the file name or you put \ before the -21:20
Nijitrism ty it worked :D and everyone else for their support ^^21:20
shihaninvalid argument is usually a bad thing, a "-" in the middle of a filename wont affect rm either21:21
Sokelshihan: You'd be surprised.21:21
demonoid_comSocket you are right :)21:21
ShehrazadThere are two softwares if I were to search for wine in software center in 12.04. Do I only need program loader, or I also need to install compatibility layer?21:21
MaksimHi all21:21
beandogshihan: yah, your'e right21:21
beandoghaving a - doesn't affect it, *unles* it's at the start21:22
beandogtouch foo-bar; rm foo-bar; no problems21:22
MaksimIs there a way to uninstall a .py file?21:22
smw_Shehrazad, the program loader should install the compatibility layer as a dependency21:22
iarpI'm using an application to mount a drive to /mnt/cloud now would be it be possible to share that /mnt/cloud with smb or the like21:22
j`eydoes Ubuntu not support 9.04 packages anymore?21:23
shihanalso if you have a file starting with "-" putting quotes wont help, you have to go "rm -- -nameoffile"21:23
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:23
alecbbump -- how I can tell if I have manufacturer drivers installed or am using a kernel driver for my wifi card?21:23
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:23
yeatsMaksim: how did you install the file?21:23
beandogshihan: really?  I didn't know that.  That's cool.21:23
Shehrazadthanx smw21:23
demonoid_comcan told me somebody ahow i can catch bluetooth device21:24
Maksimyeats, I don't remember but I used the terminal21:24
demonoid_comin /dev/?21:24
Sokelalecb: If it's working, why does it matter?21:24
shihan"invalid argument" usually means there is a file system error or some bit of kernel code is possibly getting in your way (selinux, app armor etc)... either way you'll see logs somewhere or sometimes dmesg |tail might give you clues21:24
yeatsMaksim: why do you need to uninstall it?21:24
StanaDyneInvalid Argument > http://pastebin.ca/220431321:25
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Maksimyeats, I had installed python upstream and it was messing with the default python21:25
alecbSokel: it's not working (well)21:25
Maksimyeats, i want to make sure its gone21:25
yeatsMaksim: in that case, a lot depends on how you installed it21:25
crillyOK, with Ubuntu installed, the graphics/UI look sharp. The moment I activate an nVidia driver, it goes blurry and crap.21:25
j`eyyeats: i couldnt tell from that link. does it mean packages are taken offline?21:25
SokelStanaDyne: fsck the partition, like someone previously said.21:25
yeatsj`ey: yes, eventually21:26
shihanyeah, thats an ugly error, what sokel said21:26
Sokelj`ey: It means that you shouldn't use it anymore because no one is going to bother supporting it. It's too old.21:26
j`eySokel: yeah..21:26
j`eyjust not sure of the best way to upgrade this21:26
* j`ey looks for usb stick21:27
Sokelj`ey: Backup your stuff and start over.21:27
j`eywell, I mean, what medium!21:27
Sokelj`ey: it all installs the same.21:27
j`eyi have to reboot into a LiveCD style thing I guess21:27
sapharothStanaDyne, reboot and try first dont directly go for fsck.21:27
Sokelj`ey: If you're going to absolutely use something for way too long, than stick with an LTS ubuntu.21:28
Sokelj`ey: It'll work for 18 months and then you can upgrade to the next LTS.21:28
j`eybut I need a usb stick first!21:28
demonoid_comi need help about bluetooth21:29
lighterappwhat command can use to find out the actual font i am using at this very moment on Gnome Terminal?21:29
j`eyis a 256mb stivk enough for 12.04?21:30
shihanlighterapp: edit menu-> profile preferences21:30
j`ey12.04 live cd21:30
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sentrysevenso what are we hacking today21:31
StanaDynesapharoth - I have the volume encrypted so I need to decrypt and mount before I can even see the files21:32
jonnyroI have an openGL app that runs slower after another window is dragged over it.  Any thoughts on what could be happening? (thinking xdamage events....)21:32
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lighterappshihan, the only thing it tells me is that i am using the system fixed width font, whatever that that means21:33
sentrysevencan anyone recommend a media server for a home network so that i can play videos on my tv21:33
shihanlighterapp: which version ubuntu?21:33
kunji1jonnyro: Is this an app you wrote, or something in Ubuntu standardly?21:33
jomploI need to add a my new user account to sudo, as root gedit /etc/sudoer did not work, in fact in the duoer file it said to use visudo21:33
Troy^sentryseven: what are you using as a frontend? like a HTPC or a console?21:34
BlueWolfI have a Canon Pixma MG2100 all in one printer. It prints ok but not of the scanning programs are picking it up, what do I do?21:34
beandogsentryseven: xbmc21:34
lighterappGnome Terminal on 11.1021:34
beandogsentryseven: xbmc, mythtv, and there's one more big one I can't remember.21:34
jomplocan someone pls explain this for me? echo 'new_username ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers21:34
yeatsBlueWolf: have you tried gimp?21:35
shihanlighterapp: system fonts are set in the theme, though off the top of my head i cant remember what that is in 11.10 (possibly want to install myunity and look what that says)21:35
Troy^sentryseven: xbmc would be for the front end portion, as media library (i.e. on HTPC) as for server i would use samba or nfs21:35
jomploWill that add me to sudoer?21:35
sentryseveni have xbmc but my tv is a google tv how do i get my tv to play the videos on my computer21:35
kunji1beandog: Moovidia?  Or something like that?21:35
sentrysevensamba thx21:35
shihanyou could try mediatomb as well, its a decent upnp av server21:36
yeatsjomplo: if you're using desktop ubuntu, you can just change the user to an administrator via the gui21:36
sentryseventhank you for the advice21:36
kunji1sentryseven: I really recommend just having the computer connected to the tv directly, but if that's not an option, then you need to stream somehow.  If google tvs can act as UpnP clients, then yeah mediatomb is a great option21:37
crunchybumbleso. I'm the proud owner of a particularly borked Ubuntu install, I'd like to get working well enough to dist-upgrade. right now, I've got broken dependencies. apt-get install -f doesn't work, as (apparently) my local perl is in an horrific state. IO/File.pm, among others, is missing or can't be found in path (I know _I_ didn't move it)21:37
crunchybumbleso umm... what do?21:37
shihantheres also xbmc for android (your millage may vary)21:37
ns-nazritv cad pci u get21:37
crunchybumbledownload some generic version of perl to /opt/bin/perl and add that to @INC?21:37
