
koegsmrpouit: any chance that this will be fixed at any point? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/99257908:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992579 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "XFCE4: Hotkey for "Maximize Window" ignored, Application Hotkeys delayed" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:08
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knomedoes all dvd's really need the libdvd* -packages?11:18
davmor2knome: all movie dvds will require uncrypting with libdvdcss and libdvdread to correctly display the format11:23
ochosiknome: i'll be gone for most of the weekend. please remind mrpouit to upload the themes if needed :)12:10
ochosihave a nice weekend everyone!12:11
knomesee you next week12:11
mips1911Howz the bug fixes coming along, thinking of the xorg related one and gvfs duplicate icon issue13:39
bluesabremrpouit, catfish now available :)  Fixes the live cd issue as well as others14:55
knomepleia2, good morning sunshine!14:59
pleia2making coffee15:07
smartboyhwLooked at the quantal team meeting and found that the weekly status is missing for Xubuntu:)15:08
bluesabreochosi: If I remember correctly (it's been a little while now), I think I can hack manual subtitle selection into parole, by restarting the video.  Not the friendliest method, but do you think that it's necessarily bad?15:10
knomesmartboyhw, correct.15:11
knomebluesabre, ochosi said he's out for the weekend15:11
bluesabremissed that15:11
bluesabreknome: thoughts?15:11
knomebluesabre, http://temp.knome.fi/shimmer/parole/ntsc-fuzzy-text-4.png15:11
knomebluesabre, if it works, and doesn't break stuff, i'm ok with it15:11
bluesabreoh, that's not bad.  People will stop thinking its a bug then15:12
knomebluesabre, exactly our motivation to create that15:18
knomepleia2, you're late :P15:18
pleia2yeah yeah :)15:18
knomeso, i converted sections 3 and 7 to docbook15:19
knomei would actually rather want to look at other things than converting now, because:15:19
knomei think section 4 needs to be rethinked15:20
knomei mean, the structure15:20
knomeothers are probably fine structure-wise, but it would be great if we could confirm that the pages are ok to convert so people could get to towkr15:20
knomethe footnotes are unfortunately completely up-to-date15:21
knomeyou will need to check our pad15:21
pleia2I dunno, I think it's fine15:21
knomethe problem:15:21
pleia2I think at this stage in the game we need to strive for accuracy rather than perfection15:21
knomein the main page, we have subtitles15:21
knomethose will be shown as subsections15:22
knomei'm proposing:15:22
knome1) move the "main" page under "a quick overview of the applications"15:22
knome2) move the media-related things under "media applications" (or sth)15:22
knomethat's a simple move15:22
knomeand yeah, i want accuracy too, but docbook has some limitations i don't know how to overcome, and we need to adapt to that15:23
pleia2which "main" page?15:24
knomeopen "quick guide to default applications"15:25
knomeif you looked at the built documentation, you'd notice that we are actually showing all subsections when you click a section or page15:25
pleia2oh, I see15:25
knomewe are just linking to anchors inside those pages15:25
knomewe can revert to "show only one subsection", but we have some really short pages15:26
knomeand that's less optimal than having *long* pages imo :)15:26
knomethat's just one 1/0, so not a biggie15:26
knomeespecially section 8 works much better this way imo15:27
pleia2ok yeah, so we should create a "Media" top level like we have "Internet and Networks"15:27
knomedo you think so?15:27
knomeworks for me too15:28
pleia2I think "Quick guide to default applications" can be its own thing without sub-pages15:28
pleia2like "Keeping your computer safe" is15:28
knomei think we actually had "media" previously15:28
knomebut yeah, that's fine too15:28
knomewe probably want to remove the "burning" page though15:28
knomethat only tells where you'll find xfburn :P15:29
knomeor: either remove, or extend15:29
pleia2bah, I think it's ok15:31
pleia2we can extend for 13.0415:31
