
zoktarhttp://pastebin.com/zs4QeEKZ from X.log00:20
penguin42shouldn't happen00:21
zoktarlearn by failing :P00:25
penguin42yeh, please file a bug00:25
trismzoktar: I notice an old bug but crashing at the same spot, bug 738526 , you don't happen to have xfs installed, do you?00:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 738526 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "crash accessing font info with xfs in fontpath" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73852600:44
penguin42hmm long running nasty buf00:47
zoktari will have a look00:53
zoktarthanks !01:06
zoktaris there any native app for bug reference? so you dont nessesairly have to have a web page to use it?01:28
raymond_I couldn't really find an answer.. is there is anyway I can downgrade my X server in quantal?02:01
raymond_(by searching the web) I just want to downgrade the X server (preferably without building from source) so that the legacy fglrx drivers will work with it.02:02
rainchickHi everyone. I can't get Font Viewer to work long enough for me to install a few TrueType fonts without crashing. Where are fonts stored in the filesystem? I'd much rather do this from a terminal.04:45
cowsquadDoes anyone knows how to activate the window spreader in ubuntu quetzal05:08
jbichacowsquad: try Super+W05:12
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zekoZekohey everyone09:20
zekoZekogrub trouble09:20
zekoZekoi get to the grub rescue prompt and try to load the normal.mod, but it fails09:20
zekoZekoalthough it's there09:20
zekoZekogrub rescue> set09:20
zekoZekowhen i ls $prefix/i386-pc/ i see the normal.mod09:22
zekoZekoanyone alive? I'd really like to know if there's any way to boot from grub rescue other than with a rescue cd ot netboot09:48
zekoZekoas i can't do either.09:48
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ActionParsniphi guys, my close/min/max are on the right. Ubuntu tweak doesn't seem to make it switch, can anyone advise how to switch it back. Thanks11:05
BluesKajHowdy all11:17
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip, penguin4211:19
Guest20426http://wklej.org/hash/316d3ac1011/txt/ - what's wrong?11:29
penguin42Guest20426: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta111:30
penguin42Guest20426: See the note near the top of that; 12.04 sets update to only upgrade to next LTS by default11:31
ActionParsnipGuest20426: you'll need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgradesĀ    and set Prompt=normal11:33
BluesKajjust had an upgrade to kubuntu-desktop , that's a bit unusual12:06
BluesKajusually there are associated packages12:11
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penguin42BluesKaj: Changelog shows it was a 'Refreshed dependencies'12:52
user82!info wine12:53
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB12:53
user82they really stick with wine 1.4 stable until 1.6?12:53
penguin42I think there might be ppa's of latest-wine12:57
penguin42user82: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa  there is a few day old wine1.5 package in there13:01
BluesKajpenguin42, how does one configure the fonts in wine ...they're unreadable on my monitor unless I'm right up close13:04
penguin42BluesKaj: I don't actually use wine, don't know13:04
BluesKajpenguin42, ok ... I was curious about it again , hadn't used it in many yrs , but it was unreadable13:06
gnomefreakam i the only one that doesnt have screensavers? does KDE screensavers work?13:24
user82penguin42 true...but wine develops really fast i dont like the choice of sticking with 1.413:48
gnomefreakwish there weas a site that told you what win apps work in winethan maybe i might use it13:51
user82gnomefreak http://appdb.winehq.org/13:52
user82don't you know that site13:52
gnomefreakno i didnt :(13:53
* gnomefreak goes and looks13:53
gnomefreakyou cant use warcraft on ubuntu?13:54
gnomefreakmostly games13:56
penguin42user82: It's hard to keep up with wine though, if you don't pick the release version which one do you decide to put into a release14:47
user82yes sure...but wine is not "ready" in a way so you could just go the firefox way and update to every version14:48
user82with most packages i understand they want a stable version...but the wine experience with a so called "stable" 1.4 is not any better than with the newest beta14:49
penguin42user82: not quite, firefox still has intermediates, the Firefox 15 is still there release; now why Ubuntu doesn't have Wine 1.4.1 is a valid question14:49
user82it has i think14:49
user82!info wine14:49
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB14:50
penguin42ah ok, so it is 1.4.1 - so that's what I'd expect14:50
WizardYeah, and Europa Universalis stopped working around 1.3 :/14:53
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hd1i just apt-get dist-upgraded my quantal system, now it's stuck at the "grub restore>" prompt, any ideas?16:08
hd1am i hosed and need to reinstall from scratch?16:09
hd1or is there a way around this?16:09
BluesKajhd1, yes , use the livecd to reinstall grub16:09
* hd1 doesn't have a liveCD16:11
hd1though i suppose i could make one16:11
hd1the computer is a netbook, therefore no CDROM drive16:11
