
gbzkubuntu beta 1 is *amazingly* responsive even from the usb stick00:15
szalgreat for you, but off-topic here ;)00:16
gbzszal: ?00:17
szal!quantal | gbz <- because00:17
ubottugbz <- because: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:17
gbzi dont like the way it autodects my small screen though. its been annoying ever since that was introduced00:18
gbzno kubuntu+1?00:19
gbzi like the new calligra. better than libreoffice00:29
geowany_gbz: ;)00:30
geowany_gbz: calliga + kile00:31
gbzi think im actually going to install tomorrow. really impressed. hope it doesnt break that much until final. im not good with dpkg mambo jumbo00:31
gbzmaybe grab a daily iso00:32
gbzgeowany_: i dont use latex sorry00:33
* szal sees no hope for Calligra until it works w/ OOo/LO ODF files properly00:33
szalKWord 2.1 couldn't even open my letter templates from LO00:33
szaland if it did, they looked like garbage00:34
gbzhmm one instance of braindump is stuck on memory. and its icon looks really horrible in task switching. its really low quality00:38
gbzand it cant be killed for some reason00:40
gbzmaybe vlc would be a worthy addition. there is space :p00:45
gbzhmm favourites in classic menu has a kopete shortcut which naturally doesnt work00:46
gbzit says favorites. i guess thats en-us. damn violators00:48
gbzhmm libreoffice is in upgrades. are you gonna ship 2 office suites?00:52
gbzok, times up. gonna install tomorrow. good night00:54
macoapachelogger: does kubuntu's version of quassel-core only support sqlite? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208124/02:54
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
gbztrying to install 12.10  was a bad idea after all. even though the beta worked fine. after applying the upgrades it all went up in smoke. ill do 12.04.1 + 4.9.1 ppa for now06:28
gbztoo bad kopete will stay06:29
geowany_gbz: and kde-telepathy?06:31
gbzand kdm too. lightdm is better06:31
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gbzGeowany: what about it?06:31
gbztelepathy is better than kopete. anything is06:32
Geowanygbz: I read anyplace that kopete will be changed to kde-telepathy06:32
gbzyes. it will. its better and well integrated in system settings as well06:32
Geowanygbz: I don't like when kopete update (kde3 -> kde4) lose the irc protocol06:33
gbzyou'll get it  back in 12.10. i dont know if kde-telepathy is available for 12.0406:34
gbzdidnt check all the updates from the ppa im getting now but i dont think its in there06:35
gbzare upgrades from version to version reliable? 12.04-> 12.10 for example06:36
gbznow i have some weird entries in the menu06:49
gbzand muon is gone from the menu. wtf06:49
gbzdoes anyone know whats up with that?06:51
gbzi have an about plasma active icon which does nothing. an adjust date and time. and a widget strip. and myon is gone!06:53
gbzit removed myon on its own. i was told that it was just gonna remove a libkdegamessomething06:58
gbzhow  the hell did that happen? any ideas anyone?06:59
gbzis myon reliable?07:03
gbzor the ppa is broken07:03
gbzis anyone providing support here?07:04
akishi all. in which file is it stored the history of all the commands i gave in my terminal window?07:06
gbzmaybe in /var/tmp/kdecache-* not sure though07:08
gbzmight want to ask in #kde. noone is here07:08
akisok thanks. i thought there is a file in my /home07:11
gbzmaybe there is. i dont know07:11
gbzakis: oh wait . bash keeps a history too07:11
gbzi thought you meant an internal kde file07:12
gbzlook for a ~/.bash_history07:12
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gbzyeah, should be there07:12
akisi will have a look07:16
akisno /.bash in my /home07:17
akisoh wait there is a file07:17
akisnot a dir07:17
gbzthats what you want i misunderstood your question at first. i think konsole keeps a log somewhere too07:17
gbzyes a file called ~/.bash_history07:18
akisyesss. everything is here. is it sure there is everything from the start of my distro?07:18
akisok. thanks !07:19
gbzi wish someone would help me too07:19
Graf_Westerholtgbz, what is your problem?07:23
gbzGraf_Westerholt: i installed 12.04.1 and tried to upgrade to the 4.9.1 ppa. this is what happened:  http://paste.kde.org/54974007:24
gbzit removed myon among other important things07:24
gbzthe only change i did that might have some effect to anything was removing all sources repos and the cdrom from software list07:26
gbzyea, muon07:26
