
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest92513
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from JonathanDoe)12:25
Myrttihow can we help you today?13:10
sre-suIs there a channel where I can get help specifically for ssh? I'm trying to have ssh access on the system and getting errors. I've asked questions related to the error in ubuntu channels - Hello! I'm having ssh issues. I did complete reset of ADSL router and configured it for SSH port forwarding TCP 22. And, now I'm using a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04LTS with openssh-client and openssh-server packages  installed. Now, whenever I try to ssh from13:10
sre-suoutside, I get "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" as output/error. How can I fix this issue? What am I missing? ssh -vvv http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208719/" but no solution13:10
Myrttiyou could try #ubuntu-server, but no, there is no ssh specific channels13:12
Myrttiand asking in #ubuntu works too13:12
Tm_TI was going to suggest #ubuntu first, #ubuntu-server second (:13:13
sre-suI've asked in #ubunut13:13
sre-suAnyway, thanks13:13
Myrttiyeah, you just have to b...13:13
Myrttie patient13:13
Tm_TI suspect that ssh issue is due to too open rights on rsa keys of server13:18
gnomefreaksomethihng is wrong with metabot i think. when i make a comment it tells me in ubuntu-bots but when i ask a question like i did a little while ago it dsays nothing in -bots13:44
gnomefreaksorry that would be -meta not -bots13:44
gnomefreaki thought the command to check ops in a channel is /access #bleh list14:23
Fuchs/msg chanserv access #foo list14:23
FuchsYou're welcome :)14:24
gnomefreaki lost all my channels that i was ops in i was re-added to #u but no other14:27
gnomefreakanychance i can get my access back?\14:27
gnomefreakit seems that i messed an email because i dont check that email box often maybe 1 time every month or 214:28
gnomefreakit would be great if it was re-sent14:29
FuchsI assume you are talking about ubuntu channels? If so: maybe the IRCC would be the right guys to talk to14:38
gnomefreakFuchs: yeah14:50
gnomefreaki guess ill try this week14:50
Fuchsgnomefreak: then I'd recommend asking the IRCC  (#ubuntu-irc) about it, but I might be wrong there :)14:56
FuchsI was just making sure that you don't mean something freenody14:56
tsimpsonthey do have a dedicated channel too: #ubuntu-irc-council14:58
gnomefreakthanks guys14:59
tsimpsonand, nice to see you again gnomefreak14:59
gnomefreaknie to see you too14:59
=== Guest92513 is now known as IdleOne
TheLordOfTimecan we put a banforward on Austin so he ends up in the #ubuntu-es channel?16:37
TheLordOfTimehe's just constantly saying "holaaa" now, probably expecting a response in spanish16:38
TheLordOfTimeand he's already gotten the !es factoid twice16:38
TheLordOfTime(he's in #ubuntu now)16:38
IdleOneno, we try to redirect users. If the user doesn't understand a PM a banforward would be even more confusing :)16:38
TheLordOfTimewell, I don't speak spanish, and they're ignoring the factoids,16:39
TheLordOfTimeso unless you speak spanish...16:39
IdleOnebecause the factoid was sent to them via PM, they may not read any English at all.16:39
TheLordOfTimeit was sent publicly before16:40
TheLordOfTimescroll up16:40
IdleOneah, was it.16:40
IdleOneThey seem to have stopped for now16:40
IdleOneif they start up again I'll try to speak to them.16:41
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
=== zAlanBell is now known as AlanBell
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate21:31
jribanyone know what's wrong with using "dpkg --get-selections" instead of aptitude in the factoid?21:32
Myrttiit would just list everything and not distimguish between what is the primary package and what are its dependencies21:45
jribApparently, one can get that using apt-mark showauto and apt-mark showmanual21:57
LjLthere was a reason why i changed it to aptitude from dpkg22:09
LjLbut i don't remember it :P22:09
LjLanyway, aptitude is not there by default anymore, so22:09
ubottuk1l_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (tuxhat appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)22:17
FuchsI was free enough to quiet that as we are on the ACL and it was quite obvious,22:18
Fuchsreal ubuntu ops, please do whatever your bantracker prefers :)22:18
k1l_hey, would someone mind kick/ban/muting the trolls?22:19
k1l_silverghost and tuxhat  trolling and spoiling the channel since minutes22:20
Fuchstuxhat is quieted22:20
jribLjL: well the marking of manually installed packages was a good reason; not sure if there's more though22:21
Fuchsand so is silverghost22:21
Fuchssilverghost: mind not spamming the channel please?22:21
Fuchsso, any real ops around?22:22
jrib<-- half around22:23
Fuchsjrib: I know you do have a banntracker which I am a bit unfamiliar with (ubottu), so you might want to have a look at the two +qs I set in #ubuntu22:25
Fuchsas it was ongoing spam and none of you were around, plus as we are on the ACL, I acted.22:25
jribFuchs: I'll comment them, thanks22:25
FuchsYou're welcome22:25
jribFuchs: thanks22:25

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