j`eyoh.. there are no LiveCD style things for ARM?21:38
yeats!pm | jomplo21:38
ubottujomplo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:38
shihanj`ey: yes and no... not cd, but live usb yes21:38
kunji1crunchybumble: you don't want to deal with dependency hell, at that point I would backup everything you want to keep and just do a fresh install of the new distro.21:38
shihanj`ey, or live sd21:38
j`eywell, live usb21:38
yeats!mint | jomplo21:38
ubottujomplo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:38
beandogcrunchybumble: personall I would just cpan: cpan install <perl module>21:38
j`eywell, I wsnt to put it on my usb21:38
sentrysevenhow can i download mediatomb its not in the software center21:39
shihanj`ey, what type of arm box is it?21:39
j`eyand boot from that, then install to my machine21:39
kunji1sentryseven: it's in the repositories though, you can install it with sudo apt-get install mediatomb21:39
sentryseventhank you21:39
kunji1sentryseven: also I thought it was in the software center now though, lemme check21:39
rak4nishuHow can I see the description of a package from the command line?21:39
crunchybumblebeandog: I tried that, but its complaining about warnings/register.pm not being located, and as a result I don't seem to be able to pull anything down with cpan21:39
beandogcrunchybumble: ah, that sucks. :(21:40
anonimofilm il ritorno del cavaliere oscuro???21:40
shihanrak4nishu, apt-cache showpkg "packagename"21:40
crunchybumblekunji1: dang. I was hoping there would be a simple scalpel-not-cudgel solution21:40
anonimoqualcuno può inviarmi quel film21:40
j`eyshihan: aha.. i found a preinstalled image21:40
rak4nishushihan, thank you21:41
shihanj`ey, which box, just out of curiosity?21:41
BlueWolfI have a Canon Pixma MG2100 all in one printer. It prints ok but not of the scanning programs are picking it up, what do I do?21:41
kunji1crunchybumble: does it have a lot of dependencies or something?21:41
anonimohi every body!!!21:41
j`eyshihan: its.. unnamed21:41
nexusguy59Good Afternoon everyone21:41
anonimocan i ask a question???21:41
shihanj`ey, ahh, fair enough :) i've tried it on a toshy ac100, and the various allwinner a10 bits and pieces... works quite well generally speaking21:41
nexusguy59Go for it anonimo21:41
j`eyis it feasable to just upgrade from 9.0421:41
j`eyor is a reinstall better?21:42
crunchybumblekunji1: its a bunch of openoffice stufff21:42
yeatsj`ey: you're probably looking at a reinstall21:42
crunchybumblemaybe I can just remove the dependent packages21:42
crunchybumbleI wonder if thats doeable21:42
kunji1crunchybumble: oh, my bad, wrong person, yeah, I think this one is kinda cudgel, unless you really like puzzles and want to dig through your dependencies a lot (might be something small, but you would need to find someone really knowledgeable on it, which isn't me)21:42
j`eyIve never done it this way, dont wanna mess up whaats currently working21:42
crunchybumblehmmm... that sounds like a goose-chasey unpleasant experience. :/21:43
crunchybumblethanks though21:43
shihanj`ey, are you trying to do an upgrade on the arm box?21:43
j`eyshihan: yes21:43
sentrysevenkunjil i got apt opened it and it says mediatomb UI is disabled check your configuration21:43
shihanj`ey, my suggestion: dont bother, it'll break horribly21:43
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j`eyshihan: but i cant seem to get ssh21:43
kunji1sentryseven: yeah mediatomb is totally in the software center, just search for it21:43
j`eyI could just download the sources..21:43
BlueWolfI have a Canon Pixma MG2100 all in one printer. It prints ok but non of the scanning programs are picking it up, what do I do?21:44
shihanj`ey, "sudo apt-get install -y openssh-client openssh-server" (or do you mean that doesnt work or ssh isnt running anymore)?21:45
j`eyshihan: i want the server21:45
shihanj`ey, does the apt-get bit above work?21:45
ns-nazriscanning is good condition ok or not21:45
j`eyshihan: i get 404 not found21:46
j`eyIll try apt-get update21:47
kunji1BlueWolf: Actually if I were you I would bother the folks in #sane for the scanner issue.  You'll need to be patient on getting a response because there's not so many of them, but they're really the experts on sane.21:47
ns-nazriBluWolf; what ubuntu vision you use21:49
andywhats the best dvd ripper21:49
szal!best | andy21:49
ubottuandy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:49
sentrysevenMediaTomb UI is disabled. Check your configuration.?21:49
yeatsj`ey: this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:49
kunji1sentryseven: hmm, you might need to edit the configuration file.  How it works with mediatomb is that it starts a web ui and give you the link to it when you start mediatomb21:50
jeyshihan: http://pastebin.com/10X9pmR7 when I try aopt-get upgrade21:50
jeyyeats: note, Im on ARM, if it makes a difference21:51
shihanj`ey, its possible whatever repo your arm box is pointing at is gone, some of the arm repo's have switched around a bit21:51
kunji1sentryseven: I don't have my mediatomb running machine in front of me at the moment unfortunately, and I don't know exactly where it is off the top of my head, actually I guess I can try installing it right now on here and remove it after21:51
jeyyeah.. where did they go!21:51
sentryseventhat would be awesome i am looking into the internet config right now i dont no how to look up the app config21:52
BlueWolfns-nazri: 10.0421:52
shihanj`ey, you probably want to move your apt-sources to this repo: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/21:52
jeyshihan: I dont use ubuntu normally, can you tell me where to look to change that21:52
BlueWolfkunji1: Ok I will. Thanks :D21:52
yeatsjey: /etc/apt/sources.list21:53
maicodis there a tool to create md5 checksums of all the files in a partition ?21:53
yeatsmaicod: 'md5sum *'21:53
shihanjey anything thats pointing at ports.ubuntu.com with jaunty, should now point at old-released.ubuntu.com21:53
shihan*old-releases.ubuntu.com i mean21:54
jeyyeah, running apt-get update with the old url now21:54
kunji1sentryseven: oh, I see the problem, start it on the command line, that launcher is no good21:54
jeySoon I might be able to kill the UI :D21:54
kunji1sentryseven: it will give you a bunch of info and then a local ip where the web UI is21:55
kunji1sentryseven: I usually just run it on the command line and use ctrl-c to stop it when I'm finished with it21:55
ns-nazriBluewolf; i try my scanner hp 2500 is ok i have vision 12.0421:56
szalns-nazri: vision?21:56
silverslimerso .. um.. no commercial blu-ray player for ubuntu available?21:56
kunji1szal: he means version21:57
ns-nazriBluewolf; vision 12.0421:57
szalkunji1: of course he does, but I didn't ask you :P21:57