gbzwhen prompted about some packages being unselected for the upgrade i chose all. the dialog said that only a libkdegames lib was about to be removed07:28
Graf_WesterholtSorry, I have no idea, that is to much for my Linux skills.07:29
gbzprobably libkdegames5a which is in removal output07:29
gbzmaybe i should install aptitude07:30
gbzeven though i doubt thats gonna fix anything now07:30
gbznow i get this:07:32
gbzThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:07:32
gbz  plasma-active-mobilecomponents share-like-connect-data libqtwebkit-qmlwebkitplugin share-like-connect plasma-active-data07:32
gbzwhat the flying fucj07:32
akisi used this command "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-filter-so52" to make OO to read StarOffice files. Do you think this command will work with a newly install LibreOffice or is any other similar command available?07:33
gbzthose were the crap that appered in my menus07:33
Graf_WesterholtI do not know.07:34
Graf_WesterholtI suggest you reinstall the complet system.07:35
Graf_WesterholtYes, gbz.07:35
gbzi ve already done two installations. and since i dont know what caused this, since i didnt do anything weird, whos gonna guarantee thats not gonna happen again?07:36
Graf_WesterholtYou did not say that.07:36
Graf_WesterholtSo you should not upgrade Kubuntu to KDE 4.807:37
gbzisnt the ppa supposed to work? its almost official07:37
Graf_WesterholtI guess not.07:37
gbzheh, change your license to mit/x1107:38
gbzim pissed off07:38
gbzcause the cat has one ear07:39
Graf_Westerholtgbz, my KDE is 4.8.5, so I guess 4.9 is not finished yet, it is beta.07:40
gbz4.9.1 has released07:40
gbzand you have no idea what you're talking about. are you even using kubuntu?07:41
Graf_WesterholtDo you want me to ignore you?07:41
gbz12.04 has 4.8.407:41
gbzthere is no 4.8.5 upgrade07:41
gbzand 4.9.1 is much better than 4.8.x. its not 4.0.1, that was beta07:42
gbzor even prealpha07:42
Graf_WesterholtMy KDE is 4.8.5. Are you trolling?07:43
gbzno, is it from a ppa?07:43
gbzok, that explains it07:44
gbzoh damn, back to the basics07:47
lordievaderGood morning08:04
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
faLUCE hi. I can't open two usb cameras simoultaneously. It says VIDIOC_STREAMON failed, no space left on device, although I'm sure I'm not exceeding the 2.0 bandwidth, with the sum of the two cameras ... where can be the problem? I googled ans saw many other people having this issue but couldn't understand what to do. kernel is 3.0.0-13-generic09:23
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faLUCEwith lsusb I see that none of the usb units are marked with "high speed". Only "full speed", for 2.0 too. why?10:54
Peace-faLUCE:  high speed i guess is fr 2.010:55
faLUCEPeace-: ?10:55
faLUCEPeace-: ?10:58
BluesKajHowdy all11:17
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momo_wo bin ich??12:17
mck182shadeslayer: is kdevelop 4.4rc packaged for precise somewhere?12:27
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oneadventhi, i may be retarded, but can someone tell me how to start telepathy, or is empathy and telepathy the same thing?13:04
dileksI wanted to try kde-sc v4.9.1 and did a 'apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa'13:07
BluesKajoneadvent, the quick method is alt+f2 , type telepathy13:07
* dileks follows http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-plasma-workspaces-applications-and-platform-49113:07
oneadventBluesKaj: I did that and looked in my menu and it doesn't seem to find telepathy (telepathy: command not found in cli) but I have kde-telepathy is already the newest version.13:08
dileksbut I only see v4.8.5 packages available13:08
BluesKajoneadvent, ok then type kde-telepathy :)13:09
oneadvent:D i did..same thing, command not found13:10
oneadventkde-telepathy: command not found13:10
BluesKajoneadvent, sudo apt-get install kde-telepathy13:11
oneadventjust the kde-telepathy is already the newest version.13:11
oneadventhttp://paste2.org/p/2230542  specifically13:11
BluesKajdid you look in the kmenu>apps>internet, oneadvent13:12
oneadventBluesKaj: yea and i dont see it there either :/13:12
BluesKajdileks, I think you have to upgrade 4.9.0 , then 4.9.113:13
BluesKajoneadvent, have you updated/upgraded lately ?13:13
avihayumm, ktp-contactlist ?13:13
oneadventum nothing out of the ordinary, on 12.04, and i can try that avihay13:14
