
=== blaze is now known as Guest20426
BluesKajHowdy all11:17
=== tuomasjj1asanen is now known as tuomasjjrasanen
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1024424] debug packages not available for kwin @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024424 (by ill)11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024424 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "debug packages not available for kwin" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:59
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1051575] KDE's systemsettings.desktop contains an invalid argument in Exec= @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1051575 (by TK)14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1051575 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KDE's systemsettings.desktop contains an invalid argument in Exec=" [Undecided,New]14:07
Riddellshadeslayer: that some PPA breakage due to 4.9.1 being copied over?15:45
macoRiddell: seen apachelogger?15:47
Riddellmaco: not online today no15:49
macoRiddell: ok. im migrating to a new server and wanted to switch my quassel core from sqlite to postgresql while i'm at it, but when i try to convert the db, it tells me postgresql is unsupported, which is pretty interesting given what quassel's website says. so now i'm suspicious that harald left psql support out in his packaging15:50
Riddellwould Sput know?15:51
macoRiddell: idk? harald's the packager15:51
Riddellmaco: looking at the sources there's nothing build time specific about postgres15:53
Riddellit might be runtime, have you got it installed?15:53
macoi think i do. i can double check15:53
macooh hmm or maybe not.15:54
macoi thought i had it installed for diaspora15:54
macooh. looks like i had it installed and lost it on upgrade to 12.0415:54
macowell now i have to stop the quassel core to try again15:57
macothanks Riddell15:57
maco_Riddell: didnt work with either postgresql 8.4 or 9.1 installed :(16:05
Riddellmaco_: time to ask in #quassel I guess16:06
maco_trying :-/16:07
Riddellmaco_: hmm it's a qt issue16:09
Riddellgot qt postgres plugin installed?16:10
maco_there's a qt postgres plugin?16:10
Riddellmaco_: try installing libqt4-sql-psql16:12
maco_Riddell: i was just told in #quassel16:12
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1050776] kde4-window-decorator crashes when starting up @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1050776 (by Iven Hsu)16:14
Riddellmaco: patches to make that more user friendly welcome :)17:17
macoRiddell: i gave up and started over with a clean database17:17
macoit turns out if the database migration fails, you dont get a second try.17:18
macoit just says it's already initialized so there must not be anything to migrate17:18
macothe only thing i could think of on the psql and qt front is having quasselcore depend on them17:18
macoRiddell: see the "if your migration stops" part on http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/wiki/PostgreSQL ?17:19
macoi ran into that, despite using the --configdir= argument17:19
macoso all i can conclude is that i shouldve started with psql not sqlite because converting later is futile17:20
afiestasdo we have any iso size limit now?18:01
afiestaswould be awesome to install samba by default I think18:02
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1024424] debug packages not available for kwin @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024424 (by ill)18:20
Riddellafiestas: an arbitrary 1GB18:44
Riddellafiestas: there should be a simple installer for samba in the file share dialogue anyway18:45
shadeslayerRiddell: possibly due to lp not publishing everything together19:08
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah that's why I always test the PPA after copying before I announce it19:23
shadeslayerwell ... it worked just fine via ninjas and via staging, so I went ahead and asked the story to be published19:24
shadeslayerdidn't realize that publishing delays might have caused issues19:24
shadeslayerlwn has a article on bzr and bzr development19:25
shadeslayerand ... whoa, Martin Pool left Canonical? 19:25
Riddellyeah, same time as me19:27
Riddelland sladen19:28
macoi learned spiv left a year ago19:28
macodropping like flies19:28
shadeslayermaco: hi!!19:29
* shadeslayer hasn't seen maco around for quite some time19:29
macoi have been in the channel!19:29
macohttps://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/422858_4110827182390_668532742_n.jpg i got a bit sunburned doing this yesterday19:30
Riddellmaco: spiv left bzr at the same time as me19:31
Riddellmaybe I'm a bad influence on the bzr team :)19:31
maco(my back is to the camera)19:31
shadeslayerdarn, I wish they had these kind of things here :(19:31
Riddellmaco: your own clothing creation?19:31
shadeslayerAll I did today was watch Prometheus and eat junk food19:31
macoRiddell: yes19:31
Riddellshadeslayer: you wish you had a recreation of medaeval england?  that would put you on the losing side I fear19:32
shadeslayerRiddell: btw, the canal where you go canoeing, are the waters as choppy as they were in Estonia?19:32
shadeslayerwell .. ok .. not that entirely, I wish I there was a archery here19:33
Riddellshadeslayer: well no, it's a canal, inland and narrow, only thing scary is the swans19:33
shadeslayerno rapids or such?19:33
macohey im dressed italian, and the woman next to me goes by Ingeborg, so i think she's Swedish or something19:34
Riddellshadeslayer: not in my back garden alas, takes a drive to get to the rapids and surf but I do that whenever I get a chance (not too often since I can't drive currently)19:34
shadeslayeroh ... hmm19:34
Riddellshadeslayer: this slalom I ran a few weeks ago had plenty of rapids http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/7887852562/in/photostream19:35
shadeslayerthat looks awesome19:36
shadeslayer"Version 2.7 of the GNU patch utility — the first release in almost three years — is out." < haha19:37
Riddellshadeslayer: quick, get a FFe!  can't be behind on that!19:38
shadeslayerI .... don't feel like doing anything19:39
shadeslayerjust talking and listening to this song over and over and over and over again19:39
shadeslayerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R091mdTkrF4 < this one19:39
shadeslayerRiddell: there was someone in #kubuntu a day or two ago who was asking if we were going to provide paid support ... so there does seem to be a market for that :)19:41
shadeslayerwould be nice if the company that you were talking about comes out with something soonish19:41
Riddellhope so!19:42
Riddellshadeslayer: hah, that's a great fiddle tune19:44
macowhile i was at pennsic, one of the bards let me try his fiddle19:51
macoi never played an instrument with a bow before19:52
Riddellmaco: did you play some diddly dee and start a ceilidh or did you just screetch like a grumpy cat?19:54
macoRiddell: somewhere in the between?19:56
macoi made lots of long notes19:56
macothe guy showing me how to play it was impressed that i was able to play one string at a time on the first try19:56
macobut of course i dont know where the notes are on the fingerboard so thatd take practice (and/or some strips of tape on the fingerboard) to get19:57
Riddellmaco: I've always found stringed instruments tricky to play, and with the fiddle you need excellent alexander technique to not get a cricked neck20:09
macoalexander technique?20:09
Riddellwhen my mum does, teaches you how to use minimal muscle tension for positions you spend lots of time in20:15
Riddelllike sitting at an office desk or holding a fiddle to your head20:16
Tm_Tmaco: heh, I'm too heavy-handed with string instruments, which leads muscle pains on fingers rather quickly20:17
RiddellTm_T: alexander technique!20:18
Tm_Twhich is why I've been practicing more gentle holding, not playing really anything, just trying to do as little as possible (:20:18
Riddellcheap lessons from my mum :)20:18
afiestasrbelem: yay!22:52
afiestascan't wait to see kubuntu active runnign there!22:53
afiestasis the performance any good?22:53

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