
lanboyeveryone's dc'ing up in here :P00:24
Monotokomornin' all :)07:18
guest49026hello and good morning!08:12
guest49026i try to send a "record signal" to zoneminder, but i don't know how.08:16
MartijnVdSzoneminder? wazzat?08:41
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:20
jacobwhi brobostigon09:24
brobostigonhi jacobw09:25
awilkinsI know it's possible to copy packages from one PPA to another, but is it possible to copy packages from normal packaging projects to a PPA targeting a prior release (ie - copy a package from Quantal repository to Precise PPA)10:04
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest92513
popeyawilkins, no10:35
awilkinspopey, Thought so, I have taken the alternate tack of making a build recipe targeting Precise10:35
awilkinsWhich of course, has queued the build I want 8 hours hence :-)10:36
Laneyhmm, not sure, the API looks like it allows that10:36
Laneyhttps://api.launchpad.net/devel.html#archive > copyPackage toSeries10:36
popeywont the packaging need updating?10:37
Laneynot necessarily10:37
Laneyit breaks if you have something with the same version published already10:37
jacobwnot necessarily, if the relationships haven't changed10:38
Laneyso won't work to copy to the same PPA :-)10:38
popeyyeah, blame czajkowski for the launchpad delays :)10:44
popey(not her fault, but fun to blame her anyway)10:44
* czajkowski blames popey for taking up all the builds, 10:46
czajkowski( not entirely true but fun to blane him anyways)10:46
=== marsilainen_ is now known as marsilainen_work
marsilainen_workshould it be possible to buy a motherboard with on-board graphics chipset and get ok graphics performance?10:47
marsilainen_workI mean, not ultra-hot gfx performance or anything like that10:47
marsilainen_workbut ok enough that e.g. DVD video plays ok10:48
marsilainen_workmy current on-board gfx I believe to be Radeon 300010:48
popeymy desktop is like that, i7 with onboard sandybridge graphics10:48
marsilainen_workthat's good to know10:48
popeyit can playback 1080p fine10:48
popeyits a crappy msi motherboard10:48
marsilainen_workdo you think that intel gfx is the best option if all I want is decent performance?10:48
popeyms-7680 or something10:49
popeydecent performance doing what?10:49
marsilainen_workwell, sorry, I mean just ok performance really10:49
marsilainen_workso that DVD playback works ok etc10:49
popeyit runs unity fine :)10:49
popeyand video playback is excellent10:49
marsilainen_workand switching between workspaces is smooth10:49
AlanBellintel works fine and is painless10:49
marsilainen_worksounds good10:49
marsilainen_workthink I shall look for something that has intel as replacement10:49
popeyi would personally avoid amd/ati onboard10:50
AlanBellnvidea and ati are perhaps better when they work10:50
marsilainen_workyeah, it seems to suck10:50
awilkinsRunning on the Intel at work (it's an Optimus laptop, but I don't need the GPU performance)10:50
AlanBellbut if you are interested in running pre-release ubuntu then you risk ending up with no X for a month or two at a time10:50
popeynah, you can go backwards and make it work10:52
* popey dishes up roast dinner10:52
marsilainen_workI'd forgotten what hell motherboard shopping is like when you haven't kept up with what the latest sockets & CPU types are :)10:53
marsilainen_workwow you can still buy motherboards with parallel ports??10:55
awilkinsPresumably for people who're still rockin' the line printer10:55
awilkinsGreen stripe fanfold 4tw10:56
popeyin my first proper job i had to operate a burster and a decollator to separate out multi-part carbon-impression print jobs into individual pieces of paper. that was fun11:21
penguin42that must have been messy at the end of the day11:22
popeythe carbon got wound round spindles, which you just yank off and chuck in the bin11:24
* penguin42 is liking vimium11:39
popeyquiet today15:11
* Laney bangs some pots15:12
* popey makes tea15:13
* pinky- opens a tin15:13
Laneyof baked beans?15:17
pinky-lentil n carrot soup15:17
* Laney ponders making soup for dinner15:17
Laneygot some beetroot that i'll never use otherwise ...15:18
* popey has tea and digestive biccy15:19
* popey wonders if xbmc can do iplayer15:20
popeyyay, xbmc box upgraded to 12.1015:22
hamitrononly 1 biccy? :/15:22
popeyyeah, nearly tea time15:22
* penguin42 just had a couple of choc digestives :-)15:22
hamitronit must be tea time, if you are having tea?15:22
popeypate for tea i think15:23
hamitronthink I'll probably be having a Sunday Roast15:24
popeyi did that for lunch15:24
popeynommy stuffed chicken15:24