oneadventi think i did but i'll try again13:14
oneadventah there it is! avihay you found it...13:15
avihayI was wondering bout that myself, but I always got distracted when I tried to find the solution13:15
BluesKajtelepathy was broken on my system the last time I tried it ... don't care for all in one clients anyway13:15
oneadventavihay: do you know the indicator applet too?13:16
BluesKajodd that typing the name of the app doesn't launch it13:16
avihayI think it's ment to be used as a plasmoid something?13:16
avihayanyway, the repository's version is 0.4 which is supposed to be of beta quality13:17
avihay0.5 is deemed a reasonable replacement for keopete13:17
oneadventwell KDE Telepathy Contact List13:18
oneadventVersion 0.513:18
oneadventthat is what i'm on13:19
oneadventbut idk how to make it minimize so gots work to do on it13:19
avihaycan minimize via the taskbar13:20
oneadvent WARNING **: Failed to register the approver: Name 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.IndicatorApprover' already in use by another process13:20
oneadventthat is the error i get trying to make it an indicator. might have to reboot :/13:20
oneadventlemme try and reboot x and see if that helps13:20
oneadventhmmm i think it is empathy getting in the way13:23
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BoffyHello, What is the bets programmes that is KDE based for DVD ripping? i've tried k3b but nothing happens when i clcik ripDVD it just jumps to the folder in DVD. i added (installed) transcode but again nothing happens. currently using Handbrake, but i was wondering if an easy to use KDE app can do it.13:41
avihaymaybe Amarok has something13:42
BluesKajBoffy, what's the file extnsion /file type you are trying to rip with k3b?13:45
BluesKajBoffy, make sure you kubuntu-restricted-extras installed as well13:46
avihayanyone has any luck authenticating telepathy with ICQ? also with SIP?13:55
mck182avihay: I do with icq14:04
avihaymck182:  no particular issues?14:06
mck182avihay: do you have kwallet enabled?14:06
avihaymaybe not authing on some networks14:06
mck182avihay: and what's your exact problem?14:06
avihayboth the msn and ICQ I had from before are non-functional14:07
mck182well you can try either readding the accounts14:07
avihayI've managed to readd msn and gtalk successfully though14:07
mck182no luck with icq?14:07
avihayicq, still no dice :-<14:07
mck182what does it say when you try to connect?14:08
BluesKajppl actually still use icq ?14:08
* mck182 wish people wouldn't, but understands why..14:08
* Garheade has never logged into icq14:10
avihayBluesKaj: you'd be surprised mck182: authentication failure14:12
mck182avihay: can you open kwalletmanager and look if the password there is correct?14:12
dileksBluesKaj: how to upgrade to v4.9.x?14:13
mck182or even try removing it from there, it should ask you for the pass again14:13
avihayI retyped them, but TBH, I'm not sure of it anymore...14:13
dileksI followed this... so14:13
BluesKajdileks, did you add the backport ppa to your repositories , then update and upgrade ?14:14
dileksof course14:15
dilekslemme check the auto-added sources.list14:15
BluesKajdileks, and then do dist-upgrade14:15
dileksnope nope nope14:16
faLUCEhi. I can't open two usb cameras simoultaneously. It says VIDIOC_STREAMON failed, no space left on device, although I'm sure I'm not exceeding the 2.0 bandwidth, with the sum of the two cameras ... where can be the problem? I googled ans saw many other people having this issue but couldn't understand what to do. kernel is 3.0.0-13-generic14:16
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dileksshouldnt that be blablubbs backports?14:18
FloodBotK1dileks: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:18
dilekssudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports14:19
BluesKajdileks, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:19
dilekslooks like wrong repo14:19
dilekslemme through away the added one14:20
dileksno no no14:21
dileksno auto-upgrade wanted14:21
dileksapt-pinning dance again14:21
dileksupdated the ubuntu pinning-howto some days ago14:22
BluesKajdileks,  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa14:22
dileksit works. was wrong repo14:23
dileks# cat kubuntu-ppa-backports-precise.list14:23
dileksdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main14:23
dileksdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main14:23