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ns-nazriBluewolf; maybe system kernel21:57
maicodyeats: ah :)21:57
kunji1szal: yeah, fair enough21:57
alpreI will patent vision numbers21:58
BlueWolfns-nazri: Well mine is a Canon pixma MG2100, how do I get the scanner part to work? What's system kernel?21:58
szalBlueWolf: tried installing the proprietary Canon driver?21:58
kunji1alpre: you can't the optometrists already have it.21:58
ns-nazriBluewolf; system kernel is progmming is linux21:58
BlueWolfszal: I have I think, I mean it prints?21:59
BlueWolfns-nazri: Sorry but what do I do with it?21:59
shihanjey, btw, can you "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and pastebin the output?22:00
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szalBlueWolf: the fact that it prints doesn't necessarily indicate a proprietary driver22:00
ns-nazriBluewolf; try new hp 2500 or hp 2600, this is better22:00
BlueWolfszal: Ok then how do I acquire a proprietary driver22:01
szalBlueWolf: from Canon22:01
ns-nazriBluewolf; old year i read it megazine "the isu canon printer and scanner"22:01
BlueWolfns-nazri: I have just bought this printer or rather it was bought for me?22:01
kunji1Bluewolf: ns-nazri may be working through a language barrier.  The kernel is the core of operating system.  Linux is technically the kernel.  In a distribution like Ubuntu, there is the kernel (Linux), the GNU tools on top of that, and then lots of other things on top of that, lke X (the windowing system), etc..22:02
szalCanon Europe webpage is down atm, but drivers should be available elsewhere as well22:02
j`eyshihan: no :P22:02
shihanj`ey: why? well, in any case, if its armv5 (or less) jaunty is the last ditro that supports it22:02
j`eyits arm722:02
ns-nazriBluewolf; or maybe you must upgrade kernel or new vision22:03
ns-nazriBluewolf; this good reason22:03
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BlueWolfkunji1: Ok22:03
j`eyshihan: how would I tell sshd to start on boot?22:03
shihanj`ey, do you know how to update the kernel/initrd on your particular bit of hardware?22:03
j`eyshihan: nope :S22:03
j`eyso.. leaving it at 9.04 for now22:04
shihanj`ey, in 9.04, um chkconfig i think maybe :) been a while since i used it22:04
szalBlueWolf: Canon USA webpage doesn't list your model22:04
j`eydont have chkconfig :<22:04
shihanor update-rc.d22:04
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shihanit'd be something like "update-rc.d ssh enable"22:05
BlueWolfszal: The actual model is "Canon Pixma MG2140"22:05
compdocj`ey, what sshd did you install?22:05
j`eycompdoc: openssh-server22:05
compdocthen is should already be running22:06
j`eyyeah it said "system start links for blah already exist"22:06
shihanyeah, in that case it should already be running as compdoc said... "ps -ef |grep sshd" just ot be sure22:06
j`eywell it's running now, but I want it to run on boot too :)22:07
kunji1Peace out all, good luck and have fun!22:07
j`ey(and that text make sme think it will)22:07
derplyHey all.. I am still having trouble booting... grub still does not show up after following a couple of tutorials. :-/22:07
derplypepee: No dice.22:07
szalBlueWolf: http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Consumer_Products/products/Fax__Multifunctionals/InkJet/PIXMA_MG_series/PIXMA_MG2140.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:13-875791&page=1&type=download <- there you go22:08
pepeederply, got an error message or something?22:09
compdocj`ey, I'll I do is install openssh-server, and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config   to set PermitRootLogin no22:09
compdocand it runs22:09
shihanj`ey, the problem with trying to dist upgrade it, ubuntu really has no clue how to upgrade the kernel in the process, so you'll need to figure it out while your doing it22:10
derplypepee: Nope, it just boots to a blinking underscore symbol. :-/22:10
j`eycompdoc: cool22:10
j`eyshihan: I might leave it for another day22:10
pepeederply, are you sure the problem is grub?22:10
BlueWolfszal: I downloaded the drivers. But I will download this one and try it. Thank you :D22:11
derplypepee: I am not SURE it is with grub.. but it only happened after I expanded my main parition after deleting an old one.. so I assume it has something to do with the bootloader..22:11
pepeealso, tried deactivating the floppy drive and unplugging USB devices?22:11
shihanj`ey, is it running off sd, usb or internal nand?22:11
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szalBlueWolf: the drivers for this model are separated into printer and scanner drivers22:11
pepeederply, but can you see the grub menu?22:11
derplypepee: nope22:12
j`eyshihan: Im not sure tbh22:12
j`eywell, its not sd or usb22:12
j`eyso yes, probably internal flash22:12
shihanj`ey, oh, must be internal nand in that case... oh the joys of trying to upgrade those kernels22:12
pepeederply, can you paste files to pastebin?22:12
derplypepee: What do you want?22:12
shihanj`ey, do you have a serial/usb console for it, does it us uboot?22:13
derplypepee: Actually, there does happen to be an error when I go to update grub.. let me try to replicate it quick.22:13
BlueWolfszal: Ok so I need to install them separately?22:13
j`eyshihan: I think it's uboot22:13
shihanj`ey if you can break the autoboot (usually 3 seconds on power up), trying "printenv" that should give you a clue as to how its booting... u-boot aint too bad22:14
j`eywhat do you mean "break" the autoboot22:14
shihanj`ey, hit any key on the console22:14
BlueWolfszal: Ok now am I installing it right because I am extracting it and then running the .sh file in the terminal?22:14
j`eyshihan: ah22:15
j`eyshihan: well, it's on now :P22:15
pepeederply, I need the output from the 'lsblk' or 'fdisk -l' commands, and I need the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file22:15
shihandepending on the uboot it *might* even say "hit any key to stop autoboot:..." and count down from 3... if your lucky... some do not and require some special combo of keys... very irritating, im curious though, why so secretive about the hardware?22:15
derplypepee: Okay.. here's where I get the error: http://www.pasteall.org/3524422:16
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j`eyshihan: just cos22:16
shihanj`ey, fair enough... if it is an a10 chip, it wont boot either network or usb, but it will boot sdcard... theres alot of good info about boot processes of various chips on the rhombus site though22:17
ns-nazriszal: thank you learn to me "printer model Issue"22:17
pepeederply, https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lQbuep27JUQJ:http://bbs.archbang.org/viewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D18066%2B22:18
