
=== hyperair is now known as Guest14260
D[4]niwhich gui framework should i use to build an application that looks native on both kde and gnome, and wiöö (much later) be easier to port to windows, perhaps even osx?19:33
D[4]nii googled for a while now, it mostly says "install the systemsettings package" and stuff like this, but i don't want to have the user do this kind of things to make my application look okay19:34
tsimpsonD[4]ni: In my opinion, you want to use Qt19:53
D[4]nitsimpson: still i want to avoid the need to have the user adjust settings on his system. is this even possible?19:55
tsimpsonwell you can choose a style if you want, or just use what it chooses by default, which should be whatever's appropriate19:57
D[4]nion google most pages say users have to select the "gtk+" theme in their qt-config to make qt applications on gnome not look like from the 20th century...20:02
tsimpsonD[4]ni: well Qt comes with a GTK style, so the opposite is true too20:31
tsimpsonbut, a big plus for Qt is that it's cross-platform. so you write one code for Linux, Windows, and Mac20:33
D[4]nitsimpson: so that means there _has_ to be some sort of user interaction to make a qt application look good on gtk?20:45
D[4]niit's way too late.20:46
tsimpsonsame goes for GTK though, it would need something to tell it to use a Qt style theme20:47
tsimpsonyou shouldn't worry too much about that anyway, you can't control what the user sets their theme to20:48
tsimpsonit'll look native where it's set to, so whatever the distribution decides should be default20:48
D[4]niwell, so i'll have a whole bunch of ubuntu users with an application looking like crap by default :<20:54
D[4]nii guess i can somehow detect whether they are running on gnome, and display a hint on first launch which points them to qtconfig?20:55
tsimpsonyou could20:59
D[4]niseems like i have to do strange and/or deprecated things...21:28
D[4]niqt checks for DESKTOP_SESSION == "gnome" - it's "ubuntu" for me and probably every other ubuntu user. so i'll have to check for both values - or check for $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID, which is deprecated21:30
D[4]nianyway, i'm going to sleep for today now.21:32

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