BluesKajdileks, which one works?14:24
dileksthe last quoted14:25
dileksI do a paste of both... sources.list and apt-pinning-file14:25
BluesKajthe launchpad ppa ..odd ,14:27
dileksis there a meta-package I can reference to upgrade to kde-4.9.1?14:28
dilekskde-standard, -full whatever14:28
dilekskde-standard seems to exist14:29
dileksthere is no kde-minimal anymore?14:29
dileksguess its same situation as with debian14:30
dileksapt-pinning works14:30
dileksFloodBotK1: flood?14:32
dileksgood, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209017/14:35
dileksthere exist a kde-greeter for lightdm?14:36
dilekslightdm-kde-greeter - LightDM KDE greeter14:36
dileksnice when I answer your own question :-)14:36
dileksdunno if I wil really upgrade to kde-sc v4.9.1 or not14:37
BluesKajdileks, I have the same repos/ppas already listed in my sources.list but 4.9.1 doesn't install from them either14:38
dileksthats why I asked for the meta package14:39
BluesKajthink I'll stick with 4.9.014:39
dilekstry... apt-get install kde-standard (optionally with -t $distribution)14:40
dileksI can do a simultated upgrade14:40
BluesKajI'm running 4.9.1 on 12.10 , there isn't much diff to a home user compared to 4.9.014:42
BluesKaj12,04 here is very similar ']14:43
dilekstakes the 4.8.5 pkgs14:43
dileksyupp, as pointed already... -t precise gives you v4.9.1 pkgs14:47
dileksapt-get install -t precise kde-standard --simulate14:47
dileksBluesKaj: ^^14:47
dileks63 upgraded, 216 newly installed, 0 to remove and 24 not upgraded.14:49
dileksno data for disc-usage14:50
dilekshmm, this would install lightdm-kde-greeter and kdm14:53
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dileks-d gives some numbers... 278 MB of archives... 413 MB of additional disk space will be used15:03
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dileksExample #2: Pinning the kubuntu-ppa/backports PPA15:36
dileksthanks for your help15:37
dilekshave fun :-)15:37
=== Guest92513 is now known as IdleOne
GirlyGirlHi, I have no idea what happened but my sister did some stuff and her laptop boots to busybox and nothing beyond that. its supposed to have kubuntu 12.04.115:53
GirlyGirlFiles from the home partition are accessible via a live cd15:53
RoeyGirlyGirl:  do you have experience with wacom tablets in kubuntu 12.0415:56
GirlyGirlRoey: No sorry15:56
BluesKajGirlyGirl, can the / partition be mounted ?15:57
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Under a livecd yes15:57
RoeyBluesKaj:  I got my tablet to work finally.  Turns out I had installed this pre-production PPA wacom kernel driver six months ago, and it kept overriding the stock driver.15:58
BluesKajGirlyGirl, wonder if grub was wiped somehow15:58
GirlyGirlCan't be, you get a grub loader screen to select os to boot, windows or Ubuntu, after chosing Ubuntu it goes to busybox15:59
lordievaderRoey: I have some experience with Wacom, do you still have a problem?15:59
Roeynot anymore16:00
Roeyjust gestures16:00
Roeyin Krita.  But that's an issue for the Krita developers16:00
BluesKajok GirlyGirl , then try running the recovery kernel , and in the dialog "choose repair broken packages "16:00
lordievaderRoey: Ah, that is a generation after my tablet...16:00
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: I tried, that loads busybox too16:00
Roeylordievader:  hee, intuos5 here :>16:01
Roeythough unusable for a few months while I was resolving that issue.16:01
PeterMEHi I have a question, I've gotten my Genius EasyPen i405X graphics tablet to work on my machine but unfortunately I'm unable to limit it to use only one of my three screens. This causes a terrible scaling weher the vertical axes is about 3-4 times as sensitive as the horizontal axis rendering it almost impossible to use..16:02
PeterMETried the transformation matrix but that ended up with the pointer jumping around like crazy when I draw vertical lines..16:03
BluesKajGirlyGirl, did try typing exit at the prompt ?16:04
BluesKajGirlyGirl, do you get any errors when it drops to busybox?16:05
GirlyGirlNo, but I do not see a splash screen or anything,16:05
BluesKajdo you have an initramfs prompt ?16:07
BluesKajif so type exit and see if the boot continues16:08
PeterMERoey: Are you running a single- or multi-monitor setup?16:08
PeterMEDarn, I was hoping someone with a graphics tablet was having similar difficulties.16:09
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Typing exit makes the laptop go off16:10