BlueWolfszal: Ok now am I installing it right because I am extracting it and then running the .sh file in the terminal?22:19
szalBlueWolf: no, you unpack the .debs & install those for your architecture22:19
pepeederply, try adding   --force   to  grub-install22:19
derplypepee: grub-install --force /dev/sda?22:20
pepeederply, yeah, and  --no-floppy22:20
BlueWolfszal: Sorry install where and how?22:21
BlueWolfszal: install those for your architecture" How?22:21
derplypepee: http://www.pasteall.org/3524522:21
Sh0rtWaveHi all22:21
Sh0rtWavequick question22:21
Sh0rtWaveWhat's the simplest way to disable the very annoying "you must authenticate to install software" prompt?22:22
szalBlueWolf: either w/ dpkg or gdebi (commandline available; syntax is straightforward; refer to 'man gdebi' for details)22:22
Sh0rtWaveIOW, I don't want it to ask me about installing software. Anywhere.22:22
Sh0rtWavenot in X. Not in the terminal.22:22
szalBlueWolf: and your architecture you find out from 'uname -a' (i686/i386 = 32bit; x86_64 = 64bit)22:22
BlueWolfszal: I am sorry, I don't understand what you mean or what I am supposed to do :(22:22
kevinSh0rtWave: uhmmm well you need to authenticate to sudo the install. only other way is to log in as root to x, which is highly not recommended22:23
shihanSh0rtWave, you do realise your heading into "bad security" territory right22:23
kevinvery very bad security22:23
MongeyHey, does anyone know where I can access logs for Vino (Desktop sharing)22:24
nexusguy59shaladore you around22:24
shihanthere is a way to disable it, just wanna make sure you understand what your asking :)22:24
Sh0rtWaveshihan: I know, and I don't care.22:24
MongeyJust had random person log into my machine and try to execute something ...22:25
Sh0rtWaveshihan: I just want it disabled, because it annoys the life out of me. I know how to fix the terminal...I just need to know how to get that annoying "you must authenticate" window to get out of my face.22:25
shihanSh0rtWave, k, basically follow this: http://my.opera.com/Viperstryker/blog/how-to-disable-sudo-password-prompts-on-ubuntu and you shall never be bothered again :)22:25
szalBlueWolf: iirc: gdebi install /path/to/package1.deb /path/to/package2.deb <- requires .debs to have been unpacked from the .tar.gz you downloaded & you to enter the correct path and filenames22:25
szalcan't be too hard22:26
pepeederply, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB2#msdos-style_error_message22:26
szalBlueWolf: and just in case you didn't come to that conclusion yourself, prepend the command w/ 'sudo'22:27
Sh0rtWaveshihan: Thank you for a clear, and non-condenscending answer.22:27
Sh0rtWaveThat's it?22:27
Sh0rtWaveThat'll bypass the annoying window?22:27
pepeederply, btw, what livecd are you using?22:27
derplypepee: Yeah.. I am not in some sort of "vm" container...22:27
derplypepee: 12.04.122:27
shihanyep, just tell it never to prompt you and im pretty sure that'll deal with gksudo as well (what installers use)22:27
Sh0rtWaveOh well, life is good then.22:28
Sh0rtWaveThat's easy22:28
OerHeksSh0rtWave, without sudo your system is less secure22:28
BlueWolfszal: I am truely sorry to be a pain but it may not be hard for you but I honestly have no clue what I am doing or how to do it?22:28
BlueWolfAnd the only command I know is sudo apt-get install. Ya I am that simple. I don't know linux much?22:28
FloodBot1BlueWolf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
pepeederply, don't give attention to the vmware thing, read about the problem22:28
shihanSh0rtWave, yes, as stated - its a highly unrecommended path22:28
Sh0rtWaveOerheks: I'm very well aware of that, thank you.22:29
Sh0rtWaveOerHeks: I like my system how I like my system, I know I'm taking some purported risk, but I...really...don't...care.22:29
szalBlueWolf: apt-get has the disadvantage that it can't install from local files, so you have to use something else; I showed you one possible way22:29
szalBlueWolf: I suppose you can do the path inserting yourself (I can't help you too much w/ that anyway since I don't know your filesystem and where you downloaded and unpacked the driver files to)22:30
derplypepee: I am getting this: http://www.pasteall.org/3524622:31
BlueWolfszal: I don't know how to do it, I am trying and I just don't know. Well I will tell you. The file is in my downloads - called scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb ( the extracted one )22:31
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pepeederply, what are you trying to do?22:32
BlueWolfszal: In that is the .sh and two folders - Packages and resources22:32
derplypepee: Just following the suggestions in the link you sent me.22:32
szalbleh, spoonfeeding sucks ;)22:32
pepeeyou don't need that22:33
szalBlueWolf: cd ~/Downloads/scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb.tar/scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb/packages22:33
pepeederply, after running grub-install, reboot the machine22:33
pepeederply, boot linux and reinstall grub from your OS22:33
szalBlueWolf: uname -a (pastebin output)22:33
szal!pastebin | BlueWolf22:34
ubottuBlueWolf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:34
SteveThingif I'm using irssi (CLI) and want to "minimize" it and execute shell commands, and then go back to irssi, how would i do that without exiting?22:35
szalBlueWolf: dang, wrong path, /me thinks; shoud read: cd ~/Downloads/scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb/packages22:35
BlueWolfszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205796/22:35
Pessimist!info screen | SteveThing22:35
ubottuSteveThing: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (precise), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB22:35
PessimistSteveThing: use that22:35
pepeederply, what like says about using efiboot ?22:35
BlueWolfszal: Ok done that22:36
SteveThingPessimist: I read up on that, but that looks like using the same "program" from another location (via SSH)22:36
szalBlueWolf: uname -a (pastebin output)22:36
NedMan74Ubuntu one... cant sync wont sync... eurgh22:37
PessimistSteveThing, what do you mean?22:37
SteveThingplease forgive my ignorance, but how would I use that to go back to CLI without closing irssi?22:37
szalSteveThing: use what?22:37
BlueWolf szal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205799/22:37
szalSteveThing: start screen, then start irssi, if you need another shell, open another screen window22:38
PessimistSteveThing, http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi/#learning_screen22:38
BlueWolfszal: When I hit enter it keeps doing that?22:38
pepeederply, what are you reading? you just had to read  "msdos-style error message" and the links in there, not everything22:38
