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micahgScottK: do we support dist-upgrades from lucid -> precise with backports enabled?04:19
ScottKmicahg: Yes.04:44
ScottKThat's why the versioning has to increase all the way up.04:45
micahgScottK: ok, it wasn't relevant in this case, just means we need to be careful backporting xz binaries to lucid and older04:46
micahgerr...precise and older04:46
micahgit's been a long time since I did an upgrade with backports installed and the backports pocket had anything in it04:51
ajmitchmicahg: that LP change is almost in, honest :)04:57
micahgheh, hi ajmitch04:57
ajmitchthe MP has been approved so I'll probably need a backporter to test that it all works as intended04:58
micahgScottK: do you have time to teach me about NEW in backports?05:02
ScottKYou don't need to worry about any of the normal New stuff like licensing.05:02
micahgok, what do I need to look for?05:03
ScottKI'd just check it doesn't steal an existing binary from something and then normal backports stuff like versioning.05:03
ScottKStealing a binary may actually be OK, but if it does, then you need to make sure that was really intended.05:03
micahgScottK: is binary stealing showed somewhere?05:04
ScottKHonestly I don't usually bother to explicitly check for it.05:05
micahgis that it?05:05
ScottKIt's somewhat rare, but it can happen, but often there's a hint.05:05
ScottK(based on package name)05:05
ScottKTher'es not a lot to it really.05:05
micahgis that on both source and binary NEW then?05:06
ScottKFor binary new, just look at the package and make sure it's not empty/has a sane file layout.05:07
ScottKAn existing binary name from a different source won't hit binary New, so you won't see that.05:07
micahgoh, is that only source NEW that hits? (I thought it hit some type of NEW)05:08
ScottKIf it's new in that release, it'll hit new, but if that binary name exists in that release, although built from another source, it won't.05:10
micahgScottK: do I need to worry about component/section/priority in backports?05:12
ScottKYou need to worry about Getting Main/Universe or Multiverse right, but not within Main or Universe.  Ideally you'd put it in Universe if it were new.05:13
ScottKPriority Ubuntu doesn't care about.05:14
ScottKYou shouldn't need to override anything.05:14
raduhi everyone06:41
raduI'm trying to build a package with pbuilder-dist, but I get some errors because it is trying to update/install some inexisting packages06:41
raduthis is what I'm trying to build: pbuilder-dist quantal build ../xfce4-terminal_0.4.8-1ubuntu2.dsc06:42
raduand for example it is trying to get libatk1.0-data all 2.5.4-0ubuntu1, but the quantal version is actually 2.5.9506:42
raduwhat's going wrong here?06:42
tumbleweedradu: pastebin06:49
radutumbleweed, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208340/06:50
tumbleweedradu: notice all thoso 404 errors?06:51
tumbleweedrun a pbuilder-dist quantal update06:51
raduhrm, I thought those were because the package doesn't exist in the repository06:52
raduok, i will try that06:52
tumbleweedif it doesn't exist, it wouldn't try and download it. It has a list of everything in the repository06:52
raduthat worked, thanks tumbleweed07:06
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Laneythese yaks are looking well groomed16:09
Laneyis yaks the right plural?16:09
Laneysure is16:10
micahgis anyone here more familiar with objective C binary deps? see bug 105138916:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1051389 in sope (Ubuntu) "Sync sope 1.3.16-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105138916:15
lanoxxhi motu people, a few days ago i wrote to the devel-discuss list, that i have ported tilda to gtk+3 and added some new features18:04
lanoxxi was invited here to discuss if the new version could be included into the next ubuntu release 12.1018:05
TheLordOfTimeisnt 12.10 under freeze?18:05
lanoxxi believe the new version has more benefits than disadvantages, and that given these facts a freeze exception would be ok18:06
lanoxxit would be nice to discuss that with someone who can actually make such an exception18:06
lanoxxi have just written to devel-discuss and explained the changes in tilda 1.0.018:07
lanoxxunfortunately the gmane archive is a bit slow so i cant post a link right now18:07
lanoxxbasically the current tilda version in ubuntu is unmaintained since 2009 and has several known bugs18:09
TheLordOfTimestgraber, ping18:09
TheLordOfTimeyou'll realize why i'm asking about quantal in -release if you look here.18:09
stgraberTheLordOfTime: I know, I was reading both channels18:10
TheLordOfTimewasnt sure18:10
lanoxxfor example it is currently not possible to map the CTRL key to tilda18:10
stgraberanyway, just follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess and you'll have a proper answer18:10
stgraberas I said in -release, if it doesn't impact any of the images we build and is a significant step up to what's currently in the archive, it has good chances of being approved18:11
lanoxxstgraber, i'm not in -release, so not sure that was said there18:12
lanoxxhow do i substribe to ubuntu-release? it seems to be a closed list18:13
TheLordOfTimelanoxx, i asked about quantal and the freeze18:13
lanoxxah ok18:13
TheLordOfTimeso not specific to your package, just Quantal in general18:13