BluesKajhd1, it should work from the media/OS installer you used16:15
BluesKajusb stick ?16:15
hd1i installed the system years ago16:15
BluesKajhd1, do you have separate/ and /home partitions ?16:21
penguin42hmm - so on +1 how would I disable the guest login?16:37
BluesKajhd1, whatever media that works on your netbook you can use to rescue it ,  a usb stick with the OS installer will work16:37
hd1BluesKaj: ok16:39
penguin42well, unity is more stable than last week in a kvm guest - but it's now moving from warm jelly to cold jelly stability16:40
BluesKajthen when the installer page comes up choose "Try Ubuntu", hd1 , do sudo fdisk -l ,  then sudo grub-install /dev/sdx , xbeing the name of the OS partition listed in fdisk , hd116:44
hd1ok, cool, BluesKaj16:54
zekoZekohello everyone. I'm having some grub trouble :) anyone willing to help?17:04
zekoZekobasically, i can only boot to grub rescue mode17:04
zekoZekofrom which i can see the root/boot partition, but trying to load normal.mod fails17:05
zekoZekowith no such file or some such error.17:05
jbichapenguin42: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session17:05
zekoZekols works and i can see all the grub modules in $prefix/i386-pc17:05
wilee-nileezekoZeko, this the only install or there other OS's17:05
zekoZekoonly install17:06
zekoZekohappened yesterday when i updated to grub 2.017:06
zekoZekoand the first partition starts at sector 2048, not 6317:06
wilee-nileezekoZeko, from grub-legacy17:06
wilee-nileejust a grub update?17:06
zekoZekoupdated to Q a few days ago and it worked well17:06
zekoZekoi was updating daily for a few days and it all went tits-up yesterday.17:07
wilee-nileezekoZeko, here are some reinstalls defaults to a live cd reload of the mbr the next is a chroot.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstall_from_the_LiveCD17:08
zekoZekoyeah, i could do that17:08
zekoZekothere's just a few little problems17:08
zekoZekoi don't have a cd burner and an empty CD/DVD17:08
zekoZekoand I can't boot from network, because i only have an USB keyboard and it doesn't work in BIOS, so I can't set the machine to boot from network17:09
wilee-nileezekoZeko, You have a usb thumb that is loadable?17:09
zekoZekonot handy, but I can get it, that's what I was thinking about17:09
zekoZekothe strange thing is17:09
zekoZekoI can load another grub modul17:10
zekoZekowhat's it's name, just a sec17:10
zekoZekowith insmod (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub/i386-pc/minicmd.mod17:12
zekoZekobut not with17:12
zekoZekoinsmod minicmd17:12
zekoZekoset shows17:12
wilee-nileeI'm not familiar with that, I have the manual boot saved somewhere, but a live cd on a cd or a thumb is about your best tool you should always have.17:14
zekoZekoOK, that's what I'll do then, thanks.17:15
zekoZekoI usually carry a grub rescue thumb drive with me, but it seems I threw it out of the backpack when I was at home :)17:15
wilee-nileesupergrub is another for booting in and fixing grub, I have a multiload usb with both of those and a handful of other tools.17:16
zekoZekodon't know what happened though, I read here about problems for people that have the first partition starting at sector 63, but I cheched and on this machine it starts at 204817:17
wilee-nileeI doubt that is a problem honestly17:17
zekoZekothere is another thing though17:18
zekoZekothis drive is on a promise soft-raid IDE controller17:19
zekoZekoand root id /dev/mappd/pdbsomething117:19
zekoZekoI think I've heard that new grub has some trouble with device mapper root partitions17:20
wilee-nileeI know nothing on raid and grub, always mention anything unusual.17:21
penguin42jbicha: Wow - there's no gui to turn it off; that's pretty amazing for something that a lot of people would want to do for security17:36
tsimpsonpenguin42: the guest login is "jail-boxed", so it's not really much of a security issue17:37
penguin42tsimpson: Experience tells me that every jail box that people have done like that is pretty much useless17:37
penguin42tsimpson: It's an absolute no-no if you've got anything confidential on the box, especially if you're using full disk rather than home encryption17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989295 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Unable to create bootable USB stick and install properly" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:32
kanliotthis bug is clearly misfiled  how can i 'fix' it20:33
kanliotfor one reason, there's no info about if it's precise or quantal20:34
DaekdroomOf course there is.20:36
DaekdroomDistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.0420:36
tsimpsonclick the arrow on the left of "lubuntu-meta" and change the package20:39
kanliotno idea what the problem is really20:44
kanlioti don't want to guess20:44
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genewitchi was looking at system requirements for 12.10-beta1-server and it doesn't mention HDD space, what's the bare minimum needed?22:12
kanlioti would guess 2 or 322:22
genewitchalright, good, anything more than that takes too long to set up on a mechanical HDD (as VHD)22:25

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