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szalBlueWolf: doing what?22:39
BlueWolfszal: ~/Downloads/scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb/packages$22:39
szalBlueWolf: you didn't execute the 2nd command I gave you22:39
BlueWolfszal: What second command? I did?22:39
szal[00:36:57] <szal> BlueWolf: uname -a (pastebin output)22:40
BlueWolfszal: Before ~/Downloads/scangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb/packages$ or after? Sorry :D22:41
szaldoesn't matter22:41
NedMan74Since i started using ubuntu i have had Ubuntu one but have never used it/synced to devices, now i try to sync and use it, i am getting error messages is there a problem with this program or do i need something extra with it?22:41
BlueWolfszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205806/ ????22:42
BlueWolfszal: I am sorry you have to spoon feed me. I appreciate it though :D22:43
szalBlueWolf: gdebi install scangearmp-mg2100series_1.80-1_amd64.deb scangearmp-common_1.80-1_amd64.deb22:43
szaladd 'sudo' in fromt22:43
BlueWolfszal: Ok it's saying - gdebi error, file not found: install?22:44
SteveThingPessimist: Ok, I have a screen session open... but for some reason, I cannot detach via ctrl+a,d.. did i do something wrong?22:44
SteveThingarg, let me try again22:45
OerHeksBlueWolf, why don't you try it the way you know > sudo apt-get install ...22:45
szalOerHeks: because apt doesn't install from local files22:46
PessimistSteveThing, ctrl+d works for me22:46
szalBlueWolf: remove 'install' from the above line22:46
|Anthony|how do i launch a lightdm greeter on another seat22:46
OerHekssorry sudo dpkg <file.deb>22:46
shihannedman74: what sort of errors are you getting?22:46
pepeedpkg -i file.deb22:46
szalOerHeks: that would be the other way, w/ the disadvantage that it doesn't resolve dependencies22:47
shihan|Anthony|, how do you mean?22:47
|Anthony|shihan, in a multiseat setup22:48
shihan|Anthony|, do you mean connecting via a remote session? or something else?22:49
|Anthony|just want to know the command and syntax for launching a greeter. lightdm is a daemon iirc so it should be able to launch sessions at any time22:49
|Anthony|shihan, no, not remote login session. there would be multiple xservers running on the one machine22:49
jrib|Anthony|: define "greeter"22:50
|Anthony|shihan, and multiple keyboards, mice, and monitors22:50
pepeevnc, X over ssh22:50
|Anthony|jrib, the login screen that auths to pam and keyring22:50
pepee|Anthony|, or log into the remote session over ssh and run some command22:51
jrib|Anthony|: sudo service lightdm start   will start lightdm if don't have it starting on startup22:51
shihan|Anthony|, oh right, yeah im not entirely sure how you would achieve that, if its possible... at least form the keyboard/most pespective22:51
BlueWolfszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205815/22:51
szalBlueWolf: if that was it, then it's done22:51
shihanthough its probably possible from the display perspective to start multiple lightdm's with different X configs for each monitor (though it would be very tricky)22:51
|Anthony|jrib, the lightdm service will still start on boot. but i should be able to launch additional login screens as seats become active22:52
ElixirVitaeis there a way to check contents of a repository I added through terminal22:52
ElixirVitaeI only can think of running commands with -s command22:52
BlueWolfszal: Ok then what else?22:53
ElixirVitaethough it would not list all possible packages, I can use it to check individual ones22:53
jrib|Anthony|: I assumed there was no context to your question that started with "I just want to know" :)22:53
|Anthony|there is always a context. but sometimes that clouds the response.22:53
szalBlueWolf: though it seems to have installed only the 1st package.. try repeating the command w/ only the 2nd package name; if the output is largely the same, then it still needed to be installed (and subsequently did that)22:53
jrib|Anthony|: but I guess if I was in your shoes, I'd look at /etc/init/lightdm.conf , /etc/lightdm/* and its documentation22:54
shihan|Anthony|, it could actually be done from a display perspective... you can start multiple X servers and tie them to different displays... but how you then tie keyboard and mouse to each display... that would be very very tricky22:54
ubuntu_noobSo Im building a new pc is it fairly easy to install ubuntu from a flash drive?22:54
BlueWolfszal: Ok let me give it a try :D22:54
pepeeElixirVitae, you can see the packages in the web browser and download the list22:54
|Anthony|jrib, simple case analog: launch lightdm on each VT, but manually as requested by a command22:54
pepeenot sure how to do that over the command line22:54
ElixirVitaeI want to see them within terminal, is it possible22:55
szalubuntu_noob: shouldn't be any different than installing from CD22:55
|Anthony|shihan, i'm working on the device assignment aspect as well, but i need to be able to launch the login first and foremost22:55
pepeeElixirVitae, all of them? or some specific packages?22:55
MonkeyDu1tubuntu_noob  yes, use unetbootin to put the iso on pendrive, boot from the pendrive22:55
ElixirVitaeunder a repository22:55
ElixirVitaethe case now is that after I run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:markjtully/ppa22:55
ElixirVitaeI want to be able to see all of the available packages after update command22:56
pepeeElixirVitae, http://serverfault.com/questions/252333/list-all-packages-from-a-repository-in-ubuntu-debian22:56
shihan|Anthony|, well, if you get get the device assignment going, then you just "DISPLAY=:... lightdm" (then do alot of finger crossing22:56
|Anthony|jrib, i didn't know there was documentation for lightdm. All that i've seen have been terse.22:56
MonkeyDu1tElixirVitae  mind: a ppa is not officially supported22:56
jrib|Anthony|: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1041643 looks somewhat relevant22:56
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ubuntu_noobAny of you guys able to play WoW on ubuntu?22:57
ElixirVitaearen't the ones in launchpad stable though, MonkeyDust?22:57
* szal doesn't play WoW22:57
ElixirVitaeaptitude is same as apt-get, no, pepee?22:57
yeats!ppa | ElixirVitae22:57
ubottuElixirVitae: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:57
szalElixirVitae: almost22:58
MonkeyDustElixirVitae  type !ppa to find out22:58
|Anthony|jrib, that is along the lines, but it is launching ALL seats at startup. I'm looking for something that is on demand22:58
pepeeElixirVitae, it is a package manager, yeah. not the same though22:58
MonkeyDustok, just did it22:58
BlueWolfszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205831/22:58
|Anthony|its a daemon, so it should be able to start logins dynamically, right?22:58
