
ScottKquantal-desktop-armhf+omap is still showing up on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/.  It's stale since July, so someone who can should probably remove it.05:23
infinityScottK: Can do.07:09
infinityScottK: Images removed.  Not going to bother to update indexes, it'll self-solve the next build/.07:11
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dokoinfinity, gcc-4.7 failed to build for the third time in a row (running the tests), without leaving any error log. do you know what happens?13:19
infinitydoko: Ugh.  That would be lp-buildd timing out.13:37
infinitydoko: I'll talk to wgrant about seeing what we can do. :/13:39
TheLordOfTime12.10 is under freeze right?18:06
TheLordOfTimethat includes new packages for main/universe/multiverse?18:06
stgraberthe whole archive is feature frozen18:07
TheLordOfTimei assume then that an exception would need to be issued for even a new package?18:07
TheLordOfTime(with a likelihood  of that being near zero)18:07
stgraberit's not unlikely that a freeze exception would be granted if the package isn't intended to get on one of the media and won't conflict with anything existing in the archive18:08

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