GirlyGirlIt instantly goes of and the laptop makes a click noise like it normally does during an improper shutdown e.g press power for 5s16:11
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
lordievaderPeterME: Perhaps post #3 of the following thread can help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139377516:12
BluesKajok GirlyGirl , once you get back to grub choose the kernel then to edit the file with "e" , then remove the "quiet" and "splash" options from the boot arguments , that might work16:13
lordievaderPeterME: Or perhaps this: http://bensimonds.com/2011/05/25/setting-up-dual-monitors-with-a-wacom-tablet-on-ubuntu-11-04/16:13
PeterMElordievader: Unfortunately it's not a wacom tablet so it's not running on the wacom drivers..16:13
PeterMEI've tried this approch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165608916:14
PeterMEWithout luck16:14
PeterMEI'm able to limit it to one screen but it jumps between it's actual position and the edge of the sreen16:15
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Still busybox16:16
lordievaderPeterME: Ah I see, I assumed too much.16:18
BluesKajthen GirlyGirl , I don't have a suggestion , except reinstall to / , it shouldn't take too long , just make sure your home partition mountpoint is selected , without formatting16:18
BluesKajGirlyGirl, , but you'll need to format / mountpoint16:19
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Any ideas on how to install, the dvd drive is broken and its usb ports don't work well16:22
GirlyGirlI've just kept upgrading Kubuntu on it since the drive broke16:22
TheLordOfTimereplace the parts on your system?16:22
lordievaderGirlyGirl: Get a new dvd drive?16:23
GirlyGirlTheLordOfTime: I guess dvd could be replaced but her laptop is old so it might be a waste16:23
TheLordOfTimeGirlyGirl, so buy an external CD/DVD reader16:24
GirlyGirlTHe usb works but ever 10 mins or so it behaves as if the usb device was unplugged and replugged16:24
TheLordOfTimethey run, oh, about $45 but its a decent investment16:24
BluesKajGirlyGirl, you could upgrade to 12.10 over the internet if you feel adventurous16:24
TheLordOfTimeehh, right, your USB is glitchy16:24
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: from busybox?16:24
PeterMElordievader: Do you have a tablet in a multi-monitor setup?16:24
TheLordOfTimeGirlyGirl, i'd say replace the system, if its that old and its not working USB or DVD, you might be in for the ending of that system16:24
lordievaderPeterME: No, simply a laptop with, at times, an older Wacom tablet.16:25
GirlyGirlI have a live cd working on it though from an image boot thing I set up in grub16:25
GirlyGirlIts a 11.04 live cd I think16:25
PeterMElordievader: Aah, have you ever tried the Coordinate Transformation Matrix thing?16:26
BluesKajGirlyGirl, oops ..sorry too much going on here ..got confused for a minute16:26
lordievaderPeterME: Never even heard of that. Rarely use it with Linux.16:26
TheLordOfTimeisnt 11.04 EOL soon?16:29
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110416:29
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:29
TheLordOfTimeyep its EOL in october16:29
PeterMElordievader: Okay, my tablet works so much better under windows. Don't really want to have to switch back and forth though..16:30
lordievaderPeterME: Oh well, I don't mind switching back and forth.16:31
lordievaderHey sekisushai, how are you?16:31
sekisushaii've got a problem to run a usb dongle with r8191su driver16:31
sekisushailordievader : fine thanks :)16:31
PeterMElordievader: It's just annoying to keep both up to date..16:32
sekisushaithis dongle is run by r8712u driver under my kubuntu x86_64 12.04.. no detection problem, idem scanning the network, but impossible to associate the dongle to an essid16:33
sekisushaii read on the web this is a bug with r8712 module and kernel 3.2.x .. i don't really know16:33
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kensuagai am trying to get the best 3d performince from my ati x1400 and i just installed Gallium3d and i still cant get a game to run17:45
kensuagai am trying to get the best 3d performince from my ati x1400 and i just installed Gallium3d and i still cant get a game to run17:48
lordievaderkensuaga: What games are you trying to run?17:49
kensuagathese are the errors i get SDL Initialized17:49
kensuagalibGL error: failed to load driver: r30017:49
kensuagalibGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details.17:49
kensuagalibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast17:49
kensuagalibGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details.17:49
FloodBotK1kensuaga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
kensuagaSDL_net Initialized17:49
kensuagathe game is called coldest17:50
lordievaderkensuaga: And what are the system requirements? Is it a windows game btw?17:50
kensuagain is the linux version17:50
lordievaderkensuaga: Hmm is the x1400 on par with the 8800gt or an x300 mobile?17:52
kensuagaits has 256 mb dedicated17:53
kensuagai have  run guildwars on this system17:54
lordievaderkensuaga: Seems to be a lot slower than an 8800M GTS, not sure if it will run.17:55
kensuagashould it still let me get into the game? i cant even get that far?17:57
lordievaderkensuaga: Yes it should, how did you install the game? And did you install the drivers for you video card?17:58
kensuagathis is all i did on a fresh install sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa18:02
kensuagasudo apt-get update18:02
kensuagasudo apt-get upgrade18:02
lordievaderkensuaga: What does the kde-jockey give?18:02
kensuagaati redeon - License free18:10
lordievaderkensuaga: Is that the recommended driver? If so, did you install it?18:15
kensuaganot sure where that came from? i was using the one that comes with kubuntu never tried anything until now. i am guessing that is from gallium18:17
lordievaderkensuaga: You mean the closed-source driver? I assume it was always there, however is it installed?18:18
kensuagai believe that ati does support this card on 12.04. they dropped support for it a long time ago18:20
lordievaderkensuaga: Can you answer my question please.18:20
kensuagano closed-source to install?18:20
lordievaderkensuaga: The jockey has no options?18:21
kensuagajockey has ati redeon - License free activated18:21
lordievaderkensuaga: Ah, thank you. So there is a driver for it installed. How did you install the game? Through apt-get?18:22
kensuagai just manual downloaded it - extract - and click on a script18:23
kensuagano install18:24
lordievaderkensuaga: Unfortunately I don't know how to proceed.18:28
kensuagathank you very much for your help18:29
lordievaderkensuaga: No problem, too bad we couldn't resolve the problem.18:30
kensuagai am not able to find much documentation on Galluim and it just semed too easy18:30
lordievaderkensuaga: Never hear of Galluim.18:31
lordievaderkensuaga: I got to go. Hope you will find a solution.18:36
=== eric_j_viking is now known as NeuralKernel
Scuniziseems like every time I turn around there's a new kernel19:30
marco_german here ?19:33
BoffyBluesKaj the file i am trying to rip with k3b is a DVD video file from DVD camera (.vob extension)20:03
Boffyhowever nothing happens when selecting RipDVD20:04
Boffysorry got a Quassel crash before and then had to do some other things...20:07
Boffyrecap: Hello, What is the bets programmes that is KDE based for DVD ripping? i've tried k3b but nothing happens when i clcik ripDVD it just jumps to the folder in DVD. i added (installed) transcode but again nothing happens. currently using Handbrake, but i was wondering if an easy to use KDE app can do it.20:07
gbzis anyone around?21:33
avihayyes, but don't expect fast replies21:34
gbzupgrading to the 4.9.1 ppa removes these files: http://paste.kde.org/549962/ which includes muon and kubuntu-desktop. why?21:35
avihaymck182: I believe it was a wrong password issue , also, seems like ICQ is pushing Login with email over UIN21:35
mck182glad it works :)21:36
gbzit also installs these: http://paste.kde.org/549968/ which are uneeded21:36
gbzand i have obviously removed21:37
avihayKubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package, it shouldn’t bother you, and maybe they decided muon isn't fit for production environment after a few years where it failed miserably?21:37
gbzheh, that means something else should replace it right?21:38
gbzi actually like the muon package manager. its like synaptic in qt21:38
avihayno it's not21:38
gbzwhy isnt it?21:38
avihayit lacks a key feature21:38
avihaythe DPKG output21:38
gbzim not sure exactly what you mean by that, but ok21:39
avihayand without it, your system may be broken like... something that's broken, and you wouldn't know21:39
gbzi mean im not sure where the dpkg output used to be in synaptic21:39