hamitrontbh, it wasn't gonna be a great outcome for the chicken whatever you did, when it is getting cooked15:25
popeysomething very wrong with this acer revo15:25
popeyunity wont start15:25
popeythat doesn't look good15:26
popeyoh, that'll be my xorg.conf15:26
* popey fixes that15:26
popeyerk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209113/15:27
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1033404 in Compiz "[GLES] [nvidia] ./bin/compiz (opengl) - Error: FBO is incomplete: GL::FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED (0x8cdd)" [High,Fix released]15:28
* popey adds unity staging ppa15:29
popey5 is too many computers to be fiddling with at once15:30
popeywheee, new(er) compiz15:31
popey\o/ unity desktop15:38
popeyhmm, xbmc dies when i try to play some content15:40
popeybah, nvidia driver got removed in the upgrade15:43
* mattt is watching the reading game and reading about the peewee ORM15:44
penguin42popey: Binary drivers (for both nvidia and AMD) seem to have been a bit late to settle down in this cycle15:44
=== Guest92513 is now known as IdleOne
penguin42oh, which reminds me, I must do an update on my vm and see whether llvmpipe is usable yet15:52
penguin42popey: I installed the beta in a vm last week, Unity was pretty fast but unusably crashy15:54
popeybah, xbmc on 12.10 just craps out whenever I play a video16:01
* popey tries totem/vlc/mplayer/anything else16:01
popeyso glad we didnt use nautilus/files/whatever 3.616:02
popeywow, unity is painfully slow on this ion nvidia thing16:04
penguin42popey: does that have 3d accel ?16:05
popeyglxinfo suggests yes16:05
popeybut the UI is doing like 1fps when doing various effects16:06
* penguin42 manages to type blind enough into the corrupted console on his vm to login and sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:06
shaunotrying to convert vm disk images that are almost too big for my laptop, is quite a juggling act :/16:25
penguin42popey: It's incredibly slow in llvm-pipe on kvm as well16:26
popeygrr. vdpau seems to not work on 12.10 in xbmc, mplayer or vlc16:44
popeyok, this is messed up16:48
popeyI'm getting 8fps from glxgears, and the glxgears box is just a black window16:48
* popey remembers there's an identical device on his mums network.. 16:53
* popey ssh's to get the xorg.conf from it16:53
penguin42does it need a config?16:53
popeyfor nvidia, yeah16:53
popeyjust want to see what the difference is16:54
popeythis is unbelievebly slow16:54
popeylike it's using llvmpipe16:54
* Seeker` decides to skip 12.10 for now...16:54
penguin42nvidia on +1 is supposed to be able to use xrandr isn't it?16:54
popeynvidia on 12.04 can16:54
popeybut not the full 1.3 spec aiui16:54
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1209287/ mums xorg.conf16:55
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1209289/ mine16:56
popeyblagged from online..16:56
ali1234nvidia has been able to do xrandr for years16:56
popeynothing odd in there16:57
ali1234just not any part that involves multiple monitors16:57
* popey files a bug16:58
popeybug 105164017:03
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1051640 in Unity "Desktop performance unusably slow on nVidia ION" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105164017:03
Laneypeeling cooked beetroot under the cold tap and then chopping it up has got to be one of the most pleasing cooking tasks17:17
czajkowskiLaney: smelly ?17:17
Laneysmells like beetroot17:17
Laneyi wouldn't call that smelly17:17
Laneymost people are more concerned about the staining :P17:17
czajkowskiI dont eat it17:23
czajkowskiand avoid the staining17:23
Laneyfor some reason the veg box and the father keep resupplying me, even though i'm not massively keen on them17:26
Laneythe fun of cooking makes it alright though17:26
czajkowskihow do you cook them ?17:28
pinky-all you need is parsley!17:28
Laneybut the skin just comes off in your hands after they are cooked17:31
Laneyit is most delightful17:31
czajkowskipurple hands :p17:39
bigcalmHi peeps18:11
christelhi hi bigcalm18:13
bigcalmHey hey :)18:14
bigcalm3 day week, not sure if I'll cope18:16
bigcalmpopey: fixed your router?18:16
popeyrebooted it :)18:16
andylockranhey all18:16
andylockranpopey: have you ever had success with that dongle method on a PS3?18:16
popeyi dont own a ps3, so no18:16
bootinfdsdsI heard kickstarter was coming to the UK in September ... is this a myth ?18:22
zleapOff topic a bit,  does anyone know if MS word 2007 or above can save as PDF in the same way as Libreoffice can18:28
