
Fudgehi guys, i uploaded a package that was less than one in a testing ppa, so removed the other conflicting version but now can not upload as the package has already been uploaded to launchpad. How can I fix that? ppa:vinux/vinux-lucid-testing mangler_1.2.2-2vinux2_source.changes01:31
Fudgeoh there is a.upload file tha tmay be responsible01:33
Fudgehi how can I stop deleted ppa's showing in my ppa list? vinux/ubuntu05:11
ScottKYou can't.05:11
Fudgecan lp admins work magic with them?05:11
ScottKProbably, but IIRC it takes direct databased editing through SQL stuff and they really only do that for critical stuff.  I'm reasonably certain a cluttered page doesn't qualify.05:12
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FudgeScottK thanks for the info, I imagine you're right05:30
FudgeScottK do you have access to checking what build errors mean?05:35
Fudgeim very new to building packages05:35
Fudgeoh i can see the build log now, maybe that will shed some light05:38
pabs3with the email interface, is it possible to link a bug to a Debian bug? how would I do that?07:44
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latzI have a package in a ppa, that needs another package from that same ppa to compile, ppa is boxfs and the package boxfs needs libapp-dev to build correctly, should I split this up in two ppa's or is it somehow possible to create build-dependecies in the same ppa? Thanks11:43
latzoups sorry just found the answer to my question --> Launchpad satisfies your package's Build-Depends using:the most recent versions of the packages in the PPA you're uploading to11:45
latzso it should find libapp-dev11:45
milleja46can someone explain how to properly set up a branch to be maintained by a team, either if I used zatri as the team(or glvoxel-core) or somethinglike that?13:02
Fudgecan not see the org.tgz that a rejection error is referring to for vinux/precise-proposed irssi, email says rejected as it is already present and the help page says to resolve the error take steps that i cant seem to do13:03
milleja46can someone review my question to launchpad itself and help me out?15:33
maxbmilleja46: It sounds to me like you just want to create a project, not a project group.16:38
milleja46maxb: well yea already have the project but can't figure out how to get the friend's branch to be maintained by the team we created so we can update the trunk as needed and not only him...16:40
maxbmilleja46: Make the branch owned by the team16:41
maxbProject groups are for grouping projects - no point in creating one unless there are already multiple projects in Launchpad which are to be aggregated16:42
milleja46maxb: how do I tell him how to do that? though I'd rather have it owned by a core team under zatri than zatri itself if I can help it and is why I asked16:42
maxbYou can create another team if you like16:43
maxband you can change branches owner's in the web UI (assuming you have permission, by being the current owner, or a member of the current owning team)16:43
milleja46maxb: the guy can't change the owner of the branch16:53
maxbmilleja46: If he's the current owner, he can17:03
milleja46is there a good link on how to base a workflow for launchpad? say for working in a personal branch and such17:03
milleja46maxb: that's why I put the nvm after I said that :P17:04
milleja46what the heck? I added a key for my computer and it's permission denying it on the key17:46
milleja46anyone on that would know why I might be getting a Permission denied( public key) on my computer?17:56
TheLordOfTimeyour key isnt on the remote server?17:56
TheLordOfTimeSSH key or PGP key?17:56
milleja46well I put the ssh key on launchpad, and I'm now trying to get a branch onto my computer17:57
TheLordOfTimei assume you're bzr branching?17:59
TheLordOfTimeusing 'bzr branch [path]'17:59
milleja46well i'm trying to grab glvoxel through the command bzr branch lp:glvoxel18:02
milleja46this is the output I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/UtTEcpKU18:03
maxbcheck whether ssh your-lp-id@bazaar.launchpad.net works18:04
maxb(it should print "No shells on server")18:04
milleja46that returns "Permission denied (publickey)"18:05
maxbthen check whether your key is actually on lp and available locally18:06
milleja46well I went to lp and copied what was in my pub ssh key file and pasted it in there18:07
milleja46so it should be on there....18:07
TheLordOfTimei wonder if it hasnt pushed to the servers yet18:08
TheLordOfTimecould take a tiny bit18:08
milleja46how long? I kinda forgot how long that takes...I though i may've just had copied the key wrong so i re-entered it before I came and asked here18:09
TheLordOfTimemaybe 10 minutes?18:11
TheLordOfTimegive or take?18:11
TheLordOfTimei'm just guessing there, an LPAdmin might be able to say more18:12
milleja46well I had that previous key in there for about a week or so and it reported the same error >_>18:12
milleja46well still having the same issue18:26
milleja46wow figured it out18:36
milleja46had to run ssh-add pairname.pub18:37

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