
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
wrstpoor ChanServ11:17
Unit1933 times this month it crashed, couple more restarts, and then last month as well...11:22
wrstfun times to be ChanServ :)11:29
netritiouswrst: brb :)17:59
wrstnetritious will be gone for months now...19:05
chris4585wrst, ?20:01
wrst  chris4585 when he says he will brb its usually days :)20:02
wrstand how are you doing chris4585?20:02
chris4585ah, I thought you were serious lol20:03
chris4585I'm good, went outside and put a roof on a shed and now eating ramen with shrimp20:04
wrstcool chris458520:09
* wrst is no roofer20:09
chris4585it wasn't so bad20:24
chris4585just really hot when you're on a metal roof20:24
wrstthat's true20:25
binarymutant<-- has discovered minecraft :D21:39
wrstbinarymutant: oh no you are being sucked in22:41
binarymutanttoo late, I've had it a few days and just now looked up22:42
wrstha ha22:46

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