
=== imbrando1 is now known as imbrandon
dakerhey cjohnston can you look again pls https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.616547/+merge/10755314:05
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
=== zAlanBell is now known as AlanBell
cjohnstondaker: I think it needs to be split up into a couple different MPs please21:43
dakerit's not possible :)21:44
dakermost of the code is just for the UI21:44
cjohnstoni found out21:44
cjohnstonOPENID_STRICT_USERNAMES = True21:44
cjohnstonOPENID_FOLLOW_RENAMES = True21:44
cjohnstonOPENID_SREG_REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['email', 'nickname']21:44
cjohnstongives an error21:44
dakerah ok21:44
cjohnstonbecause of the strict usernames, nickname is already required21:45
cjohnstonso just sreg req fields email21:45
cjohnstondrop the nickname from the third line21:45
dakerlike this :21:47
dakerOPENID_SREG_REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['email'21:47
dakercjohnston: ^21:48
cjohnstoni think so21:48

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