
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
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KRFdebfx: related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/+bug/1029337 - could request another merge for 5.0.0-2,  i am especially looking for the patch "[0b3b271c] Do not use echoti {smkx,rmkx} unconditionally".08:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029337 in zsh (Ubuntu) "Merge zsh 5.0.0-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]08:07
KRFsee http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/z/zsh/zsh_5.0.0-2/changelog08:08
infinityKRF: Done.08:27
infinitydebfx: I grabbed that zsh merge for you.08:27
KRFnice one!08:28
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=== Guest90929 is now known as Christoffer
pabs3with the email interface on launchpad, is it possible to link a bug to a Debian bug? how would I do that?10:53
LaneyI don't see (from the documentation) that you can do that :(10:55
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
tumbleweedyou can add a task through the e-mail interface, and add a bug watch, by linking to the debian bug, but can't associate the task with the watch (that I can see)11:08
tumbleweedin fact, bug 24463011:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244630 in Launchpad itself "Ability to link to bugs in other bug trackers from the email interface" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24463011:09
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pabs3thanks tumbleweed12:02
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alexbligh1If I have package foo and package bar, and foo depends on a ppa version of bar (with a patch in), who do I specify that in a Depends: line in foo's debian/control?14:33
pabs3Depends: bar (>=
alexbligh1pabs3 but if I have bar_1.0.1-1ubuntu2alex1_amd64.deb which is a patched version of bar_1.0.1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb, and the repo publishes a bar_1.0.2-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb, I want my package foo to ensure that bar does not get upgraded because it's (somehow) dependent on the local 'alex' version.14:41
infinityalexbligh1: Then make it an exact relationship (= 1.2.3)14:42
infinityalexbligh1: Not ideal, and makes upgrade ordering a bit of a pain.14:42
infinityalexbligh1: The real answer is "teach your users how to use apt pinning to prefer packages from your repository".14:43
alexbligh1So can I do bar (=1.0.1-1ubuntu2alex1)?14:43
infinityalexbligh1: Alternately, "if your patches are suitable for upstream or Ubuntu, submit them".14:43
alexbligh1Oh the patch is already upstream, in fact it's a backport of a patch which is upstream (and did not make Precise). I just don't want a security upgrade to wipe out the patch.14:43
infinityIf it's suitable for an SRU, you could still submit a patch for precise.14:44
ogra_you could just ask for an SRU if the patch isnt to intrusive14:44
alexbligh1nah it's a feature upgrade.14:44
infinityFair enough.14:44
infinityThen yeah, either apt pinning, or use exact depdendencies.14:44
infinitydependencies, too.14:44
ogra_or ask for a backport ;)14:45
alexbligh1Well, the patch concerned is a patch to libfreerdp to access hyper-v VMs. Would you take that as an SRU? I'm guessing not.14:45
infinityIt's possible.  We did a lot of last-minute work for precise on hyperv in other areas.14:45
* infinity decides to go have a birthday nap.14:46
Laneyrock and roll14:46
alexbligh1Hmm, interesting. I thought SRU was pretty much strictly only for bugfixes and security issues? I can't just use a newer libfreerdp as they appear to have done 'interesting things' to the ABI in the mean time.14:46
alexbligh1In fact 'interesting things' to the API as well.14:47
penguin42infinity: Happy birthday!14:48
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
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=== Caesar_ is now known as Caesar

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