gbzs/used to be/is21:40
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avihayit's that stuff that appeares in the embeaded terminal when you click that more info arrow thingy21:40
gbzso are we supposed to use aptitude now?21:40
avihayI think that was worse21:41
gbzso what are you using?21:41
avihaywhy, synaptic of course21:41
avihayor apt-get21:41
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
avihayit's ugly (gtk (actually, themeing it to fit the KDE desktop makes it look fine)), but it keeps your system working, or when it doesn't, it at least bothers to tell you what went wrong21:44
gbzavihay: correct me if im wrong but the kde 4.9.1 backports ppa is supposed to be upgrading kde to a newer version. not remove key desktop components. however bad they may be. and furethermore on an lts release21:45
mparilloThe 4.9.1 ppa might have removed muon from my desktop also. but it was easy to apt-get it back.21:45
avihayI don't know, I guess you should try to reinstall it. I recommend you run synaptic, and take a look at the broken packages view, might hint you as to what's wrong21:46
gbzremoving kubuntu-desktop means everything is broken21:46
gbzat least from my pov21:46
gbzdoesnt every kde component on this system depend on it?21:47
avihayit's a meta-package, it doesn't contain files of it's own, it's there because it has all the other packages you need as dependencies. my guess is that there's some conflict with kdelibs5a21:48
avihayit's the other way around, it depends on all desktop components21:48
avihayit ensures that you have all the stuff you need, for say, an upgrade21:49
OerHeksppa-purge may be able to reverse21:50
avihayI mean libkdegames5a21:50
gbzOerHeks: can i do that from muon?21:50
OerHeksYes gbz21:51
gbzi dont have a ppa-purge command btw21:51
OerHeksinstall it, and use it with  commandline21:51
OerHeks sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>21:52
gbzthat will remove all the packages from the ppa?21:52
gbzinstalled packages*21:52
OerHeksThis program disables a PPA from your Software Sources and reverts your system back to the official Ubuntu packages.21:52
* OerHeks peeks the description21:52
gbzyeah, i dont need that, but thanks anyway21:53
OerHeksbut backup your data first.21:53
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=== geowany_ is now known as Geowany
avihaymy nepomuk's file indexing service keeps getting suspended after a few sec.22:15
avihayit could be that it runs into the same rouge file, or just that it's database became corrupt or something. I guess it's the latter. how do I clean it's database and start anew?22:17
avihayis it perhaps ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/soprano-virtuoso.db22:22
OerHeksavihay, akonadictl --help got a lot of options :-)22:25
OerHeksvacuum or fchk .. not sure22:26
avihaymmm, I'll take a look, thanks22:26
avihayOerHeks: no luck :-<22:28
OerHeksdid you stop virtuoso ?22:30
avihayumm, uhhh, err22:34
avihayrm -rf?22:35
avihayoh, look, I have errors in my log22:35
avihayin the akondai status test, under MySQL log: 120916 11:11:28 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_current' has the wrong structure                 and more errors like that22:37
jcgsHi :) do people have any recommendations about podcasting software? I'm really struggling with amarok atm.22:41
OerHekslike https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=298962 , delete IMAP account ?22:41
ubottuKDE bug 298962 in general "Kmail sometimes causes emails from an IMAP folder to be blank and also wipes them out in the IMAP folder" [Critical,New]22:41
OerHekssee comment 122:42
jcgsIn fact, does anyone have any adivce on how to understand amarok? all the documentation seems to have gone missing :(22:43
avihayya, like that22:43
=== netrunner_ is now known as localooser
localooserthat rocks22:46
localooserdig on linux22:47
localooserhi yuall22:47
OerHekshi localooser22:48
localooserjust got her up and running22:48
localooserwell actually multiple system win7, netrunner,and mint22:49
localooserim sorry if i intruded22:50
OerHeksnext .. Kubuntu ?22:51
localooserkubuntu try it out aye you mean22:52
localooseri like netrunner it has the highest bandwith yet wireless 2.9mb-3.222:54
OerHeksIf you ask me, give it a designated partition22:54
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away

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