
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
* Kilos waves 06:19
Kilostoods chanserv06:59
Kilossuperfly, must that script drop into ibid.plugins.txt or ibid.plugins.html07:54
superflyMorning Kilos07:55
superflyKilos: you need to find a directory called ibid, and then another directory inside it called plugins, and then you drop it in there as greeter.py07:56
superflyif it's not a .py file, ibid will not pick it up.07:56
superflyThen you need to run ibid, and tell it, "load greeter"07:57
* Kilos looks07:59
superflyKilos: where is your ibid.ini?08:00
Kilosin home superfly 08:00
Kiloswith ibid.db08:00
superflyright, then make a directory called "ibid" in there.08:02
Kilosand one called ibid.plugin in that one?08:04
superflyNo, one called "plugins"08:05
Kilosah ty08:05
Kilosand drop the script into it?08:05
superflyAnd then put your greeter.py in there08:06
Kilosok so lemme just make sure08:06
Kilosin the folder ibid i put the one called plugins, and drop the script into plugins08:07
Kiloswhat about the files ibid.ini and ibid.db08:07
superflyWhat about them?08:08
Kilosmust they stay as is or also go into ibid folder?08:08
superflyI don't recall talking about them, only you mentioned them.08:09
Kiloslol. i just wondered if they should also go in the ibid folder08:11
Kilosty very much08:11
Kilosapartheid is dead you know08:11
Kiloshi amanica08:14
Kiloshi tumbleweed , i see debdelta is in the repos. must it be configured or just installed and everything is auto from there08:20
tumbleweedKilos: it's been in the repositories for a long time, but nobody is providing a debdelta server, that I know of08:28
Kilosaw. 08:29
Kiloswe need to speak to Symmetria 08:30
KilosSymmetria, ping08:34
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Kiloshi Cantide 09:46
Cantidehello '-'09:46
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kiloshi Kerbero 10:03
Kiloshi Squirm 10:28
KilosChanServ, wb10:29
magespawnhowdy all10:45
Kiloshiya magespawn 10:45
sakhiafternoon 10:45
magespawnhow everyone's sunday?10:46
Cantidehi magespawn :)10:46
Cantideawesome so far :) :) :)10:46
Cantideand yours?10:46
Kilosmax 16°c today10:46
sakhimax 32 in cpt10:46
Kilosaw swop sakhi 10:47
sakhi *2 10:47
magespawnwas raining a bit here, had break so took the family down to the river, so pretty awesome too10:47
sakhiI think its going to rain tomorrow though.10:47
magespawnlet me check the weather here brb10:48
Kerbero33 in stellenbosch10:50
Kerberolekker temperatuur10:50
Cantidenice and cool in Durbs for a change :p10:52
Cantidei even got covered head to toe in mud :)10:52
magespawngood for the skin10:53
Cantidewas fun :)10:53
Cantideyeah, haha10:53
magespawntypical geeks, can't just talk about the weather, have to put up links.10:57
superflyfeels in the 30s here in the deep south too12:20
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Kiloshi not_found 15:08
not_foundhi uncle Kilos 15:09
KilosSquirm, you here?15:29
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 15:48
Trixar_zaHey Kilos15:48
Kiloswhat does one use to start kubuntu from the terminal16:00
Kilossudo gdm start on gnome16:00
Kilosold gnome16:00
Kilosians kubuntu 11.10 wont get past entering password16:01
Trixar_zaYou hear what GNOME is planning?17:05
Trixar_zaTo create their own OS named GNOME OS17:05
Trixar_zaTo fix issues they have with their API17:05
Trixar_zaSomehow their logic is questionable...17:05
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflygnome needs to rewrite gtk in C++ and then rewrite all their apparently in C++ to match in order to fix issues in their API - C was never meant to have objects18:03
nuvolariI loved gnome... but I don't know what on earth they are doing at the moment. Keeping distance for a while :P18:11
Cantidei like the gnome stack18:11
Cantidethat's about it18:11
Kilosgreeter works kiff superfly ty18:19
Kilosnaand nuvolari 18:20
superflyif you ever have to look at the code required to do GTK apps, you'll want to run and hide. it is hideously awfully painfully disgusting. it offends the developer in me.18:22
superflyby contrast, working with Qt's flavour of C++ is like living the dream18:22
SquirmKilos: I am now18:25
Kiloslol i just wanted to check if there was anything else to add in to sudo passwd18:26
Squirm'spose you figured it out?18:27
Kilosnope the password didnt change18:28
Kilosits kubuntu by ian18:28
Kiloswouldnt get past password18:28
Squirmsudo passwd would change root's password, sudo passwd <username> would change username's password and passwd would change your user's password18:28
Kilosty Squirm 18:29
Squirmif you're unsure18:30
Squirmsudo passwd <username>18:30
Kilosty Squirm 18:31
Kiloshi Banlam 18:31
Banlamheya Kilos18:31
nuvolarihi oom Kilos  :)18:31
nuvolarigaan dit goed vanaand oom?18:31
Kilosja dankie en daar18:32
Squirmbed time for me18:32
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom :>18:32
Kilossleep tight Squirm 18:32
nuvolarinight Squirm 18:32
SquirmI should consider twice when I go out on a Sunday evening18:32
Kilosstill wanna try ibid on jabber18:34
superflyKilos: a login screen is a login screen. if he can log into gnome he should be able to log into kde18:38
Kiloshe has kubuntu18:38
Kilosbut it keeps wanting password and wont go past that18:39
Kilosstarts the gui then stops i think he said18:39