jrib|Anthony|: docs look pretty sparse yes... but there's a huge conf file with all the options in /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz if you have not seen it22:58
ElixirVitaeIf I were to check their status in launchpad and be satisfied with it, it is "generally" okay to download them though, no?22:59
jrib|Anthony|: is it possible to start multiple instances of lightdm with appropriate config file?22:59
ElixirVitaeThey eventually get included in offical repos, I suppose22:59
yeatsElixirVitae: not necessarily22:59
ElixirVitaeoh, how come?22:59
|Anthony|jrib, that's the thing though, if all seats are enumerated in the config file, they will all attempt to launch on boot22:59
jrib|Anthony|: but you can setup multiple config files23:00
szalBlueWolf: hmmmmm..23:00
shihanjrib, |Anthony| you can definitely start multiple lightdm's on a single host with different displays, thats definite23:00
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yeatsElixirVitae: it really depends on the PPA and who's running it23:00
pepee|Anthony|, you can try DISPLAY=:0    DISPLAY=:1 ... etc23:00
BlueWolfszal: It's still not picking up the printers23:00
OerHeksBlueWolf, sudo gdebi scangearmp-common_1.80-1_amd64.deb ( you forget .deb)23:01
ElixirVitaeif the owner had a different understanding (bitchfit ;) ), they are not included/supported officially, I take it23:01
|Anthony|shihan, why would we need to start the whole lightdm daemon more than once? isn't the greeter just a part of it? for all intents and purposes, the greeter can be bypassed totally and just log the person into the defined session23:01
andrebhi all23:02
shihan|Anthony|, then lightdm isnt needed23:02
szalBlueWolf: sudo dpkg -i scangearmp-common_1.80-1_amd64.deb23:02
szallet's see what that spews out23:02
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|Anthony|shihan, no, i'm not saying for my use case. I was suggesting that the login screen is modular to the whole lightdm process23:02
BlueWolfOerHeks: szal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205837/23:03
shihan|Anthony|, lightdm only really provides you a means of logging into a system... afaik, a single lightdm can only handle a single login process tho23:03
|Anthony|so how do i start the login screen, not a new instance of lightdm daemon23:03
yeatsElixirVitae: most packages come into ubuntu via Debian, so you might want to read up on their process for including packages23:03
ElixirVitae"grep ^Package: /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_*_Packages" does exactly what I want, thanks pepee23:03
pepee|Anthony|, you can use kdm, xdm, gdm, ...23:03
andrebhow can i change where my ubuntu 10.04 lts gets it updates from.. i am trying to update to 12.04 lts .. i get this "failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/precise/universe/sources"23:03
|Anthony|man... why did ubuntu go with a display manager with such sparse documentation?23:04
shihan|Anthony|, if you already have a means of loggin in, you just go straight to a window manager23:04
ElixirVitaeI saw some chart in wikipedia page I should check that out then23:04
magicalChickenandreb: sudo apt-get update23:04
andrebi did that before23:04
ElixirVitaeAre you from where I suspect karakedi?23:04
magicalChickenandreb: and it still does not find stuff23:04
andreband and still same  error23:04
andrebit starts but fails at failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/precise/universe/sources23:05
szalBlueWolf: ah, there you have it installed23:05
andreband stops the updating23:05
pepeeandreb, paste the sources.list file23:05
pepeeandreb, or remove in the file where it says "source"23:06
BlueWolfszal: Ok but it still seems to not want to work on Xsane?23:06
andrebone sec23:06
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BlueWolfszal: Or simplescan23:06
whoeverhi all i have a blue tint on  videos that i try to watch on youtube , and I tried Fix one and two, i don't have the option that is listed in fix 3 can someone assist http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu23:07
phong_hi guys23:07
szalBlueWolf: can't help you w/ that unfortunately, never used a scanner w/ Linux23:07
phong_does anyone in a project?23:07
magicalChickenandreb: the url is wrong, it should be http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/sources23:07
phong_i want to join a project team23:07
phong_want to learn something23:07
magicalChickenandreb: just modify your apt config accordingly23:07
jrib!contribute | phong_23:07
ubottuphong_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu23:07
pepeephong_, lots of project teams in freenode (this irc server)23:07
jribphong_: you could also just pick some software you like and then help improve it (get in contact with the dev community for the software directly)23:08
shihanwhoever: which browser (chrome?)?23:08
BlueWolfszal: Well now what? :(23:08
andrebhere is the sources.list file23:08
andreb.. http://pastebin.com/UxzCcuew23:08
whoevershihan: firefox , chrome and opera23:10
shihanwhoever: hmmm, i know with chrome what i do is install "adobe-flashplugin" package, then in chrome i go to "chrome://plugins" (you should now see two flash plugins) disable the one that has ppapi associated with it...23:11
whoevershihan: and where would i find the one that has pappi associated with it23:13
pepeeandreb, what package manager are you using?23:13
shihanwhoever: there are also these options if your getting it in other places: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117127/flash-video-appears-blue (they all kinda involve disabling hardware accellartion in one way or another)23:13
shihanwhoever: in chrome://plugins (go to that in chrome) it'll probably be the first plugin, you should see two versions of it23:13
shihanwhoever: the askubuntu.com link is probably one of the more up to date and useful bits of info for fixing blue tint issues tho (from what i've seen before)23:14
andrebthe stand kpakagekit23:14
shihanwhoever: try the chrome one first tho, before doing all the askubuntu ones23:16
shihanwhoever: also, if its only happening with flash, you might also try right-clicking on a flash video while its playing and going to "settings" and disable hardware accelation on the first tab23:16
RoeyI'm trying to figure out why my Intuos5 doesn't show up in the listings when I do "dmesg" or cat /var/log/syslog.  The Wacom module is loaded, and I am using Kubuntu 12.04.  I thought support comes built-in with this Ubuntu release?23:16
shihanmy gf has an intuos 5, i'll go grab and see what it does23:18
Roeyshihan:  thanks23:19
Roeyshihan:  I read posts about how it works out of the box23:19
andrebpepee  ?? magic ??23:19
Roeybut for me, no go.23:19