zleapi am doing a poster in libreoffice,  to send to local youth centre,  i know full well if they send me it back havng been modified in word it gets all messed up at my end18:29
popeywhy not send it to them as a pdf and ask for comments in an email rather than let them edit it directly?18:34
penguin42zleap: Generally exporting from libreoffice to Word tends to get messy18:35
popeybootinfdsds, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1878018418:38
popeyhmm, trying to fix a nerf gun18:46
popeywhich has been left outside, so some of the screws are rusty, hard to get out :(18:46
Laneymy blender broke mid soup blending18:51
penguin42Laney: You beet the life out of it18:51
stgraber /win 4018:53
bigcalmNew channel topic I think is due19:06
AzelphurHere's a fun question. I have game server files on my server, and I run 5 instances of the server all off the same set of files, using command line arguments to change the configuration of each instance of the server, all good19:07
Azelphurbut, I want to change a specific file, for one server and none of the others19:08
Azelphurany ideas short of making a copy of the whole thing to change one file?19:08
penguin42Azelphur: Depending how many files, you could create a hard linked copy of most of it19:09
Azelphurpenguin42: how many files in the server? probably like 400 or something, one of which I want to change xD19:09
penguin42Azelphur: I'd script something to make a hardlinked copy of it19:10
bootinfdsdspopey, [Kickstarter.co.uk] Yeah I thnk I'll email them about it , and ask. I can't wait to see the British Public videos of online begging begin.19:17
Laney!info hardlink19:35
lubotu3hardlink (source: hardlink): Hardlinks multiple copies of the same file. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.1 (precise), package size 6 kB, installed size 60 kB19:35
LaneyAzelphur: ^19:35
Azelphurthis concept confuses me xD19:35
Laneyor there is cp -l19:36
Laneythen make the file you want to change not a hardlink, and profit19:36
Azelphurwhat's the difference between a soft and a hard link?19:37
Laneyhttp://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html is probably a better explanation than i can give on irc19:39
jacobwa softlink is a link to somewhere else in the path, a hard link is a link to somewhere else in this specific filesystem20:25
matttjacobw: huh?20:38
* christel yawns20:46
brobostigon   /me injects christel with caffeine.20:47
* brobostigon injects christel with caffeine.20:47
christel<3 brobostigon20:47
brobostigonchristel: :)20:47
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
zAlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1906/detail/ farnham \o/21:08
christeli practised by consuming alcohol in vast quantities yesterday21:09
* christel nods21:09
Laney(very) happy (few) hour(s)? http://www.beerfestival.nottinghamcamra.org/21:09
christelbeerfests \o/21:10
brobostigonwoop :)21:11
=== zAlanBell is now known as AlanBell
Azelphurhere's a fun question, Does anyone actually have a nice multiple presence setup on various IM networks? It seems like the networks themselves handle multiple presence poorly, if at all. :(21:11
brobostigonchristel: last one, at my local, was meant to only be a weekend, and it lasted 5 days.21:12
brobostigonchristel: definatly, :)21:12
brobostigonchristel: he ober bought the beer.21:13
christelbring me to the next one!21:14
brobostigonchristel: how does banbury sound, ?21:14
christelexcellent! it is not too far away21:15
brobostigonyay o/21:15
brobostigonchristel: i will keep you informed, :)21:15
brobostigonchristel: in which, you would become, the third genius engineer, including myself and directhex in this area.21:20
brobostigonsorry, bad joke.21:22
brobostigonchristel: i was talking of myself.21:25
brobostigonis there a scale, of engineering skill?21:27
bigcalmIs that how many beers you can social engineer out of other people?21:32
bigcalmWhy's it gone so quiet?21:56
zleapnot sure its getting late here (UK)21:57
bigcalm23:00 almost. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow21:57
bigcalmI'm still making object classes for a API calls21:58
bigcalmSlow and tedious work21:58
ali1234no multimonitor support *at all*22:28
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.22:34
ali1234chrome determines the screen size by looking into the Display struct using X11 macros. can't patch macros :(23:53
ali1234however i can probably just change the value in the struct, or patch XOpenDisplay and return something different23:54

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