lanoxxstgraber, so should i file a bug agains tilda with 'ubuntu-bug tilda' ?18:15
TheLordOfTimestgraber, i'm still investigating, but the php5 package in quantal might need an FFe for a fix in the docs18:16
TheLordOfTimedue to this crit level bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/104752018:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047520 in php5 (Ubuntu Quantal) "NEWS and release notes need updating" [Critical,New]18:16
TheLordOfTimei am still checking, though18:17
TheLordOfTimefor all i know they actually updated that in Debian and I can mark that as already fixed :p18:17
tumbleweedthat doesn't sound like something that'd require an FFe18:19
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed, within the package itself?18:20
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed, the documentation in php5 would need upating18:20
TheLordOfTimenot wiki, the actual docs in the package18:20
TheLordOfTimeassuming they havent updated it of course18:20
tumbleweedthat shouldn't be too problematic18:20
TheLordOfTimeif that's the case, and 12.10's froze, wouldnlt that need an exempt?18:21
TheLordOfTimes/FFe/Feature Exempt/ earlier18:21
* TheLordOfTime typed too fast18:21
tumbleweedno, it's a bug fix18:21
lanoxxif a freeze exceptions would be granted, then how does it work? will someone of the motu team pull the sources from my git repository and upload it to ubuntu? Or do I have to provide a package are do some other things first?18:21
ubottulanoxx: You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/18:21
tumbleweedbasically, you should prepare a debdiff / bzr branch18:21
lanoxxtumbleweed, am i required to use bzr (like described in the sponsorship page) or can i also use git?18:28
TheLordOfTimea bzr branch / debdiff is preferred iirc18:30
lanoxxwould be cool if launchpad had integrated git support :)18:32
tumbleweedlanoxx: we have bzr branches of all ubuntu packages, but not git branches18:33
tumbleweedbut really, if you can use git, you can use bzr. It's easy, unlike git :)18:33
lanoxxhmm, i tried to use bzr a few times and i found the way git does branching much more intuitive, but anyway i will take a look, i think there is a bzr frontend for git, so i can just import everything into bzr and use it as an interface for launchpad18:34
tumbleweedthere needs to be common ancestory from the ubuntu package branch, so importing is unlikley to help you18:35
tumbleweedjust generate a debdiff, if you don't like bzr18:35
lanoxxwhen i use pbuilder-dist should i set the name of the version which im running (e.g. precise) or the version for which my package is going to be?18:38
tumbleweedthe latter18:39
tumbleweed(the point of pbuilder-dist, is that it does everything in a chrootted install of the target distribution)18:40
lanoxxdoes pbuilder download the whole quantal release (700mb)?18:41
tumbleweedno, just build-essential18:42
lanoxxtumbleweed, i see, and where does it store all that stuff?18:43
lanoxxum, there is only a logfile and a 0 byte big tar.gz18:44
tumbleweedsounds like it failed18:44
tumbleweedpastebin the output?18:44
tumbleweedyou do need to "pbuilder-dist create" before you can "pbuilder-dist build"18:45
lanoxxits still running, but still im currious18:45
lanoxxah ok, now its done and the tar.gz has a 100mb18:46
lanoxxso i have done most of the stuff on that sponsoreship page, i just need to finish the gpg part thing, but i remember i already have a gpgkey somewhere so i just have to find that later18:51
lanoxxnow what would be next? do i file a bug first and ask for a freeze exception or do i create a package first_18:51
lanoxxnow what would be next? do i file a bug first and ask for a freeze exception or do i create a package first?18:51
tumbleweederm, nothing in preparing a sponsored upload should require a gpg key19:02
tumbleweedyou aren't creating a new package, just updating an existing one. And yes, do that first19:03
tumbleweedyou can't know if updating it is a good idea, unless you've tried, and tested it. And we can't judge the FFe without a proposed patch and some testing19:03
lanoxxtumbleweed, https://launchpad.net/~lanoxx <--- does that look like a good start?19:05
tumbleweedthat's your LP account, what am I looking at?19:06
lanoxxgpg key and ssh key are already added, im even member of the bug squad, just wanna know if there is anything else i should prepare19:11
tumbleweednope, you are set up19:12
lanoxxtumbleweed, cool, though the gpg key is from my notebook, is that system dependend or can i somehow copy it on my desktop?19:13
tumbleweedyou won't need it. gpg keys are only needed to sign uploads by ubuntu developers19:13
lanoxxe.g. can u just scp the ~/.gnupg folder to my desktop19:14
tumbleweed(or uploads to PPAs)19:14
tumbleweedyes, you can19:14
lanoxxah good to know19:14
lanoxxalright, i will continue with this tomorrow, so just to be clear, next step is to create an updated package out of the existing tilda package, then upload that to launchpad (somehow), and then file a bug to include it into ubuntu19:18
lanoxxtumbleweed, ^19:18
tumbleweedeither push a branch to LP, or attach a debdiff from the current ubuntu package to your one, to the bug19:19
lanoxxand i file the bug with ubuntu-bug tilda against the existing tilda package right19:21
lanoxxalright, thanks then, im gonna be back soon19:29
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