whoevershihan: to give you a heads up gotta restart for the fix you gave me to try back in a a second23:19
pepeeandreb, try running sudo do-release-upgrade . note that you will need to keep the terminal open for a couple hours...23:20
shihanroey: yeah, actually this one does too... i didnt do anything and it just came straight up... also doesnt load the wacom module23:20
shihanroey: oh, no sorry it did load wacom23:20
Roeyso it works out of the box for you, shihan?23:20
shihanroey: yeah, though im on ubuntu not kubuntu23:20
shihanroey: the little oled display things are blank tho23:20
Roeyhmm, ok.23:21
sharpyHi! I have two ubuntu partitions (both 12.04.1) but one of them wont show up in grub...23:21
j`eyanyone know how to check internet traffic for a parrticular program?23:21
shihanroey: oh wait, sorry, this is an intuos 4, my appologies23:21
Roeyshihan:  ahh23:21
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sharpyAny idea why one of my partitions might not show up in GRUB?23:24
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ubuntu_noobwhen installing ubuntu from usb do i extract folders from zipped file?23:26
wilee-nileesharpy, They are not identical are they?23:26
sharpyThey aught to be.. but I think that one got a little messed up while I was trying to re-install grub.23:26
sharpywilee-nilee: :-/23:26
sharpywilee-nilee: And so one of them is not showing up in GRUB23:27
wilee-nileesharpy, Identical partitions confuse grub.23:27
whoevershihan: thx , that repo worked23:27
shihanwhoever: kewl :)23:27
andrebi hope this works23:28
sharpywilee-nilee: Well, they are not IDENTICAL they just both have the same operating system on them.23:28
wilee-nileesharpy, Ah not clones then have you run sudo update-grub in te one controlling grub.23:28
ubuntu_noobdo i need to unzip ubuntu installation file when installing on pc with no os from flash drive?23:29
sharpywilee-nilee: Will try that and get back to you.23:29
wilee-nileesharpy, The one at the top of the grub menu, if grub has not been modified is the controlling OS.23:29
shihanubuntu_noob: which files are you refering to?23:30
sharpywilee-nilee: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).23:30
ubuntu_noobinstallation files that are zipped up23:30
lickalottanyone here good at csh scripting?23:30
Roeyshihan:  nevermind, got it done! turns out I had had this PPA DKMS wacom module installed that was blocking stuff for me23:31
IdleOne!es | joseph_CO23:31
ubottujoseph_CO: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:31
shihanubuntu_noob, how did you create the usb?23:31
andrebcrap it doesn twork23:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:31
ubuntu_noobumm, just downloaded the file into usb drive, nothing else23:31
lickalottmy logic is escaping me today....   trying to echo out a calculation but it just gives me what I wrote instead of doing the math23:31
shihanroey: nice :) how the v5 one btw? i'd be interested to know if you get those little button display things working23:31
wilee-nileesharpy, So that is the return from running sudo update-grub eh   If you can use a pastebin and show the commands as well it is easier.23:31
andrebpepeee is ther any other site/server i can download the updates form23:31
andrebit says teh same error23:32
andreb404 not found....23:32
Roeyshihan:  it's nice on the Mac my friend brought over23:32
sharpywilee-nilee: Yes it is...23:32
andrebrestoring original system stae23:32
shihanubuntu_noob: oh, no you need to do a little more then that23:32
pepeeandreb, you can try updating from the alternate cd too23:32
shihanubuntu_noob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick is a good place to start23:32
Roeyshihan:  unfortunately programs like Krita don't support it well23:32
ubuntu_noobits a brand new pc with no os23:32
wilee-nileesharpy, So have both OS worked then suddenly you are here? What is the history leading you here?23:32
Roeyeither that or Krita has its own annoying quirks.23:32
ubuntu_noobalright thanks23:32
pepeeandreb, sadly, I don't know how does the upgrade process work23:33
andrebi got a 12.04 lts server disk.. but how do i get the option to upgrade and not doa  fresh isntall23:33
shihanroey: yeah, i remember trying krita with the other half's tablet and didnt really love it much23:33
sharpywilee-nilee: You see, the partition that is not showing up origianlly had grub on it... but then I expanded that partition into some free space, and lost grub... so I tried to re-install grub using a live disk and had a whole bunch of trouble with it... so I just partitioned the disk and did a clean install on the new partition because I knew that would bring grub back... but now I cannot see the old partition in grub.23:34
sharpywilee-nilee: :-/23:34
Roeyshihan:  it looks to me like it suffers from trying to impose too many new things on the user.23:34
jribandreb: 12.04 is the latest version23:34
jribandreb: what version are you on now?23:35
andreb10.04 lts23:35
jrib!upgrade | andreb23:35
ubottuandreb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:35
pepeeandreb, http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-using-alternate.html23:35
wilee-nileesharpy, run this script and pasetbin the results. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/23:36
shihanroey: yeah, i remember thinking something along those lines myself23:36
pepeejrib, the upgrade manager is trying to fetch a wrong URL23:36
jribpepee: be more specific23:36
wilee-nileesharpy, This will give us a clearer picture of what is or isn't there geberally.23:37
andrebk thanks23:37
andrebwould take about an hour to download23:37
pepeejrib, <andreb> it starts but fails at failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/precise/universe/sources      <andreb> and stops the updating23:37
zoktarany one have strange fullscreen issues?, like fullscreen youtube, or fullscreen games. it kind of looks like its trying to span across to my other smaller monitor and fails. anyway i end up with half the picture  on mainscreen23:38
sharpywilee-nilee: http://pastebin.com/3vdcPyC223:39
jribandreb: does your apt work now?  Can you do « sudo apt-get update » and pastebin the ouput?23:40
wilee-nilee sharpy YOu have grub leagacy and grub 2 in the sda5 partition are you there right now?23:42
sharpywilee-nilee: I on a live disk.23:42
sharpywilee-nilee: I'm*23:43
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andrebjrib: http://pastebin.com/KGpwcEut23:43
wilee-nileesharpy, You need to chroot into sda5 and purge both grub and grub 2 and reinstall grub 2 do you know the commands once in?23:43
sharpywilee-nilee: sda5 is the one I can't see in grub.23:43
andrebjrib : http://pastebin.com/KGpwcEuT23:43
wilee-nileesharpy, I'm not surprised you have mixed two types of grub there.23:44