knomei think it's just redundant and more work for docbook conversion ;)15:32
knomeat least 5 lines...15:32
knomeif i'm the one converting that section, i will leave it out :P15:32
pleia2ok, I'll find a way to put more words in it15:32
knomehehe, good, thanks15:32
knomeapart from that, i think what we need is reviews now15:33
knomesection 2, if somebody could review that15:33
knome(that one subpage)15:33
knomesection 5 too, but please look at the pad at http://typewith.me/p/x-q-docs-checkout15:33
knomeand i think section 6 is pretty much ready to go too15:33
knomeas well as 10 and 1115:34
pleia2(i've been on the pad all morning, I'm the pink person!)15:34
knome4 needs that structuring work15:34
knomedid you know you can name yourself?15:34
pleia24 is what we just talked about :)15:34
pleia2I am named too15:34
knomeoh, you have15:34
knomeno pink comments on the pad though ;)15:34
pleia2that's because I'm slackin'15:34
knomeyou should start workin'15:35
pleia2alright, I'll work on the burning page now and then do some reviews15:35
knomeok, thanks15:35
knomei'll do the restructuring15:35
bluesabreknome: For ubuntu package bugs (parole in ubuntu), do we mark as Fix Released when the package is available or when the version of ubuntu that package is shipping in (quantal) is released?15:37
micahgbluesabre: when it lands in Ubuntu15:37
knomerestructuring done15:37
bluesabremicahg: thanks15:37
knomeyeah, when a new ISO has that bug fixed15:38
knomei'm off soonish15:40
bluesabreCould somebody check if parole's system tray icon works in quantal?  It doesn't seem to work in the ppa version15:42
pleia2how's 4 lines? :) http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Burning%20CDs%20and%20DVDs#preview15:46
knomepleia2, still a bit bleh, but ok15:47
pleia2well, it's more accurate now too15:48
knomegood good :)15:48
knomeok, i'm almost flying already15:49
knomegot to go15:49
knomethanks for the session, i think this clears much up15:49
knomenow others; start reviewing the final bits so we can convert them!15:49
GridCube:( i wont be able to attend the next meeting, i will be having an IRL one for my job16:54
SkippersBosshi all20:02
bluesabrehey SkippersBoss20:05
SkippersBosshave i missed anything today ??20:05
SkippersBossall packages still there ?20:05
bluesabreAs far as I know20:06
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jjfrv8Looks like the behavior of the NetworkManager icon has changed back to left-click to edit/view connections. Anyone know if that's the way it's going to stay now?21:48
Sysiis it in notification area or indicator?21:55
jjfrv8I'm not sure of the difference. It's the up and down arrows to the left of the date on a default install.21:58
Sysinm-applet can be on notification area or indicator-network, click behaviour depends about which it's on21:59
jjfrv8Sorry, I not a dev. I'm just working on the Help document. I just experimented and removed the notification area from the panel and that did not remove the icon...22:09
jjfrv8Removing the Indicator plugin did.22:09
jjfrv8If I add the Notification area back, I get another network icon with the arrows, but it behaves the opposite of the Indicator plugin.22:10
jjfrv8The Indicator plugin icon seems to have changed behavior in the latest quantal build from last week. Which actually puts it back the way it was originally.22:11
micahgindicators should be back on an up to date quantal22:23
micahgsave for the messaging indicator22:23
micahgoh, and sound is still in NEW22:24
jjfrv8micahg, if I get your drift, what I was seeing last week the result of a missing Indicator plugin and today after running latest updates, the Indicator came back...22:28
jjfrv8and that's why it appears that the icon behavior has changed?22:28
micahgwe had to drop the indicator plugin for beta 122:28
micahgand then we added it back once it was installable again22:29
jjfrv8Okay, I'll go back and change my doc sections with those references again. :(22:30
pleia2jjfrv8: isn't writing documentation for a development release fun? :)22:31
pleia2(thanks for your patience)22:31
jjfrv8No worries.22:31

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