superflyKilos: kubuntu or Ubuntu with the kubuntu-desktop package installed?18:39
Kiloskubuntu 11.10 from a cd18:40
superflyKilos: I need more info than that18:40
Kiloshe hasnt updated yet no connection18:40
Kiloshe is running it alongside xp18:40
superflywhat do you mean "stops"18:41
Kilosim trying to find out now18:41
Kilosi also asked him if it goes back to prompt but he never answered18:41
superflyKilos: how long is a piece of string?18:43
Kilos Iany: it starts to load, going into the loading page before the desktop, then gets half way, I see that by the icons that appear and kicks back to user name password page18:43
superflyKilos: he can try dropping down to the command line and reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop package18:45
Kilosit says package not found18:45
superflyit does, kubuntu doesn't exist without it18:47
=== Banlam_ is now known as Banlam
superflyspell it right18:48
Kilosor latest one installed i think18:48
Kiloshe is trying again18:48
Kiloswe tried lots of things18:48
superflyand "reinstall" not install18:48
Kiloshe hasnt installed aptitude  so it apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall hey18:49
superflyuh, maybe. I'm not at my over right now18:50
superflyPC not over18:50
superflystupid autocorrect18:50
Kilosit is already the newest version18:50
Kilosim sure it is reinstall after package18:51
Kilos not possible, it cannot be downloaded18:52
superflyit comes on the cd18:52
Kilosand then how we do it18:53
Kilosis there a gdebi goody in kubuntu18:53
superflyand you can reinstall it, I just did it the other day when I had those problems, remember?18:53
Kilosthe reinstall command wants to go online superfly 18:54
Kilosnot net at home there18:54
superflyput the cd in 18:54
superflymake sure you have the CD in your sources.list file (it's usually the firs line)18:55
Kiloshow will he see that if he cant boot18:56
superflyhe *can* boot, he just can't log into kde. there's an option on the login screen to log in on the console18:57
Kilosah ok ill tell him18:58
superflythis is not windows!18:58
Kilosits his work server he is trying to add kubuntu to to check if he can get the dvr cards working18:59
magespawnevening all19:00
Kiloshey magespawn 19:00
Kilosgo see QP19:01
superflyhi magespawn 19:01
magespawnhey superfly, Kilos19:01
magespawnKilos your channel is in my core, so i never leave with out disconnecting19:02
Kilosoh ya19:02
Kilosyou mean you dont disconnect19:03
Kilosjust go away19:03
Kilosgrayed out19:03
Kiloswell sometime go there as koos or something19:04
Kilosany: log in screen is the page where you put username password correct?19:06
Kilos(21:05:45) Miley: ya19:06
Kilosif yes there is an arrow pointing down19:07
Kiloskde plasma work place19:07
Kilosfail safe previous19:08
Kiloscan't find my 11CD I put it somewhere today19:09
Kilosnever mind superfly sorry for the hassles19:09
superflyKilos: there is more than one menu... there's another one that says to do a console login19:10
Kilosmaybe they hidden superfly 19:10
Kilosneed to do the 10 second bit19:10
Kilossuperfly, Iany: yes and I'm in the console prompt19:20
Kilos Iany: right I've logged in19:23
Kiloswb magespawn 19:24
superflyKilos: he needs to edit his /etc/apt/sources.list file (he can use nano) and make sure it contains a line at the top for the CD19:26
Kilossudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:27
Kilosis that right19:27
Kiloshe remembers min. he only got 20% of his lungs left so brain runs on min oxygen19:31
Kiloshe says the top line is for cdrom superfly 19:34
superflyKilos: eish, does he have one of those asthma pumps? I think you can get them over the counter19:54
superflyKilos: he can put a # in front of the http lines, and then apt-get update with the CD in and it'll index the CD19:54
Kiloshe is on meds now but the doc says it will take 2 years to heal19:54
superflyeish, OK19:54
Kilossome bird virus that destroyed his lungs19:55
Kilosbeen there for years19:56
Kilosbut he left it till he could hardly breathe before going to doc19:56
Kilosbreathes in little puffs19:56
Kilosok he is doing that20:00
KilosIany: there are hundreds of these http lines, on how many must I do it?20:00
Kilosand can I do it from 12.04 CD? using 11.10 installation20:01
Kilos11.10 cd is at work20:01
Kilosi give up20:01
magespawnhectic stuff20:04
magespawnbit hard to conjure the right cd up20:04
Kilosya he sukkels to remember what to put where20:04
Kilosits the work server so he thought he would take it home and try the dvr cards while he has time20:05
Kilosdays too hectic20:05
magespawni forget things all the time and i think i healthy20:07
magespawnso it is understandable20:07
Kilosnow his shift key dont work20:07
magespawnwrite things down make a list and still get distracted20:07
Kilosyeah he loses where he wrote things down to do20:08
Kiloshow you make a hash without the shift keys working20:09
Kilosthat pc be sick methinks20:09
magespawni am off to bed night all good luck Kilos20:09
Kilosty magespawn sleep tight20:10
Kiloschanged keyboard20:14
Kiloshes falling asleep too. he says ty superfly . will do it at work if he gets time20:21
Kilos. sleep tight all20:21
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=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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