sharpywilee-nilee: Sigh.. yeah... err... I will find a tuturial to purge them.23:45
abby_jhi -- I'm taking my laptop back and forth between home and work, how can I configure the computer to recognize the different locations?23:45
wilee-nileesharpy, cool just a chroot in and run sudo apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common  then sudo apt-get install grub-pc grub-common23:46
jribandreb: pastebin output of « apt-cache policy update-manager-core » and contents of /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades23:46
sharpywilee-nilee: Does that remove both grub and grub 2?23:46
skorkethey guys, not sure if this is for you but I'm getting an error when trying to compile a C program that includes usb.h:  "In file included from /usr/include/usb.h:14:0,23:46
skorket                 from usbtest.c:6:23:46
skorket/usr/include/unistd.h:268:20: error: conflicting types for ‘intptr_t’23:46
skorket".  Any thoughts?  I'm happy to provide code if you like23:46
wilee-nileesharpy, YOu will be asked for where to put grub you can put it in the mbr sda or just in sda5 if you want sda7 to have the boot.23:47
PsiJetJava + Updates = Hates me. LOL23:47
sharpywilee-nilee: Do I need to remove grub from sda7 as well?23:48
PsiJetSpeaking of updates, is it possible to have it NOT auto-decline. X|23:48
wilee-nileesharpy, no sda7 looks good.23:48
andrebapt-cache policy : http://pastebin.com/tivjM3g623:48
Jellyg00sehey people, playing a drinking game, and need banshee to play a song every 60 seconds, can make the script but don't know if there's a command to play a specific file, otherwise any really simple ideas (bare in mind I've been drinking already) thanks, Goose23:48
blackshirtskorket, install libusb-dev packages23:49
sharpywilee-nilee: Can I remove sda7 before I reinstall grub, then?23:49
jribJellyg00se: probaly the easiest way is to make a long playlist, set banshee to loop (and shuffle I guess for your game), then create a small bash script that sleeps 60 seconds and then makes banshee play the next song23:50
andrebjrib correct link for apt-cache policy update-manager-core : http://pastebin.com/8cEFi7tE23:50
Jellyg00sejrib sounds good to me, I just need it to play exactly on 60 seconds, was initially thinking sleep 60, or exec --<some kinda command>23:50
Jellyg00sejrib would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction for the bash script for banshee to play x song please?23:51
blackshirtskorket, maybe sometime you get different version23:51
Jellyg00seI did google it just FYI but not hard enough23:51
jribJellyg00se: something like: while true; do sleep 60; command_to_have_banshee_play_next_song_here; done23:51
andrebjrib : http://pastebin.com/cwbXXPre for teh contetnt23:51
wilee-nileesharpy, I wouldn't just set sda5 as the controlling boot in the mbr form its desktop if you get grub 2 reinstalled and can boot to it. From the desktop of sda5 when fixed would be sudo grub-install /dev/sda5  tis puts sda5 in control of the boot, you can do the same with the reload of grub there with choosing sda as the destination of grub when asked in the chroot.23:51
jribJellyg00se: apparently "banshee --next" should have it play the next song23:52
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wilee-nileesharpy, sorry from the desktop no partition it is sudo grub-install /dev/sda  my bad23:52
Jellyg00sejrib so you recon cron job -> sh drinking-game -> sleep 60 -> banshee --next in a play queue of 2?23:53
jribandreb: so now when you do « sudo do-release-upgrade » what happens?23:53
jribJellyg00se: well using cron would work sure.  Or you could just use the while loop I gave above.  Not sure what you mean by "play queue of 2"23:53
Jellyg00sejrib well if using banshee --next, and I always want the same song to play23:54
Jellyg00sethen queue of 2 would mean that after 60 seconds, it reverted.23:54
andrebjrib it starts then when it reaches a certain part  "failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/precise/universe/sources"23:54
blackshirtandreb, maybe better of you want upgrade, install it on minimal system23:54
andrebthen : restoring to original state23:54
andreband stops23:54
wilee-nileesharpy, Here is a grub wiki that defaults to the chroot. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot23:55
blackshirtandreb, change yours repository sourc23:55
sharpywilee-nilee: Do I want to install grub to sda or sda5?23:55
jribandreb: can you pastebin full output?23:55
AreckxI am having no route to host problems when tyring to SSH into my iPhone23:55
jribJellyg00se: oh I assumed your drinking game would have you drink depending on the song that came up and you had like 100s of possible songs23:55
wilee-nileesharpy, sda gives that os control of the boot sda5 all this from a chroot does not.23:55
jeniahello everyone. i have two version of python installed. 2.7 and the newest one23:55
AreckxI fixed it before on iphone side, but now it isn't working again, and reinstalling it like before on iphone side didn't work this time23:56
jribjenia: ok23:56
sharpywilee-nilee: So... I wand sda?23:56
jeniahow can i install a python program and make it run on either the older or newer versions23:56
jeniaolder and* newer23:56
sharpywilee-nilee: want*23:56
jribjenia: what python program?23:56
jeniai installed in using easy_install ipyton.egg23:57
jribjenia: ipython3 is in the repositories23:57
jrib(as is ipython)23:57
jeniaso if i install it from the repo, it will install it for every python interpreter?23:57
wilee-nileesharpy, It depends I have to assume that sda5 still works with just a grub fix here, personally I would not trust that to be the case from here your choice. sda7 does work, you added it to fix sda5 to begin with it looks like, not really a way to do this.23:57
andrebjrib any ideas /?? i am still downloading the alternate disk23:57
jribjenia: no.  If you install ipython3, then you'll have it for python3.   Then you can also install just "ipython" for your python223:58
jribandreb: can you pastebin full output?23:58
Areckxokay, what is the deal with iPhone and ubuntu? When you first install, it hooks up through USB, I installed packages then it stops working that way23:58
sharpywilee-nilee: So, between sda and sda5?23:58
andrebk i will try23:58
Areckxthat would be fine, since I would just SSH, but then SSH stops working23:58
jeniajrib, what if i need both the 2.7 and newest version of python23:59
jeniaand i want ipython installed for both23:59
jenialike to be able to run it using either23:59
jribjenia: presumably by "newest version", you mean the python3 in the repositories, in which case I just answered your question.  If you mean something else then say it23:59

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